From SyntheticComputability Require Import Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts Synthetic.SemiDecidabilityFacts reductions partial embed_nat.
Require Import Setoid Program Lia.
Global Instance equiv_part `{partiality} {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Definition EPF_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) :=
forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat,
exists γ, forall x, θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ nat} f x.
Definition EPF `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), EPF_for θ.
Local Notation "A ↔ B" := ((A -> B) * (B -> A))%type (at level 95).
Lemma EPF_iff_pcomputes_relations `{Part : partiality} :
EPF ↔ ∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), forall R : nat -> FunRel nat nat,
(exists f, (forall i, pcomputes (f i) (R i))) -> exists γ, forall i, pcomputes (θ (γ i)) (R i).
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros R [f Hf].
destruct (H f) as [γ Hγ]. exists γ. intros i x y.
unfold pcomputes in *. specialize (Hγ i x). cbn in Hγ. red in Hγ.
rewrite Hγ. eapply Hf.
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros f.
unshelve epose (R := fun i => @Build_FunRel nat nat (fun x y => hasvalue (f i x) y) _).
{ intros ? ? ? ? ?. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. }
destruct (H R) as [γ Hγ].
+ exists f. firstorder.
+ exists γ. intros i x y. eapply Hγ.
Definition CTp_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) := forall f : nat -> nat, exists c, forall x, θ c x =! f x.
Definition EPF_nonparam_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) := forall f : nat ↛ nat, exists c, θ c ≡{nat ↛ nat} f.
Definition EPF_nonparam `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), EPF_nonparam_for θ.
Lemma partial_to_total `{Part : partiality} (f : nat ↛ nat) :
{f' : nat -> nat | forall x a, f x =! a <-> exists n, f' ⟨x, n⟩ = S a }.
exists (fun arg => let (x,n) := unembed arg in match seval (f x) n with Some a => S a | None => 0 end).
intros x a. split.
- intros [n H] % seval_hasvalue.
exists n. now rewrite embedP, H.
- intros [n H]. rewrite embedP in H.
eapply seval_hasvalue. exists n.
destruct seval; congruence.
Import EmbedNatNotations.
Lemma EPF_iff_nonparametric {Part : partiality} :
EPF ↔ EPF_nonparam.
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros f. destruct (H (fun _ => f)) as [c Hc].
exists (c 0). eapply Hc.
- intros [θ' EPF]. exists (fun! ⟨c, i⟩ => fun x => θ' c (embed (i, x))). intros f.
pose (g := (fun! ⟨i, x⟩ => f i x)).
destruct (EPF g) as [c Hc].
exists (fun i => ⟨c, i⟩). intros i x. rewrite embedP.
subst g. rewrite (Hc ⟨i,x⟩). rewrite embedP. reflexivity.
Definition EPF_bool `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ bool), forall f : nat -> nat ↛ bool,
exists γ, forall x, θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ bool} f x.
Section halting.
Variable Part : partiality.
Variable θ : nat -> nat ↛ bool.
Variable EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ bool,
exists γ : nat -> nat, forall x : nat, θ (γ x) ≡{ nat ↛ bool} f x.
Definition K c := exists v, θ c c =! v.
Lemma semidecidable_K : semi_decidable K.
exists (fun c n => if seval (θ c c) n is Some v then true else false).
intros c; unfold K. split.
- intros [v [n H] % seval_hasvalue]. exists n. now rewrite H.
- intros [n H]. destruct (seval) as [v | ] eqn:E; inv H.
exists v. eapply seval_hasvalue. eauto.
Lemma not_semidecidable_compl_K : ~ semi_decidable (compl K).
intros (Y & f & Hf) % semi_decidable_part_iff.
destruct (EPF (fun _ n => bind (f n) (fun _ => ret true))) as [γ H].
specialize (H 0).
enough(compl K (γ 0) <-> K (γ 0)) by (unfold compl in *; tauto).
rewrite Hf. unfold K.
specialize (H (γ 0)). cbn in H. red in H.
setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite bind_hasvalue.
setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split; intros [v Hv]; eauto; firstorder.
End halting.
Lemma EPF_halting {Part : partiality} : EPF_bool ->
exists K : nat -> Prop, semi_decidable K /\ ~ semi_decidable (compl K) /\ ~ decidable K /\ ~ decidable (compl K).
intros [θ H]. exists (K _ θ).
repeat split.
- now eapply semidecidable_K.
- now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.
- intros ? % decidable_complement % decidable_semi_decidable.
now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.
- intros ? % decidable_semi_decidable.
now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.
Require Import Setoid Program Lia.
Global Instance equiv_part `{partiality} {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Definition EPF_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) :=
forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat,
exists γ, forall x, θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ nat} f x.
Definition EPF `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), EPF_for θ.
Local Notation "A ↔ B" := ((A -> B) * (B -> A))%type (at level 95).
Lemma EPF_iff_pcomputes_relations `{Part : partiality} :
EPF ↔ ∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), forall R : nat -> FunRel nat nat,
(exists f, (forall i, pcomputes (f i) (R i))) -> exists γ, forall i, pcomputes (θ (γ i)) (R i).
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros R [f Hf].
destruct (H f) as [γ Hγ]. exists γ. intros i x y.
unfold pcomputes in *. specialize (Hγ i x). cbn in Hγ. red in Hγ.
rewrite Hγ. eapply Hf.
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros f.
unshelve epose (R := fun i => @Build_FunRel nat nat (fun x y => hasvalue (f i x) y) _).
{ intros ? ? ? ? ?. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto. }
destruct (H R) as [γ Hγ].
+ exists f. firstorder.
+ exists γ. intros i x y. eapply Hγ.
Definition CTp_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) := forall f : nat -> nat, exists c, forall x, θ c x =! f x.
Definition EPF_nonparam_for `{partiality} (θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat)) := forall f : nat ↛ nat, exists c, θ c ≡{nat ↛ nat} f.
Definition EPF_nonparam `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat), EPF_nonparam_for θ.
Lemma partial_to_total `{Part : partiality} (f : nat ↛ nat) :
{f' : nat -> nat | forall x a, f x =! a <-> exists n, f' ⟨x, n⟩ = S a }.
exists (fun arg => let (x,n) := unembed arg in match seval (f x) n with Some a => S a | None => 0 end).
intros x a. split.
- intros [n H] % seval_hasvalue.
exists n. now rewrite embedP, H.
- intros [n H]. rewrite embedP in H.
eapply seval_hasvalue. exists n.
destruct seval; congruence.
Import EmbedNatNotations.
Lemma EPF_iff_nonparametric {Part : partiality} :
EPF ↔ EPF_nonparam.
- intros [θ H]. exists θ. intros f. destruct (H (fun _ => f)) as [c Hc].
exists (c 0). eapply Hc.
- intros [θ' EPF]. exists (fun! ⟨c, i⟩ => fun x => θ' c (embed (i, x))). intros f.
pose (g := (fun! ⟨i, x⟩ => f i x)).
destruct (EPF g) as [c Hc].
exists (fun i => ⟨c, i⟩). intros i x. rewrite embedP.
subst g. rewrite (Hc ⟨i,x⟩). rewrite embedP. reflexivity.
Definition EPF_bool `{partiality} :=
∑ θ : nat -> (nat ↛ bool), forall f : nat -> nat ↛ bool,
exists γ, forall x, θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ bool} f x.
Section halting.
Variable Part : partiality.
Variable θ : nat -> nat ↛ bool.
Variable EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ bool,
exists γ : nat -> nat, forall x : nat, θ (γ x) ≡{ nat ↛ bool} f x.
Definition K c := exists v, θ c c =! v.
Lemma semidecidable_K : semi_decidable K.
exists (fun c n => if seval (θ c c) n is Some v then true else false).
intros c; unfold K. split.
- intros [v [n H] % seval_hasvalue]. exists n. now rewrite H.
- intros [n H]. destruct (seval) as [v | ] eqn:E; inv H.
exists v. eapply seval_hasvalue. eauto.
Lemma not_semidecidable_compl_K : ~ semi_decidable (compl K).
intros (Y & f & Hf) % semi_decidable_part_iff.
destruct (EPF (fun _ n => bind (f n) (fun _ => ret true))) as [γ H].
specialize (H 0).
enough(compl K (γ 0) <-> K (γ 0)) by (unfold compl in *; tauto).
rewrite Hf. unfold K.
specialize (H (γ 0)). cbn in H. red in H.
setoid_rewrite H. setoid_rewrite bind_hasvalue.
setoid_rewrite <- ret_hasvalue_iff.
split; intros [v Hv]; eauto; firstorder.
End halting.
Lemma EPF_halting {Part : partiality} : EPF_bool ->
exists K : nat -> Prop, semi_decidable K /\ ~ semi_decidable (compl K) /\ ~ decidable K /\ ~ decidable (compl K).
intros [θ H]. exists (K _ θ).
repeat split.
- now eapply semidecidable_K.
- now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.
- intros ? % decidable_complement % decidable_semi_decidable.
now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.
- intros ? % decidable_semi_decidable.
now eapply not_semidecidable_compl_K.