Require Import List Lia Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Section pos.
Context {X : Type}.
Variable d : forall x y : X, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Fixpoint pos (x : X) (l : list X) : nat :=
match l with
[] => 0
| x' :: l => if d x x' then 0 else S (pos x l)
Lemma nth_error_pos : forall x (l : list X), In x l -> nth_error l (pos x l) = Some x.
induction l as [ | x' l IH]; cbn; [ tauto | ].
intros [? | Hl]; destruct (d x x'); subst; firstorder.
Lemma pos_app : forall (x : X) A B, In x A -> pos x (A ++ B) = pos x A.
induction A as [ | a]; cbn; [tauto | ].
intros B [? | Hl]; destruct (d x a); subst; firstorder.
Lemma pos_length : forall (x : X) l, In x l -> pos x l < length l.
intros. eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite nth_error_pos; congruence.
Lemma pos_prop (x : X) l1 l2 : In x (l1 ++ l2) -> length l1 > pos x (l1 ++ l2) -> In x l1.
intros H Hlen.
destruct (in_dec d x l1) as [| Hl1]; eauto.
eapply in_app_iff in H as H'. destruct H' as [ | Hl2]; eauto.
eapply nth_error_pos in H.
rewrite nth_error_app1 in H; eauto.
eapply nth_error_In; eauto.
End pos.
Class good X :=
e : nat -> list X ; (* a list enumerator *)
e_prefix : forall n1 n2, n1 <= n2 -> exists l, e n2 = e n1 ++ l ; (* which is cumulative *)
e_spec : forall n, NoDup (e n) ; (* and duplicate-free *)
occ : X -> nat ; (* an occurrence function *)
occ_spec : forall x, In x (e (occ x)) ; (* which indicates where elements occur in the list enumerator *)
Class better X (g : good X) :=
index : X -> nat ; (* an index function *)
index_spec : forall x n, In x (e n) \/ length (e n) > index x -> nth_error (e n) (index x) = Some x ;
(* which specifies at which _position_ in the enumerator e an element occurs *)
gen : list X -> nat ; (* a generator function used to produce a long enough sequence *)
gen_spec : forall l, NoDup l -> length (e (gen l)) >= length l
Lemma index_spec' {X} (g : good X) (b : better X g) :
forall m n (x : X), nth_error (e m) n = Some x -> n = index x.
intros m n x H.
unshelve epose proof (index_spec x m _) as E. 1: eauto using nth_error_In.
eapply NoDup_nth_error.
- eapply e_spec.
- eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite H. congruence.
- congruence.
Lemma list_max_max x l : In x l -> x <= list_max l.
induction l; cbn. 1: firstorder.
intros [-> | H].
- lia.
- eapply IHl in H. unfold list_max in *. lia.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
( forall x1 x2, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2) -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
1: intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
(* Every good type can be made better *)
Section get_better.
Variables (X : Type) (gX : good X).
Definition gen_ (l : list X) :=
list_max (map occ l).
Lemma gen_spec_ : forall l, NoDup l -> length (e (gen_ l)) >= length l.
intros l Hl. eapply NoDup_incl_length; eauto.
intros x Hx.
pose proof (occ_spec x).
unfold gen_.
assert (occ x <= list_max (map occ l)) as Hle. { eapply list_max_max, in_map_iff; eauto. }
eapply e_prefix in Hle as [l' ->].
eapply in_app_iff; eauto.
Variable (d : forall x0 y : X, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y}).
Definition index_ (x : X) :=
pos d x (e (occ x)).
Lemma index_spec_ : forall x n, In x (e n) \/ length (e n) > index_ x -> nth_error (e n) (index_ x) = Some x.
intros x n [H | H]; unfold index_ in *.
- pose proof (occ_spec x).
destruct (Nat.le_ge_cases n (occ x)).
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite pos_app; eauto. now eapply nth_error_pos.
+eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite nth_error_app1. 1: now eapply nth_error_pos.
now eapply pos_length.
- pose proof (occ_spec x).
destruct (Nat.le_ge_cases n (occ x)).
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
eapply pos_prop in H; eauto.
rewrite pos_app; eauto. now eapply nth_error_pos.
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite nth_error_app1. 1: now eapply nth_error_pos.
now eapply pos_length.
Lemma index_spec'_ :
forall m n x, nth_error (e m) n = Some x -> n = index_ x.
intros m n x H. eapply NoDup_nth_error.
3:{ rewrite H. symmetry. eapply index_spec_. left. eapply nth_error_In; eauto. }
- eapply e_spec.
- eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite H; congruence.
End get_better.
#[export] Hint Resolve occ_spec e_spec.
Notation injective f := (forall x1 x2, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2).
Given x, the bijection gets the element at the index n of x in the enumeration of Y,
which exists because there are more than n elements of X, and via the injection more than n elements of Y
Section Def_F.
Variables (X Y : Type) (gX : good X) (gY : good Y) (bX : better X gX) (bY : better Y gY).
Variable f : X -> Y.
Variable f_spec : injective f.
Lemma index_length :
forall x : X, index x < length (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))).
intros x.
eapply lt_le_trans.
2: eapply gen_spec. 2:eapply NoDup_map; eauto.
rewrite map_length.
eapply nth_error_Some.
rewrite index_spec. 1:congruence.
left. eauto.
Lemma always_Some (x : X) :
nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) <> None.
intros E. eapply nth_error_None in E. revert E.
eapply lt_not_le, index_length.
Definition F_ (x : X) : Y :=
match nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) with
| Some y => y
| None => f x
End Def_F.
Section Cantor_Bernstein.
Variables (X Y : Type) (gX : good X) (gY : good Y) (bX : better X gX) (bY : better Y gY).
Variables (f : X -> Y) (f_spec : injective f).
Variables (g : Y -> X) (g_spec : injective g).
Definition F (x : X) := F_ X Y gX gY bX bY f x.
Definition G (y : Y) := F_ Y X gY gX bY bX g y.
Lemma FG x :
G (F x) = x.
unfold F, F_.
destruct (nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) ) eqn:E.
2: now eapply always_Some in E; eauto.
unfold G, F_.
destruct (nth_error (e (gen (map g (e (occ y))))) (index y)) eqn:E'.
2: now eapply always_Some in E'; eauto.
eapply index_spec' in E. rewrite <- E in E'.
rewrite index_spec in E'. 1: congruence.
right. rewrite E. eapply index_length. eauto.
End Cantor_Bernstein.
Lemma Cantor_Bernstein (X Y : Type) (dX: forall x0 y : X, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y})
(dY : forall x0 y : Y, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y})
(gX : good X) (gY : good Y)
(f : X -> Y) (f_spec : injective f)
(g : Y -> X) (g_spec : injective g) :
exists (F : X -> Y) (G : Y -> X), (forall x, G (F x) = x) /\ (forall y, F (G y) = y).
assert (better X gX * better Y gY) as [].
{ split; econstructor; unshelve eauto using index_spec_, index_spec'_, gen_spec_; eauto. }
do 2 eexists. split; unshelve eapply FG; eauto.
Import ListNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Section pos.
Context {X : Type}.
Variable d : forall x y : X, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Fixpoint pos (x : X) (l : list X) : nat :=
match l with
[] => 0
| x' :: l => if d x x' then 0 else S (pos x l)
Lemma nth_error_pos : forall x (l : list X), In x l -> nth_error l (pos x l) = Some x.
induction l as [ | x' l IH]; cbn; [ tauto | ].
intros [? | Hl]; destruct (d x x'); subst; firstorder.
Lemma pos_app : forall (x : X) A B, In x A -> pos x (A ++ B) = pos x A.
induction A as [ | a]; cbn; [tauto | ].
intros B [? | Hl]; destruct (d x a); subst; firstorder.
Lemma pos_length : forall (x : X) l, In x l -> pos x l < length l.
intros. eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite nth_error_pos; congruence.
Lemma pos_prop (x : X) l1 l2 : In x (l1 ++ l2) -> length l1 > pos x (l1 ++ l2) -> In x l1.
intros H Hlen.
destruct (in_dec d x l1) as [| Hl1]; eauto.
eapply in_app_iff in H as H'. destruct H' as [ | Hl2]; eauto.
eapply nth_error_pos in H.
rewrite nth_error_app1 in H; eauto.
eapply nth_error_In; eauto.
End pos.
Class good X :=
e : nat -> list X ; (* a list enumerator *)
e_prefix : forall n1 n2, n1 <= n2 -> exists l, e n2 = e n1 ++ l ; (* which is cumulative *)
e_spec : forall n, NoDup (e n) ; (* and duplicate-free *)
occ : X -> nat ; (* an occurrence function *)
occ_spec : forall x, In x (e (occ x)) ; (* which indicates where elements occur in the list enumerator *)
Class better X (g : good X) :=
index : X -> nat ; (* an index function *)
index_spec : forall x n, In x (e n) \/ length (e n) > index x -> nth_error (e n) (index x) = Some x ;
(* which specifies at which _position_ in the enumerator e an element occurs *)
gen : list X -> nat ; (* a generator function used to produce a long enough sequence *)
gen_spec : forall l, NoDup l -> length (e (gen l)) >= length l
Lemma index_spec' {X} (g : good X) (b : better X g) :
forall m n (x : X), nth_error (e m) n = Some x -> n = index x.
intros m n x H.
unshelve epose proof (index_spec x m _) as E. 1: eauto using nth_error_In.
eapply NoDup_nth_error.
- eapply e_spec.
- eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite H. congruence.
- congruence.
Lemma list_max_max x l : In x l -> x <= list_max l.
induction l; cbn. 1: firstorder.
intros [-> | H].
- lia.
- eapply IHl in H. unfold list_max in *. lia.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
( forall x1 x2, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2) -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
1: intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
(* Every good type can be made better *)
Section get_better.
Variables (X : Type) (gX : good X).
Definition gen_ (l : list X) :=
list_max (map occ l).
Lemma gen_spec_ : forall l, NoDup l -> length (e (gen_ l)) >= length l.
intros l Hl. eapply NoDup_incl_length; eauto.
intros x Hx.
pose proof (occ_spec x).
unfold gen_.
assert (occ x <= list_max (map occ l)) as Hle. { eapply list_max_max, in_map_iff; eauto. }
eapply e_prefix in Hle as [l' ->].
eapply in_app_iff; eauto.
Variable (d : forall x0 y : X, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y}).
Definition index_ (x : X) :=
pos d x (e (occ x)).
Lemma index_spec_ : forall x n, In x (e n) \/ length (e n) > index_ x -> nth_error (e n) (index_ x) = Some x.
intros x n [H | H]; unfold index_ in *.
- pose proof (occ_spec x).
destruct (Nat.le_ge_cases n (occ x)).
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite pos_app; eauto. now eapply nth_error_pos.
+eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite nth_error_app1. 1: now eapply nth_error_pos.
now eapply pos_length.
- pose proof (occ_spec x).
destruct (Nat.le_ge_cases n (occ x)).
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
eapply pos_prop in H; eauto.
rewrite pos_app; eauto. now eapply nth_error_pos.
+ eapply e_prefix in H1 as [l' E]. rewrite E in *. clear E.
rewrite nth_error_app1. 1: now eapply nth_error_pos.
now eapply pos_length.
Lemma index_spec'_ :
forall m n x, nth_error (e m) n = Some x -> n = index_ x.
intros m n x H. eapply NoDup_nth_error.
3:{ rewrite H. symmetry. eapply index_spec_. left. eapply nth_error_In; eauto. }
- eapply e_spec.
- eapply nth_error_Some. rewrite H; congruence.
End get_better.
#[export] Hint Resolve occ_spec e_spec.
Notation injective f := (forall x1 x2, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2).
Given x, the bijection gets the element at the index n of x in the enumeration of Y,
which exists because there are more than n elements of X, and via the injection more than n elements of Y
Section Def_F.
Variables (X Y : Type) (gX : good X) (gY : good Y) (bX : better X gX) (bY : better Y gY).
Variable f : X -> Y.
Variable f_spec : injective f.
Lemma index_length :
forall x : X, index x < length (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))).
intros x.
eapply lt_le_trans.
2: eapply gen_spec. 2:eapply NoDup_map; eauto.
rewrite map_length.
eapply nth_error_Some.
rewrite index_spec. 1:congruence.
left. eauto.
Lemma always_Some (x : X) :
nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) <> None.
intros E. eapply nth_error_None in E. revert E.
eapply lt_not_le, index_length.
Definition F_ (x : X) : Y :=
match nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) with
| Some y => y
| None => f x
End Def_F.
Section Cantor_Bernstein.
Variables (X Y : Type) (gX : good X) (gY : good Y) (bX : better X gX) (bY : better Y gY).
Variables (f : X -> Y) (f_spec : injective f).
Variables (g : Y -> X) (g_spec : injective g).
Definition F (x : X) := F_ X Y gX gY bX bY f x.
Definition G (y : Y) := F_ Y X gY gX bY bX g y.
Lemma FG x :
G (F x) = x.
unfold F, F_.
destruct (nth_error (e (gen (map f (e (occ x))))) (index x) ) eqn:E.
2: now eapply always_Some in E; eauto.
unfold G, F_.
destruct (nth_error (e (gen (map g (e (occ y))))) (index y)) eqn:E'.
2: now eapply always_Some in E'; eauto.
eapply index_spec' in E. rewrite <- E in E'.
rewrite index_spec in E'. 1: congruence.
right. rewrite E. eapply index_length. eauto.
End Cantor_Bernstein.
Lemma Cantor_Bernstein (X Y : Type) (dX: forall x0 y : X, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y})
(dY : forall x0 y : Y, {x0 = y} + {x0 <> y})
(gX : good X) (gY : good Y)
(f : X -> Y) (f_spec : injective f)
(g : Y -> X) (g_spec : injective g) :
exists (F : X -> Y) (G : Y -> X), (forall x, G (F x) = x) /\ (forall y, F (G y) = y).
assert (better X gX * better Y gY) as [].
{ split; econstructor; unshelve eauto using index_spec_, index_spec'_, gen_spec_; eauto. }
do 2 eexists. split; unshelve eapply FG; eauto.