Require Import Setoid.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Definition MP_prop:= forall A : nat -> Prop, (forall n, A n \/ ~ A n) -> ~~ (exists n, A n) -> exists n, A n.
Definition Sigma_0_1 {X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
exists A : X -> nat -> Prop, (forall x n, A x n \/ ~ A x n) /\ forall x, p x <-> exists n, A x n.
Definition MP_pred :=
forall X, forall p : X -> Prop, Sigma_0_1 p ->
forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition MP_funrel :=
forall R : nat -> bool -> Prop, (forall x, exists y, R x y) ->
(forall x y1 y2, R x y1 -> R x y2 -> y1 = y2) ->
~~ (exists n, R n true) -> exists n, R n true.
Definition Post :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, Sigma_0_1 p ->
Sigma_0_1 (fun n => ~ p n) ->
forall n, p n \/ ~ p n.
Lemma MP_to_MP_semidecidable :
MP_prop-> MP_pred.
intros mp X p [A [HA H]] x Hx.
rewrite H in *. eapply mp; eauto.
Lemma MP_to_MP_funrel :
MP_prop-> MP_funrel.
intros mp R Htot Hfun H.
eapply mp. 2: auto.
intros n. destruct (Htot n) as [ [] Hb].
- eauto.
- right. intros Ht. enough (true = false) by congruence. eapply Hfun; eauto.
Lemma MP_funrel_to_MP_pred :
MP_funrel -> MP_prop.
intros mp A HA H.
destruct (mp (fun x b => b = true <-> A x)) as [n Hn].
- intros n. destruct (HA n) as [Hn | Hn].
+ exists true. firstorder.
+ exists false. clear - Hn. firstorder congruence.
- clear. intros. destruct y1, y2; firstorder congruence.
- firstorder.
- firstorder.
Lemma MP_pred_MP_prop:
MP_pred -> MP_prop.
intros mp A HA.
red in mp. eapply (mp unit (fun _ => exists n, A n)). 2: exact tt.
exists (fun _ => A). firstorder.
Lemma MP_pred_Post :
MP_pred -> Post.
intros mp p [A1 [HA1 H1]] [A2 [HA2 H2]].
intros n. rewrite H2, H1. pattern n. eapply mp.
- exists (fun x n => A1 x n \/ A2 x n). split.
+ intros x n0. destruct (HA1 x n0), (HA2 x n0); tauto.
+ firstorder.
- rewrite <- H1, <- H2. tauto.
Lemma Post_MP_prop:
Post -> MP_prop.
intros post A HA H.
destruct (post (fun m : nat => exists n, A n)) with (n := 0).
- exists (fun x n => A n). firstorder.
- exists (fun x n => False). firstorder.
- tauto.
- tauto.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Definition MP_prop:= forall A : nat -> Prop, (forall n, A n \/ ~ A n) -> ~~ (exists n, A n) -> exists n, A n.
Definition Sigma_0_1 {X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
exists A : X -> nat -> Prop, (forall x n, A x n \/ ~ A x n) /\ forall x, p x <-> exists n, A x n.
Definition MP_pred :=
forall X, forall p : X -> Prop, Sigma_0_1 p ->
forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition MP_funrel :=
forall R : nat -> bool -> Prop, (forall x, exists y, R x y) ->
(forall x y1 y2, R x y1 -> R x y2 -> y1 = y2) ->
~~ (exists n, R n true) -> exists n, R n true.
Definition Post :=
forall p : nat -> Prop, Sigma_0_1 p ->
Sigma_0_1 (fun n => ~ p n) ->
forall n, p n \/ ~ p n.
Lemma MP_to_MP_semidecidable :
MP_prop-> MP_pred.
intros mp X p [A [HA H]] x Hx.
rewrite H in *. eapply mp; eauto.
Lemma MP_to_MP_funrel :
MP_prop-> MP_funrel.
intros mp R Htot Hfun H.
eapply mp. 2: auto.
intros n. destruct (Htot n) as [ [] Hb].
- eauto.
- right. intros Ht. enough (true = false) by congruence. eapply Hfun; eauto.
Lemma MP_funrel_to_MP_pred :
MP_funrel -> MP_prop.
intros mp A HA H.
destruct (mp (fun x b => b = true <-> A x)) as [n Hn].
- intros n. destruct (HA n) as [Hn | Hn].
+ exists true. firstorder.
+ exists false. clear - Hn. firstorder congruence.
- clear. intros. destruct y1, y2; firstorder congruence.
- firstorder.
- firstorder.
Lemma MP_pred_MP_prop:
MP_pred -> MP_prop.
intros mp A HA.
red in mp. eapply (mp unit (fun _ => exists n, A n)). 2: exact tt.
exists (fun _ => A). firstorder.
Lemma MP_pred_Post :
MP_pred -> Post.
intros mp p [A1 [HA1 H1]] [A2 [HA2 H2]].
intros n. rewrite H2, H1. pattern n. eapply mp.
- exists (fun x n => A1 x n \/ A2 x n). split.
+ intros x n0. destruct (HA1 x n0), (HA2 x n0); tauto.
+ firstorder.
- rewrite <- H1, <- H2. tauto.
Lemma Post_MP_prop:
Post -> MP_prop.
intros post A HA H.
destruct (post (fun m : nat => exists n, A n)) with (n := 0).
- exists (fun x n => A n). firstorder.
- exists (fun x n => False). firstorder.
- tauto.
- tauto.