From SyntheticComputability Require Import Definitions.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import mu_nat partial equiv_on.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import simple principles EnumerabilityFacts.
Require Import Nat Arith Lia.
Notation least' p n k := (n <= k /\ p k /\ forall i, n <= i -> p i -> k <= i)%nat.
Section WO.
Variable p : nat -> Prop.
(* Guardedness predicate *)
Inductive G (n: nat) : Prop :=
| GI : (~ p n -> G (S n)) -> G n.
Lemma G_sig n :
G n -> ~~ exists k, least' (fun k => p k) n k.
induction 1 as [n _ IH].
intros G.
assert (~~ (p n \/ ~ p n)) as H by tauto. apply H. clear H. intros [H | H].
- apply G. exists n. repeat split; eauto.
- apply (IH H). intros (k & Hle & Hk & Hleast'). apply G.
exists k. repeat split.
+ lia.
+ exact Hk.
+ intros i Hi. inversion Hi.
* congruence.
* eapply Hleast'; eauto. lia.
Lemma G_zero n :
G n -> G 0.
induction n as [|n IH].
- intros H. exact H.
- intros H. apply IH. constructor. intros _. exact H.
Theorem mu_nat :
(exists n, p n) -> ~~ exists n, least' p 0 n.
intros H. apply (G_sig 0).
destruct H as [n H].
apply (G_zero n).
constructor. tauto.
End WO.
Definition the_least_pred (P : nat -> Prop) : nat -> Prop :=
fun y => P y /\ forall y', P y' -> y <= y'.
Lemma the_least_pred_unique {P : nat -> Prop} {x y} :
the_least_pred P x -> the_least_pred P y -> x = y.
firstorder lia.
Lemma the_least_pred_impl' {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
the_least_pred P x -> (forall x, P x <-> Q x) -> the_least_pred Q x.
intros [H2 H3] H1. eapply H1 in H2. split. exact H2. intros y'. rewrite <- H1. apply H3.
Lemma the_least_pred_equiv {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
(forall x, P x <-> Q x) -> the_least_pred P x <-> the_least_pred Q x.
intros. split; intros; eapply the_least_pred_impl'; eauto; firstorder.
Lemma the_least_pred_impl {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
the_least_pred P x -> (forall x, P x -> exists y, Q y) -> ~~ exists x, the_least_pred Q x.
intros [H2 H3] H1. eapply H1 in H2.
clear H1 H3 P.
assert (exists x, Q x) as H by eauto. clear x H2. eapply mu_nat in H.
intros G. apply H. intros (x & H1 & H2 & H3). apply G.
exists x. split. auto. intros. eapply H3. 1:lia. auto.
Lemma the_least_ex (P : nat -> Prop) :
(exists n, P n) -> ~~ exists n, the_least_pred P n.
intros H % mu_nat.
intros G. apply H. intros (n & H1 & H2 & H3).
apply G. exists n. split; auto with arith.
Record FunRel X Y := {
the_rel :> X -> Y -> Prop ;
is_fun : (forall x y1 y2, the_rel x y1 -> the_rel x y2 -> y1 = y2) (* ; *)
(* is_wtotal : (forall x, ~~ exists y, the_rel x y) *) }.
Definition on_value {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :=
forall y, R x y -> P y.
Definition on_value' {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :=
exists y, R x y /\ P y.
Lemma on_value_iff1 {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
on_value' R P x -> on_value R P x.
intros (y & H1 & H2) y' H.
now rewrite <- (is_fun _ _ R _ _ _ H1 H).
Definition total {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
Lemma on_value_iff2 {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
total R ->
on_value R P x -> on_value' R P x.
intros Htot H.
destruct (Htot x) as [y Hy].
exists y. split; [ assumption | ].
eapply (H _ Hy).
Definition weakly_total {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, ~~ exists y, R x y.
Lemma on_value_iff2' {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
weakly_total R ->
on_value R P x -> ~~ on_value' R P x.
intros Htot H G.
apply (Htot x); intros [y Hy].
apply G.
exists y. split; [ assumption | ].
eapply (H _ Hy).
Lemma on_value_imp {X Y} {P Q : Y -> Prop} R (x : X) :
on_value R P x -> (forall y, P y -> Q y) -> on_value R Q x.
intros H1 H y Hy. apply H, H1, Hy.
Lemma on_value_neg {X Y} {P : Y -> Prop} R (x : X) :
~ on_value R P x -> on_value R (fun y => ~ P y) x.
intros H y Hy G; cbn in *. apply H. intros y' Hy'. cbn in *.
enough (y = y') as -> by assumption. eapply R; eauto.
Program Definition the_least {X} (R : X -> nat -> Prop) : FunRel X nat :=
the_rel x := the_least_pred (R x) ;
is_fun := fun x y1 y2 H1 H2 => the_least_pred_unique H1 H2
Axiom tonat : list bool -> nat.
Axiom ofnat : nat -> list bool.
Axiom ofnat_tonat : forall l, ofnat (tonat l) = l.
Axiom tonat_ofnat : forall n, tonat (ofnat n) = n.
Axiom length_log : forall n, length (ofnat n) <= Nat.log2 n.
Axiom length_mono : forall x y, x <= y -> length (ofnat x) <= length (ofnat y).
#[export] Hint Rewrite ofnat_tonat tonat_ofnat : length.
#[export] Hint Rewrite List.app_length : length.
Notation "| n |" := (length (ofnat n)) (at level 10).
Notation "⟨ x , y ⟩" := (tonat (ofnat x ++ ofnat y)) (at level 0).
Lemma length_pair x y : | ⟨x,y⟩ | = |x| + |y|.
now autorewrite with length.
Lemma length_sublinear d : ~ forall n, n <= |n| + d.
intros H.
pose (n := 1 + 2 * S d).
assert (2 ^ n > n + S d).
{ subst n. rewrite Nat.pow_add_r, Nat.pow_mul_r.
generalize (S d). cbn. induction n; cbn; lia.
specialize (H (2 ^ n)).
pose proof (length_log (2 ^ n)).
rewrite Nat.log2_pow2 in *; lia.
Axiom Part : partiality.
#[export] Existing Instance Part.
Axiom ϕ : nat -> nat ↛ nat.
Notation "x ▷ y" := (@hasvalue Part nat x y) (at level 50).
Definition C := the_least (fun x s => exists c y, s = |c| + |y| /\ ϕ c y ▷ x).
#[export] Instance equiv_part {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Definition universal u := forall c, exists x, forall y, ϕ c y ≡{_} (ϕ u ⟨x,y⟩).
Definition C_ u := the_least (fun x s => exists y, s = |y| /\ ϕ u y ▷ x).
Definition strongly_universal u := forall c i, ϕ c i ≡{_} ϕ u ⟨c,i⟩.
Lemma strongly_universal_universal u :
strongly_universal u -> universal u.
intros H c'. red in H. setoid_rewrite <- H. exists c'. reflexivity.
#[export] Hint Rewrite List.app_nil_l @list.nil_length : length.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Lemma strongly_universal_equivalence u :
strongly_universal u -> forall x y, C x y <-> C_ u x y.
intros Huniv x y. rename u into c. eapply the_least_pred_equiv.
intros e. split.
- intros (e' & i & -> & HH).
eexists. eexists. 1:now rewrite <- length_pair.
red in Huniv. unfold equiv_part in Huniv.
do 2 red in Huniv. now rewrite <- Huniv.
- intros (i & -> & Hn). exists (tonat nil), i.
split. 1:now autorewrite with length.
eapply Huniv. now autorewrite with length.
Axiom EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat,
exists γ, forall i, ϕ (γ i) ≡{_} f i.
Lemma EPF_univ_tot {u} : universal u ->
forall f : nat -> nat, exists c, forall x, ϕ u ⟨c,x⟩ ▷ f x.
intros Hu f.
specialize (EPF (fun _ x => ret (f x))) as [γ H].
destruct (Hu (γ 0)) as [c Hc].
exists c. intros. cbn in * |-. red in H, Hc.
rewrite <- Hc, H. eapply ret_hasvalue.
Lemma EPF_univ {u} : universal u ->
forall f : nat ↛ nat, exists c, forall x, ϕ u ⟨c,x⟩ ≡{_} f x.
intros Hu f.
specialize (EPF (fun _ => f)) as [γ H].
destruct (Hu (γ 0)) as [c Hc].
exists c. intros.
rewrite <- Hc. eapply H.
Lemma C_weakly_total u x :
universal u -> ~~ exists y, C_ u x y.
intros Hu. eapply the_least_ex.
destruct (EPF_univ_tot Hu (fun _ => x)) as [c Hc % fun H => H 0].
Theorem Invariance u :
universal u -> forall u', exists d,
forall x y, C_ u x y -> forall y', C_ u' x y' -> y <= y' + d.
intros Hu u'.
destruct (Hu u') as [d Hd]. exists (|d|).
intros x ? ((y & -> & H) & Hleast) _ ((y' & -> & H2) & Hleast2).
eapply Hd in H2.
rewrite Hleast. 2: eauto.
rewrite length_pair. lia.
Axiom u : nat.
Axiom univ_u : universal u.
Definition N (x : nat) :=
exists y, ϕ u y ▷ x /\ |y| < |x|.
Definition R (x : nat) :=
forall y, ϕ u y ▷ x -> |y| >= |x|.
Lemma R_neg_N x :
R x <-> ~ N x.
- intros H (y & H1 % H & H2). lia.
- intros H y H1.
assert (|y| >= |x| \/ |y| < |x|) as [ Ha | Ha ] by lia; [ auto | ].
destruct H. exists y. eauto.
Lemma MP_choice (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) : MP -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
(forall x, ~~ exists y, R x y) -> exists f, forall x, R x (f x).
eapply enumerable_AC; eauto.
intros x. eapply MP_to_MP_semidecidable in H.
red in H. eapply H with (p := fun x => exists n, R x n).
- eapply SemiDecidabilityFacts.semi_decidable_ex.
eapply SemiDecidabilityFacts.enumerable_semi_decidable; eauto.
eapply ReducibilityFacts.enumerable_red.
4: exact H0. all:eauto.
exists (fun '(x,y) => (y, x)). intros []. firstorder.
- eauto.
Lemma enum_to:
forall q : nat -> Prop, enumerable q -> enumerable (fun '(x, y) => x < | y | /\ q y).
intros q [f Hf].
exists (fun nx => let (n, x) := embed_nat.unembed nx in if f n is Some y then if x <? |y| then Some (x, y) else None else None).
intros (x, y). cbn -[Nat.ltb]. split.
- intros [H1 [n H2] % Hf]. exists (embed_nat.embed (n, x)).
rewrite embed_nat.embedP, H2.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec x (|y|)).
+ reflexivity.
+ lia.
- intros (nx & H).
destruct (embed_nat.unembed nx) as [n x'].
destruct (f n) as [y'|] eqn:E; inversion H.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec x' (|y'|)); inversion H; subst.
Lemma par_enum_ϕ :
enumerable (fun '(x, y) => ϕ u y ▷ x).
eapply ReducibilityFacts.enumerable_red.
4: eapply enumerable_graph_part; eauto.
all: eauto.
exists (fun '(x,y) => (y, x)). intros []. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma enumerable_N :
enumerable N.
destruct (par_enum_ϕ) as [f Hf].
exists (fun n => if f n is Some (x,y) then if Nat.ltb (|y|) (|x|) then Some x else None else None).
red. intros x. split.
- intros (y & H1 & H2).
eapply (Hf (x, y)) in H1 as [n Hn].
exists n. rewrite Hn.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec (|y|) (|x|)).
+ reflexivity.
+ lia.
- intros [n Hn]. destruct (f n) as [[x' y] | ] eqn:E; inversion Hn.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec (|y|) (|x'|)).
+ inversion Hn. subst. exists y. split; eauto.
eapply (Hf (x, y)). eauto.
+ congruence.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import FinitenessFacts.
From stdpp Require Import base.
Require Import List.
Lemma list_max_spec L x :
In x L -> x <= list_max L.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- intros [-> | ]; cbn.
+ lia.
+ eapply IHL in H. unfold list_max in H. lia.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Pigeonhole.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Dec.
Lemma non_finite_unbounded_fun (p : nat -> Prop) f :
(forall n, exists L, forall x, f x <= n -> In x L) ->
~ exhaustible p -> forall x, ~~ exists y : nat, f y >= x /\ p y.
intros Hsur Hfin n. rewrite non_finite_spec in Hfin.
2: intros; destruct (Nat.eq_decidable x1 x2); tauto.
destruct (Hsur n) as [L HL].
specialize (Hfin L).
cunwrap. destruct Hfin as (y & H1 & H2).
cprove exists y. split; [|eauto].
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
intros H. apply H2, HL. lia.
Lemma unbounded_non_finite_fun (p : nat -> Prop) (f : nat -> nat) :
(forall k, ~~ exists x, f x >= k /\ p x) -> ~ exhaustible p.
intros Hfin. eapply non_finite_nat.
intros n H.
pose (N := 1 + list_max (map f (seq 0 n))).
eapply (Hfin N).
intros (x & H1 & H2).
apply H. eexists; split. 2: eauto.
assert (x < n \/ x >= n) as [ | ] by lia; try lia.
enough (f x > f x) by lia. subst N.
unfold gt. unfold ge in H1.
eapply Nat.lt_le_trans. 2: eauto. red. cbn.
rewrite <- Nat.succ_le_mono.
eapply list_max_spec.
eapply in_map_iff. exists x. split; eauto.
eapply in_seq. lia.
Lemma NoDup_app {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2 -> (forall x, In x l1 -> ~ (In x l2)) -> NoDup (l1 ++ l2).
induction 1 in l2 |- *.
- eauto.
- intros Hl2 Hel. cbn. econstructor. 2:eapply IHNoDup; eauto.
+ intros [ | ] % in_app_iff; firstorder.
+ firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
Inj (=) (=) f -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
1:intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
Lemma bitlist_for_k k :
exists l : list (list bool), (forall x, In x l <-> length x = k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ k.
induction k.
- exists (nil :: nil). split; [ | split ].
+ cbn. intros []; cbn in *; firstorder congruence.
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
- destruct IHk as (L & IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
exists (map (cons true) L ++ map (cons false) L).
split; [ | split].
+ intros l.
rewrite in_app_iff, !in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite IH1.
destruct l as [ | ].
* cbn. split. 2:lia.
intros [(? & [=] & ?) | (? & [=] & ?)].
* cbn. split.
-- intros [(? & [=] & ?) | (? & [=] & ?)]; subst; lia.
-- destruct b; intros [=]; eauto.
+ eapply NoDup_app; try eapply NoDup_map; eauto.
intros ? (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff.
+ rewrite app_length, !map_length, IH3. cbn. lia.
Lemma list_for_k k :
exists l, (forall x, In x l <-> | x | = k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ k.
destruct (bitlist_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists (map tonat l). split; [ | split].
- intros x. cbn. rewrite in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite H1. split.
+ intros (y & <- & <-). now autorewrite with length.
+ intros <-. exists (ofnat x). now autorewrite with length.
- eapply NoDup_map; auto. intros ? ? E % (f_equal ofnat).
now rewrite !ofnat_tonat in E.
- now rewrite map_length.
Lemma list_for_le_k k :
exists l, (forall x, In x l <-> | x | <= k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ (S k) - 1.
induction k.
- cbn. exists [ tonat nil ].
split; [ | split ].
+ cbn. split.
* intros [ <- | []]. now autorewrite with length.
* intros H. left. destruct (ofnat x) eqn:E; inversion H.
rewrite <- E. now autorewrite with length.
+ repeat econstructor. firstorder.
+ reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct IHk as (l1 & IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
destruct (list_for_k (S k)) as (l2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists (l1 ++ l2). split; [ | split].
+ intros. rewrite in_app_iff, IH1, H1.
+ eapply NoDup_app; firstorder lia.
+ rewrite app_length, IH3, H3. cbn; lia.
Lemma at_most k : k > 0 ->
forall l, (forall x, In x l -> | x | < k) -> NoDup l -> length l <= 2^ k - 1.
intros Hk l H1 H2. unfold lt in H1.
destruct k.
- lia.
- setoid_rewrite <- Nat.succ_le_mono in H1.
destruct (list_for_le_k k) as (l2 & H3 & H4 & H5).
assert (length l <= length l2). {
eapply NoDup_incl_length; firstorder.
enough (length l2 <= 2 ^ (S k) - 1) by lia.
rewrite H5. lia.
Definition injective {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x1 x2 y, R x1 y -> R x2 y -> x1 = x2.
Lemma Forall2_ex_r {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) l1 l2 y :
Forall2 R l1 l2 ->
In y l2 -> exists x, In x l1 /\ R x y.
induction 1; repeat firstorder subst.
Lemma functional_NoDup (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) l :
injective R ->
(forall x, In x l -> exists y, R x y) ->
NoDup l ->
exists l', NoDup l' /\ Forall2 R l l'.
intros HR Htot Hl. induction Hl.
- exists []. split; econstructor.
- destruct IHHl as (l' & H1 & H2).
+ firstorder.
+ destruct (Htot x) as [y Hy].
1: firstorder.
exists (y :: l'). split.
* econstructor; [ | eauto].
intros Hin.
edestruct @Forall2_ex_r as (x' & H3 & H4); eauto.
eapply H. eapply HR in H4 as <-; eauto.
* econstructor; eauto.
Lemma nonrandom_k k :
~ forall x, |x| = k -> N x.
intros H.
destruct (list_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
eapply (functional_NoDup (fun x y => ϕ u y ▷ x ∧ | y | < | x |)) in H2 as (l' & H4 & H5).
- assert (Forall (fun y => |y| < k) l'). {
eapply list.Forall2_Forall_r; eauto.
cbn. eapply Forall_forall.
intros ? ? % H1. lia.
assert (length l' = 2 ^ k). { erewrite <- list.Forall2_length; eauto. }
destruct k.
+ cbn in *. destruct H0. 1:inversion H2. cbn in *. lia.
+ unshelve epose proof (@at_most (S k) _ l' _ _).
* lia.
* eapply Forall_forall. eauto.
* eauto.
* rewrite H2 in H6.
enough (2 ^ S k > S k) by lia.
eapply Nat.pow_gt_lin_r. lia.
- intros x1 x2 y [Hx1 Hx11] [Hx2 Hx22]. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
- intros x (y & ? & ?) % H1 % H. eauto.
Lemma unboundedR :
forall k, ~~ exists x, | x | = k /\ R x.
setoid_rewrite R_neg_N. intros k G.
assert (forall x, |x| = k -> ~~ N x) by firstorder. clear G.
pose proof (nonrandom_k k).
pose proof (list_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
setoid_rewrite <- H1 in H.
setoid_rewrite <- H1 in H0. clear - H H0.
induction l.
- eapply H0. firstorder.
- eapply H.
+ now left.
+ intros Ha. eapply IHl.
* intros HH. eapply H0. intros. inversion H1 as [-> | ]; eauto.
* firstorder.
Lemma non_finite_length (p : nat -> Prop) :
~ exhaustible p -> forall x, ~~ exists y, x < | y | /\ p y.
intros H.
unshelve epose proof (non_finite_unbounded_fun _ (fun x => |x|) _ H).
- cbn. intros n.
destruct (@list_for_le_k n) as [L HL].
exists L. intros. eapply HL. eauto.
- intros x. specialize (H0 (S x)). cunwrap.
destruct H0 as (y & H1 & H2). cprove exists y.
split. 1:lia. assumption.
Lemma classical_finite {X} (p q : X -> Prop):
listable p -> (forall x, p x -> ~~ q x) -> ~~ forall x, p x -> q x.
intros [l Hl]. red in Hl.
setoid_rewrite Hl. clear p Hl.
induction l.
- firstorder.
- cbn. intros H.
specialize (IHl ltac:(firstorder)).
cunwrap. ccase (q a) as [Ha | Ha].
+ cprove intros ? [-> | ]; eauto.
+ specialize (H a); firstorder.
Lemma non_finite_R :
~ exhaustible R.
eapply unbounded_non_finite_fun with (f := fun x => |x|).
intros k G.
setoid_rewrite R_neg_N in G.
assert (forall x, |x| = k -> ~~ N x).
{ intros x Hx GG. apply G. exists x. split. 1:lia. assumption. }
clear G.
eapply classical_finite in H.
1:cstart; cunwrap; intros _; now eapply (nonrandom_k k).
destruct (list_for_k k) as (L & H1 & _ & _).
Lemma dist f :
exists d, forall x, exists y_x, ϕ u y_x ▷ f x /\ | y_x| < |x| + d.
destruct (EPF_univ_tot univ_u f) as [c Hc].
exists (|c| + 1). intros x.
exists (⟨ c, x ⟩). split. 1: eauto.
autorewrite with length. lia.
Lemma subset :
MP -> forall q : nat -> Prop, (forall x, q x -> R x) -> enumerable q -> ~ exhaustible q -> False.
intros mp q H1 H2 H3.
unshelve epose proof (MP_choice _ mp _ (non_finite_length _ H3)) as [f Hf].
1: now eapply enum_to.
assert (forall k y, ϕ u y ▷ f k -> |f k| <= |y|). {
intros. destruct (Hf k) as [Hk1 Hk2].
eapply H1; eauto.
destruct (dist f) as [d Hd].
eapply (length_sublinear d). intros k.
transitivity (|f k|). 1:eapply Nat.lt_le_incl, Hf.
destruct (Hd k) as (y_k & Hk1 & Hk2).
transitivity (|y_k|). 1: eauto.
Lemma get_partial_choice (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) :
enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists f : nat ↛ nat, forall x v_x,
(f x ▷ v_x -> R x v_x) /\ (R x v_x -> exists v', f x ▷ v').
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun x => bind (mu_tot (fun n => if f n is Some (x', y) then x =? x' else false))
(fun n => if f n is Some (x', y) then ret y else undef)).
intros x v_x. rewrite bind_hasvalue.
- intros (n & (H1 & H3) % mu_tot_hasvalue & H2).
destruct (f n) as [ [x' y] | ]eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x x'); try congruence. subst.
eapply ret_hasvalue_iff in H2. subst.
eapply (Hf (x', v_x)). eauto.
- intros [n Hn] % (Hf (x, v_x)).
edestruct (mu_tot_ter) as [a Ha].
2:{ destruct (f a) as [[x' y'] | ] eqn:E.
- eexists. eapply bind_hasvalue. exists a. split. 1: eapply Ha.
rewrite E. eapply ret_hasvalue.
- eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Ha as [Ha _].
rewrite E in Ha. congruence.
cbn. rewrite Hn. eapply Nat.eqb_refl.
Lemma dist_strong R :
weakly_total R -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists d, forall x, exists y_x, ~~ exists v_x, R x v_x /\ ϕ u y_x ▷ v_x /\ | y_x| < |x| + d.
intros Htot [f Hf] % get_partial_choice.
destruct (EPF_univ univ_u f) as [c Hc].
exists (|c| + 1). intros x.
exists (⟨ c, x ⟩).
specialize (Htot x). cunwrap. destruct Htot as [v_x' Hvx].
pose proof (Hvx' := Hvx).
eapply Hf in Hvx as [v_x Hvx].
cprove exists v_x.
repeat split.
- eapply Hf. eauto.
- eapply Hc. eauto.
- autorewrite with length. lia.
Lemma subset_strong :
forall q : nat -> Prop, (forall x, q x -> R x) -> enumerable q -> ~ exhaustible q -> False.
intros q H1 H2 H3.
destruct (dist_strong (fun k x => k < |x| /\ q x)) as [d Hd].
- exact (non_finite_length _ H3).
- now eapply enum_to.
- eapply (length_sublinear d). intros k.
destruct (Hd k) as [y_k H].
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
cunwrap. destruct H as (x_k & [H4 H5] & H6 & H7).
cprove idtac.
transitivity (|x_k|). 1:eapply Nat.lt_le_incl, H4.
transitivity (|y_k|). 1: eapply H1; eauto. lia.
Lemma exhaustible_ext {X} (p q : X -> Prop) :
exhaustible p -> (forall x, p x <-> q x) -> exhaustible q.
Lemma simple_N : MP -> simple N.
split. 2: split.
- eapply enumerable_N.
- intros ?. eapply non_finite_R, exhaustible_ext. 1: eauto.
intros. now rewrite R_neg_N.
- intros (q & H1 & H2 & H3). eapply subset; try eassumption.
intros. eapply R_neg_N; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma simple_N_strong : simple N.
split. 2: split.
- eapply enumerable_N.
- intros ?. eapply non_finite_R, exhaustible_ext. 1: eauto.
intros. now rewrite R_neg_N.
- intros (q & H1 & H2 & H3). eapply subset_strong; try eassumption.
intros. eapply R_neg_N; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma dist_again :
forall f : nat -> nat, exists d, forall x y, C_ u (f x) y -> y <= |x| + d.
intros f.
destruct (dist f) as [d Hd]. exists d.
intros x y H. destruct (Hd x) as (y_x & H1 & H2).
- eapply H; eauto.
- lia.
Lemma R_undecidable :
MP -> ~ decidable R.
intros mp Hdec.
unshelve epose proof (MP_choice _ mp _ unboundedR) as [g Hg].
- cbn. eapply decidable_enumerable. 2:eauto.
eapply DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff.
rewrite DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff in Hdec. destruct Hdec.
econstructor. intros (x, y).
exact _.
- destruct (dist_again g) as [d].
eapply length_sublinear with (d := d).
intros k.
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
pose proof (C_weakly_total u (g k) univ_u) as Hk. cunwrap.
destruct Hk as [C_u_k Hcuk].
cprove idtac.
transitivity (| g k|).
1:{ eapply Nat.eq_le_incl. symmetry. eapply Hg. }
destruct Hcuk as ([? [-> H1]] & H2).
1:{ eapply Hg. eapply H1. }
eapply H. cbn. firstorder.
Lemma dist_again_strong R :
weakly_total R -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists d, forall x, ~~ exists v_x, R x v_x /\ forall y, C_ u (v_x) y -> y <= |x| + d.
intros H1 H2.
destruct (dist_strong R H1 H2) as [d Hd].
exists d. intros x.
destruct (Hd x) as [y_x Hyx].
cunwrap. destruct Hyx as (v_x & H3 & H4 & H5).
cprove exists v_x. split; eauto.
etransitivity. 1:eapply H; eauto.
Lemma R_undecidable_strong :
~ decidable R.
intros Hdec.
destruct (dist_again_strong (fun k x => |x| = k /\ R x)) as [d Hd].
- exact unboundedR.
- cbn. eapply decidable_enumerable. 2:eauto.
eapply DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff.
rewrite DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff in Hdec. destruct Hdec.
econstructor. intros (x, y).
exact _.
- eapply length_sublinear with (d := d).
intros k.
specialize (Hd k).
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec. cunwrap.
destruct Hd as (x_k & [H1 H2] & H3).
rewrite <- H1 at 1.
pose proof (C_weakly_total u x_k univ_u) as Hk. cunwrap.
destruct Hk as [C_u_k Hcuk].
destruct Hcuk as ([? [-> H4]] & H5).
cprove idtac.
etransitivity. 1:{ eapply H2. eauto. }
eapply H3. cbn. firstorder.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import mu_nat partial equiv_on.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import simple principles EnumerabilityFacts.
Require Import Nat Arith Lia.
Notation least' p n k := (n <= k /\ p k /\ forall i, n <= i -> p i -> k <= i)%nat.
Section WO.
Variable p : nat -> Prop.
(* Guardedness predicate *)
Inductive G (n: nat) : Prop :=
| GI : (~ p n -> G (S n)) -> G n.
Lemma G_sig n :
G n -> ~~ exists k, least' (fun k => p k) n k.
induction 1 as [n _ IH].
intros G.
assert (~~ (p n \/ ~ p n)) as H by tauto. apply H. clear H. intros [H | H].
- apply G. exists n. repeat split; eauto.
- apply (IH H). intros (k & Hle & Hk & Hleast'). apply G.
exists k. repeat split.
+ lia.
+ exact Hk.
+ intros i Hi. inversion Hi.
* congruence.
* eapply Hleast'; eauto. lia.
Lemma G_zero n :
G n -> G 0.
induction n as [|n IH].
- intros H. exact H.
- intros H. apply IH. constructor. intros _. exact H.
Theorem mu_nat :
(exists n, p n) -> ~~ exists n, least' p 0 n.
intros H. apply (G_sig 0).
destruct H as [n H].
apply (G_zero n).
constructor. tauto.
End WO.
Definition the_least_pred (P : nat -> Prop) : nat -> Prop :=
fun y => P y /\ forall y', P y' -> y <= y'.
Lemma the_least_pred_unique {P : nat -> Prop} {x y} :
the_least_pred P x -> the_least_pred P y -> x = y.
firstorder lia.
Lemma the_least_pred_impl' {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
the_least_pred P x -> (forall x, P x <-> Q x) -> the_least_pred Q x.
intros [H2 H3] H1. eapply H1 in H2. split. exact H2. intros y'. rewrite <- H1. apply H3.
Lemma the_least_pred_equiv {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
(forall x, P x <-> Q x) -> the_least_pred P x <-> the_least_pred Q x.
intros. split; intros; eapply the_least_pred_impl'; eauto; firstorder.
Lemma the_least_pred_impl {P Q : nat -> Prop} {x} :
the_least_pred P x -> (forall x, P x -> exists y, Q y) -> ~~ exists x, the_least_pred Q x.
intros [H2 H3] H1. eapply H1 in H2.
clear H1 H3 P.
assert (exists x, Q x) as H by eauto. clear x H2. eapply mu_nat in H.
intros G. apply H. intros (x & H1 & H2 & H3). apply G.
exists x. split. auto. intros. eapply H3. 1:lia. auto.
Lemma the_least_ex (P : nat -> Prop) :
(exists n, P n) -> ~~ exists n, the_least_pred P n.
intros H % mu_nat.
intros G. apply H. intros (n & H1 & H2 & H3).
apply G. exists n. split; auto with arith.
Record FunRel X Y := {
the_rel :> X -> Y -> Prop ;
is_fun : (forall x y1 y2, the_rel x y1 -> the_rel x y2 -> y1 = y2) (* ; *)
(* is_wtotal : (forall x, ~~ exists y, the_rel x y) *) }.
Definition on_value {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :=
forall y, R x y -> P y.
Definition on_value' {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :=
exists y, R x y /\ P y.
Lemma on_value_iff1 {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
on_value' R P x -> on_value R P x.
intros (y & H1 & H2) y' H.
now rewrite <- (is_fun _ _ R _ _ _ H1 H).
Definition total {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
Lemma on_value_iff2 {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
total R ->
on_value R P x -> on_value' R P x.
intros Htot H.
destruct (Htot x) as [y Hy].
exists y. split; [ assumption | ].
eapply (H _ Hy).
Definition weakly_total {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x, ~~ exists y, R x y.
Lemma on_value_iff2' {X Y} (R : FunRel X Y) (P : Y -> Prop) x :
weakly_total R ->
on_value R P x -> ~~ on_value' R P x.
intros Htot H G.
apply (Htot x); intros [y Hy].
apply G.
exists y. split; [ assumption | ].
eapply (H _ Hy).
Lemma on_value_imp {X Y} {P Q : Y -> Prop} R (x : X) :
on_value R P x -> (forall y, P y -> Q y) -> on_value R Q x.
intros H1 H y Hy. apply H, H1, Hy.
Lemma on_value_neg {X Y} {P : Y -> Prop} R (x : X) :
~ on_value R P x -> on_value R (fun y => ~ P y) x.
intros H y Hy G; cbn in *. apply H. intros y' Hy'. cbn in *.
enough (y = y') as -> by assumption. eapply R; eauto.
Program Definition the_least {X} (R : X -> nat -> Prop) : FunRel X nat :=
the_rel x := the_least_pred (R x) ;
is_fun := fun x y1 y2 H1 H2 => the_least_pred_unique H1 H2
Axiom tonat : list bool -> nat.
Axiom ofnat : nat -> list bool.
Axiom ofnat_tonat : forall l, ofnat (tonat l) = l.
Axiom tonat_ofnat : forall n, tonat (ofnat n) = n.
Axiom length_log : forall n, length (ofnat n) <= Nat.log2 n.
Axiom length_mono : forall x y, x <= y -> length (ofnat x) <= length (ofnat y).
#[export] Hint Rewrite ofnat_tonat tonat_ofnat : length.
#[export] Hint Rewrite List.app_length : length.
Notation "| n |" := (length (ofnat n)) (at level 10).
Notation "⟨ x , y ⟩" := (tonat (ofnat x ++ ofnat y)) (at level 0).
Lemma length_pair x y : | ⟨x,y⟩ | = |x| + |y|.
now autorewrite with length.
Lemma length_sublinear d : ~ forall n, n <= |n| + d.
intros H.
pose (n := 1 + 2 * S d).
assert (2 ^ n > n + S d).
{ subst n. rewrite Nat.pow_add_r, Nat.pow_mul_r.
generalize (S d). cbn. induction n; cbn; lia.
specialize (H (2 ^ n)).
pose proof (length_log (2 ^ n)).
rewrite Nat.log2_pow2 in *; lia.
Axiom Part : partiality.
#[export] Existing Instance Part.
Axiom ϕ : nat -> nat ↛ nat.
Notation "x ▷ y" := (@hasvalue Part nat x y) (at level 50).
Definition C := the_least (fun x s => exists c y, s = |c| + |y| /\ ϕ c y ▷ x).
#[export] Instance equiv_part {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Definition universal u := forall c, exists x, forall y, ϕ c y ≡{_} (ϕ u ⟨x,y⟩).
Definition C_ u := the_least (fun x s => exists y, s = |y| /\ ϕ u y ▷ x).
Definition strongly_universal u := forall c i, ϕ c i ≡{_} ϕ u ⟨c,i⟩.
Lemma strongly_universal_universal u :
strongly_universal u -> universal u.
intros H c'. red in H. setoid_rewrite <- H. exists c'. reflexivity.
#[export] Hint Rewrite List.app_nil_l @list.nil_length : length.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Lemma strongly_universal_equivalence u :
strongly_universal u -> forall x y, C x y <-> C_ u x y.
intros Huniv x y. rename u into c. eapply the_least_pred_equiv.
intros e. split.
- intros (e' & i & -> & HH).
eexists. eexists. 1:now rewrite <- length_pair.
red in Huniv. unfold equiv_part in Huniv.
do 2 red in Huniv. now rewrite <- Huniv.
- intros (i & -> & Hn). exists (tonat nil), i.
split. 1:now autorewrite with length.
eapply Huniv. now autorewrite with length.
Axiom EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat,
exists γ, forall i, ϕ (γ i) ≡{_} f i.
Lemma EPF_univ_tot {u} : universal u ->
forall f : nat -> nat, exists c, forall x, ϕ u ⟨c,x⟩ ▷ f x.
intros Hu f.
specialize (EPF (fun _ x => ret (f x))) as [γ H].
destruct (Hu (γ 0)) as [c Hc].
exists c. intros. cbn in * |-. red in H, Hc.
rewrite <- Hc, H. eapply ret_hasvalue.
Lemma EPF_univ {u} : universal u ->
forall f : nat ↛ nat, exists c, forall x, ϕ u ⟨c,x⟩ ≡{_} f x.
intros Hu f.
specialize (EPF (fun _ => f)) as [γ H].
destruct (Hu (γ 0)) as [c Hc].
exists c. intros.
rewrite <- Hc. eapply H.
Lemma C_weakly_total u x :
universal u -> ~~ exists y, C_ u x y.
intros Hu. eapply the_least_ex.
destruct (EPF_univ_tot Hu (fun _ => x)) as [c Hc % fun H => H 0].
Theorem Invariance u :
universal u -> forall u', exists d,
forall x y, C_ u x y -> forall y', C_ u' x y' -> y <= y' + d.
intros Hu u'.
destruct (Hu u') as [d Hd]. exists (|d|).
intros x ? ((y & -> & H) & Hleast) _ ((y' & -> & H2) & Hleast2).
eapply Hd in H2.
rewrite Hleast. 2: eauto.
rewrite length_pair. lia.
Axiom u : nat.
Axiom univ_u : universal u.
Definition N (x : nat) :=
exists y, ϕ u y ▷ x /\ |y| < |x|.
Definition R (x : nat) :=
forall y, ϕ u y ▷ x -> |y| >= |x|.
Lemma R_neg_N x :
R x <-> ~ N x.
- intros H (y & H1 % H & H2). lia.
- intros H y H1.
assert (|y| >= |x| \/ |y| < |x|) as [ Ha | Ha ] by lia; [ auto | ].
destruct H. exists y. eauto.
Lemma MP_choice (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) : MP -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
(forall x, ~~ exists y, R x y) -> exists f, forall x, R x (f x).
eapply enumerable_AC; eauto.
intros x. eapply MP_to_MP_semidecidable in H.
red in H. eapply H with (p := fun x => exists n, R x n).
- eapply SemiDecidabilityFacts.semi_decidable_ex.
eapply SemiDecidabilityFacts.enumerable_semi_decidable; eauto.
eapply ReducibilityFacts.enumerable_red.
4: exact H0. all:eauto.
exists (fun '(x,y) => (y, x)). intros []. firstorder.
- eauto.
Lemma enum_to:
forall q : nat -> Prop, enumerable q -> enumerable (fun '(x, y) => x < | y | /\ q y).
intros q [f Hf].
exists (fun nx => let (n, x) := embed_nat.unembed nx in if f n is Some y then if x <? |y| then Some (x, y) else None else None).
intros (x, y). cbn -[Nat.ltb]. split.
- intros [H1 [n H2] % Hf]. exists (embed_nat.embed (n, x)).
rewrite embed_nat.embedP, H2.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec x (|y|)).
+ reflexivity.
+ lia.
- intros (nx & H).
destruct (embed_nat.unembed nx) as [n x'].
destruct (f n) as [y'|] eqn:E; inversion H.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec x' (|y'|)); inversion H; subst.
Lemma par_enum_ϕ :
enumerable (fun '(x, y) => ϕ u y ▷ x).
eapply ReducibilityFacts.enumerable_red.
4: eapply enumerable_graph_part; eauto.
all: eauto.
exists (fun '(x,y) => (y, x)). intros []. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma enumerable_N :
enumerable N.
destruct (par_enum_ϕ) as [f Hf].
exists (fun n => if f n is Some (x,y) then if Nat.ltb (|y|) (|x|) then Some x else None else None).
red. intros x. split.
- intros (y & H1 & H2).
eapply (Hf (x, y)) in H1 as [n Hn].
exists n. rewrite Hn.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec (|y|) (|x|)).
+ reflexivity.
+ lia.
- intros [n Hn]. destruct (f n) as [[x' y] | ] eqn:E; inversion Hn.
destruct (Nat.ltb_spec (|y|) (|x'|)).
+ inversion Hn. subst. exists y. split; eauto.
eapply (Hf (x, y)). eauto.
+ congruence.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import FinitenessFacts.
From stdpp Require Import base.
Require Import List.
Lemma list_max_spec L x :
In x L -> x <= list_max L.
induction L.
- firstorder.
- intros [-> | ]; cbn.
+ lia.
+ eapply IHL in H. unfold list_max in H. lia.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Pigeonhole.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Dec.
Lemma non_finite_unbounded_fun (p : nat -> Prop) f :
(forall n, exists L, forall x, f x <= n -> In x L) ->
~ exhaustible p -> forall x, ~~ exists y : nat, f y >= x /\ p y.
intros Hsur Hfin n. rewrite non_finite_spec in Hfin.
2: intros; destruct (Nat.eq_decidable x1 x2); tauto.
destruct (Hsur n) as [L HL].
specialize (Hfin L).
cunwrap. destruct Hfin as (y & H1 & H2).
cprove exists y. split; [|eauto].
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
intros H. apply H2, HL. lia.
Lemma unbounded_non_finite_fun (p : nat -> Prop) (f : nat -> nat) :
(forall k, ~~ exists x, f x >= k /\ p x) -> ~ exhaustible p.
intros Hfin. eapply non_finite_nat.
intros n H.
pose (N := 1 + list_max (map f (seq 0 n))).
eapply (Hfin N).
intros (x & H1 & H2).
apply H. eexists; split. 2: eauto.
assert (x < n \/ x >= n) as [ | ] by lia; try lia.
enough (f x > f x) by lia. subst N.
unfold gt. unfold ge in H1.
eapply Nat.lt_le_trans. 2: eauto. red. cbn.
rewrite <- Nat.succ_le_mono.
eapply list_max_spec.
eapply in_map_iff. exists x. split; eauto.
eapply in_seq. lia.
Lemma NoDup_app {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2 -> (forall x, In x l1 -> ~ (In x l2)) -> NoDup (l1 ++ l2).
induction 1 in l2 |- *.
- eauto.
- intros Hl2 Hel. cbn. econstructor. 2:eapply IHNoDup; eauto.
+ intros [ | ] % in_app_iff; firstorder.
+ firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
Inj (=) (=) f -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
1:intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
Lemma bitlist_for_k k :
exists l : list (list bool), (forall x, In x l <-> length x = k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ k.
induction k.
- exists (nil :: nil). split; [ | split ].
+ cbn. intros []; cbn in *; firstorder congruence.
+ repeat econstructor; eauto.
+ reflexivity.
- destruct IHk as (L & IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
exists (map (cons true) L ++ map (cons false) L).
split; [ | split].
+ intros l.
rewrite in_app_iff, !in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite IH1.
destruct l as [ | ].
* cbn. split. 2:lia.
intros [(? & [=] & ?) | (? & [=] & ?)].
* cbn. split.
-- intros [(? & [=] & ?) | (? & [=] & ?)]; subst; lia.
-- destruct b; intros [=]; eauto.
+ eapply NoDup_app; try eapply NoDup_map; eauto.
intros ? (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff.
+ rewrite app_length, !map_length, IH3. cbn. lia.
Lemma list_for_k k :
exists l, (forall x, In x l <-> | x | = k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ k.
destruct (bitlist_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists (map tonat l). split; [ | split].
- intros x. cbn. rewrite in_map_iff.
setoid_rewrite H1. split.
+ intros (y & <- & <-). now autorewrite with length.
+ intros <-. exists (ofnat x). now autorewrite with length.
- eapply NoDup_map; auto. intros ? ? E % (f_equal ofnat).
now rewrite !ofnat_tonat in E.
- now rewrite map_length.
Lemma list_for_le_k k :
exists l, (forall x, In x l <-> | x | <= k) /\ NoDup l /\ length l = 2 ^ (S k) - 1.
induction k.
- cbn. exists [ tonat nil ].
split; [ | split ].
+ cbn. split.
* intros [ <- | []]. now autorewrite with length.
* intros H. left. destruct (ofnat x) eqn:E; inversion H.
rewrite <- E. now autorewrite with length.
+ repeat econstructor. firstorder.
+ reflexivity.
- cbn. destruct IHk as (l1 & IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
destruct (list_for_k (S k)) as (l2 & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists (l1 ++ l2). split; [ | split].
+ intros. rewrite in_app_iff, IH1, H1.
+ eapply NoDup_app; firstorder lia.
+ rewrite app_length, IH3, H3. cbn; lia.
Lemma at_most k : k > 0 ->
forall l, (forall x, In x l -> | x | < k) -> NoDup l -> length l <= 2^ k - 1.
intros Hk l H1 H2. unfold lt in H1.
destruct k.
- lia.
- setoid_rewrite <- Nat.succ_le_mono in H1.
destruct (list_for_le_k k) as (l2 & H3 & H4 & H5).
assert (length l <= length l2). {
eapply NoDup_incl_length; firstorder.
enough (length l2 <= 2 ^ (S k) - 1) by lia.
rewrite H5. lia.
Definition injective {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :=
forall x1 x2 y, R x1 y -> R x2 y -> x1 = x2.
Lemma Forall2_ex_r {X Y} (R : X -> Y -> Prop) l1 l2 y :
Forall2 R l1 l2 ->
In y l2 -> exists x, In x l1 /\ R x y.
induction 1; repeat firstorder subst.
Lemma functional_NoDup (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) l :
injective R ->
(forall x, In x l -> exists y, R x y) ->
NoDup l ->
exists l', NoDup l' /\ Forall2 R l l'.
intros HR Htot Hl. induction Hl.
- exists []. split; econstructor.
- destruct IHHl as (l' & H1 & H2).
+ firstorder.
+ destruct (Htot x) as [y Hy].
1: firstorder.
exists (y :: l'). split.
* econstructor; [ | eauto].
intros Hin.
edestruct @Forall2_ex_r as (x' & H3 & H4); eauto.
eapply H. eapply HR in H4 as <-; eauto.
* econstructor; eauto.
Lemma nonrandom_k k :
~ forall x, |x| = k -> N x.
intros H.
destruct (list_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
eapply (functional_NoDup (fun x y => ϕ u y ▷ x ∧ | y | < | x |)) in H2 as (l' & H4 & H5).
- assert (Forall (fun y => |y| < k) l'). {
eapply list.Forall2_Forall_r; eauto.
cbn. eapply Forall_forall.
intros ? ? % H1. lia.
assert (length l' = 2 ^ k). { erewrite <- list.Forall2_length; eauto. }
destruct k.
+ cbn in *. destruct H0. 1:inversion H2. cbn in *. lia.
+ unshelve epose proof (@at_most (S k) _ l' _ _).
* lia.
* eapply Forall_forall. eauto.
* eauto.
* rewrite H2 in H6.
enough (2 ^ S k > S k) by lia.
eapply Nat.pow_gt_lin_r. lia.
- intros x1 x2 y [Hx1 Hx11] [Hx2 Hx22]. eapply hasvalue_det; eauto.
- intros x (y & ? & ?) % H1 % H. eauto.
Lemma unboundedR :
forall k, ~~ exists x, | x | = k /\ R x.
setoid_rewrite R_neg_N. intros k G.
assert (forall x, |x| = k -> ~~ N x) by firstorder. clear G.
pose proof (nonrandom_k k).
pose proof (list_for_k k) as (l & H1 & H2 & H3).
setoid_rewrite <- H1 in H.
setoid_rewrite <- H1 in H0. clear - H H0.
induction l.
- eapply H0. firstorder.
- eapply H.
+ now left.
+ intros Ha. eapply IHl.
* intros HH. eapply H0. intros. inversion H1 as [-> | ]; eauto.
* firstorder.
Lemma non_finite_length (p : nat -> Prop) :
~ exhaustible p -> forall x, ~~ exists y, x < | y | /\ p y.
intros H.
unshelve epose proof (non_finite_unbounded_fun _ (fun x => |x|) _ H).
- cbn. intros n.
destruct (@list_for_le_k n) as [L HL].
exists L. intros. eapply HL. eauto.
- intros x. specialize (H0 (S x)). cunwrap.
destruct H0 as (y & H1 & H2). cprove exists y.
split. 1:lia. assumption.
Lemma classical_finite {X} (p q : X -> Prop):
listable p -> (forall x, p x -> ~~ q x) -> ~~ forall x, p x -> q x.
intros [l Hl]. red in Hl.
setoid_rewrite Hl. clear p Hl.
induction l.
- firstorder.
- cbn. intros H.
specialize (IHl ltac:(firstorder)).
cunwrap. ccase (q a) as [Ha | Ha].
+ cprove intros ? [-> | ]; eauto.
+ specialize (H a); firstorder.
Lemma non_finite_R :
~ exhaustible R.
eapply unbounded_non_finite_fun with (f := fun x => |x|).
intros k G.
setoid_rewrite R_neg_N in G.
assert (forall x, |x| = k -> ~~ N x).
{ intros x Hx GG. apply G. exists x. split. 1:lia. assumption. }
clear G.
eapply classical_finite in H.
1:cstart; cunwrap; intros _; now eapply (nonrandom_k k).
destruct (list_for_k k) as (L & H1 & _ & _).
Lemma dist f :
exists d, forall x, exists y_x, ϕ u y_x ▷ f x /\ | y_x| < |x| + d.
destruct (EPF_univ_tot univ_u f) as [c Hc].
exists (|c| + 1). intros x.
exists (⟨ c, x ⟩). split. 1: eauto.
autorewrite with length. lia.
Lemma subset :
MP -> forall q : nat -> Prop, (forall x, q x -> R x) -> enumerable q -> ~ exhaustible q -> False.
intros mp q H1 H2 H3.
unshelve epose proof (MP_choice _ mp _ (non_finite_length _ H3)) as [f Hf].
1: now eapply enum_to.
assert (forall k y, ϕ u y ▷ f k -> |f k| <= |y|). {
intros. destruct (Hf k) as [Hk1 Hk2].
eapply H1; eauto.
destruct (dist f) as [d Hd].
eapply (length_sublinear d). intros k.
transitivity (|f k|). 1:eapply Nat.lt_le_incl, Hf.
destruct (Hd k) as (y_k & Hk1 & Hk2).
transitivity (|y_k|). 1: eauto.
Lemma get_partial_choice (R : nat -> nat -> Prop) :
enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists f : nat ↛ nat, forall x v_x,
(f x ▷ v_x -> R x v_x) /\ (R x v_x -> exists v', f x ▷ v').
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun x => bind (mu_tot (fun n => if f n is Some (x', y) then x =? x' else false))
(fun n => if f n is Some (x', y) then ret y else undef)).
intros x v_x. rewrite bind_hasvalue.
- intros (n & (H1 & H3) % mu_tot_hasvalue & H2).
destruct (f n) as [ [x' y] | ]eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x x'); try congruence. subst.
eapply ret_hasvalue_iff in H2. subst.
eapply (Hf (x', v_x)). eauto.
- intros [n Hn] % (Hf (x, v_x)).
edestruct (mu_tot_ter) as [a Ha].
2:{ destruct (f a) as [[x' y'] | ] eqn:E.
- eexists. eapply bind_hasvalue. exists a. split. 1: eapply Ha.
rewrite E. eapply ret_hasvalue.
- eapply mu_tot_hasvalue in Ha as [Ha _].
rewrite E in Ha. congruence.
cbn. rewrite Hn. eapply Nat.eqb_refl.
Lemma dist_strong R :
weakly_total R -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists d, forall x, exists y_x, ~~ exists v_x, R x v_x /\ ϕ u y_x ▷ v_x /\ | y_x| < |x| + d.
intros Htot [f Hf] % get_partial_choice.
destruct (EPF_univ univ_u f) as [c Hc].
exists (|c| + 1). intros x.
exists (⟨ c, x ⟩).
specialize (Htot x). cunwrap. destruct Htot as [v_x' Hvx].
pose proof (Hvx' := Hvx).
eapply Hf in Hvx as [v_x Hvx].
cprove exists v_x.
repeat split.
- eapply Hf. eauto.
- eapply Hc. eauto.
- autorewrite with length. lia.
Lemma subset_strong :
forall q : nat -> Prop, (forall x, q x -> R x) -> enumerable q -> ~ exhaustible q -> False.
intros q H1 H2 H3.
destruct (dist_strong (fun k x => k < |x| /\ q x)) as [d Hd].
- exact (non_finite_length _ H3).
- now eapply enum_to.
- eapply (length_sublinear d). intros k.
destruct (Hd k) as [y_k H].
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
cunwrap. destruct H as (x_k & [H4 H5] & H6 & H7).
cprove idtac.
transitivity (|x_k|). 1:eapply Nat.lt_le_incl, H4.
transitivity (|y_k|). 1: eapply H1; eauto. lia.
Lemma exhaustible_ext {X} (p q : X -> Prop) :
exhaustible p -> (forall x, p x <-> q x) -> exhaustible q.
Lemma simple_N : MP -> simple N.
split. 2: split.
- eapply enumerable_N.
- intros ?. eapply non_finite_R, exhaustible_ext. 1: eauto.
intros. now rewrite R_neg_N.
- intros (q & H1 & H2 & H3). eapply subset; try eassumption.
intros. eapply R_neg_N; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma simple_N_strong : simple N.
split. 2: split.
- eapply enumerable_N.
- intros ?. eapply non_finite_R, exhaustible_ext. 1: eauto.
intros. now rewrite R_neg_N.
- intros (q & H1 & H2 & H3). eapply subset_strong; try eassumption.
intros. eapply R_neg_N; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma dist_again :
forall f : nat -> nat, exists d, forall x y, C_ u (f x) y -> y <= |x| + d.
intros f.
destruct (dist f) as [d Hd]. exists d.
intros x y H. destruct (Hd x) as (y_x & H1 & H2).
- eapply H; eauto.
- lia.
Lemma R_undecidable :
MP -> ~ decidable R.
intros mp Hdec.
unshelve epose proof (MP_choice _ mp _ unboundedR) as [g Hg].
- cbn. eapply decidable_enumerable. 2:eauto.
eapply DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff.
rewrite DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff in Hdec. destruct Hdec.
econstructor. intros (x, y).
exact _.
- destruct (dist_again g) as [d].
eapply length_sublinear with (d := d).
intros k.
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec.
pose proof (C_weakly_total u (g k) univ_u) as Hk. cunwrap.
destruct Hk as [C_u_k Hcuk].
cprove idtac.
transitivity (| g k|).
1:{ eapply Nat.eq_le_incl. symmetry. eapply Hg. }
destruct Hcuk as ([? [-> H1]] & H2).
1:{ eapply Hg. eapply H1. }
eapply H. cbn. firstorder.
Lemma dist_again_strong R :
weakly_total R -> enumerable (fun '(x,y) => R x y) ->
exists d, forall x, ~~ exists v_x, R x v_x /\ forall y, C_ u (v_x) y -> y <= |x| + d.
intros H1 H2.
destruct (dist_strong R H1 H2) as [d Hd].
exists d. intros x.
destruct (Hd x) as [y_x Hyx].
cunwrap. destruct Hyx as (v_x & H3 & H4 & H5).
cprove exists v_x. split; eauto.
etransitivity. 1:eapply H; eauto.
Lemma R_undecidable_strong :
~ decidable R.
intros Hdec.
destruct (dist_again_strong (fun k x => |x| = k /\ R x)) as [d Hd].
- exact unboundedR.
- cbn. eapply decidable_enumerable. 2:eauto.
eapply DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff.
rewrite DecidabilityFacts.decidable_iff in Hdec. destruct Hdec.
econstructor. intros (x, y).
exact _.
- eapply length_sublinear with (d := d).
intros k.
specialize (Hd k).
unshelve cstart. 1:eapply le_dec. cunwrap.
destruct Hd as (x_k & [H1 H2] & H3).
rewrite <- H1 at 1.
pose proof (C_weakly_total u x_k univ_u) as Hk. cunwrap.
destruct Hk as [C_u_k Hcuk].
destruct Hcuk as ([? [-> H4]] & H5).
cprove idtac.
etransitivity. 1:{ eapply H2. eauto. }
eapply H3. cbn. firstorder.