From SyntheticComputability.Shared Require Import embed_nat.
Require Import Lia Vector Fin List.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
(* From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Syntax. *)
From SyntheticComputability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions.
Require Import PeanoNat (* Nat.eqb *) Bool.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Derive Signature for vec.
Lemma eqhd : forall (x:nat) n (v: vec nat n), (VectorDef.hd (x :: v)) = x. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma eqtl : forall (x:nat) n (v: vec nat n), ( (x :: v)) = v. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Notation "P ⪯ₘ Q" := (reduces P Q) (at level 50).
Section ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic.
Inductive isΣsem : nat -> forall (k: nat), ((vec nat k) -> Prop) -> Prop :=
| isΣsem0_ {k} p (f: vec nat k -> bool) : (forall v, p v <-> f v = true) -> isΣsem 0 p
| isΣsemS_ {n} {k} p' {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΠsem n (S k) p -> (forall v, p' v <-> exists x, p (x::v)) -> @isΣsem (S n) k p'
with isΠsem : nat -> forall (k: nat), ((vec nat k) -> Prop) -> Prop :=
| isΠsem0_ {k} p (f: vec nat k -> bool) : (forall v, p v <-> f v = true) -> isΠsem 0 p
| isΠsemS_ {n} {k} p' {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΣsem n (S k) p -> (forall v, p' v <-> forall x, p (x::v)) -> @isΠsem (S n) k p'.
Lemma isΠsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) : isΠsem 0 (fun v => f v = true).
econstructor. reflexivity.
Lemma isΣsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) : isΣsem 0 (fun v => f v = true).
econstructor. reflexivity.
Lemma isΣsemS {n} {k} {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΠsem n (S k) p -> @isΣsem (S n) k (fun v => exists x, p (x::v)).
econstructor. eauto. reflexivity.
Lemma isΠsemS {n} {k} {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΣsem n (S k) p -> @isΠsem (S n) k (fun v => forall x, p (x::v)).
econstructor. eauto. reflexivity.
Derive Signature for isΣsem.
Derive Signature for isΠsem.
#[local] Hint Constructors isΣsem : core.
#[local] Hint Constructors isΠsem : core.
(* generacte induction scheme *)
Scheme isΣsem_isΠsem_ind := Induction for isΣsem Sort Prop
with isΠsem_isΣsem_ind := Induction for isΠsem Sort Prop.
(* *)
Combined Scheme isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind from isΣsem_isΠsem_ind,isΠsem_isΣsem_ind.
Lemma curry {k} t: (nat -> vec nat k -> t) -> vec nat (S k) -> t.
intros P v.
inversion v as [|n k' v' eq]. subst.
exact (P n v').
Lemma curry0 t : t -> vec nat 0 -> t.
intros P v. apply P.
Lemma curry1 t: (nat -> t) -> vec nat 1 -> t.
intros P. apply curry. intros n. apply curry0. exact (P n).
Lemma curry2 t: (nat -> nat -> t) -> vec nat 2 -> t.
intros P. apply curry. intros n. apply curry1. exact (P n).
Lemma PredExt :
(forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall p', (forall v, p' v <-> p v) -> isΣsem n p')
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall p', (forall v, p' v <-> p v) -> isΠsem n p').
eapply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros. econstructor. intros. now rewrite H, i.
- intros. econstructor. eapply H. reflexivity. firstorder.
- intros. econstructor. intros. now rewrite H, i.
- intros. econstructor. eapply H. reflexivity. firstorder.
Lemma semi_dec_iff_Σ1 {k} (p : vec nat k -> Prop):
semi_decidable p <-> isΣsem 1 p.
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
- intros [f Hf].
eapply PredExt. 2: exact Hf.
unshelve eapply PredExt. {
exact (fun v => exists n, (fun v => (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v)) v = true) (n::v)).
} 2: reflexivity. eapply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
- intros H. repeat dependent destruction H.
exists (fun v n => f (n::v)). firstorder.
Lemma isΣΠsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) n :
isΣsem n (fun v => f v = true) /\ isΠsem n (fun v => f v = true).
induction n in k, f |-*.
- split; apply isΣsem0 + apply isΠsem0.
- split.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => exists x, f ( (x::v)) = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΣsemS. apply IHn.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => forall x, f ( (x::v)) = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΠsemS. apply IHn.
semi_decidable p <-> isΣsem 1 p.
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
- intros [f Hf].
eapply PredExt. 2: exact Hf.
unshelve eapply PredExt. {
exact (fun v => exists n, (fun v => (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v)) v = true) (n::v)).
} 2: reflexivity. eapply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
- intros H. repeat dependent destruction H.
exists (fun v n => f (n::v)). firstorder.
Lemma isΣΠsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) n :
isΣsem n (fun v => f v = true) /\ isΠsem n (fun v => f v = true).
induction n in k, f |-*.
- split; apply isΣsem0 + apply isΠsem0.
- split.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => exists x, f ( (x::v)) = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΣsemS. apply IHn.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => forall x, f ( (x::v)) = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΠsemS. apply IHn.
Lemma isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn l :
(forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem (l + n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem (l + n) p).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind; intros.
1,3: eapply PredExt; [eapply isΣΠsem0 | ]; cbn; eassumption.
all: replace (l + S n) with (S l + n) by lia.
all: cbn; econstructor; eauto.
(forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem (l + n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem (l + n) p).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind; intros.
1,3: eapply PredExt; [eapply isΣΠsem0 | ]; cbn; eassumption.
all: replace (l + S n) with (S l + n) by lia.
all: cbn; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma isΣsem_m_red_closed :
(forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΣsem n p)
/\ (forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΠsem n p).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? [e He]. econstructor. intros v. red in He. rewrite He, i.
eapply iff_refl.
- intros n k p' q Πq IH k' H p [e He].
rename q into q'.
rename p' into q.
econstructor. eapply IH with (p := fun v => q' ((Vector.hd v)::(e ( v)))).
+ exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
intros x. eapply iff_refl.
+ cbn. firstorder.
- intros k p' f H k' p [e He]. econstructor. intros v. red in He. rewrite He, H.
eapply iff_refl.
- intros n k p' q Πq IH k' H p [e He].
econstructor. eapply IH.
+ exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
intros x. eapply iff_refl.
+ firstorder.
(forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΣsem n p)
/\ (forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΠsem n p).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros ? ? ? ? ? ? [e He]. econstructor. intros v. red in He. rewrite He, i.
eapply iff_refl.
- intros n k p' q Πq IH k' H p [e He].
rename q into q'.
rename p' into q.
econstructor. eapply IH with (p := fun v => q' ((Vector.hd v)::(e ( v)))).
+ exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
intros x. eapply iff_refl.
+ cbn. firstorder.
- intros k p' f H k' p [e He]. econstructor. intros v. red in He. rewrite He, H.
eapply iff_refl.
- intros n k p' q Πq IH k' H p [e He].
econstructor. eapply IH.
+ exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
intros x. eapply iff_refl.
+ firstorder.
Lemma isΣsemTwoEx k n (p : vec nat (S (S k)) -> Prop):
isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
intros H.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
2: {
exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
apply isΣsemS in H. eapply PredExt. { apply H. }
intros v. cbv beta. split.
- intros [y [x Hp]]. exists (embed (x, y)).
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP.
- intros [m Hp]. destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq. exists y, x.
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, eq in Hp.
isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
intros H.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
2: {
exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
apply isΣsemS in H. eapply PredExt. { apply H. }
intros v. cbv beta. split.
- intros [y [x Hp]]. exists (embed (x, y)).
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP.
- intros [m Hp]. destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq. exists y, x.
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, eq in Hp.
Lemma isΣsemE k n (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop):
isΣsem (S n) p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x : nat, p (x :: v)).
intros H. dependent destruction H. cbn in *.
eapply PredExt.
eapply isΣsemTwoEx; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma isΠsemTwoAll k n (p : vec nat (S (S k)) -> Prop):
isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
intros H.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
2: {
exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
apply isΠsemS in H. eapply PredExt. { apply H. }
intros v. cbv beta. split.
- intros Hp m. rewrite eqhd, eqtl.
now destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq.
- intros Hp y x. specialize (Hp (embed (x, y))).
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP in Hp.
Lemma isΠsemA k n (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop):
isΠsem (S n) p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x : nat, p (x :: v)).
intros H. dependent destruction H.
eapply PredExt. eapply isΠsemTwoAll. eauto. firstorder.
isΣsem (S n) p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x : nat, p (x :: v)).
intros H. dependent destruction H. cbn in *.
eapply PredExt.
eapply isΣsemTwoEx; eauto. firstorder.
Lemma isΠsemTwoAll k n (p : vec nat (S (S k)) -> Prop):
isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
intros H.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
2: {
exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
apply isΠsemS in H. eapply PredExt. { apply H. }
intros v. cbv beta. split.
- intros Hp m. rewrite eqhd, eqtl.
now destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq.
- intros Hp y x. specialize (Hp (embed (x, y))).
now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP in Hp.
Lemma isΠsemA k n (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop):
isΠsem (S n) p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x : nat, p (x :: v)).
intros H. dependent destruction H.
eapply PredExt. eapply isΠsemTwoAll. eauto. firstorder.
Lemma isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn :
(forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) p).
split; intros n k p H.
- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
apply isΠsemS in H. eapply PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.
- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
apply isΣsemS in H. eapply PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.
(forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) p).
split; intros n k p H.
- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
apply isΠsemS in H. eapply PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.
- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
apply isΣsemS in H. eapply PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.
Lemma isΣsem_and_closed n :
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> isΠsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v)).
induction n as [|n IH].
- split.
+ intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v && f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite andb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΣsem0.
+ intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v && f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite andb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΠsem0.
- split; intros k p Hp q Hq; dependent destruction Hp; dependent destruction Hq.
+ cbn in *. rename p0 into p'.
rename p1 into q'.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists y x : nat, (fun v => p' (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ q' (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
2:{ cbn in *. intros. rewrite H0, H2. clear. firstorder. }
apply isΣsemTwoEx. apply IH.
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall y x : nat, (fun v => p0 (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ p1 (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
2:{ cbn in *. intros. rewrite H0, H2. clear. firstorder. }
apply isΠsemTwoAll. apply IH.
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).
Variable vec_to_nat : forall k, vec nat k -> nat.
Variable nat_to_vec : forall k, nat -> vec nat k.
Variable vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_vec k (vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_vec_inv : forall k n, vec_to_nat (nat_to_vec k n) = n.
Variable list_vec_to_nat : forall k, list (vec nat k) -> nat.
Variable nat_to_list_vec : forall k, nat -> list (vec nat k).
Variable list_vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_list_vec k (list_vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_list_vec_inv : forall k n, list_vec_to_nat (nat_to_list_vec k n) = n.
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> isΠsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v)).
induction n as [|n IH].
- split.
+ intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v && f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite andb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΣsem0.
+ intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v && f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite andb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΠsem0.
- split; intros k p Hp q Hq; dependent destruction Hp; dependent destruction Hq.
+ cbn in *. rename p0 into p'.
rename p1 into q'.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists y x : nat, (fun v => p' (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ q' (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
2:{ cbn in *. intros. rewrite H0, H2. clear. firstorder. }
apply isΣsemTwoEx. apply IH.
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall y x : nat, (fun v => p0 (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ p1 (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
2:{ cbn in *. intros. rewrite H0, H2. clear. firstorder. }
apply isΠsemTwoAll. apply IH.
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
* eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).
Variable vec_to_nat : forall k, vec nat k -> nat.
Variable nat_to_vec : forall k, nat -> vec nat k.
Variable vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_vec k (vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_vec_inv : forall k n, vec_to_nat (nat_to_vec k n) = n.
Variable list_vec_to_nat : forall k, list (vec nat k) -> nat.
Variable nat_to_list_vec : forall k, nat -> list (vec nat k).
Variable list_vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_list_vec k (list_vec_to_nat v) = v.
Variable nat_list_vec_inv : forall k n, list_vec_to_nat (nat_to_list_vec k n) = n.
Lemma isΣsem_if_closed n :
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop) (f : nat -> bool), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => if f (Vector.hd v) then p ( v) else q ( v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop) (f : nat -> bool), isΠsem n q -> isΠsem n (fun v => if f (Vector.hd v) then p ( v) else q ( v))).
induction n as [|n IH].
- split.
+ intros k p Hp q f Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => (if f (Vector.hd v) then f0 ( v) else f1 ( v)) = true).
apply isΣsem0.
intros v. cbn. destruct f; firstorder.
+ intros k p Hp q f Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => (if f (Vector.hd v) then f0 ( v) else f1 ( v)) = true).
apply isΠsem0.
intros v. cbn. destruct f; firstorder.
- split; intros k p Hp q f Hq; dependent destruction Hp; dependent destruction Hq; cbn in *.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists x : nat, (fun v => if f (Vector.hd ( v)) then p0 (Vector.hd v :: ( v)) else p1 (Vector.hd v :: ( v))) (x :: v)). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΣsemS.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. eapply IH. exact H. exact H1.
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd ( v)) :: Vector.hd v :: ( v)). red. cbn. reflexivity.
firstorder. cbn. destruct f; firstorder. cbn in *. destruct f; firstorder.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall x : nat, (fun v => if f (Vector.hd ( v)) then p0 (Vector.hd v :: ( v)) else p1 (Vector.hd v :: ( v))) (x :: v)). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΠsemS.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. eapply IH. exact H. exact H1.
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd ( v)) :: Vector.hd v :: ( v)). red. cbn. reflexivity.
firstorder. cbn. destruct f; firstorder. cbn in *. destruct f; firstorder.
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop) (f : nat -> bool), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => if f (Vector.hd v) then p ( v) else q ( v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop) (f : nat -> bool), isΠsem n q -> isΠsem n (fun v => if f (Vector.hd v) then p ( v) else q ( v))).
induction n as [|n IH].
- split.
+ intros k p Hp q f Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => (if f (Vector.hd v) then f0 ( v) else f1 ( v)) = true).
apply isΣsem0.
intros v. cbn. destruct f; firstorder.
+ intros k p Hp q f Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => (if f (Vector.hd v) then f0 ( v) else f1 ( v)) = true).
apply isΠsem0.
intros v. cbn. destruct f; firstorder.
- split; intros k p Hp q f Hq; dependent destruction Hp; dependent destruction Hq; cbn in *.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists x : nat, (fun v => if f (Vector.hd ( v)) then p0 (Vector.hd v :: ( v)) else p1 (Vector.hd v :: ( v))) (x :: v)). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΣsemS.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. eapply IH. exact H. exact H1.
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd ( v)) :: Vector.hd v :: ( v)). red. cbn. reflexivity.
firstorder. cbn. destruct f; firstorder. cbn in *. destruct f; firstorder.
+ unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall x : nat, (fun v => if f (Vector.hd ( v)) then p0 (Vector.hd v :: ( v)) else p1 (Vector.hd v :: ( v))) (x :: v)). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΠsemS.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. eapply IH. exact H. exact H1.
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd ( v)) :: Vector.hd v :: ( v)). red. cbn. reflexivity.
firstorder. cbn. destruct f; firstorder. cbn in *. destruct f; firstorder.
Lemma isΣΠball n :
(forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v))))
/\ (forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v)))).
induction n as [|n [IH1 IH2]]; split; intros k p H; dependent destruction H.
- unshelve eapply PredExt. cbn in *. exact (fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΣsem0.
intros v. dependent destruction v. setoid_rewrite H. clear.
rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
+ split; lia.
+ split.
* intros H. apply andb_true_iff. firstorder.
* intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
- unshelve eapply PredExt. cbn in *. exact (fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΠsem0.
intros v. dependent destruction v. setoid_rewrite H. clear.
rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
+ split; lia.
+ split.
* intros H. apply andb_true_iff. firstorder.
* intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
- unshelve eapply PredExt.
1: exact (fun v =>
exists L : nat,
(fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
(fun v =>
forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
(fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
2: {
clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd. rewrite eqtl. setoid_rewrite H0. clear H0.
induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
- firstorder lia.
- split.
+ intros H. specialize (IH1 ltac:(intros l leq; apply H; lia)) as [L Hl].
remember (nat_to_vec n L) as L'. destruct (H n ltac:(lia)) as [x Hx].
exists (vec_to_nat(Vector.shiftin x L')). intros l lt. rewrite vec_nat_inv.
destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec as [lt'|]; [|contradiction].
assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|lt''] by lia.
* enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = x) as -> by assumption.
clear. induction L' as [|y k' L' IH]; [reflexivity|apply IH].
* enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = L'[@of_nat_lt lt'']) as ->. { specialize (Hl l lt''). destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;[|contradiction]. erewrite of_nat_ext. eauto. }
clear. induction L' in l, lt', lt'' |-*; induction l; try lia + reflexivity + apply IHL'.
+ intros [L H] l lt. eexists. now apply H.
remember (fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
) as p'.
remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
apply isΣsemS.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH2 _ p'). cbn in IH2.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH2. 2: {
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
intros v. now dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp'.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v0 := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl :=
match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
| left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
| right _ => 42
end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
now intros.
- unshelve eapply PredExt. {
exact (fun v =>
forall L : nat,
(fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
(fun v =>
forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
(fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
} 2: {
clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd, eqtl. setoid_rewrite H0. clear H0.
induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
- firstorder lia.
- split.
+ firstorder.
+ intros H l lt x.
specialize (H (vec_to_nat (Vector.const x (S n))) l lt).
rewrite vec_nat_inv in H. destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; [|lia].
now rewrite Vector.const_nth in H.
remember (fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
) as p'.
remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
apply isΠsemS.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH1 _ p').
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH1. 2: {
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
intros v. now dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp'.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v0 := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl :=
match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
| left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
| right _ => 42
end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
now intros.
Definition DN := forall P, ~~P -> P.
Definition Markov: Prop :=
forall f: nat -> bool, ~(forall x, f x = false) -> exists n, f n = true.
Lemma Markov_Forster:
Markov <-> forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
unfold Markov. split.
- intros MP f nnE. apply MP. intros A. apply nnE. intros [n Hn]. congruence.
- intros MP f nA. apply MP.
intros nE. apply nA. intros x. destruct f eqn:eq.
+ exfalso. apply nE. now exists x.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma DN_Markov : DN -> Markov.
unfold DN, Markov.
intros DN. intros f nA.
assert (~(forall x, ~(f x = true))). {
intros A. apply nA. intros x. specialize (A x). now destruct f.
apply DN. firstorder.
Lemma Σ0sem_notΠ0_int :
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 0 p -> isΠsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v)))
/\ (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 0 p -> isΣsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
all: intros k p H; dependent destruction H; cbn in *.
all: econstructor; setoid_rewrite H.
all: instantiate (1 := fun v => negb (f v)); cbn; intros.
all: destruct (f v); cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma int_notEx_Allnot {X} k (p: vec X (S k) -> Prop):
forall v, (~(exists x, p (x::v)) <-> (forall x, ~p (x::v))).
Proof. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma Σ1sem_notΠ1_int :
forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 1 p -> isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
intros k p H.
dependent destruction H; cbn in *.
econstructor. eapply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. eassumption.
cbn. firstorder.
Lemma Π1sem_notΣ1_MP :
Markov -> forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
unfold Markov. intros Markov k p H.
dependent destruction H.
dependent destruction H.
cbn in *.
eapply PredExt.
2:{ intros. etransitivity. rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. instantiate (1 := fun v => ~ (forall x : nat, f (x :: v) = true)). reflexivity. }
eapply PredExt.
- instantiate (1 := fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, (fun v => (if f v then false else true) = true)(x :: v)). apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
- intros v. split.
+ intros nA. apply Markov. intros Hx. apply nA. intros x. specialize (Hx x). now destruct f.
+ intros [x Hx] nA. specialize (nA x). rewrite nA in Hx. discriminate.
Lemma equiv_DN_sdec :
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
- intros Hsdec k p H. repeat dependent destruction H.
assert (semi_decidable (fun v => (exists x, f(x::v) = false))) as sdec. {
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
exists (fun v x => if f(x::v) then false else true).
intros v. split.
- intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
- intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
specialize (Hsdec _ _ sdec) as [f' Hf']. unfold semi_decider in Hf'.
assert (forall v, ~~(exists x, f (x::v) = false) <-> ~forall x, f(x::v) = true) as eq. {
enough (forall v, f v = true <-> ~f v = false) as eq by (setoid_rewrite eq; firstorder).
intros v. now destruct f.
setoid_rewrite eq in Hf'.
eapply PredExt. instantiate (1 := (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f' ( v) (Vector.hd v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0. intros. cbn in *.
rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H. firstorder.
- intros H k p [f Hf]. unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider in *.
assert (isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~p v)) as HΠ. {
eapply PredExt. instantiate (1 := fun x => forall n, ~f x n = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΠsem 1 (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v) <> true) (x::v))).
apply isΠsemS.
econstructor. instantiate (1 := fun v => if f ( v) (Vector.hd v) then false else true).
firstorder; now destruct f.
specialize (H _ _ HΠ). repeat dependent destruction H.
exists (fun v x => f0 (x::v)). intros v.
change ((fun v : vec nat k => ~ ~ p v) v <-> (fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, f0 (x :: v) = true) v).
cbn in *. firstorder.
Lemma equiv_sdec_functions :
(forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v)).
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
- intros H k p [f Hf].
specialize (H _ f) as [f' Hf'].
exists f'.
intros x. rewrite <- Hf'.
rewrite Hf.
assert (~ (forall n : nat, f x n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f x n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.
- intros H k f.
specialize (H k (fun v => exists x, f v x = true) ltac:(firstorder)) as [f' Hf'].
exists f'. setoid_rewrite <- Hf'.
intros v. assert (~ (forall n : nat, f v n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f v n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.
Lemma anonymisedMPiff :
(forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
Proof. rewrite equiv_sdec_functions. apply equiv_DN_sdec. Qed.
Definition stable {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition definite {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, p x \/ ~ p x.
Definition DNE_Π n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> stable p.
Definition DNE_Σ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> stable p.
Definition DNE_ΠorΠ n :=
forall (k : nat) (p1 p2 : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p1 -> isΠsem n p2 -> stable (fun v => p1 v \/ p2 v).
Definition LEM_Π n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> definite p.
Definition LEM_Σ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> definite p.
Definition LEM_Δ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem n p -> definite p.
Lemma LEM_Δ_to_LEM_Σ n :
LEM_Δ (S n) ->
LEM_Σ n.
intros H k p Hp.
eapply H.
- eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1); assumption.
- now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
Lemma LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ n :
LEM_Σ n ->
DNE_Σ n.
Lemma LEM_Π_to_DNE_Π n :
LEM_Π n ->
DNE_Π n.
Lemma DNE_equiv_S n :
DNE_Σ n <-> DNE_Π (S n).
induction n; split; intros dne k p Hp v Hv; depelim Hp; try rename p0 into p; cbn in *.
- depelim H; cbn in *. apply H0. intros x. destruct (f (x :: v)) eqn:E; try firstorder congruence.
- destruct (f v) eqn:E; try firstorder congruence.
- depelim H; cbn in *. eapply H1. intros x. eapply dne. eauto. firstorder.
- eapply dne with (x := v); eauto.
eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn. econstructor; eauto.
Lemma DNEimpl n :
DNE_Σ n -> DNE_Π n.
intros dne % DNE_equiv_S k p H.
eapply dne.
1:now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
Lemma negΣinΠsem: (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~(p v)))
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> DNE_Σ n -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~(p v))).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN.
econstructor. apply IH. 1: now eapply DNE_equiv_S.
cbn. clear - H'. firstorder.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN.
econstructor. eapply IH. 1: now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S, DNEimpl.
intros v. split.
* intros nA. eapply DN with (x := v).
econstructor. eapply IH.
1: now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S, DNEimpl.
cbn. reflexivity.
intros ?. eapply nA. eapply H'. intros x. eapply DN.
1:now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
* clear - H'. firstorder.
Lemma LEM_Σ_to_LEM_Π n :
LEM_Σ n ->
LEM_Π n.
intros lem k p Hp v.
eapply negΣinΠsem in Hp as H.
2:{ eapply LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ. assumption. }
eapply lem in H. red in H.
destruct (H v).
- tauto.
- left.
eapply DNEimpl. 2: exact Hp.
eapply LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ. assumption.
Lemma LEM_Π_Sn_to_LEM_Σ_n n :
LEM_Π (S n) -> LEM_Σ n.
intros H ? ? ?.
eapply H. now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import principles.
Lemma level1 :
/\ (LEM_Σ 1 <-> LPO)
/\ (DNE_Σ 1 <-> MP)
/\ (LEM_Π 1 <-> WLPO)
/\ DNE_Π 1.
repeat split.
- intros k p H v. depelim H. cbn in H.
rewrite H. destruct (f v); firstorder congruence.
- intros H f. destruct (H 0 (fun _ => exists n, f n = true)) as [ | ];
eapply (isΣsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = true)).
eapply isΠsem0. exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
destruct (H (fun x => f (x :: v))); firstorder.
- intros H f. eapply (H 0 (fun _ => exists n, f n = true)).
eapply (isΣsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = true)).
eapply isΠsem0. exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
eapply (H (fun x => f (x :: v))).
- intros H f. destruct (H 0 (fun _ => forall n, f n = false)) as [ | ];
eapply (isΠsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = false)).
eapply isΣsem0_ with (f := fun v => negb (f (Vector.hd v))).
intros. destruct (f (Vector.hd v)); cbn; firstorder congruence.
exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
red in H. destruct (H (fun x => negb (f (x :: v)))).
+ left. intros. specialize (H2 x).
destruct (f (x :: v)); cbn in *; congruence.
+ right. intros ?. eapply H2. intros x.
specialize (H3 x).
destruct (f (x :: v)); cbn in *; congruence.
- intros k p H x. depelim H. depelim H.
cbn in *. rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H.
firstorder. destruct (f (x0 :: x)) eqn:E; eauto.
contradiction H1. intros HE.
rewrite HE in E. congruence.
Definition ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n :=
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~(p v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~(p v))).
Lemma DN_implies_ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n :
DNE_Σ n -> ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n.
intros. split; intros; eapply negΣinΠsem; eauto using DNEimpl.
Definition ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation n :=
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~~(p v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~~(p v))).
Lemma Negation_to_DoubleNegation n :
ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation n.
intros H. firstorder.
Lemma DoubleNegation_to_Negation n :
(forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) ->
DNE_Π n ->
ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n.
enough ((forall n (k : nat) (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> (forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) -> isΠsem n (fun v : vec nat k => ~ p v)) /\
(forall n (k : nat) (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> (forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) ->isΣsem n (fun v : vec nat k => ~ p v))) by firstorder.
clear n. apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN HH.
econstructor. apply IH.
+ now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S.
+ intros. eapply HH. lia.
+ cbn. clear - H'. firstorder.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN HH.
eapply PredExt with (p := fun v => ~~ exists x, ~p' (x :: v)).
2:{ intros. rewrite H'. split. 2:firstorder.
intros ? ?. eapply H0.
intros. eapply DNE_equiv_S; eauto.
eapply HH. lia.
econstructor. eapply IH.
+ now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S.
+ intros. eapply HH. lia.
+ cbn. reflexivity.
(forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v))))
/\ (forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v)))).
induction n as [|n [IH1 IH2]]; split; intros k p H; dependent destruction H.
- unshelve eapply PredExt. cbn in *. exact (fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΣsem0.
intros v. dependent destruction v. setoid_rewrite H. clear.
rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
+ split; lia.
+ split.
* intros H. apply andb_true_iff. firstorder.
* intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
- unshelve eapply PredExt. cbn in *. exact (fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΠsem0.
intros v. dependent destruction v. setoid_rewrite H. clear.
rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
+ split; lia.
+ split.
* intros H. apply andb_true_iff. firstorder.
* intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
- unshelve eapply PredExt.
1: exact (fun v =>
exists L : nat,
(fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
(fun v =>
forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
(fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
2: {
clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd. rewrite eqtl. setoid_rewrite H0. clear H0.
induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
- firstorder lia.
- split.
+ intros H. specialize (IH1 ltac:(intros l leq; apply H; lia)) as [L Hl].
remember (nat_to_vec n L) as L'. destruct (H n ltac:(lia)) as [x Hx].
exists (vec_to_nat(Vector.shiftin x L')). intros l lt. rewrite vec_nat_inv.
destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec as [lt'|]; [|contradiction].
assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|lt''] by lia.
* enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = x) as -> by assumption.
clear. induction L' as [|y k' L' IH]; [reflexivity|apply IH].
* enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = L'[@of_nat_lt lt'']) as ->. { specialize (Hl l lt''). destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;[|contradiction]. erewrite of_nat_ext. eauto. }
clear. induction L' in l, lt', lt'' |-*; induction l; try lia + reflexivity + apply IHL'.
+ intros [L H] l lt. eexists. now apply H.
remember (fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
) as p'.
remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
apply isΣsemS.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH2 _ p'). cbn in IH2.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH2. 2: {
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
intros v. now dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp'.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v0 := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl :=
match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
| left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
| right _ => 42
end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
now intros.
- unshelve eapply PredExt. {
exact (fun v =>
forall L : nat,
(fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
(fun v =>
forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
(fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
} 2: {
clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd, eqtl. setoid_rewrite H0. clear H0.
induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
- firstorder lia.
- split.
+ firstorder.
+ intros H l lt x.
specialize (H (vec_to_nat (Vector.const x (S n))) l lt).
rewrite vec_nat_inv in H. destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; [|lia].
now rewrite Vector.const_nth in H.
remember (fun v =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
(fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
) as p'.
remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
apply isΠsemS.
unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH1 _ p').
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH1. 2: {
exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
intros v. now dependent destruction v.
rewrite Heqp'.
eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
let l := Vector.hd v in
let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
let v0 := ( ( v)) in
let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
let xl :=
match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
| left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
| right _ => 42
end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
now intros.
Definition DN := forall P, ~~P -> P.
Definition Markov: Prop :=
forall f: nat -> bool, ~(forall x, f x = false) -> exists n, f n = true.
Lemma Markov_Forster:
Markov <-> forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
unfold Markov. split.
- intros MP f nnE. apply MP. intros A. apply nnE. intros [n Hn]. congruence.
- intros MP f nA. apply MP.
intros nE. apply nA. intros x. destruct f eqn:eq.
+ exfalso. apply nE. now exists x.
+ reflexivity.
Lemma DN_Markov : DN -> Markov.
unfold DN, Markov.
intros DN. intros f nA.
assert (~(forall x, ~(f x = true))). {
intros A. apply nA. intros x. specialize (A x). now destruct f.
apply DN. firstorder.
Lemma Σ0sem_notΠ0_int :
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 0 p -> isΠsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v)))
/\ (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 0 p -> isΣsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
all: intros k p H; dependent destruction H; cbn in *.
all: econstructor; setoid_rewrite H.
all: instantiate (1 := fun v => negb (f v)); cbn; intros.
all: destruct (f v); cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma int_notEx_Allnot {X} k (p: vec X (S k) -> Prop):
forall v, (~(exists x, p (x::v)) <-> (forall x, ~p (x::v))).
Proof. clear. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma Σ1sem_notΠ1_int :
forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 1 p -> isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
intros k p H.
dependent destruction H; cbn in *.
econstructor. eapply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. eassumption.
cbn. firstorder.
Lemma Π1sem_notΣ1_MP :
Markov -> forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
unfold Markov. intros Markov k p H.
dependent destruction H.
dependent destruction H.
cbn in *.
eapply PredExt.
2:{ intros. etransitivity. rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H. reflexivity. instantiate (1 := fun v => ~ (forall x : nat, f (x :: v) = true)). reflexivity. }
eapply PredExt.
- instantiate (1 := fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, (fun v => (if f v then false else true) = true)(x :: v)). apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
- intros v. split.
+ intros nA. apply Markov. intros Hx. apply nA. intros x. specialize (Hx x). now destruct f.
+ intros [x Hx] nA. specialize (nA x). rewrite nA in Hx. discriminate.
Lemma equiv_DN_sdec :
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
- intros Hsdec k p H. repeat dependent destruction H.
assert (semi_decidable (fun v => (exists x, f(x::v) = false))) as sdec. {
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
exists (fun v x => if f(x::v) then false else true).
intros v. split.
- intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
- intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
specialize (Hsdec _ _ sdec) as [f' Hf']. unfold semi_decider in Hf'.
assert (forall v, ~~(exists x, f (x::v) = false) <-> ~forall x, f(x::v) = true) as eq. {
enough (forall v, f v = true <-> ~f v = false) as eq by (setoid_rewrite eq; firstorder).
intros v. now destruct f.
setoid_rewrite eq in Hf'.
eapply PredExt. instantiate (1 := (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f' ( v) (Vector.hd v) = true) (x::v))).
apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0. intros. cbn in *.
rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H. firstorder.
- intros H k p [f Hf]. unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider in *.
assert (isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~p v)) as HΠ. {
eapply PredExt. instantiate (1 := fun x => forall n, ~f x n = true). 2: firstorder.
change (isΠsem 1 (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v) <> true) (x::v))).
apply isΠsemS.
econstructor. instantiate (1 := fun v => if f ( v) (Vector.hd v) then false else true).
firstorder; now destruct f.
specialize (H _ _ HΠ). repeat dependent destruction H.
exists (fun v x => f0 (x::v)). intros v.
change ((fun v : vec nat k => ~ ~ p v) v <-> (fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, f0 (x :: v) = true) v).
cbn in *. firstorder.
Lemma equiv_sdec_functions :
(forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v)).
unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
- intros H k p [f Hf].
specialize (H _ f) as [f' Hf'].
exists f'.
intros x. rewrite <- Hf'.
rewrite Hf.
assert (~ (forall n : nat, f x n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f x n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.
- intros H k f.
specialize (H k (fun v => exists x, f v x = true) ltac:(firstorder)) as [f' Hf'].
exists f'. setoid_rewrite <- Hf'.
intros v. assert (~ (forall n : nat, f v n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f v n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.
Lemma anonymisedMPiff :
(forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
(forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
Proof. rewrite equiv_sdec_functions. apply equiv_DN_sdec. Qed.
Definition stable {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition definite {X} (p : X -> Prop) := forall x, p x \/ ~ p x.
Definition DNE_Π n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> stable p.
Definition DNE_Σ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> stable p.
Definition DNE_ΠorΠ n :=
forall (k : nat) (p1 p2 : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p1 -> isΠsem n p2 -> stable (fun v => p1 v \/ p2 v).
Definition LEM_Π n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> definite p.
Definition LEM_Σ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> definite p.
Definition LEM_Δ n := forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem n p -> definite p.
Lemma LEM_Δ_to_LEM_Σ n :
LEM_Δ (S n) ->
LEM_Σ n.
intros H k p Hp.
eapply H.
- eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1); assumption.
- now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
Lemma LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ n :
LEM_Σ n ->
DNE_Σ n.
Lemma LEM_Π_to_DNE_Π n :
LEM_Π n ->
DNE_Π n.
Lemma DNE_equiv_S n :
DNE_Σ n <-> DNE_Π (S n).
induction n; split; intros dne k p Hp v Hv; depelim Hp; try rename p0 into p; cbn in *.
- depelim H; cbn in *. apply H0. intros x. destruct (f (x :: v)) eqn:E; try firstorder congruence.
- destruct (f v) eqn:E; try firstorder congruence.
- depelim H; cbn in *. eapply H1. intros x. eapply dne. eauto. firstorder.
- eapply dne with (x := v); eauto.
eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn. econstructor; eauto.
Lemma DNEimpl n :
DNE_Σ n -> DNE_Π n.
intros dne % DNE_equiv_S k p H.
eapply dne.
1:now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
Lemma negΣinΠsem: (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~(p v)))
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> DNE_Σ n -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~(p v))).
apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN.
econstructor. apply IH. 1: now eapply DNE_equiv_S.
cbn. clear - H'. firstorder.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN.
econstructor. eapply IH. 1: now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S, DNEimpl.
intros v. split.
* intros nA. eapply DN with (x := v).
econstructor. eapply IH.
1: now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S, DNEimpl.
cbn. reflexivity.
intros ?. eapply nA. eapply H'. intros x. eapply DN.
1:now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
* clear - H'. firstorder.
Lemma LEM_Σ_to_LEM_Π n :
LEM_Σ n ->
LEM_Π n.
intros lem k p Hp v.
eapply negΣinΠsem in Hp as H.
2:{ eapply LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ. assumption. }
eapply lem in H. red in H.
destruct (H v).
- tauto.
- left.
eapply DNEimpl. 2: exact Hp.
eapply LEM_Σ_to_DNE_Σ. assumption.
Lemma LEM_Π_Sn_to_LEM_Σ_n n :
LEM_Π (S n) -> LEM_Σ n.
intros H ? ? ?.
eapply H. now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import principles.
Lemma level1 :
/\ (LEM_Σ 1 <-> LPO)
/\ (DNE_Σ 1 <-> MP)
/\ (LEM_Π 1 <-> WLPO)
/\ DNE_Π 1.
repeat split.
- intros k p H v. depelim H. cbn in H.
rewrite H. destruct (f v); firstorder congruence.
- intros H f. destruct (H 0 (fun _ => exists n, f n = true)) as [ | ];
eapply (isΣsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = true)).
eapply isΠsem0. exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
destruct (H (fun x => f (x :: v))); firstorder.
- intros H f. eapply (H 0 (fun _ => exists n, f n = true)).
eapply (isΣsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = true)).
eapply isΠsem0. exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
eapply (H (fun x => f (x :: v))).
- intros H f. destruct (H 0 (fun _ => forall n, f n = false)) as [ | ];
eapply (isΠsemS (p := fun v => f (Vector.hd v) = false)).
eapply isΣsem0_ with (f := fun v => negb (f (Vector.hd v))).
intros. destruct (f (Vector.hd v)); cbn; firstorder congruence.
exact Vector.nil.
- intros H k p Hp v. depelim Hp. depelim H0.
cbn in *. rewrite H1. setoid_rewrite H0.
red in H. destruct (H (fun x => negb (f (x :: v)))).
+ left. intros. specialize (H2 x).
destruct (f (x :: v)); cbn in *; congruence.
+ right. intros ?. eapply H2. intros x.
specialize (H3 x).
destruct (f (x :: v)); cbn in *; congruence.
- intros k p H x. depelim H. depelim H.
cbn in *. rewrite H0. setoid_rewrite H.
firstorder. destruct (f (x0 :: x)) eqn:E; eauto.
contradiction H1. intros HE.
rewrite HE in E. congruence.
Definition ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n :=
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~(p v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~(p v))).
Lemma DN_implies_ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n :
DNE_Σ n -> ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n.
intros. split; intros; eapply negΣinΠsem; eauto using DNEimpl.
Definition ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation n :=
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~~(p v)))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~~(p v))).
Lemma Negation_to_DoubleNegation n :
ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation n.
intros H. firstorder.
Lemma DoubleNegation_to_Negation n :
(forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) ->
DNE_Π n ->
ArithmeticHierarchyNegation n.
enough ((forall n (k : nat) (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> (forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) -> isΠsem n (fun v : vec nat k => ~ p v)) /\
(forall n (k : nat) (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> DNE_Π n -> (forall m, m <= n -> ArithmeticHierarchyDoubleNegation m) ->isΣsem n (fun v : vec nat k => ~ p v))) by firstorder.
clear n. apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN HH.
econstructor. apply IH.
+ now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S.
+ intros. eapply HH. lia.
+ cbn. clear - H'. firstorder.
- intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. econstructor. eassumption.
- intros n k p p' H IH H' DN HH.
eapply PredExt with (p := fun v => ~~ exists x, ~p' (x :: v)).
2:{ intros. rewrite H'. split. 2:firstorder.
intros ? ?. eapply H0.
intros. eapply DNE_equiv_S; eauto.
eapply HH. lia.
econstructor. eapply IH.
+ now eapply DNEimpl, DNE_equiv_S.
+ intros. eapply HH. lia.
+ cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma isΣsem_or_closed n :
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => p v \/ q v)).
intros k p Hp q Hq.
depelim Hp.
+ depelim Hq. cbn in *.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v || f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite orb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΣsem0.
+ depelim Hq. cbn in *.
rename p' into pp.
rename p into p'.
rename p0 into q'.
rename pp into p.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists n, if Nat.eqb n 0 then exists x, p' (x :: v) else exists x, q' (x :: v)).
2:{ cbn in *. split.
+ intros []. exists 0; firstorder. exists 1; firstorder.
+ intros [[]]; firstorder.
eapply isΣsemE with (p := fun v => if Vector.hd v =? 0 then exists x : nat, p' (x :: v) else exists x : nat, q' (x :: v)).
destruct (isΣsem_if_closed (S n)) as [Hs _].
eapply Hs with (f := fun x => Nat.eqb x 0) (p := fun v => exists x, p' (x :: v)) (q := fun v => exists x, q' (x :: v)).
eapply isΣsemS. eauto.
eapply isΣsemS. eauto.
Lemma DNE_Σ_Sn_to_LEM_Σ_n n :
DNE_Σ (S n) -> LEM_Σ n.
intros DNE k p H v.
eapply DNE with (x := v). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΣsem_or_closed.
- now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
- eapply DN_implies_ArithmeticHierarchyNegation; eauto.
now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
Definition DNE_Πdisj := fun n : nat => forall (k : nat) (p1 p2 : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p1 -> isΠsem n p2 -> stable (fun v => p1 v \/ p2 v).
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => p v \/ q v)).
intros k p Hp q Hq.
depelim Hp.
+ depelim Hq. cbn in *.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v || f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite orb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΣsem0.
+ depelim Hq. cbn in *.
rename p' into pp.
rename p into p'.
rename p0 into q'.
rename pp into p.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => exists n, if Nat.eqb n 0 then exists x, p' (x :: v) else exists x, q' (x :: v)).
2:{ cbn in *. split.
+ intros []. exists 0; firstorder. exists 1; firstorder.
+ intros [[]]; firstorder.
eapply isΣsemE with (p := fun v => if Vector.hd v =? 0 then exists x : nat, p' (x :: v) else exists x : nat, q' (x :: v)).
destruct (isΣsem_if_closed (S n)) as [Hs _].
eapply Hs with (f := fun x => Nat.eqb x 0) (p := fun v => exists x, p' (x :: v)) (q := fun v => exists x, q' (x :: v)).
eapply isΣsemS. eauto.
eapply isΣsemS. eauto.
Lemma DNE_Σ_Sn_to_LEM_Σ_n n :
DNE_Σ (S n) -> LEM_Σ n.
intros DNE k p H v.
eapply DNE with (x := v). 2: firstorder.
eapply isΣsem_or_closed.
- now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := 1).
- eapply DN_implies_ArithmeticHierarchyNegation; eauto.
now eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn.
Definition DNE_Πdisj := fun n : nat => forall (k : nat) (p1 p2 : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p1 -> isΠsem n p2 -> stable (fun v => p1 v \/ p2 v).
Lemma isΠsem_or_closed n :
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> DNE_Πdisj n -> isΠsem n (fun v => p v \/ q v)).
intros. depelim H.
+ depelim H0. cbn in *.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v || f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite orb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΠsem0.
+ depelim H1. cbn in *.
rename p' into pp.
rename p into p'.
rename p0 into q'.
rename pp into p.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall y x : nat, (fun v => p' (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) \/ q' (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
apply isΠsemTwoAll.
* eapply isΣsem_or_closed.
-- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
eexists. red. intros. eapply iff_refl.
-- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
eexists. red. intros. eapply iff_refl.
* firstorder. edestruct (H3 k p q) with (x := v); eauto. cbn in *.
rewrite H0 in *. rewrite H2 in *. clear H0 H2 p q.
intros G.
assert (~~ ((forall x : nat, p' (x :: v)) \/ ~ (forall x : nat, p' (x :: v)))) by tauto. eapply H0.
intros []; eauto.
assert (~~ ((forall x : nat, q' (x :: v)) \/ ~(forall x : nat, q' (x :: v)))) by tauto. eapply H5.
intros []; eauto. clear H0 H5.
eapply H2. intros y.
unshelve edestruct (H3 _ (fun v => p' (y :: v)) (fun _ => False)).
-- exact v.
-- eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn. eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now eexists.
-- replace (S n) with (S n + 0) by lia.
eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := S n).
unshelve econstructor. exact (fun v => false). firstorder congruence.
-- firstorder.
-- auto.
-- firstorder.
Lemma LEM_Π_to_DNE_disj n :
LEM_Π n -> DNE_Πdisj n .
intros H k p1 p2 H1 H2 v Hv.
destruct (H _ p1 H1 v); eauto.
destruct (H _ p2 H2 v); eauto.
End ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic.
(forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> DNE_Πdisj n -> isΠsem n (fun v => p v \/ q v)).
intros. depelim H.
+ depelim H0. cbn in *.
unshelve eapply PredExt. exact (fun v => f0 v || f v = true). 2: cbn; intros; rewrite orb_true_iff; firstorder.
apply isΠsem0.
+ depelim H1. cbn in *.
rename p' into pp.
rename p into p'.
rename p0 into q'.
rename pp into p.
unshelve eapply PredExt.
exact (fun v => forall y x : nat, (fun v => p' (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) \/ q' (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v)).
apply isΠsemTwoAll.
* eapply isΣsem_or_closed.
-- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
eexists. red. intros. eapply iff_refl.
-- eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H1. }
eexists. red. intros. eapply iff_refl.
* firstorder. edestruct (H3 k p q) with (x := v); eauto. cbn in *.
rewrite H0 in *. rewrite H2 in *. clear H0 H2 p q.
intros G.
assert (~~ ((forall x : nat, p' (x :: v)) \/ ~ (forall x : nat, p' (x :: v)))) by tauto. eapply H0.
intros []; eauto.
assert (~~ ((forall x : nat, q' (x :: v)) \/ ~(forall x : nat, q' (x :: v)))) by tauto. eapply H5.
intros []; eauto. clear H0 H5.
eapply H2. intros y.
unshelve edestruct (H3 _ (fun v => p' (y :: v)) (fun _ => False)).
-- exact v.
-- eapply isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn. eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
now eexists.
-- replace (S n) with (S n + 0) by lia.
eapply isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn with (l := S n).
unshelve econstructor. exact (fun v => false). firstorder congruence.
-- firstorder.
-- auto.
-- firstorder.
Lemma LEM_Π_to_DNE_disj n :
LEM_Π n -> DNE_Πdisj n .
intros H k p1 p2 H1 H2 v Hv.
destruct (H _ p1 H1 v); eauto.
destruct (H _ p2 H2 v); eauto.
End ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic.