From stdpp Require Import prelude.
Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Local Notation "x 'el' L" := (In x L) (at level 60).
Section Positions.
Variables (X: Type) (d: forall x y : X, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B : list X).
Fixpoint pos x A : option nat :=
match A with
| nil => None
| y :: A' => if d x y then Some 0
else match pos x A' with
| Some n => Some (S n)
| None => None
Lemma el_pos x A :
x el A -> { n | pos x A = Some n }.
induction A as [|y A IH]; cbn; intros H.
- destruct H as [].
- destruct (d x y) as [<-|H1].
+ now exists 0.
+ destruct IH as [n IH].
* destruct H as [->|H]; tauto.
* rewrite IH. now exists (S n).
Notation nthe n A := (nth_error A n).
Lemma pos_nthe x A n :
pos x A = Some n -> nthe n A = Some x.
revert n.
induction A as [|y A IH]; cbn; intros n.
- intros [=].
- destruct (d x y) as [<-|H1].
+ now intros [= <-].
+ destruct (pos x A) as [k|]; intros [= <-]; cbn.
now apply IH.
Lemma pos_app_1 x A1 A2 :
~ x el A2 ->
pos x (A1 ++ A2) = pos x A1.
intros H.
induction A1.
- cbn. destruct (pos x A2) eqn:E; try congruence.
eapply pos_nthe in E as ? % nth_error_In. firstorder.
- cbn. destruct d.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHA1. reflexivity.
Lemma pos_app_2 x A1 A2 :
~ x el A1 ->
pos x (A1 ++ A2) = match pos x A2 with Some n => Some (length A1 + n) | _ => None end.
intros H.
induction A1.
- cbn. destruct (pos x A2) eqn:E; try congruence.
- cbn. destruct d.
+ subst. firstorder.
+ rewrite IHA1; firstorder. destruct (pos x A2); firstorder.
Lemma pos_map (f : X -> X) x l:
Inj (=) (=) f -> pos (f x) (map f l) = pos x l.
intros Hf.
induction l; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct d as [-> % Hf | E].
+ destruct d; try congruence.
+ destruct d; try congruence.
now rewrite IHl.
Lemma NoDup_nth_error l n1 n2 x :
NoDup l ->
nth_error l n1 = Some x -> nth_error l n2 = Some x -> n1 = n2.
induction 1 in n1, n2 |- *.
- destruct n1, n2; cbn; congruence.
- destruct n1, n2; cbn.
+ try congruence.
+ now intros [= ->] ? % nth_error_In.
+ now intros ? % nth_error_In [= ->].
+ intros. f_equal; eauto.
End Positions.
Arguments pos {_ _} _ _.
Fixpoint gen_lists (n : nat) : list (list bool).
destruct n.
- exact [ [] ].
- exact (map (cons true) (gen_lists n) ++ map (cons false) (gen_lists n)).
Lemma gen_list_spec n l : length l = n <-> l el gen_lists n.
induction n in l |- *.
- destruct l; cbn; firstorder (lia || congruence).
- split.
+ destruct l; intros [= <-]. eapply in_app_iff.
destruct b; [ left | right]; eapply in_map_iff;
exists l; firstorder.
+ cbn. intros [(? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_app {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2 -> (forall x, x el l1 -> ~ (x el l2)) -> NoDup (l1 ++ l2).
induction 1 in l2 |- *.
- eauto.
- intros Hl2 Hel. cbn. econstructor. 2:eapply IHNoDup; eauto.
+ intros [ | ] % in_app_iff; firstorder.
+ firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
Inj (=) (=) f -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
Lemma gen_list_NoDup n : NoDup (gen_lists n).
induction n; cbn.
- repeat econstructor; firstorder.
- eapply NoDup_app.
+ eapply NoDup_map; firstorder congruence.
+ eapply NoDup_map; firstorder congruence.
+ intros ? (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff.
Definition truthtable : Type :=
list bool.
Definition eq_dec_list_bool : forall l1 l2 : list bool, {l1 = l2} + {l1 <> l2}.
intros. repeat decide equality.
Definition eval_tt : forall t : truthtable, forall l : list bool, bool.
intros t l.
destruct (@pos (list bool) (eq_dec_list_bool) l (gen_lists (length l))) as [i | ].
+ destruct (nth_error t i) as [b | ].
* exact b.
* exact false.
+ exact false.
Definition mk_tt : (list bool -> bool) -> nat -> truthtable.
intros f n.
refine (map f (gen_lists n)).
Lemma eval_tt_mk_tt : forall l f, eval_tt (mk_tt f (length l)) l = f l.
intros l f.
unfold eval_tt.
pose proof (gen_list_spec (length l) l) as [H % (fun H => H eq_refl) _].
eapply el_pos in H as [i Hi].
rewrite Hi.
eapply pos_nthe in Hi.
unfold mk_tt.
now erewrite map_nth_error.
Lemma eval_tt_mk_tt' : forall n l f, length l = n -> eval_tt (mk_tt f n) l = f l.
intros n l f <-; now eapply eval_tt_mk_tt.
Arguments mk_tt _ _, _ {_}.
Lemma nth_error_eq {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
length l1 = length l2 ->
(forall n, n < length l1 -> nth_error l1 n = nth_error l2 n) ->
l1 = l2.
induction l1 as [ | a l1 IH ]in l2 |- *; intros Hle Heq.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct l2 as [ | b l2]; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ specialize (Heq 0 ltac:(lia)). cbn in Heq. congruence.
+ eapply IH.
* lia.
* intros. eapply (Heq (S n)). lia.
Fixpoint ext_eval_tt' (n : nat) (t : truthtable) (l : Vector.t Prop n) : Prop.
induction n.
- destruct t.
+ exact False.
+ exact (is_true b).
- exact ((~ ext_eval_tt' n t ( l) -> ~ @Vector.hd Prop _ l) /\
(~ ext_eval_tt' n (drop (length (gen_lists n)) t) ( l) -> @Vector.hd Prop _ l)).
Lemma nth_error_drop:
∀ (t : truthtable) (n0 m : nat), nth_error (drop m t) n0 = nth_error t (m + n0).
intros t n0 m.
assert (m <= length t \/ m > length t) as [H | H] by lia.
- rewrite <- (firstn_skipn m t).
rewrite nth_error_app2.
rewrite drop_app_le. rewrite skipn_firstn_comm.
rewrite minus_diag. rewrite firstn_O. cbn. f_equal.
assert (length (take m t) = m). rewrite take_length. lia. lia. rewrite take_length. lia. rewrite take_length. lia.
- rewrite drop_ge. 2: lia.
assert (nth_error [] n0 = None) as -> by now destruct n0.
symmetry. eapply nth_error_None. lia.
Lemma truthtable_extension' n t :
forall l, ext_eval_tt' n t ( (eq true) l) <-> eval_tt t (Vector.to_list l) = true.
induction l in t |- *.
+ cbn. destruct t. firstorder congruence. reflexivity.
+ cbn. fold (Vector.to_list l). rewrite !IHl. clear.
unfold eval_tt. cbn.
destruct h.
* cbn. rewrite pos_app_1. 2: intros (? & [= [=]] & ?) % in_map_iff.
rewrite pos_map. 2: firstorder congruence.
destruct pos. destruct nth_error eqn:E. 2,3 : firstorder congruence.
-- intros []. destruct b. firstorder. destruct H; congruence.
-- intros ->. split. firstorder. firstorder.
* cbn. rewrite pos_app_2. 2: intros (? & [= [=]] & ?) % in_map_iff.
rewrite pos_map. 2: firstorder congruence.
destruct pos. destruct nth_error eqn:E. all: try now firstorder congruence.
all: rewrite map_length.
all: replace (length (Vector.to_list l)) with n.
2, 4: clear; induction l; cbn in *; now f_equal.
all: generalize (length (gen_lists n)); intros m.
all: rewrite nth_error_drop.
- destruct (nth_error t (m + n0)) eqn:E2.
destruct b, b0; firstorder congruence.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.
- destruct (nth_error t (m + n0)) eqn:E2.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.
firstorder congruence.
Definition ext_eval (t : truthtable) (l : list Prop) :=
ext_eval_tt' (length l) t (Vector.of_list l).
Lemma truthtable_extension t :
forall l, ext_eval t (map (eq true) l) <-> eval_tt t l = true .
intros l. unfold ext_eval.
pose proof (truthtable_extension' (length l) t (Vector.of_list l)).
rewrite Vector.to_list_of_list_opp in H. rewrite <- H.
induction l in t |- *.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite <- !IHl. now rewrite (map_length (eq true) l) at 3.
Require Import List Lia.
Import ListNotations.
Local Notation "x 'el' L" := (In x L) (at level 60).
Section Positions.
Variables (X: Type) (d: forall x y : X, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
Implicit Types (x y: X) (A B : list X).
Fixpoint pos x A : option nat :=
match A with
| nil => None
| y :: A' => if d x y then Some 0
else match pos x A' with
| Some n => Some (S n)
| None => None
Lemma el_pos x A :
x el A -> { n | pos x A = Some n }.
induction A as [|y A IH]; cbn; intros H.
- destruct H as [].
- destruct (d x y) as [<-|H1].
+ now exists 0.
+ destruct IH as [n IH].
* destruct H as [->|H]; tauto.
* rewrite IH. now exists (S n).
Notation nthe n A := (nth_error A n).
Lemma pos_nthe x A n :
pos x A = Some n -> nthe n A = Some x.
revert n.
induction A as [|y A IH]; cbn; intros n.
- intros [=].
- destruct (d x y) as [<-|H1].
+ now intros [= <-].
+ destruct (pos x A) as [k|]; intros [= <-]; cbn.
now apply IH.
Lemma pos_app_1 x A1 A2 :
~ x el A2 ->
pos x (A1 ++ A2) = pos x A1.
intros H.
induction A1.
- cbn. destruct (pos x A2) eqn:E; try congruence.
eapply pos_nthe in E as ? % nth_error_In. firstorder.
- cbn. destruct d.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHA1. reflexivity.
Lemma pos_app_2 x A1 A2 :
~ x el A1 ->
pos x (A1 ++ A2) = match pos x A2 with Some n => Some (length A1 + n) | _ => None end.
intros H.
induction A1.
- cbn. destruct (pos x A2) eqn:E; try congruence.
- cbn. destruct d.
+ subst. firstorder.
+ rewrite IHA1; firstorder. destruct (pos x A2); firstorder.
Lemma pos_map (f : X -> X) x l:
Inj (=) (=) f -> pos (f x) (map f l) = pos x l.
intros Hf.
induction l; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct d as [-> % Hf | E].
+ destruct d; try congruence.
+ destruct d; try congruence.
now rewrite IHl.
Lemma NoDup_nth_error l n1 n2 x :
NoDup l ->
nth_error l n1 = Some x -> nth_error l n2 = Some x -> n1 = n2.
induction 1 in n1, n2 |- *.
- destruct n1, n2; cbn; congruence.
- destruct n1, n2; cbn.
+ try congruence.
+ now intros [= ->] ? % nth_error_In.
+ now intros ? % nth_error_In [= ->].
+ intros. f_equal; eauto.
End Positions.
Arguments pos {_ _} _ _.
Fixpoint gen_lists (n : nat) : list (list bool).
destruct n.
- exact [ [] ].
- exact (map (cons true) (gen_lists n) ++ map (cons false) (gen_lists n)).
Lemma gen_list_spec n l : length l = n <-> l el gen_lists n.
induction n in l |- *.
- destruct l; cbn; firstorder (lia || congruence).
- split.
+ destruct l; intros [= <-]. eapply in_app_iff.
destruct b; [ left | right]; eapply in_map_iff;
exists l; firstorder.
+ cbn. intros [(? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff; cbn; firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_app {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
NoDup l1 -> NoDup l2 -> (forall x, x el l1 -> ~ (x el l2)) -> NoDup (l1 ++ l2).
induction 1 in l2 |- *.
- eauto.
- intros Hl2 Hel. cbn. econstructor. 2:eapply IHNoDup; eauto.
+ intros [ | ] % in_app_iff; firstorder.
+ firstorder.
Lemma NoDup_map {X Y} (f : X -> Y) l :
Inj (=) (=) f -> NoDup l -> NoDup (map f l).
induction 2; cbn; econstructor.
intros (? & ? % H & ?) % in_map_iff.
all: firstorder congruence.
Lemma gen_list_NoDup n : NoDup (gen_lists n).
induction n; cbn.
- repeat econstructor; firstorder.
- eapply NoDup_app.
+ eapply NoDup_map; firstorder congruence.
+ eapply NoDup_map; firstorder congruence.
+ intros ? (? & <- & ?) % in_map_iff (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff.
Definition truthtable : Type :=
list bool.
Definition eq_dec_list_bool : forall l1 l2 : list bool, {l1 = l2} + {l1 <> l2}.
intros. repeat decide equality.
Definition eval_tt : forall t : truthtable, forall l : list bool, bool.
intros t l.
destruct (@pos (list bool) (eq_dec_list_bool) l (gen_lists (length l))) as [i | ].
+ destruct (nth_error t i) as [b | ].
* exact b.
* exact false.
+ exact false.
Definition mk_tt : (list bool -> bool) -> nat -> truthtable.
intros f n.
refine (map f (gen_lists n)).
Lemma eval_tt_mk_tt : forall l f, eval_tt (mk_tt f (length l)) l = f l.
intros l f.
unfold eval_tt.
pose proof (gen_list_spec (length l) l) as [H % (fun H => H eq_refl) _].
eapply el_pos in H as [i Hi].
rewrite Hi.
eapply pos_nthe in Hi.
unfold mk_tt.
now erewrite map_nth_error.
Lemma eval_tt_mk_tt' : forall n l f, length l = n -> eval_tt (mk_tt f n) l = f l.
intros n l f <-; now eapply eval_tt_mk_tt.
Arguments mk_tt _ _, _ {_}.
Lemma nth_error_eq {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
length l1 = length l2 ->
(forall n, n < length l1 -> nth_error l1 n = nth_error l2 n) ->
l1 = l2.
induction l1 as [ | a l1 IH ]in l2 |- *; intros Hle Heq.
- destruct l2; cbn in *; congruence.
- destruct l2 as [ | b l2]; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ specialize (Heq 0 ltac:(lia)). cbn in Heq. congruence.
+ eapply IH.
* lia.
* intros. eapply (Heq (S n)). lia.
Fixpoint ext_eval_tt' (n : nat) (t : truthtable) (l : Vector.t Prop n) : Prop.
induction n.
- destruct t.
+ exact False.
+ exact (is_true b).
- exact ((~ ext_eval_tt' n t ( l) -> ~ @Vector.hd Prop _ l) /\
(~ ext_eval_tt' n (drop (length (gen_lists n)) t) ( l) -> @Vector.hd Prop _ l)).
Lemma nth_error_drop:
∀ (t : truthtable) (n0 m : nat), nth_error (drop m t) n0 = nth_error t (m + n0).
intros t n0 m.
assert (m <= length t \/ m > length t) as [H | H] by lia.
- rewrite <- (firstn_skipn m t).
rewrite nth_error_app2.
rewrite drop_app_le. rewrite skipn_firstn_comm.
rewrite minus_diag. rewrite firstn_O. cbn. f_equal.
assert (length (take m t) = m). rewrite take_length. lia. lia. rewrite take_length. lia. rewrite take_length. lia.
- rewrite drop_ge. 2: lia.
assert (nth_error [] n0 = None) as -> by now destruct n0.
symmetry. eapply nth_error_None. lia.
Lemma truthtable_extension' n t :
forall l, ext_eval_tt' n t ( (eq true) l) <-> eval_tt t (Vector.to_list l) = true.
induction l in t |- *.
+ cbn. destruct t. firstorder congruence. reflexivity.
+ cbn. fold (Vector.to_list l). rewrite !IHl. clear.
unfold eval_tt. cbn.
destruct h.
* cbn. rewrite pos_app_1. 2: intros (? & [= [=]] & ?) % in_map_iff.
rewrite pos_map. 2: firstorder congruence.
destruct pos. destruct nth_error eqn:E. 2,3 : firstorder congruence.
-- intros []. destruct b. firstorder. destruct H; congruence.
-- intros ->. split. firstorder. firstorder.
* cbn. rewrite pos_app_2. 2: intros (? & [= [=]] & ?) % in_map_iff.
rewrite pos_map. 2: firstorder congruence.
destruct pos. destruct nth_error eqn:E. all: try now firstorder congruence.
all: rewrite map_length.
all: replace (length (Vector.to_list l)) with n.
2, 4: clear; induction l; cbn in *; now f_equal.
all: generalize (length (gen_lists n)); intros m.
all: rewrite nth_error_drop.
- destruct (nth_error t (m + n0)) eqn:E2.
destruct b, b0; firstorder congruence.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.
- destruct (nth_error t (m + n0)) eqn:E2.
destruct b; firstorder congruence.
firstorder congruence.
Definition ext_eval (t : truthtable) (l : list Prop) :=
ext_eval_tt' (length l) t (Vector.of_list l).
Lemma truthtable_extension t :
forall l, ext_eval t (map (eq true) l) <-> eval_tt t l = true .
intros l. unfold ext_eval.
pose proof (truthtable_extension' (length l) t (Vector.of_list l)).
rewrite Vector.to_list_of_list_opp in H. rewrite <- H.
induction l in t |- *.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite <- !IHl. now rewrite (map_length (eq true) l) at 3.