(| pers[p] - pers[q]| = 1Finally, there is a variableS = 1)
Satisfaction = S1 + ... + S8denoting the number of satisfied preferences. We want to find a solution that maximizes the value of Satisfaction.
The experienced constraint programmer will note that we can eliminate a symmetry by picking two persons p and q and imposing the order constraint
pers[p] < pers[q]
fun photo space = let val pers as #[b,c,d,f,g,m,p]= FD.rangeVec(space,7,(1,7)) (* si is a vector of boolean variables where s_i is 1 if the i-th preference is satisfied *) val si as #[s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8] = FD.boolvarVec(space,8) (* constraints is a vector of pairs (x,y) such that x wants to stand next to y *) val constraints = #[(b,g),(b,m),(c,b),(c,g),(f,m), (f,d),(p,f),(p,d)] (* satisfaction is the sum of all s_i *) val satisfaction = FD.range(space,(0,8)) (* satisfy posts the reified constraints:|x-y| = 1 <-> z *) fun satisfy(sp,constr,bools)= Vector.app(fn ((x,y),z) => let val tmp1 = FD.boolvar sp val tmp2 = FD.boolvar sp in (FD.Reified.linear(sp,#[(1,x),(~1,y)], FD.EQ,1,tmp1,FD.DEF); FD.Reified.linear(sp,#[(1,x),(~1,y)], FD.EQ,~1,tmp2,FD.DEF); FD.disjV(sp,#[tmp2,tmp1],z)) end) (VectorPair.zip(constr,bools)) in FD.distinct(space,pers,FD.DOM); satisfy(space,constraints,si); let val si' = Vector.map(fn x => (FD.boolvar2intvar x))si in post(space,SUMV(si') `= FD(satisfaction),FD.DOM) end; FD.rel(space,f,FD.LE,b); FD.branch(space,#[satisfaction],FD.B_NONE,FD.B_MAX); FD.branch(space,pers,FD.B_SIZE_MIN,FD.B_SPLIT_MIN); {Betty = b, Chris = c, Donald = d, Fred = f, Gary = g, Mary = m, Paul = p,satisfaction} end
The statement Explorer.exploreOne(photo) will run the script until a first solution is found. The first solution satisfies 6 preferences and looks as follows:
{Betty = intvar{|5 |}, Chris = intvar{|6 |},
Donald = intvar{|1 |}, Fred = intvar{|3 |},
Gary = intvar{|7 |}, Mary = intvar{|4 |},
Paul = intvar{|2 |}, satisfaction = intvar{|6 |}}
By construction of the script, this is the maximal number of preferences that can be satisfied simultaneously.
Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28