Here are the questions and their possible answers:
1:c 2:d 3:e 4:b 5:eis a correct set of answers for the test. In particular, convince yourself that for every question the remaining 4 possibilities to answer it are falsified. The script we are going to write will prove that there is no other set of correct answers.
6:e 7:d 8:c 9:b 10:a
Qi = 1 Ai = 1The first question can now be expressed by means of five equivalences:
Qi = 2 Bi = 1
Qi = 3 Ci = 1
Qi = 4 Di = 1
Qi = 5 Ei = 1
A1 = B2These equivalences can be expressed by reifying the nested equality constraints.
B1 = (B3(B2 = 0))
C1 = (B4(B2 + B3 = 0))
D1 = (B5(B2 + B3 + B4 = 0))
E1 = (B6(B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 = 0))
The second question can be expressed with the following constraints:
Q1 Q2, Q7 Q8, Q8 Q9, Q9 Q10
A2 = (Q2 = Q3), B2 = (Q3 = Q4), C2 = (Q4 = Q5)
D2 = (Q5 = Q6), E2 = (Q6 = Q7)
The third question can be expressed as follows:
A3 = (Q1 = Q3), B3 = (Q2 = Q3), C3 = (Q4 = Q3)
D3 = (Q7 = Q3), E3 = (Q6 = Q3)
The fourth question can be elegantly expressed with the constraint
element(Q4,(0,1,2,3,4)) = Aiwhere the function element(k,x) yields the k-th component of the tuple x.
We choose this formulation since Alice provides a propagator FD.element for the constraint element(k,x)= y.
S = (Bi+Ci+Di)where S is an existentially quantified auxiliary variable. This time we use reified membership constraints of the form x D.
A9 = (S {2, 3, 5, 7})
B9 = (S {1, 2, 6})
C9 = (S {0, 1, 4, 9})
D9 = (S {0, 1, 8})
E9 = (S {0, 5, 10})
(* bsum ensures that the sum of the boolean vector boolvec is equal s(:intvar) *) fun bsum(space,boolvec,s)= let val tmp = x => (FD.boolvar2intvar x))boolvec in post(space,SUMV(tmp) `= FD(s),FD.DOM) end (* bsumI ensures that the sum of the boolean vector boolvec is equal s(:int) *) fun bsumI(space,boolvec,s)= let val tmp = x => (FD.boolvar2intvar x))boolvec in post(space,SUMV(tmp) `= `s,FD.DOM) end fun srat space = let val a as #[a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9] = FD.boolvarVec(space,10) val b as #[b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9]= FD.boolvarVec(space,10) val c as #[c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9]= FD.boolvarVec(space,10) val d as #[d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9]= FD.boolvarVec(space,10) val e as #[e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9]= FD.boolvarVec(space,10) val questions as #[q0,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9] = FD.rangeVec(space,10,(1,5)) val suma = FD.range(space,(0,10)) val sumb = FD.range(space,(0,10)) val sumc = FD.range(space,(0,10)) val sumd = FD.range(space,(0,10)) val sume = FD.range(space,(0,10)) val sumae =FD.range(space,(0,20)) val sumbcd = FD.range(space,(0,30)) (* assert ensures that q_i = nb <-> boolvec[i]= 1 *) fun asrt(boolvec,nb)= Vector.appi(fn(i,x)=> FD.Reified.relI(space,Vector.sub(questions,i), FD.EQ,nb,x))(boolvec) in,y)=> bsum(space,x,y)) (#[(a,suma),(b,sumb),(c,sumc),(d,sumd),(e,sume)]); post(space,FD(suma) `+ FD(sume) `= FD(sumae),FD.DOM); post(space,FD(sumb) `+ FD(sumc) `+ FD(sumd) `= FD(sumbcd),FD.DOM); (* ensures that a_i + b_i + .. + e_i = 1 *) => let val tmp = y =>Vector.sub(y,i)) (#[a,b,c,d,e]) in bsumI(space,tmp,1) end) (Vector.tabulate(10,fn x => x)); (* to obtain a compact representation of the questions (see Model) *) Vector.appi(fn(i,x)=> asrt(x,i+1))(#[a,b,c,d,e]); (* first question *) Vector.appi(fn(i,(x,y))=> let val tmp1 = Vector.sub(x,0) val tmp2 = Vector.sub(b,i+1) val tmp3 = FD.boolvar(space) val tmp4 = FD.boolvar(space) val tmp5 = FD.boolvar(space) in if(Vector.length(y)>0) then (FD.Reified.linear(space, x=> (1,FD.boolvar2intvar x))y,FD.EQ,0,tmp3,FD.DOM); FD.conj(space,tmp4,tmp3,tmp2); FD.conj(space,tmp5,tmp4,tmp1); FD.Reified.relI(space,Vector.sub(questions,0), FD.EQ,i+1,tmp5)) else (FD.conj(space,tmp3,tmp1,tmp2); FD.Reified.relI(space,Vector.sub(questions,0), FD.EQ,1,tmp3)) end) (#[(a,#[]),(b,#[b1]),(c,#[b1,b2]),(d,#[b1,b2,b3]), (e,#[b1,b2,b3,b4])]); (* second and third question*),y)=>FD.rel(space,x,FD.NQ,y)) (#[(q0,q1),(q6,q7),(q7,q8),(q8,q9)]);,y,z) => FD.Reified.rel(space,y,FD.EQ,z,x)) (#[(a1,q1,q2),(b1,q2,q3),(c1,q3,q4),(d1,q4,q5), (e1,q5,q6),(a2,q0,q2),(b2,q1,q2),(c2,q3,q2), (d2,q6,q2),(e2,q5,q2)]); (* fourth question *) let val tmp = FD.range(space,(1,5)) in post(space,FD(tmp) `= FD(q3) `- `1,FD.DOM); FD.elementI(space,#[0,1,2,3,4],tmp,suma) end; (* fifth question *),y) => FD.Reified.rel(space,y,FD.EQ,q4,x)) (#[(a4,q9),(b4,q8),(c4,q7),(d4,q6),(e4,q5)]); (* sixth question *),y)=>FD.Reified.rel(space,suma,FD.EQ,x,y)) (#[(sumb,a5),(sumc,b5),(sumd,c5),(sume,d5)]); FD.Reified.linear(space, x => (1,FD.boolvar2intvar x))(#[a5,b5,c5,d5]), FD.EQ,0,e5,FD.DOM); (* seventh question *) FD.Reified.relI(space,q7,FD.EQ,1,c6); FD.Reified.relI(space,q7,FD.EQ,3,d6); (* eighth question *) let val tmp = FD.range(space,(1,5)) in post(space,FD(tmp) `= FD(q7) `- `1,FD.DOM); FD.elementI(space,#[2,3,4,5,6],tmp,sumae) end; (* nineth question *),y)=>FD.Reified.dom(space,sumbcd,y,x)) (#[(a8,#[(2,3),(5,5),(7,7)]),(b8,#[(1,2),(6,6)]), (c8,#[(0,1),(4,4),(9,9)]),(d8,#[(0,1),(8,8)]), (e8,#[(0,0),(5,5),(10,10)]) ]); (* last question is entailed in the compact representation constraint above*) FD.branch(space,questions,FD.B_SIZE_MIN,FD.B_MIN); {q1 = q0, q2 = q1, q3 = q2, q4 = q3, q5 = q4, q6 = q5, q7 = q6, q8 = q7, q9 = q8, q10 = q9} end
Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28