In this section we replace this ad-hoc approach by branch and bound. We first restate the script for the problem by omitting the branching code for the variable summing up the satisfied preferences. The resulting script is shown in Listing 20.
fun revisedphoto space = let val pers as #[b,c,d,f,g,m,p]= FD.rangeVec(space,7,(1,7)) (* si as a vector of boolean variables where s_i is 1 if the i-th preference is satisfied *) val si as #[s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8] = FD.boolvarVec(space,8) (* constraints is a vector of pairs (x,y) such that x wants to stand next to y *) val constraints = #[(b,g),(b,m),(c,b),(c,g), (f,m),(f,d),(p,f),(p,d)] (* satisfaction is the sum of all s_i *) val satisfaction = FD.range(space,(0,8)) (* satisfy posts the reified constraints:|x-y| = 1 <-> z *) fun satisfy(sp,constr,bools)= ((x,y),z) => let val tmp1 = FD.boolvar sp val tmp2 = FD.boolvar sp in (FD.Reified.linear(sp,#[(1,x),(~1,y)],FD.EQ,1, tmp1,FD.DEF); FD.Reified.linear(sp,#[(1,x),(~1,y)],FD.EQ,~1, tmp2,FD.DEF); FD.disjV(sp,#[tmp2,tmp1],z)) end) (,bools)) (* photoorder ensures that the overall sum of satisfied preferences in an alternative solution must be strictly greater than the corresponding sum in a previous solution *) fun photoorder(current,last)= post (current, FD(satisfaction) `> `(FD.Reflect.value(last,satisfaction)),FD.BND) in FD.distinct(space,pers,FD.DOM); satisfy(space,constraints,si); let val si' = x => (FD.boolvar2intvar x))si in post(space,SUMV(si') `= FD(satisfaction),FD.DOM) end; FD.rel(space,f,FD.LE,b); FD.branch(space,pers,FD.B_SIZE_MIN,FD.B_SPLIT_MIN); ({Betty = b, Chris = c, Donald = d, Fred = f, Gary = g, Mary = m, Paul = p,satisfaction},photoorder) end
Next we define an ordering procedure which states that the overall sum of satisfied preferences in an alternative solution must be strictly greater than the corresponding sum in a previous solution:
fun photoorder(current,last)= post (current, FD(satisfaction)`> `(FD.Reflect.value(last,satisfaction)),FD.BND)
Here the procedure FD.Reflect.value from the FD.Reflect library structure is used. It returns the value satisfaction takes in the space last and throws NotAssigned if satisfaction is not determined.
The optimal solution can be found with the statement
Explorer.exploreBest revisedphotoNote that the type of the script has changed to: -> {Betty : FD.intvar, Chris : FD.intvar, Donald : FD.intvar, Fred : FD.intvar, Gary : FD.intvar, Mary : FD.intvar, Paul : FD.intvar, satisfaction : FD.intvar} * ( * -> unit)
We obtain the same solution as in 9.2. But now only 319 choice nodes are needed to find the optimal solution whereas 477 choice nodes were needed in Section 9.2. Furthermore, branch and bound allows us to prove in an efficient way that the last solution found is really the optimal one. The full search tree (including the proof of optimality) contains 639 choice nodes. If we inspect the solutions, we observe that the first solution satisfies only a single preference. By imposition of the ordering procedure by the search engine, the next found solution must satisfy more preferences. Indeed, the second solution satisfies two preferences. Following this approach we finally arrive at the optimal solution with six satisfied preferences.
Andreas Rossberg 2006-08-28