
Predicative CC omega: Type Preservation and Confluence

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import AutosubstSsr ARS Context.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Curry-style type theory with a hierarchy of predicative universes.

Inductive term : Type :=
| Var (x : var)
| Sort (n : nat)
| App (s t : term)
| Lam (s : {bind term})
| Prod (s : term) (t : {bind term}).

Instance Ids_term : Ids term. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance substLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.

One-Step Reduction

Inductive step : term -> term -> Prop :=
| step_beta s t u :
    u = s.[t/] -> step (App (Lam s) t) u
| step_appL s1 s2 t :
    step s1 s2 -> step (App s1 t) (App s2 t)
| step_appR s t1 t2 :
    step t1 t2 -> step (App s t1) (App s t2)
| step_lam s1 s2 :
    step s1 s2 -> step (Lam s1) (Lam s2)
| step_prodL A1 A2 B :
    step A1 A2 -> step (Prod A1 B) (Prod A2 B)
| step_prodR A B1 B2 :
    step B1 B2 -> step (Prod A B1) (Prod A B2).

Notation red := (star step).
Notation "s === t" := (conv step s t) (at level 50).

Definition sred sigma tau :=
  forall x : var, red (sigma x) (tau x).

Lemma step_subst sigma s t : step s t -> step s.[sigma] t.[sigma].
  move=> st. elim: st sigma => /={s t}; eauto using step.
  move=> s t u -> sigma; apply: step_beta; by autosubst.

Many-Step Reduction

Lemma red_app s1 s2 t1 t2 :
  red s1 s2 -> red t1 t2 -> red (App s1 t1) (App s2 t2).
  move=> A B. apply: (star_trans (App s2 t1)).
  - apply: (star_hom (App^~ t1)) A => x y. exact: step_appL.
  - apply: star_hom B => x y. exact: step_appR.

Lemma red_lam s1 s2 : red s1 s2 -> red (Lam s1) (Lam s2).
Proof. apply: star_hom => x y. exact: step_lam. Qed.

Lemma red_prod s1 s2 t1 t2 :
  red s1 s2 -> red t1 t2 -> red (Prod s1 t1) (Prod s2 t2).
  move=> A B. apply: (star_trans (Prod s2 t1)).
  - apply: (star_hom (Prod^~ t1)) A => x y. exact: step_prodL.
  - apply: star_hom B => x y. exact: step_prodR.

Lemma red_subst sigma s t : red s t -> red s.[sigma] t.[sigma].
Proof. apply: star_hom. exact: step_subst. Qed.

Lemma sred_up sigma tau : sred sigma tau -> sred (up sigma) (up tau).
Proof. move=> A [|n] //=. asimpl. apply: red_subst. exact: A. Qed.

Hint Resolve red_app red_lam red_prod sred_up : red_congr.

Lemma red_compat sigma tau s : sred sigma tau -> red s.[sigma] s.[tau].
Proof. elim: s sigma tau => *; asimpl; eauto with red_congr. Qed.


Definition sconv (sigma tau : var -> term) :=
  forall x, sigma x === tau x.

Lemma conv_app s1 s2 t1 t2 :
  s1 === s2 -> t1 === t2 -> App s1 t1 === App s2 t2.
  move=> A B. apply: (conv_trans (App s2 t1)).
  - apply: (conv_hom (App^~ t1)) A => x y. exact: step_appL.
  - apply: conv_hom B => x y. exact: step_appR.

Lemma conv_lam s1 s2 : s1 === s2 -> Lam s1 === Lam s2.
Proof. apply: conv_hom => x y. exact: step_lam. Qed.

Lemma conv_prod s1 s2 t1 t2 :
  s1 === s2 -> t1 === t2 -> Prod s1 t1 === Prod s2 t2.
  move=> A B. apply: (conv_trans (Prod s2 t1)).
  - apply: (conv_hom (Prod^~ t1)) A => x y. exact: step_prodL.
  - apply: conv_hom B => x y. exact: step_prodR.

Lemma conv_subst sigma s t : s === t -> s.[sigma] === t.[sigma].
Proof. apply: conv_hom. exact: step_subst. Qed.

Lemma sconv_up sigma tau : sconv sigma tau -> sconv (up sigma) (up tau).
Proof. move=> A [|x] //=. asimpl. exact: conv_subst. Qed.

Lemma conv_compat sigma tau s :
  sconv sigma tau -> s.[sigma] === s.[tau].
  elim: s sigma tau => *; asimpl; eauto using
    conv_app, conv_lam, conv_prod, sconv_up.

Lemma conv_beta s t1 t2 : t1 === t2 -> s.[t1/] === s.[t2/].
Proof. move=> c. by apply: conv_compat => -[]. Qed.

Church-Rosser theorem

Inductive pstep : term -> term -> Prop :=
| pstep_beta s1 s2 t1 t2 u :
    u = s2.[t2/] ->
    pstep s1 s2 -> pstep t1 t2 -> pstep (App (Lam s1) t1) u
| pstep_var x : pstep (Var x) (Var x)
| pstep_sort n : pstep (Sort n) (Sort n)
| pstep_app s1 s2 t1 t2 :
    pstep s1 s2 -> pstep t1 t2 -> pstep (App s1 t1) (App s2 t2)
| pstep_lam s1 s2 :
    pstep s1 s2 -> pstep (Lam s1) (Lam s2)
| pstep_prod s1 s2 t1 t2 :
    pstep s1 s2 -> pstep t1 t2 -> pstep (Prod s1 t1) (Prod s2 t2).

Definition psstep (sigma tau : var -> term) :=
  forall x, pstep (sigma x) (tau x).

Fixpoint rho (s : term) : term :=
  match s with
    | App (Lam s) t => (rho s).[rho t/]
    | App s t => App (rho s) (rho t)
    | Lam s => Lam (rho s)
    | Prod A B => Prod (rho A) (rho B)
    | x => x

Lemma pstep_refl s : pstep s s.
Proof. elim: s; eauto using pstep. Qed.
Hint Resolve pstep_refl.

Lemma step_pstep s t : step s t -> pstep s t.
Proof. elim; eauto using pstep. Qed.

Lemma pstep_red s t : pstep s t -> red s t.
  elim=> {s t} //=; eauto with red_congr.
  move=> s1 s2 t1 t2 u -> {u} _ A _ B. eapply starES. by econstructor.
  apply: (star_trans (s2.[t1.:Var])). exact: red_subst.
  by apply: red_compat => -[|].

Lemma pstep_subst sigma s t :
  pstep s t -> pstep s.[sigma] t.[sigma].
  move=> A. elim: A sigma => /=; eauto using pstep.
  move=> s1 s2 t1 t2 u -> _ A _ B sigma. eapply pstep_beta; eauto. by autosubst.

Lemma psstep_up sigma tau :
  psstep sigma tau -> psstep (up sigma) (up tau).
  move=> A [|n] //=. asimpl. apply: pstep_subst. exact: A.

Lemma pstep_compat sigma tau s t :
  psstep sigma tau -> pstep s t -> pstep s.[sigma] t.[tau].
Proof with eauto using pstep, psstep_up.
  move=> A B. elim: B sigma tau A; asimpl...
  move=> s1 s2 t1 t2 u -> _ A _ B sigma tau C.
  apply: (@pstep_beta _ (s2.[up tau]) _ (t2.[tau])); asimpl...

Lemma pstep_compat_beta s1 s2 t1 t2 :
  pstep s1 s2 -> pstep t1 t2 -> pstep s1.[t1/] s2.[t2/].
  move=> A B. by apply: pstep_compat A => -[|].

Lemma rho_triangle : triangle pstep rho.
Proof with eauto using pstep.
  move=> s t. elim=> {s t} //=...
  - move=> s1 s2 t1 t2 u -> {u} _ A _ B. exact: pstep_compat_beta.
  - move=> s1 s2 t1 t2 A ih1 _ ih2. case: s1 A ih1 => //=...
    move=> s A ih1. inv A. inv ih1...

Theorem church_rosser :
  CR step.
  apply: (cr_method (e2 := pstep) (rho := rho)).
    exact: step_pstep. exact: pstep_red. exact: rho_triangle.
Hint Resolve church_rosser.

Reduction behaviour

Lemma normal_step_sort n : normal step (Sort n).
Proof. move=> [s st]. inv st. Qed.
Hint Resolve normal_step_sort.

CoInductive RedProdSpec A1 B1 : term -> Prop :=
| RedProdSpecI A2 B2 : red A1 A2 -> red B1 B2 -> RedProdSpec A1 B1 (Prod A2 B2).

Lemma red_prod_inv A1 B1 C :
  red (Prod A1 B1) C -> RedProdSpec A1 B1 C.
  elim=> {C} [|C D _ [A2 B2]].
  - by constructor.
  - move=> ra12 rb12 st. inv st; constructor; eauto using star.

Lemma inj_sort n m : Sort n === Sort m -> n = m.
  move=> A. suff: (Sort n = Sort m) => [[//]|].
  eapply cr_conv_normal => //; done.

Lemma inj_prod A1 A2 B1 B2 :
  Prod A1 B1 === Prod A2 B2 -> A1 === A2 /\ B1 === B2.
  move=>/church_rosser[z /red_prod_inv s1 /red_prod_inv s2].
  inv s1; inv s2; split; eauto using join_conv.

Lemma conv_prod_sort A B n :
  ~(Prod A B === Sort n).
  move=> h. apply cr_star_normal in h => //. apply red_prod_inv in h. inv h.

Cumulativity / Subtyping relation

Inductive sub1 : term ->term -> Prop :=
| sub1_refl A : sub1 A A
| sub1_sort n m : n <= m -> sub1 (Sort n) (Sort m)
| sub1_prod A B1 B2 : sub1 B1 B2 -> sub1 (Prod A B1) (Prod A B2).

CoInductive sub (A B : term) : Prop :=
| SubI A' B' : sub1 A' B' -> A === A' -> B' === B -> sub A B.
Infix "<:" := sub (at level 50, no associativity).

Lemma sub1_sub A B : sub1 A B -> sub A B. move=> /SubI. exact. Qed.
Lemma sub1_conv B A C : sub1 A B -> B === C -> A <: C. move=>/SubI. exact. Qed.
Lemma conv_sub1 B A C : A === B -> sub1 B C -> A <: C. move=>c/SubI. exact. Qed.

Lemma conv_sub A B : A === B -> A <: B.
Proof. move/conv_sub1. apply. exact: sub1_refl. Qed.

Lemma sub_refl A : A <: A.
Proof. apply: sub1_sub. exact: sub1_refl. Qed.
Hint Resolve sub_refl.

Lemma sub_sort n m : n <= m -> Sort n <: Sort m.
Proof. move=> leq. exact/sub1_sub/sub1_sort. Qed.

Lemma sub1_trans A B C D :
  sub1 A B -> B === C -> sub1 C D -> A <: D.
Proof with eauto using sub1, sub1_sub, sub1_conv, conv_sub1.
  move=> sb. elim: sb C D => {A B}
    [A C D|n m leq C D conv sb|A B1 B2 sb1 ih C D conv sb2]...
  - inv sb...
    + apply: sub_sort. move: conv => /inj_sort eqn. subst.
      exact: leq_trans leq _.
    + exfalso. exact: conv_prod_sort (conv_sym conv).
  - inv sb2...
    + exfalso. exact: conv_prod_sort conv.
    + move: conv => /inj_prod[conv1 conv2].
      move: (ih _ _ conv2 H) => {ih} sub. inv sub.
      eapply SubI. eapply sub1_prod... eapply conv_prod... exact: conv_prod.

Lemma sub_trans B A C :
  A <: B -> B <: C -> A <: C.
  move=> [A' B' s1 c1 c2] [B'' C' s2 c3 c4]. move: (conv_trans _ c2 c3) => h.
  case: (sub1_trans s1 h s2) => A0 B0 s3 c5 c6. apply: (SubI s3).
  exact: conv_trans c5. exact: conv_trans c4.

Lemma sub_prod_inv A1 A2 B1 B2 :
  Prod A1 B1 <: Prod A2 B2 -> A1 === A2 /\ B1 <: B2.
  move=> [A' B' []].
  - move=> C c1 c2. have{c1 c2}/inj_prod[c1 c2]: Prod A1 B1 === Prod A2 B2.
     exact: conv_trans c2.
    split=>//. exact: conv_sub.
  - by move=> n _ _ /conv_prod_sort[].
  - move=> A C1 C2 sb /inj_prod[c1 c2] /inj_prod[c3 c4]. split.
    exact: conv_trans c3. exact: SubI sb c2 c4.

Lemma sub1_subst sigma A B : sub1 A B -> sub1 A.[sigma] B.[sigma].
Proof. move=> s. elim: s sigma => /=; eauto using sub1. Qed.

Lemma sub_subst sigma A B : A <: B -> A.[sigma] <: B.[sigma].
Proof. move=> [A' B' /sub1_subst]; eauto using sub, conv_subst. Qed.


Notation "Gamma `_ i" := (dget Gamma i).

Reserved Notation "[ Gamma |- ]".
Reserved Notation "[ Gamma |- s :- A ]".

Inductive has_type : list term -> term -> term -> Prop :=
| ty_var Gamma x :
    x < size Gamma ->
    [ Gamma |- Var x :- Gamma`_x ]
| ty_sort Gamma n :
    [ Gamma |- Sort n :- Sort n.+1 ]
| ty_app Gamma A B s t :
    [ Gamma |- s :- Prod A B ] ->
    [ Gamma |- t :- A ] ->
    [ Gamma |- App s t :- B.[t/] ]
| ty_lam Gamma A B s n :
    [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] ->
    [ A :: Gamma |- s :- B ] ->
    [ Gamma |- Lam s :- Prod A B ]
| ty_prod Gamma A B n :
    [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] ->
    [ A :: Gamma |- B :- Sort n ] ->
    [ Gamma |- Prod A B :- Sort n ]
| ty_sub Gamma n A B s :
    A <: B ->
    [ Gamma |- B :- Sort n ] ->
    [ Gamma |- s :- A ] ->
    [ Gamma |- s :- B ]
where "[ Gamma |- s :- A ]" := (has_type Gamma s A).

Inductive context_ok : list term -> Prop :=
| ctx_nil :
    [ [::] |- ]
| ctx_ncons Gamma A n :
    [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] ->
    [ Gamma |- ] ->
    [ A :: Gamma |- ]
where "[ Gamma |- ]" := (context_ok Gamma).

Lemma ty_evar Gamma (A : term) (x : var) :
  A = Gamma`_x -> x < size Gamma -> [ Gamma |- Var x :- A ].
Proof. move->. exact: ty_var. Qed.

Lemma ty_eapp Gamma (A B C s t : term) :
  C = B.[t/] ->
  [ Gamma |- s :- Prod A B ] -> [ Gamma |- t :- A ] ->
  [ Gamma |- App s t :- C ].
Proof. move=>->. exact: ty_app. Qed.

(* Type well-formedness *)

Notation "[ Gamma |- s ]" := (exists n, [ Gamma |- s :- Sort n ]).

Lemma ty_sort_wf Gamma n : [ Gamma |- Sort n ].
Proof. exists n.+1. exact: ty_sort. Qed.
Hint Resolve ty_sort_wf ty_sort.

Lemma ty_prod_wf Gamma A B :
  [ Gamma |- A ] -> [ A :: Gamma |- B ] -> [ Gamma |- Prod A B ].
  move=> [n tp1] [m tp2]. exists (maxn n m). apply: ty_prod.
  - eapply (ty_sub (A := Sort n)); eauto. eapply sub_sort. exact: leq_maxl.
  - eapply (ty_sub (A := Sort m)); eauto. apply: sub_sort. exact: leq_maxr.

(* Substitution Lemma *)

Notation "[ Delta |- sigma -| Gamma ]" :=
  (forall x, x < size Gamma -> [ Delta |- sigma x :- (Gamma`_x).[sigma] ]).

Lemma ty_renaming xi Gamma Delta s A :
  [ Gamma |- s :- A ] ->
  (forall x, x < size Gamma -> xi x < size Delta) ->
  (forall x, x < size Gamma -> (Gamma`_x).[ren xi] = Delta`_(xi x)) ->
  [ Delta |- s.[ren xi] :- A.[ren xi] ].
  move=> tp. elim: tp xi Delta => {Gamma s A} /=
    [Gamma x si|Gamma n|Gamma A B s t _ ih1 _ ih2|
     Gamma A B s n _ ih1 _ ih2|Gamma A B n _ ih1 _ ih2|
     Gamma n A B s sub _ ih1 _ ih2]
    xi Delta subctx eqn //=.
  - rewrite eqn //. apply: ty_var. exact: subctx.
  - apply: (@ty_eapp _ A.[ren xi] B.[up (ren xi)]). autosubst.
      exact: ih1. exact: ih2.
  - eapply ty_lam. by eapply ih1. asimpl. apply: ih2.
    + by move=> [//|x /subctx].
    + by move=> [_|x /eqn/=<-]; autosubst.
  - apply: ty_prod. exact: ih1. asimpl. apply: ih2.
    + by move=> [//|x /subctx].
    + by move=> [_|x /eqn/=<-]; autosubst.
  - apply: (@ty_sub _ n A.[ren xi] B.[ren xi]). exact: sub_subst.
      exact: ih1. exact: ih2.

Lemma weakening Gamma s A B :
  [ Gamma |- s :- A ] -> [ B :: Gamma |- s.[ren (+1)] :- A.[ren (+1)] ].
Proof. move=> /ty_renaming. exact. Qed.

Lemma eweakening Gamma s s' A A' B :
  s' = s.[ren (+1)] -> A' = A.[ren (+1)] ->
  [ Gamma |- s :- A ] -> [ B :: Gamma |- s' :- A' ].
Proof. move=>->->. exact: weakening. Qed.

Lemma ty_ok Gamma :
  [ Gamma |- ] -> forall x, x < size Gamma -> [ Gamma |- Gamma`_x ].
  elim=> // {Gamma} Gamma A n tp _ ih [_|x /ih [{n tp} n tp]];
    exists n; exact: weakening tp.

Lemma sty_up sigma Gamma Delta A :
  [ Delta |- sigma -| Gamma ] ->
  [ A.[sigma] :: Delta |- up sigma -| A :: Gamma ].
  move=> stp [_//|x /stp tp] /=. apply: ty_evar => //=. autosubst.
  apply: eweakening tp; autosubst.

Lemma ty_subst sigma Gamma Delta s A :
  [ Delta |- sigma -| Gamma ] -> [ Gamma |- s :- A ] ->
  [ Delta |- s.[sigma] :- A.[sigma] ].
  move=> stp tp. elim: tp sigma Delta stp => {Gamma s A} /=
    [Gamma x si|Gamma n|Gamma A B s t _ ih1 _ ih2|
     Gamma A B s n _ ih1 _ ih2|Gamma A B n _ ih1 _ ih2|
     Gamma n A B s sub _ ih1 _ ih2] sigma Delta stp //=.
  - exact: stp.
  - apply: (@ty_eapp _ A.[sigma] B.[up sigma]). autosubst.
      exact: ih1. exact: ih2.
  - eapply ty_lam. by eapply ih1. apply: ih2. exact: sty_up.
  - apply: ty_prod. exact: ih1. apply ih2. exact: sty_up.
  - apply: (@ty_sub _ n A.[sigma] B.[sigma]). exact: sub_subst.
      exact: ih1. exact: ih2.

Lemma ty_cut Gamma s t A B :
  [ A :: Gamma |- s :- B ] -> [ Gamma |- t :- A ] ->
  [ Gamma |- s.[t/] :- B.[t/] ].
  move=> /ty_subst h tp. apply: h => -[_|x leq]; asimpl => //. exact: ty_var.

Lemma ty_ctx_conv Gamma s A B C n :
  [ A :: Gamma |- s :- C ] -> B === A -> [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] ->
  [ B :: Gamma |- s :- C ].
  move=> tp1 conv tp2. cut ([ B :: Gamma |- s.[ids] :- C.[ids] ]). autosubst.
  apply: ty_subst tp1. move=> [_|x //=]. asimpl. eapply ty_sub.
  eapply conv_sub. eapply (conv_subst _ conv).
  apply: eweakening tp2 => //. eapply ty_var => //.
  move=> le. asimpl. exact: ty_var.

(* Inversion Lemmas *)

Lemma ty_prod_invX Gamma A B n u :
  [ Gamma |- Prod A B :- u ] -> u <: Sort n ->
    [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] /\ [ A :: Gamma |- B :- Sort n ].
  move e:(Prod A B) => s tp. elim: tp A B e n => //{Gamma s u}
    [Gamma A B n tp1 _ tp2 _ A' B' [->->]
    |Gamma n s A B sub1 _ _ tp ih A' B' e] m sub2.
  - eauto using ty_sub.
  - subst. apply: ih => //. exact: sub_trans sub1 sub2.

Lemma ty_prod_inv Gamma A B n :
  [ Gamma |- Prod A B :- Sort n ] ->
    [ Gamma |- A :- Sort n ] /\ [ A :: Gamma |- B :- Sort n ].
Proof. move=> h. exact: (ty_prod_invX h). Qed.

Lemma ty_lam_invX Gamma s A B C :
  [ Gamma |- Lam s :- C ] ->
  (C <: Prod A B /\ [ A :: Gamma |- B ]) \/ Prod A B = C ->
  [ A :: Gamma |- s :- B ].
  move e:(Lam s) => t tp. elim: tp A B s e => // {Gamma t C}.
  - move=> Gamma A B s n tp1 _ tp2 _ A' B' s' [->] [|[->->//]].
    move=> [/sub_prod_inv[con sub] [m tp3]]. apply: ty_sub sub tp3 _.
    apply: ty_ctx_conv tp2 _ tp1. exact: conv_sym.
  - move=>Gamma n A B s sub1 tp1 ih1 tp2 ih2 A' B' t eqn1 [[sub2 [m tp3]]|eqn2];
      subst; apply: ih2 => //; left; split => //.
    + exact: sub_trans sub1 sub2. by exists m.
    + exists n. by move: tp1 => /ty_prod_inv[].

Lemma ty_lam_inv Gamma s A B :
  [ Gamma |- Lam s :- Prod A B ] -> [ A :: Gamma |- s :- B ].
Proof. move=> tp. apply: ty_lam_invX tp _. by right. Qed.

(* Main Result *)

Lemma propagation Gamma s A :
  [ Gamma |- s :- A ] -> [ Gamma |- ] -> [ Gamma |- A ].
  elim=> {Gamma s A} /=
    [Gamma x si /ty_ok||Gamma A B _ t _ ih tp _ ok|Gamma A B s n tp _ _ ih ok|
    |Gamma n A B s _ tp _ _ _ _] //.
  - exact.
  - move: (ih ok) => [n {ih ok} /ty_prod_inv[_ ih]].
    exists n. exact: ty_cut ih tp.
  - apply: ty_prod_wf. by exists n. apply: ih. exact: ctx_ncons tp ok.
  - by exists n.

Lemma subject_reduction Gamma s A :
  [ Gamma |- ] -> [ Gamma |- s :- A ] ->
    forall t, step s t -> [ Gamma |- t :- A ].
  move=> wf tp. elim: tp wf => {Gamma s A}.
  - move=> Gamma x _ wf t st. by inv st.
  - move=> Gamma n wf t st. by inv st.
  - move=> Gamma A B s t tp1 ih1 tp2 ih2 wf u st. inv st.
    + apply ty_lam_inv in tp1. exact: ty_cut tp1 tp2.
    + apply: ty_app tp2. exact: ih1.
    + move: (tp1) => /propagation/(_ wf)[m]/ty_prod_inv[_ tp3].
      eapply ty_sub; last first. eapply ty_app. eassumption. exact: ih2.
      move: (ty_cut tp3 tp2) => /= h. apply h. apply: conv_sub.
      apply: conv_beta. exact: conv1i.
  - move=> Gamma A B s n tp1 ih1 tp2 ih2 wf t st. inv st.
    apply: ty_lam (tp1) _. apply: ih2 => //. apply: ctx_ncons tp1 wf.
  - move=> Gamma A B n tp1 ih1 tp2 ih2 wf t st. inv st.
    + apply: ty_prod. exact: ih1. eapply (ty_ctx_conv tp2).
      exact: conv1i. eassumption.
    + apply: ty_prod => //. apply: ih2 => //. exact: ctx_ncons tp1 wf.
  - move=> Gamma s A B n tp1 ih1 con tp2 ih2 wf t st.
    apply: ty_sub tp1 ih1 _. exact: ih2.

(* Local Variables: *)
(* coq-load-path: (("." "Ssr")) *)
(* End: *)