Chapter 4 - Inductive Predicates

Require Import Base.

4.1 Induction Lemmas

Check nat_ind.

Goal n, n + 0 = n.
  apply (nat_ind (fun nn + 0 = n)).
  - reflexivity.
  - intros n IHn. simpl. f_equal. exact IHn.

Goal n m, n + S m = S (n + m).
  intros n m. revert n.
  apply (nat_ind (fun nn + S m = S (n + m))) ; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - intros n IHn. f_equal. exact IHn.

Definition nat_ind (p : nat Prop) (basis : p 0) (step : n, p n p (S n))
  : n, p n := fix f n := match n return p n with
                                  | 0 ⇒ basis
                                  | S n'step n' (f n')

(* Exercise 4.1 *)
Goal n m, n + S m = S (n + m).

(* Exercise 4.2 *)

(*Definition list_ind (X: Type) (p: list X -> Prop) (basis: p nil) (step: forall (x:X) (A: list X), p A -> p (x ::A)): forall A: list X, p A := *)

Goal (X: Type) (x y z: list X), x ++ (y ++ z) = (x ++ y) ++ z.

Check list_ind.

4.2 Primitive Recursion

Definition prec (p : nat Type) (x : p 0) (f : n, p n p (S n))
  : n, p n := fix F n := match n return p n with
                                  | 0 ⇒ x
                                  | S n'f n' (F n')

Check fun p : nat Propprec (p:= p).

Lemma nat_ind' (p : nat Prop) :
  p 0 ( n, p n p (S n)) n, p n.
Proof. exact (prec (p:=p)). Qed.

Definition add := prec (fun yy) (fun _ r yS (r y)).

Compute add 3 7.

Goal x y, add x y = x + y.
Proof. intros x y. induction x ; simpl ; congruence. Qed.

Goal X f x n ,
       Nat.iter n f x = prec (p:= fun _X) x (fun _f) n.
Proof. induction n ; simpl ; congruence. Qed.

(* Exercise 4.2.1 *)
Goal prec = nat_rect.

(* Exercise 4.2.2 *)
Goal (p: nat Prop) (x: p 0) (f: n, p n p (S n)),
       prec x f 0 = x.

Goal (p: nat Prop) (x: p 0) (f: n, p n p (S n)) (n: nat),
       prec x f (S n) = f n (prec x f n).

(* Exercise 4.2.3 *)
(*Definition mult' : nat -> nat -> nat := fun n m => prec (* ... *)

Goal forall n m, mult n m = mult' n m.
Abort. *)

(* Definition fact' : nat -> nat := prec (* ... *).

Goal forall n, fact n = fact' n.
Abort. *)

(* Exercise 4.2.4 *)
(* Definition pred' : nat -> nat := (* ... *) *)

(* Goal forall n, pred n = pred' n.
Abort. *)

(*Definition pred (x : nat) : nat := prec (* ... *) *)

(* Exercise 4.2.5 *)
(*Goal forall X x f n,
       match n with O => x |S n' => f n' end = prec (* ... *). *)

4.3 Size Induction

Lemma size_induction X (f : X nat) (p : X Prop) :
  ( x, ( y, f y < f x p y) p x)
   x, p x.
  intros step x. apply step.
  assert (G: n y, f y < n p y).
  { intros n. induction n.
    - intros y B. exfalso. omega.
    - intros y B. apply step. intros z C. apply IHn. omega. }
  apply G.

(* Exercise 4.3.1 *)
Lemma complete_induction (p : nat Prop) :
  ( x, ( y, y < x p y) p x) x, p x.

(* Exercise 4.3.2 *)
(* Definition lt : nat -> nat -> Prop := *)

Lemma lt_tran x y z : lt x y lt y (S z) lt x z.

4.4 Equational Specifcation of Functions

Definition addition (f : nat nat nat) : Prop :=
   x y,
    f x 0 = x
    f x (S y) = f (S x) y.

Lemma addition_existence :
  addition plus.
Proof. intros x y. omega. Qed.

Lemma addition_uniqueness f g :
  addition f addition g x y, f x y = g x y.
  intros A B x y. revert x. induction y ; intros x.
  - destruct (A x 0) as [A' _]. destruct (B x 0) as [B' _]. congruence.
  - destruct (A x y) as [_ A']. destruct (B x y) as [_ B']. specialize (IHy (S x)). congruence.

Definition ackermann (f : nat nat nat) : Prop :=
   m n,
    f O n = S n
    f (S m) O = f m 1
    f (S m) (S n) = f m (f (S m) n).

Definition ack : nat nat nat :=
  fix f m := match m with
               | OS
               | S m'fix g n := match n with
                                      | Of m' 1
                                      | S n'f m' (g n')

Goal ackermann ack.
Proof. unfold ackermann. auto. Qed.

Goal f g x y, ackermann f ackermann g f x y = g x y.
  intros f g x y A B. revert y. induction x ; intros y.
  - destruct (A 0 y) as [C _]. destruct (B 0 y) as [D _]. congruence.
  - induction y.
    + destruct (A x 0) as [_ [C _]]. destruct (B x 0) as [_ [D _]]. congruence.
    + destruct (A x y) as [_ [_ C]]. destruct (B x y) as [_ [_ D]]. congruence.

(* Exercise 4.4.1 *)

(* Definition multiplication (f : nat -> nat -> nat) : Prop := (* ... *)

Goal multiplication mult.
Abort. *)

(* Definition subtraction (f: nat -> nat -> nat): Prop := (* ... *)

Goal subtraction minus. 
Abort. *)

(* Exercise 4.4.2 *)

(*Definition ack' : nat -> nat -> nat := prec (* ... *)

Goal ackermann ack'. 

(* Exercise 4.4.3 *)

Definition primitive_recursion
(r : p : nat Type, p 0 ( n, p n p (S n)) n, p n)
: Prop :=
   p x f n,
    let r := r p x f in
    r 0 = x
    r (S n) = f n (r n).

Goal primitive_recursion prec.

(* Exercise 4.4.4 *)
(* Definition nat_iteration (* ... *)

Goal nat_iteration Nat.iter.

(* Show uniqueness of the above specfication. *)