Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (805 entries)
Notation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (15 entries)
Module Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1 entry)
Variable Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (57 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (12 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (406 entries)
Constructor Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (60 entries)
Inductive Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (25 entries)
Projection Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (6 entries)
Instance Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (43 entries)
Section Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (32 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (147 entries)
Record Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1 entry)

Global Index


ack [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
ackermann [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
add [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
add [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
addition [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
addition_uniqueness [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
addition_existence [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
AND [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
and [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
andb_com [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
ANDE [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
AndE [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
ANDI [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
AndI [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
andlist [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
andlistEq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
and_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
AND_agree [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
and_com [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
and_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
app [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
app_length [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_assoc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_nil_r [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
app_incl_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
app_assoc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
app_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
assn [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
a11 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a21 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a22 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a31 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a32 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a33 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


Base [library]
bent [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
bent_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
bent_iff_unsat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
bool_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
bool2dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
bp [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
bsc [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
b2P [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


cancel_uns_pos [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Cantor [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
Cantor [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Cantor_neq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Cantor_generalized [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
car [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
card [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
Cardinality [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
Cardinality.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_le [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
card_in_rem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
card_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_or [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_lt [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_ex [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_0 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_cons_rem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_le [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_not_in_rem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
card_in_rem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
cas [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
cast [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cc_fin [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cc_bool [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cc_nat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cent [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
cent_satc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
cent_trans [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
cent_sub [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Chapter1 [library]
Chapter10 [library]
Chapter11 [library]
Chapter12 [library]
Chapter2 [library]
Chapter3 [library]
Chapter4 [library]
Chapter5 [library]
Chapter6 [library]
Chapter7 [library]
Chapter8 [library]
CharFal [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
CharImp [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
circuit [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
clause [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
closed [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
closedFal [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
closedImp [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
complete_induction [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
conj [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Consistency [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
cons_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
cons_incl_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
cons_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
cons_incl_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
context [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
CP [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Cut [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
Decidability [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Decidability.A0 [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Decidability.s0 [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
decidable [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
decision [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_form [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
dec_prop_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DM_impl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DM_and [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DN [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_ref_pred [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
dec_ndc [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
dec_satc [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
dec_prop_iff [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
dec2bool [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
ded [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Demo [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
demo [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
demoI [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
deMorgan [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Demo.f [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Demo.n [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Demo.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
destruct_eqn_bool [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
diagonal [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Disjoint [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_nil' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_symm [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_forall [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_nil' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_symm [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_forall [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_O_S [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Disjoint.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
div2 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
div2_cert [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
div3_cert [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
DM_exists [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
DM_or [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
DN [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
DN [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
double [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
drinker [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Dupfree [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree [inductive, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfreeC [constructor, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfreeN [constructor, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_in_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_filter [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_map [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_undup [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_dec [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_card [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_inv [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_in_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_undup [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_card [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_dec [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_filter [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_map [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
Dupfree.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
Dupfree2 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree2.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


E [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
emb [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Empty_set [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
EntailRelAllProps [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
EntailRelAllProps_ext [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Equi [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_Equivalence [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_rotate [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_shift [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_swap [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_dup [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_push [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_rotate [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_shift [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_swap [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_dup [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_push [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_Equivalence [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
Equi.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
eval [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
even [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
evenb [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
evenb_even [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
evenO [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
evenS [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_succ [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_inv [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_descent [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even' [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even'O [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even'S [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
ex [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
ExE [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
exfalso [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
ExI [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
ex_intro [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Ex1 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
Ex1024 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Ex1024.F [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Ex23 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.A [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.B [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.C [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.f [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.x [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.Y [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.A [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.B [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.x [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.y [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex33 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex42 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex42.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex92 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex92.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex93 [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex93.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


F [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Fal [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
False [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
False_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
False_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
fal_unsat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
FCI [module, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.C [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.closure [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.F [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI.step [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI.V [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.fp [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.ind [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.it_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.pick [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.q [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.q [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas.q [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_fst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_id [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_pq_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_pq_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_comm [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_and [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_pq_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_pq_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_id [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
fin [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
fin [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
fin1 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
first [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
First [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
First.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
First.p_dec [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
first1 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
first2 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
FK [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
form [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
FP [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
FS [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
F.E [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
F.F [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


Gamma [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genA [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genC [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genC' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genF [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genIL [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genIR [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genV [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genW [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_lambda [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_iff_nd [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_DN [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_DN' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_con [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_nd [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Glivenko [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Glivenko_converse [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
goal [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
goal_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


hil [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilA [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilassert [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilc [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcA [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcC [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcK [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcMP [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcS [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilE [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilK [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilMP [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilS [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilW [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_EntailRelAllProps [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_con [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_iff_nd [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_nd [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


I [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
IEweak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
iff [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
iff_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
iff_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
Imp [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
impl_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
impl_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
inclp [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
Inclusion [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
Inclusion.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_preorder [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_map [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_app_left [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_lrcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_rcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_sing [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_lcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_shift [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_nil_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_appr [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_appl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_tl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_refl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_preorder [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_app_left [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_lrcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_rcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_sing [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_lcons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_shift [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_nil_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_map [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
inhabited [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
inhabits [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
injective [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
injective_S [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
in_rem_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_filter_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_prod_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_map_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_rev_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_app_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_cons_neq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_sing [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_or_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_rem_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
in_filter_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
in_equi_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
in_incl_proper [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
in_cons_neq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
in_sing [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
iso [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
it [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
iter [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
Iteration [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
Iteration.f [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
Iteration.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
iter_shift [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_mult [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_minus [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_plus [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
it_fp [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
it_ind [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]


Lambda [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
lambda_gen [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
lambda_ind [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
lambda_closure [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
least [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leastB [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leastS [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct4 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct3 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct2 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct1 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leb [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
leb_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
leb' [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
Leibniz [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leibniz_rewrite_rl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_rewrite_lr [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_plus_assoc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_rewrite [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_agrees [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_sym [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_refl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_eq [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
length [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
lengthi [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
lengthi_length [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
length_lengthi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
length_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
le_trans [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_inv [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_SS' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_zero [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_Strans [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_SS [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_O [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_dec' [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
le_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
listdec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
list_cc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_not_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_DM [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_sigma_forall [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_forall_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_in_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_cycle [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_cc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_exists_not_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_exists_DM [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_exists_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_forall_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_sigma_forall [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_in_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
list_cycle [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
lt_tran [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
L1 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


map_length [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
map_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
map_uns [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
map_pos [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Membership [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
Membership.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
min [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
mod2 [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
Monotonicity [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
mult_dist' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_asso [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_dist [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_com [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_S [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_O [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_S' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


Nat [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
nat_le_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
nat_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
nat_eq_dec' [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
nat_eq_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
nat_ind' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
nat_ind [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
nat_eqb_agrees [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
nat_eqb [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
nd [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndA [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndappbin [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndassert [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcA [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp1 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp2 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp3 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcA2 [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcC [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcIE [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcII [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_EntailRelAllProps [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_con [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_eval_xm_sound [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_subst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_contradiction_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_explosion [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_DN [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_IEweak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_W [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_weak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_iff_sem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ndc_refute [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ndc_bent [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ndE [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndIE [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndII [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_dec [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
nd_gen [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
nd_hil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_ndc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_least_EntailRelAllProps [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_EntailRelAllProps [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_bsc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_subst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_weak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Neg [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
negb_negb [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
None [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
Not [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
not [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
not_in_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
not_in_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
not_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]


option [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
or [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
or_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
or_intror [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
or_introl [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
or_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


pair_eta [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
pdec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
PE [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
Peirce [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
phi [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
PI [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
plus_AC' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_AC [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_asso [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_com [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_S [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_O [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
Pos [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
power [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
PowerRep [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
PowerRep [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
PowerRep.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
PowerRep.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
power_extensional [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_extensional [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
power_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
power_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
prec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
primitive_recursion [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
prod_length [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Prop_Skolem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
provider [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
PU [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
P1 [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
P2 [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
P2b [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
P2bFalse [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
P2bTrue [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


rec [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNF [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNI [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNil [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNV [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNV' [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPF [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPI [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPV [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPV' [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
rec_sat_ndc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
rec_sat_dec [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Reflexivity [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ReflexivityCutChar_closed_or [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Reflexivity_CharImp_nonempty [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Reflexivity_CharImp_nonempty [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Refutation [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Refutation' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_unsat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_ndc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_pred_unsat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_sound [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_neg_imp [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_pos_imp [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_clash [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_weak [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_Fal [projection, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_pred [record, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
rem [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
remember [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Removal [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Removal [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
Removal.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Removal.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_id [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_fst' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_fst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_comm [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_reorder [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_neq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_app' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_cons' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_inclr [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_not_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_inclr [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_reorder [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_id [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_fst' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_fst [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_comm [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_app' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_neq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_cons' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_not_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_dupfree [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_idempotent [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_injective [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_dupfree [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_idempotent [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_injective [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_eq [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_eq' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_mono [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_power [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
rev [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
revi [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
revi [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
revi_rev [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_unit [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_involutive [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_length [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_app_distr [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_revi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_rev [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


safe [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safeB [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safeS [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safe_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safe_dclosed [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
sat [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satc [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satc_clash [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satc_weak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
satis [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_satis_list [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_weak [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_list_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_list [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_neg_imp [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_pos_imp [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_eval [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sat_ndc [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
scl [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl_closed [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl_incl' [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl' [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl'_closed [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl'_in [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Second [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Second.p [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Second.p_dec [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
sform [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sform_eq_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sf_closed_cons [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
sf_closed_app [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
sf_closed [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Sigma_Skolem [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
size [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sizeF [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
size_recursion [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
size_induction [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
solved [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_nil [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_neg_var [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_pos_var [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_sat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_phi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Some [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
step [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
step_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
STVS [section, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
STVS [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
STVS.stvs [variable, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
subst [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Substitution [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
surjective [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
surjective [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
surjective [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
sur_fixpoint [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
svar [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
swap [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
swap_swap [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


True [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
True_dec [instance, in LectureNotes.Base]
True_dec [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
TVS [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
TVS [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


U [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
undup [definition, in LectureNotes.Base]
Undup [section, in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_id_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
undup_idempotent [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_id [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_incl [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_id_equi [lemma, in LectureNotes.Base]
Undup.X [variable, in LectureNotes.Base]
uns [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
U_sfc [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


vacuous_truth [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
valid [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
valid_unsat [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Var [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
var [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


W [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


XM [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
XM [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
XM [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
XM [definition, in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


zero [inductive, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
zeroI [constructor, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
zero_iff [lemma, in LectureNotes.Chapter7]


_ === _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Base]
_ <<= _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Base]
_ el _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Base]
_ vDash _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
_ ++ _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
_ :: _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
_ == _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
eq_dec _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Base]
+ _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
- _ [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
[ _ ; .. ; _ ] [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
[ _ ] [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
[] [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
| _ | [notation, in LectureNotes.Base]
| _ | [notation, in LectureNotes.Chapter1]

Notation Index


_ === _ [in LectureNotes.Base]
_ <<= _ [in LectureNotes.Base]
_ el _ [in LectureNotes.Base]
_ vDash _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
_ ++ _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
_ :: _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
_ == _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
eq_dec _ [in LectureNotes.Base]
+ _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
- _ [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
[ _ ; .. ; _ ] [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
[ _ ] [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
[] [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
| _ | [in LectureNotes.Base]
| _ | [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]

Module Index


FCI [in LectureNotes.Base]

Variable Index


Cardinality.X [in LectureNotes.Base]


Decidability.A0 [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Decidability.s0 [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Demo.f [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Demo.n [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Demo.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Disjoint.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
Dupfree2.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


Equi.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
Ex1024.F [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Ex23.A [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.B [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.C [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.f [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.x [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex23.Y [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.A [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.B [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.x [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32.y [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex42.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex92.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex93.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


FCI.FCI.step [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI.V [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.FCI.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.p [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.q [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.q [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.p [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas.p [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.p [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas.q [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
First.p [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
First.p_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
F.E [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
F.F [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


Inclusion.X [in LectureNotes.Base]
Iteration.f [in LectureNotes.Base]
Iteration.X [in LectureNotes.Base]


Membership.X [in LectureNotes.Base]


PowerRep.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
PowerRep.X [in LectureNotes.Base]


Removal.X [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Removal.X [in LectureNotes.Base]


Second.p [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Second.p_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
STVS.stvs [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


Undup.X [in LectureNotes.Base]

Library Index





Lemma Index


addition_uniqueness [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
addition_existence [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
andb_com [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
ANDE [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
AndE [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
ANDI [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
AndI [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
andlistEq [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
AND_agree [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
and_com [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
app [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
app_length [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_assoc [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_nil_r [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
app_assoc [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
app_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


bent_iff_unsat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


cancel_uns_pos [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Cantor [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
Cantor [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Cantor_neq [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Cantor_generalized [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
card_le [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
card_in_rem [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
card_or [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_lt [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_ex [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_0 [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_cons_rem [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_eq [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_le [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_not_in_rem [in LectureNotes.Base]
card_in_rem [in LectureNotes.Base]
cc_nat [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cent_satc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
cent_trans [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
cent_sub [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
circuit [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
complete_induction [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]


dec_prop_iff [in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DM_impl [in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DM_and [in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_DN [in LectureNotes.Base]
ded [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
deMorgan [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
destruct_eqn_bool [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
disjoint_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_nil' [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_symm [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_forall [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
disjoint_app [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_cons [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_nil' [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_nil [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_symm [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_forall [in LectureNotes.Base]
disjoint_O_S [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
DM_exists [in LectureNotes.Base]
DM_or [in LectureNotes.Base]
DN [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
drinker [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
dupfree_in_power [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_power [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_filter [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_map [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_undup [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_card [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
dupfree_in_power [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_power [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_undup [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_card [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_filter [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_map [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_app [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfree_cons [in LectureNotes.Base]


EntailRelAllProps_ext [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
equi_rotate [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_shift [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_swap [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_dup [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_push [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_rotate [in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_shift [in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_swap [in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_dup [in LectureNotes.Base]
equi_push [in LectureNotes.Base]
evenb_even [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_succ [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_inv [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_descent [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
ExE [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
ExI [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


fal_unsat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
FCI.closure [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.fp [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.ind [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.it_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.pick [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst' [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_fst [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_id [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_pq_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_pq_mono [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_mono [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
filter_comm [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_and [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_pq_eq [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_pq_mono [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst' [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_fst [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_app [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_id [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_mono [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
fin1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


genA [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genC [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genC' [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genW [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_lambda [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_iff_nd [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_DN [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_DN' [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_con [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
gen_nd [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Glivenko [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Glivenko_converse [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


hilassert [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilW [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_EntailRelAllProps [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_con [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_iff_nd [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hil_nd [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


IEweak [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
incl_map [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_app_left [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_lrcons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_rcons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_sing [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_lcons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_shift [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_nil_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_appr [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_appl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_tl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_refl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_app_left [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_lrcons [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_rcons [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_sing [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_lcons [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_shift [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_nil_eq [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_map [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_nil [in LectureNotes.Base]
injective_S [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
in_rem_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_filter_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_prod_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_map_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_rev_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_app_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_cons_neq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_sing [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_or_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
in_rem_iff [in LectureNotes.Base]
in_filter_iff [in LectureNotes.Base]
in_cons_neq [in LectureNotes.Base]
in_sing [in LectureNotes.Base]
iter_shift [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_mult [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_minus [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
iter_plus [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
it_fp [in LectureNotes.Base]
it_ind [in LectureNotes.Base]


lambda_gen [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
lambda_ind [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
lambda_closure [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
least_correct [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct4 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct3 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
least_correct1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leb_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
Leibniz [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leibniz_rewrite_rl [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_rewrite_lr [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_plus_assoc [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_rewrite [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_agrees [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_sym [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
leibniz_refl [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
lengthi_length [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
length_lengthi [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
length_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
le_trans [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_inv [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_SS' [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_zero [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_Strans [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_SS [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_O [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
list_cc [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_not_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_DM [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_sigma_forall [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_cycle [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_cc [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_exists_not_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_exists_DM [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_sigma_forall [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_cycle [in LectureNotes.Base]
lt_tran [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
L1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


map_length [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
map_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
map_uns [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
map_pos [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
mult_dist' [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_asso [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_dist [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_com [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_S [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_O [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
mult_S' [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


nat_ind' [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
nat_eqb_agrees [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
ndappbin [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndassert [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcapp3 [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcA2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_EntailRelAllProps [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_con [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_eval_xm_sound [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_subst [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_contradiction_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_explosion [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_DN [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_IEweak [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_W [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_weak [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc_iff_sem [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ndc_refute [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ndc_bent [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
nd_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
nd_gen [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
nd_hil [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_least_EntailRelAllProps [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_EntailRelAllProps [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_bsc [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_subst [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
nd_weak [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
negb_negb [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
not_in_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
not_in_cons [in LectureNotes.Base]


pair_eta [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_AC' [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_AC [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_asso [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_com [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_S [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
plus_O [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
power_extensional [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
power_extensional [in LectureNotes.Base]
power_nil [in LectureNotes.Base]
power_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
prod_length [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Prop_Skolem [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
provider [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
P2bFalse [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
P2bTrue [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


rec_sat_ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
rec_sat_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ReflexivityCutChar_closed_or [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Reflexivity_CharImp_nonempty [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Reflexivity_CharImp_nonempty [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Refutation [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Refutation' [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_unsat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_pred_unsat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
remember [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
rem_id [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_fst' [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_fst [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_comm [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_reorder [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_equi [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_neq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_in [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_app' [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_cons' [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_inclr [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_mono [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_not_in [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rem_inclr [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_reorder [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_id [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_fst' [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_fst [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_comm [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_app' [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_app [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_neq [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_in [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_cons' [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_cons [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_mono [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
rem_not_in [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_dupfree [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_idempotent [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_injective [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_mono [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_equi [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_in [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_power [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rep_dupfree [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_idempotent [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_injective [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_eq [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_eq' [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_mono [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_in [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep_power [in LectureNotes.Base]
revi_rev [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_unit [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_involutive [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_length [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_app_distr [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
rev_revi [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_rev [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
rev_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


safe_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safe_dclosed [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
satc_clash [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satc_weak [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_satis_list [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_weak [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_list_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_neg_imp [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_pos_imp [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_eval [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sat_ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
scl_closed [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl_incl [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl_incl' [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl'_closed [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl'_in [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
sf_closed_cons [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
sf_closed_app [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Sigma_Skolem [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
size_recursion [in LectureNotes.Base]
size_induction [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
solved_nil [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_neg_var [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_pos_var [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_sat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved_phi [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sur_fixpoint [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
swap_swap [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


undup_id_equi [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
undup_idempotent [in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_id [in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_incl [in LectureNotes.Base]
undup_id_equi [in LectureNotes.Base]


vacuous_truth [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
valid_unsat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


W [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


zero_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]

Constructor Index


closedFal [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
closedImp [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
conj [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


demoI [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
dupfreeC [in LectureNotes.Base]
dupfreeN [in LectureNotes.Base]


evenO [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
evenS [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even'O [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even'S [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
ex_intro [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


Fal [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


genF [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genIL [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genIR [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
genV [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


hilA [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilcA [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcC [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcK [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcMP [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilcS [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
hilE [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilK [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilMP [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilS [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


I [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Imp [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
inhabits [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


leastB [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
leastS [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]


ndA [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcA [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcC [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcIE [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndcII [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndE [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndIE [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndII [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Neg [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
None [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


or_intror [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
or_introl [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


Pos [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
P1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
P2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]


recNF [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNI [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNil [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNV [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recNV' [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPF [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPI [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPV [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
recPV' [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


safeB [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
safeS [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Some [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


Var [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


zeroI [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]

Inductive Index


and [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


bp [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]


closed [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


demo [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
dupfree [in LectureNotes.Base]


Empty_set [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
even [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
even' [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
ex [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


False [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
form [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


gen [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


hil [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
hilc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


inhabited [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


least [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]


nd [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


option [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
or [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


rec [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


safe [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
sform [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


True [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


zero [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]

Projection Index


ref_sound [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_neg_imp [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_pos_imp [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_clash [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_weak [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
ref_Fal [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]

Instance Index


and_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
app_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]
app_incl_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]


bent_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
bool_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]


card_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]
cons_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
cons_incl_proper [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
cons_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]
cons_incl_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]


dec_form [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
dec_ref_pred [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
dec_ndc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
dec_satc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]


equi_Equivalence [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
equi_Equivalence [in LectureNotes.Base]


False_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]


goal_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


iff_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
iff_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
impl_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_preorder [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
incl_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]
incl_preorder [in LectureNotes.Base]
in_equi_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]
in_incl_proper [in LectureNotes.Base]


list_exists_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_forall_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_in_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
list_exists_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_forall_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_in_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
list_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]


nat_le_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
nat_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
not_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]


or_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]


satis_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sform_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
step_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


True_dec [in LectureNotes.Base]

Section Index


Cardinality [in LectureNotes.Base]


Decidability [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
Demo [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Disjoint [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Dupfree [in LectureNotes.Base]
Dupfree2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


Equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
Ex1024 [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Ex23 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex32 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex33 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex42 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex92 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Ex93 [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]


F [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
FCI.FCI [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterComm [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
FilterLemmas [in LectureNotes.Base]
FilterLemmas_pq [in LectureNotes.Base]
First [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]


Inclusion [in LectureNotes.Base]
Iteration [in LectureNotes.Base]


Membership [in LectureNotes.Base]


PowerRep [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
PowerRep [in LectureNotes.Base]


Removal [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
Removal [in LectureNotes.Base]


Second [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
STVS [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


Undup [in LectureNotes.Base]

Definition Index


ack [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
ackermann [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
add [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
add [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
addition [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
AND [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
andlist [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
and_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
app [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
assn [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
a11 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a21 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a22 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a31 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a32 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
a33 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


bent [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
bool2dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
bsc [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
b2P [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


car [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
card [in LectureNotes.Base]
cas [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
cast [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cc_fin [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cc_bool [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
cent [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
CharFal [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
CharImp [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
clause [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
Consistency [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
context [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
CP [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
Cut [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


dec [in LectureNotes.Base]
decidable [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
decision [in LectureNotes.Base]
dec_prop_iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
dec2bool [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
diagonal [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
disjoint [in LectureNotes.Base]
div2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
div2_cert [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
div3_cert [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
DN [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
double [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
dupfree_inv [in LectureNotes.Base]


E [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
emb [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
EntailRelAllProps [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
equi [in LectureNotes.Base]
eval [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
evenb [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
exfalso [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
Ex1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


False_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
FCI.C [in LectureNotes.Base]
FCI.F [in LectureNotes.Base]
filter [in LectureNotes.Base]
fin [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
fin [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
first [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
first1 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
first2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
FK [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
FP [in LectureNotes.Base]
FS [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


Gamma [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
goal [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


iff [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
impl_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
inclp [in LectureNotes.Base]
injective [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
iso [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
it [in LectureNotes.Base]
iter [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


Lambda [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
leb [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
leb' [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
leibniz_eq [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
length [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
lengthi [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
le_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter7]
le_dec' [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
le_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
listdec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


min [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
mod2 [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
Monotonicity [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


Nat [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
nat_eq_dec' [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
nat_eq_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
nat_ind [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
nat_eqb [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
Not [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
not [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]


or_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


pdec [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
PE [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
Peirce [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
phi [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
PI [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
power [in LectureNotes.Base]
prec [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
primitive_recursion [in LectureNotes.Chapter4]
PU [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
P2b [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


Reflexivity [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
rem [in LectureNotes.Base]
rep [in LectureNotes.Base]
rev [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]
revi [in LectureNotes.Chapter8]
revi [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


sat [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
satis [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satisc [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
satis_list [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
scl [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
scl' [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
sf_closed [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
size [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
sizeF [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
solved [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
step [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
STVS [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
subst [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
Substitution [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
surjective [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
surjective [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
surjective [in LectureNotes.Chapter3]
svar [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
swap [in LectureNotes.Chapter1]


True_dec [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]
TVS [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
TVS [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]


U [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]
undup [in LectureNotes.Base]
uns [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
U_sfc [in LectureNotes.Chapter12]


valid [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]
var [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]


XM [in LectureNotes.Chapter5]
XM [in LectureNotes.Chapter10]
XM [in LectureNotes.Chapter2]
XM [in LectureNotes.Chapter6]

Record Index


ref_pred [in LectureNotes.Chapter11]

Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (805 entries)
Notation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (15 entries)
Module Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1 entry)
Variable Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (57 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (12 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (406 entries)
Constructor Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (60 entries)
Inductive Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (25 entries)
Projection Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (6 entries)
Instance Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (43 entries)
Section Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (32 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (147 entries)
Record Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1 entry)