Require Import List Arith.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_decidable utils_nat.

From Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints
  Require Import H10C.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Notation "〚 c 〛" := (h10c_sem c).
Local Notation " '⟪' c '⟫' " := (fun φ => h10uc_sem φ c).

Section decidability_of_validity.

  Let plus_swap (P Q : Prop) : { P } + { Q } -> { Q } + { P }.
  Proof. tauto. Qed.

  Fact h10c_sem_dec c φ : {c〛φ } + { ~c〛φ }.
  Proof. destruct c; apply eq_nat_dec. Qed.

  Fact h10lc_sem_dec l φ : { c | In c l /\ ~c〛φ } + { forall c, In c l ->c〛φ }.
    apply list_choose_dep.
    intros c _; apply plus_swap, h10c_sem_dec.

  Fact h10luc_sem_dec l φ : { c | In c l /\ ~ c φ } + { forall c, In c l -> c φ }.
    apply list_choose_dep.
    intros c _; apply plus_swap.
    destruct c as ((?,?),?); apply eq_nat_dec.

End decidability_of_validity.

Section h10c_vars_bound.

  Definition h10c_vars c :=
    match c with
      | h10c_one x => x::nil
      | h10c_plus x y z => x::y::z::nil
      | h10c_mult x y z => x::y::z::nil

  Definition h10uc_vars (c : h10uc) :=
    match c with (x,y,z) => x::y::z::nil end.

  Fact h10c_vars_equiv c phi psy : (forall x, In x (h10c_vars c) -> phi x = psy x)
                                -> cphi <->cpsy.
    destruct c; simpl; intros H; repeat rewrite H; tauto.

  Fact h10uc_vars_equiv c phi psy : (forall x, In x (h10uc_vars c) -> phi x = psy x)
                                -> c phi <-> c psy.
    destruct c as ((?,?),?); simpl; intros H; repeat rewrite H; tauto.

  Definition h10lc_vars := flat_map h10c_vars.
  Definition h10luc_vars := flat_map h10uc_vars.

  Fact h10lc_vars_equiv l phi psy : (forall x, In x (h10lc_vars l) -> phi x = psy x)
                                  -> forall c, In c l ->cphi <->cpsy.
    intros H c Hc.
    apply h10c_vars_equiv.
    intros x Hx; apply H, in_flat_map.
    exists c; auto.

  Fact h10luc_vars_equiv l phi psy : (forall x, In x (h10luc_vars l) -> phi x = psy x)
                                   -> forall c, In c l -> c phi <-> c psy.
    intros H c Hc.
    apply h10uc_vars_equiv.
    intros x Hx; apply H, in_flat_map.
    exists c; auto.

  Definition h10lc_bound l := S (lmax (h10lc_vars l)).
  Definition h10luc_bound l := S (lmax (h10luc_vars l)).

  Fact h10lc_bound_prop l phi psy : (forall x, x < h10lc_bound l -> phi x = psy x)
                                  -> forall c, In c l ->cphi <->cpsy.
    intros H; apply h10lc_vars_equiv.
    intros x Hc; apply H, le_n_S, lmax_prop; auto.

  Fact h10luc_bound_prop l phi psy : (forall x, x < h10luc_bound l -> phi x = psy x)
                                   -> forall c, In c l -> c phi <-> c psy.
    intros H; apply h10luc_vars_equiv.
    intros x Hc; apply H, le_n_S, lmax_prop; auto.

End h10c_vars_bound.