From Undecidability Require Import FOL.Util.Deduction FOL.Util.Tarski FOL.Util.Syntax.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Section Kripke.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Section Model.
Variable domain : Type.
Class kmodel :=
nodes : Type ;
reachable : nodes -> nodes -> Prop ;
reach_refl u : reachable u u ;
reach_tran u v w : reachable u v -> reachable v w -> reachable u w ;
k_interp : interp domain ;
k_P : nodes -> forall P : preds, Vector.t domain (ar_preds P) -> Prop ;
mon_P : forall u v, reachable u v -> forall P (t : Vector.t domain (ar_preds P)), k_P u t -> k_P v t;
Variable M : kmodel.
Fixpoint ksat {ff : falsity_flag} u (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) : Prop :=
match phi with
| atom P v => k_P u ( (@eval _ _ _ k_interp rho) v)
| falsity => False
| bin Impl phi psi => forall v, reachable u v -> ksat v rho phi -> ksat v rho psi
| quant All phi => forall j : domain, ksat u (j .: rho) phi
Lemma ksat_mon {ff : falsity_flag} (u : nodes) (rho : nat -> domain) (phi : form) :
forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat u rho phi -> ksat v rho phi.
revert rho.
induction phi; intros rho v' H; cbn; try destruct b0; try destruct q; intuition; eauto using mon_P, reach_tran.
Lemma ksat_iff {ff : falsity_flag} u rho phi :
ksat u rho phi <-> forall v (H : reachable u v), ksat v rho phi.
- intros H1 v H2. eapply ksat_mon; eauto.
- intros H. apply H. eapply reach_refl.
End Model.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _} _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.
Hint Resolve reach_refl : core.
Section Substs.
Variable D : Type.
Context {M : kmodel D}.
Lemma ksat_ext {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
(forall x, rho x = xi x) -> rho ⊩(u,M) phi <-> xi ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; intros Hext; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_ext. reflexivity. intros t. now apply eval_ext.
- destruct b0; split; intros H v Hv Hv'; now apply (IHphi2 v rho xi Hext), (H _ Hv), (IHphi1 v rho xi Hext).
- destruct q; split; intros H d; apply (IHphi _ (d .: rho) (d .: xi)). all: ((intros []; cbn; congruence) + auto).
Lemma ksat_comp {ff : falsity_flag} u rho xi phi :
rho ⊩(u,M) phi[xi] <-> (xi >> eval rho (I := @k_interp _ M)) ⊩(u,M) phi.
induction phi as [ | b P v | | ] in rho, xi, u |-*; comp.
- tauto.
- erewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite Vector.map_ext. 2: apply eval_comp. reflexivity.
- destruct b0. setoid_rewrite IHphi1. now setoid_rewrite IHphi2.
- destruct q. setoid_rewrite IHphi. split; intros H d; eapply ksat_ext. 2, 4: apply (H d).
all: intros []; cbn; trivial; unfold funcomp; now erewrite eval_comp.
End Substs.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Definition kvalid_ctx A phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, (forall psi, psi el A -> ksat u rho psi) -> ksat u rho phi.
Definition kvalid phi :=
forall D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
Definition ksatis phi :=
exists D (M : kmodel D) u rho, ksat u rho phi.
End Kripke.
Notation "rho '⊩(' u ')' phi" := (ksat u rho phi) (at level 20).
Notation "rho '⊩(' u , M ')' phi" := (@ksat _ _ _ M _ u rho phi) (at level 20).
Arguments ksat {_ _ _ _ _} _ _ _, {_ _ _} _ {_} _ _ _.
Section KSoundness.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
Ltac clean_ksoundness :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?x = ?x -> _ |- _ ] => specialize (H eq_refl)
| [ H : (?A -> ?B), H2 : (?A -> ?B) -> _ |- _] => specialize (H2 H)
Lemma ksoundness A (phi : form) :
A ⊢I phi -> kvalid_ctx A phi.
intros Hprv D M. remember intu as s. induction Hprv; subst; cbn; intros u rho HA.
all: repeat (clean_ksoundness + discriminate). all: (eauto || comp; eauto).
- intros v Hr Hpi. eapply IHHprv. intros ? []; subst; eauto using ksat_mon.
- eapply IHHprv1. 3: eapply IHHprv2. all: eauto. apply M.
- intros d. apply IHHprv. intros psi [psi' [<- Hp]] % in_map_iff. cbn. rewrite ksat_comp. apply HA, Hp.
- rewrite ksat_comp. eapply ksat_ext. 2: eapply (IHHprv u rho HA (eval rho t)).
unfold funcomp. now intros [].
- now apply IHHprv in HA.
Lemma ksoundness' (phi : form) :
[] ⊢I phi -> kvalid phi.
intros H % ksoundness. firstorder.
End KSoundness.
Section ToTarski.
Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.
Program Instance interp_kripke {domain} (I : interp domain) : kmodel domain :=
{| nodes := unit ; reachable u v := True |}.
Next Obligation.
- now apply I in X.
Lemma kripke_tarski {ff : falsity_flag} domain (I : interp domain) rho phi :
rho ⊨ phi <-> ksat (interp_kripke I) tt rho phi.
revert rho. induction phi; intros rho.
- tauto.
- tauto.
- destruct b0. cbn. rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2. intuition. destruct v. tauto.
- destruct q. cbn. split; intros H; cbn in *.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
+ intros i. apply IHphi, H.
Lemma kvalid_valid b (phi : form b) :
kvalid phi -> valid phi.
intros H domain I rho. apply kripke_tarski, H.
Lemma ksatis_satis b (phi : form b) :
satis phi -> ksatis phi.
intros (domain & I & rho & ?). eapply kripke_tarski in H.
now exists domain, (interp_kripke I), tt, rho.
End ToTarski.