Require Import List Arith Lia Morphisms Setoid.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.calculus.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import
unification.higher_order_unification unification.nth_order_unification
concon.conservativity_constants concon.conservativity.
Import ListNotations.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section Retracts.
Variable (X Y: Const).
Variable (RE: retract X Y).
Hypothesis consts_agree: forall x: X, ctype X x = ctype Y (I x).
Let inj (c: X) := const (I c).
Let re (f: Y -> nat) (d: Y) :=
match tight RE d with
| Some x => const x
| None => inhab X (f d) (ctype Y d)
Lemma inj_ren delta: inj >> ren delta = inj.
fext; reflexivity.
Lemma re_ren f delta: re f >> ren delta = re (f >> delta).
fext; intros x; unfold funcomp, re.
destruct tight; eauto. now rewrite inhab_ren.
Lemma subst_consts_inject_forward sigma s:
subst_consts inj (sigma • s) =
(sigma >> subst_consts inj) • (subst_consts inj s).
induction s in sigma |-*; cbn in *; intuition.
- f_equal. rewrite inj_ren.
rewrite IHs. f_equal.
fext; intros []; cbn; eauto.
rewrite <-inj_ren with (delta := shift) at 1.
unfold funcomp at 2. now rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
- now rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
Lemma subst_consts_inject_backwards sigma s f:
subst_consts (re f) (sigma • subst_consts inj s) =
(sigma >> subst_consts (re f)) • s.
induction s in sigma, f |-*; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold funcomp. unfold re. unfold tight. rewrite retr.
destruct (I c == I c); intuition.
- f_equal.
rewrite subst_consts_up, inj_ren, re_ren; eauto.
- rewrite IHs1, IHs2; eauto.
Lemma inj_typing n sigma Gamma Delta:
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma >> subst_consts inj : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros ????. eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; eauto.
intros ??; unfold inj.
rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor; rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants; eauto.
Lemma re_typing n Delta f sigma Gamma:
1 <= n ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
(forall x c, x ∈ dom Gamma -> c ∈ consts (sigma x) -> nth Delta (f c) = Some (target (ctype Y c))) ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma >> subst_consts (re f) : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros L T Sub x A H; unfold funcomp.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; eauto.
intros y H'.
unfold re. destruct (tight RE y) eqn: EQr.
- eapply tight_is_tight in EQr. subst. rewrite <-consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite consts_agree. eapply typing_constants; eauto.
- eapply ordertyping_monotone, inhab_typing; domin H; eauto.
Program Instance unification_retract {n} (I: orduni n X) : orduni n Y :=
s₀ := subst_consts inj s₀;
t₀ := subst_consts inj t₀;
A₀ := A₀;
Gamma₀ := Gamma₀;
Next Obligation.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts. eapply H1₀.
intros x H1. unfold inj. rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants. eapply H1₀. eauto.
Next Obligation.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts. eapply H2₀.
intros x H1. unfold inj. rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants. eapply H2₀. eauto.
Lemma unification_retract_forward n (I: orduni n X):
OU n X I -> OU n Y (unification_retract I).
intros (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
exists Delta. exists (sigma >> subst_consts inj). split.
- now eapply inj_typing.
- unfold s₀, t₀; cbn.
rewrite <-!subst_consts_inject_forward.
now rewrite EQ.
Lemma unification_retract_backward n (I: orduni n X):
1 <= n -> OU n Y (unification_retract I) -> OU n X I.
intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
pose (C := Consts (map sigma (nats (length Gamma₀)))).
pose (f y := match find y C with
| Some x => length Delta + x
| None => 0
exists (Delta ++ target' (map (ctype Y) C)).
exists (sigma >> subst_consts (re f)). split.
- eapply re_typing; eauto.
intros ???. eapply weakening_ordertyping_app; eauto.
intros x y H1 H2. eapply Consts_consts with (S := map sigma (nats (| Gamma₀ |))) in H2;
eauto using in_map, lt_nats.
unfold f, C. eapply find_in in H2 as [? H3]; rewrite H3.
rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto.
unfold target'; erewrite map_map, map_nth_error; simplify; eauto.
now eapply find_Some.
- unfold s₀, t₀ in EQ; cbn in EQ.
now rewrite <-!subst_consts_inject_backwards, EQ.
Lemma unification_constants_monotone n:
1 <= n -> OU n X ⪯ OU n Y.
Proof using re inj consts_agree RE.
intros H; exists unification_retract.
intros I; split;
eauto using unification_retract_forward, unification_retract_backward.
End Retracts.
Section RemoveConstants.
Variable (X Y: Const) (RE: retract Y X).
Hypothesis (consts_agree: forall y, ctype Y y = ctype X (I y)).
Let R' x := tight RE x.
Let enc_const (A: list X) (x: X): exp Y :=
match R' x with
| Some y => const y
| None =>
match find x A with
| Some n => var n
| None => var 0
Let enc_var (A: list X) (y: nat) : exp X :=
AppR (var (y + length A)) (map var (nats (length A))).
Let enc_term (C: list X) (s: exp X): exp Y :=
Lambda (length C) (subst_consts (enc_const C) (enc_var C • s)).
Let enc_type (C: list X) (A: type): type :=
Arr (rev (map (ctype X) C)) A.
Let enc_ctx (C: list X) (Gamma: ctx): ctx :=
map (enc_type C) Gamma.
Let enc_subst (C: list X) (sigma: fin -> exp X) (x: nat) :=
enc_term C (sigma x).
Let ι (y: Y) : exp X := const (I y).
Let inv_term C (s: exp Y) :=
AppR (subst_consts ι s) (map const C).
Let inv_subst C (sigma: fin -> exp Y) (x: nat) :=
inv_term C (sigma x).
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section EncodingLemmas.
Variable (C: list X) (n: nat).
Hypothesis (O: ord' (map (ctype X) C) < n).
Lemma remove_constants_ordertyping Gamma s A:
Gamma ⊢(n) s : A ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
enc_ctx C Gamma ⊢(n) enc_term C s : enc_type C A.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros T H. eapply Lambda_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts.
eapply ordertyping_weak_preservation_under_substitution; eauto.
- intros y B H1 H2. unfold enc_var.
eapply AppR_ordertyping.
+ eapply map_var_typing with (L := map (ctype X) C).
* intros x; rewrite dom_lt_iff; simplify.
intros ? % nats_lt; lia.
* rewrite select_nats.
rewrite firstn_app; simplify.
rewrite <-firstn_all; cbn; now simplify.
* eauto.
+ econstructor; simplify; intuition.
eapply vars_ordertyping_nth with (n0 := n) (Gamma0 := Gamma)
in H1; eauto.
unfold enc_ctx;
erewrite nth_error_app2, map_nth_error; simplify; now eauto.
- intros x H'. unfold enc_const.
eapply consts_subst_in in H' as [].
destruct (R' x) eqn: EQ.
+ eapply tight_is_tight in EQ as EQ'; subst x.
rewrite <-consts_agree. econstructor.
rewrite consts_agree. eapply typing_constants; eauto.
+ destruct find eqn: H1.
* eapply find_Some in H1.
econstructor. rewrite <-O.
now eapply ord'_in, in_map, H.
rewrite nth_error_app1; simplify;
eauto using nth_error_Some_lt.
erewrite map_nth_error; now eauto.
* exfalso.
eapply find_not_in in H1; intuition.
+ unfold enc_var in H0. destruct H0. intuition.
rewrite consts_AppR in H2. simplify in H2.
unfold Consts in H2; eapply in_flat_map in H2 as [].
intuition. mapinj. cbn in H3; intuition.
Lemma inv_term_typing Gamma s A:
Gamma ⊢(n) s : enc_type C A ->
Gamma ⊢(n) inv_term C s : A.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros H; unfold inv_term.
eapply AppR_ordertyping with (L := map (ctype X) C).
eapply const_ordertyping_list. rewrite O; eauto.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; [eauto|].
intros y ?; rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants; eauto.
Lemma remove_constants_ordertypingSubst Delta sigma Gamma :
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
(forall x c, c ∈ consts (sigma x) -> R' c = None -> c ∈ C) ->
enc_ctx C Delta ⊩(n) enc_subst C sigma : enc_ctx C Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros ?????. unfold enc_ctx in H1. rewrite nth_error_map_option in H1.
destruct nth eqn: EQ; try discriminate; injection H1 as <-.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto.
Lemma inv_subst_typing Delta sigma Gamma:
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : enc_ctx C Gamma ->
Delta ⊩(n) inv_subst C sigma : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros ????. eapply inv_term_typing, H.
unfold enc_ctx; erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
Unset Default Proof Using.
Global Instance enc_proper:
Proper (equiv (@step X) ++> equiv (@step Y)) (enc_term C).
intros ?? H; unfold enc_term; now rewrite H.
Global Instance inv_proper:
Proper (equiv (@step Y) ++> equiv (@step X)) (inv_term C).
intros ?? H; unfold inv_term; now rewrite H.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Lemma subst_consts_subst Z (s: exp X) sigma tau theta zeta (kappa: X -> exp Z):
(forall x, x ∈ vars s -> sigma • subst_consts zeta (tau x) >* subst_consts kappa (theta x)) ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> sigma • zeta x >* kappa x) ->
sigma • subst_consts zeta (tau • s) >* subst_consts kappa (theta • s).
Proof using ι n inv_term inv_subst enc_term enc_subst enc_const Y RE R' C.
induction s in sigma, zeta, tau, kappa, theta |-*.
- cbn; intros; eapply H; now econstructor.
- cbn; intros; eapply H0; eauto.
- cbn -[vars]; intros.
rewrite IHs with (kappa := kappa >> ren shift) (theta := up theta); eauto.
+ intros []; cbn; eauto.
unfold funcomp at 2.
rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
unfold funcomp at 2. rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
unfold up. asimpl.
erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; try reflexivity.
intros; eapply subst_steps, H. eauto.
+ intros x. unfold funcomp.
asimpl. erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; try reflexivity.
intros; eapply subst_steps, H0; eauto.
- intros; cbn; rewrite IHs1, IHs2; try reflexivity.
1, 3: intros; eapply H; eauto.
all: intros; eapply H0; cbn; simplify; intuition.
Lemma enc_subst_term_reduce tau s:
(forall x c, c ∈ consts (tau x) -> R' c = None -> c ∈ C) ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
enc_subst C tau • enc_term C s >* enc_term C (tau • s).
Proof using n.
intros H1 H2; unfold enc_term. asimpl. eapply Lambda_steps_proper.
rewrite subst_consts_subst; eauto.
- intros x ?. unfold funcomp at 1.
unfold enc_var.
rewrite !subst_consts_AppR, AppR_subst; cbn.
rewrite it_up_ge; simplify; eauto.
rewrite map_id_list; cbn.
rewrite map_map; cbn. change (fun x => @var Y x) with (@var Y).
unfold enc_subst at 1, enc_term. rewrite Lambda_ren.
rewrite AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto.
asimpl. rewrite subst_consts_subst; eauto.
+ intros ? ?; unfold funcomp.
unfold enc_var. rewrite idSubst_exp; eauto.
intros y; cbn.
destruct (le_lt_dec (length C) y).
rewrite it_up_ren_ge, le_plus_minus_r, sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
erewrite it_up_ren_lt, nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto using nth_nats.
+ unfold enc_const; intros c; destruct (R' c) eqn: ?; cbn; eauto.
intros [m H'] % H1 % find_in; eauto; rewrite H'.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H'.
cbn; unfold funcomp; erewrite it_up_ren_lt, nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto using nth_nats.
+ intros ? ?; mapinj; mapinj; cbn; rewrite it_up_lt; eauto using nats_lt.
- unfold enc_const; intros c; destruct (R' c) eqn: ?; cbn; eauto.
intros [m H'] % H2 % find_in; eauto; rewrite H'.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H'.
cbn; erewrite it_up_lt; eauto.
Lemma enc_term_app sigma s:
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
inv_term C (sigma • enc_term C s) >* inv_subst C sigma • s.
Proof using n.
intros H. unfold enc_term, inv_term.
asimpl. rewrite subst_consts_Lambda.
rewrite AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto.
replace (ι >> _) with ι by (fext; intros ?; reflexivity).
pose (theta x := AppR
(subst_consts ι (ren (plus (length C)) (sigma x)))
(map var (nats (length C)))).
erewrite subst_consts_subst with (kappa := enc_const C) (theta := theta).
- rewrite subst_consts_comp.
rewrite subst_consts_subst with (kappa := const) (theta := inv_subst C sigma) .
rewrite subst_consts_ident; eauto.
+ intros x V. unfold theta, inv_subst.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR, subst_consts_comp.
rewrite map_id_list.
2: intros ??; mapinj; reflexivity.
rewrite subst_consts_ident; eauto.
replace (ι >> _) with (ι >> ren (plus (length C))).
2: fext; intros c; unfold funcomp, enc_const, R';
cbn; now rewrite tight_retr.
rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute. unfold inv_term. asimpl.
eapply refl_star. f_equal.
* eapply idSubst_exp. intros y; unfold funcomp.
erewrite sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
* clear theta V. eapply list_pointwise_eq.
intros m; rewrite !nth_error_map_option.
destruct (le_lt_dec (length C) m) as [H1|H1].
-- edestruct nth_error_None as [_ ->].
edestruct nth_error_None as [_ ->].
all: cbn; simplify; eauto.
-- rewrite nth_nats; eauto; cbn.
destruct (nth_error_lt_Some _ m C) as [c H3]; eauto.
rewrite H3; cbn. erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
+ intros ??. unfold funcomp.
unfold enc_const.
destruct (R' x) eqn: ?. cbn.
eapply tight_is_tight in Heqo; now subst.
eapply H in H0; eauto.
eapply find_in in H0 as [m H0]; rewrite H0.
cbn. erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
eapply find_Some; eauto.
- intros; unfold enc_var, theta.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR; cbn.
rewrite AppR_subst; cbn; rewrite it_up_ge; eauto; simplify.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR, subst_consts_comp, subst_consts_ident.
2: intros ?; unfold funcomp, enc_const, R'; cbn; now rewrite tight_retr.
eapply refl_star. f_equal.
rewrite map_id_list; eauto.
intros ??; mapinj; mapinj; cbn.
rewrite it_up_lt; eauto using nats_lt.
- intros. unfold enc_const. destruct (R' x) eqn: ?. cbn.
eapply tight_is_tight in Heqo; now subst.
eapply H in H0; eauto.
eapply find_in in H0 as [m H0]; rewrite H0.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H0.
cbn; erewrite it_up_lt; eauto.
Lemma enc_inv_motivation s:
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
inv_term C (enc_term C s) >* (fun x => AppR (var x) (map const C)) • s.
Proof using n.
intros H. replace (enc_term C s) with (var • enc_term C s) by now asimpl.
rewrite enc_term_app; eauto.
End EncodingLemmas.
Definition iConsts {n} (I: orduni n X) :=
filter (fun x => if R' x == None then true else false)
(Consts [s₀; t₀]).
Program Instance remove_constants n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n) : orduni n Y :=
s₀ := enc_term (iConsts I) s₀;
t₀ := enc_term (iConsts I) t₀;
A₀ := enc_type (iConsts I) A₀;
Gamma₀ := enc_ctx (iConsts I) Gamma₀;
Next Obligation.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto using H1₀.
cbn; simplify; intuition.
eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Next Obligation.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto using H2₀.
cbn; simplify; intuition.
eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Lemma remove_constants_forward n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n):
OU n X I -> OU n Y (remove_constants n I H).
assert (1 <= n) as L by lia.
destruct I as [Gamma s t A H1 H2]; intros (Delta & tau' & T' & E'); cbn in *.
eapply downcast_constants_ordered in T'
as (Sigma & tau & T & E & _ & Cs); eauto; clear tau' E'.
pose (C := filter (fun x => if R' x == None then true else false)
(Consts [s; t])).
exists (enc_ctx C (Delta ++ Sigma)).
exists (enc_subst C tau). split.
- eapply remove_constants_ordertypingSubst; eauto.
intros ? ? ? % Cs. intros ?; cbn; eapply filter_In.
intuition. destruct eq_dec; intuition.
- cbn [s₀ t₀ remove_constants iConsts Consts flat_map];
simplify; unfold C.
cbn in Cs; simplify in Cs.
rewrite !enc_subst_term_reduce; eauto; intuition.
now rewrite E.
all: eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; cbn; intuition.
all: rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.
Lemma remove_constants_backward n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n):
OU n Y (remove_constants n I H) -> OU n X I.
pose (C := iConsts I).
destruct I as [Gamma s t A H1 H2]; intros (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
exists Delta. exists (inv_subst C sigma). split; eauto using inv_subst_typing.
rewrite <-!enc_term_app. cbn [s₀ t₀ remove_constants] in EQ.
unfold C; now rewrite EQ. all: eauto.
all: intros; eapply filter_In; cbn; intuition; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Lemma remove_constants_reduction n:
1 <= n ->
(forall x, tight RE x = None -> ord (ctype X x) < n) -> OU n X ⪯ OU n Y.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros L ?.
assert (forall I: orduni n X, ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n) as O.
- intros ?; destruct n; try lia.
eapply le_n_S, ord'_elements.
intros; mapinj. cbn in H2; simplify in H2.
eapply filter_In in H2 as [].
destruct (R' x == None); try discriminate.
now eapply le_S_n, H.
- exists (fun I => remove_constants n I (O I)).
intros I; split.
eapply remove_constants_forward.
eapply remove_constants_backward.
End RemoveConstants.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.calculus.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import
unification.higher_order_unification unification.nth_order_unification
concon.conservativity_constants concon.conservativity.
Import ListNotations.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section Retracts.
Variable (X Y: Const).
Variable (RE: retract X Y).
Hypothesis consts_agree: forall x: X, ctype X x = ctype Y (I x).
Let inj (c: X) := const (I c).
Let re (f: Y -> nat) (d: Y) :=
match tight RE d with
| Some x => const x
| None => inhab X (f d) (ctype Y d)
Lemma inj_ren delta: inj >> ren delta = inj.
fext; reflexivity.
Lemma re_ren f delta: re f >> ren delta = re (f >> delta).
fext; intros x; unfold funcomp, re.
destruct tight; eauto. now rewrite inhab_ren.
Lemma subst_consts_inject_forward sigma s:
subst_consts inj (sigma • s) =
(sigma >> subst_consts inj) • (subst_consts inj s).
induction s in sigma |-*; cbn in *; intuition.
- f_equal. rewrite inj_ren.
rewrite IHs. f_equal.
fext; intros []; cbn; eauto.
rewrite <-inj_ren with (delta := shift) at 1.
unfold funcomp at 2. now rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
- now rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
Lemma subst_consts_inject_backwards sigma s f:
subst_consts (re f) (sigma • subst_consts inj s) =
(sigma >> subst_consts (re f)) • s.
induction s in sigma, f |-*; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- unfold funcomp. unfold re. unfold tight. rewrite retr.
destruct (I c == I c); intuition.
- f_equal.
rewrite subst_consts_up, inj_ren, re_ren; eauto.
- rewrite IHs1, IHs2; eauto.
Lemma inj_typing n sigma Gamma Delta:
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma >> subst_consts inj : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros ????. eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; eauto.
intros ??; unfold inj.
rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor; rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants; eauto.
Lemma re_typing n Delta f sigma Gamma:
1 <= n ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
(forall x c, x ∈ dom Gamma -> c ∈ consts (sigma x) -> nth Delta (f c) = Some (target (ctype Y c))) ->
Delta ⊩(n) sigma >> subst_consts (re f) : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros L T Sub x A H; unfold funcomp.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; eauto.
intros y H'.
unfold re. destruct (tight RE y) eqn: EQr.
- eapply tight_is_tight in EQr. subst. rewrite <-consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite consts_agree. eapply typing_constants; eauto.
- eapply ordertyping_monotone, inhab_typing; domin H; eauto.
Program Instance unification_retract {n} (I: orduni n X) : orduni n Y :=
s₀ := subst_consts inj s₀;
t₀ := subst_consts inj t₀;
A₀ := A₀;
Gamma₀ := Gamma₀;
Next Obligation.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts. eapply H1₀.
intros x H1. unfold inj. rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants. eapply H1₀. eauto.
Next Obligation.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts. eapply H2₀.
intros x H1. unfold inj. rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants. eapply H2₀. eauto.
Lemma unification_retract_forward n (I: orduni n X):
OU n X I -> OU n Y (unification_retract I).
intros (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
exists Delta. exists (sigma >> subst_consts inj). split.
- now eapply inj_typing.
- unfold s₀, t₀; cbn.
rewrite <-!subst_consts_inject_forward.
now rewrite EQ.
Lemma unification_retract_backward n (I: orduni n X):
1 <= n -> OU n Y (unification_retract I) -> OU n X I.
intros Leq (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
pose (C := Consts (map sigma (nats (length Gamma₀)))).
pose (f y := match find y C with
| Some x => length Delta + x
| None => 0
exists (Delta ++ target' (map (ctype Y) C)).
exists (sigma >> subst_consts (re f)). split.
- eapply re_typing; eauto.
intros ???. eapply weakening_ordertyping_app; eauto.
intros x y H1 H2. eapply Consts_consts with (S := map sigma (nats (| Gamma₀ |))) in H2;
eauto using in_map, lt_nats.
unfold f, C. eapply find_in in H2 as [? H3]; rewrite H3.
rewrite nth_error_app2; simplify; eauto.
unfold target'; erewrite map_map, map_nth_error; simplify; eauto.
now eapply find_Some.
- unfold s₀, t₀ in EQ; cbn in EQ.
now rewrite <-!subst_consts_inject_backwards, EQ.
Lemma unification_constants_monotone n:
1 <= n -> OU n X ⪯ OU n Y.
Proof using re inj consts_agree RE.
intros H; exists unification_retract.
intros I; split;
eauto using unification_retract_forward, unification_retract_backward.
End Retracts.
Section RemoveConstants.
Variable (X Y: Const) (RE: retract Y X).
Hypothesis (consts_agree: forall y, ctype Y y = ctype X (I y)).
Let R' x := tight RE x.
Let enc_const (A: list X) (x: X): exp Y :=
match R' x with
| Some y => const y
| None =>
match find x A with
| Some n => var n
| None => var 0
Let enc_var (A: list X) (y: nat) : exp X :=
AppR (var (y + length A)) (map var (nats (length A))).
Let enc_term (C: list X) (s: exp X): exp Y :=
Lambda (length C) (subst_consts (enc_const C) (enc_var C • s)).
Let enc_type (C: list X) (A: type): type :=
Arr (rev (map (ctype X) C)) A.
Let enc_ctx (C: list X) (Gamma: ctx): ctx :=
map (enc_type C) Gamma.
Let enc_subst (C: list X) (sigma: fin -> exp X) (x: nat) :=
enc_term C (sigma x).
Let ι (y: Y) : exp X := const (I y).
Let inv_term C (s: exp Y) :=
AppR (subst_consts ι s) (map const C).
Let inv_subst C (sigma: fin -> exp Y) (x: nat) :=
inv_term C (sigma x).
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section EncodingLemmas.
Variable (C: list X) (n: nat).
Hypothesis (O: ord' (map (ctype X) C) < n).
Lemma remove_constants_ordertyping Gamma s A:
Gamma ⊢(n) s : A ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
enc_ctx C Gamma ⊢(n) enc_term C s : enc_type C A.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros T H. eapply Lambda_ordertyping; simplify; eauto.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts.
eapply ordertyping_weak_preservation_under_substitution; eauto.
- intros y B H1 H2. unfold enc_var.
eapply AppR_ordertyping.
+ eapply map_var_typing with (L := map (ctype X) C).
* intros x; rewrite dom_lt_iff; simplify.
intros ? % nats_lt; lia.
* rewrite select_nats.
rewrite firstn_app; simplify.
rewrite <-firstn_all; cbn; now simplify.
* eauto.
+ econstructor; simplify; intuition.
eapply vars_ordertyping_nth with (n0 := n) (Gamma0 := Gamma)
in H1; eauto.
unfold enc_ctx;
erewrite nth_error_app2, map_nth_error; simplify; now eauto.
- intros x H'. unfold enc_const.
eapply consts_subst_in in H' as [].
destruct (R' x) eqn: EQ.
+ eapply tight_is_tight in EQ as EQ'; subst x.
rewrite <-consts_agree. econstructor.
rewrite consts_agree. eapply typing_constants; eauto.
+ destruct find eqn: H1.
* eapply find_Some in H1.
econstructor. rewrite <-O.
now eapply ord'_in, in_map, H.
rewrite nth_error_app1; simplify;
eauto using nth_error_Some_lt.
erewrite map_nth_error; now eauto.
* exfalso.
eapply find_not_in in H1; intuition.
+ unfold enc_var in H0. destruct H0. intuition.
rewrite consts_AppR in H2. simplify in H2.
unfold Consts in H2; eapply in_flat_map in H2 as [].
intuition. mapinj. cbn in H3; intuition.
Lemma inv_term_typing Gamma s A:
Gamma ⊢(n) s : enc_type C A ->
Gamma ⊢(n) inv_term C s : A.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros H; unfold inv_term.
eapply AppR_ordertyping with (L := map (ctype X) C).
eapply const_ordertyping_list. rewrite O; eauto.
eapply ordertyping_preservation_consts; [eauto|].
intros y ?; rewrite consts_agree.
econstructor. rewrite <-consts_agree.
eapply typing_constants; eauto.
Lemma remove_constants_ordertypingSubst Delta sigma Gamma :
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : Gamma ->
(forall x c, c ∈ consts (sigma x) -> R' c = None -> c ∈ C) ->
enc_ctx C Delta ⊩(n) enc_subst C sigma : enc_ctx C Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros ?????. unfold enc_ctx in H1. rewrite nth_error_map_option in H1.
destruct nth eqn: EQ; try discriminate; injection H1 as <-.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto.
Lemma inv_subst_typing Delta sigma Gamma:
Delta ⊩(n) sigma : enc_ctx C Gamma ->
Delta ⊩(n) inv_subst C sigma : Gamma.
Proof using consts_agree O.
intros ????. eapply inv_term_typing, H.
unfold enc_ctx; erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
Unset Default Proof Using.
Global Instance enc_proper:
Proper (equiv (@step X) ++> equiv (@step Y)) (enc_term C).
intros ?? H; unfold enc_term; now rewrite H.
Global Instance inv_proper:
Proper (equiv (@step Y) ++> equiv (@step X)) (inv_term C).
intros ?? H; unfold inv_term; now rewrite H.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Lemma subst_consts_subst Z (s: exp X) sigma tau theta zeta (kappa: X -> exp Z):
(forall x, x ∈ vars s -> sigma • subst_consts zeta (tau x) >* subst_consts kappa (theta x)) ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> sigma • zeta x >* kappa x) ->
sigma • subst_consts zeta (tau • s) >* subst_consts kappa (theta • s).
Proof using ι n inv_term inv_subst enc_term enc_subst enc_const Y RE R' C.
induction s in sigma, zeta, tau, kappa, theta |-*.
- cbn; intros; eapply H; now econstructor.
- cbn; intros; eapply H0; eauto.
- cbn -[vars]; intros.
rewrite IHs with (kappa := kappa >> ren shift) (theta := up theta); eauto.
+ intros []; cbn; eauto.
unfold funcomp at 2.
rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
unfold funcomp at 2. rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute.
unfold up. asimpl.
erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; try reflexivity.
intros; eapply subst_steps, H. eauto.
+ intros x. unfold funcomp.
asimpl. erewrite <-compSubstSubst_exp; try reflexivity.
intros; eapply subst_steps, H0; eauto.
- intros; cbn; rewrite IHs1, IHs2; try reflexivity.
1, 3: intros; eapply H; eauto.
all: intros; eapply H0; cbn; simplify; intuition.
Lemma enc_subst_term_reduce tau s:
(forall x c, c ∈ consts (tau x) -> R' c = None -> c ∈ C) ->
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
enc_subst C tau • enc_term C s >* enc_term C (tau • s).
Proof using n.
intros H1 H2; unfold enc_term. asimpl. eapply Lambda_steps_proper.
rewrite subst_consts_subst; eauto.
- intros x ?. unfold funcomp at 1.
unfold enc_var.
rewrite !subst_consts_AppR, AppR_subst; cbn.
rewrite it_up_ge; simplify; eauto.
rewrite map_id_list; cbn.
rewrite map_map; cbn. change (fun x => @var Y x) with (@var Y).
unfold enc_subst at 1, enc_term. rewrite Lambda_ren.
rewrite AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto.
asimpl. rewrite subst_consts_subst; eauto.
+ intros ? ?; unfold funcomp.
unfold enc_var. rewrite idSubst_exp; eauto.
intros y; cbn.
destruct (le_lt_dec (length C) y).
rewrite it_up_ren_ge, le_plus_minus_r, sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
erewrite it_up_ren_lt, nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto using nth_nats.
+ unfold enc_const; intros c; destruct (R' c) eqn: ?; cbn; eauto.
intros [m H'] % H1 % find_in; eauto; rewrite H'.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H'.
cbn; unfold funcomp; erewrite it_up_ren_lt, nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto using nth_nats.
+ intros ? ?; mapinj; mapinj; cbn; rewrite it_up_lt; eauto using nats_lt.
- unfold enc_const; intros c; destruct (R' c) eqn: ?; cbn; eauto.
intros [m H'] % H2 % find_in; eauto; rewrite H'.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H'.
cbn; erewrite it_up_lt; eauto.
Lemma enc_term_app sigma s:
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
inv_term C (sigma • enc_term C s) >* inv_subst C sigma • s.
Proof using n.
intros H. unfold enc_term, inv_term.
asimpl. rewrite subst_consts_Lambda.
rewrite AppR_Lambda'; simplify; eauto.
replace (ι >> _) with ι by (fext; intros ?; reflexivity).
pose (theta x := AppR
(subst_consts ι (ren (plus (length C)) (sigma x)))
(map var (nats (length C)))).
erewrite subst_consts_subst with (kappa := enc_const C) (theta := theta).
- rewrite subst_consts_comp.
rewrite subst_consts_subst with (kappa := const) (theta := inv_subst C sigma) .
rewrite subst_consts_ident; eauto.
+ intros x V. unfold theta, inv_subst.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR, subst_consts_comp.
rewrite map_id_list.
2: intros ??; mapinj; reflexivity.
rewrite subst_consts_ident; eauto.
replace (ι >> _) with (ι >> ren (plus (length C))).
2: fext; intros c; unfold funcomp, enc_const, R';
cbn; now rewrite tight_retr.
rewrite ren_subst_consts_commute. unfold inv_term. asimpl.
eapply refl_star. f_equal.
* eapply idSubst_exp. intros y; unfold funcomp.
erewrite sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto.
* clear theta V. eapply list_pointwise_eq.
intros m; rewrite !nth_error_map_option.
destruct (le_lt_dec (length C) m) as [H1|H1].
-- edestruct nth_error_None as [_ ->].
edestruct nth_error_None as [_ ->].
all: cbn; simplify; eauto.
-- rewrite nth_nats; eauto; cbn.
destruct (nth_error_lt_Some _ m C) as [c H3]; eauto.
rewrite H3; cbn. erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
+ intros ??. unfold funcomp.
unfold enc_const.
destruct (R' x) eqn: ?. cbn.
eapply tight_is_tight in Heqo; now subst.
eapply H in H0; eauto.
eapply find_in in H0 as [m H0]; rewrite H0.
cbn. erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
erewrite map_nth_error; eauto.
eapply find_Some; eauto.
- intros; unfold enc_var, theta.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR; cbn.
rewrite AppR_subst; cbn; rewrite it_up_ge; eauto; simplify.
rewrite subst_consts_AppR, subst_consts_comp, subst_consts_ident.
2: intros ?; unfold funcomp, enc_const, R'; cbn; now rewrite tight_retr.
eapply refl_star. f_equal.
rewrite map_id_list; eauto.
intros ??; mapinj; mapinj; cbn.
rewrite it_up_lt; eauto using nats_lt.
- intros. unfold enc_const. destruct (R' x) eqn: ?. cbn.
eapply tight_is_tight in Heqo; now subst.
eapply H in H0; eauto.
eapply find_in in H0 as [m H0]; rewrite H0.
eapply find_Some, nth_error_Some_lt in H0.
cbn; erewrite it_up_lt; eauto.
Lemma enc_inv_motivation s:
(forall x, x ∈ consts s -> R' x = None -> x ∈ C) ->
inv_term C (enc_term C s) >* (fun x => AppR (var x) (map const C)) • s.
Proof using n.
intros H. replace (enc_term C s) with (var • enc_term C s) by now asimpl.
rewrite enc_term_app; eauto.
End EncodingLemmas.
Definition iConsts {n} (I: orduni n X) :=
filter (fun x => if R' x == None then true else false)
(Consts [s₀; t₀]).
Program Instance remove_constants n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n) : orduni n Y :=
s₀ := enc_term (iConsts I) s₀;
t₀ := enc_term (iConsts I) t₀;
A₀ := enc_type (iConsts I) A₀;
Gamma₀ := enc_ctx (iConsts I) Gamma₀;
Next Obligation.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto using H1₀.
cbn; simplify; intuition.
eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Next Obligation.
eapply remove_constants_ordertyping; eauto using H2₀.
cbn; simplify; intuition.
eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Lemma remove_constants_forward n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n):
OU n X I -> OU n Y (remove_constants n I H).
assert (1 <= n) as L by lia.
destruct I as [Gamma s t A H1 H2]; intros (Delta & tau' & T' & E'); cbn in *.
eapply downcast_constants_ordered in T'
as (Sigma & tau & T & E & _ & Cs); eauto; clear tau' E'.
pose (C := filter (fun x => if R' x == None then true else false)
(Consts [s; t])).
exists (enc_ctx C (Delta ++ Sigma)).
exists (enc_subst C tau). split.
- eapply remove_constants_ordertypingSubst; eauto.
intros ? ? ? % Cs. intros ?; cbn; eapply filter_In.
intuition. destruct eq_dec; intuition.
- cbn [s₀ t₀ remove_constants iConsts Consts flat_map];
simplify; unfold C.
cbn in Cs; simplify in Cs.
rewrite !enc_subst_term_reduce; eauto; intuition.
now rewrite E.
all: eapply filter_In; destruct eq_dec; cbn; intuition.
all: rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.
Lemma remove_constants_backward n (I: orduni n X)
(H: ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n):
OU n Y (remove_constants n I H) -> OU n X I.
pose (C := iConsts I).
destruct I as [Gamma s t A H1 H2]; intros (Delta & sigma & T & EQ).
exists Delta. exists (inv_subst C sigma). split; eauto using inv_subst_typing.
rewrite <-!enc_term_app. cbn [s₀ t₀ remove_constants] in EQ.
unfold C; now rewrite EQ. all: eauto.
all: intros; eapply filter_In; cbn; intuition; destruct eq_dec; intuition.
Lemma remove_constants_reduction n:
1 <= n ->
(forall x, tight RE x = None -> ord (ctype X x) < n) -> OU n X ⪯ OU n Y.
Proof using consts_agree.
intros L ?.
assert (forall I: orduni n X, ord' (map (ctype X) (iConsts I)) < n) as O.
- intros ?; destruct n; try lia.
eapply le_n_S, ord'_elements.
intros; mapinj. cbn in H2; simplify in H2.
eapply filter_In in H2 as [].
destruct (R' x == None); try discriminate.
now eapply le_S_n, H.
- exists (fun I => remove_constants n I (O I)).
intros I; split.
eapply remove_constants_forward.
eapply remove_constants_backward.
End RemoveConstants.