Require Import List Permutation.
From Undecidability.ILL
Require Import IMSELL.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils pos vec.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Infix "~p" := (@Permutation _) (at level 70).
Local Notation "X ⊆ Y" := (forall a, X a -> Y a : Prop) (at level 70).
Local Infix "∊" := In (at level 70).
Local Reserved Notation "'⟦' A '⟧'" (at level 1, format "⟦ A ⟧").
Section IMSELL.
Variable bang : Type.
Notation "£ A" := (@imsell_var _ _ A) (at level 1).
Notation "‼ l" := (@imsell_lban nat bang l).
Fact imsell_lban_perm Σ Γ : Σ ~p Γ -> ‼Σ ~p ‼Γ.
Proof. apply Permutation_map. Qed.
Variable (bang_le : bang -> bang -> Prop) (bang_U : bang -> Prop).
Infix "≤" := bang_le (at level 70).
Notation U := bang_U.
Notation "u ≼ l" := (forall '(v,A), (v,A) ∊ l -> u ≤ v) (at level 70).
Notation "Γ ⊢ A" := (S_imsell bang_le bang_U Γ A) (at level 70).
Fact S_imsell_weak Γ Δ B : Forall (fun '(u,_) => U u) Γ -> Δ ⊢ B -> ‼Γ++Δ ⊢ B.
intros H1 H2; revert H1.
induction 1 as [ | (u,A) Γ H1 IH1 ]; simpl; auto.
apply in_imsell_weak; auto.
Fact S_imsell_cntr Γ Δ B : Forall (fun '(u,_) => U u) Γ -> ‼Γ++‼Γ++Δ ⊢ B -> ‼Γ++Δ ⊢ B.
intros H; revert H Δ.
induction 1 as [ | (u,A) Γ H1 H2 IH2 ]; simpl; auto; intros Δ H.
apply in_imsell_cntr; auto.
apply in_imsell_perm with (‼Γ ++ (![u]A::![u]A::Δ)).
+ apply Permutation_sym.
do 2 apply Permutation_cons_app; auto.
+ apply IH2.
revert H; apply in_imsell_perm.
rewrite app_assoc.
apply Permutation_cons_app.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
apply Permutation_app; auto.
apply Permutation_cons_app; auto.
Theorem S_imsell_weak_cntr Σ Γ u A B : (u,A) ∊ Σ -> U u -> ‼Σ++Γ ⊢ B <-> ![u]A::‼Σ++Γ ⊢ B.
intros H H1; apply In_perm in H as (Σ' & H).
+ apply in_imsell_weak; auto.
+ intros H2.
apply in_imsell_perm with (‼((u,A) :: Σ') ++ Γ).
* apply Permutation_app; auto.
apply imsell_lban_perm; auto.
* simpl; apply in_imsell_cntr; auto.
revert H2; apply in_imsell_perm.
simpl; apply Permutation_cons; auto.
change (![u]A::‼Σ'++Γ) with (‼((u,A)::Σ')++Γ).
apply Permutation_app; auto.
apply imsell_lban_perm, Permutation_sym; auto.
Section Trivial_Phase_semantics.
Variables (n : nat) (s : nat -> vec nat n -> Prop)
(K : bang -> vec nat n -> Prop).
Hypothesis HK_antitone : forall u v, u ≤ v -> K v ⊆ K u.
Notation ø := vec_zero.
Definition imsell_tps_mult (X Y : _ -> Prop) (x : vec _ n) := exists a b, x = vec_plus a b /\ X a /\ Y b.
Definition imsell_tps_imp (X Y : _ -> Prop) (v : vec _ n) := forall x, X x -> Y (vec_plus x v).
Infix "⊛" := imsell_tps_mult (at level 65, right associativity).
Infix "-⊛" := imsell_tps_imp (at level 65, right associativity).
Fact imsell_tps_imp_zero X Y : (X -⊛ Y) ø <-> X ⊆ Y.
+ intros ? ? ?; rewrite <- vec_zero_plus, vec_plus_comm; auto.
+ intros ? ?; rewrite vec_plus_comm, vec_zero_plus; auto.
Hypothesis HK_unit0 : forall u, K u ø.
Hypothesis HK_plus : forall u, K u ⊛ K u ⊆ K u.
Hypothesis HK_unit1 : forall u, U u -> forall x, K u x -> x = ø.
Fact imsell_tps_mult_mono (X1 X2 Y1 Y2 : _ -> Prop) :
X1 ⊆ X2 -> Y1 ⊆ Y2 -> X1⊛Y1 ⊆ X2⊛Y2.
intros H1 H2 x (y & z & H3 & H4 & H5); subst.
exists y, z; auto.
Fixpoint imsell_tps (A : imsell_form nat bang) x : Prop :=
match A with
| £ X => s X x
| ![u]A => ⟦A⟧ x /\ K u x
| A⊸B => (⟦A⟧-⊛⟦B⟧) x
where "⟦ A ⟧" := (imsell_tps A).
Fact imsell_tps_bang_zero u A : ⟦![u]A⟧ ø <-> ⟦A⟧ ø.
Proof. simpl; split; auto; tauto. Qed.
Fact imsell_tps_bang_U u A : U u -> (forall v, ⟦![u]A⟧ v <-> v = ø) <-> ⟦A⟧ ø.
intros Hu; split.
+ intros H; rewrite <- imsell_tps_bang_zero, H; auto.
+ intros H v; split; simpl.
* intros (_ & H1); revert H1; eauto.
* intros ->; auto.
Reserved Notation "⟪ Γ ⟫" (at level 1, format "⟪ Γ ⟫").
Fixpoint imsell_tps_list Γ :=
match Γ with
| nil => eq ø
| A::Γ => ⟦A⟧⊛⟪Γ⟫
where "⟪ Γ ⟫" := (imsell_tps_list Γ).
Fact imsell_tps_app Γ Δ x : ⟪Γ++Δ⟫ x <-> (⟪Γ⟫⊛⟪Δ⟫) x.
revert Γ Δ x; intros Ga De.
induction Ga as [ | A Ga IH ]; intros x; simpl; split; intros Hx.
+ exists vec_zero, x; simpl; rew vec.
+ destruct Hx as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst; auto; rewrite vec_zero_plus; auto.
+ destruct Hx as (y & z & H1 & H2 & H3).
apply IH in H3.
destruct H3 as (c & d & H4 & H5 & H6).
exists (vec_plus y c), d; split.
* subst; apply vec_plus_assoc.
* split; auto.
exists y, c; auto.
+ destruct Hx as (y & d & ? & (z & g & ? & ? & ?) & ?).
exists z, (vec_plus g d); split.
* subst; symmetry; apply vec_plus_assoc.
* split; auto.
apply IH.
exists g, d; auto.
Fact imsell_tps_list_zero Γ : (forall A, A ∊ Γ -> ⟦A⟧ ø) -> ⟪Γ⟫ ø.
induction Γ as [ | A Γ IH ]; simpl; auto; intros H.
exists ø, ø; msplit 2; auto; now rewrite vec_zero_plus.
Fact imsell_tps_lbang u Γ : u ≼ Γ -> ⟪‼Γ⟫ ⊆ K u.
induction Γ as [ | (v,A) Γ IH ]; simpl; intros H1 x.
+ intros <-; auto.
+ intros (y & z & -> & (G1 & G2) & G3).
apply HK_plus; exists y, z; msplit 2; auto.
* revert G2; apply HK_antitone; auto.
apply (H1 (v,A)); auto.
* revert G3; apply IH.
intros (w,B) ?; apply (H1 (_,B)); auto.
Fact imsell_tps_perm Γ Δ : Γ ~p Δ -> ⟪Γ⟫ ⊆ ⟪Δ⟫.
induction 1 as [ | A Ga De H IH | A B Ga | ]; simpl; auto.
+ intros x (y & z & H1 & H2 & H3).
exists y, z; repeat split; auto.
+ intros x (y & z & H1 & H2 & c & d & H3 & H4 & H5).
exists c, (vec_plus y d); split.
* subst; rewrite (vec_plus_comm c), vec_plus_assoc, (vec_plus_comm c); auto.
* split; auto.
exists y, d; auto.
Definition imsell_sequent_tps Γ A := ⟪Γ⟫ -⊛ ⟦A⟧.
Notation "'[<' Γ '|-' A '>]'" := (imsell_sequent_tps Γ A) (at level 1, format "[< Γ |- A >]").
Fact imsell_sequent_tps_mono Γ A B :
⟦A⟧ ⊆ ⟦B⟧ -> [< Γ |- A >] ⊆ [< Γ |- B >].
intros H x; simpl; unfold imsell_sequent_tps.
intros H1 ? H2; apply H, H1; auto.
Fact imsell_perm_tps Γ Δ : Γ ~p Δ -> forall A, [< Γ |- A >] ⊆ [< Δ |- A >].
intros H1 B x; unfold imsell_sequent_tps.
intros H2 ? H3; apply H2; revert H3.
apply imsell_tps_perm, Permutation_sym; auto.
Fact imsell_sequent_tps_eq Γ A : [< Γ |- A >] ø <-> ⟪Γ⟫ ⊆ ⟦A⟧.
* intros H x Hx.
rewrite <- vec_zero_plus, vec_plus_comm.
apply (H x); trivial.
* intros H x Hx.
rewrite vec_plus_comm, vec_zero_plus; auto.
Theorem imsell_tps_sound Γ A : Γ ⊢ A -> [< Γ |- A >] ø.
induction 1 as [ A
| Γ Δ A H1 H2 IH2
| Γ Δ A B C H1 IH1 H2 IH2
| Γ A B H1 IH1
| u Γ A B H1 IH1
| u Γ A H1 H2 IH2
| u Γ A B H1 H2 IH2
| u Γ A B H1 H2 IH2
]; unfold imsell_sequent_tps in * |- *.
+ intros x; simpl; intros (y & z & H1 & H2 & H3); subst; eq goal H2.
f_equal; do 2 rewrite vec_plus_comm, vec_zero_plus; auto.
+ revert IH2; apply imsell_perm_tps; auto.
+ intros x (y & z & H3 & H4 & H5); simpl.
apply IH2.
apply imsell_tps_app in H5 as (g & d & H5 & H6 & H7).
simpl in H4.
apply IH1, H4 in H6.
exists (vec_plus y g), d; repeat split; auto.
* subst; apply vec_plus_assoc.
* eq goal H6; f_equal; rew vec.
+ simpl; intros y Hy x Hx.
rewrite vec_plus_assoc.
apply IH1.
exists x, y; repeat split; auto.
+ intros x (y & z & H2 & H3 & H4).
apply IH1; exists y, z; repeat split; auto.
apply H3.
+ intros x Hx; split.
* apply IH2; auto.
* rew vec.
revert Hx. apply imsell_tps_lbang; auto.
+ intros x (y & z & -> & H3 & H4); rew vec.
apply proj2, HK_unit1 in H3; auto; subst.
rewrite vec_plus_comm.
now apply IH2.
+ intros x (y & z & G2 & G3 & G4).
apply IH2.
exists y, z; repeat (split; auto).
exists y, z; repeat (split; auto).
apply proj2, HK_unit1 in G3; auto.
subst; rew vec; auto.
End Trivial_Phase_semantics.