From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LOptions.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Computability.MuRec.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.L.TM.TMinL.TMinL_extract.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition Halt' (Sigma : finType) n (M: TM Sigma n) (start: mconfig Sigma (state M) n) :=
exists (f: mconfig _ (state M) _), halt (cstate f)=true /\ exists k, loopM start k = Some f.
Definition Halt :{ '(Sigma, n) : finType * nat & TM Sigma n & tapes Sigma n} -> _ :=
fun '(existT2 (Sigma, n) M tp) =>
exists (f: mconfig _ (state M) _), halt (cstate f) = true
/\ exists k, loopM (mk_mconfig (start M) tp) k = Some f.
Section loopM.
Context (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n).
Definition term_test := TMinL_extract.term_test.
Existing Instance term_test.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma Halt_red cfg :
Halt' cfg <-> converges (mu (ext ((fun k => LOptions.isSome (loopM (M := M) cfg k))))).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (f & ? & k & ?).
edestruct (mu_complete) with (P:= ext (fun k0 : nat => isSome (loopM cfg k0))) (n:=k).
+ Lproc.
+ intros. eexists. rewrite !ext_is_enc. now Lsimpl.
+ Lsimpl. now rewrite H0.
+ exists (ext x). split. eauto. Lproc.
- destruct H as (v & ? & ?). edestruct mu_sound as (k & ? & ? & _).
+ eapply term_test.
+ intros. eexists. now Lsimpl_old.
+ eassumption.
+ eauto.
+ subst.
assert ((ext (fun k : nat => LOptions.isSome (loopM cfg k))) (ext k) ==
ext (LOptions.isSome (loopM cfg k))) by now Lsimpl.
rewrite H1 in H2. clear H1.
eapply unique_normal_forms in H2; try Lproc. eapply inj_enc in H2.
destruct (loopM cfg k) eqn:E.
* exists m. split. 2: eauto.
unfold loopM in E. now eapply loop_fulfills in E.
* inv H2.
End loopM.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Computability.MuRec.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.L.TM.TMinL.TMinL_extract.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Definition Halt' (Sigma : finType) n (M: TM Sigma n) (start: mconfig Sigma (state M) n) :=
exists (f: mconfig _ (state M) _), halt (cstate f)=true /\ exists k, loopM start k = Some f.
Definition Halt :{ '(Sigma, n) : finType * nat & TM Sigma n & tapes Sigma n} -> _ :=
fun '(existT2 (Sigma, n) M tp) =>
exists (f: mconfig _ (state M) _), halt (cstate f) = true
/\ exists k, loopM (mk_mconfig (start M) tp) k = Some f.
Section loopM.
Context (sig : finType) (n : nat) (M : TM sig n).
Definition term_test := TMinL_extract.term_test.
Existing Instance term_test.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma Halt_red cfg :
Halt' cfg <-> converges (mu (ext ((fun k => LOptions.isSome (loopM (M := M) cfg k))))).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (f & ? & k & ?).
edestruct (mu_complete) with (P:= ext (fun k0 : nat => isSome (loopM cfg k0))) (n:=k).
+ Lproc.
+ intros. eexists. rewrite !ext_is_enc. now Lsimpl.
+ Lsimpl. now rewrite H0.
+ exists (ext x). split. eauto. Lproc.
- destruct H as (v & ? & ?). edestruct mu_sound as (k & ? & ? & _).
+ eapply term_test.
+ intros. eexists. now Lsimpl_old.
+ eassumption.
+ eauto.
+ subst.
assert ((ext (fun k : nat => LOptions.isSome (loopM cfg k))) (ext k) ==
ext (LOptions.isSome (loopM cfg k))) by now Lsimpl.
rewrite H1 in H2. clear H1.
eapply unique_normal_forms in H2; try Lproc. eapply inj_enc in H2.
destruct (loopM cfg k) eqn:E.
* exists m. split. 2: eauto.
unfold loopM in E. now eapply loop_fulfills in E.
* inv H2.
End loopM.