Require Import List Arith Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils Require Import utils.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Code Require Import subcode sss compiler.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section comp.
Variable (X Y : Set)
(icomp : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> X -> list Y)
(ilen : X -> nat)
(Hilen : forall lnk n x, length (icomp lnk n x) = ilen x)
Variables (state_X state_Y : Type)
(step_X : X -> (nat*state_X) -> (nat*state_X) -> Prop)
(step_Y : Y -> (nat*state_Y) -> (nat*state_Y) -> Prop).
Notation "ρ '/X/' s -1> t" := (step_X ρ s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/X/' s '-[' k ']->' t" := (sss_steps step_X P k s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/X/' s '-+>' t" := (sss_progress step_X P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/X/' s ->> t" := (sss_compute step_X P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/X/' s '~~>' t" := (sss_output step_X P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/X/' s ↓" := (sss_terminates step_X P s)(at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "ρ '/Y/' s -1> t" := (step_Y ρ s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/Y/' s '-[' k ']->' t" := (sss_steps step_Y P k s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/Y/' s '-+>' t" := (sss_progress step_Y P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/Y/' s ->> t" := (sss_compute step_Y P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/Y/' s '~~>' t" := (sss_output step_Y P s t) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "P '/Y/' s ↓" := (sss_terminates step_Y P s)(at level 70, no associativity).
Hypothesis (step_X_tot : forall I st1, exists st2, I /X/ st1 -1> st2)
(step_Y_fun : forall I st st1 st2, I /Y/ st -1> st1 -> I /Y/ st -1> st2 -> st1 = st2).
Variable (simul : state_X -> state_Y -> Prop).
Infix "⋈" := simul (at level 70, no associativity).
Definition instruction_compiler_sound := forall lnk I i1 v1 i2 v2 w1,
I /X/ (i1,v1) -1> (i2,v2)
-> lnk (1+i1) = length (icomp lnk i1 I) + lnk i1
-> v1 ⋈ w1
-> exists w2, (lnk i1,icomp lnk i1 I) /Y/ (lnk i1,w1) -+> (lnk i2,w2)
/\ v2 ⋈ w2.
Hypothesis Hicomp : instruction_compiler_sound.
Section correctness.
Variables (linker : nat -> nat) (P : nat * list X) (Q : nat * list Y)
(HPQ : forall i I, (i,I::nil) <sc P -> (linker i, icomp linker i I) <sc Q
/\ linker (1+i) = ilen I + linker i).
Theorem compiler_sound i1 v1 i2 v2 w1 :
v1 ⋈ w1 /\ P /X/ (i1,v1) ->> (i2,v2)
-> exists w2, v2 ⋈ w2 /\ Q /Y/ (linker i1,w1) ->> (linker i2,w2).
change i1 with (fst (i1,v1)) at 2; change v1 with (snd (i1,v1)) at 1.
change i2 with (fst (i2,v2)) at 2; change v2 with (snd (i2,v2)) at 2.
generalize (i1,v1) (i2,v2); clear i1 v1 i2 v2.
intros st1 st2 (H1 & q & H2); revert H2 w1 H1.
induction 1 as [ (i1,v1) | q (i1,v1) (i2,v2) st3 H1 H2 IH2]; simpl; intros w1 H0.
+ exists w1; split; auto; exists 0; constructor.
+ destruct H1 as (k & l & I & r & v' & G1 & G2 & G3).
inversion G2; subst v' i1; clear G2.
destruct (Hicomp linker) with (1 := G3) (3 := H0)
as (w2 & G4 & G5).
* rewrite Hilen; apply HPQ; subst; exists l, r; auto.
* destruct (IH2 _ G5) as (w3 & G6 & G7).
exists w3; split; auto.
apply sss_compute_trans with (2 := G7); simpl.
apply sss_progress_compute.
revert G4; apply subcode_sss_progress.
apply HPQ; subst; exists l, r; auto.
Local Lemma compiler_complete_step p st1 w1 w3 :
snd st1 ⋈ snd w1
-> linker (fst st1) = fst w1
-> in_code (fst st1) P
-> out_code (fst w3) Q
-> Q /Y/ w1 -[p]-> w3
-> exists q st2 w2, snd st2 ⋈ snd w2
/\ linker (fst st2) = fst w2
/\ P /X/ st1 ->> st2
/\ Q /Y/ w2 -[q]-> w3
/\ q < p.
revert st1 w1 w3; intros (i1,v1) (j1,w1) (j3,w3); simpl fst; simpl snd.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5.
destruct (in_code_subcode H3) as (I & HI).
destruct HPQ with (1 := HI) as (H6 & H7).
assert (out_code j3 (linker i1, icomp linker i1 I)) as G2.
{ revert H4; apply subcode_out_code; auto. }
assert (H8 : ilen I <> 0).
{ intros H.
destruct (step_X_tot I (i1,v1)) as ((i2,v2) & Hst).
apply (Hicomp linker) with (3 := H1) in Hst; auto.
2: rewrite Hilen; auto.
destruct Hst as (w2 & (q & Hq1 & Hq2) & _).
rewrite <- (Hilen linker i1) in H.
destruct (icomp linker i1 I); try discriminate.
apply sss_steps_stall, proj1 in Hq2; simpl; lia. }
assert (in_code (linker i1) (linker i1, icomp linker i1 I)) as G3.
{ simpl; rewrite (Hilen linker i1 I); lia. }
rewrite <- H2 in H5.
destruct (step_X_tot I (i1,v1)) as ((i2,v2) & G4).
destruct (Hicomp linker) with (1 := G4) (3 := H1) as (w2 & G5 & G6).
* rewrite H7, Hilen; auto.
* apply subcode_sss_progress_inv with (3 := H6) (4 := G5) in H5; auto.
destruct H5 as (q & H5 & G7).
exists q, (i2,v2), (linker i2, w2); simpl; repeat (split; auto).
apply subcode_sss_compute with (1 := HI).
exists 1; apply sss_steps_1.
exists i1, nil, I, nil, v1; repeat (split; auto).
f_equal; simpl; lia.
Theorem compiler_complete i1 v1 w1 :
v1 ⋈ w1 -> Q /Y/ (linker i1,w1) ↓ -> P /X/ (i1,v1) ↓.
intros H1 (st & (q & H2) & H3).
revert i1 v1 w1 H1 H2 H3.
induction q as [ q IHq ] using (well_founded_induction lt_wf).
intros i1 v1 w1 H1 H2 H3.
destruct (in_out_code_dec i1 P) as [ H4 | H4 ].
+ destruct compiler_complete_step with (5 := H2) (st1 := (i1,v1))
as (p & (i2,v2) & (j2,w2) & G1 & G2 & G3 & G4 & G5); auto; simpl in *; subst j2.
destruct IHq with (1 := G5) (2 := G1) (3 := G4)
as ((i3 & v3) & F3 & F4); auto.
exists (i3,v3); repeat (split; auto).
apply sss_compute_trans with (1 := G3); auto.
+ exists (i1,v1); repeat (split; auto).
exists 0; constructor.
Corollary compiler_complete' i1 v1 w1 st :
v1 ⋈ w1 /\ Q /Y/ (linker i1,w1) ~~> st
-> exists i2 v2 w2, v2 ⋈ w2 /\ P /X/ (i1,v1) ~~> (i2,v2)
/\ Q /Y/ (linker i2,w2) ~~> st.
intros (H1 & H2).
destruct compiler_complete with (1 := H1) (2 := ex_intro (fun x => Q /Y/ (linker i1, w1) ~~> x) _ H2)
as ((i2,v2) & H3 & H4).
exists i2, v2.
destruct (compiler_sound (conj H1 H3)) as (w2 & H5 & H6).
exists w2; do 2 (split; auto).
split; auto.
destruct H2 as (H2 & H0); split; auto.
apply sss_compute_inv with (3 := H6); auto.
End correctness.
Variable (P : nat * list X) (iQ : nat).
Let iP := fst P.
Let cP := snd P.
Let err := iQ+length_compiler ilen cP.
Definition gen_linker := linker ilen (iP,cP) iQ err.
Definition gen_compiler := compiler icomp ilen (iP,cP) iQ err.
Notation cQ := gen_compiler.
Notation lnk := gen_linker.
Let P_eq : P = (iP,cP).
Proof. unfold iP, cP; destruct P; auto. Qed.
Fact gen_linker_out i : out_code i (iP,cP) -> lnk i = iQ+length cQ.
intros H.
unfold lnk.
rewrite linker_out_err; unfold err; simpl; auto.
* unfold cQ; rewrite compiler_length; auto.
* lia.
Theorem gen_compiler_sound i1 v1 i2 v2 w1 :
v1 ⋈ w1 /\ (iP,cP) /X/ (i1,v1) ~~> (i2,v2)
-> exists w2, v2 ⋈ w2 /\ (iQ,cQ) /Y/ (lnk i1,w1) ~~> (lnk i2,w2).
intros (H1 & H2 & H3).
destruct compiler_sound with (2 := conj H1 H2) (linker := gen_linker) (Q := (iQ,cQ))
as (w2 & G1 & G2).
+ apply compiler_subcode; auto.
+ simpl fst in H3.
exists w2; split; auto.
split; auto; simpl.
rewrite <- gen_linker_out with i2; auto.
Theorem gen_compiler_complete i1 v1 w1 :
v1 ⋈ w1 -> (iQ,gen_compiler) /Y/ (gen_linker i1,w1) ↓ -> (iP,cP) /X/ (i1,v1) ↓.
apply compiler_complete, compiler_subcode; auto.
Corollary gen_compiler_output v w i' v' :
v ⋈ w -> (iP,cP) /X/ (iP,v) ~~> (i',v') -> exists w', (iQ,gen_compiler) /Y/ (iQ,w) ~~> (code_end (iQ,cQ),w') /\ v' ⋈ w'.
intros H H1.
destruct gen_compiler_sound with (1 := conj H H1) as (w1 & H2 & H3).
exists w1.
simpl; rewrite <- gen_linker_out with i'.
+ rewrite <- (linker_code_start ilen (iP,cP) iQ err) at 2; auto.
+ apply H1.
Corollary gen_compiler_terminates v w :
v ⋈ w -> (iQ,gen_compiler) /Y/ (iQ,w) ↓ -> (iP,cP) /X/ (iP,v) ↓.
intros H (w' & H').
apply gen_compiler_complete with (1 := H).
unfold gen_linker; rewrite linker_code_start; auto; firstorder.
Theorem gen_compiler_correction :
{ lnk : nat -> nat
& { Q | fst Q = iQ
/\ lnk iP = iQ
/\ (forall i, out_code i P -> lnk i = code_end Q)
/\ (forall i1 v1 w1 i2 v2, v1 ⋈ w1 /\ P /X/ (i1,v1) ~~> (i2,v2) -> exists w2, v2 ⋈ w2 /\ Q /Y/ (lnk i1,w1) ~~> (lnk i2,w2))
/\ (forall i1 v1 w1 j2 w2, v1 ⋈ w1 /\ Q /Y/ (lnk i1,w1) ~~> (j2,w2) -> exists i2 v2, v2 ⋈ w2 /\ P /X/ (i1,v1) ~~> (i2,v2) /\ j2 = lnk i2)
} }.
exists lnk, (iQ,cQ); split; auto; split; [ | split ].
+ rewrite <- (linker_code_start ilen (iP,cP) iQ err); auto.
+ rewrite P_eq; apply gen_linker_out.
+ rewrite P_eq.
* intros i1 v1 w1 i2 v2 H.
destruct gen_compiler_sound with (1 := H) as (w2 & H3 & H4).
exists w2; split; auto.
* intros i1 v1 w1 j2 w2 (H1 & H2).
destruct gen_compiler_complete with (1 := H1) (i1 := i1)
as ((i3,v3) & H3).
- exists (j2,w2); auto.
- destruct gen_compiler_sound with (1 := conj H1 H3) as (w3 & H4 & H5).
generalize (sss_output_fun step_Y_fun H2 H5); inversion 1.
exists i3, v3; auto.
End comp.