From Undecidability.TM Require Import Util.TM_facts Switch.

Section If.

  Variable n : nat.
  Variable sig : finType.

  Variable pM1 : pTM sig bool n.

  Variable F : finType.
  Variable pM2 : pTM sig F n.
  Variable pM3 : pTM sig F n.

  Definition If := Switch pM1 (fun b => if b then pM2 else pM3).

  Lemma If_Realise R1 R2 R3 :
    pM1 R1 ->
    pM2 R2 ->
    pM3 R3 ->
    If (R1 |_true) R2 (R1 |_false) R3.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    - eapply (Switch_Realise (R1 := R1) (R2 := (fun b => if b then R2 else R3))); eauto.
      now intros [].
    - hnf. intros H2 (f& t). intros ([ | ]& (y & H3&H3')). left. hnf. eauto. right. hnf. eauto.

  Lemma If_TerminatesIn R1 T1 T2 T3 :
    pM1 R1 ->
    projT1 pM1 T1 ->
    projT1 pM2 T2 ->
    projT1 pM3 T3 ->
    projT1 If (fun tin i => exists i1 i2, T1 tin i1 /\ 1 + i1 + i2 <= i /\
                                    forall tout (b:bool),
                                      R1 tin (b, tout) ->
                                      if b then T2 tout i2
                                           else T3 tout i2).
    intros HRelalise HTerm1 HTerm2 HTerm3.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    - eapply Switch_TerminatesIn; cbn; eauto. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then T2 else T3). intros [ | ]; cbn; auto.
    - intros tin k (i1&i2&Hi&HT1&HT2). exists i1, i2. repeat split; eauto.
      intros tout b HRel. specialize (HT2 tout b HRel). destruct b; auto.

  Lemma If_TerminatesIn' R1 T1 T2 T3 :
    pM1 R1 ->
    projT1 pM1 T1 ->
    projT1 pM2 T2 ->
    projT1 pM3 T3 ->
    projT1 If (fun tin i => exists i1, T1 tin i1 /\
                                    forall tout (b:bool),
                                      R1 tin (b, tout) ->
                                      if b then exists i2, 1 + i1 + i2 <= i /\ T2 tout i2
                                           else exists i3, 1 + i1 + i3 <= i /\ T3 tout i3).
    intros HRelalise HTerm1 HTerm2 HTerm3.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    - eapply Switch_TerminatesIn'; cbn; eauto. instantiate (1 := fun f => if f then T2 else T3). intros [ | ]; cbn; auto.
    - intros tin k (i1&HT1&H). exists i1. split.
      + assumption.
      + intros tout yout HR1. specialize H with (1 := HR1). destruct yout.
        * destruct H as (i2&H&H'). eauto.
        * destruct H as (i3&H&H'). eauto.

  Lemma If_RealiseIn R1 R2 R3 k1 k2 k3 :
    pM1 c(k1) R1 ->
    pM2 c(k2) R2 ->
    pM3 c(k3) R3 ->
    If c(1 + k1 + Nat.max k2 k3)
       (R1 |_true) R2 (R1 |_false) R3.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    eapply Switch_RealiseIn; eauto.
    - intros. cbn in f. destruct f.
      + eapply RealiseIn_monotone. destruct pM2. eassumption. instantiate (1 := Nat.max k2 k3); firstorder.
        lia. instantiate (1 := fun t => match t with true => R2 | _ => R3 end). reflexivity.
      + eapply RealiseIn_monotone. destruct pM3. eassumption. firstorder. lia. reflexivity.
    - lia.
    - hnf. intros H2 (f& t). intros ([ | ]& (y & H3&H3')). left. hnf. eauto. right. hnf. eauto.

End If.

Arguments If : simpl never.