Require Import List Arith Nat Lia Relations.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list finite php.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section gfp.

  Variable (M : Type).

  Implicit Type (R T : M -> M -> Prop).

  Notation "R ⊆ T" := (forall x y, R x y -> T x y).

  Notation "R 'o' T" := (fun x z => exists y, R x y /\ T y z) (at level 58).

  Let incl_trans R S T : R S -> S T -> R T.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Let comp_mono R R' T T' : R R' -> T T' -> R o T R' o T'.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Variable (F : (M -> M -> Prop) -> M -> M -> Prop).

  Hypothesis (HF0 : forall R T, R T -> F R F T).
  Let sym R := fun x y => R y x.

  Let i := iter F (fun _ _ => True).

  Let iS n : i (S n) = F (i n).
  Proof. apply iter_S. Qed.

  Let i0 : i 0 = fun _ _ => True.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Let i_S n : i (S n) i n.
    unfold i.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + simpl; auto.
    + intros ? ?.
      rewrite iter_S with (n := n), iter_S.
      apply HF0, IHn.

  Let i_decr n m : n <= m -> i m i n.
  Proof. induction 1; auto. Qed.

  Definition gfp x y := forall n, i n x y.

  Notation I := (@eq M).

  Hypothesis HF1 : I F I.
  Let i_refl n : I i n.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + rewrite i0; auto.
    + rewrite iS.
      apply incl_trans with (1 := HF1), HF0, IHn.

  Let gfp_refl : I gfp.
  Proof. intros ? ? [] ?; apply i_refl; auto. Qed.

  Hypothesis HF2 : forall R, sym (F R) F (sym R).
  Let i_sym n : sym (i n) i n.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + intros ? ?; rewrite i0; simpl; auto.
    + rewrite iS; apply incl_trans with (2 := HF0 _ IHn), HF2.

  Let gfp_sym : sym gfp gfp.
  Proof. intros ? ? H ?; apply i_sym, H. Qed.

  Hypothesis HF3 : forall R, F R o F R F (R o R).
  Let i_trans n : i n o i n i n.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + rewrite i0; auto.
    + rewrite iS; apply incl_trans with (1 := @HF3 _), HF0, IHn.

  Let gfp_trans : gfp o gfp gfp.
    intros ? ? H ?; apply i_trans.
    revert H; apply comp_mono; auto.

  Fact gfp_equiv : equiv _ gfp.
    msplit 2.
    + intro; apply gfp_refl; auto.
    + intros ? y ? ? ?; apply gfp_trans; exists y; auto.
    + intros ? ?; apply gfp_sym.

  Fact gfp_greatest R : R F R -> R gfp.
    intros HR x y H n; revert x y H.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + now auto.
    + apply incl_trans with (1 := HR).
      rewrite iS; apply HF0; auto.

  Let gfp_fix1 : F gfp gfp.
    intros ? ? H ?.
    apply i_S; rewrite iS.
    revert H; apply HF0; auto.

  Definition gfp_continuous := forall (s : nat -> M -> M -> Prop),
                        (forall n m, n <= m -> s m s n)
                     -> (fun x y => forall n, F (s n) x y) F (fun x y => forall n, s n x y).

  Variable HF4 : gfp_continuous.

  Let gfp_fix0 : gfp F gfp.
    intros ? ? H.
    apply HF4; auto.
    intro; rewrite <- iS; apply H.

  Fact gfp_fix x y : F gfp x y <-> gfp x y.
  Proof. split; auto. Qed.

  Let dec R := forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }.

  Variable HF5 : forall R, dec R -> dec (F R).
  Let i_dec n : dec (i n).
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    + rewrite i0; left; auto.
    + rewrite iS; apply HF5; auto.

  Let i_dup n m : n < m -> i n i m -> forall k, n <= k -> forall x y, gfp x y <-> i k x y.
    intros H1 H2.
    generalize (i_decr H1) (i_S n); rewrite iS; intros H3 H4.
    generalize (incl_trans _ _ _ H2 H3); intros H5.
    assert (forall p, i n i (p+n)) as H6.
    { induction p as [ | p IHp ]; auto.
      simpl plus; rewrite iS.
      apply incl_trans with (1 := H5), HF0; auto. }
    intros k Hk x y; split; auto.
    intros H a.
    destruct (le_lt_dec a k).
    + revert H; apply i_decr; auto.
    + replace a with (a-n+n) by lia.
      apply H6.
      revert H; apply i_decr; auto.

  Let gfp_reached b : (exists n m, n < m <= b /\ i n i m) -> (forall x y, gfp x y <-> i b x y).
    intros (n & m & H1 & H2).
    apply i_dup with (2 := H2); auto; try lia.

  Variable HF6 : finite_t M.

  Theorem gfp_finite_t : { n | forall x y, gfp x y <-> i n x y }.
    destruct finite_t_weak_dec_rels with (1 := HF6)
      as (mR & HmR).
    exists (S (length mR)).
    set (l := map i (list_an 0 (S (length mR)))).
    apply (@gfp_reached (S (length mR))).
    destruct php_upto
      with (R := fun R T => forall x y, R x y <-> T x y)
           (l := l) (m := mR)
      as (a & R & b & T & c & H1 & H2).
    + intros R S H ? ?; rewrite H; tauto.
    + intros R S T H1 H2 ? ?; rewrite H1, H2; tauto.
    + intros R HR.
      unfold l in HR; apply in_map_iff in HR.
      destruct HR as (n & <- & _).
      destruct (HmR (i n)) as (T & H1 & H2).
      * intros x y; destruct (i_dec n x y); tauto.
      * exists T; auto.
    + unfold l; rewrite map_length, list_an_length; auto.
    + unfold l in H1; apply map_duplicate_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (a' & n & b' & m & c' & H1 & H3 & H4 & H5 & H6 & H7).
      exists n, m; rewrite <- H3, <- H5; split; try (intros ? ?; apply H2).
      apply list_an_duplicate_inv in H7; lia.

  Theorem gfp_decidable : dec gfp.
    destruct gfp_finite_t as (n & Hn).
    intros x y; destruct (i_dec n x y); [ left | right ];
      rewrite Hn; tauto.

End gfp.