This file contains the syntactic typing judegment,
as well as type preservation under substitution and
progress and preservation proofs
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.Terms CBPV.Base CBPV.Semantics.
Import CommaNotation.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.Terms CBPV.Base CBPV.Semantics.
Import CommaNotation.
Reserved Notation "Gamma ⊢ c : A" (at level 80, c at level 99).
Reserved Notation "Gamma ⊩ v : A" (at level 80, v at level 99).
Reserved Notation "Gamma ⊩ v : A" (at level 80, v at level 99).
Syntactic typing judgement using DeBrujin indices
Inductive value_typing {m: nat} (Gamma: ctx m) : value m -> valtype -> Type :=
| typeVar i : Gamma ⊩ var_value i : Gamma i
| typeUnit: Gamma ⊩ u : one
| typePair v1 v2 A1 A2:
Gamma ⊩ v1 : A1 -> Gamma ⊩ v2 : A2 -> Gamma ⊩ pair v1 v2 : cross A1 A2
| typeSum A1 A2 (b: bool) v:
Gamma ⊩ v : (if b then A1 else A2) -> Gamma ⊩ inj b v : Sigma A1 A2
| typeThunk c A:
Gamma ⊢ c : A -> Gamma ⊩ thunk c : U A
where "Gamma ⊩ v : A" := (value_typing Gamma v A)
| typeVar i : Gamma ⊩ var_value i : Gamma i
| typeUnit: Gamma ⊩ u : one
| typePair v1 v2 A1 A2:
Gamma ⊩ v1 : A1 -> Gamma ⊩ v2 : A2 -> Gamma ⊩ pair v1 v2 : cross A1 A2
| typeSum A1 A2 (b: bool) v:
Gamma ⊩ v : (if b then A1 else A2) -> Gamma ⊩ inj b v : Sigma A1 A2
| typeThunk c A:
Gamma ⊢ c : A -> Gamma ⊩ thunk c : U A
where "Gamma ⊩ v : A" := (value_typing Gamma v A)
with computation_typing {m: nat} (Gamma: ctx m) : comp m -> comptype -> Type :=
| typeCone: Gamma ⊢ cu : cone
| typeLambda (c: comp (S m)) A B:
A .: Gamma ⊢ c : B -> (Gamma ⊢ lambda c : A → B)
| typeLetin c1 c2 A B:
Gamma ⊢ c1 : F A -> A .: Gamma ⊢ c2 : B -> Gamma ⊢ $ <- c1; c2 : B
| typeRet v A:
Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ ret v : F A
| typeApp c v A B:
Gamma ⊢ c : A → B -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ c v : B
| typeTuple c1 c2 B1 B2:
Gamma ⊢ c1 : B1 -> Gamma ⊢ c2 : B2 -> Gamma ⊢ tuple c1 c2 : Pi B1 B2
| typeProj b c B1 B2:
Gamma ⊢ c : Pi B1 B2 -> Gamma ⊢ proj b c : (if b then B1 else B2)
| typeForce v A:
Gamma ⊩ v : U A -> Gamma ⊢ v! : A
| typeCaseZ v A: Gamma ⊩ v : zero -> Gamma ⊢ caseZ v : A
| typeCaseS v c1 c2 A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ v : Sigma A1 A2 ->
A1, Gamma ⊢ c1 : C ->
A2, Gamma ⊢ c2 : C ->
Gamma ⊢ caseS v c1 c2 : C
| typeCaseP v c A B C:
Gamma ⊩ v : A * B ->
B, A, Gamma ⊢ c : C ->
Gamma ⊢ caseP v c : C
where "Gamma ⊢ c : A" := (@computation_typing _ Gamma c A).
Scheme value_typing_ind_2 := Minimality for value_typing Sort Prop
with computation_typing_ind_2 := Minimality for computation_typing Sort Prop.
Scheme value_typing_ind_3 := Minimality for value_typing Sort Type
with computation_typing_ind_3 := Minimality for computation_typing Sort Type.
Combined Scheme mutind_value_computation_typing from
value_typing_ind_2, computation_typing_ind_2.
Scheme value_typing_ind_4 := Induction for value_typing Sort Prop
with computation_typing_ind_4 := Induction for computation_typing Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutindt_value_computation_typing from
value_typing_ind_4, computation_typing_ind_4.
Hint Constructors computation_typing value_typing.
| typeCone: Gamma ⊢ cu : cone
| typeLambda (c: comp (S m)) A B:
A .: Gamma ⊢ c : B -> (Gamma ⊢ lambda c : A → B)
| typeLetin c1 c2 A B:
Gamma ⊢ c1 : F A -> A .: Gamma ⊢ c2 : B -> Gamma ⊢ $ <- c1; c2 : B
| typeRet v A:
Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ ret v : F A
| typeApp c v A B:
Gamma ⊢ c : A → B -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ c v : B
| typeTuple c1 c2 B1 B2:
Gamma ⊢ c1 : B1 -> Gamma ⊢ c2 : B2 -> Gamma ⊢ tuple c1 c2 : Pi B1 B2
| typeProj b c B1 B2:
Gamma ⊢ c : Pi B1 B2 -> Gamma ⊢ proj b c : (if b then B1 else B2)
| typeForce v A:
Gamma ⊩ v : U A -> Gamma ⊢ v! : A
| typeCaseZ v A: Gamma ⊩ v : zero -> Gamma ⊢ caseZ v : A
| typeCaseS v c1 c2 A1 A2 C:
Gamma ⊩ v : Sigma A1 A2 ->
A1, Gamma ⊢ c1 : C ->
A2, Gamma ⊢ c2 : C ->
Gamma ⊢ caseS v c1 c2 : C
| typeCaseP v c A B C:
Gamma ⊩ v : A * B ->
B, A, Gamma ⊢ c : C ->
Gamma ⊢ caseP v c : C
where "Gamma ⊢ c : A" := (@computation_typing _ Gamma c A).
Scheme value_typing_ind_2 := Minimality for value_typing Sort Prop
with computation_typing_ind_2 := Minimality for computation_typing Sort Prop.
Scheme value_typing_ind_3 := Minimality for value_typing Sort Type
with computation_typing_ind_3 := Minimality for computation_typing Sort Type.
Combined Scheme mutind_value_computation_typing from
value_typing_ind_2, computation_typing_ind_2.
Scheme value_typing_ind_4 := Induction for value_typing Sort Prop
with computation_typing_ind_4 := Induction for computation_typing Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme mutindt_value_computation_typing from
value_typing_ind_4, computation_typing_ind_4.
Hint Constructors computation_typing value_typing.
Type judgement inversion
Ltac invt :=
match goal with
| [H: (_ ⊢ cu : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ lambda _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ _ ! : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ $ <- _; _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ ret _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ app _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ tuple _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ proj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ _ ! : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ proj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseZ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseS _ _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseP _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ var_value _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ u : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ pair _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ inj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ <{ _ }> : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ _ : zero) |- _] => inv H
match goal with
| [H: (_ ⊢ cu : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ lambda _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ _ ! : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ $ <- _; _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ ret _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ app _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ tuple _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ proj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ _ ! : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ proj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseZ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseS _ _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊢ caseP _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ var_value _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ u : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ pair _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ inj _ _ : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ <{ _ }> : _) |- _] => inv H
| [H: (_ ⊩ _ : zero) |- _] => inv H
Automation friendly version of the variable constructor
Lemma typeVar' n (Gamma : ctx n) A i: Gamma i = A -> Gamma ⊩ var_value i : A.
Proof. intros <-; constructor. Qed.
Hint Resolve typeVar'.
Proof. intros <-; constructor. Qed.
Hint Resolve typeVar'.
Fixpoint value_typepres_renaming n Gamma v A (H: Gamma ⊩ v : A) m (delta: fin n -> fin m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Gamma i = Delta (delta i)) -> Delta ⊩ v⟨delta⟩ : A
with comp_typepres_renaming n Gamma c B (H: Gamma ⊢ c : B) m (delta: fin n -> fin m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Gamma i = Delta (delta i)) -> Delta ⊢ c⟨delta⟩ : B.
all: destruct H; cbn; intros; eauto; econstructor; eauto;
eapply comp_typepres_renaming; eauto.
all: auto_case.
(forall i, Gamma i = Delta (delta i)) -> Delta ⊩ v⟨delta⟩ : A
with comp_typepres_renaming n Gamma c B (H: Gamma ⊢ c : B) m (delta: fin n -> fin m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Gamma i = Delta (delta i)) -> Delta ⊢ c⟨delta⟩ : B.
all: destruct H; cbn; intros; eauto; econstructor; eauto;
eapply comp_typepres_renaming; eauto.
all: auto_case.
Type preservation under substitution
Fixpoint value_typepres_substitution n (Gamma: ctx n) v A (H: Gamma ⊩ v : A) m (sigma: fin n -> value m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Delta ⊩ sigma i : Gamma i) -> Delta ⊩ v[sigma] : A
with comp_typepres_substitution n (Gamma: ctx n) c B (H: Gamma ⊢ c : B) m (sigma: fin n -> value m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Delta ⊩ sigma i : Gamma i) -> Delta ⊢ c[sigma] : B.
all: destruct H; cbn; intros; eauto; econstructor; eauto.
all: eapply comp_typepres_substitution; eauto.
all: auto_case; repeat (eapply value_typepres_renaming); eauto.
(forall i, Delta ⊩ sigma i : Gamma i) -> Delta ⊩ v[sigma] : A
with comp_typepres_substitution n (Gamma: ctx n) c B (H: Gamma ⊢ c : B) m (sigma: fin n -> value m) Delta {struct H}:
(forall i, Delta ⊩ sigma i : Gamma i) -> Delta ⊢ c[sigma] : B.
all: destruct H; cbn; intros; eauto; econstructor; eauto.
all: eapply comp_typepres_substitution; eauto.
all: auto_case; repeat (eapply value_typepres_renaming); eauto.
Lemma typepres_beta {n: nat} (Gamma: fin n -> valtype) c v A B:
A .: Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ c[v..] : B.
intros H1 H2; eapply (comp_typepres_substitution H1); intros []; cbn; eauto.
A .: Gamma ⊢ c : B -> Gamma ⊩ v : A -> Gamma ⊢ c[v..] : B.
intros H1 H2; eapply (comp_typepres_substitution H1); intros []; cbn; eauto.
Type preservation under primitive reduction
Lemma primitive_preservation {n} (c c': comp n) Gamma A:
c ≽ c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : A -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
destruct 1; intros H1; repeat invt; try destruct b; constructor; eauto using typepres_beta.
eapply comp_typepres_substitution; [eassumption |]; auto_case.
c ≽ c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : A -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
destruct 1; intros H1; repeat invt; try destruct b; constructor; eauto using typepres_beta.
eapply comp_typepres_substitution; [eassumption |]; auto_case.
Type preservation under reduction
Lemma preservation {n: nat} Gamma (c c': comp n) A:
c > c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : A -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
induction 1 in Gamma, A |-*; [ now apply primitive_preservation | idtac.. ];
intros; invt; destruct (IHstep _ _ X0); constructor; eauto.
Lemma preservation_steps n (Gamma: ctx n)(c c': comp n) A:
Gamma ⊢ c : A -> c >* c' -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
induction 2; eauto using preservation.
specialize (preservation H X) as [H1]; eauto.
c > c' -> Gamma ⊢ c : A -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
induction 1 in Gamma, A |-*; [ now apply primitive_preservation | idtac.. ];
intros; invt; destruct (IHstep _ _ X0); constructor; eauto.
Lemma preservation_steps n (Gamma: ctx n)(c c': comp n) A:
Gamma ⊢ c : A -> c >* c' -> inhab (Gamma ⊢ c' : A).
induction 2; eauto using preservation.
specialize (preservation H X) as [H1]; eauto.
Lemma progress (e: comp 0) (B: comptype) :
null ⊢ e : B -> (exists e', e > e') \/ nf e.
Proof with (left; eexists; eauto).
enough (
forall n Gamma e B, Gamma ⊢ e : B ->
(match n return ctx n -> Prop with 0 => fun Gamma => Gamma = null | _ => fun _ => False end) Gamma ->
(exists e', e > e') \/ nf e
) by eauto.
induction 1; destruct m; intuition; subst Gamma.
1, 3, 5: destruct H1...
1 - 3: inv H1; invt...
all: inv v0; try (destruct i)...
null ⊢ e : B -> (exists e', e > e') \/ nf e.
Proof with (left; eexists; eauto).
enough (
forall n Gamma e B, Gamma ⊢ e : B ->
(match n return ctx n -> Prop with 0 => fun Gamma => Gamma = null | _ => fun _ => False end) Gamma ->
(exists e', e > e') \/ nf e
) by eauto.
induction 1; destruct m; intuition; subst Gamma.
1, 3, 5: destruct H1...
1 - 3: inv H1; invt...
all: inv v0; try (destruct i)...