Fixpoint substPl P (k:nat) W: Pro:=
match P with
retT => retT
| varT n P =>
let P' := substPl P k W in
if Dec (k>n) then varT n P' else
match W.[n-k] with
Some Q => lamT Q P'
| _ => varT n P'
| lamT Q P => lamT (substPl Q (S k) W) (substPl P k W)
| appT P => appT (substPl P k W)
Lemma substPl_nil P k:
substPl P k [] = P.
induction P in k |-*. all:cbn.
decide (k>n). congruence.
rewrite (proj2 (nth_error_None _ _)). 2:cbn;omega.
Lemma boundP_mono P k k':
P <P k-> k <= k' -> P <P k'.
intros bnd. induction bnd in k'|-*;intros gt. all:cbn.
-constructor. omega. eauto.
-constructor. now apply IHbnd1;omega. now eapply IHbnd2.
-constructor. eauto.
Lemma boundP_substP P Q k:
P <P k -> substP P k Q = P.
intros bnd. induction bnd. all:cbn.
-decide _. omega. now rewrite IHbnd.
-rewrite IHbnd1,IHbnd2. reflexivity.
-now rewrite IHbnd.
Lemma substPl_cons P Q k W:
Forall (<P 1) W -> substPl P k (Q::W) = substP (substPl P (S k) W) k Q.
intros cl. induction P in k|-*;cbn.
-decide (k>n);[|decide (k=n)].
all:decide (S k > n);try omega;cbn.
1,2:decide (n=k);try omega.
+now rewrite IHP.
+subst k. rewrite minus_diag. cbn. now rewrite IHP.
+destruct n. 1:omega. rewrite <- minus_Sn_m with (m:=k). 2:omega. cbn.
destruct nth_error eqn:eq.
*cbn. erewrite boundP_substP. now rewrite IHP. eapply boundP_mono. eapply Forall_forall with (1:=cl).
now eauto using nth_error_In. omega.
*unfold substP;fold substP. decide _. omega. now rewrite IHP.
-now rewrite IHP.
-now rewrite IHP1,IHP2.
Lemma substP_boundP P k W:
Forall (<P 1) W -> P <P k + length W -> substPl P k W <P k.
induction P in k |-*. all:cbn;intros cl bnd;inv bnd.
-decide _.
+constructor. all:eauto.
+edestruct nth_error_lt_Some as (?&eq);[|rewrite eq]. omega. constructor. 2:eauto. eapply boundP_mono. eapply Forall_forall with (1:=cl). now eauto using nth_error_In. omega.
-constructor. eauto.
-constructor. all:eauto.
Notation "P / E" := (closC P E).
Fixpoint δC k (e:Clo) :=
let (C,E):=e in
substPl C k (map (δC 1) E).
Reserved Notation "P <C k" (at level 70).
Inductive boundC : Clo -> nat -> Prop :=
boundC_C k P E : P <P k+length E -> (forall e, e ∈ E -> e <C 1) -> P/E <C k
where "e <C k" := (boundC e k).
Notation "'(<C' k ')'" := (fun P => P <C k) (at level 0, format "'(<C' k ')'").
Hint Constructors boundC.
Lemma translateC_boundP e k:
e <C k -> δC k e <P k.
induction 1. cbn.
apply substP_boundP. 2: now rewrite map_length. eapply Forall_forall.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff. intros ? (?&<-&?). eauto.