From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export FullFOL.
Section FullSequent.
Context {Sigma : Signature}.
Inductive fprv : list form -> form -> Prop :=
(* Structural Rules *)
| Ax A phi : fprv (phi :: A) phi
| Contr A phi psi : fprv (phi :: phi :: A) psi -> fprv (phi :: A) psi
| Weak A phi psi : fprv A psi -> fprv (phi :: A) psi
| Perm A A' phi psi chi : fprv (A ++ psi :: phi :: A') chi -> fprv (A ++ phi :: psi :: A') chi
(* Logical rules *)
| Exp A phi : fprv A ⊥ -> fprv A phi
| IL A phi psi chi : fprv A phi -> fprv (psi :: A) chi -> fprv (phi --> psi :: A) chi
| IR A phi psi : fprv (phi :: A) psi -> fprv A (phi --> psi)
| AL A phi psi chi : fprv (phi :: psi :: A) chi -> fprv (Conj phi psi :: A) chi
| AR A phi psi : fprv A phi -> fprv A psi -> fprv A (Conj phi psi)
| OL A phi psi chi : fprv (phi :: A) chi -> fprv (psi :: A) chi -> fprv (Disj phi psi :: A) chi
| OR1 A phi psi : fprv A phi -> fprv A (Disj phi psi)
| OR2 A phi psi : fprv A psi -> fprv A (Disj phi psi)
| AllL A phi psi t : fprv (phi [t .: ids] :: A) psi -> fprv (∀ phi :: A) psi
| AllR A phi : fprv (map (subst_form form_shift) A) phi -> fprv A (∀ phi)
| ExL A phi psi : fprv (phi :: map (subst_form form_shift) A) (subst_form form_shift psi) -> fprv (∃ phi :: A) psi
| ExR A phi t : fprv A (phi [t .: ids]) -> fprv A (∃ phi).
Notation "A ⊢f phi" := (fprv A phi) (at level 30).
Hint Constructors fprv.
(* **** Context management and Weakening *)
Lemma ctx_out A A' phi psi :
(phi :: A ++ A') ⊢f psi -> (A ++ phi :: A') ⊢f psi.
intros H. enough (H' : forall B B', rev B ++ B' = A -> (rev B ++ phi :: B' ++ A') ⊢f psi).
{ specialize (H' (rev A) nil). rewrite rev_involutive in H'. apply H', app_nil_r. }
induction B; intros B' <-; cbn in *.
- assumption.
- rewrite <- app_assoc; cbn. apply Perm. apply (IHB (a :: B')). now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Lemma ctx_in A A' phi psi :
(A ++ phi :: A') ⊢f psi -> (phi :: A ++ A') ⊢f psi.
intros H. enough (H' : forall B B', rev B' ++ B = A -> (rev B' ++ phi :: B ++ A') ⊢f psi).
{ now apply (H' A nil). }
induction B; intros B' <-; cbn in *.
- now rewrite <- (app_nil_r (rev B')).
- apply Perm. specialize (IHB (a :: B')); cbn in *; repeat (rewrite <- app_assoc in IHB).
now apply IHB.
Lemma focus_el A phi psi :
phi el A -> (phi :: A) ⊢f psi -> A ⊢f psi.
intros (B & B' & ->) % in_split H. rewrite app_comm_cons in H.
apply ctx_out, Contr. now apply ctx_in in H.
Ltac focus t := refine (@focus_el _ t _ _ _); [eauto |].
Lemma weaken A B phi :
A ⊢f phi -> A <<= B -> B ⊢f phi.
intros H; revert B; induction H; intros B H';
lazymatch goal with
| [ _ : (?f :: ?A) <<= ?B |- _ ] => focus f
| _ => idtac
end; eauto. 2,3,4,5,7: apply cons_incl in H'.
- apply IHfprv. transitivity (A ++ phi :: psi :: A').
intros a [? | [-> | [-> | ?]]] % in_app_or; apply in_or_app. all: eauto.
- apply IL; [apply (IHfprv1 B) | apply (IHfprv2 (psi :: B))]; intuition.
- apply AL, (IHfprv (phi :: psi :: B)). intuition.
- apply OL; [apply (IHfprv1 (phi :: B)) | apply (IHfprv2 (psi :: B))]; intuition.
- refine (AllL (IHfprv (phi [t..] :: B) _)). intuition.
- apply ExL, (IHfprv (phi :: [p ⟨↑⟩ | p ∈ B])). now apply incl_shift, incl_map.
- now apply AllR,IHfprv, incl_map.
(* **** Renaming Weakening and Nameless Equivalence *)
Theorem subst_Weak A phi xi :
A ⊢f phi -> [phi[xi] | phi ∈ A] ⊢f phi[xi].
induction 1 in xi |-*; comp; eauto using in_map.
- specialize (IHfprv xi). rewrite map_app in *. cbn in *. now apply Perm.
- apply AllL with (t := subst_term xi t); specialize (IHfprv xi); now asimpl in *.
- apply AllR. setoid_rewrite map_map in IHfprv. erewrite map_map, map_ext.
apply IHfprv. intros ?. comp. now apply ext_form.
- apply ExL. specialize (IHfprv (var_term 0 .: (xi >> subst_term form_shift))). rewrite map_map in *.
erewrite map_ext. comp. apply IHfprv. intros ?. comp. now apply ext_form.
- apply ExR with (t := subst_term xi t); specialize (IHfprv xi); now asimpl in *.
Definition cycle_shift n x :=
if Dec (n = x) then var_term 0 else var_term (S x).
Hint Unfold cycle_shift.
Context {eq_dec_Funcs : eq_dec Funcs}.
Context {eq_dec_Preds : eq_dec Preds}.
Lemma cycle_shift_shift n phi :
unused n phi -> phi[cycle_shift n] = phi[↑].
intros H. apply (subst_unused_single H). intros m ?. unfold cycle_shift. now decide (n = m).
Lemma cycle_shift_subject n phi :
unused (S n) phi -> phi[(var_term n)..][cycle_shift n] = phi.
intros H. asimpl. rewrite (@subst_unused_single _ _ _ _ ids _ _ H). 1: now asimpl.
intros m H'; comp; decide (n = n); try congruence. destruct m; [reflexivity |].
comp; decide (n = m); comp; congruence.
Lemma nameless_equiv A phi n :
unused_L n A -> unused (S n) phi -> ((A ⊢f phi[(var_term n)..]) <-> [phi[↑] | phi ∈ A] ⊢f phi).
intros HL Hphi. split.
- intros H % (subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)). rewrite cycle_shift_subject,
(map_ext_in _ (subst_form form_shift)) in H. 1,3: assumption. intros ? ? % HL.
now apply cycle_shift_shift.
- intros H % (subst_Weak ((var_term n)..)). rewrite map_map in *. rewrite (map_ext _ id), map_id in H.
assumption. intuition comp. erewrite ext_form. now asimpl. intros []; now asimpl.
Lemma nameless_equiv' A psi phi n :
unused_L n (phi :: A) -> unused (S n) psi ->
((psi[(var_term n)..] :: A) ⊢f phi) <-> ((psi :: [phi[↑] | phi ∈ A]) ⊢f phi[↑]).
intros HL Hphi. split.
- intros H % (subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)); cbn in *.
rewrite (map_ext_in _ (subst_form form_shift)), cycle_shift_subject, cycle_shift_shift in H.
1,3: assumption. apply HL; intuition.
intros a Ha. specialize (HL a (or_intror Ha)). now rewrite cycle_shift_shift.
- intros H % (subst_Weak ((var_term n)..)). cbn in *. rewrite map_map, (map_ext _ id), map_id in H.
enough (phi = phi[↑][(var_term n)..]) as ->. eassumption.
asimpl. erewrite ext_form. now asimpl. intros []; now asimpl.
intros; comp. erewrite ext_form. now asimpl. intros []; now asimpl.
(* **** Big Or Lemmas *)
Fixpoint big_or (A : list form) : form :=
match A with
| cons phi A' => phi ∨ big_or A'
| nil => ⊥
Notation "⋁ A" := (big_or A) (at level 20).
Lemma or_subst A rho :
subst_form rho (⋁ A) = ⋁ (map (subst_form rho) A).
induction A; cbn; asimpl; congruence.
Lemma context_shift A phi n :
unused_L (S n) A -> unused n phi ->
(A ⊢f phi[↑]) <-> [ psi[(var_term n)..] | psi ∈ A] ⊢f phi.
intros HL Hphi. split.
- intros H % (subst_Weak ((var_term n)..)). comp.
enough (phi = phi[↑][(var_term n)..]) as ->. eassumption.
asimpl. erewrite ext_form. now asimpl. intros []; now asimpl.
- intros H % (subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)). rewrite map_map in *.
rewrite (map_ext_in _ id), map_id, cycle_shift_shift in H. 1-2: assumption.
intros ? ? % HL. rewrite cycle_shift_subject; unfold id; tauto.
Ltac use_free H := try intros ? ?; apply H; [omega | intuition].
Lemma or_char A B phi :
A ⊢f (⋁ B) -> (forall psi A', psi el B -> A' ⊢f psi -> A' ⊢f phi) -> A ⊢f phi.
enough (H : forall a, A ⊢f a -> forall B, a = (⋁ B) -> forall phi, (forall psi A', psi el B -> A' ⊢f psi -> A' ⊢f phi) ->
A ⊢f phi) by (intros H' H''; apply (H _ H' B eq_refl phi H'')). clear B phi.
intros a; induction 1; intros B Heq goal Hgoal; try (destruct B; discriminate); subst; try eauto using fprv.
- induction B; cbn.
+ apply Exp, Ax.
+ apply OL; [refine (Hgoal a _ _ (Ax _ _)) | apply IHB]; firstorder.
- destruct B; [discriminate |]. injection Heq. intros _ ->. apply (Hgoal f A); intuition.
- destruct B; [discriminate| injection Heq; intros -> ->]. apply (IHfprv B eq_refl goal). firstorder.
- apply ExL. apply (IHfprv _ (or_subst B form_shift)). intros ? A' [psi [<- Hin]] % in_map_iff Hprv.
destruct (find_unused_L (goal :: psi :: A')) as [x Hx].
apply context_shift with (n := x) in Hprv; [| use_free Hx | use_free Hx ]. specialize (Hgoal _ _ Hin Hprv).
now apply context_shift with (n := x) in Hgoal; [| use_free Hx | use_free Hx ].
Lemma or_el A phi B :
A ⊢f phi -> phi el B -> A ⊢f (⋁ B).
intros Hprv Hel. induction B; destruct Hel; subst; cbn; eauto using fprv.
Lemma or_weak A B B' :
A ⊢f (⋁ B) -> B <<= B' -> A ⊢f (⋁ B').
intros H Hsub. apply (or_char H). intros psi A' Hel Hpsi. apply or_el with (phi := psi); intuition.
Lemma or_single A B phi :
A ⊢f (⋁ B) -> (forall psi, psi el B -> psi = phi) -> A ⊢f phi.
intros H H'. apply (or_char H). now intros psi A' -> % H'.
End FullSequent.
Notation "A ⊢f phi" := (fprv A phi) (at level 30).
Notation "⋁ A" := (big_or A) (at level 20).
Ltac use_free H := try intros ? ?; apply H; [omega | intuition].