From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export GenConstructions.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export Consistency.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export GenTarski.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Import Stability.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export Consistency.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Export GenTarski.
From Undecidability.FOLC Require Import Stability.
(* ** Standard Models **)
Section Completeness.
Context {Sigma : Signature}.
Context {HdF : eq_dec Funcs} {HdP : eq_dec Preds}.
Context {HeF : enumT Funcs} {HeP : enumT Preds}.
Hint Constructors unused.
Section BotModel.
Variable T : theory.
Hypothesis T_closed : closed_T T.
Definition input_bot :=
NBot := Fal ;
NBot_closed := (fun n => uf_Fal n) ;
variant := expl ;
In_T := T ;
In_T_closed := T_closed ;
enum := form_enum ;
enum_enum := form_enum_enumerates ;
enum_unused := form_enum_fresh
Definition output_bot := construct_construction input_bot.
Instance model_bot : interp term :=
{| i_f := Func; i_P := fun P v => Pred P v ∈ Out_T output_bot ;
i_F := ⊥ ∈ Out_T output_bot |}.
Lemma eval_ident rho (t : term) :
eval rho t = subst_term rho t.
induction t using strong_term_ind; comp; asimpl; try congruence. f_equal.
Lemma model_bot_correct phi rho :
(phi[rho] ∈ Out_T output_bot <-> rho ⊨ phi).
induction phi in rho |-*. 1,2,3: comp.
- tauto.
- now rewrite <- (vec_ext (fun x => eval_ident rho x)).
- rewrite <-IHphi1, <-IHphi2. now apply Out_T_impl.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite <-IHphi. rewrite Out_T_all.
split; intros H d; specialize (H d); comp; now asimpl in H.
Lemma model_bot_classical :
classical model_bot.
intros rho phi psi. apply model_bot_correct, Out_T_prv.
use_theory (nil : list form). apply Pc.
Lemma model_bot_standard :
consistent T -> SM model_bot.
intros Hcon. split. 1: exact model_bot_classical. intros Hin. apply Hcon.
apply Out_T_econsistent with output_bot. use_theory [⊥]. ctx.
Lemma model_bot_exploding :
EM model_bot.
split. 1: exact model_bot_classical. intros rho phi. apply model_bot_correct.
comp. apply Out_T_prv. use_theory (nil : list form). ointros. oexfalso. ctx.
Lemma valid_T_model_bot phi :
phi ∈ T -> ids ⊨ phi.
intros H % (Out_T_sub output_bot). apply model_bot_correct; now comp.
End BotModel.
Section StandardCompletenes.
Variables (T : theory) (phi : form).
Hypothesis (HT : closed_T T) (Hphi : closed phi).
Lemma semi_completeness_standard :
T ⊫S phi -> ~ ~ T ⊩CE phi.
intros Hval Hcons. rewrite refutation_prv in Hcons.
assert (Hcl : closed_T (T ⋄ (¬ phi))) by ( intros ? ? [] ; subst; eauto).
destruct (model_bot_standard Hcl Hcons) as [Hclass Hb]. apply Hb.
apply (model_bot_correct Hcl (¬ phi) ids). apply Out_T_sub. right. now comp. refine (Hval _ _ _ _ _).
- now apply model_bot_standard.
- intros ? ?. apply valid_T_model_bot; intuition.
Lemma completeness_standard_stability :
(T ⊫S phi -> T ⊩CE phi) <-> stable (T ⊩CE phi).
- intros Hcomp Hdn. apply Hcomp, valid_T_standard_dm. 1: firstorder. intros Hsem.
apply Hdn. intros H. apply Hsem, (StrongSoundness H).
+ now intros _ ? ? [].
+ intros _ ? ? []. firstorder.
- intros Hstab Hsem. now apply Hstab, semi_completeness_standard.
End StandardCompletenes.
Section MPStrongCompleteness.
Hypothesis mp : MP.
Variable (T : theory) (phi : form) (L : nat -> list form).
Hypothesis (HT : closed_T T) (Hphi : closed phi).
Hypothesis (He : DecidableEnumerable.enum T L).
Lemma mp_tprv_stability {p : peirce} {b : bottom} :
~ ~ T ⊩ phi -> T ⊩ phi.
apply (enumeration_stability mp (enum_tprv He) (dec_form HdF HdP)).
Lemma mp_standard_completeness :
T ⊫S phi -> T ⊩CE phi.
intros Hprv % semi_completeness_standard. 2,3: assumption.
now apply mp_tprv_stability.
End MPStrongCompleteness.
(* *** Exploding Models **)
Section ExplodingCompletenes.
Variables (T : theory) (phi : form).
Hypothesis (HT : closed_T T) (Hphi : closed phi).
Lemma completeness_expl :
T ⊫E phi -> T ⊩CE phi.
intros Hval. assert (Hcl : closed_T (T ⋄ (¬ phi))) by (intros ? ? [] ; subst; eauto).
apply refutation_prv. apply (@Out_T_econsistent _ _ (output_bot Hcl)); cbn. use_theory [⊥]. 2: ctx.
intros ? [<- | []]. apply (model_bot_correct _ ⊥ ids).
specialize (Hval term (model_bot Hcl) (model_bot_exploding Hcl) ids).
assert (@sat _ _ (model_bot Hcl) ids (¬ phi)) by (apply model_bot_correct, Out_T_sub; comp; firstorder).
apply H, Hval. intros ? ?. apply valid_T_model_bot; intuition.
Lemma valid_standard_expld_stability :
(T ⊫S phi -> T ⊫E phi) <-> stable (T ⊩CE phi).
rewrite <- completeness_standard_stability. 2,3: assumption. split.
- intros Hincl Hval % Hincl. now apply completeness_expl.
- intros Hcomp Hprv % Hcomp. apply (StrongSoundness Hprv).
all: now intros _ ? ? [].
End ExplodingCompletenes.
(* *** Minimal Models **)
Section FragmentModel.
Variable T : theory.
Hypothesis T_closed : closed_T T.
Variable GBot : form.
Hypothesis GBot_closed : closed GBot.
Definition input_fragment :=
NBot := GBot ;
NBot_closed := GBot_closed ;
variant := lconst ;
In_T := T ;
In_T_closed := T_closed ;
enum := form_enum ;
enum_enum := form_enum_enumerates ;
enum_unused := form_enum_fresh
Definition output_fragment := construct_construction input_fragment.
Instance model_fragment : interp term :=
{| i_f := Func; i_P := fun P v => Pred P v ∈ Out_T output_fragment ;
i_F := ⊥ ∈ Out_T output_fragment |}.
Lemma eval_ident_fragment rho (t : term) :
eval rho t = subst_term rho t.
induction t using strong_term_ind; comp; asimpl; try congruence. f_equal.
Lemma model_fragment_correct phi rho :
(phi[rho] ∈ Out_T output_fragment <-> rho ⊨ phi).
induction phi in rho |-*. 1,2,3: comp.
- tauto.
- now rewrite <- (vec_ext (fun x => eval_ident_fragment rho x)).
- rewrite <-IHphi1, <-IHphi2. now apply Out_T_impl.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite <-IHphi. rewrite Out_T_all.
split; intros H d; specialize (H d); comp; now asimpl in H.
Lemma model_fragment_classical :
BLM model_fragment.
intros rho phi psi. apply model_fragment_correct, Out_T_prv.
use_theory (nil : list form). apply Pc.
Lemma valid_T_fragment phi :
phi ∈ T -> ids ⊨ phi.
intros H % (Out_T_sub output_fragment). apply model_fragment_correct; now comp.
End FragmentModel.
Section FragmentCompleteness.
Lemma semi_completeness_fragment T phi :
closed_T T -> closed phi -> T ⊫M phi -> T ⊩CL phi.
intros HT Hphi Hval. replace phi with (phi[ids]) in * by now comp.
apply (@Out_T_econsistent _ _ (output_fragment HT Hphi)); cbn. use_theory [phi[ids]]. 2: ctx.
intros ? [<- | []]. apply (model_fragment_correct HT Hphi phi ids). comp. rewrite instId_form in Hval.
apply Hval. 1: apply model_fragment_classical. intros ? ?. apply valid_T_fragment; intuition.
End FragmentCompleteness.
End Completeness.
(* ** Extending the Completeness Results *)
Section FiniteCompleteness.
Context {Sigma : Signature}.
Context {HdF : eq_dec Funcs} {HdP : eq_dec Preds}.
Context {HeF : enumT Funcs} {HeP : enumT Preds}.
Lemma list_completeness_standard A phi :
ST__f -> valid_L SM A phi -> A ⊢CE phi.
intros stf Hval % valid_L_to_single. apply prv_from_single.
apply con_T_correct. apply completeness_standard_stability.
1: intros ? ? []. 1: apply close_closed. 2: now apply valid_L_valid_T in Hval.
apply stf, fin_T_con_T.
Lemma list_completeness_expl A phi :
valid_L EM A phi -> A ⊢CE phi.
intros Hval % valid_L_to_single. apply prv_from_single.
apply tprv_list_T. apply completeness_expl. 1: intros ? ? [].
1: apply close_closed. now apply valid_L_valid_T in Hval.
Lemma list_completeness_fragment A phi :
valid_L BLM A phi -> A ⊢CL phi.
intros Hval % valid_L_to_single. apply prv_from_single.
apply tprv_list_T. apply semi_completeness_fragment. 1: intros ? ? [].
1: apply close_closed. now apply valid_L_valid_T in Hval.
End FiniteCompleteness.
Section StrongCompleteness.
Context {Sigma : Signature}.
Context {HdF : eq_dec Funcs} {HdP : eq_dec Preds}.
Context {HeF : enumT Funcs} {HeP : enumT Preds}.
Lemma dn_inherit (P Q : Prop) :
(P -> Q) -> ~ ~ P -> ~ ~ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma strong_completeness_standard S T phi :
ST S -> @map_closed S Sigma (sig_ext Sigma) (fun phi => (sig_lift phi)[ext_c]) -> S Sigma T -> T ⊫S phi -> T ⊩CE phi.
intros sts cls HT Hval. apply sig_lift_out_T. apply completeness_standard_stability.
1: apply lift_ext_c_closes_T. 1: apply lift_ext_c_closes. 2: apply (sig_lift_subst_valid droppable_S Hval).
now apply sts, cls.
Lemma strong_completeness_expl T phi :
T ⊫E phi -> T ⊩CE phi.
intros Hval. apply sig_lift_out_T, completeness_expl.
1: apply lift_ext_c_closes_T. 1: apply lift_ext_c_closes.
apply (sig_lift_subst_valid droppable_E Hval).
Lemma strong_completeness_fragment T phi :
T ⊫M phi -> T ⊩CL phi.
intros Hval. apply sig_lift_out_T, semi_completeness_fragment.
1: apply lift_ext_c_closes_T. 1: apply lift_ext_c_closes.
apply (sig_lift_subst_valid droppable_BL Hval).
End StrongCompleteness.