Semantic Cut-Elimination (following Su & Sano )

Require Import models nd forms decidability toolbox.
Require Import PslBase.Base.

Section Canonical.
We define the *canonical models*, whose worlds are the maximally consistent theories. We first define the relations.
  Context {d : DerivationType}.
    Variable A0 : context.
  Variable s0 : form.
  Definition U' := scl (s0::(K )::A0).

  Record mcTheory := mkmcTheory {
                         T: list form;
                         B: form;
                         Tgood: ~(gen T B);
                         Tsubs: T <<= U' ;
                         Tlcons: forall A, A el U' -> A el T \/ (gen (A::T) B) ;

Define extension operator on theories

  Definition single_extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (a: form) :=
    if (@gen_dec (a::Ω) A d) then Ω else (a::Ω).

  Lemma single_extend_subcontext A Ω B: Ω <<= (single_extend Ω A B).
    intros a Ha. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (B :: Ω) A d); eauto.
  Fixpoint extend (Ω: context) (A: form) (Γ: context) : context :=
    match Γ with
      nil => Ω
    | (a::Γ') =>
      single_extend (extend Ω A Γ') A a end.

  Lemma extend_does_not_derive Ω A Γ: ~(gen Ω A) -> ~(gen (extend Ω A Γ) A).
    revert Ω.
    induction Γ; eauto.
    - intros. destruct (gen_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d) eqn:di.
      + simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. apply IHΓ. auto.
      + simpl extend. unfold single_extend. rewrite di. apply n.

  Lemma extend_subset Ω Γ A: Ω <<= (extend Ω A Γ).
    revert Ω.
    induction Γ; eauto.
    - intro. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); eauto.

  Lemma extend_disjunction Γ Ω A B: ~(gen Ω A) -> B el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ) \/ (gen (B::(extend Ω A Γ)) (A)).
    intros H H0. induction Γ.
    - inversion H0.
    - destruct H0.
       + subst a. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (B :: extend Ω A Γ) A d). tauto. left. auto.
       + specialize (IHΓ H0). destruct IHΓ. left. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); eauto.
         * right. apply genW with ((B :: extend Ω A Γ)); auto. intros x Hx. destruct Hx.
           -- subst x. eauto.
           -- right. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); auto.

  Lemma extend_locally_prime Γ Ω A B C: ~(gen Ω A) -> (B C) el (extend Ω A Γ) -> B el Γ -> C el Γ -> B el (extend Ω A Γ) \/ C el (extend Ω A Γ).
    intros. destruct (extend_disjunction H H1); try tauto. destruct (extend_disjunction H H2); try tauto. exfalso.
    specialize (@extend_does_not_derive Ω A Γ H). intro. apply H5. apply genOL with B C. auto. auto. auto.

  Lemma extend_locally_easy_subset Ω A Γ: (extend Ω A Γ) <<= (Ω ++ Γ).
    revert Ω. induction Γ. eauto. intros. simpl extend. unfold single_extend. destruct (gen_dec (a :: extend Ω A Γ) A d); auto.
    specialize (IHΓ Ω). intros b Hb. apply IHΓ in Hb. apply in_app_iff. apply in_app_iff in Hb. destruct Hb. tauto. right. right. assumption.
    intros b Hb. destruct Hb; eauto. subst b; eauto. apply IHΓ in H. apply in_app_iff in H; destruct H; apply in_app_iff; try tauto. right. right. auto.

  Lemma extend_locally_subset Γ A Ω: Ω <<= Γ -> (extend Ω A Γ) <<= Γ.
    intros. enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Γ ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0; destruct H0; assumption.
    enough (extend Ω A Γ <<= Ω ++ Γ). intros a Ha. specialize (H0 a Ha). apply in_app_iff in H0. destruct H0; eauto. apply extend_locally_easy_subset.
  (* Not deriven implies adding it causes us to derive A *)
  Definition U'_sfc : sf_closed U' := @scl_closed _.

  Definition subsetMKT (A B: mcTheory) := (T A) <<= (T B).
  Definition valuationMKT (A: mcTheory) (a: nat) := (Var a) el (T A).
  Definition subsetVerif (A B:mcTheory) := (unK (T A)) <<= (T B).

  Instance canonical: (KripkeModel).
    apply mkKripkeModel with (world := mcTheory) (cogn := subsetMKT) (val := valuationMKT) (verif := subsetVerif).
    firstorder. firstorder.
    + intros A B c d' E. unfold subsetVerif in c. apply c. apply unK_in_iff. eauto.
    + intros x y z H H0. intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha; auto. apply H0. apply unK_in_iff. left. apply H. auto. apply H0. apply unK_in_iff. right. apply H. auto.

  Definition Lindenbaum (Γ : list form) (A: form) (H: Γ <<= U') (H'': A el U') (H': ~(gen Γ A)) : mcTheory.
    eapply mkmcTheory.
    - apply extend_does_not_derive. apply H'.
    - apply extend_locally_subset. auto.
    - intro.
      specialize (@extend_does_not_derive Γ A U' H'). intro.
      specialize (extend_disjunction H' H0). intro. destruct H2.
      + left. apply H2.
      + right. auto.

  Lemma mctheory_conjucntion (Δ: mcTheory) A B: (A B) el (T Δ) -> (A el (T Δ)) /\ (B el (T Δ)).
    - destruct Δ. simpl. cbn in H. specialize ( Tlcons0 A). destruct Tlcons0. enough ((A B) el U'). apply U'_sfc in H0; tauto. eauto. auto. exfalso. apply Tgood0. apply genAL with A B. auto. apply genW with ((A :: T0)). auto. firstorder eauto.
    - destruct Δ. simpl. cbn in H. specialize ( Tlcons0 B). destruct Tlcons0. enough ((A B) el U'). apply U'_sfc in H0; tauto. eauto. auto. exfalso. apply Tgood0. apply genAL with A B. auto. apply genW with ((B :: T0)). auto. firstorder eauto.

  Lemma mctheory_disjunction (Δ: mcTheory) A B: (A B) el (T Δ) -> (A el (T Δ)) \/ (B el (T Δ)).
    destruct Δ. intros.
    intros. decide (A el (T0)); decide (B el (T0)). all: try tauto.
    cbn in H. cbn. enough (A el U'). enough (B el U'). pose proof (Tlcons0 A H0) as Ha. pose proof (Tlcons0 B H1) as Hb. destruct Ha; destruct Hb; try tauto.
    exfalso. apply Tgood0. apply genOL with A B. auto. auto. auto. all: apply Tsubs0 in H; apply U'_sfc in H; tauto.

  Lemma truth_lemma : forall (x: form), In x U' -> forall (t: (@world canonical)), ( (x el (T t) -> (evalK x t)) /\( ~(gen (T t) x) -> ~(evalK x t))).
    intro x. intro Hx. induction x.
    - intros w. split.
      + intros H w' v. apply IHx. apply U'_sfc in Hx. auto. apply v. apply unK_in_iff. tauto.
      + intros D D1. assert (~(gen (unK (T w)) x)). intro. apply D. apply genKI. auto. apply U'_sfc in Hx. specialize (IHx Hx).
        assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (unK (T w)) <<= (T Δ)
                                   /\ ~(gen (T Δ) (x))).
          assert ((unK (T w)) <<= U'). { destruct w. intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha. destruct Ha; auto. assert (K a el U') by auto. apply U'_sfc in H1. assumption. }
          eexists (@Lindenbaum (unK (T w)) x H0 Hx H). split.
          - simpl. apply extend_subset.
          - simpl. apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
        destruct H0 as (w' & Hw').
        specialize (IHx w'). destruct IHx. destruct Hw'. specialize (H1 H3). specialize (D1 w'). apply H1. apply D1. auto.

    - intros w. split.
      + intro H. apply U'_sfc in Hx. intros w' Hw' c. assert (x2 el (T w') \/ ~(gen (T w') x1)).
          decide (x2 el (T w')); try tauto.
          right. intro.
          destruct w'. cbn in H0. destruct (Tlcons0 x2). tauto. cbn in n. congruence.
          cbn in n. apply Tgood0. apply genIL with x1 x2. auto. auto. auto.
        destruct H0.
        * apply IHx2. tauto. auto.
        * apply IHx1 in H0. congruence. tauto.
      + intro. intro. assert (~ gen (x1::(T w)) x2). {
          intro. apply H. apply genIR. auto.
        enough (exists w' : mcTheory, (x1::(T w)) <<= (T w') /\ ~(gen (T w') x2)).
        destruct H2 as (w' & Hw' & Hw'2).
        apply U'_sfc in Hx. destruct Hx as (Hx1 & Hx2). specialize (IHx2 Hx2 w'). specialize (IHx1 Hx1 w'). destruct IHx2. apply H3. auto.
        apply H0. intros a Ha. apply Hw'. auto. apply IHx1. apply Hw'. auto.
        assert ((x1::(T w)) <<= U'). { intros a Ha. destruct Ha. subst a. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. destruct w; eauto. }
                                    apply U'_sfc in Hx; destruct Hx.
          eexists (@Lindenbaum (x1::(T w)) x2 H2 H4 H1). split.
          * simpl. apply extend_subset.
          * simpl. apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.

    - intros w. split.
      + intro. apply mctheory_conjucntion in H. split.
        * apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx. tauto. tauto.
        * apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx. tauto. tauto.
      + intro. intro. destruct H0.
        assert (~(gen (T w) x1) \/ ~(gen (T w) x2)). {
          destruct (gen_dec (T w) x1 d). destruct (gen_dec (T w) x2 d). exfalso. apply H. apply genAR; auto. tauto. tauto.
        apply U'_sfc in Hx. destruct Hx as (Hx1 & Hx2). specialize (IHx1 Hx1 w). specialize (IHx2 Hx2 w). destruct IHx1, IHx2. destruct H2.
        * specialize (H4 H2). congruence.
        * specialize (H6 H2). congruence.
    - intros w. split.
      + intro. apply mctheory_disjunction in H. destruct H.
        * simpl evalK. left. apply IHx1. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
        * right. apply IHx2. apply U'_sfc in Hx; tauto. auto.
      + apply U'_sfc in Hx. destruct Hx as (Hx1 & Hx2).
         intro. intro. apply H. destruct H0.
         * apply genOR1. destruct (gen_dec (T w) x1 d); try tauto. apply IHx1 in n. congruence. tauto.
         * apply genOR2. destruct (gen_dec (T w) x2 d); try tauto. apply IHx2 in n. congruence. tauto.
    - intros w. split.
       + intro. simpl evalK. destruct w. apply Tgood0. apply genF. auto.
       + intro. intro. unfold evalK in H0. auto.
    - intros w. split.
       + intro. apply H.
       + intro. intro. apply H. apply genV. apply H0.

  Lemma are_iel_models: d = normal -> forall w, exists u, verif w u.
    assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, (unK (T w)) <<= (T Δ)).
      destruct w.
      assert (~(gen (unK T0) ())).
      intro. apply Tgood0. rewrite H. apply genKB. apply genKI. subst d. eapply H0.

      enough (unK (T0) <<= U').
      assert ( el U'). {
        unfold U'. simpl. firstorder eauto.
      exists (Lindenbaum H1 H2 H0).
      simpl T. enough (unK (T0) <<= (extend (unK T0) () U')).
      intros a Ha. apply H3. assumption.
      apply extend_subset; auto.
      intros a Ha. apply unK_in_iff in Ha; destruct Ha; eauto.
      apply Tsubs0 in H1. apply U'_sfc in H1. auto.
    destruct H0. exists x. firstorder eauto.

    Lemma completeness' Ω A: A el U' -> Ω <<= U' -> entails Ω A -> gen Ω A.
    intros Au U H. destruct (gen_dec Ω A d); auto. exfalso.
    unfold entails in H.
    specialize (H (@canonical)).
     assert (exists Δ: mcTheory, ~(gen (T Δ) A) /\ (Ω <<= (T Δ))).
       eexists (Lindenbaum U Au n). split.
       - simpl. apply extend_does_not_derive. auto.
       - simpl. apply extend_subset.
     assert (model_constraint canonical). {
       destruct d eqn:dn; simpl; auto. unfold isIEL. apply are_iel_models. auto.

     specialize (H H1).
     destruct (H0) as [Δ H2].
     specialize (H Δ). destruct H2.
     decide (A el (T Δ)).
    + apply H2. apply genA. auto.
      pose proof (truth_lemma Au Δ).

      destruct H4. specialize (H5 H2). apply H5. apply H. unfold evalK'. intros s H6.
      apply truth_lemma. auto. auto.

End Canonical.

Lemma completeness Ω A (D: DerivationType): entails Ω A -> gen Ω A.
  intro. apply completeness' with Ω A. unfold U'. apply scl_incl'. auto. intros a Ha. apply scl_incl'. auto. auto.

Lemma soundnessGen (Γ: context) (A: form) {D: DerivationType}:
  gen Γ A -> entails Γ A.
  intros H % gen2nd. eapply soundness. auto.

Semantic Cut-Elimination

Lemma semaCut Γ A (D: DerivationType):
  nd Γ A -> gen Γ A.
  intro. apply soundness in H. apply completeness. assumption.
Soundness w.r.t gen used by using nd soundness
Lemma semaCut' Γ A B (D: DerivationType):
  gen Γ A -> gen (A::Γ) B -> gen Γ B.
  intros H1 % gen2nd H2 % gen2nd.
  apply semaCut.