Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (2667 entries)
Notation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (37 entries)
Binder Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1842 entries)
Module Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (2 entries)
Variable Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (53 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (13 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (333 entries)
Constructor Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (86 entries)
Projection Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (25 entries)
Inductive Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (11 entries)
Instance Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (50 entries)
Section Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (42 entries)
Abbreviation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (3 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (165 entries)
Record Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (5 entries)

Global Index


add_proper_r [instance, in iel.Permutations]
add_proper_lt [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r2 [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r1 [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_l [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Admissibility [section, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Admissibility.d [variable, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Admissibility.liftRelProps [section, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
And [constructor, in iel.forms]
AndI [constructor, in iel.forms]
and_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
appendWeakeningLeft [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
appendWeakeningRight [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
app_equi_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
app_incl_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
app_incl_R [lemma, in iel.gentree]
app_incl_l [lemma, in iel.gentree]
are_iel_models [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
are_iel_models [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
a':141 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A':194 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A':202 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A':34 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A':4 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A':54 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A':59 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A':89 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A':93 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A1:144 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a1:42 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A2:147 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a2:43 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:1 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
a:10 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:100 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:101 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:102 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:102 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:103 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:104 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:106 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:107 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:108 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:11 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:11 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:11 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:112 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:112 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:113 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
a:113 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:114 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:117 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:118 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:118 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:118 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:12 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:12 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:12 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:122 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:123 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:123 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
a:127 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:127 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:128 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:13 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:13 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:13 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:13 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
a:130 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:130 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:133 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:135 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:137 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:138 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:14 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:14 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:140 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:141 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:145 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:148 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:149 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:15 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
a:15 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:15 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
A:150 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:151 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:153 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:155 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:159 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:16 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:16 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:16 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:160 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:161 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:164 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:165 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:17 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:17 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
A:170 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:172 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:174 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:177 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:18 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:18 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:183 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:185 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:185 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:188 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:189 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:19 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:190 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:192 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:193 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:193 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:194 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:194 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:195 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:196 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
a:197 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:197 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:198 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:198 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:20 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:20 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:20 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:200 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:201 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:202 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:202 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:205 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:205 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:205 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:208 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:209 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:21 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
A:211 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:213 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:217 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:218 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:221 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:224 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:225 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:227 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:23 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:23 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:23 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:23 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
A:230 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:231 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:233 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:233 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:236 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:24 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:24 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:241 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:247 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:25 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:25 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:25 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:25 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
A:250 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:251 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:253 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:253 [binder, in iel.nd]
A:26 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:261 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:266 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:27 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:27 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:277 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:28 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:28 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:28 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:281 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:29 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:3 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:3 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:3 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:3 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:30 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:32 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:32 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:32 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:320 [binder, in iel.gentree]
a:324 [binder, in iel.gentree]
a:33 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:34 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:34 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:35 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:35 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:37 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:38 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:38 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:38 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
a:38 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:40 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:40 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:41 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:41 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:42 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:42 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:42 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:42 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:42 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:43 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:44 [binder, in iel.gentree]
a:44 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:45 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:46 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:46 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:47 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:47 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:47 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:48 [binder, in iel.models]
A:49 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:49 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
a:5 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:5 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:50 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:50 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:52 [binder, in iel.models]
A:52 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:52 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:53 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:53 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:53 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:55 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:55 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:56 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:56 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:56 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:56 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:57 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:57 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:58 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:58 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:59 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:6 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:6 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
a:60 [binder, in iel.forms]
A:61 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:62 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:62 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:65 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:65 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:67 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:69 [binder, in iel.decidability]
a:7 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
a:7 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
A:70 [binder, in iel.gentree]
A:71 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:72 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:72 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:74 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:75 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:76 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:76 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:76 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:78 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:78 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:78 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:8 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:8 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:8 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:8 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:80 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:81 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:81 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:83 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:83 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:84 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:87 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:87 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:88 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:88 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:9 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:9 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
A:9 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:91 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:91 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:92 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:92 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:94 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:95 [binder, in iel.decidability]
A:97 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:97 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:98 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
A:99 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


B [projection, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
bool_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
Bot [constructor, in iel.forms]
BotI [constructor, in iel.forms]
b':140 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
b':142 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B':163 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B':17 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B':199 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B':207 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B':37 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
b':60 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B':90 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B':94 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:10 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:103 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:104 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:108 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:109 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:113 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:114 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
b:114 [binder, in iel.nd]
B:119 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:12 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:123 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:124 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
b:128 [binder, in iel.nd]
B:128 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:13 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:131 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
b:131 [binder, in iel.nd]
B:131 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:136 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
b:139 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:14 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:141 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:146 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:149 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:150 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:151 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:152 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:156 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:16 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:16 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:16 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
B:161 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:162 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:165 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:166 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:17 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:171 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:173 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:18 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:18 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:18 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
B:186 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:186 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:187 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:19 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:190 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:191 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:195 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:195 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:195 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:197 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:198 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:2 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:203 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:203 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:206 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:206 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:209 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:21 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:21 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:212 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:214 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:219 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:226 [binder, in iel.nd]
B:228 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:231 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:232 [binder, in iel.nd]
b:235 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:237 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:24 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:24 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
B:25 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:252 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:26 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
B:285 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:287 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:29 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:29 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:31 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:321 [binder, in iel.gentree]
B:33 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:35 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:35 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:35 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:36 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:38 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:39 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
b:39 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:4 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:4 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:41 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:43 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
B:43 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:43 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:43 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:44 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:47 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:48 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:48 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:50 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
b:52 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:53 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:56 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:56 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:57 [binder, in iel.forms]
b:57 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
B:57 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:58 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:59 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:6 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
B:60 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:63 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:68 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:7 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:73 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:77 [binder, in iel.decidability]
B:77 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:82 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:84 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:85 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:88 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:88 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:9 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:9 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:92 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
B:93 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:95 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:98 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:99 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]


cancelForm [lemma, in iel.forms]
cancelNat [lemma, in iel.forms]
candidateList [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
candidatesConnection [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
canonical [instance, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical [section, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
canonical [instance, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Canonical [section, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
canonical [instance, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Canonical [section, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
canonicalFinite [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
canonicalIEL [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Canonical.A0 [variable, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical.A0 [variable, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Canonical.s0 [variable, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical.s0 [variable, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Chaining [section, in iel.nd]
Chaining.D [variable, in iel.nd]
CharAnd [definition, in iel.decidability]
CharFal [definition, in iel.decidability]
CharImp [definition, in iel.decidability]
CharOr [definition, in iel.decidability]
checkConsistent [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkDCL [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkDCLSingle [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrime [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrimeDisj [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrimeSingle [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
ClassicalProperties [section, in iel.structuralProperties]
ClassicalProperties.ent [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
code:322 [binder, in iel.gentree]
code:58 [binder, in iel.forms]
cogn [projection, in iel.models]
cogn_trans [instance, in iel.models]
cogUno [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
completeness [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Completeness [section, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
completeness [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
CompletenessEnumerableMP [section, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
CompletenessLEM [section, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
CompletenessLEM.D [variable, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
completeness' [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
completeness' [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Consistency [definition, in iel.decidability]
consistent [definition, in iel.nd]
consistentT [projection, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
consT [definition, in iel.nd]
constructiveCompleteness [library]
consWeak [lemma, in iel.nd]
cons_equi_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
cons_incl_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
cons_incl [lemma, in iel.gentree]
cons_nil_app [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
context [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
context [abbreviation, in iel.nd]
ContextModifcation [section, in iel.toolbox]
Contexts [section, in iel.nd]
contraction [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
Contraction [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
contraction [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
contractionLeft [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
contractionRight [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
correct_ntree_ind.H2 [variable, in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.H1 [variable, in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.H [variable, in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.P [variable, in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.A [variable, in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind [section, in iel.gentree]
Countability [section, in iel.forms]
Countability.ListEnumerator [section, in iel.forms]
Countability.ListEnumerator.L [variable, in iel.forms]
Countability.ListEnumerator.X [variable, in iel.forms]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [notation, in iel.forms]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [notation, in iel.forms]
countableDecodeEncode [lemma, in iel.forms]
countableForm [lemma, in iel.forms]
countableNatNatOpt [lemma, in iel.forms]
countableT_countableLT [lemma, in iel.forms]
countable_list [lemma, in iel.forms]
countable__T [definition, in iel.forms]
countable_list__T [definition, in iel.forms]
ctx2thy [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ctx2thy [definition, in iel.nd]
cumul [abbreviation, in iel.gentree]
cumulative [definition, in iel.gentree]
cumul_spec [lemma, in iel.gentree]
cumul_spec__T [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Cumul_Step [lemma, in iel.gentree]
cumul_In [lemma, in iel.gentree]
cum_ge' [lemma, in iel.gentree]
cum_ge [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Cut [definition, in iel.decidability]
cutElimination [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
cutElimination' [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
C':32 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
C':38 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
C:100 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
C:151 [binder, in iel.decidability]
C:157 [binder, in iel.decidability]
C:163 [binder, in iel.decidability]
C:187 [binder, in iel.gentree]
C:191 [binder, in iel.gentree]
C:20 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
C:215 [binder, in iel.gentree]
C:25 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
C:30 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
c:308 [binder, in iel.gentree]
C:36 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
C:36 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
C:48 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
C:93 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


Dec [definition, in iel.gentree]
dec [definition, in iel.gentree]
Decidability [section, in iel.decidability]
decidability [library]
decidabilityK [library]
Decidability_GK3c.B0 [variable, in iel.decidabilityK]
Decidability_GK3c.A0 [variable, in iel.decidabilityK]
Decidability_GK3c [section, in iel.decidabilityK]
Decidability.A0 [variable, in iel.decidability]
Decidability.D [variable, in iel.decidability]
Decidability.s0 [variable, in iel.decidability]
decode [definition, in iel.forms]
decodeOpt [definition, in iel.forms]
decode_surj [lemma, in iel.forms]
decode:323 [binder, in iel.gentree]
decode:59 [binder, in iel.forms]
dec_transfer [lemma, in iel.gentree]
dec_DM_impl [lemma, in iel.gentree]
dec_DM_and [lemma, in iel.gentree]
dec_DN [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Dec_false [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Dec_true [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Dec_auto [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Dec_reflect [lemma, in iel.gentree]
dec_prop_iff2 [lemma, in iel.decidability]
dec_prop_iff [lemma, in iel.decidability]
dec2bool [definition, in iel.gentree]
dedClosed [definition, in iel.nd]
deductionGamma [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
delta:167 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:170 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:178 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:180 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:188 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
delta:255 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Delta:259 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Delta:267 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Delta:269 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Delta:275 [binder, in iel.decidability]
deOptIn [lemma, in iel.forms]
deOptionize [definition, in iel.forms]
derivationExtensional [lemma, in iel.nd]
Derivations [section, in iel.nd]
∅ [notation, in iel.nd]
DerivationType [inductive, in iel.nd]
derivRefl [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
derivReflSomeIdent [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
DisjunctionProperty [section, in iel.decidability]
disjunction_ND [lemma, in iel.decidability]
disjunction_SC [lemma, in iel.decidability]
DN [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:29 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:33 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:50 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:52 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
does_not_derive [lemma, in iel.nd]
does_not_derive_i [lemma, in iel.nd]
drop_app_alt [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Dt:146 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:208 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:212 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:215 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:216 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:220 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:79 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Dt:80 [binder, in iel.decidability]
dupfree_app_remr [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_app_reml [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_rem [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_perm [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
d':250 [binder, in iel.nd]
D':279 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D':280 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D':75 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D1:271 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:1 [binder, in iel.models]
d:1 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
d:1 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:104 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:109 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
d:11 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:110 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:111 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:115 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:117 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:119 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:120 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:121 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:125 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:126 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:13 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:131 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:135 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:139 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:147 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:153 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:159 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:165 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:17 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:171 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:176 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:179 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:181 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:182 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
D:20 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:207 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:21 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
D:213 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:214 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:22 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:223 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:226 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:229 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:23 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:232 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:234 [binder, in iel.gentree]
d:237 [binder, in iel.gentree]
d:239 [binder, in iel.gentree]
d:241 [binder, in iel.gentree]
d:247 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:259 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:26 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
D:26 [binder, in iel.nd]
d:264 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:29 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:3 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:30 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:31 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
D:34 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:34 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:37 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:38 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:41 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:41 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:45 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:46 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:49 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:51 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:51 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:53 [binder, in iel.models]
D:53 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:55 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:57 [binder, in iel.nd]
d:59 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:60 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:61 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:64 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:68 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:68 [binder, in iel.nd]
d:70 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
D:71 [binder, in iel.decidability]
d:73 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:74 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:76 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:77 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:79 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:81 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:82 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:84 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:85 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:86 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
d:86 [binder, in iel.nd]
D:90 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:93 [binder, in iel.decidability]
D:93 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:94 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:98 [binder, in iel.decidability]


e [definition, in iel.forms]
elem [definition, in iel.nd]
embed [definition, in iel.gentree]
EmbedNatNotations [module, in iel.gentree]
⟨ _ , _ ⟩ [notation, in iel.gentree]
embedP [lemma, in iel.gentree]
empty [definition, in iel.nd]
Empty_set_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
entailmentBotDN [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
EntailmentRelationProperties [section, in iel.decidability]
EntailmentRelationProperties.E [variable, in iel.decidability]
EntailmentRelationProperties.F [variable, in iel.decidability]
entails [definition, in iel.models]
entails [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
enumB:326 [binder, in iel.gentree]
enumB:62 [binder, in iel.forms]
enumerable [definition, in iel.gentree]
enumerable [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
enumerableDecodeEncode [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable_prod [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable_sum [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable_list [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable__T_list_enumerable [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable_list_enumerable [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerable__T [definition, in iel.gentree]
enumerator [definition, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_prod_list [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_sum_list [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerator__T_list [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.e [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator [section, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_to_list_enumerator [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.e [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.p [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [variable, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator [section, in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [variable, in iel.forms]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [variable, in iel.forms]
enumerator_list_enumerator [section, in iel.forms]
enumLtree [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enumLtree [lemma, in iel.forms]
enumNatNat [lemma, in iel.gentree]
enum_enumT [lemma, in iel.gentree]
eqtf [definition, in iel.forms]
eqType [record, in iel.gentree]
EqType [constructor, in iel.gentree]
eqType_CS [definition, in iel.gentree]
eqType_dec [projection, in iel.gentree]
eqType_X [projection, in iel.gentree]
equalCtx [definition, in iel.nd]
equalCtxCons [lemma, in iel.nd]
equi [definition, in iel.gentree]
equi_Equivalence [instance, in iel.gentree]
evalK [definition, in iel.models]
evalKdistr [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
evalKimp [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
evalK' [definition, in iel.models]
evalK' [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
eval_monotone [lemma, in iel.models]
extend [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_subset [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_easy_subset [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_prime [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_disjunction [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_subset [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_does_not_derive [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_subset [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_easy_subset [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_prime [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_dclosed [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_does_not_derive_imp [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_subset [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_does_not_derive [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_two_possibilites [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
E:12 [binder, in iel.decidability]
E:15 [binder, in iel.decidability]
E:19 [binder, in iel.decidability]
E:24 [binder, in iel.decidability]


False_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
False_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
falsityEnumStable [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
falsityStable [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
fentails [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
fenum2MP [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
feqd [instance, in iel.decidability]
finiteModel [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
finiteModelProperty [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
flatten [definition, in iel.gentree]
fll:32 [binder, in iel.gentree]
fmp [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
fmp_two_versions [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
form [inductive, in iel.forms]
formIPC [inductive, in iel.forms]
formI_eq_dec [lemma, in iel.forms]
forms [section, in iel.forms]
forms [library]
form_countable [lemma, in iel.forms]
form_eq_dec' [instance, in iel.forms]
form_eq_dec [lemma, in iel.forms]
form_eq_dec' [instance, in iel.permutationSCforK]
fstab2LEM [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ftheroy [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ftheroy' [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:1 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
f:10 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
f:101 [binder, in iel.gentree]
f:105 [binder, in iel.gentree]
f:106 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:111 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:117 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:118 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:134 [binder, in iel.gentree]
F:177 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
f:18 [binder, in iel.forms]
F:180 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:183 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:186 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:189 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:22 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
F:222 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
f:26 [binder, in iel.gentree]
F:26 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
f:27 [binder, in iel.forms]
F:30 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
f:31 [binder, in iel.forms]
F:34 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
f:35 [binder, in iel.forms]
f:4 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
f:41 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
f:44 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
f:47 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
f:50 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
f:55 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
f:7 [binder, in iel.forms]
f:7 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
f:75 [binder, in iel.forms]
f:85 [binder, in iel.gentree]
f:89 [binder, in iel.gentree]
f:91 [binder, in iel.gentree]


Gamma [definition, in iel.decidability]
Gammac [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
Gamma:164 [binder, in iel.nd]
gamma:166 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:171 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Gamma:175 [binder, in iel.nd]
gamma:179 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Gamma:181 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:184 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:189 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:192 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:193 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:254 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:260 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:268 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:270 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:273 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:276 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:283 [binder, in iel.decidability]
gamma:284 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Gamma:45 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
gen [inductive, in iel.decidability]
genA [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genAL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genAR [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genCW [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genDPCut [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genF [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genh [inductive, in iel.decidability]
genhAL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhAR [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhF [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhIL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhInc [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genhIR [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhKB [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhKI [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhOL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhOR1 [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhOR2 [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhS [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhV [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genhW [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genh_iff_gen [lemma, in iel.decidability]
genIL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genIR [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genKB [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genKI [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genOL [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genOR1 [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genOR2 [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genPerm [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gentree [library]
genV [constructor, in iel.decidability]
genW [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_dec [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_lambda [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_or [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_and_both [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_and [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_imp [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_fal [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_cut [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_mono [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gen_stable [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
gen2nd [lemma, in iel.decidability]
gk3c [inductive, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cA [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cAL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cAR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cC [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cF [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3ch [inductive, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chAL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chAR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chC [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chF [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chIL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chIR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chKI [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chOL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chOR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chS [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chW [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cIL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cIR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cKI [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cOL [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cOR [constructor, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cPerm [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cW [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_dec [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_lambdac [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_equi_lk [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3h_hmon [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_proper_weak [instance, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_proper_perm [instance, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_monor [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_monol [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_height [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
goal [definition, in iel.decidability]
goalc [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
goalc_eq_dec [instance, in iel.decidabilityK]
goal_eq_dec [instance, in iel.decidability]
g:28 [binder, in iel.forms]


hasConstraint [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Hrec:214 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Hrec:33 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
H'':52 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
H':53 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
H':64 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
H0 [lemma, in iel.gentree]
H1:325 [binder, in iel.gentree]
H1:61 [binder, in iel.forms]
h:100 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
h:105 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
H:106 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
h:110 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
h:115 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
h:120 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
h:129 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:134 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:139 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:144 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:149 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:154 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:159 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:164 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:169 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:174 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:19 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:23 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
H:243 [binder, in iel.gentree]
H:245 [binder, in iel.gentree]
h:27 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:31 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
H:32 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
h:35 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
H:36 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
h:40 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:49 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
H:51 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
h:56 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:59 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:62 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
H:63 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
h:65 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:70 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
h:95 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]


IELContra [lemma, in iel.nd]
ielg_dec [lemma, in iel.decidability]
ielHasFmp [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
IELKBot [lemma, in iel.nd]
ielmReducesIEL [lemma, in iel.nd]
ielmReducesIEL_theories [lemma, in iel.nd]
ielmToIEL [lemma, in iel.nd]
IELMtoIEL [section, in iel.nd]
ielmToIELKb [lemma, in iel.nd]
ielToIELM [lemma, in iel.nd]
IELTruthB [lemma, in iel.nd]
IELTruthC [lemma, in iel.nd]
IELTruthD [lemma, in iel.nd]
iff_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
Imp [constructor, in iel.forms]
ImpAgree [lemma, in iel.nd]
ImpAgree [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
ImpAss [lemma, in iel.nd]
ImpI [constructor, in iel.forms]
ImplDistr [lemma, in iel.nd]
implToCoq [lemma, in iel.nd]
impl_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
Inclusion [section, in iel.gentree]
Inclusion.X [variable, in iel.gentree]
incl_equi_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
incl_preorder [instance, in iel.gentree]
incl_app_left [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_lrcons [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_rcons [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_lcons [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_shift [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_nil_eq [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_sing [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_nil [lemma, in iel.gentree]
incl_proper_perm [instance, in iel.decidabilityK]
inf_list_enumerable__T [definition, in iel.gentree]
injective [definition, in iel.Permutations]
insert_phi_subset [lemma, in iel.nd]
insert_form_subset [lemma, in iel.nd]
insert_num [definition, in iel.nd]
insert_form [definition, in iel.nd]
inversionAL [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionAL [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionAnd [lemma, in iel.decidability]
inversionAR1 [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionAR2 [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIL [lemma, in iel.decidability]
inversionIL [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionIL [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIL2 [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionIL2 [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIR [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOL1 [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOL1 [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOL2 [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOL2 [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOR [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOR [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOR1 [lemma, in iel.decidability]
inversionOR2 [lemma, in iel.decidability]
in_equi_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
in_incl_proper [instance, in iel.gentree]
In_cumul [lemma, in iel.gentree]
isIEL [definition, in iel.models]
isIEL [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
is_true [definition, in iel.gentree]
is_primeDN [definition, in iel.nd]
is_prime [definition, in iel.nd]
i:114 [binder, in iel.gentree]
i:184 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:187 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:194 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:195 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:203 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:205 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:207 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:209 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:210 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:214 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:215 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:217 [binder, in iel.nd]
i:222 [binder, in iel.nd]


justK [definition, in iel.toolbox]
j:196 [binder, in iel.nd]


K [constructor, in iel.forms]
kIfy [definition, in iel.nd]
kIfys2 [lemma, in iel.nd]
KripkeModel [record, in iel.models]
kripke_verif_trans_equiv_Equiv [instance, in iel.models]
k:49 [binder, in iel.gentree]
k:55 [binder, in iel.gentree]
k:58 [binder, in iel.gentree]
k:59 [binder, in iel.gentree]


Lambda [definition, in iel.decidability]
Lambdac [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
lambdac_gk3c [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
lambdac_ind [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
lambdac_closure [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
lambda_gen [lemma, in iel.decidability]
lambda_ind [lemma, in iel.decidability]
lambda_closure [lemma, in iel.decidability]
lce_dec [instance, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
leftWeakening [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
LEM [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
LEM2DN [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
lequiv_cons_app [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_doublecons_destruct [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_cons_destruct [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_cons_destruct' [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
le_wf_ind [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
le_wf_ind [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
liftProp [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
liftRelOne [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
linCoq [lemma, in iel.nd]
Lindenbaum [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Lindenbaum [lemma, in iel.nd]
Lindenbaum [section, in iel.nd]
Lindenbaum [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
lindenBaumTheory [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
lindenBaumTheorySubset [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Lindenbaum.Dt [variable, in iel.nd]
ListAutomationNotations [module, in iel.gentree]
_ <<= _ [notation, in iel.gentree]
_ el _ [notation, in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [notation, in iel.gentree]
listEnumerator [definition, in iel.forms]
list_prod_spec [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_cumul [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable__T_enumerable [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable_enumerable [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_enumerator [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_enumerator [lemma, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable__T [definition, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator__T [abbreviation, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator__T' [definition, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable [definition, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator [definition, in iel.gentree]
list_eq [definition, in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_enumerator [lemma, in iel.forms]
list_contents_app_multiplicity_plus [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
list_length_ind [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind.H [variable, in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind.P [variable, in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind.A [variable, in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind [section, in iel.toolbox]
lk [definition, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkAL [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkAR [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkh [inductive, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhA [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhB [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhIL [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhIR [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhK [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhStep [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOAL [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOAR [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOIL [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOIR [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOKI [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOL [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOOL [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOOR [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOR [constructor, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkPerm [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
lr [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
lr_in [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
lr' [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
L_prod_list [definition, in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [notation, in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [notation, in iel.gentree]
L_prod_def.L2 [variable, in iel.gentree]
L_prod_def.L1 [variable, in iel.gentree]
L_prod_def [section, in iel.gentree]
L_sum_list [definition, in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [notation, in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [notation, in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def.L2 [variable, in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def.L1 [variable, in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def [section, in iel.gentree]
L_list_cumulative [lemma, in iel.gentree]
L_list [definition, in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [notation, in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [notation, in iel.gentree]
L_list_def.L [variable, in iel.gentree]
L_list_def [section, in iel.gentree]
L_list [definition, in iel.forms]
l'':39 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l'':42 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l':17 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l':20 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l':38 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l':41 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l1:135 [binder, in iel.nd]
l1:138 [binder, in iel.nd]
l1:27 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l1:29 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L1:296 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L1:311 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l1:45 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l1:48 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l1:51 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l1:56 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l2:136 [binder, in iel.nd]
l2:139 [binder, in iel.nd]
l2:28 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L2:297 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l2:30 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L2:312 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l2:46 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l2:49 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l2:53 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l2:58 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l:10 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:120 [binder, in iel.nd]
l:124 [binder, in iel.nd]
l:13 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
l:132 [binder, in iel.nd]
L:149 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:154 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:156 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:16 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
L:161 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:165 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:170 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:176 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:178 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:180 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:199 [binder, in iel.nd]
L:281 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:285 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:287 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:306 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:39 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
l:43 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
l:45 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:45 [binder, in iel.forms]
l:45 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
l:50 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:50 [binder, in iel.forms]
l:54 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:54 [binder, in iel.forms]
l:57 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:6 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:60 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:63 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:67 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:71 [binder, in iel.nd]
L:72 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:77 [binder, in iel.gentree]
l:8 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
L:83 [binder, in iel.gentree]
L:84 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
L:96 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


MapPerm [section, in iel.Permutations]
MapPerm.A [variable, in iel.Permutations]
MapPerm.B [variable, in iel.Permutations]
map_perm_cons' [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
map_perm_cons [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
map_inj_perm [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
map_perm [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
max [definition, in iel.nd]
maxIsTheory [lemma, in iel.nd]
maxn [definition, in iel.nd]
maxnlist [lemma, in iel.nd]
maxn_chain [lemma, in iel.nd]
maxn_subset_ij [lemma, in iel.nd]
maxn_subset [lemma, in iel.nd]
maxprime [lemma, in iel.nd]
max_does_not_derive_lemma [lemma, in iel.nd]
max_nd_is_in [lemma, in iel.nd]
max_In_lemma [lemma, in iel.nd]
max_subset [lemma, in iel.nd]
mcTheory [record, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mcTheory [record, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
mcTheory [record, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
mctheory_disjunction [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mctheory_conjucntion [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
minus [constructor, in iel.nd]
mkKripkeModel [constructor, in iel.models]
mkmcTheory [constructor, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mkmcTheory [constructor, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
mkmcTheory [constructor, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
modalShiftingLemma [lemma, in iel.nd]
Models [section, in iel.models]
Models [section, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
models [library]
modelsClassicalCompleteness [library]
Models.M [variable, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
_ ⊨ _ [notation, in iel.models]
_ ⊨ _ [notation, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
model_constraint [definition, in iel.models]
model_constraint [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
monotone [projection, in iel.models]
monotone_ctx [lemma, in iel.models]
monotone_ctx [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Monotonicity [definition, in iel.decidability]
MP [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
multiStep [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
M':19 [binder, in iel.models]
M':20 [binder, in iel.models]
m:115 [binder, in iel.gentree]
M:115 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:12 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:122 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:125 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:125 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
m:129 [binder, in iel.gentree]
m:143 [binder, in iel.gentree]
m:145 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:146 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:149 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:152 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:154 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:156 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:158 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:16 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:160 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:173 [binder, in iel.gentree]
M:18 [binder, in iel.models]
m:182 [binder, in iel.decidability]
M:21 [binder, in iel.models]
m:210 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:216 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:217 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:29 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
m:307 [binder, in iel.gentree]
M:33 [binder, in iel.models]
m:35 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
M:37 [binder, in iel.models]
M:4 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:40 [binder, in iel.models]
M:43 [binder, in iel.models]
M:64 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:65 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
M:68 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:69 [binder, in iel.gentree]
m:69 [binder, in iel.forms]
m:75 [binder, in iel.gentree]
M:8 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:80 [binder, in iel.gentree]
m:80 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
M:83 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:89 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:9 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
M:95 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
M:97 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


nat_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
NBranch [constructor, in iel.gentree]
nd [inductive, in iel.nd]
nd [library]
ndA [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndCEL [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndCER [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndCI [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndConsistent [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndDE [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndDIL [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndDIR [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndE [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndgen_iff [lemma, in iel.decidability]
ndIE [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndII [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndIntRefl [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndKImp [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndKKrupski [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndKpos [constructor, in iel.nd]
ndminus [definition, in iel.nd]
ndSound [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndSoundIEL [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndSoundIELCtx [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndT [definition, in iel.nd]
ndtA [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndTAdmissible [section, in iel.nd]
ndTAdmissible.T [variable, in iel.nd]
ndTautologyNotNotX [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtCEL [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtCER [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtCI [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtDE [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtDIL [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtDIR [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtE [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndTEq [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtIE [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtII [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtIntRefl [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtKImp [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtKpos [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndtW [lemma, in iel.nd]
ndW [lemma, in iel.nd]
nd_stable [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
nd2gen [lemma, in iel.decidability]
NLeaf [constructor, in iel.gentree]
normal [constructor, in iel.nd]
notK [definition, in iel.toolbox]
not_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
Ntree [inductive, in iel.gentree]
Ntree_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
ntree_of_to_list [lemma, in iel.gentree]
ntree_of_list [definition, in iel.gentree]
ntree_to_list [definition, in iel.gentree]
ntree_equal_dec_lemma [definition, in iel.gentree]
ntree_eq_dec [definition, in iel.gentree]
ntree_ind2 [definition, in iel.gentree]
n1:127 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:142 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:146 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:172 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n1:184 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n1:199 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n1:203 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n1:219 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n1:33 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n2:128 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:143 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:147 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:173 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n2:185 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n2:200 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n2:204 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n2:220 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n2:34 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:103 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:104 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:105 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:107 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:107 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:108 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:109 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:111 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:113 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:114 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:116 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:116 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:119 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:119 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:12 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:121 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:122 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:122 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:123 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:124 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:124 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:124 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:126 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:126 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:127 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:127 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:127 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:128 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:129 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
n:131 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:132 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:132 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:134 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
n:136 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:137 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:14 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:140 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:141 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:142 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:143 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:150 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:152 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:158 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:158 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:159 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:16 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:163 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:163 [binder, in iel.nd]
n:164 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:166 [binder, in iel.nd]
n:167 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:168 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:170 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:172 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:178 [binder, in iel.nd]
n:180 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:183 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:192 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:196 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:200 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:204 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:209 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:215 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:218 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:24 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:278 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:28 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
n:293 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:303 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:31 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:327 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:328 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:33 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:34 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
n:37 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:38 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:39 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:42 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:46 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:46 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:51 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:53 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:56 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:61 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:61 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:63 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:64 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:64 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:64 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:66 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:67 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:68 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:68 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:71 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:71 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
n:71 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:71 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:72 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:74 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:74 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:75 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
n:75 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:76 [binder, in iel.forms]
n:78 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:79 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:79 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:8 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:83 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:84 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:85 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:86 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
n:87 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:89 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:94 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:94 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:95 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:97 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:98 [binder, in iel.gentree]
n:99 [binder, in iel.decidability]
n:99 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]


onSomeEqualsR [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
onSomeEqualsRlift [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
option_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
Or [constructor, in iel.forms]
OrI [constructor, in iel.forms]
or_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]


partialShift [lemma, in iel.nd]
pat:113 [binder, in iel.gentree]
pat:119 [binder, in iel.gentree]
pat:283 [binder, in iel.gentree]
pat:47 [binder, in iel.forms]
pcancel [definition, in iel.forms]
PermutationExchange [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
Permutations [section, in iel.Permutations]
Permutations [library]
permutationSCforK [library]
Permutations.T [variable, in iel.Permutations]
Permutation_Facts.T [variable, in iel.Permutations]
Permutation_Facts [section, in iel.Permutations]
perm_properGen' [instance, in iel.decidability]
Perm_In_Iff [lemma, in iel.Permutations]
phi:46 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Pickle [definition, in iel.forms]
pickle [definition, in iel.forms]
pickleNat [definition, in iel.forms]
pin [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
preorderCogn [projection, in iel.models]
preservesPreOrder [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preservesSubrealtion [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preserves_transitivity [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preserves_reflexivity [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
prime [projection, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
prod_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
ProvToUndupL [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
provToUndupRight [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
P1:132 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
P1:189 [binder, in iel.decidability]
P1:224 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
P2:133 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
P2:190 [binder, in iel.decidability]
P2:225 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
p:1 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:100 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:109 [binder, in iel.gentree]
P:135 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:139 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:145 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:175 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:181 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:187 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
p:2 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
P:208 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
p:211 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
P:233 [binder, in iel.gentree]
P:237 [binder, in iel.nd]
P:242 [binder, in iel.gentree]
P:244 [binder, in iel.gentree]
P:251 [binder, in iel.gentree]
P:27 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
p:273 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:274 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:274 [binder, in iel.decidability]
p:277 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:292 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:30 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
p:302 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:41 [binder, in iel.forms]
p:76 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:78 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:80 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:82 [binder, in iel.gentree]
p:84 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


q:109 [binder, in iel.nd]
q:212 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
q:213 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Q:252 [binder, in iel.gentree]
q:31 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
q:32 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
q:65 [binder, in iel.nd]


realCandidates [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
reflectionAdmissible [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
reflectionModel [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
reflectionPreservesIEL [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Reflexivity [definition, in iel.decidability]
remNotK [definition, in iel.toolbox]
remNotK_perm [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
remNotK_subset [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
remNotK_in_iff [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
rightWeakening [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
R':137 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r':30 [binder, in iel.models]
r1:124 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r2:125 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:123 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:127 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r:128 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:133 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:136 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r:169 [binder, in iel.decidability]
r:26 [binder, in iel.models]


scl [definition, in iel.decidability]
scl_closed [lemma, in iel.decidability]
scl_incl [lemma, in iel.decidability]
scl_incl' [lemma, in iel.decidability]
scl' [definition, in iel.decidability]
scl'_closed [lemma, in iel.decidability]
scl'_in [lemma, in iel.decidability]
semaCut [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
semaCut' [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
semanticCutElimination [library]
sf_closed_cons [lemma, in iel.decidability]
sf_closed_app [lemma, in iel.decidability]
sf_closed [definition, in iel.decidability]
shift [definition, in iel.nd]
shifting [section, in iel.nd]
single_extend_subcontext [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
single_extend [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
single_extend_subcontext [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
single_extend [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
size [definition, in iel.forms]
soundness [lemma, in iel.models]
soundnessGen [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
step [definition, in iel.decidability]
stepb [definition, in iel.decidability]
stepb_reflect [lemma, in iel.decidability]
stepb_reflect [lemma, in iel.decidabilityK]
stepc [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
stepcb [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
step_dec [instance, in iel.decidability]
step_dec [instance, in iel.decidabilityK]
ste2fs [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
strongCompleteness [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
StrongCompleteness [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
strongEnumerableCompleteness [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
structLeftContraction [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
structLeftWeakening [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
structRightContraction [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
structRightWeakening [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
structuralProperties [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
structuralProperties [library]
st2fs [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
st2lem [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subset [definition, in iel.nd]
subsetMKT [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
subsetMKT [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subsetMKT [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
subsetVerif [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
subsetVerif [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subsetVerif [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
subset_derives [lemma, in iel.nd]
sum_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
swapLeft [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
swapRight [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
s:10 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:101 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:101 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:101 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:103 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:105 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:106 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:107 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:107 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:11 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:110 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:111 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:113 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:116 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:118 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:119 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:121 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:121 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:124 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:129 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:133 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:134 [binder, in iel.decidability]
S:136 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:137 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:138 [binder, in iel.decidability]
S:139 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:14 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:14 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:140 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:142 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:145 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:146 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:153 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:155 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:161 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:167 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:17 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:175 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:178 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:18 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
S:193 [binder, in iel.decidability]
S:196 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:206 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:21 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:210 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:218 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:22 [binder, in iel.models]
s:22 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:22 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:222 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:225 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:239 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:242 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:245 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:246 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:25 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:26 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:26 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:273 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:275 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:277 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:28 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:280 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:282 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:30 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:32 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:34 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:36 [binder, in iel.models]
s:36 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:39 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:40 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:43 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:43 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:44 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:45 [binder, in iel.models]
s:47 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:48 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:49 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:5 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:51 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:53 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:54 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:55 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:57 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:59 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:59 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:62 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:63 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:64 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:65 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:66 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:67 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:69 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:69 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:7 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:7 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:70 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:73 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:74 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:75 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:78 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:79 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:82 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:88 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:89 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:9 [binder, in iel.models]
s:9 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:90 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:92 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:94 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:96 [binder, in iel.decidability]
s:96 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
s:96 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:97 [binder, in iel.nd]
s:99 [binder, in iel.nd]


T [projection, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
T [projection, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
T [projection, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
take_app_alt [lemma, in iel.gentree]
Tcons [projection, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tdedclos [projection, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tgood [projection, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
theory [definition, in iel.nd]
Tlcons [projection, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
toolbox [library]
to_cumul_spec [lemma, in iel.gentree]
to_cumul_cumulative [lemma, in iel.gentree]
to_cumul [definition, in iel.gentree]
Transl [section, in iel.nd]
transvalid [projection, in iel.models]
tripleNegIEL [lemma, in iel.nd]
True_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
True_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
truth_lemma [lemma, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
truth_lemma [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
truth_lemma [lemma, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tsubs [projection, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Tsubs [projection, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ttheory [projection, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
TUPrime [projection, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
t6 [lemma, in iel.nd]
t6C [lemma, in iel.nd]
t7 [lemma, in iel.nd]
t8 [lemma, in iel.nd]
t9 [lemma, in iel.nd]
T:1 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
T:1 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:10 [binder, in iel.decidability]
T:10 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:100 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:102 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:102 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:102 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:104 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:106 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:107 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:108 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:108 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:11 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
T:110 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:112 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:114 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:117 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:119 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:122 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:125 [binder, in iel.decidability]
T:13 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:130 [binder, in iel.decidability]
T:140 [binder, in iel.gentree]
T:148 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:15 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:15 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
T:150 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:151 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:154 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:156 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:162 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:168 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:17 [binder, in iel.gentree]
t:18 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:19 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
T:2 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
T:21 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:211 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:219 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:22 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:23 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:240 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:27 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:27 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
T:281 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:29 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:3 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
T:30 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:31 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:32 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:33 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:34 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:36 [binder, in iel.forms]
t:37 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:4 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
T:4 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:40 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:44 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:44 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:45 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:46 [binder, in iel.gentree]
t:47 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:48 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:49 [binder, in iel.decidability]
T:5 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
t:50 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:52 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:54 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:54 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:55 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:56 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:58 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:60 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:60 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:61 [binder, in iel.gentree]
t:61 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
t:63 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:64 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:65 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:66 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:67 [binder, in iel.decidability]
T:69 [binder, in iel.nd]
T:7 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:70 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:70 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
T:75 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:9 [binder, in iel.gentree]
t:91 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:93 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:95 [binder, in iel.nd]
t:97 [binder, in iel.decidability]
t:97 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
t:98 [binder, in iel.nd]


U [definition, in iel.decidability]
Uc [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
Uc_sfc [definition, in iel.decidabilityK]
unbox [definition, in iel.nd]
unbox_rewrite [lemma, in iel.nd]
UndupFacts [section, in iel.structuralProperties]
undupIncl [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
UndupToProvL [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
UndupToProvR [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_prove [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_double [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_perm [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_equi_is_perm [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
unembed [definition, in iel.gentree]
unembedP [lemma, in iel.gentree]
unionCtx [definition, in iel.nd]
unit_eq_dec [instance, in iel.gentree]
unK [definition, in iel.toolbox]
unK_decomp [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
unK_justKNoK [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
unK_perm [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
unK_incl [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
unK_in_iff [lemma, in iel.toolbox]
Uno [constructor, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
uno [inductive, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
unoModel [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Unpickle [definition, in iel.forms]
unpickle [definition, in iel.forms]
unpickleNat [definition, in iel.forms]
UsableContraction [section, in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.ent [variable, in iel.structuralProperties] [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.slC [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.slW [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.srC [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.srW [variable, in iel.structuralProperties]
U_sfc [definition, in iel.decidability]
U' [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U' [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
U'_sfc [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U'_sfc [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
u:103 [binder, in iel.decidability]
U:103 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
u:109 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:120 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:174 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
u:176 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
U:2 [binder, in iel.nd]
u:23 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:234 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:238 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:262 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:278 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:28 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:282 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:36 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:45 [binder, in iel.decidability]
U:5 [binder, in iel.nd]
u:50 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:59 [binder, in iel.decidability]
u:66 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
u:67 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U:76 [binder, in iel.nd]
U:8 [binder, in iel.nd]
u:92 [binder, in iel.decidability]


val [projection, in iel.models]
valuation [projection, in iel.models]
valuationMKT [definition, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
valuationMKT [definition, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
valuationMKT [definition, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Var [constructor, in iel.forms]
VarI [constructor, in iel.forms]
vericont [projection, in iel.models]
verif [projection, in iel.models]
v:264 [binder, in iel.decidability]
v:286 [binder, in iel.decidability]
v:288 [binder, in iel.decidability]
v:47 [binder, in iel.models]


Weak [definition, in iel.structuralProperties]
weak [definition, in iel.nd]
Weakening [lemma, in iel.structuralProperties]
Weakening [section, in iel.nd]
weakLeft [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
weakRight [lemma, in iel.permutationSCforK]
wm [lemma, in iel.nd]
world [projection, in iel.models]
world_canonical_disjunction [lemma, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':10 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':108 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w':21 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':39 [binder, in iel.models]
w':50 [binder, in iel.models]
w':64 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w':65 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w':71 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':86 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:116 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:148 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:151 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:155 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:157 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:159 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:161 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:17 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:20 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:35 [binder, in iel.models]
w:38 [binder, in iel.models]
w:44 [binder, in iel.models]
w:46 [binder, in iel.models]
w:49 [binder, in iel.models]
w:6 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:65 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:66 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w:67 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:70 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
W:78 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
W:82 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
w:85 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:9 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:90 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:96 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:98 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


xs:38 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
xs:41 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
xs:42 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
xs:44 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
xy:121 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x':216 [binder, in iel.nd]
x':218 [binder, in iel.nd]
X1:288 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X1:294 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X1:298 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X1:309 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X1:314 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X1:316 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x1:36 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:289 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:295 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:299 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:310 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:315 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X2:317 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x2:37 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:10 [binder, in iel.models]
x:10 [binder, in iel.forms]
x:10 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
x:102 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:104 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:104 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:105 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:105 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:106 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:107 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:108 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:109 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:11 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:110 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:110 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:111 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:112 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:112 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:112 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:116 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:118 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:12 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:120 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:122 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:123 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:126 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:130 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:131 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:132 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:133 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:135 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:136 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:138 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:14 [binder, in iel.models]
x:14 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
x:142 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:143 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:144 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:146 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:147 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:148 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:15 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
x:150 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
X:153 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:155 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:157 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:16 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:160 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:162 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:164 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:166 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:169 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:171 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:174 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:177 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:179 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:182 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:184 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:188 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:190 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
x:191 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
X:192 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:196 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:201 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:202 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:204 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:204 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:206 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:207 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:208 [binder, in iel.nd]
x:21 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:210 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:216 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:217 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:22 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
X:220 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:221 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:222 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:223 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:224 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:225 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:226 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:227 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:228 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:229 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:230 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:231 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:232 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:236 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:238 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:240 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:245 [binder, in iel.nd]
X:246 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:247 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:249 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:253 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:255 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:255 [binder, in iel.nd]
X:257 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:257 [binder, in iel.nd]
X:259 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:260 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:265 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:267 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:269 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:27 [binder, in iel.models]
X:270 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:272 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:275 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:28 [binder, in iel.models]
x:282 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:284 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:286 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:289 [binder, in iel.decidability]
X:291 [binder, in iel.decidability]
X:304 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:313 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:318 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:319 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:33 [binder, in iel.decidability]
x:39 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
x:40 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:43 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:46 [binder, in iel.forms]
X:48 [binder, in iel.forms]
x:5 [binder, in iel.forms]
x:5 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
X:53 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:55 [binder, in iel.forms]
x:60 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
X:62 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:66 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:69 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:7 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:70 [binder, in iel.forms]
X:71 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:73 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:73 [binder, in iel.forms]
x:73 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:76 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:79 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:81 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:84 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:86 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:87 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:88 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:89 [binder, in iel.decidability]
x:89 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:90 [binder, in iel.gentree]
x:91 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:96 [binder, in iel.gentree]
X:99 [binder, in iel.gentree]


y:11 [binder, in iel.models]
y:11 [binder, in iel.forms]
y:111 [binder, in iel.gentree]
y:117 [binder, in iel.gentree]
y:144 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
y:15 [binder, in iel.models]
y:24 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:248 [binder, in iel.gentree]
y:25 [binder, in iel.models]
Y:250 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:254 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:256 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:256 [binder, in iel.nd]
Y:258 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:258 [binder, in iel.nd]
Y:261 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:268 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:271 [binder, in iel.gentree]
Y:290 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Y:292 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Y:305 [binder, in iel.gentree]
y:31 [binder, in iel.models]
y:32 [binder, in iel.models]
y:6 [binder, in iel.forms]
y:88 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
y:90 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
y:92 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


z:14 [binder, in iel.nd]
z:16 [binder, in iel.models]
z:160 [binder, in iel.nd]
z:177 [binder, in iel.nd]
z:29 [binder, in iel.models]
z:9 [binder, in iel.nd]


_ === _ [notation, in iel.gentree]
_ <--> _ [notation, in iel.forms]
_ ⊃ _ [notation, in iel.forms]
_ ∨ _ [notation, in iel.forms]
_ ∧ _ [notation, in iel.forms]
_ ≡P _ [notation, in iel.Permutations]
_ ⊨ _ [notation, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
_ ⊢T- _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊢- _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊢T+ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊢+ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊢T _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊢ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ # _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ⊆ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ∈ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ≡ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
_ ∪ _ [notation, in iel.nd]
K[ _ ] [notation, in iel.decidability]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ , _ ] [notation, in iel.gentree]
¬ _ [notation, in iel.forms]
⊥ [notation, in iel.forms]
Γ'':116 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ'':29 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ':156 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ':160 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ':278 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ':28 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ':37 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':43 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':46 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':75 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:13 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:22 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
Γ1:23 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:27 [binder, in iel.Permutations]
Γ1:36 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:51 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:72 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ1:81 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ2:14 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:37 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:52 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:73 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ2:83 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ3:38 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:100 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:100 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:102 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:103 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:105 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:11 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:110 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:112 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:113 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:114 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:115 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:115 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:115 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:118 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:120 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:125 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:126 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:129 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:129 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:132 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:134 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:134 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:137 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:137 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:14 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:140 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:141 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:142 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:143 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:144 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:145 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:147 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:148 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:152 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:154 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:154 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:157 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:157 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:158 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:160 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:161 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:162 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:166 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:167 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:172 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:175 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:179 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:179 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:182 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:182 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:185 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:185 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:186 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:188 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:188 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:19 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:19 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:19 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
Γ:191 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:191 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:194 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:197 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:197 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:20 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:20 [binder, in iel.toolbox]
Γ:200 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:201 [binder, in iel.decidability]
Γ:21 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:211 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:22 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:220 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:221 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:223 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:228 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:234 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:238 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:24 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:24 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:24 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:24 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:241 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:243 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:246 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:25 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:26 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:262 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:263 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:268 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:27 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:272 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:274 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:276 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:279 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:28 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:28 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:29 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:30 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:31 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:31 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:32 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:32 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:32 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:34 [binder, in iel.models]
Γ:34 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:34 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:35 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:36 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:37 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:39 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:39 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:4 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:40 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:40 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:40 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:41 [binder, in iel.models]
Γ:41 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:42 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:44 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:45 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:46 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:47 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:49 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:5 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:50 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:51 [binder, in iel.models]
Γ:51 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:52 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:54 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:54 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:57 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:58 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:6 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:60 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:60 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:61 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:62 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:62 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:63 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:66 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:66 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:66 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:68 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:68 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:72 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:73 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:75 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:76 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:76 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:77 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:77 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:77 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:80 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:80 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:80 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:82 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:83 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:83 [binder, in iel.nd]
Γ:85 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:87 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:90 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:91 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:95 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':15 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':157 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ':30 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':48 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ':74 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:20 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:44 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:58 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:77 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ2:21 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:45 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:59 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:78 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ3:60 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:101 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:106 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:111 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:117 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:12 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:121 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:126 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:130 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:133 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:135 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:138 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:138 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:141 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:143 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:145 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:148 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:153 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:155 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:158 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:163 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:168 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:173 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:176 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:178 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:181 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:184 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:187 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:19 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:223 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:26 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:33 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:37 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:41 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:47 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:48 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:5 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:54 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:55 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:55 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:56 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:57 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:57 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:58 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:62 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:62 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:63 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:63 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:63 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:67 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:67 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:68 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:68 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:69 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:69 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:69 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:7 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:71 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:72 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:72 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:72 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:73 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:73 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:74 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:74 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:77 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:81 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:81 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:82 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:86 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:91 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:96 [binder, in iel.permutationSCforK]
Ω':39 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω':44 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:11 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:117 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:13 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:15 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:17 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:17 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:21 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:22 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:22 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:25 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:25 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:27 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:29 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:29 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:30 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:33 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:33 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:33 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:37 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:38 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:41 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:42 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:42 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:45 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:49 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:54 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:58 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:61 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:64 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:67 [binder, in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:70 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:74 [binder, in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:79 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ω:79 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:84 [binder, in iel.nd]
γ:183 [binder, in iel.decidabilityK]
γ:236 [binder, in iel.nd]
γ:272 [binder, in iel.decidability]
φ:101 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:116 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:144 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:149 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:15 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:152 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:155 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:158 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:162 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:165 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:176 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:180 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:183 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:186 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:189 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:192 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:198 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:201 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:212 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:221 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:224 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:227 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:229 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:235 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:239 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:242 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:244 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:25 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:31 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:35 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:42 [binder, in iel.models]
φ:49 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:61 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:74 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:78 [binder, in iel.nd]
φ:85 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:153 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:156 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:159 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:181 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:193 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:213 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:230 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:240 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:252 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:266 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:48 [binder, in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ψ:72 [binder, in iel.nd]
ψ:82 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:11 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:12 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:147 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ï•:150 [binder, in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ï•:248 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:249 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:251 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:254 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:260 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:261 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:265 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:267 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:269 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:270 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:271 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:3 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:6 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:70 [binder, in iel.nd]
Ï•:81 [binder, in iel.nd]

Notation Index


( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [in iel.forms]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [in iel.forms]


∅ [in iel.nd]


⟨ _ , _ ⟩ [in iel.gentree]


_ <<= _ [in iel.gentree]
_ el _ [in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [in iel.gentree]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ ] [in iel.gentree]
( _ × _ × .. × _ ) [in iel.gentree]


_ ⊨ _ [in iel.models]
_ ⊨ _ [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


_ === _ [in iel.gentree]
_ <--> _ [in iel.forms]
_ ⊃ _ [in iel.forms]
_ ∨ _ [in iel.forms]
_ ∧ _ [in iel.forms]
_ ≡P _ [in iel.Permutations]
_ ⊨ _ [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
_ ⊢T- _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊢- _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊢T+ _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊢+ _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊢T _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊢ _ [in iel.nd]
_ # _ [in iel.nd]
_ ⊆ _ [in iel.nd]
_ ∈ _ [in iel.nd]
_ ≡ _ [in iel.nd]
_ ∪ _ [in iel.nd]
K[ _ ] [in iel.decidability]
[ _ | _ ∈ _ , _ ] [in iel.gentree]
¬ _ [in iel.forms]
⊥ [in iel.forms]

Binder Index


a':141 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A':194 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A':202 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A':34 [in iel.Permutations]
A':4 [in iel.decidability]
A':54 [in iel.Permutations]
A':59 [in iel.Permutations]
A':89 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A':93 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A1:144 [in iel.decidability]
a1:42 [in iel.Permutations]
A2:147 [in iel.decidability]
a2:43 [in iel.Permutations]
A:1 [in iel.structuralProperties]
a:10 [in iel.Permutations]
A:100 [in iel.decidability]
A:101 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:102 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:102 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:103 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:104 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:106 [in iel.decidability]
A:107 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:108 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:11 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:11 [in iel.Permutations]
A:11 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:112 [in iel.decidability]
A:112 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:113 [in iel.decidabilityK]
a:113 [in iel.nd]
A:114 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:117 [in iel.decidability]
A:118 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:118 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:118 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:12 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:12 [in iel.Permutations]
A:12 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:122 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:123 [in iel.decidability]
A:123 [in iel.decidabilityK]
a:127 [in iel.nd]
A:127 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:128 [in iel.decidability]
A:13 [in iel.decidability]
a:13 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:13 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:13 [in iel.toolbox]
a:130 [in iel.nd]
A:130 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:133 [in iel.decidability]
A:135 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:137 [in iel.decidability]
a:138 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:14 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:14 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:140 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:141 [in iel.decidability]
A:145 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:148 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:149 [in iel.decidability]
A:15 [in iel.structuralProperties]
a:15 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:15 [in iel.toolbox]
A:150 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:151 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:153 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:155 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:159 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:16 [in iel.decidability]
A:16 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:16 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:160 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:161 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:164 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:165 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:17 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:17 [in iel.toolbox]
A:170 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:172 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:174 [in iel.decidability]
A:177 [in iel.decidability]
A:18 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:18 [in iel.Permutations]
A:183 [in iel.gentree]
A:185 [in iel.gentree]
A:185 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:188 [in iel.decidability]
A:189 [in iel.gentree]
A:19 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:190 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:192 [in iel.decidability]
a:193 [in iel.gentree]
A:193 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:194 [in iel.gentree]
A:194 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:195 [in iel.decidability]
A:196 [in iel.decidabilityK]
a:197 [in iel.gentree]
A:197 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:198 [in iel.gentree]
A:198 [in iel.decidability]
A:20 [in iel.decidability]
A:20 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:20 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:200 [in iel.gentree]
A:201 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:202 [in iel.gentree]
A:202 [in iel.decidability]
A:205 [in iel.gentree]
A:205 [in iel.decidability]
A:205 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:208 [in iel.gentree]
A:209 [in iel.decidability]
A:21 [in iel.toolbox]
A:211 [in iel.gentree]
A:213 [in iel.gentree]
A:217 [in iel.decidability]
A:218 [in iel.gentree]
A:221 [in iel.decidability]
A:224 [in iel.decidability]
A:225 [in iel.nd]
A:227 [in iel.decidability]
A:23 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:23 [in iel.Permutations]
A:23 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:23 [in iel.toolbox]
A:230 [in iel.decidability]
A:231 [in iel.nd]
A:233 [in iel.decidability]
a:233 [in iel.nd]
A:236 [in iel.decidability]
A:24 [in iel.forms]
A:24 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:241 [in iel.decidability]
A:247 [in iel.decidability]
A:25 [in iel.gentree]
A:25 [in iel.forms]
A:25 [in iel.decidability]
A:25 [in iel.toolbox]
A:250 [in iel.decidability]
A:251 [in iel.decidability]
A:253 [in iel.decidability]
A:253 [in iel.nd]
A:26 [in iel.forms]
A:261 [in iel.decidability]
A:266 [in iel.gentree]
A:27 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:27 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:277 [in iel.decidability]
A:28 [in iel.Permutations]
A:28 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:28 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:281 [in iel.decidability]
a:29 [in iel.forms]
A:3 [in iel.decidability]
A:3 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:3 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:3 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:30 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:32 [in iel.decidability]
A:32 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:32 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:320 [in iel.gentree]
a:324 [in iel.gentree]
a:33 [in iel.Permutations]
A:34 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:34 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:35 [in iel.decidability]
A:35 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:37 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:38 [in iel.decidability]
A:38 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:38 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
a:38 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:40 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:40 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:41 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:41 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:42 [in iel.decidability]
A:42 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:42 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:42 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:42 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:43 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:44 [in iel.gentree]
a:44 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:45 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:46 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:46 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:47 [in iel.decidability]
A:47 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:47 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:48 [in iel.models]
A:49 [in iel.forms]
A:49 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
a:5 [in iel.gentree]
A:5 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:50 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:50 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:52 [in iel.models]
A:52 [in iel.decidability]
A:52 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:53 [in iel.gentree]
A:53 [in iel.forms]
A:53 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:55 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:55 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:56 [in iel.gentree]
A:56 [in iel.forms]
A:56 [in iel.decidability]
A:56 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:57 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:57 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:58 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
a:58 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:59 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:6 [in iel.decidability]
A:6 [in iel.decidabilityK]
a:60 [in iel.forms]
A:61 [in iel.decidability]
A:62 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:62 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:65 [in iel.gentree]
A:65 [in iel.decidability]
A:67 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:69 [in iel.decidability]
a:7 [in iel.structuralProperties]
a:7 [in iel.Permutations]
A:70 [in iel.gentree]
A:71 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:72 [in iel.decidability]
A:72 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:74 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:75 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:76 [in iel.decidability]
A:76 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:76 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:78 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:78 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:78 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:8 [in iel.decidability]
A:8 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:8 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:8 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:80 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:81 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:81 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:83 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
A:83 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:84 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:87 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:87 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:88 [in iel.decidability]
A:88 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:9 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
A:9 [in iel.structuralProperties]
A:9 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:91 [in iel.decidability]
A:91 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:92 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:92 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:94 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:95 [in iel.decidability]
A:97 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
A:97 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
A:98 [in iel.decidabilityK]
A:99 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


b':140 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
b':142 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B':163 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B':17 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B':199 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B':207 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B':37 [in iel.Permutations]
b':60 [in iel.Permutations]
B':90 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B':94 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:10 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:103 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:104 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:108 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:109 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:113 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:114 [in iel.decidabilityK]
b:114 [in iel.nd]
B:119 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:12 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:123 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:124 [in iel.decidabilityK]
b:128 [in iel.nd]
B:128 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:13 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:131 [in iel.decidabilityK]
b:131 [in iel.nd]
B:131 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:136 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
b:139 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:14 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:141 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:146 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:149 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:150 [in iel.decidability]
B:151 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:152 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:156 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:16 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:16 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:16 [in iel.toolbox]
B:161 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:162 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:165 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:166 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:17 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:171 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:173 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:18 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:18 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:18 [in iel.toolbox]
B:186 [in iel.gentree]
B:186 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:187 [in iel.decidability]
B:19 [in iel.Permutations]
B:190 [in iel.gentree]
B:191 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:195 [in iel.gentree]
B:195 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:195 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:197 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:198 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:2 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:203 [in iel.gentree]
B:203 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:206 [in iel.gentree]
B:206 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:209 [in iel.gentree]
B:21 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:21 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:212 [in iel.gentree]
B:214 [in iel.gentree]
B:219 [in iel.gentree]
B:226 [in iel.nd]
B:228 [in iel.decidability]
B:231 [in iel.decidability]
B:232 [in iel.nd]
b:235 [in iel.gentree]
B:237 [in iel.decidability]
B:24 [in iel.Permutations]
B:24 [in iel.toolbox]
B:25 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:252 [in iel.decidability]
B:26 [in iel.toolbox]
B:285 [in iel.decidability]
B:287 [in iel.decidability]
B:29 [in iel.Permutations]
B:29 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:31 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:321 [in iel.gentree]
B:33 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:35 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:35 [in iel.Permutations]
B:35 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:36 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:38 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:39 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
b:39 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:4 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:4 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:41 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:43 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
B:43 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:43 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:43 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:44 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:47 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:48 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:48 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:50 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
b:52 [in iel.Permutations]
B:53 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:56 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:56 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:57 [in iel.forms]
b:57 [in iel.Permutations]
B:57 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:58 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:59 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:6 [in iel.structuralProperties]
B:60 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:63 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:68 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:7 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:73 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:77 [in iel.decidability]
B:77 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:82 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:84 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:85 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
B:88 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:88 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:9 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:9 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:92 [in iel.decidabilityK]
B:93 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:95 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
B:98 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
B:99 [in iel.decidabilityK]


code:322 [in iel.gentree]
code:58 [in iel.forms]
C':32 [in iel.Permutations]
C':38 [in iel.Permutations]
C:100 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
C:151 [in iel.decidability]
C:157 [in iel.decidability]
C:163 [in iel.decidability]
C:187 [in iel.gentree]
C:191 [in iel.gentree]
C:20 [in iel.Permutations]
C:215 [in iel.gentree]
C:25 [in iel.Permutations]
C:30 [in iel.Permutations]
c:308 [in iel.gentree]
C:36 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
C:36 [in iel.Permutations]
C:48 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
C:93 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


decode:323 [in iel.gentree]
decode:59 [in iel.forms]
delta:167 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:170 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:178 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:180 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Delta:188 [in iel.decidabilityK]
delta:255 [in iel.decidability]
Delta:259 [in iel.decidability]
Delta:267 [in iel.decidability]
Delta:269 [in iel.decidability]
Delta:275 [in iel.decidability]
DN:29 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:33 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:50 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
DN:52 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Dt:146 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:208 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:212 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:215 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:216 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:220 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:79 [in iel.decidability]
Dt:80 [in iel.decidability]
d':250 [in iel.nd]
D':279 [in iel.decidability]
D':280 [in iel.decidability]
D':75 [in iel.decidability]
D1:271 [in iel.decidability]
d:1 [in iel.models]
d:1 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
d:1 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:104 [in iel.decidability]
d:109 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
d:11 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:110 [in iel.decidability]
D:111 [in iel.nd]
D:115 [in iel.decidability]
D:117 [in iel.nd]
D:119 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:120 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
D:121 [in iel.decidability]
d:125 [in iel.nd]
D:126 [in iel.decidability]
d:13 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:131 [in iel.decidability]
D:135 [in iel.decidability]
D:139 [in iel.decidability]
d:147 [in iel.nd]
D:153 [in iel.decidability]
D:159 [in iel.decidability]
D:165 [in iel.decidability]
D:17 [in iel.nd]
D:171 [in iel.decidability]
D:176 [in iel.decidability]
D:179 [in iel.decidability]
D:181 [in iel.decidability]
D:182 [in iel.decidabilityK]
D:20 [in iel.nd]
D:207 [in iel.decidability]
D:21 [in iel.Permutations]
D:213 [in iel.decidability]
D:214 [in iel.decidability]
d:22 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:223 [in iel.decidability]
D:226 [in iel.decidability]
D:229 [in iel.decidability]
D:23 [in iel.nd]
D:232 [in iel.decidability]
d:234 [in iel.gentree]
d:237 [in iel.gentree]
d:239 [in iel.gentree]
d:241 [in iel.gentree]
d:247 [in iel.nd]
D:259 [in iel.nd]
D:26 [in iel.Permutations]
D:26 [in iel.nd]
d:264 [in iel.nd]
D:29 [in iel.decidability]
d:3 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:30 [in iel.nd]
D:31 [in iel.Permutations]
D:34 [in iel.decidability]
D:34 [in iel.nd]
D:37 [in iel.decidability]
D:38 [in iel.nd]
D:41 [in iel.decidability]
D:41 [in iel.nd]
D:45 [in iel.nd]
D:46 [in iel.decidability]
D:49 [in iel.nd]
D:51 [in iel.decidability]
d:51 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:53 [in iel.models]
D:53 [in iel.nd]
D:55 [in iel.decidability]
D:57 [in iel.nd]
d:59 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:60 [in iel.decidability]
D:61 [in iel.nd]
D:64 [in iel.decidability]
D:68 [in iel.decidability]
D:68 [in iel.nd]
d:70 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
D:71 [in iel.decidability]
d:73 [in iel.nd]
D:74 [in iel.decidability]
D:76 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:77 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:79 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:81 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:82 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
D:84 [in iel.decidability]
D:85 [in iel.decidability]
D:86 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
d:86 [in iel.nd]
D:90 [in iel.decidability]
D:93 [in iel.decidability]
D:93 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:94 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
D:98 [in iel.decidability]


enumB:326 [in iel.gentree]
enumB:62 [in iel.forms]
E:12 [in iel.decidability]
E:15 [in iel.decidability]
E:19 [in iel.decidability]
E:24 [in iel.decidability]


fll:32 [in iel.gentree]
f:1 [in iel.toolbox]
f:10 [in iel.toolbox]
f:101 [in iel.gentree]
f:105 [in iel.gentree]
f:106 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:111 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:117 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:118 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
f:134 [in iel.gentree]
F:177 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
f:18 [in iel.forms]
F:180 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:183 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:186 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:189 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
F:22 [in iel.structuralProperties]
F:222 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
f:26 [in iel.gentree]
F:26 [in iel.structuralProperties]
f:27 [in iel.forms]
F:30 [in iel.structuralProperties]
f:31 [in iel.forms]
F:34 [in iel.structuralProperties]
f:35 [in iel.forms]
f:4 [in iel.toolbox]
f:41 [in iel.Permutations]
f:44 [in iel.Permutations]
f:47 [in iel.Permutations]
f:50 [in iel.Permutations]
f:55 [in iel.Permutations]
f:7 [in iel.forms]
f:7 [in iel.toolbox]
f:75 [in iel.forms]
f:85 [in iel.gentree]
f:89 [in iel.gentree]
f:91 [in iel.gentree]


Gamma:164 [in iel.nd]
gamma:166 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:171 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Gamma:175 [in iel.nd]
gamma:179 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Gamma:181 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:184 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:189 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:192 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:193 [in iel.decidabilityK]
gamma:254 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:260 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:268 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:270 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:273 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:276 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:283 [in iel.decidability]
gamma:284 [in iel.decidability]
Gamma:45 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
g:28 [in iel.forms]


Hrec:214 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Hrec:33 [in iel.toolbox]
H'':52 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
H':53 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
H':64 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
H1:325 [in iel.gentree]
H1:61 [in iel.forms]
h:100 [in iel.decidabilityK]
h:105 [in iel.decidabilityK]
H:106 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
h:110 [in iel.decidabilityK]
h:115 [in iel.decidabilityK]
h:120 [in iel.decidabilityK]
h:129 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:134 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:139 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:144 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:149 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:154 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:159 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:164 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:169 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:174 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
h:19 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:23 [in iel.structuralProperties]
H:243 [in iel.gentree]
H:245 [in iel.gentree]
h:27 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:31 [in iel.structuralProperties]
H:32 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
h:35 [in iel.structuralProperties]
H:36 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
h:40 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:49 [in iel.structuralProperties]
H:51 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
h:56 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:59 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:62 [in iel.structuralProperties]
H:63 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
h:65 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:70 [in iel.structuralProperties]
h:95 [in iel.decidabilityK]


i:114 [in iel.gentree]
i:184 [in iel.nd]
i:187 [in iel.nd]
i:194 [in iel.nd]
i:195 [in iel.nd]
i:203 [in iel.nd]
i:205 [in iel.nd]
i:207 [in iel.nd]
i:209 [in iel.nd]
i:210 [in iel.nd]
i:214 [in iel.nd]
i:215 [in iel.nd]
i:217 [in iel.nd]
i:222 [in iel.nd]


j:196 [in iel.nd]


k:49 [in iel.gentree]
k:55 [in iel.gentree]
k:58 [in iel.gentree]
k:59 [in iel.gentree]


l'':39 [in iel.gentree]
l'':42 [in iel.gentree]
l':17 [in iel.Permutations]
l':20 [in iel.gentree]
l':38 [in iel.gentree]
l':41 [in iel.gentree]
l1:135 [in iel.nd]
l1:138 [in iel.nd]
l1:27 [in iel.gentree]
l1:29 [in iel.gentree]
L1:296 [in iel.gentree]
L1:311 [in iel.gentree]
l1:45 [in iel.Permutations]
l1:48 [in iel.Permutations]
l1:51 [in iel.Permutations]
l1:56 [in iel.Permutations]
l2:136 [in iel.nd]
l2:139 [in iel.nd]
l2:28 [in iel.gentree]
L2:297 [in iel.gentree]
l2:30 [in iel.gentree]
L2:312 [in iel.gentree]
l2:46 [in iel.Permutations]
l2:49 [in iel.Permutations]
l2:53 [in iel.Permutations]
l2:58 [in iel.Permutations]
l:10 [in iel.gentree]
l:120 [in iel.nd]
l:124 [in iel.nd]
l:13 [in iel.Permutations]
l:132 [in iel.nd]
L:149 [in iel.gentree]
L:154 [in iel.gentree]
L:156 [in iel.gentree]
l:16 [in iel.Permutations]
L:161 [in iel.gentree]
L:165 [in iel.gentree]
L:170 [in iel.gentree]
L:176 [in iel.gentree]
L:178 [in iel.gentree]
L:180 [in iel.gentree]
l:199 [in iel.nd]
L:281 [in iel.gentree]
L:285 [in iel.gentree]
L:287 [in iel.gentree]
l:306 [in iel.gentree]
l:39 [in iel.toolbox]
l:43 [in iel.toolbox]
l:45 [in iel.gentree]
L:45 [in iel.forms]
l:45 [in iel.toolbox]
l:50 [in iel.gentree]
l:50 [in iel.forms]
l:54 [in iel.gentree]
l:54 [in iel.forms]
l:57 [in iel.gentree]
l:6 [in iel.gentree]
l:60 [in iel.gentree]
L:63 [in iel.gentree]
L:67 [in iel.gentree]
L:71 [in iel.nd]
L:72 [in iel.gentree]
L:77 [in iel.gentree]
l:8 [in iel.Permutations]
L:83 [in iel.gentree]
L:84 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
L:96 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


M':19 [in iel.models]
M':20 [in iel.models]
m:115 [in iel.gentree]
M:115 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:12 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:122 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:125 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:125 [in iel.decidabilityK]
m:129 [in iel.gentree]
m:143 [in iel.gentree]
m:145 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:146 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:149 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:152 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:154 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:156 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:158 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:16 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:160 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:173 [in iel.gentree]
M:18 [in iel.models]
m:182 [in iel.decidability]
M:21 [in iel.models]
m:210 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:216 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:217 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
m:29 [in iel.toolbox]
m:307 [in iel.gentree]
M:33 [in iel.models]
m:35 [in iel.toolbox]
M:37 [in iel.models]
M:4 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:40 [in iel.models]
M:43 [in iel.models]
M:64 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:65 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
M:68 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:69 [in iel.gentree]
m:69 [in iel.forms]
m:75 [in iel.gentree]
M:8 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
m:80 [in iel.gentree]
m:80 [in iel.decidabilityK]
M:83 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
M:89 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
m:9 [in iel.Permutations]
M:95 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
M:97 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


n1:127 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:142 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:146 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n1:172 [in iel.decidability]
n1:184 [in iel.decidability]
n1:199 [in iel.decidability]
n1:203 [in iel.decidability]
n1:219 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n1:33 [in iel.gentree]
n2:128 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:143 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:147 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n2:173 [in iel.decidability]
n2:185 [in iel.decidability]
n2:200 [in iel.decidability]
n2:204 [in iel.decidability]
n2:220 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n2:34 [in iel.gentree]
n:103 [in iel.gentree]
n:104 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:105 [in iel.decidability]
n:107 [in iel.gentree]
n:107 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:108 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:109 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:111 [in iel.decidability]
n:113 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:114 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:116 [in iel.gentree]
n:116 [in iel.decidability]
n:119 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:119 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:12 [in iel.forms]
n:121 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:122 [in iel.gentree]
n:122 [in iel.decidability]
n:123 [in iel.gentree]
n:124 [in iel.gentree]
n:124 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:124 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:126 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:126 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:127 [in iel.gentree]
n:127 [in iel.decidability]
n:127 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
n:128 [in iel.gentree]
n:129 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
n:131 [in iel.gentree]
n:132 [in iel.gentree]
n:132 [in iel.decidability]
n:134 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
n:136 [in iel.decidability]
n:137 [in iel.gentree]
n:14 [in iel.gentree]
n:140 [in iel.decidability]
n:141 [in iel.gentree]
n:142 [in iel.gentree]
n:143 [in iel.decidability]
n:150 [in iel.gentree]
n:152 [in iel.decidability]
n:158 [in iel.gentree]
n:158 [in iel.decidability]
n:159 [in iel.gentree]
n:16 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:163 [in iel.gentree]
n:163 [in iel.nd]
n:164 [in iel.decidability]
n:166 [in iel.nd]
n:167 [in iel.gentree]
n:168 [in iel.gentree]
n:170 [in iel.decidability]
n:172 [in iel.gentree]
n:178 [in iel.nd]
n:180 [in iel.decidability]
n:183 [in iel.decidability]
n:192 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:196 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:200 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:204 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:209 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:215 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:218 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:24 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:278 [in iel.gentree]
n:28 [in iel.toolbox]
n:293 [in iel.gentree]
n:303 [in iel.gentree]
n:31 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:327 [in iel.gentree]
n:328 [in iel.gentree]
n:33 [in iel.forms]
n:34 [in iel.toolbox]
n:37 [in iel.forms]
n:38 [in iel.forms]
n:39 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:42 [in iel.forms]
n:46 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:46 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:51 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:53 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:56 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:61 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:61 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:63 [in iel.forms]
n:64 [in iel.gentree]
n:64 [in iel.forms]
n:64 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:66 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:67 [in iel.forms]
n:68 [in iel.gentree]
n:68 [in iel.forms]
n:71 [in iel.forms]
n:71 [in iel.structuralProperties]
n:71 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:71 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:72 [in iel.forms]
n:74 [in iel.gentree]
n:74 [in iel.forms]
n:75 [in iel.structuralProperties]
n:75 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:76 [in iel.forms]
n:78 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:79 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:79 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:8 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:83 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:84 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:85 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:86 [in iel.decidabilityK]
n:87 [in iel.gentree]
n:89 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:94 [in iel.decidability]
n:94 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
n:95 [in iel.gentree]
n:97 [in iel.gentree]
n:98 [in iel.gentree]
n:99 [in iel.decidability]
n:99 [in iel.permutationSCforK]


pat:113 [in iel.gentree]
pat:119 [in iel.gentree]
pat:283 [in iel.gentree]
pat:47 [in iel.forms]
phi:46 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
P1:132 [in iel.decidabilityK]
P1:189 [in iel.decidability]
P1:224 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
P2:133 [in iel.decidabilityK]
P2:190 [in iel.decidability]
P2:225 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
p:1 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:100 [in iel.gentree]
p:109 [in iel.gentree]
P:135 [in iel.gentree]
p:139 [in iel.gentree]
p:145 [in iel.gentree]
p:175 [in iel.gentree]
p:181 [in iel.gentree]
p:187 [in iel.decidabilityK]
p:2 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
P:208 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
p:211 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
P:233 [in iel.gentree]
P:237 [in iel.nd]
P:242 [in iel.gentree]
P:244 [in iel.gentree]
P:251 [in iel.gentree]
P:27 [in iel.toolbox]
p:273 [in iel.gentree]
p:274 [in iel.gentree]
p:274 [in iel.decidability]
p:277 [in iel.gentree]
p:292 [in iel.gentree]
p:30 [in iel.toolbox]
p:302 [in iel.gentree]
p:41 [in iel.forms]
p:76 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:78 [in iel.gentree]
p:80 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
p:82 [in iel.gentree]
p:84 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


q:109 [in iel.nd]
q:212 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
q:213 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Q:252 [in iel.gentree]
q:31 [in iel.toolbox]
q:32 [in iel.toolbox]
q:65 [in iel.nd]


R':137 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r':30 [in iel.models]
r1:124 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r2:125 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:123 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:127 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r:128 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:133 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
R:136 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
r:169 [in iel.decidability]
r:26 [in iel.models]


s:10 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:101 [in iel.decidability]
s:101 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:101 [in iel.nd]
s:103 [in iel.nd]
s:105 [in iel.nd]
s:106 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:107 [in iel.decidability]
s:107 [in iel.nd]
s:11 [in iel.decidability]
s:110 [in iel.nd]
s:111 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:113 [in iel.decidability]
s:116 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:118 [in iel.decidability]
s:119 [in iel.nd]
s:121 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:121 [in iel.nd]
s:124 [in iel.decidability]
s:129 [in iel.decidability]
s:133 [in iel.nd]
s:134 [in iel.decidability]
S:136 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:137 [in iel.nd]
s:138 [in iel.decidability]
S:139 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:14 [in iel.decidability]
s:14 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:140 [in iel.nd]
s:142 [in iel.decidability]
s:145 [in iel.decidability]
s:146 [in iel.nd]
s:153 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:155 [in iel.decidability]
s:161 [in iel.decidability]
s:167 [in iel.decidability]
s:17 [in iel.decidability]
s:175 [in iel.decidability]
s:178 [in iel.decidability]
s:18 [in iel.decidabilityK]
S:193 [in iel.decidability]
S:196 [in iel.decidability]
s:206 [in iel.decidability]
s:21 [in iel.decidability]
s:210 [in iel.decidability]
s:218 [in iel.decidability]
s:22 [in iel.models]
s:22 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:22 [in iel.nd]
s:222 [in iel.decidability]
s:225 [in iel.decidability]
s:239 [in iel.decidability]
s:242 [in iel.decidability]
s:245 [in iel.decidability]
s:246 [in iel.decidability]
s:25 [in iel.nd]
s:26 [in iel.decidability]
s:26 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:273 [in iel.nd]
s:275 [in iel.nd]
s:277 [in iel.nd]
s:28 [in iel.nd]
s:280 [in iel.nd]
s:282 [in iel.nd]
s:30 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:32 [in iel.nd]
s:34 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:36 [in iel.models]
s:36 [in iel.nd]
s:39 [in iel.decidability]
s:40 [in iel.nd]
s:43 [in iel.decidability]
s:43 [in iel.nd]
s:44 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:45 [in iel.models]
s:47 [in iel.nd]
s:48 [in iel.decidability]
s:49 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:5 [in iel.decidability]
s:51 [in iel.nd]
s:53 [in iel.decidability]
s:54 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:55 [in iel.nd]
s:57 [in iel.decidability]
s:59 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:59 [in iel.nd]
s:62 [in iel.decidability]
s:63 [in iel.nd]
s:64 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:65 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:66 [in iel.decidability]
s:67 [in iel.nd]
s:69 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:69 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:7 [in iel.decidability]
s:7 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:70 [in iel.decidability]
s:73 [in iel.decidability]
s:74 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:75 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:78 [in iel.decidability]
s:79 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
s:82 [in iel.decidability]
s:88 [in iel.nd]
s:89 [in iel.nd]
s:9 [in iel.models]
s:9 [in iel.decidability]
s:90 [in iel.nd]
s:92 [in iel.nd]
s:94 [in iel.nd]
s:96 [in iel.decidability]
s:96 [in iel.decidabilityK]
s:96 [in iel.nd]
s:97 [in iel.nd]
s:99 [in iel.nd]


T:1 [in iel.Permutations]
T:1 [in iel.nd]
t:10 [in iel.decidability]
T:10 [in iel.nd]
t:100 [in iel.nd]
t:102 [in iel.decidability]
t:102 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:102 [in iel.nd]
t:104 [in iel.nd]
t:106 [in iel.nd]
t:107 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:108 [in iel.decidability]
t:108 [in iel.nd]
t:11 [in iel.decidabilityK]
T:110 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:112 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:114 [in iel.decidability]
t:117 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:119 [in iel.decidability]
t:122 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:125 [in iel.decidability]
T:13 [in iel.nd]
t:130 [in iel.decidability]
T:140 [in iel.gentree]
T:148 [in iel.nd]
T:15 [in iel.forms]
t:15 [in iel.decidabilityK]
T:150 [in iel.nd]
T:151 [in iel.nd]
T:154 [in iel.nd]
t:156 [in iel.decidability]
t:162 [in iel.decidability]
t:168 [in iel.decidability]
t:17 [in iel.gentree]
t:18 [in iel.decidability]
t:19 [in iel.decidabilityK]
T:2 [in iel.Permutations]
T:21 [in iel.forms]
t:211 [in iel.decidability]
t:219 [in iel.decidability]
t:22 [in iel.decidability]
t:23 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:240 [in iel.decidability]
t:27 [in iel.decidability]
t:27 [in iel.decidabilityK]
T:281 [in iel.nd]
t:29 [in iel.nd]
T:3 [in iel.Permutations]
T:30 [in iel.forms]
t:31 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:32 [in iel.forms]
t:33 [in iel.nd]
T:34 [in iel.forms]
t:36 [in iel.forms]
t:37 [in iel.nd]
T:4 [in iel.Permutations]
T:4 [in iel.nd]
t:40 [in iel.decidability]
t:44 [in iel.decidability]
t:44 [in iel.nd]
t:45 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:46 [in iel.gentree]
t:47 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:48 [in iel.nd]
t:49 [in iel.decidability]
T:5 [in iel.Permutations]
t:50 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:52 [in iel.nd]
t:54 [in iel.decidability]
t:54 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:55 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:56 [in iel.nd]
t:58 [in iel.decidability]
t:60 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:60 [in iel.nd]
t:61 [in iel.gentree]
t:61 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
t:63 [in iel.decidability]
t:64 [in iel.nd]
t:65 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:66 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
t:67 [in iel.decidability]
T:69 [in iel.nd]
T:7 [in iel.nd]
t:70 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:70 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
T:75 [in iel.nd]
t:9 [in iel.gentree]
t:91 [in iel.nd]
t:93 [in iel.nd]
t:95 [in iel.nd]
t:97 [in iel.decidability]
t:97 [in iel.decidabilityK]
t:98 [in iel.nd]


u:103 [in iel.decidability]
U:103 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
u:109 [in iel.decidability]
u:120 [in iel.decidability]
u:174 [in iel.decidabilityK]
u:176 [in iel.decidabilityK]
U:2 [in iel.nd]
u:23 [in iel.decidability]
u:234 [in iel.decidability]
u:238 [in iel.decidability]
u:262 [in iel.decidability]
u:278 [in iel.decidability]
u:28 [in iel.decidability]
u:282 [in iel.decidability]
u:36 [in iel.decidability]
u:45 [in iel.decidability]
U:5 [in iel.nd]
u:50 [in iel.decidability]
u:59 [in iel.decidability]
u:66 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
u:67 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U:76 [in iel.nd]
U:8 [in iel.nd]
u:92 [in iel.decidability]


v:264 [in iel.decidability]
v:286 [in iel.decidability]
v:288 [in iel.decidability]
v:47 [in iel.models]


w':10 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':108 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w':21 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':39 [in iel.models]
w':50 [in iel.models]
w':64 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w':65 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w':71 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w':86 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:116 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:148 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:151 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:155 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:157 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:159 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:161 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:17 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:20 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:35 [in iel.models]
w:38 [in iel.models]
w:44 [in iel.models]
w:46 [in iel.models]
w:49 [in iel.models]
w:6 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:65 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:66 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
w:67 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:70 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
W:78 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
W:82 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
w:85 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:9 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:90 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
w:96 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
w:98 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


xs:38 [in iel.toolbox]
xs:41 [in iel.toolbox]
xs:42 [in iel.toolbox]
xs:44 [in iel.toolbox]
xy:121 [in iel.gentree]
x':216 [in iel.nd]
x':218 [in iel.nd]
X1:288 [in iel.gentree]
X1:294 [in iel.gentree]
X1:298 [in iel.gentree]
X1:309 [in iel.gentree]
X1:314 [in iel.gentree]
X1:316 [in iel.gentree]
x1:36 [in iel.gentree]
X2:289 [in iel.gentree]
X2:295 [in iel.gentree]
X2:299 [in iel.gentree]
X2:310 [in iel.gentree]
X2:315 [in iel.gentree]
X2:317 [in iel.gentree]
x2:37 [in iel.gentree]
x:10 [in iel.models]
x:10 [in iel.forms]
x:10 [in iel.structuralProperties]
x:102 [in iel.gentree]
X:104 [in iel.gentree]
x:104 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:105 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:105 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:106 [in iel.gentree]
x:107 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:108 [in iel.gentree]
x:109 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:11 [in iel.gentree]
X:110 [in iel.gentree]
x:110 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:111 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:112 [in iel.gentree]
x:112 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:112 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:116 [in iel.nd]
x:118 [in iel.gentree]
x:12 [in iel.gentree]
x:120 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:122 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:123 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:126 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:130 [in iel.gentree]
X:131 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:132 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:133 [in iel.gentree]
X:135 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:136 [in iel.gentree]
X:138 [in iel.gentree]
x:14 [in iel.models]
x:14 [in iel.toolbox]
x:142 [in iel.nd]
x:143 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
X:144 [in iel.gentree]
X:146 [in iel.gentree]
X:147 [in iel.gentree]
X:148 [in iel.gentree]
x:15 [in iel.Permutations]
x:150 [in iel.decidabilityK]
X:153 [in iel.gentree]
X:155 [in iel.gentree]
x:157 [in iel.gentree]
x:16 [in iel.gentree]
X:160 [in iel.gentree]
x:162 [in iel.gentree]
X:164 [in iel.gentree]
x:166 [in iel.gentree]
X:169 [in iel.gentree]
x:171 [in iel.gentree]
X:174 [in iel.gentree]
X:177 [in iel.gentree]
X:179 [in iel.gentree]
X:182 [in iel.gentree]
X:184 [in iel.gentree]
X:188 [in iel.gentree]
x:190 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
x:191 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
X:192 [in iel.gentree]
X:196 [in iel.gentree]
x:201 [in iel.gentree]
x:202 [in iel.nd]
x:204 [in iel.gentree]
x:204 [in iel.nd]
x:206 [in iel.nd]
x:207 [in iel.gentree]
x:208 [in iel.nd]
x:21 [in iel.gentree]
x:210 [in iel.gentree]
X:216 [in iel.gentree]
X:217 [in iel.gentree]
x:22 [in iel.toolbox]
X:220 [in iel.gentree]
X:221 [in iel.gentree]
X:222 [in iel.gentree]
x:223 [in iel.gentree]
X:224 [in iel.gentree]
x:225 [in iel.gentree]
X:226 [in iel.gentree]
x:227 [in iel.gentree]
X:228 [in iel.gentree]
x:229 [in iel.gentree]
X:230 [in iel.gentree]
X:231 [in iel.gentree]
X:232 [in iel.gentree]
X:236 [in iel.gentree]
X:238 [in iel.gentree]
X:240 [in iel.gentree]
x:245 [in iel.nd]
X:246 [in iel.gentree]
X:247 [in iel.gentree]
X:249 [in iel.gentree]
X:253 [in iel.gentree]
X:255 [in iel.gentree]
X:255 [in iel.nd]
X:257 [in iel.gentree]
X:257 [in iel.nd]
X:259 [in iel.gentree]
X:260 [in iel.gentree]
X:265 [in iel.gentree]
X:267 [in iel.gentree]
X:269 [in iel.gentree]
x:27 [in iel.models]
X:270 [in iel.gentree]
X:272 [in iel.gentree]
X:275 [in iel.gentree]
x:28 [in iel.models]
x:282 [in iel.gentree]
X:284 [in iel.gentree]
X:286 [in iel.gentree]
X:289 [in iel.decidability]
X:291 [in iel.decidability]
X:304 [in iel.gentree]
X:313 [in iel.gentree]
x:318 [in iel.gentree]
x:319 [in iel.gentree]
x:33 [in iel.decidability]
x:39 [in iel.decidabilityK]
x:40 [in iel.gentree]
x:43 [in iel.gentree]
x:46 [in iel.forms]
X:48 [in iel.forms]
x:5 [in iel.forms]
x:5 [in iel.decidabilityK]
X:53 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:55 [in iel.forms]
x:60 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
X:62 [in iel.gentree]
X:66 [in iel.gentree]
x:69 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
x:7 [in iel.gentree]
x:70 [in iel.forms]
X:71 [in iel.gentree]
x:73 [in iel.gentree]
X:73 [in iel.forms]
x:73 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:76 [in iel.gentree]
x:79 [in iel.gentree]
X:81 [in iel.gentree]
X:84 [in iel.gentree]
x:86 [in iel.gentree]
x:87 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:88 [in iel.gentree]
x:89 [in iel.decidability]
x:89 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
X:90 [in iel.gentree]
x:91 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
x:96 [in iel.gentree]
X:99 [in iel.gentree]


y:11 [in iel.models]
y:11 [in iel.forms]
y:111 [in iel.gentree]
y:117 [in iel.gentree]
y:144 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
y:15 [in iel.models]
y:24 [in iel.gentree]
Y:248 [in iel.gentree]
y:25 [in iel.models]
Y:250 [in iel.gentree]
Y:254 [in iel.gentree]
Y:256 [in iel.gentree]
Y:256 [in iel.nd]
Y:258 [in iel.gentree]
Y:258 [in iel.nd]
Y:261 [in iel.gentree]
Y:268 [in iel.gentree]
Y:271 [in iel.gentree]
Y:290 [in iel.decidability]
Y:292 [in iel.decidability]
Y:305 [in iel.gentree]
y:31 [in iel.models]
y:32 [in iel.models]
y:6 [in iel.forms]
y:88 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
y:90 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
y:92 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


z:14 [in iel.nd]
z:16 [in iel.models]
z:160 [in iel.nd]
z:177 [in iel.nd]
z:29 [in iel.models]
z:9 [in iel.nd]


Γ'':116 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ'':29 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ':156 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ':160 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ':278 [in iel.nd]
Γ':28 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ':37 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':43 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':46 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ':75 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:13 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:22 [in iel.Permutations]
Γ1:23 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:27 [in iel.Permutations]
Γ1:36 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:51 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ1:72 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ1:81 [in iel.decidability]
Γ2:14 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:37 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:52 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ2:73 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ2:83 [in iel.decidability]
Γ3:38 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:100 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:100 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:102 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:103 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:105 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:11 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:110 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:112 [in iel.nd]
Γ:113 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:114 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:115 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:115 [in iel.nd]
Γ:115 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:118 [in iel.nd]
Γ:120 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:125 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:126 [in iel.nd]
Γ:129 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:129 [in iel.nd]
Γ:132 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:134 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:134 [in iel.nd]
Γ:137 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:137 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:14 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:140 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:141 [in iel.nd]
Γ:142 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:143 [in iel.nd]
Γ:144 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:145 [in iel.nd]
Γ:147 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:148 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:152 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:154 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:154 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:157 [in iel.nd]
Γ:157 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:158 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Γ:160 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:161 [in iel.nd]
Γ:162 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:166 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:167 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:172 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:175 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:179 [in iel.nd]
Γ:179 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:182 [in iel.nd]
Γ:182 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:185 [in iel.nd]
Γ:185 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:186 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:188 [in iel.nd]
Γ:188 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:19 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:19 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:19 [in iel.toolbox]
Γ:191 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:191 [in iel.nd]
Γ:194 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:197 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:197 [in iel.nd]
Γ:20 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:20 [in iel.toolbox]
Γ:200 [in iel.nd]
Γ:201 [in iel.decidability]
Γ:21 [in iel.nd]
Γ:211 [in iel.nd]
Γ:22 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:220 [in iel.nd]
Γ:221 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:223 [in iel.nd]
Γ:228 [in iel.nd]
Γ:234 [in iel.nd]
Γ:238 [in iel.nd]
Γ:24 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:24 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:24 [in iel.nd]
Γ:24 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:241 [in iel.nd]
Γ:243 [in iel.nd]
Γ:246 [in iel.nd]
Γ:25 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:26 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:262 [in iel.nd]
Γ:263 [in iel.nd]
Γ:268 [in iel.nd]
Γ:27 [in iel.nd]
Γ:272 [in iel.nd]
Γ:274 [in iel.nd]
Γ:276 [in iel.nd]
Γ:279 [in iel.nd]
Γ:28 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:28 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:29 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:30 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:31 [in iel.nd]
Γ:31 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:32 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:32 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:32 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:34 [in iel.models]
Γ:34 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:34 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:35 [in iel.nd]
Γ:36 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:37 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:39 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:39 [in iel.nd]
Γ:4 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:40 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:40 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:40 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:41 [in iel.models]
Γ:41 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:42 [in iel.nd]
Γ:44 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:45 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:46 [in iel.nd]
Γ:47 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:49 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:5 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:50 [in iel.nd]
Γ:51 [in iel.models]
Γ:51 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:52 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:54 [in iel.nd]
Γ:54 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:57 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:58 [in iel.nd]
Γ:6 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:60 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:60 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:61 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:62 [in iel.nd]
Γ:62 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:63 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:66 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:66 [in iel.nd]
Γ:66 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:68 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:68 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:72 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:73 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:75 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:76 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Γ:76 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:77 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:77 [in iel.nd]
Γ:77 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:80 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:80 [in iel.nd]
Γ:80 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:82 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Γ:83 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Γ:83 [in iel.nd]
Γ:85 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:87 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:90 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Γ:91 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Γ:95 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':15 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':157 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ':30 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ':48 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ':74 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:20 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:44 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:58 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ1:77 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ2:21 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:45 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:59 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ2:78 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ3:60 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:101 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:106 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:111 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:117 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:12 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:121 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:126 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:130 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:133 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:135 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:138 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:138 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:141 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:143 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:145 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:148 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:153 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:155 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Δ:158 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:163 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:168 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:173 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:176 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:178 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:181 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:184 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:187 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:19 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:223 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:26 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:33 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:37 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:41 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:47 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:48 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:5 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:54 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:55 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:55 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:56 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:57 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:57 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:58 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:62 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:62 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:63 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:63 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Δ:63 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:67 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:67 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:68 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:68 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:69 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:69 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:69 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:7 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:71 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:72 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:72 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:72 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:73 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Δ:73 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:74 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Δ:74 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:77 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:81 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:81 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:82 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Δ:86 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:91 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Δ:96 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
Ω':39 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω':44 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:11 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:117 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:13 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:15 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:17 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:17 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:21 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:22 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:22 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:25 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:25 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:27 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:29 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:29 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:30 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:33 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:33 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:33 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:37 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:38 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:41 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:42 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:42 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:45 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:49 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:54 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:58 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:61 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:64 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:67 [in iel.structuralProperties]
Ω:70 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:74 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Ω:79 [in iel.nd]
Ω:79 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ω:84 [in iel.nd]
γ:183 [in iel.decidabilityK]
γ:236 [in iel.nd]
γ:272 [in iel.decidability]
φ:101 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:116 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:144 [in iel.nd]
φ:149 [in iel.nd]
φ:15 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:152 [in iel.nd]
φ:155 [in iel.nd]
φ:158 [in iel.nd]
φ:162 [in iel.nd]
φ:165 [in iel.nd]
φ:176 [in iel.nd]
φ:180 [in iel.nd]
φ:183 [in iel.nd]
φ:186 [in iel.nd]
φ:189 [in iel.nd]
φ:192 [in iel.nd]
φ:198 [in iel.nd]
φ:201 [in iel.nd]
φ:212 [in iel.nd]
φ:221 [in iel.nd]
φ:224 [in iel.nd]
φ:227 [in iel.nd]
φ:229 [in iel.nd]
φ:235 [in iel.nd]
φ:239 [in iel.nd]
φ:242 [in iel.nd]
φ:244 [in iel.nd]
φ:25 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:31 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:35 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:42 [in iel.models]
φ:49 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:61 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
φ:74 [in iel.nd]
φ:78 [in iel.nd]
φ:85 [in iel.nd]
ψ:153 [in iel.nd]
ψ:156 [in iel.nd]
ψ:159 [in iel.nd]
ψ:181 [in iel.nd]
ψ:193 [in iel.nd]
ψ:213 [in iel.nd]
ψ:230 [in iel.nd]
ψ:240 [in iel.nd]
ψ:252 [in iel.nd]
ψ:266 [in iel.nd]
ψ:48 [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ψ:72 [in iel.nd]
ψ:82 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:11 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:12 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:147 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ï•:150 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ï•:248 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:249 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:251 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:254 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:260 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:261 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:265 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:267 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:269 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:270 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:271 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:3 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:6 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:70 [in iel.nd]
Ï•:81 [in iel.nd]

Module Index


EmbedNatNotations [in iel.gentree]


ListAutomationNotations [in iel.gentree]

Variable Index


Admissibility.d [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


Canonical.A0 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical.A0 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Canonical.s0 [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical.s0 [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Chaining.D [in iel.nd]
ClassicalProperties.ent [in iel.structuralProperties]
CompletenessLEM.D [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
correct_ntree_ind.H2 [in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.H1 [in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.H [in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.P [in iel.gentree]
correct_ntree_ind.A [in iel.gentree]
Countability.ListEnumerator.L [in iel.forms]
Countability.ListEnumerator.X [in iel.forms]


Decidability_GK3c.B0 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Decidability_GK3c.A0 [in iel.decidabilityK]
Decidability.A0 [in iel.decidability]
Decidability.D [in iel.decidability]
Decidability.s0 [in iel.decidability]


EntailmentRelationProperties.E [in iel.decidability]
EntailmentRelationProperties.F [in iel.decidability]
enumerator_list_enumerator.e [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.e [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.p [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator.T [in iel.forms]
enumerator_list_enumerator.X [in iel.forms]


Inclusion.X [in iel.gentree]


Lindenbaum.Dt [in iel.nd]
list_length_ind.H [in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind.P [in iel.toolbox]
list_length_ind.A [in iel.toolbox]
L_prod_def.L2 [in iel.gentree]
L_prod_def.L1 [in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def.L2 [in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def.L1 [in iel.gentree]
L_list_def.L [in iel.gentree]


MapPerm.A [in iel.Permutations]
MapPerm.B [in iel.Permutations]
Models.M [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


ndTAdmissible.T [in iel.nd]


Permutations.T [in iel.Permutations]
Permutation_Facts.T [in iel.Permutations]


UsableContraction.ent [in iel.structuralProperties] [in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.slC [in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.slW [in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.srC [in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction.srW [in iel.structuralProperties]

Library Index



















Lemma Index


appendWeakeningLeft [in iel.structuralProperties]
appendWeakeningRight [in iel.structuralProperties]
app_incl_R [in iel.gentree]
app_incl_l [in iel.gentree]
are_iel_models [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
are_iel_models [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


cancelForm [in iel.forms]
cancelNat [in iel.forms]
candidatesConnection [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
canonicalFinite [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
canonicalIEL [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
completeness [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
completeness [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
completeness' [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
completeness' [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
consWeak [in iel.nd]
cons_incl [in iel.gentree]
cons_nil_app [in iel.Permutations]
contraction [in iel.structuralProperties]
contraction [in iel.permutationSCforK]
contractionLeft [in iel.permutationSCforK]
contractionRight [in iel.permutationSCforK]
countableDecodeEncode [in iel.forms]
countableForm [in iel.forms]
countableNatNatOpt [in iel.forms]
countableT_countableLT [in iel.forms]
countable_list [in iel.forms]
cumul_spec [in iel.gentree]
cumul_spec__T [in iel.gentree]
Cumul_Step [in iel.gentree]
cumul_In [in iel.gentree]
cum_ge' [in iel.gentree]
cum_ge [in iel.gentree]
cutElimination [in iel.decidabilityK]
cutElimination' [in iel.permutationSCforK]


decode_surj [in iel.forms]
dec_transfer [in iel.gentree]
dec_DM_impl [in iel.gentree]
dec_DM_and [in iel.gentree]
dec_DN [in iel.gentree]
Dec_false [in iel.gentree]
Dec_true [in iel.gentree]
Dec_auto [in iel.gentree]
Dec_reflect [in iel.gentree]
dec_prop_iff2 [in iel.decidability]
dec_prop_iff [in iel.decidability]
deductionGamma [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
deOptIn [in iel.forms]
derivationExtensional [in iel.nd]
derivRefl [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
derivReflSomeIdent [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
disjunction_ND [in iel.decidability]
disjunction_SC [in iel.decidability]
does_not_derive [in iel.nd]
does_not_derive_i [in iel.nd]
drop_app_alt [in iel.gentree]
dupfree_app_remr [in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_app_reml [in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_rem [in iel.structuralProperties]
dupfree_perm [in iel.structuralProperties]


embedP [in iel.gentree]
entailmentBotDN [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
enumerableDecodeEncode [in iel.gentree]
enumerable_prod [in iel.gentree]
enumerable_sum [in iel.gentree]
enumerable_list [in iel.gentree]
enumerable__T_list_enumerable [in iel.gentree]
enumerable_list_enumerable [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_prod_list [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_sum_list [in iel.gentree]
enumerator__T_list [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_to_list_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
enumLtree [in iel.gentree]
enumLtree [in iel.forms]
enumNatNat [in iel.gentree]
enum_enumT [in iel.gentree]
equalCtxCons [in iel.nd]
evalKdistr [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
evalKimp [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
eval_monotone [in iel.models]
extend_locally_subset [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_easy_subset [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_prime [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_disjunction [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_subset [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_does_not_derive [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend_locally_subset [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_easy_subset [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_prime [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_locally_dclosed [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_does_not_derive_imp [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_subset [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_does_not_derive [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
extend_two_possibilites [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


fenum2MP [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
fmp_two_versions [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
formI_eq_dec [in iel.forms]
form_countable [in iel.forms]
form_eq_dec [in iel.forms]
fstab2LEM [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


genA [in iel.decidability]
genCW [in iel.decidability]
genDPCut [in iel.decidability]
genhInc [in iel.decidability]
genhW [in iel.decidability]
genh_iff_gen [in iel.decidability]
genPerm [in iel.decidability]
genW [in iel.decidability]
gen_dec [in iel.decidability]
gen_lambda [in iel.decidability]
gen_or [in iel.decidability]
gen_and_both [in iel.decidability]
gen_and [in iel.decidability]
gen_imp [in iel.decidability]
gen_fal [in iel.decidability]
gen_cut [in iel.decidability]
gen_mono [in iel.decidability]
gen_stable [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
gen2nd [in iel.decidability]
gk3cA [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chW [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cPerm [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cW [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_dec [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_lambdac [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3c_equi_lk [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3h_hmon [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_monor [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_monol [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_height [in iel.decidabilityK]


hasConstraint [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
H0 [in iel.gentree]


IELContra [in iel.nd]
ielg_dec [in iel.decidability]
ielHasFmp [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
IELKBot [in iel.nd]
ielmReducesIEL [in iel.nd]
ielmReducesIEL_theories [in iel.nd]
ielmToIEL [in iel.nd]
ielmToIELKb [in iel.nd]
ielToIELM [in iel.nd]
IELTruthB [in iel.nd]
IELTruthC [in iel.nd]
IELTruthD [in iel.nd]
ImpAgree [in iel.nd]
ImpAgree [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
ImpAss [in iel.nd]
ImplDistr [in iel.nd]
implToCoq [in iel.nd]
incl_app_left [in iel.gentree]
incl_lrcons [in iel.gentree]
incl_rcons [in iel.gentree]
incl_lcons [in iel.gentree]
incl_shift [in iel.gentree]
incl_nil_eq [in iel.gentree]
incl_sing [in iel.gentree]
incl_nil [in iel.gentree]
insert_phi_subset [in iel.nd]
insert_form_subset [in iel.nd]
inversionAL [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionAL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionAnd [in iel.decidability]
inversionAR1 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionAR2 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIL [in iel.decidability]
inversionIL [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionIL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIL2 [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionIL2 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionIR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOL1 [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOL1 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOL2 [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOL2 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOR [in iel.decidabilityK]
inversionOR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
inversionOR1 [in iel.decidability]
inversionOR2 [in iel.decidability]
In_cumul [in iel.gentree]


kIfys2 [in iel.nd]


lambdac_gk3c [in iel.decidabilityK]
lambdac_ind [in iel.decidabilityK]
lambdac_closure [in iel.decidabilityK]
lambda_gen [in iel.decidability]
lambda_ind [in iel.decidability]
lambda_closure [in iel.decidability]
leftWeakening [in iel.permutationSCforK]
LEM2DN [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
lequiv_cons_app [in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_doublecons_destruct [in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_cons_destruct [in iel.Permutations]
lequiv_cons_destruct' [in iel.Permutations]
le_wf_ind [in iel.permutationSCforK]
le_wf_ind [in iel.toolbox]
linCoq [in iel.nd]
Lindenbaum [in iel.nd]
lindenBaumTheorySubset [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
list_prod_spec [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_cumul [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable__T_enumerable [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable_enumerable [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator_to_enumerator [in iel.forms]
list_contents_app_multiplicity_plus [in iel.Permutations]
list_length_ind [in iel.toolbox]
lkOAL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOAR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOIL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOIR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOKI [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOOL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOOR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkPerm [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lr_in [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
L_list_cumulative [in iel.gentree]


map_perm_cons' [in iel.Permutations]
map_perm_cons [in iel.Permutations]
map_inj_perm [in iel.Permutations]
map_perm [in iel.Permutations]
maxIsTheory [in iel.nd]
maxnlist [in iel.nd]
maxn_chain [in iel.nd]
maxn_subset_ij [in iel.nd]
maxn_subset [in iel.nd]
maxprime [in iel.nd]
max_does_not_derive_lemma [in iel.nd]
max_nd_is_in [in iel.nd]
max_In_lemma [in iel.nd]
max_subset [in iel.nd]
mctheory_disjunction [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mctheory_conjucntion [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
modalShiftingLemma [in iel.nd]
monotone_ctx [in iel.models]
monotone_ctx [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
multiStep [in iel.permutationSCforK]


ndConsistent [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndgen_iff [in iel.decidability]
ndKKrupski [in iel.nd]
ndSound [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndSoundIEL [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndSoundIELCtx [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ndtA [in iel.nd]
ndTautologyNotNotX [in iel.nd]
ndtCEL [in iel.nd]
ndtCER [in iel.nd]
ndtCI [in iel.nd]
ndtDE [in iel.nd]
ndtDIL [in iel.nd]
ndtDIR [in iel.nd]
ndtE [in iel.nd]
ndTEq [in iel.nd]
ndtIE [in iel.nd]
ndtII [in iel.nd]
ndtIntRefl [in iel.nd]
ndtKImp [in iel.nd]
ndtKpos [in iel.nd]
ndtW [in iel.nd]
ndW [in iel.nd]
nd_stable [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
nd2gen [in iel.decidability]
ntree_of_to_list [in iel.gentree]


onSomeEqualsR [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
onSomeEqualsRlift [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


partialShift [in iel.nd]
Perm_In_Iff [in iel.Permutations]
pin [in iel.decidabilityK]
preservesPreOrder [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preservesSubrealtion [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preserves_transitivity [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
preserves_reflexivity [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
ProvToUndupL [in iel.structuralProperties]
provToUndupRight [in iel.structuralProperties]


reflectionAdmissible [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
reflectionPreservesIEL [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
remNotK_perm [in iel.toolbox]
remNotK_subset [in iel.toolbox]
remNotK_in_iff [in iel.toolbox]
rightWeakening [in iel.permutationSCforK]


scl_closed [in iel.decidability]
scl_incl [in iel.decidability]
scl_incl' [in iel.decidability]
scl'_closed [in iel.decidability]
scl'_in [in iel.decidability]
semaCut [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
semaCut' [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
sf_closed_cons [in iel.decidability]
sf_closed_app [in iel.decidability]
single_extend_subcontext [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
single_extend_subcontext [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
soundness [in iel.models]
soundnessGen [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
stepb_reflect [in iel.decidability]
stepb_reflect [in iel.decidabilityK]
ste2fs [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
StrongCompleteness [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
structuralProperties [in iel.permutationSCforK]
st2fs [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
st2lem [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subset_derives [in iel.nd]
swapLeft [in iel.permutationSCforK]
swapRight [in iel.permutationSCforK]


take_app_alt [in iel.gentree]
to_cumul_spec [in iel.gentree]
to_cumul_cumulative [in iel.gentree]
tripleNegIEL [in iel.nd]
truth_lemma [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
truth_lemma [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
truth_lemma [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
t6 [in iel.nd]
t6C [in iel.nd]
t7 [in iel.nd]
t8 [in iel.nd]
t9 [in iel.nd]


unbox_rewrite [in iel.nd]
undupIncl [in iel.structuralProperties]
UndupToProvL [in iel.structuralProperties]
UndupToProvR [in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_prove [in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_double [in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_perm [in iel.structuralProperties]
undup_equi_is_perm [in iel.structuralProperties]
unembedP [in iel.gentree]
unK_decomp [in iel.toolbox]
unK_justKNoK [in iel.toolbox]
unK_perm [in iel.toolbox]
unK_incl [in iel.toolbox]
unK_in_iff [in iel.toolbox]


Weakening [in iel.structuralProperties]
weakLeft [in iel.permutationSCforK]
weakRight [in iel.permutationSCforK]
wm [in iel.nd]
world_canonical_disjunction [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]

Constructor Index


And [in iel.forms]
AndI [in iel.forms]


Bot [in iel.forms]
BotI [in iel.forms]


EqType [in iel.gentree]


genAL [in iel.decidability]
genAR [in iel.decidability]
genF [in iel.decidability]
genhAL [in iel.decidability]
genhAR [in iel.decidability]
genhF [in iel.decidability]
genhIL [in iel.decidability]
genhIR [in iel.decidability]
genhKB [in iel.decidability]
genhKI [in iel.decidability]
genhOL [in iel.decidability]
genhOR1 [in iel.decidability]
genhOR2 [in iel.decidability]
genhS [in iel.decidability]
genhV [in iel.decidability]
genIL [in iel.decidability]
genIR [in iel.decidability]
genKB [in iel.decidability]
genKI [in iel.decidability]
genOL [in iel.decidability]
genOR1 [in iel.decidability]
genOR2 [in iel.decidability]
genV [in iel.decidability]
gk3cAL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cAR [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cC [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cF [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chAL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chAR [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chC [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chF [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chIL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chIR [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chKI [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chOL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chOR [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3chS [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cIL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cIR [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cKI [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cOL [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3cOR [in iel.decidabilityK]


Imp [in iel.forms]
ImpI [in iel.forms]


K [in iel.forms]


lkAL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkAR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhA [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhB [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhIL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhIR [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhK [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkhStep [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOL [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lkOR [in iel.permutationSCforK]


minus [in iel.nd]
mkKripkeModel [in iel.models]
mkmcTheory [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mkmcTheory [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
mkmcTheory [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


NBranch [in iel.gentree]
ndA [in iel.nd]
ndCEL [in iel.nd]
ndCER [in iel.nd]
ndCI [in iel.nd]
ndDE [in iel.nd]
ndDIL [in iel.nd]
ndDIR [in iel.nd]
ndE [in iel.nd]
ndIE [in iel.nd]
ndII [in iel.nd]
ndIntRefl [in iel.nd]
ndKImp [in iel.nd]
ndKpos [in iel.nd]
NLeaf [in iel.gentree]
normal [in iel.nd]


Or [in iel.forms]
OrI [in iel.forms]


Uno [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


Var [in iel.forms]
VarI [in iel.forms]

Projection Index


B [in iel.semanticCutElimination]


cogn [in iel.models]
consistentT [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


eqType_dec [in iel.gentree]
eqType_X [in iel.gentree]


monotone [in iel.models]


preorderCogn [in iel.models]
prime [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


T [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
T [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
T [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tcons [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tdedclos [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Tgood [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Tlcons [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
transvalid [in iel.models]
Tsubs [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Tsubs [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Ttheory [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
TUPrime [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


val [in iel.models]
valuation [in iel.models]
vericont [in iel.models]
verif [in iel.models]


world [in iel.models]

Inductive Index


DerivationType [in iel.nd]


form [in iel.forms]
formIPC [in iel.forms]


gen [in iel.decidability]
genh [in iel.decidability]
gk3c [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3ch [in iel.decidabilityK]


lkh [in iel.permutationSCforK]


nd [in iel.nd]
Ntree [in iel.gentree]


uno [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]

Instance Index


add_proper_r [in iel.Permutations]
add_proper_lt [in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r2 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r1 [in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_r [in iel.permutationSCforK]
add_proper_l [in iel.permutationSCforK]
and_dec [in iel.gentree]
app_equi_proper [in iel.gentree]
app_incl_proper [in iel.gentree]


bool_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]


canonical [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
canonical [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
canonical [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
cogn_trans [in iel.models]
cons_equi_proper [in iel.gentree]
cons_incl_proper [in iel.gentree]


Empty_set_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
equi_Equivalence [in iel.gentree]


False_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
False_dec [in iel.gentree]
feqd [in iel.decidability]
form_eq_dec' [in iel.forms]
form_eq_dec' [in iel.permutationSCforK]


gk3_proper_weak [in iel.decidabilityK]
gk3_proper_perm [in iel.decidabilityK]
goalc_eq_dec [in iel.decidabilityK]
goal_eq_dec [in iel.decidability]


iff_dec [in iel.gentree]
impl_dec [in iel.gentree]
incl_equi_proper [in iel.gentree]
incl_preorder [in iel.gentree]
incl_proper_perm [in iel.decidabilityK]
in_equi_proper [in iel.gentree]
in_incl_proper [in iel.gentree]


kripke_verif_trans_equiv_Equiv [in iel.models]


lce_dec [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
list_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]


nat_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
not_dec [in iel.gentree]
Ntree_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]


option_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
or_dec [in iel.gentree]


perm_properGen' [in iel.decidability]
prod_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]


step_dec [in iel.decidability]
step_dec [in iel.decidabilityK]
sum_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]


True_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
True_dec [in iel.gentree]


unit_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]

Section Index


Admissibility [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Admissibility.liftRelProps [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


Canonical [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Canonical [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Canonical [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Chaining [in iel.nd]
ClassicalProperties [in iel.structuralProperties]
Completeness [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
CompletenessEnumerableMP [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
CompletenessLEM [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ContextModifcation [in iel.toolbox]
Contexts [in iel.nd]
correct_ntree_ind [in iel.gentree]
Countability [in iel.forms]
Countability.ListEnumerator [in iel.forms]


Decidability [in iel.decidability]
Decidability_GK3c [in iel.decidabilityK]
Derivations [in iel.nd]
DisjunctionProperty [in iel.decidability]


EntailmentRelationProperties [in iel.decidability]
enumerator_list_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
enumerator_list_enumerator [in iel.forms]


forms [in iel.forms]


IELMtoIEL [in iel.nd]
Inclusion [in iel.gentree]


Lindenbaum [in iel.nd]
list_length_ind [in iel.toolbox]
L_prod_def [in iel.gentree]
L_sum_def [in iel.gentree]
L_list_def [in iel.gentree]


MapPerm [in iel.Permutations]
Models [in iel.models]
Models [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


ndTAdmissible [in iel.nd]


Permutations [in iel.Permutations]
Permutation_Facts [in iel.Permutations]


shifting [in iel.nd]


Transl [in iel.nd]


UndupFacts [in iel.structuralProperties]
UsableContraction [in iel.structuralProperties]


Weakening [in iel.nd]

Abbreviation Index


context [in iel.nd]
cumul [in iel.gentree]


list_enumerator__T [in iel.gentree]

Definition Index


candidateList [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
CharAnd [in iel.decidability]
CharFal [in iel.decidability]
CharImp [in iel.decidability]
CharOr [in iel.decidability]
checkConsistent [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkDCL [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkDCLSingle [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrime [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrimeDisj [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
checkPrimeSingle [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
cogUno [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Consistency [in iel.decidability]
consistent [in iel.nd]
consT [in iel.nd]
context [in iel.decidabilityK]
Contraction [in iel.structuralProperties]
countable__T [in iel.forms]
countable_list__T [in iel.forms]
ctx2thy [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ctx2thy [in iel.nd]
cumulative [in iel.gentree]
Cut [in iel.decidability]


Dec [in iel.gentree]
dec [in iel.gentree]
decode [in iel.forms]
decodeOpt [in iel.forms]
dec2bool [in iel.gentree]
dedClosed [in iel.nd]
deOptionize [in iel.forms]
DN [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


e [in iel.forms]
elem [in iel.nd]
embed [in iel.gentree]
empty [in iel.nd]
entails [in iel.models]
entails [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
enumerable [in iel.gentree]
enumerable [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
enumerable__T [in iel.gentree]
enumerator [in iel.gentree]
eqtf [in iel.forms]
eqType_CS [in iel.gentree]
equalCtx [in iel.nd]
equi [in iel.gentree]
evalK [in iel.models]
evalK' [in iel.models]
evalK' [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
extend [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
extend [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


falsityEnumStable [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
falsityStable [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
fentails [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
finiteModel [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
finiteModelProperty [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
flatten [in iel.gentree]
fmp [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
ftheroy [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
ftheroy' [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


Gamma [in iel.decidability]
Gammac [in iel.decidabilityK]
goal [in iel.decidability]
goalc [in iel.decidabilityK]


inf_list_enumerable__T [in iel.gentree]
injective [in iel.Permutations]
insert_num [in iel.nd]
insert_form [in iel.nd]
isIEL [in iel.models]
isIEL [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
is_true [in iel.gentree]
is_primeDN [in iel.nd]
is_prime [in iel.nd]


justK [in iel.toolbox]


kIfy [in iel.nd]


Lambda [in iel.decidability]
Lambdac [in iel.decidabilityK]
LEM [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
liftProp [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
liftRelOne [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Lindenbaum [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
Lindenbaum [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
lindenBaumTheory [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
listEnumerator [in iel.forms]
list_enumerable__T [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator__T' [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerable [in iel.gentree]
list_enumerator [in iel.gentree]
list_eq [in iel.gentree]
lk [in iel.permutationSCforK]
lr [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
lr' [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
L_prod_list [in iel.gentree]
L_sum_list [in iel.gentree]
L_list [in iel.gentree]
L_list [in iel.forms]


max [in iel.nd]
maxn [in iel.nd]
model_constraint [in iel.models]
model_constraint [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Monotonicity [in iel.decidability]
MP [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]


ndminus [in iel.nd]
ndT [in iel.nd]
notK [in iel.toolbox]
ntree_of_list [in iel.gentree]
ntree_to_list [in iel.gentree]
ntree_equal_dec_lemma [in iel.gentree]
ntree_eq_dec [in iel.gentree]
ntree_ind2 [in iel.gentree]


pcancel [in iel.forms]
PermutationExchange [in iel.structuralProperties]
Pickle [in iel.forms]
pickle [in iel.forms]
pickleNat [in iel.forms]


realCandidates [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
reflectionModel [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
Reflexivity [in iel.decidability]
remNotK [in iel.toolbox]


scl [in iel.decidability]
scl' [in iel.decidability]
sf_closed [in iel.decidability]
shift [in iel.nd]
single_extend [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
single_extend [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
size [in iel.forms]
step [in iel.decidability]
stepb [in iel.decidability]
stepc [in iel.decidabilityK]
stepcb [in iel.decidabilityK]
strongCompleteness [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
strongEnumerableCompleteness [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
structLeftContraction [in iel.structuralProperties]
structLeftWeakening [in iel.structuralProperties]
structRightContraction [in iel.structuralProperties]
structRightWeakening [in iel.structuralProperties]
subset [in iel.nd]
subsetMKT [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
subsetMKT [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subsetMKT [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
subsetVerif [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
subsetVerif [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
subsetVerif [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


theory [in iel.nd]
to_cumul [in iel.gentree]


U [in iel.decidability]
Uc [in iel.decidabilityK]
Uc_sfc [in iel.decidabilityK]
unbox [in iel.nd]
unembed [in iel.gentree]
unionCtx [in iel.nd]
unK [in iel.toolbox]
unoModel [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
Unpickle [in iel.forms]
unpickle [in iel.forms]
unpickleNat [in iel.forms]
U_sfc [in iel.decidability]
U' [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U' [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]
U'_sfc [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
U'_sfc [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


valuationMKT [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
valuationMKT [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
valuationMKT [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]


Weak [in iel.structuralProperties]
weak [in iel.nd]

Record Index


eqType [in iel.gentree]


KripkeModel [in iel.models]


mcTheory [in iel.semanticCutElimination]
mcTheory [in iel.modelsClassicalCompleteness]
mcTheory [in iel.constructiveCompleteness]

Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (2667 entries)
Notation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (37 entries)
Binder Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (1842 entries)
Module Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (2 entries)
Variable Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (53 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (13 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (333 entries)
Constructor Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (86 entries)
Projection Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (25 entries)
Inductive Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (11 entries)
Instance Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (50 entries)
Section Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (42 entries)
Abbreviation Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (3 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (165 entries)
Record Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ other (5 entries)