Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Syntax.Facts.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Semantics.Tarski.FullFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Reification.GeneralReflection.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics.PA.
Import MetaCoq.Template.Ast MetaCoq.Template.TemplateMonad.Core.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Require Import String List.
Section ReificationExample.
Context (D':Type).
Context {I : interp D'}.
Context {D_fulfills : forall f rho, PAeq f -> rho ⊨ f}.
Notation "'iO'" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Zero ([])) (at level 1) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'iS' x" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Succ ([x])) (at level 37) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊕' y" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Plus ([x ; y]) ) (at level 39) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊗' y" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Mult ([x ; y]) ) (at level 38) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i=' y" := (@i_atom _ _ D' I Eq ([x ; y]) ) (at level 40) : PA_Notation.
Open Scope string_scope.
Instance PA_reflector : tarski_reflector := buildDefaultTarski
(anyVariableOf ("D'" :: nil)). Arguments D_fulfills _ _ _ : clear implicits.
Lemma ieq_refl d : d i= d.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_refl (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_sym d d' : d i= d' -> d' i= d.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_sym (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_trans d d' d'' : d i= d' -> d' i= d'' -> d i= d''.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_trans (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 2 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_congr_succ d d' : d i= d' -> iS d i= iS d'.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_succ_congr (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 3 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_congr_add d d' e e' : d i= d' -> e i= e' -> d i⊕ e i= d' i⊕ e'.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_add_congr (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 4 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma PA_induction (P:D -> Prop): representableP 1 P -> P iO -> (forall d:D, P d -> P (iS d)) -> forall d:D, P d.
intros [phi [rho Prf]] H0 HS d.
pose (D_fulfills _ rho (PAeq_induction phi)) as Hind.
cbn in Prf. cbn in Hind. rewrite Prf.
apply Hind.
- rewrite sat_comp. erewrite (@sat_ext _ _ _ _ _ _ (iO .: rho)).
+ rewrite <- Prf. apply H0.
+ now intros [|n].
- intros d' IH. rewrite sat_comp. erewrite (@sat_ext _ _ _ _ _ _ (iS d' .: rho)).
+ rewrite <- Prf. apply HS. rewrite Prf. apply IH.
+ now intros [|n].
Lemma discriminate (x:D) : x i= iO \/ exists y, x i= iS y.
generalize x. apply PA_induction.
- represent.
- left. apply ieq_refl.
- intros d IH. right.
exists d. apply ieq_refl.
Lemma add_succ_l : forall a b, (iS a) i⊕ b i= iS (a i⊕ b).
specialize (D_fulfills ax_add_rec emptyEnv). cbn in D_fulfills.
intros a b. apply D_fulfills.
apply (@PAeq_FA ax_add_rec). do 7 right. now left.
Lemma add_zero_l b : iO i⊕ b i= b.
specialize (D_fulfills ax_add_zero emptyEnv). cbn in D_fulfills.
apply D_fulfills.
apply (PAeq_FA). do 6 right. now left.
Lemma add_zero_r a : a i⊕ iO i= a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- apply add_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
pose proof (add_succ_l d iO) as Hsl.
eapply ieq_trans. 1:exact Hsl.
apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
Lemma add_succ_r a b : a i⊕ (iS b) i= iS (a i⊕ b).
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans. 1:apply (add_zero_l (iS b)). apply ieq_congr_succ, ieq_sym, add_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 1:apply (add_succ_l d (iS b)). apply ieq_congr_succ. eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
Lemma add_comm a b : a i⊕ b i= b i⊕ a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_zero_l b).
+ apply ieq_sym, (add_zero_r b).
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_succ_l a' b).
+ apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_r.
Lemma add_assoc a b c : a i⊕ (b i⊕ c) i= (a i⊕ b) i⊕ c.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply add_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_sym, add_zero_l. apply ieq_refl.
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans. 3:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_succ_l).
+ apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 2:apply ieq_refl. apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
Lemma mul_zero_l a : iO i⊗ a i= iO.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_mult_zero (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 8 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma mul_succ_l a b : iS a i⊗ b i= b i⊕ a i⊗ b.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_mult_rec (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 9 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma mul_zero_r a : a i⊗ iO i= iO.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- apply mul_zero_l.
- intros d IH. eapply ieq_trans. 2: eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply mul_succ_l.
+ apply add_zero_l.
+ apply IH.
Lemma mul_succ_r a b : a i⊗ iS b i= a i⊕ a i⊗ b.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans. 2: eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply mul_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_refl. apply ieq_sym, mul_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply mul_succ_l.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_refl | apply IH].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply add_assoc.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply add_succ_l | apply ieq_refl].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_congr_succ | apply ieq_refl]; apply add_comm.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l | apply ieq_refl].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_sym, add_assoc.
eapply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_refl.
apply ieq_sym, mul_succ_l.
Lemma mul_comm a b : a i⊗ b i= b i⊗ a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (mul_zero_l b).
+ apply ieq_sym, (mul_zero_r b).
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (mul_succ_l a' b).
+ apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_refl | apply IH].
+ apply ieq_sym, mul_succ_r.
Definition proj1 {X:Type} {Y:X->Type} (H:{x:X&Y x}) : X := match H with existT x y => x end.
Lemma example (a b : D) : representableP 0 (a i⊕ b i= b i⊕ a).
Proof. represent. Defined.
Lemma only_logic : representableP 0 (~(True <-> False)).
Proof. represent. Defined.
Lemma large : representableP 0
(True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
\/ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
\/ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True).
Proof. represent. Defined.
End ReificationExample.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Semantics.Tarski.FullFacts.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Reification.GeneralReflection.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics.PA.
Import MetaCoq.Template.Ast MetaCoq.Template.TemplateMonad.Core.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Require Import String List.
Section ReificationExample.
Context (D':Type).
Context {I : interp D'}.
Context {D_fulfills : forall f rho, PAeq f -> rho ⊨ f}.
Notation "'iO'" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Zero ([])) (at level 1) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'iS' x" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Succ ([x])) (at level 37) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊕' y" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Plus ([x ; y]) ) (at level 39) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊗' y" := (@i_func _ _ D' I Mult ([x ; y]) ) (at level 38) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i=' y" := (@i_atom _ _ D' I Eq ([x ; y]) ) (at level 40) : PA_Notation.
Open Scope string_scope.
Instance PA_reflector : tarski_reflector := buildDefaultTarski
(anyVariableOf ("D'" :: nil)). Arguments D_fulfills _ _ _ : clear implicits.
Lemma ieq_refl d : d i= d.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_refl (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_sym d d' : d i= d' -> d' i= d.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_sym (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_trans d d' d'' : d i= d' -> d' i= d'' -> d i= d''.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_trans (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 2 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_congr_succ d d' : d i= d' -> iS d i= iS d'.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_succ_congr (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 3 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma ieq_congr_add d d' e e' : d i= d' -> e i= e' -> d i⊕ e i= d' i⊕ e'.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_add_congr (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 4 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma PA_induction (P:D -> Prop): representableP 1 P -> P iO -> (forall d:D, P d -> P (iS d)) -> forall d:D, P d.
intros [phi [rho Prf]] H0 HS d.
pose (D_fulfills _ rho (PAeq_induction phi)) as Hind.
cbn in Prf. cbn in Hind. rewrite Prf.
apply Hind.
- rewrite sat_comp. erewrite (@sat_ext _ _ _ _ _ _ (iO .: rho)).
+ rewrite <- Prf. apply H0.
+ now intros [|n].
- intros d' IH. rewrite sat_comp. erewrite (@sat_ext _ _ _ _ _ _ (iS d' .: rho)).
+ rewrite <- Prf. apply HS. rewrite Prf. apply IH.
+ now intros [|n].
Lemma discriminate (x:D) : x i= iO \/ exists y, x i= iS y.
generalize x. apply PA_induction.
- represent.
- left. apply ieq_refl.
- intros d IH. right.
exists d. apply ieq_refl.
Lemma add_succ_l : forall a b, (iS a) i⊕ b i= iS (a i⊕ b).
specialize (D_fulfills ax_add_rec emptyEnv). cbn in D_fulfills.
intros a b. apply D_fulfills.
apply (@PAeq_FA ax_add_rec). do 7 right. now left.
Lemma add_zero_l b : iO i⊕ b i= b.
specialize (D_fulfills ax_add_zero emptyEnv). cbn in D_fulfills.
apply D_fulfills.
apply (PAeq_FA). do 6 right. now left.
Lemma add_zero_r a : a i⊕ iO i= a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- apply add_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
pose proof (add_succ_l d iO) as Hsl.
eapply ieq_trans. 1:exact Hsl.
apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
Lemma add_succ_r a b : a i⊕ (iS b) i= iS (a i⊕ b).
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans. 1:apply (add_zero_l (iS b)). apply ieq_congr_succ, ieq_sym, add_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 1:apply (add_succ_l d (iS b)). apply ieq_congr_succ. eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
Lemma add_comm a b : a i⊕ b i= b i⊕ a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_zero_l b).
+ apply ieq_sym, (add_zero_r b).
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_succ_l a' b).
+ apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_r.
Lemma add_assoc a b c : a i⊕ (b i⊕ c) i= (a i⊕ b) i⊕ c.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply add_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_sym, add_zero_l. apply ieq_refl.
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans. 3:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (add_succ_l).
+ apply ieq_congr_succ, IH.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 2:apply ieq_refl. apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l.
Lemma mul_zero_l a : iO i⊗ a i= iO.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_mult_zero (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 8 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma mul_succ_l a b : iS a i⊗ b i= b i⊕ a i⊗ b.
Proof. apply (D_fulfills ax_mult_rec (fun _ => iO)). apply PAeq_FA. do 9 right. now left. Qed.
Lemma mul_zero_r a : a i⊗ iO i= iO.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- apply mul_zero_l.
- intros d IH. eapply ieq_trans. 2: eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply mul_succ_l.
+ apply add_zero_l.
+ apply IH.
Lemma mul_succ_r a b : a i⊗ iS b i= a i⊕ a i⊗ b.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans. 2: eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply mul_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_sym, add_zero_l.
+ apply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_refl. apply ieq_sym, mul_zero_l.
- intros d IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply mul_succ_l.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_refl | apply IH].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply add_assoc.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply add_succ_l | apply ieq_refl].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_congr_succ | apply ieq_refl]; apply add_comm.
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_sym, add_succ_l | apply ieq_refl].
eapply ieq_trans. 1: apply ieq_sym, add_assoc.
eapply ieq_congr_add. 1: apply ieq_refl.
apply ieq_sym, mul_succ_l.
Lemma mul_comm a b : a i⊗ b i= b i⊗ a.
elim a using PA_induction.
- represent.
- eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (mul_zero_l b).
+ apply ieq_sym, (mul_zero_r b).
- intros a' IH.
eapply ieq_trans. 2:eapply ieq_trans.
+ apply (mul_succ_l a' b).
+ apply ieq_congr_add; [apply ieq_refl | apply IH].
+ apply ieq_sym, mul_succ_r.
Definition proj1 {X:Type} {Y:X->Type} (H:{x:X&Y x}) : X := match H with existT x y => x end.
Lemma example (a b : D) : representableP 0 (a i⊕ b i= b i⊕ a).
Proof. represent. Defined.
Lemma only_logic : representableP 0 (~(True <-> False)).
Proof. represent. Defined.
Lemma large : representableP 0
(True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
\/ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
/\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True
\/ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ True /\ True /\ True \/ False /\ ~False \/ True <-> True).
Proof. represent. Defined.
End ReificationExample.