Require Import PeanoNat Lia Vector.
From Undecidability.SOL Require Import SOL PA2.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Vectors VectorForall.
From Undecidability.SOL.Util Require Import Syntax Subst Tarski PA2_facts.

Import VectorNotations SubstNotations.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Unset Implicit Arguments.

Section Categoricity.

  Variable M1 : Model.
  Variable M2 : Model.

  Hypothesis M1_correct : M1 PA2.
  Hypothesis M2_correct : M2 PA2.

  Notation D1 := (M_domain M1).
  Notation D2 := (M_domain M2).
  Notation I1 := (M_interp M1).
  Notation I2 := (M_interp M2).
  Notation eq1_sem := (eq_sem M1).
  Notation eq2_sem := (eq_sem M2).

  Notation "'O1'" := (@i_f _ _ D1 I1 Zero ([])).
  Notation "'O2'" := (@i_f _ _ D2 I2 Zero ([])).
  Notation "'S1' x" := (@i_f _ _ D1 I1 Succ ([x])) (at level 37).
  Notation "'S2' x" := (@i_f _ _ D2 I2 Succ ([x])) (at level 37).
  Notation "x 'i⊕1' y" := (@i_f _ _ D1 I1 Plus ([x ; y])) (at level 39).
  Notation "x 'i⊕2' y" := (@i_f _ _ D2 I2 Plus ([x ; y])) (at level 39).
  Notation "x 'i⊗1' y" := (@i_f _ _ D1 I1 Mult ([x ; y])) (at level 38).
  Notation "x 'i⊗2' y" := (@i_f _ _ D2 I2 Mult ([x ; y])) (at level 38).
  Notation "x '=1=' y" := (@i_P _ _ D1 I1 Eq ([x ; y])) (at level 40).
  Notation "x '=2=' y" := (@i_P _ _ D2 I2 Eq ([x ; y])) (at level 40).

  Inductive F : D1 -> D2 -> Prop :=
    | F_O : F O1 O2
    | F_S : forall x y, F x y -> F (S1 x) (S2 y).

  Lemma F_inv1 x :
    F (S1 x) O2 -> False.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros H. inversion H.
    + now apply (zero_succ M1 M1_correct x).
    + now apply (zero_succ M2 M2_correct y).

  Lemma F_inv2 y :
    F O1 (S2 y) -> False.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros H. inversion H.
    + now apply (zero_succ M2 M2_correct y).
    + now apply (zero_succ M1 M1_correct x).

  Lemma F_inv3 y :
    F O1 y -> y = O2.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    destruct (case_analysis M2 M2_correct y) as [->|[y' ->]].
    - easy.
    - now intros H%F_inv2.

  Lemma F_inv4 x :
    F x O2 -> x = O1.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    destruct (case_analysis M1 M1_correct x) as [->|[x' ->]].
    - easy.
    - now intros H%F_inv1.

  Lemma F_inv5 :
    forall x y, F (S1 x) y -> exists y', y = S2 y'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros x y. destruct (case_analysis M2 M2_correct y) as [->|[y' ->]].
    - now intros H%F_inv1.
    - intros _. now exists y'.

  Lemma F_inv6 :
    forall x y, F x (S2 y) -> exists x', x = S1 x'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros x y. destruct (case_analysis M1 M1_correct x) as [->|[x' ->]].
    - now intros H%F_inv2.
    - intros _. now exists x'.

  Lemma F_inv7 x y :
    F (S1 x) (S2 y) -> F x y.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros H. inversion H.
    + exfalso. now apply (zero_succ M1 M1_correct x).
    + apply (succ_inj M1 M1_correct) in H0 as ->.
      apply (succ_inj M2 M2_correct) in H1 as ->.
      exact H2.

  Lemma F_total :
    forall x, exists y, F x y.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    apply (induction M1 M1_correct).
    - exists O2. exact F_O.
    - intros x [y IH]. exists (S2 y). now apply F_S.

  Lemma F_surjective :
    forall y, exists x, F x y.
  Proof using M2_correct.
    apply (induction M2 M2_correct).
    - exists O1. exact F_O.
    - intros y [x IH]. exists (S1 x). now apply F_S.

  Lemma F_functional :
    forall x y y', F x y -> F x y' -> y = y'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    apply (induction M1 M1_correct (fun x => forall y y', F x y -> F x y' -> y = y')).
    - intros y y' H1 H2. now rewrite (F_inv3 y), (F_inv3 y').
    - intros x IH y y' H1 H2.
      destruct (F_inv5 x y H1) as [z ->], (F_inv5 x y' H2) as [z' ->].
      apply F_inv7 in H1; apply F_inv7 in H2. now rewrite (IH z z').

  Lemma F_injective :
    forall x x' y, F x y -> F x' y -> x = x'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros x x' y. revert y x x'.
    apply (induction M2 M2_correct (fun y => forall x x', F x y -> F x' y -> x = x')).
    - intros x x'' H1 H2. now rewrite (F_inv4 x), (F_inv4 x'').
    - intros y IH x x' H1 H2.
      destruct (F_inv6 x y H1) as [z ->], (F_inv6 x' y H2) as [z' ->].
      apply F_inv7 in H1; apply F_inv7 in H2. now rewrite (IH z z').

  Lemma F_add :
    forall x x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> F (x i⊕1 x') (y i⊕2 y').
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    apply (induction M1 M1_correct (fun x => forall x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> F (x i⊕1 x') (y i⊕2 y'))).
    - intros x' y y' H1 H2. rewrite (F_inv3 y H1).
      now rewrite (add_zero M1), (add_zero M2).
    - intros x'' IH x' y y' H1 H2. destruct (F_inv5 x'' y H1) as [y'' ->].
      rewrite (add_rec M1), (add_rec M2); try easy.
      apply F_S, IH. now apply F_inv7. exact H2.

  Lemma F_mul :
    forall x x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> F (x i⊗1 x') (y i⊗2 y').
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    apply (induction M1 M1_correct (fun x => forall x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> F (x i⊗1 x') (y i⊗2 y'))).
    - intros x' y y' H1 H2. rewrite (F_inv3 y H1).
      rewrite (mul_zero M1), (mul_zero M2); try easy.
      exact F_O.
    - intros x'' IH x' y y' H1 H2. destruct (F_inv5 x'' y H1) as [y'' ->].
      rewrite (mul_rec M1), (mul_rec M2); try easy.
      apply F_add. exact H2. apply IH. now apply F_inv7. exact H2.

  Lemma F_eq :
    forall x x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> (x =1= x' <-> y =2= y').
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    apply (induction M1 M1_correct (fun x => forall x' y y', F x y -> F x' y' -> (x =1= x' <-> y =2= y'))).
    - intros x' y y' H1 H2. split.
      + intros H3%eq1_sem. rewrite <- H3 in H2. rewrite (F_inv3 y H1).
        rewrite (F_inv3 y' H2). now apply eq2_sem. easy.
      + intros H3%eq2_sem. rewrite <- H3 in H2. rewrite (F_inv3 y H1) in H2.
        rewrite (F_inv4 x' H2). now apply eq1_sem. easy.
    - intros x IH x' y y' H1 H2. split.
      + intros H3%eq1_sem. rewrite <- H3 in H2.
        destruct (F_inv5 x y H1) as [z ->]. destruct (F_inv5 x y' H2) as [z' ->].
        enough (z =2= z') as ->%eq2_sem by (try easy; now apply eq2_sem).
        apply (IH x). now apply F_inv7. now apply F_inv7. now apply eq1_sem. easy.
      + intros H3%eq2_sem. rewrite <- H3 in H2.
        destruct (F_inv5 x y H1) as [z ->]. destruct (F_inv6 x' z H2) as [x'' ->].
        enough (x =1= x'') as ->%eq1_sem by (try easy; now apply eq1_sem).
        apply (IH x'' z z). now apply F_inv7. now apply F_inv7. now apply eq2_sem. easy.

  Class Iso T1 T2 := { iso : T1 -> T2 -> Prop }.
  Notation "rho ≈ sigma" := (iso rho sigma) (at level 30).

  Instance Iso_indi : Iso D1 D2 := {|
    iso := F
  Instance Iso_vec ar : Iso (vec D1 ar) (vec D2 ar) := {|
    iso v1 v2 := @Forall2 _ _ F ar v1 v2
  Instance Iso_func {ar} : Iso (vec D1 ar -> D1) (vec D2 ar -> D2) := {|
    iso f1 f2 := forall v1 v2, v1 v2 -> F (f1 v1) (f2 v2)
  Instance Iso_pred {ar} : Iso (vec D1 ar -> Prop) (vec D2 ar -> Prop) := {|
    iso P1 P2 := forall v1 v2, v1 v2 -> (P1 v1 <-> P2 v2)
  Instance Iso_env : Iso (env D1) (env D2) := {|
    iso rho1 rho2 := forall n,
         get_indi rho1 n get_indi rho2 n
       /\ forall ar, get_func rho1 n ar get_func rho2 n ar
                  /\ get_pred rho1 n ar get_pred rho2 n ar

  Lemma iso_env_i rho1_i rho1_f rho1_p rho2_i rho2_f rho2_p x y :
    rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p -> x y -> x .: rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p y .: rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p.
    intros H1 H2. split. destruct n; firstorder. apply H1.

  Lemma iso_env_f rho1_i rho1_f rho1_p rho2_i rho2_f rho2_p ar (f1 : vec D1 ar -> D1) f2 :
    rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p -> f1 f2 -> rho1_i, f1 .: rho1_f, rho1_p rho2_i, f2 .: rho2_f, rho2_p.
    intros H1 H2. split. apply H1. intros ar'. split. 2: apply H1.
    destruct n; cbn; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|].
    apply H2. all: apply H1.

  Lemma iso_env_p rho1_i rho1_f rho1_p rho2_i rho2_f rho2_p ar (P1 : vec D1 ar -> Prop) P2 :
    rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p -> P1 P2 -> rho1_i, rho1_f, P1 .: rho1_p rho2_i, rho2_f, P2 .: rho2_p.
    intros H1 H2. split. apply H1. intros ar'. split. apply H1.
    destruct n; cbn; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|].
    apply H2. all: apply H1.

  Lemma iso_vec_eq1 ar (v1 v1' : vec D1 ar) v2 :
    v1 v2 -> v1' v2 -> v1 = v1'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros H1 H2. induction v1 as [|? n ? IHv1].
    - pattern v1'. now apply Vector.case0.
    - revert H2. apply (Vector.caseS' v1'). intros.
      f_equal. eapply F_injective. apply H1. apply H2.
      eapply IHv1. apply H1. apply H2.

  Lemma iso_vec_eq2 ar (v1 : vec D1 ar) v2 v2' :
    v1 v2 -> v1 v2' -> v2 = v2'.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    intros H1 H2. induction v2 as [|? ? ? IHv2].
    - pattern v2'. now apply Vector.case0.
    - revert H2. apply (Vector.caseS' v2').
      revert H1. apply (Vector.caseS' v1).
      intros. f_equal. eapply F_functional. apply H1. apply H2.
      eapply IHv2. apply H1. apply H2.

  Lemma P1_to_P2 ar (P1 : vec D1 ar -> Prop) :
    { P2 | P1 P2 }.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    exists (fun v => forall v', Forall2 F v' v -> P1 v').
    intros v1 v2 H1. split.
    - intros H2 v' H3. induction v' as [|? ? ? IHv'].
      + revert H2. pattern v1. now apply Vector.case0.
      + revert H1 H2. apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros.
        assert (h = h0) as ->. { apply eq1_sem. easy. eapply F_eq. apply H3. apply H1. now apply eq2_sem. }
        assert (v' = t) as ->. { eapply IHv'. apply H1. reflexivity. apply H3. }
        exact H2.
    - firstorder.

  Lemma P2_to_P1 ar (P2 : vec D2 ar -> Prop) :
    { P1 | P1 P2 }.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    exists (fun v => forall v', Forall2 F v v' -> P2 v').
    intros v1 v2 H1. split.
    - firstorder.
    - intros H2 v' H3. induction v' as [|? ? ? IHv'].
      + revert H2. pattern v2. now apply Vector.case0.
      + revert H1 H2 H3. apply (Vector.caseS' v2).
        apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros.
        assert (h = h1) as ->. { apply eq2_sem. easy. eapply F_eq. apply H3. apply H1. now apply eq1_sem. }
        assert (v' = t0) as ->. { eapply IHv'. apply H1. reflexivity. apply H3. }
        exact H2.

  Lemma v1_to_v2_ex ar (v1 : vec D1 ar) :
    exists v2, v1 v2.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    induction v1.
    - now exists [].
    - destruct IHv1 as [v2 IH]. destruct (F_total h) as [y H].
      now exists (y::v2).

  Lemma v2_to_v1_ex ar (v2 : vec D2 ar) :
    exists v1, v1 v2.
  Proof using M2_correct.
    induction v2.
    - now exists [].
    - destruct IHv2 as [v1 IH]. destruct (F_surjective h) as [x H].
      now exists (x::v1).

  Lemma F_term rho1 rho2 t :
    rho1 rho2 -> F (eval rho1 t) (eval rho2 t).
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    revert t. apply (term_ind (fun t => rho1 rho2 -> F (eval rho1 t) (eval rho2 t))); intros.
    - apply H.
    - apply H, Forall2_Forall. induction v. easy.
      split. now apply IH. apply IHv, IH.
    - destruct f; cbn in v; revert IH.
      + pattern v. apply Vector.case0. intros. exact F_O.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. intros IH.
        apply F_S. now apply IH.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v1.
        apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. intros IH.
        apply F_add; now apply IH.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v1.
        apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. intros IH.
        apply F_mul; now apply IH.

  Definition iso_env_funcfree (rho1 : env D1) rho2 := forall n, get_indi rho1 n get_indi rho2 n /\ forall ar, get_pred rho1 n ar get_pred rho2 n ar.
  Notation "rho ≈FF sigma" := (iso_env_funcfree rho sigma) (at level 30).

  Lemma iso_env_funcfree_i rho1_i rho1_f rho1_p rho2_i rho2_f rho2_p x y :
    rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p FF rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p -> x y -> x .: rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p FF y .: rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p.
    intros H1 H2 n. split. destruct n; firstorder. apply H1.

  Lemma iso_env_funcfree_p rho1_i rho1_f rho1_p rho2_i rho2_f rho2_p ar (P1 : vec D1 ar -> Prop) P2 :
    rho1_i, rho1_f, rho1_p FF rho2_i, rho2_f, rho2_p -> P1 P2 -> rho1_i, rho1_f, P1 .: rho1_p FF rho2_i, rho2_f, P2 .: rho2_p.
    intros H1 H2 n. split. apply H1. intros ar'. destruct n; cbn;
    destruct Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. apply H2. all: apply H1.

  Lemma F_term_funcfree rho1 rho2 t :
    rho1 FF rho2 -> funcfreeTerm t -> F (eval rho1 t) (eval rho2 t).
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    induction t; intros.
    - apply H.
    - easy.
    - destruct f; cbn in v; revert IH H0.
      + pattern v. apply Vector.case0. intros. exact F_O.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. cbn. intros.
        apply F_S. now apply IH.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v1.
        apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. cbn. intros.
        apply F_add; now apply IH.
      + apply (Vector.caseS' v). intros ? v1.
        apply (Vector.caseS' v1). intros ? v0.
        pattern v0. apply Vector.case0. cbn. intros.
        apply F_mul; now apply IH.

  Theorem sat_iff_funcfree rho1 rho2 phi :
    rho1 FF rho2 -> funcfree phi -> rho1 phi <-> rho2 phi.
  Proof using M2_correct M1_correct.
    revert phi rho1 rho2. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 H F; cbn.
    - easy.
    - destruct p; cbn.
      + apply H. induction t; cbn. easy. split. apply F_term_funcfree. apply H.
        apply F. apply IHt, F.
      + destruct P. cbn in t. revert F.
        apply (Vector.caseS' t). intros ? t1.
        apply (Vector.caseS' t1). intros ? t0.
        pattern t0. apply Vector.case0. cbn. intros.
        now apply F_eq; apply F_term_funcfree.
    - destruct F as [F1 F2].
      specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 H F1); specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 H F2).
      destruct b; tauto.
    - destruct q; split.
      + intros H1 y. destruct (F_surjective y).
        eapply IHphi. 2: easy. 2: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_i; eauto.
      + intros H1 x. destruct (F_total x).
        eapply IHphi. 2: easy. 2: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_i; eauto.
      + intros [x H1]. destruct (F_total x) as [y]. exists y.
        eapply IHphi. 2: easy. 2: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_i; eauto.
      + intros [y H1]. destruct (F_surjective y) as [x]. exists x.
        eapply IHphi. 2: easy. 2: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_i; eauto.
    - easy.
    - destruct q; split.
      + intros H1 P2. destruct (P2_to_P1 _ P2) as [P1 H2].
        eapply IHphi. 3: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_p; eauto. easy.
      + intros H1 P1. destruct (P1_to_P2 _ P1) as [P2 H2].
        eapply IHphi. 3: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_p; eauto. easy.
      + intros [P1 H1]. destruct (P1_to_P2 _ P1) as [P2 H2]. exists P2.
        eapply IHphi. 3: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_p; eauto. easy.
      + intros [P2 H1]. destruct (P2_to_P1 _ P2) as [P1 H2]. exists P1.
        eapply IHphi. 3: apply H1. apply iso_env_funcfree_p; eauto. easy.

End Categoricity.

Theorem PA2_models_agree phi M rho:
  funcfree phi -> bounded_indi 0 phi -> (forall ar, bounded_pred ar 0 phi)
  -> M PA2 -> (M, rho) phi -> forall M', M' PA2 -> M' phi.
  intros F Bi Bp MPA2 H M' M'PA2 rho'.
  eapply sat_ext_closed_funcfree with (sigma := empty_PA2_env _); try assumption.
  eapply sat_ext_closed_funcfree with (sigma := empty_PA2_env _) in H; try assumption.
  eapply sat_iff_funcfree. 5: apply H. apply M'PA2. apply MPA2.
  intros n. split. apply F_O. cbn. reflexivity. assumption.

Theorem PA2_models_agree_FO phi M rho :
  first_order phi -> bounded_indi 0 phi -> M PA2 -> (M, rho) phi -> forall M', M' PA2 -> M' phi.
  intros F B MPA2 H M' M'PA2 rho'.
  eapply sat_ext_closed_FO with (sigma := empty_PA2_env _); try assumption.
  eapply sat_ext_closed_FO with (sigma := empty_PA2_env _) in H; try assumption.
  eapply sat_iff_funcfree. 5: apply H. apply M'PA2. apply MPA2.
  intros n. split. apply F_O. cbn. reflexivity. now apply firstorder_funcfree.

Notation "rho ≈ sigma" := (@iso _ _ _ rho sigma) (at level 30).
Notation "rho ≈FF sigma" := (@iso_env_funcfree _ _ rho sigma) (at level 30).