Require Import Arith Lia.

Definition inj {X Y} (f : X -> Y) :=
  forall x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.
Definition inv {X Y} (g : Y -> X) (f : X -> Y) :=
  forall x, g (f x) = x.
Definition bijection X Y :=
  { f : X -> Y & { g & inv g f /\ inv f g }}.

Lemma size_rect {X} σ f :
  (forall x, (forall y : X, σ y < σ x -> f y) -> f x) -> forall x, f x.
  intros H x. apply H.
  - now intros ??%PeanoNat.Nat.nlt_0_r.
  - intros. apply H.
    intros. apply IHn. lia.

Section Cantor.

  Definition '(x,y) :=
    match x with
    | O => (S y, O)
    | S x' => (x', S y)

  Fact n00_next : forall p, (0,0) <> next p.
  Proof. intros [[] ]; intuition discriminate. Qed.

  Fact inj_next : inj next.
  Proof. intros [[] ][[] ]; cbn; congruence. Qed.

  Fixpoint decode n :=
    match n with
    | 0 => (0,0)
    | S x => next (decode x)

  Lemma inj_decode : inj decode.
    intros n. induction n; intros []; auto.
    - now intros ?%n00_next.
    - now intros ?%eq_sym%n00_next.
    - intros [=?%inj_next%IHn]. congruence.

  (* Shows that the function "next" is almost surjective *)
  Fact zero_or_next : forall p, {a | p = next a} + {p = (0,0)}.
    intros [x []].
    - destruct x. now right. left; now exists (0, x).
    - left; now exists (S x, n).

  Fixpoint Σ n := match n with 0 => 0 | S x => n + Σ x end.

  Definition code '(x,y) := Σ(x+y)+y.

  Lemma code_next p : code(next p) = S(code p).
    destruct p as [[|x] y]; cbn.
    - rewrite <-!plus_n_O, Nat.add_comm. reflexivity.
    - rewrite !Nat.add_succ_r. reflexivity.

  Lemma inv_dc : inv decode code.
    unfold inv.
    apply (size_rect code). intros p rec.
    destruct (zero_or_next p) as [[? ->] | ->].
    - rewrite code_next. cbn. f_equal. apply rec.
      rewrite code_next; auto.
    - reflexivity.

  Fact inv_cd : inv code decode.
    intros ?. apply inj_decode. now rewrite inv_dc.

  Corollary Bij_Nat_NatNat : bijection nat (nat * nat).
    exists decode, code. split. apply inv_cd. apply inv_dc.

  Fact CantorBound x y n : code (x, y) = n -> y < S n.
  Proof. cbn; lia. Qed.

End Cantor.