- Basic logical notions.
- Definitions in synthetic computability.
- Decidability of bounded quantifiers.
- The product type for Nat is witnessing.
- Division with Rest
- Prime Numbers
- Definition of First Order Logic in Coq
- Full Syntax
- Tarski Semantics
- Natural Deduction
- Peano Arithmetic
- PA and Q are consistent in Coq.
- Δ0 Formulas.
- Overspill
- Coding Lemmas
- Church's Thesis
- Enumerable and discrete PA models have decidable divisibility.
- Tennenbaum's Tehorem via a diagnoal argument.
- HA-inseparable formulas.
- Makholm's proof of Tennenbaum's Theorem.
- Variants of Tennenbaum's theorem
- Verification that all variants can be derived from WCT_Q.