Library base

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import ssrfun choice fintype finset path fingraph bigop.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import tactics.

Import Prenex Implicits.

Generic lemmas not in Ssreflect

Lemma ltn_leq_trans n m p : m < n -> n <= p -> m < p.

Lemma path_rcons T (e : rel T) p x y :
  path e x (rcons p y) = (path e x p && e (last x p) y).

Definition xchoose2_sig (T : choiceType) (p q : pred T) :
  (exists2 x , p x & q x) -> {x : T & p x & q x}.

Lemma predC_involutive (X:Type) (p : pred X) x : predC (predC p) x = p x.

Lemma ex2E X (p q : pred X) : (exists2 x , p x & q x) <-> exists x, p x && q x.

Lemma orS b1 b2 : ( b1 || b2 ) -> {b1} + {b2}.

Lemma introP' (P:Prop) (b:bool) : (P -> b) -> (b -> P) -> reflect P b.

Lemma iffP' (P:Prop) (b:bool) : (P <-> b) -> reflect P b.

Lemma reflectPn P p : reflect P p -> reflect (~ P) (~~ p).

Lemma contra' (P Q : Prop) : (P -> Q) -> ~ Q -> ~P.

Lemma connectP' (T : finType) (r : rel T) a b : reflect (clos_refl_trans T r a b) (connect r a b).

Lemma leq1 n : n <= 1 = (n == 0) || (n == 1).

Lemma cards_leq1P (X : finType) (A : {set X}) :
  reflect (forall x y , x \in A -> y \in A -> x = y) (#|A| <= 1).

Alternative membership for {set seq_sub xs}

Implicit Arguments SeqSub [T s].

Section finset.
  Variables (T : choiceType) (xs : seq T).

  Definition msval (X : {set seq_sub xs}) (x : T) :=
  (if x \in xs is true as b return (x \in xs = b -> bool)
    then fun H => SeqSub x H \in X
    else xpred0) (refl_equal _).

  Lemma msvalP (X : {set seq_sub xs}) (x : T) :
    reflect (exists H : x \in xs , SeqSub x H \in X) (msval X x).

  Lemma msvalE x (X : {set seq_sub xs}) H : SeqSub x H \in X = msval X x.
End finset.

Notation "x \in' X" := (msval X x) (at level 20).


Finitely branching trees over countType are have have again a countType structue

Section TreeCountType.
  Variable X : countType.

  Inductive tree := Node : X -> (seq tree) -> tree.

  Section TreeInd.
    Variable P : tree -> Type.
    Variable P' : seq (tree) -> Type.

    Hypothesis Pnil : forall x , P (Node x [::]).
    Hypothesis Pcons : forall x xs, P' xs -> P (Node x xs).

    Hypothesis P'nil : P' nil.
    Hypothesis P'cons : forall t ts , P t -> P' ts -> P' (t::ts).

    Lemma tree_rect' : forall t , P t.
  End TreeInd.

  Lemma tree_eq_dec : forall (x y : tree) , { x = y } + { x <> y }.

  Definition tree_eqMixin := EqMixin (compareP (@tree_eq_dec)).
  Canonical Structure tree_eqType := Eval hnf in @EqType tree tree_eqMixin.

  Section SimpleTreeInd.
    Variable P : tree -> Type.

    Hypothesis Pnil : forall x , P (Node x [::]).
    Hypothesis Pcons : forall x xs , (forall y , y \in xs -> P y) -> P (Node x xs).

    Lemma simple_tree_rect : forall t , P t.
  End SimpleTreeInd.

  Fixpoint t_pickle (t : tree) : seq (X * nat) :=
    let: Node x ts := t in (x, (size ts)) :: flatten (map t_pickle ts).

  Fixpoint t_parse (xs : seq (X * nat)) :=
    match xs with
      | [::] => [::]
      | (x,n) :: xr => let: ts := t_parse xr in Node x (take n ts) :: drop n ts

  Definition t_unpickle := ohead \o t_parse.

  Lemma t_inv : pcancel t_pickle t_unpickle.
    Lemma parse_pickle_xs t xs : t_parse (t_pickle t ++ xs) = t :: t_parse xs.

  Definition tree_countMixin := PcanCountMixin t_inv.
  Definition tree_choiceMixin := CountChoiceMixin tree_countMixin.

  Canonical Structure tree_ChoiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType tree tree_choiceMixin.
  Canonical Structure tree_CountType := Eval hnf in CountType tree tree_countMixin.

End TreeCountType.

A least fixed point operator for finType

Lemma iter_fix T (F : T -> T) x k n :
  iter k F x = iter k.+1 F x -> k <= n -> iter n F x = iter n.+1 F x.

Section FixPoint.
  Variable T :finType.
  Definition set_op := {set T} -> {set T}.
  Definition mono (F : set_op) := forall p q : {set T} , p \subset q -> F p \subset F q.

  Variable F : {set T} -> {set T}.
  Hypothesis monoF : mono F.

  Definition mu := iter #|T|.+1 F set0.

  Lemma mu_ind (P : {set T} -> Type) : P set0 -> (forall s , P s -> P (F s)) -> P mu.

  Lemma iterFsub n : iter n F set0 \subset iter n.+1 F set0.

  Lemma iterFsubn m n : m <= n -> iter m F set0 \subset iter n F set0.

  Lemma muE : mu = F mu.
End FixPoint.

Inductive norm (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) : X -> Prop :=
  normI x : (forall y , R x y -> norm R y) -> norm R x.

Definition sn X (R : X -> X -> Prop) := forall x, norm R x.

Lemma normEn (X:finType) (e : rel X) x : ~ norm e x -> existsb y , e x y.


Definition decidable X P := forall x : X, {P x} + {~ P x}.
Definition decidable2 X Y R := forall (x : X) (y : Y) , {R x y} + {~ R x y}.

Lemma decidable_reflect X P :
  decidable P -> {p : pred X & forall x , reflect (P x) (p x)}.

Lemma reflect_decidable X P :
  {p : pred X & forall x , reflect (P x) (p x)} -> decidable P.

Some lemmas, that allow classical reasoning in some circumstances

Lemma classicF (P:Prop) : (P -> False) -> (~ P -> False) -> False.
Implicit Arguments classicF [].

Lemma classicb (P:Prop) (b:bool) : (P -> b) -> (~ P -> b) -> b.
Implicit Arguments classicb [].

Lemma deMorganb (P Q : Prop) (b : bool) : ((~P \/ ~Q) -> b) <-> (~ (P /\ Q) -> b).

Lemma dnb (P : Prop) (b : bool) : (P -> b) <-> (~ ~ P -> b).

Lemma deMorganE (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop) :
  (~ exists x , P x) -> (forall x , ~ P x).

Lemma deMorganAb (X:Type) (p : X -> bool) (b : bool) :
  ((exists x , ~~ p x) -> b) -> (~ forall x , p x) -> b.

Lemma deMorganE2 (Y: Type) (P Q : Y -> Prop) :
  ~ (exists2 x, P x & Q x) -> forall x, P x -> ~ Q x.

Lemma reflect_DN P p : reflect P p -> ~ ~ P -> P.

Lemma setD1id (T : finType) (A : {set T}) x : A :\ x == A = (x \notin A).

Lemma fin_choice_aux (T : choiceType) T' (d : T') (R : T -> T' -> Prop) (xs : seq T) :
  (forall x, x \in xs -> exists y, R x y) -> exists f , forall x, x \in xs -> R x (f x).

Lemma cardSmC (X : finType) m : (#|X|= m.+1) -> X.

Lemma fin_choice (X : finType) Y (R : X -> Y -> Prop) :
  (forall x : X , exists y , R x y) -> exists f, forall x , R x (f x).