
Require Export LTactics internalize_def.
Require Import bijection Template.Template Strings.Ascii StringBase intermediate.

(* needed to enable fanxy dec-type-notation *)
(* TODO: is this bad for complexity *)
Typeclasses Transparent dec.

Definition String := String.

(* Auxiliary tactics to assert and find correctness lemmas *)

Ltac assert_correct t :=
  let x := fresh "H" in
  pose (x := correct t);
  cbn -[internalizer] in x;
  change internalizer with (int t) in x; simpl in x.

(* Typeclass for registering types *)

Ltac toTT' t :=
  match eval hnf in t with
    forall (x_:?ta),_ =>
    let tt1 := constr:ltac:(toTT' ta) in
    let B := getBody t in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    exact (TyAll tt1 (fun (x:ta) => ltac:(toTT' (B x)))) || fail 1 "toTT' failed for basic type" t
  | Prop => exact (TyElim Prop) || fail 1 "toTT' prop elimination failed" t
  | ?t1 => match type of t1 with
           | Prop => exact (TyElim t1) || fail 2 "toTT' elimination failed for extended type" t
           | ?t' => exact (TyB t1) || fail 1 "toTT' failed for extended type" t "(type:" t' ")"

Ltac toTT t' :=
  let t := eval lazy [dec] in t' in constr:(ltac:(toTT' t)).

(* Tactics to ease registration *)

Ltac register encf := refine (@mk_registered _ encf _);
    abstract (now ((induction 0 || intros);simpl;value)).

Ltac register_inj := constructor;intros x; induction x; destruct 0;simpl; intros eq; try (injection eq || discriminate eq);intros;f_equal;auto;try now apply inj_enc.

(* Tactics to internalize automatically *)
Fixpoint transform (t : Ast.term) : Ast.term :=
  let transform_app := fix f s l {struct l} :=
                         match l with
                         | [] => s
                         | s' :: l' => f (Ast.tApp s [transform s']) l'
  let transform_app' := fix f s l {struct l} :=
                         match l with
                         | [] => s
                         | s' :: l' => f (Ast.tApp s [transform (snd s')]) l'
  match t with
  | Ast.tApp t ls => transform_app (transform t) ls
  | Ast.tLambda x y s => Ast.tLambda x y (transform s)
  | Ast.tCase _ _ s l => transform_app' (transform s) l
  | Ast.tFix [Ast.mkdef _ x1 x2 b x3] x4 => Ast.tFix [Ast.mkdef _ x1 x2 (transform b) x3] x4
  | t => t

(* translates constructors into encode or internalize *)

Ltac matchToApp s l :=
  match eval hnf in l with
  | nil => constr : s
  | cons ?x ?xs =>
    let t := matchToApp (iApp s x) xs in

Definition elAt' L m := nth m L 0.

Ltac annotateVariables' t L :=
  let f x := annotateVariables' x L in
  match eval hnf in t with
  | iVar ?n ?m =>
    let m' := eval lazy in (m + elAt' L m) in
    constr: (iVar n m')
  | iApp ?s ?t =>
    let s' := annotateVariables' s L in
    let t' := annotateVariables' t L in
    constr: (iApp s' t')
  | iLam ?s =>
    let s' := annotateVariables' s (0 :: L) in
    constr: (iLam s')
  | iFix ?s =>
    let s' := annotateVariables' s (0::map S L) in
    constr: (iFix s')
  | iMatch ?s ?l =>
    let l' := list_map iTerm f l in
    let s' := annotateVariables' s L in
    constr:(iMatch s' l')
  | iType ?x => constr:(iType x)
  | iConst ?f => constr:(iConst f)
  | _ => fail 1000 "annotation failed in:" t

Ltac annotateVariables t := annotateVariables' t (@nil nat).

Ltac toLambda t (* : iTerm -> L.term + Coq.term *) :=
  match t with
  | iVar ?n ?m => let v := eval cbv in (@inl term True (Lvw.var m)) in constr: v
  | iLam ?t =>
    match toLambda t with
    | inl ?x => constr : (@inl term True (lam x ))
  | iApp ?s ?t =>
    let x := toLambda s in
    match x with
    | inl ?r1 =>
      let y := toLambda t in
      match y with
        inl ?r2 => constr: (@inl term True (app r1 r2))
      | inr _ => fail 1000 "internalized lhs" s "succesfully, but rhs " t "failed"
    | inr ?r1 =>
      let r2 := reconstruct t in
      constr:( @inl term True (int (r1 r2)) )
    (* if internalization failed  *)
    | inr ?r1 =>
      let r2 := reconstruct t in
      constr: (@inr True _ (r1 r2))
    | inr ?r1 =>
       fail 1000 "internalization failed for" r1 "(reconstructing" t "didn't work)"
  | @iConst ?X ?x =>
    constr: (@inl term True (int x))
  | @iConst ?X ?x =>
    constr: (@inr True X x)
  | iFix ?s =>
    match toLambda s with
      inl ?s' => constr:(@inl term True(Lvw.rho (Lvw.lam s')))
    | _ => fail 100 "failed under fix" t
  | iMatch ?s ?l =>
    let l' := matchToApp s l in
    let t := toLambda l' in
  | iType _ => constr: ( @inl term True I)
  | _ => fail 100 "failed to internalize iterm " t

Ltac visableHead t :=
  match t with
      ?h _ => visableHead h
    | _ => t

(* this can be used to internalize with an anonymous term, defined in coq*)
Ltac internalizeWith' p t_arg:=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?f ] =>
    let t := (let t' := eval lazy [enc] in t_arg in eval cbn in t') in
    let h := visableHead t in (* hack: we allow polymorphic type variables, but ignore them here*)
    let e1 := eval cbv in h in (* this allows to branch depending on an transparent/opaque (e.g. constructor) head*)
    let e :=
        match h with
          e1 => t
        | _ => (let t' := eval lazy [h enc] in t in t')
    let t' := eval lazy [decision] in e in
    match p with 4 => pose t' | _ =>
    let tern := to_iTerm t' in
    match p with 6 => pose tern | _ =>
    let ter := type_elim tern in
    match p with 5 => let ter' := to_iTerm t' in pose ter' | _ =>
    match p with 3 => pose ter | _ =>
    let ter' := annotateVariables ter in
    match p with 2 => pose ter' | _ =>
    let Lter' := toLambda ter' in
    match Lter' with
      | inl ?Lter =>
        match p with
          | 1 => pose Lter

          | _ => apply Build_internalizedClass with (internalizer:=Lter);
              [try value|]
     end end end end end end end

(* this derives the term autonomously*)
Ltac internalize' p :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t ] => internalizeWith' p t

Ltac internalizePretty :=
  let y := fresh "y" in
  let p := fresh "p" in
  let s := fresh "s" in
  let ps := fresh "ps" in
  let R := fresh "R" in
  match goal with
  | |- internalizesF _ (TyAll (TyB _) _) _=> intros y s ps R;hnf in R;internalizePretty;rewrite R;clear s ps R
  | |- internalizesF _ (TyAll (TyElim _) _) _=> intros p s ps R;hnf in R;internalizePretty;rewrite R;clear s ps R
  | |- internalizesF _ (TyAll _ _) _=> intros y s ps R;cbn in R;internalizePretty
  | |- internalizesF _ (TyB _) _=> hnf
  | |- internalizesF _ (TyElim _) _=> hnf
  | |- _ => fail 1000

Ltac internalize := internalize' 0;internalizePretty;crush.
(* Call to internalize non-recursive functions*)
Ltac internalizeC Lter' :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t ] =>
    let X := type of t in
    let tt := toTT X in
    apply Build_internalizedClass with (internalizer:=Lter') (ty :=tt);(try unfold Lter');[simpl;try abstract (value)|try abstract (simpl;crush;simpl)]

Ltac internalizeWith s := internalizeWith' 0 s;internalizePretty;crush.

Ltac recRem :=
  match goal with
    | |- context[rho ?s] =>
      let rP := fresh "rP" in
      set (rP:=s);
      assert (proc rP);[unfold rP;value|
        let P := fresh "P" in
        set (P := rho rP);
          assert (proc P);[unfold P;value|]]

Ltac internalizeR :=
  internalize' 0;internalizePretty;recRem.
(* Call to internalize recursive functions, use "recStep P at i" to do one step of the recursive stuff*)

Ltac internalizeWithR s:=
  internalizeWith' 0 s;internalizePretty;recRem.
(* Call to internalize recursive functions, use "recStep P at i" to do one step of the recursive stuff*)

Ltac enc_correct:=intros;
  match goal with
    | |- context C [@enc _ ?H ?x] =>
      let cl:= fresh "cl" in
      assert (cl:=@proc_enc _ H);unfold enc in cl;simpl in cl;
      let g := context C [@enc_f _ H x] in change g; simpl;induction x;simpl;crush

Notation "'internalized' f" := (internalizedClass ltac:(let t := type of f in let x := toTT t in exact x) f) (at level 100,only parsing).

Tactic Notation "internalize" := internalize.

Tactic Notation "internalize" "template" :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t_arg ] =>
    let t := (let t' := eval lazy [enc] in t_arg in eval cbn in t') in
    let h := visableHead t in (* hack: we allow polymorphic type variables, but ignore them here*)
    let e1 := eval cbv in h in (* this allows to branch depending on an transparent/opaque (e.g. constructor) head*)
    let e :=
        match h with
          e1 => t
        | _ => (let t' := eval lazy [h enc] in t in t')
    let x := do_quote e in
    pose x

Tactic Notation "internalize" "transform" :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t_arg ] =>
    let t := (let t' := eval lazy [enc] in t_arg in eval cbn in t') in
    let h := visableHead t in (* hack: we allow polymorphic type variables, but ignore them here*)
    let e1 := eval cbv in h in (* this allows to branch depending on an transparent/opaque (e.g. constructor) head*)
    let e :=
        match h with
          e1 => t
        | _ => (let t' := eval lazy [h enc] in t in t')
    let x := do_quote e in
    let x := transform x in
    idtac x

Tactic Notation "internalize" "elim" := internalize' 2.

Tactic Notation "internalize" "intermadiate" := internalize' 6.

Tactic Notation "internalize" "term" := internalize' 1.

Tactic Notation "internalize" "constructor" :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t ] =>
    let X := type of t in
    let f := constr:(enc_f X) in
    internalizeC (f t)

Tactic Notation "internalize" "constructor" "using" open_constr(t) := internalizeC t.

Tactic Notation "internalize" open_constr(t) "instead" := internalizeWith t.

Tactic Notation "internalize" "using" open_constr(Lter) :=
    match goal with
  | [ |- internalizedClass _ ?t ] =>
    apply Build_internalizedClass with (internalizer:=Lter)