Require Import FOL Deduction Tarski NumberTheory.
Require Import List Lia.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
(* For Definitions, my reference was the treatment of Peter Smith in "Introduction to Gödel's Theorems"
(page 37) *)
Existing Instance falsity_on.
Require Import List Lia.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
(* For Definitions, my reference was the treatment of Peter Smith in "Introduction to Gödel's Theorems"
(page 37) *)
Existing Instance falsity_on.
Inductive PA_funcs : Type :=
Zero : PA_funcs
| Succ : PA_funcs
| Plus : PA_funcs
| Mult : PA_funcs.
Definition PA_funcs_ar (f : PA_funcs ) :=
match f with
| Zero => 0
| Succ => 1
| Plus => 2
| Mult => 2
Inductive PA_preds : Type := .
Definition PA_preds_ar (P : PA_preds) :=
match P with
| _ => 0
Instance PA_funcs_signature : funcs_signature :=
{| syms := PA_funcs ; ar_syms := PA_funcs_ar |}.
Instance PA_preds_signature : preds_signature :=
{| preds := PA_preds ; ar_preds := PA_preds_ar |}.
Arguments Vector.cons {_} _ {_} _, _ _ _ _.
Declare Scope PA_Notation.
Open Scope PA_Notation.
Notation "'zero'" := (func Zero ([])) (at level 1) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'σ' x" := (func Succ ([x])) (at level 37) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x '⊕' y" := (func Plus ([x ; y]) ) (at level 39) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x '⊗' y" := (func Mult ([x ; y]) ) (at level 38) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x '==' y" := (eq x y) (at level 40) : PA_Notation.
(* Definition syntac_less (x y : term) := (∃ y↑ == σ (x↑ ⊕ *)
Notation "x '⧀' y" := (∃ y`[↑] == σ (x`[↑] ⊕ $0)) (at level 40) : PA_Notation.
(* Defines numerals i.e. a corresponding term for every natural number *)
Fixpoint num n :=
match n with
O => zero
| S x => σ (num x)
Definition forall_times n (phi : form) := iter (fun psi => ∀ psi) n phi.
Definition ax_zero_succ := ∀ (zero == σ var 0 --> ⊥).
Definition ax_succ_inj := ∀∀ (σ $1 == σ $0 --> $1 == $0).
Definition ax_add_zero := ∀ (zero ⊕ $0 == $0).
Definition ax_add_rec := ∀∀ ((σ $0) ⊕ $1 == σ ($0 ⊕ $1)).
Definition ax_mult_zero := ∀ (zero ⊗ $0 == zero).
Definition ax_mult_rec := ∀∀ (σ $1 ⊗ $0 == $0 ⊕ $1 ⊗ $0).
Definition ax_induction (phi : form) :=
phi[zero..] --> (∀ phi --> phi[σ $0 .: S >> var]) --> ∀ phi.
Definition ax_zero_or_succ := ∀ $0 == zero ∨ ∃ $1 == σ $0.
Definition ax_refl := ∀ $0 == $0.
Definition ax_sym := ∀∀ $1 == $0 --> $0 == $1.
Definition ax_trans := ∀∀∀ $2 == $1 --> $1 == $0 --> $2 == $0.
Definition ax_succ_congr := ∀∀ $0 == $1 --> σ $0 == σ $1.
Definition ax_add_congr := ∀∀∀∀ $0 == $1 --> $2 == $3 --> $0 ⊕ $2 == $1 ⊕ $3.
Definition ax_mult_congr := ∀∀∀∀ $0 == $1 --> $2 == $3 --> $0 ⊗ $2 == $1 ⊗ $3.
Definition EQ :=
(ax_refl :: ax_sym :: ax_trans :: ax_succ_congr :: ax_add_congr :: ax_mult_congr :: nil)%list.
Definition Q := (EQ ++ ax_zero_succ :: ax_succ_inj :: ax_add_zero :: ax_add_rec :: ax_mult_zero :: ax_mult_rec :: ax_zero_or_succ :: nil)%list.
Inductive PA : form -> Prop :=
| PA_Q : forall ax, List.In ax Q -> PA ax
| PA_induction : forall phi, PA (ax_induction phi).
Notation "x 'i=' y" := (i_P (Σ_funcs:=PA_preds_signature) (P:=Eq) [x ; y]) (at level 30) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'i0'" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Zero) []) (at level 2) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'iσ' d" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Succ) [d]) (at level 37) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊕' y" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Plus) [x ; y]) (at level 39) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊗' y" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Mult) [x ; y]) (at level 38) : PA_Notation.
| PA_Q : forall ax, List.In ax Q -> PA ax
| PA_induction : forall phi, PA (ax_induction phi).
Notation "x 'i=' y" := (i_P (Σ_funcs:=PA_preds_signature) (P:=Eq) [x ; y]) (at level 30) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'i0'" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Zero) []) (at level 2) : PA_Notation.
Notation "'iσ' d" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Succ) [d]) (at level 37) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊕' y" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Plus) [x ; y]) (at level 39) : PA_Notation.
Notation "x 'i⊗' y" := (i_f (Σ_funcs:=PA_funcs_signature) (f:=Mult) [x ; y]) (at level 38) : PA_Notation.
Section Models.
Variable D : Type.
Variable I : interp D.
Notation "x 'i⧀' y" := (exists d : D, y = iσ (x i⊕ d) ) (at level 40).
Definition theory := form -> Prop.
Definition in_theory (T : theory) phi := T phi.
Notation "phi ∈ T" := (in_theory T phi) (at level 70).
Notation "A ⊏ T" := (forall phi, In phi A -> phi ∈ T) (at level 70).
Definition PAsat phi := exists A, A ⊏ PA /\ forall rho, (forall α, In α A -> rho ⊨ α) -> rho ⊨ phi.
Fixpoint inu n :=
match n with
| 0 => i0
| S x => iσ (inu x)
Fact eval_num sigma n :
eval sigma (num n) = inu n.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- cbn. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma num_subst :
forall n rho, (num n)`[rho] = num n.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- intros rho. cbn. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma switch_num alpha rho n :
rho ⊨ alpha[(num n)..] <-> ((inu n).:rho) ⊨ alpha.
split; intros H.
- erewrite <-eval_num. apply sat_single, H.
- apply sat_single. now rewrite eval_num.
Lemma switch_up_num α rho x d :
(d.:rho) ⊨ (α [up (num x)..]) <-> (d.:((inu x).:rho)) ⊨ α.
rewrite sat_comp. apply sat_ext.
intros [|[]]; try reflexivity.
cbn. now rewrite num_subst, eval_num.
Lemma eq_sym : forall rho a b, rho ⊨ (a == b) -> rho ⊨ (b == a).
intros. now cbn in *.
Lemma eq_trans : forall rho a b c, rho ⊨ (a == b) /\ rho ⊨ (b == c) -> rho ⊨ (a == c).
intros ????. cbn in *. intros []. congruence.
Notation "⊨ phi" := (forall rho, rho ⊨ phi) (at level 21).
Section PA_Model.
Context {axioms : forall ax, PA ax -> ⊨ ax}.
(* provide all axioms in a more useful form *)
Lemma zero_succ x : i0 = iσ x -> False.
assert (⊨ ax_zero_succ) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) x).
apply H.
Lemma succ_inj x y : iσ y = iσ x -> y = x.
assert (⊨ ax_succ_inj ) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) y x).
apply H.
Lemma succ_inj' x y : iσ y = iσ x <-> y = x.
apply succ_inj. now intros ->.
Lemma add_zero d : i0 i⊕ d = d.
assert (⊨ ax_add_zero) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) d).
apply H.
Lemma add_rec n d : (iσ n) i⊕ d = iσ (n i⊕ d).
assert (⊨ ax_add_rec) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) d n).
apply H.
Lemma mult_zero d : i0 i⊗ d = i0.
assert (⊨ ax_mult_zero) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) d).
apply H.
Lemma mult_rec n d : (iσ d) i⊗ n = n i⊕ (d i⊗ n).
assert (⊨ ax_mult_rec) as H.
apply axioms; constructor.
specialize (H (fun _ => i0) d n).
apply H.
Section Induction.
Notation "phi [[ d ]] " := (forall rho, (d.:rho) ⊨ phi) (at level 19).
Variable phi : form.
Variable pred : bounded 1 phi.
Lemma induction1 : phi[[i0]] -> ⊨ phi[zero..].
intros H0 rho.
apply sat_single. apply H0.
Lemma induction2 :
(forall n, phi[[n]] -> phi[[iσ n]]) -> ⊨ (∀ phi --> phi[σ $ 0 .: S >> var]).
intros IH rho d Hd.
eapply sat_comp, sat_ext.
instantiate (1 := ((iσ d).:rho)).
intros []; now cbn.
apply IH. intros ?.
eapply bound_ext. apply pred. 2 : apply Hd.
intros []; intros.
reflexivity. lia.
Theorem induction : phi[[i0]] -> (forall n, phi[[n]] -> phi[[iσ n]] ) -> forall n, phi[[n]].
assert (⊨ ax_induction phi) as H.
apply axioms. apply PA_induction.
intros ??? rho.
specialize (H rho).
apply H.
now apply induction1.
now apply induction2.
End Induction.
Lemma inu_inj x y : inu x = inu y <-> x = y.
induction x in y |-*; destruct y; auto; cbn.
- now intros ?%zero_succ.
- intros H. symmetry in H. now apply zero_succ in H.
- now intros <-%succ_inj%IHx.
- congruence.
Lemma inu_add_hom x y : inu (x + y) = inu x i⊕ inu y.
induction x; cbn.
- now rewrite add_zero.
- now rewrite add_rec, IHx.
Lemma inu_mult_hom x y : inu (x * y) = inu x i⊗ inu y.
induction x; cbn.
- now rewrite mult_zero.
- now rewrite inu_add_hom, IHx, mult_rec.
Lemma add_zero_r n : n i⊕ i0 = n.
pose (phi := $0 ⊕ zero == $0).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ?. cbn. now rewrite add_zero.
- intros x IH rho.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0)); cbn in *.
now rewrite add_rec, IH.
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0)).
Lemma mult_zero_r n : n i⊗ i0 = i0.
pose (phi := $0 ⊗ zero == zero).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ?. cbn. now rewrite mult_zero.
- intros x IH rho.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0)); cbn in *.
now rewrite mult_rec, IH, add_zero.
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0)).
Lemma add_rec_r n d : n i⊕ (iσ d) = iσ (n i⊕ d).
pose (phi := ∀ $1 ⊕ (σ $0) == σ ($1 ⊕ $0) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ??. cbn. now rewrite !add_zero.
- intros x IH rho y. cbn.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) y); cbn in *.
now rewrite !add_rec, IH.
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0) d); cbn in *.
Lemma add_comm n d : n i⊕ d = d i⊕ n.
pose (phi := ∀ $0 ⊕ $1 == $1 ⊕ $0).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ??; cbn. now rewrite add_zero, add_zero_r.
- intros x IH rho.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0)); cbn in *.
intros y. now rewrite add_rec, add_rec_r, IH.
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0) d); cbn in *.
Lemma add_asso x y z : (x i⊕ y) i⊕ z = x i⊕ (y i⊕ z).
pose (phi := ∀∀ ($2 ⊕ $1) ⊕ $0 == $2 ⊕ ($1 ⊕ $0) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ???. cbn. now rewrite !add_zero.
- intros X IH rho Y Z. cbn.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) Y); cbn in *.
now rewrite !add_rec, IH.
- now specialize (H x (fun _ => i0) y z); cbn in *.
Lemma mult_rec_r n d : n i⊗ (iσ d) = n i⊕ (n i⊗ d) .
pose (phi := ∀ $1 ⊗ (σ $0) == $1 ⊕ ($1 ⊗ $0) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ??. cbn. now rewrite !mult_zero, add_zero.
- intros x IH rho y. cbn.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) y); cbn in *.
rewrite !mult_rec, IH, <- !add_asso.
rewrite add_rec, <- add_rec_r. now rewrite (add_comm y).
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0) d); cbn in *.
Lemma mult_comm n d : n i⊗ d = d i⊗ n.
pose (phi := ∀ $0 ⊗ $1 == $1 ⊗ $0).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ??; cbn. now rewrite mult_zero, mult_zero_r.
- intros x IH rho.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0)); cbn in *.
intros y. now rewrite mult_rec, mult_rec_r, IH.
- now specialize (H n (fun _ => i0) d); cbn in *.
Lemma distributive x y z : (x i⊕ y) i⊗ z = (x i⊗ z) i⊕ (y i⊗ z).
pose (phi := ∀∀ ($1 ⊕ $0) ⊗ $2 == ($1 ⊗ $2) ⊕ ($0 ⊗ $2) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ???. cbn. now rewrite !mult_zero_r, add_zero.
- intros X IH rho Y Z. cbn.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) Y); cbn in *.
rewrite mult_rec_r, IH.
rewrite <- add_asso, (add_comm Y Z), (add_asso Z Y).
rewrite <- mult_rec_r.
rewrite add_comm, <-add_asso, (add_comm _ Z).
rewrite <- mult_rec_r.
now rewrite add_comm.
- now specialize (H z (fun _ => i0) x y); cbn in *.
Lemma mult_asso x y z : (x i⊗ y) i⊗ z = x i⊗ (y i⊗ z).
pose (phi := ∀∀ ($2 ⊗ $1) ⊗ $0 == $2 ⊗ ($1 ⊗ $0) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ???. cbn. now rewrite !mult_zero.
- intros X IH rho Y Z. cbn.
specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) Y); cbn in *.
now rewrite !mult_rec, <-IH, distributive.
- now specialize (H x (fun _ => i0) y z); cbn in *.
Lemma nolessthen_zero d : ~ d i⧀ i0.
Proof. now intros [? []%zero_succ]. Qed.
Lemma zero_or_succ : forall d, d = i0 \/ exists x, d = iσ x.
pose (phi := $0 == zero ∨ ∃ $1 == σ $0).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros rho. cbn. now left.
- intros n IH rho. cbn. right. exists n. reflexivity.
- intros d. now specialize (H d (fun _ => i0)); cbn in *.
Goal forall x y : nat, x = y \/ x <> y.
intros x. induction x.
- intros []. auto. auto.
- intros [].
+ right. auto.
+ destruct (IHx n). auto.
right. intros [=<-]. auto.
Lemma eq_dec : forall x y : D, x = y \/ x <> y.
pose (phi := ∀ $1 == $0 ∨ ($1 == $0 --> ⊥)).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros rho d. cbn.
destruct (zero_or_succ d) as [|[x ->]].
+ now left.
+ right. apply zero_succ.
- intros n IH rho. cbn.
intros d. destruct (zero_or_succ d) as [-> | [x ->]].
+ right. intros ?. eapply zero_succ. eauto.
+ destruct (IH (fun _ => i0) x); cbn in H.
left. now rewrite H.
right. intros ?%succ_inj. auto.
- intros x y.
now specialize (H x (fun _ => i0) y); cbn in *.
Lemma sum_is_zero x y : x i⊕ y = i0 -> x = i0 /\ y = i0.
intros H.
destruct (zero_or_succ x) as [-> |[? ->]], (zero_or_succ y) as [-> |[? ->]]; auto.
- repeat split. now rewrite add_zero in H.
- repeat split. rewrite add_rec in H. symmetry in H.
now apply zero_succ in H.
- split; rewrite add_rec in H; symmetry in H; now apply zero_succ in H.
Lemma lt_SS x y : (iσ x) i⧀ (iσ y) <-> x i⧀ y.
split; intros [k Hk]; exists k.
- apply succ_inj in Hk. now rewrite <-add_rec.
- now rewrite Hk, add_rec.
Lemma trichotomy x y : x i⧀ y \/ x = y \/ y i⧀ x.
pose (phi := ∀ ($1 ⧀ $0) ∨ ($1 == $0 ∨ $0 ⧀ $1)).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros rho d; cbn. destruct (zero_or_succ d) as [-> | [k ->] ].
+ now right; left.
+ left. exists k. now rewrite add_zero.
- intros n IH rho d. cbn. destruct (zero_or_succ d) as [-> | [k ->] ].
+ right; right. exists n. now rewrite add_zero.
+ specialize (IH (fun _ => i0) k); cbn in IH.
rewrite !lt_SS. intuition congruence.
- now specialize (H x (fun _ => i0) y); cbn in H.
Lemma add_eq x y t : x i⊕ t = y i⊕ t -> x = y.
pose (phi := ∀∀ $0 ⊕ $2 == $1 ⊕ $2 --> $0 == $1 ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. repeat solve_bounds.
- intros ???. cbn. now rewrite !add_zero_r.
- intros T IH rho Y X; cbn in *.
rewrite !add_rec_r, <-!add_rec.
now intros ?%IH%succ_inj.
- now specialize (H t (fun _ => i0) y x); cbn in *.
Lemma lt_neq x y : x i⧀ y -> x = y -> False.
intros [k Hk] ->. revert Hk.
rewrite <-add_rec_r, <-(add_zero_r y) at 1.
rewrite !(add_comm y).
intros H%add_eq. revert H.
apply zero_succ.
Notation "x 'i≤' y" := (exists d : D, y = x i⊕ d) (at level 40).
Lemma lt_le_equiv1 x y : x i⧀ iσ y <-> x i≤ y.
split; intros [k Hk].
- exists k. now apply succ_inj in Hk.
- exists k. congruence.
Lemma lt_S d e : d i⧀ (iσ e) <-> d i⧀ e \/ d = e.
pose (Φ := ∀ $0 ⧀ σ $1 <--> $0 ⧀ $1 ∨ $0 == $1).
assert (H: forall d rho, (d .: rho)⊨ Φ).
apply induction.
repeat solve_bounds; cbn in H.
1,2 : apply vec_cons_inv in H; destruct H as [-> |]; solve_bounds.
- intros rho x. cbn; destruct (zero_or_succ x) as [-> | [x' ->]]; cbn; split.
+ intros _. now right.
+ intros _. exists i0. now rewrite add_zero.
+ rewrite lt_SS. now intros ?%nolessthen_zero.
+ intros [?%nolessthen_zero | E]. tauto.
symmetry in E. now apply zero_succ in E.
- intros y IH rho x; cbn; destruct (zero_or_succ x) as [-> | [x' ->]].
+ split.
++ intros _. left. exists y. now rewrite add_zero.
++ intros _. exists (iσ y). now rewrite add_zero.
+ rewrite !lt_SS, !succ_inj'.
specialize (IH rho x'). apply IH.
- specialize (H e (fun _ => d) d). apply H.
Lemma lt_le_trans {x z} y : x i⧀ y -> y i≤ z -> x i⧀ z.
intros [k1 H1] [k2 H2]. exists (k1 i⊕ k2). rewrite H2, H1.
now rewrite add_rec, add_asso.
Lemma le_le_trans {x z} y : x i≤ y -> y i≤ z -> x i≤ z.
intros [k1 H1] [k2 H2]. exists (k1 i⊕ k2). rewrite H2, H1.
now rewrite add_asso.
Lemma add_lt_mono x y t : x i⧀ y -> x i⊕ t i⧀ y i⊕ t.
intros [k Hk]. exists k. rewrite Hk.
now rewrite add_rec, !add_asso, (add_comm k t).
Lemma add_le_mono x y t : x i≤ y -> x i⊕ t i≤ y i⊕ t.
intros [k Hk]. exists k. rewrite Hk.
now rewrite !add_asso, (add_comm k t).
Lemma mult_le_mono x y t : x i≤ y -> x i⊗ t i≤ y i⊗ t.
intros [k Hk]. exists (k i⊗ t). rewrite Hk.
now rewrite distributive.
Section Euclid.
Lemma iEuclid : forall x q, exists d r, x = d i⊗ q i⊕ r /\ (i0 i⧀ q -> r i⧀ q).
intros x q.
destruct (zero_or_succ q) as [-> | [q_ ->]].
- exists i0, x. split.
+ rewrite mult_zero, add_zero. reflexivity.
+ now intros ?%nolessthen_zero.
- pose (phi := ∀∃∃ $3 == $1 ⊗ (σ $2) ⊕ $0 ∧ (zero ⧀ (σ $2) --> $0 ⧀ (σ $2) ) ).
assert (forall n rho, (n.:rho) ⊨ phi).
apply induction. cbn. cbn in *. repeat solve_bounds.
+ intros rho d. cbn. exists i0, i0. fold i0. split.
* now rewrite mult_zero, add_zero.
* tauto.
+ intros x' IH rho q'. cbn.
destruct (IH rho q') as [d' [r' [H ]]]. cbn in *.
destruct (eq_dec r' q') as [<- | F].
* exists (iσ d'), i0. split.
rewrite add_zero_r, H.
now rewrite <-add_rec_r, mult_rec, add_comm.
* exists d', (iσ r'). split.
now rewrite H, <-add_rec_r.
intros _. rewrite lt_SS.
assert (r' i≤ q') as G.
{ rewrite <-lt_le_equiv1.
apply H0. exists q'. now rewrite add_zero. }
destruct (trichotomy r' q') as [h |[h|h] ]; intuition.
exfalso. specialize (lt_le_trans _ h G).
intros. now apply (lt_neq q' q').
+ destruct (H x (fun _ => i0) q_) as [d [r [H1 H2]]]. cbn in H1, H2.
exists d, r. split; auto.
Lemma iFac_unique1 d q1 r1 q2 r2 : r1 i⧀ d ->
r1 i⊕ q1 i⊗ d = r2 i⊕ q2 i⊗ d -> q1 i⧀ q2 -> False.
intros H1 E H. revert E. apply lt_neq.
apply lt_le_trans with (d i⊕ q1 i⊗ d).
- now apply add_lt_mono.
- rewrite <- !mult_rec.
apply le_le_trans with (q2 i⊗ d).
+ apply mult_le_mono.
destruct H as [k ->].
exists k. now rewrite add_rec.
+ pattern (q2 i⊗ d) at 2.
rewrite <-(add_zero (q2 i⊗ d)).
apply add_le_mono.
exists r2. now rewrite add_zero.
Lemma iFac_unique q d1 r1 d2 r2 : r1 i⧀ q -> r2 i⧀ q ->
r1 i⊕ d1 i⊗ q = r2 i⊕ d2 i⊗ q -> d1 = d2 /\ r1 = r2.
intros H1 H2 E.
assert (d1 = d2) as ->.
- destruct (trichotomy d1 d2) as [ H | [ | H ]]; auto.
+ exfalso. eapply iFac_unique1. 2: apply E. all: tauto.
+ exfalso. eapply iFac_unique1. symmetry in E.
3: apply H. apply H2. eauto.
- repeat split. now apply add_eq in E.
End Euclid.
Lemma lessthen_num : forall n d, d i⧀ inu n -> exists k, k < n /\ d = inu k.
induction n ; intros d H.
- now apply nolessthen_zero in H.
- destruct (zero_or_succ d) as [-> | [e ->]].
exists 0; split; auto; lia.
cbn in H; apply ->lt_SS in H.
apply IHn in H.
destruct H as [k []].
exists (S k); split. lia. cbn; congruence.
Lemma iEuclid' : forall x y, 0 < y -> exists a b, b < y /\ x = a i⊗ inu y i⊕ inu b.
intros x y.
destruct y as [|y]. lia.
destruct (iEuclid x (inu (S y))) as (a & b & H).
intros Hy.
enough (Hlt : forall x y, x < y -> inu x i⧀ inu y).
apply Hlt, H, lessthen_num in Hy.
destruct Hy as [r [Hr ->]].
exists a, r. split.
apply Hr. apply H.
intros n m [k <-]%lt_nat_equiv.
exists (inu k); cbn. now rewrite inu_add_hom.
End PA_Model.
End Models.
Arguments PAsat {_ _} _.
Notation "'PA⊨' phi" := (forall D (I : interp D) rho, (forall psi : form, PA psi -> rho ⊨ psi) -> rho ⊨ phi) (at level 30).
Section StandartModel.
Definition interp_nat : interp nat.
- destruct f; intros v.
+ exact 0.
+ exact (S (Vector.hd v) ).
+ exact (Vector.hd v + Vector.hd ( v) ).
+ exact (Vector.hd v * Vector.hd ( v) ).
- destruct P.
(* We now show that there is a model in which all of PA's axioms hold. *)
Lemma PA_std_axioms :
forall rho ax, PA ax -> @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho ax.
intros rho ax [a H | H].
repeat (destruct H as [<-| H]); cbn ; try congruence.
intros []. auto. right. exists n; auto. firstorder.
intros H0 IH. intros d. induction d.
- apply sat_single in H0. apply H0.
- apply IH in IHd.
eapply sat_comp, sat_ext in IHd.
apply IHd. intros []; now cbn.
Lemma Q_std_axioms :
forall rho ax, In ax Q -> @sat _ _ nat interp_nat _ rho ax.
intros rho ax H.
repeat (destruct H as [<-| H]); cbn ; try congruence.
intros []. auto. right. exists n; auto. firstorder.
Fact inu_nat_id : forall n, @inu nat interp_nat n = n.
induction n; cbn; congruence.
End StandartModel.
Arguments inu {_ _} _.
Section ND.
Variable p : peirce.
Fixpoint iter {X: Type} f n (x : X) :=
match n with
0 => x
| S m => f (iter f m x)
Fact iter_switch {X} f n x : f (@iter X f n x) = iter f n (f x).
Proof. induction n; cbn; now try rewrite IHn. Qed.
Lemma subst_up_var k x sigma : x < k -> (var x)`[iter up k sigma] = var x.
induction k in x, sigma |-*.
- now intros ?%PeanoNat.Nat.nlt_0_r.
- intros H.
destruct (Compare_dec.lt_eq_lt_dec x k) as [[| <-]|].
+ cbn [iter]. rewrite iter_switch. now apply IHk.
+ destruct x. reflexivity.
change (iter _ _ _) with (up (iter up (S x) sigma)).
change (var (S x)) with ((var x)`[↑]).
rewrite up_term, IHk. reflexivity. constructor.
+ lia.
Lemma subst_bounded_term t sigma k : bounded_t k t -> t`[iter up k sigma] = t.
induction 1.
- now apply subst_up_var.
- cbn. f_equal.
rewrite <-(Vector.map_id _ _ v) at 2.
apply Vector.map_ext_in. auto.
Lemma subst_bounded k phi sigma : bounded k phi -> phi[iter up k sigma] = phi.
induction 1 in sigma |-*; cbn.
- f_equal.
rewrite <-(Vector.map_id _ _ v) at 2.
apply Vector.map_ext_in.
intros t Ht. apply subst_bounded_term. auto.
- now rewrite IHbounded1, IHbounded2.
- f_equal; now apply subst_bounded_term.
- f_equal.
change (up _) with (iter up (S n) sigma).
apply IHbounded.
- reflexivity.
Definition exist_times n (phi : form) := iter (fun psi => ∃ psi) n phi.
Lemma up_decompose sigma phi : phi[up (S >> sigma)][(sigma 0)..] = phi[sigma].
rewrite subst_comp. apply subst_ext.
intros [].
- reflexivity.
- apply subst_term_shift.
Lemma subst_exist_prv {sigma N Gamma} phi :
Gamma ⊢ phi[sigma] -> bounded N phi -> Gamma ⊢ exist_times N phi.
induction N in phi, sigma |-*; intros; cbn.
- erewrite <-(subst_bounded 0); eassumption.
- rewrite iter_switch. eapply (IHN (S >> sigma)).
cbn. eapply (ExI (sigma 0)).
now rewrite up_decompose.
now apply bounded_S_exists.
Lemma subst_forall_prv phi {N Gamma} :
Gamma ⊢ (forall_times N phi) -> bounded N phi -> forall sigma, Gamma ⊢ phi[sigma].
induction N in phi |-*; intros ?? sigma; cbn in *.
- change sigma with (iter up 0 sigma).
now rewrite (subst_bounded 0).
- specialize (IHN (∀ phi) ).
rewrite <-up_decompose.
apply AllE. apply IHN.
unfold forall_times. now rewrite <-iter_switch.
now apply bounded_S_forall.
End ND.
Fixpoint join {X n} (v : Vector.t X n) (rho : nat -> X) :=
match v with
| Vector.nil _ => rho
| Vector.cons _ x n w => join w (x.:rho)
Notation "v '∗' rho" := (join v rho) (at level 20).
Section Q_prv.
Variable p : peirce.
Variable Gamma : list form.
Variable G : incl Q Gamma.
Arguments Weak {_ _ _ _}, _.
Lemma reflexivity t : Gamma ⊢ (t == t).
apply (Weak Q).
pose (sigma := [t] ∗ var ).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($0 == $0)[sigma]).
eapply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 1).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder. constructor;
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma symmetry x y : Gamma ⊢ (x == y) -> Gamma ⊢ (y == x).
apply IE. apply (Weak Q).
pose (sigma := [x ; y] ∗ var ).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($1 == $0 --> $0 == $1)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 2).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder;
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma transitivity x y z :
Gamma ⊢ (x == y) -> Gamma ⊢ (y == z) -> Gamma ⊢ (x == z).
intros H. apply IE. revert H; apply IE.
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [x ; y ; z] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($2 == $1 --> $1 == $0 --> $2 == $0)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 3).
apply Ctx. all : try firstorder;
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma eq_succ x y : Gamma ⊢ (x == y) -> Gamma ⊢ (σ x == σ y).
apply IE. apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [y ; x] ∗ var ).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($0 == $1 --> σ $0 == σ $1)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 2).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma eq_add {x1 y1 x2 y2} :
Gamma ⊢ (x1 == x2) -> Gamma ⊢ (y1 == y2) -> Gamma ⊢ (x1 ⊕ y1 == x2 ⊕ y2).
intros H; apply IE. revert H; apply IE.
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [y2 ; y1 ; x2 ; x1] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($0 == $1 --> $2 == $3 --> $0 ⊕ $2 == $1 ⊕ $3)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 4).
apply Ctx. all: firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma eq_mult {x1 y1 x2 y2} :
Gamma ⊢ (x1 == x2) -> Gamma ⊢ (y1 == y2) -> Gamma ⊢ (x1 ⊗ y1 == x2 ⊗ y2).
intros H; apply IE. revert H; apply IE.
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [y2 ; y1 ; x2 ; x1] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ($0 == $1 --> $2 == $3 --> $0 ⊗ $2 == $1 ⊗ $3)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 4).
apply Ctx. all: firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma Zero_succ x : Gamma ⊢ ¬ zero == σ x.
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [x] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ (¬ zero == σ $0)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 1).
apply Ctx. all: firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma Succ_inj x y : Gamma ⊢ σ x == σ y -> Gamma ⊢ x == y.
intros H; eapply IE. 2: apply H.
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [x ; y] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ (σ $1 == σ $0 --> $1 == $0)[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 2).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma Add_rec x y : Gamma ⊢ ( (σ x) ⊕ y == σ (x ⊕ y) ).
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [y ; x] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ (σ $0 ⊕ $1 == σ ($0 ⊕ $1))[sigma]).
apply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 2).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma num_add_homomorphism x y : Gamma ⊢ ( num x ⊕ num y == num (x + y) ).
induction x; cbn.
- pose (phi := zero ⊕ $0 == $0).
apply (@AllE _ _ _ _ _ _ phi ).
apply Weak with Q.
apply Ctx;firstorder.
- eapply transitivity.
apply Add_rec.
now apply eq_succ.
Lemma Mult_rec x y : Gamma ⊢ ( (σ x) ⊗ y == y ⊕ (x ⊗ y) ).
apply Weak with Q.
pose (sigma := [x ; y] ∗ var).
change (Q ⊢ _) with (Q ⊢ ((σ $1) ⊗ $0 == $0 ⊕ ($1 ⊗ $0))[sigma]).
eapply (@subst_forall_prv _ _ 2).
apply Ctx. all : firstorder.
repeat solve_bounds.
Lemma num_mult_homomorphism (x y : nat) : Gamma ⊢ ( num x ⊗ num y == num (x * y) ).
induction x; cbn.
- pose (phi := zero ⊗ $0 == zero).
apply (@AllE _ _ _ _ _ _ phi).
apply Weak with Q. apply Ctx; firstorder.
- eapply transitivity.
apply Mult_rec.
eapply transitivity.
2: apply num_add_homomorphism.
apply eq_add. apply reflexivity. apply IHx.
Lemma num_lt_prv x y : x < y <-> Gamma ⊢ (num x ⧀ num y).
- intros H.
change (Gamma ⊢ exist_times 1 ( (num y)`[↑] == σ ((num x)`[↑] ⊕ $0))).
specialize H as [k <-]%lt_nat_equiv.
pose (sigma := [num x ; num k] ∗ var).
eapply subst_exist_prv with (sigma := sigma).
cbn. rewrite !num_subst.
apply eq_succ, symmetry.
apply num_add_homomorphism.
End Q_prv.
Section Q_prv.
Variable p : peirce.
Variable Gamma : list form.
Variable G : incl Q Gamma.
Lemma better_leibniz sigma phi rho A : (forall n, A ⊢ (sigma n == rho n)) -> A ⊢ phi[sigma] -> A ⊢ phi[rho].
Derive Signature for Vector.t.
Lemma vec_nil_eq X (v : vec X 0) :
v = Vector.nil X.
depelim v. reflexivity.
Lemma vec_inv1 X (v : vec X 1) :
v = [ Vector.hd v ].
repeat depelim v. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma vec_inv2 X (v : vec X 2) :
v = [ Vector.hd v ; Vector.hd ( v) ].
repeat depelim v. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma map_hd X Y n (f : X -> Y) (v : vec X (S n)) :
Vector.hd ( f v) = f (Vector.hd v).
depelim v. reflexivity.
Lemma map_tl X Y n (f : X -> Y) (v : vec X (S n)) : ( f v) = f ( v).
depelim v. reflexivity.
Lemma vec_in_hd X n (v : vec X (S n)) :
vec_in (Vector.hd v) v.
depelim v. constructor.
Lemma vec_in_hd_tl X n (v : vec X (S (S n))) :
vec_in (Vector.hd ( v)) v.
depelim v. constructor. depelim v. constructor.
Lemma in_hd X n (v : vec X (S n)) :
Vector.In (Vector.hd v) v.
depelim v. constructor.
Lemma in_hd_tl X n (v : vec X (S (S n))) :
Vector.In (Vector.hd ( v)) v.
depelim v. constructor. depelim v. constructor.
Lemma closed_term_is_num s : bounded_t 0 s -> { n & Gamma ⊢ s == num n }.
pattern s; revert s. apply term_rect.
- intros ? H. exists 0. inversion H; lia.
- intros [] v N H; cbn in v.
+ exists 0. rewrite (vec_nil_eq _ v).
now apply reflexivity.
+ rewrite (vec_inv1 _ v).
destruct (N (Vector.hd v)) as [n Hn].
apply vec_in_hd.
inversion H. subst.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H2 as ->.
apply H1. apply in_hd. decide equality.
exists (S n); cbn. now apply eq_succ.
+ rewrite (vec_inv2 _ v).
remember (Vector.hd v) as x eqn:Hx.
remember (Vector.hd ( v)) as y eqn:Hy.
destruct (N x) as [n Hn].
rewrite Hx. apply vec_in_hd.
inversion H. subst.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H2 as ->.
apply H1. apply in_hd. decide equality.
destruct (N y) as [m Hm].
rewrite Hy. apply vec_in_hd_tl.
inversion H. subst.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H2 as ->.
apply H1. apply in_hd_tl. decide equality.
exists (n + m).
eapply transitivity.
3 : apply num_add_homomorphism.
all: try assumption.
now apply eq_add.
+ rewrite (vec_inv2 _ v).
remember (Vector.hd v) as x eqn:Hx.
remember (Vector.hd ( v)) as y eqn:Hy.
destruct (N x) as [n Hn].
rewrite Hx. apply vec_in_hd.
inversion H. subst.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H2 as ->.
apply H1. apply in_hd. decide equality.
destruct (N y) as [m Hm].
rewrite Hy. apply vec_in_hd_tl.
inversion H. subst.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H2 as ->.
apply H1. apply in_hd_tl. decide equality.
exists (n * m).
eapply transitivity.
3 : apply num_mult_homomorphism.
all: try assumption.
now apply eq_mult.
Fact num_eq x y : x = y -> Gamma ⊢ num x == num y.
intros ->. now apply reflexivity.
Lemma num_neq x : forall y, x <> y -> Gamma ⊢ ¬ num x == num y.
induction x as [| x IHx].
- intros [] neq.
+ congruence.
+ now apply Zero_succ.
- intros [|y] neq.
+ apply II. eapply IE with (phi := num 0 == num (S x)).
eapply Weak with Gamma. now apply Zero_succ.
apply symmetry.
apply Ctx; firstorder.
+ apply II. eapply IE with (phi := num x == num y).
{ eapply Weak with Gamma. apply IHx.
- lia.
- firstorder. }
apply Succ_inj.
++ firstorder.
++ apply Ctx. firstorder.
Lemma num_eq_dec x y : { Gamma ⊢ num x == num y } + { Gamma ⊢ ¬ num x == num y }.
destruct (LogicFacts.eq_dec_nat x y); [left|right].
- now apply num_eq.
- now apply num_neq.
Lemma term_eq_dec s t : bounded_t 0 s -> bounded_t 0 t -> { Gamma ⊢ s == t } + { Gamma ⊢ ¬ s == t }.
intros Hs Ht.
destruct (closed_term_is_num s Hs) as [n Hn], (closed_term_is_num t Ht) as [m Hm].
destruct (num_eq_dec n m) as [H|H].
- left. eapply transitivity; eauto 1.
eapply transitivity; eauto 1.
apply symmetry; assumption.
- right.
apply II. eapply IE.
apply Weak with Gamma; try apply H; firstorder.
eapply transitivity. shelve.
2 : eapply Weak with Gamma; try apply Hm.
eapply transitivity. shelve.
eapply Weak with Gamma. apply symmetry in Hn. apply Hn.
assumption. shelve.
apply Ctx. Unshelve.
all: firstorder.
Lemma num_lt x y : x < y -> Gamma ⊢ num x ⧀ num y.
intros [k Hk]%lt_nat_equiv.
apply ExI with (t := num k). cbn.
rewrite !num_subst, <-Hk. cbn.
apply eq_succ. easy.
apply symmetry, num_add_homomorphism; easy.
Lemma not_lt_zero_prv x : Q ⊢ ¬ num x ⧀ num 0.
apply II. eapply ExE.
- apply Ctx. firstorder.
- cbn. rewrite num_subst. eapply IE.
+ pose (t := num x ⊕ $0).
apply Zero_succ with (x := t).
+ apply Ctx. firstorder.
Lemma Faster3 : forall A, Q <<= A ++ map (subst_form ↑) Q.
intros A; induction A; cbn -[Q].
- firstorder.
- right. now apply IHA.
Lemma num_nlt x : forall y, ~ (x < y) -> Q ⊢ ¬ num x ⧀ num y.
induction x as [| x IHx].
- intros [] ineq.
+ apply not_lt_zero_prv.
+ lia.
- intros [|y] ineq.
+ apply not_lt_zero_prv.
+ assert (~ x < y) as H % IHx by lia.
apply II. eapply IE.
{ eapply Weak; [apply H | firstorder]. }
eapply ExE.
* apply Ctx. firstorder.
* apply ExI with (t := $0).
cbn -[Q]. rewrite !num_subst.
eapply transitivity. firstorder.
2 : {apply Add_rec. firstorder. }
apply Succ_inj. firstorder.
apply Ctx. now left.
Lemma num_lt_dec x y : { Gamma ⊢ num x ⧀ num y } + { Gamma ⊢ ¬ num x ⧀ num y }.
destruct (LogicFacts.lt_dec x y); [left|right].
- now apply num_lt.
- apply Weak with Q; [now apply num_nlt | assumption].
Lemma term_lt_dec s t : bounded_t 0 s -> bounded_t 0 t -> { Gamma ⊢ s ⧀ t } + { Gamma ⊢ ¬ s ⧀ t }.
intros Hs Ht.
destruct (closed_term_is_num s Hs) as [n Hn], (closed_term_is_num t Ht) as [m Hm].
destruct (num_lt_dec n m) as [H|H].
- left.
End Q_prv.