- Decidability of bounded quantifiers.
- Witness Operator
- Division with Rest
- Prime Numbers
- Proposed new definition of First Order Logic in Coq
- Natural Deduction
- Full Syntax
- Tarski Semantics
- Peano Arithmetic
- Homomorphism Properties of Numerals
- Closed terms are numerals.
- Provability of equality for closed terms is decidable.
- Tennenbaum's Theorem
- Preliminaries
- Assuming RT there are recursively inseparable Sigma_1 Formulas.
- Overspill Lemma
- Facts about divisibility and order of standard and non-standard numbers.
- Coding Lemma for natural numbers
- Coding Lemma for non-standard Models.
- Potentiall existence of a number for which divisibility is not decidable.
- Tennebaum's Theorem