Library CFG.Derivation

Require Export Symbols.

Derivability and languages

Inductive der (G : grammar) (A : var) : list symbol Prop :=
| vDer : der G A [Vs A]
| rDer l : (R A l) el G der G A l
| replN B u w v : der G A (u ++ [Vs B] ++ w) der G B v der G A (u ++ v ++ w).
Hint Constructors der.

Definition terminal (u : phrase) : Prop :=
   s, s el u t, s = Ts t.

Lemma terminal_split u v :
  terminal (u ++ v) terminal u terminal v.
  intros H.
  split ; intros s T ; apply H ; auto.

Definition language (G : grammar) (A : var) (u : phrase) : Prop :=
  der G A u terminal u.

Alternative characterizations of derivability

Inductive derL (G : grammar) (A : var) : list symbol Prop :=
| sDer : derL G A [Vs A]
| gDer B u v w : (R B v) el G derL G A (u ++ [Vs B] ++ w) derL G A (u ++ v ++ w).
Hint Constructors derL.

Inductive derT (G : grammar) : list symbol list symbol Prop :=
| derTRefl u : derT G u u
| derTRule A u : R A u el G derT G [Vs A] u
| derTTrans u v w x y : derT G x (u ++ y ++ w) derT G y v derT G x (u++v++w).
Hint Constructors derT.

Inductive derf (G : grammar) : phrase phrase Prop :=
| fRefl u : derf G u u
| fRule A u v : R A u el G derf G u v derf G [Vs A] v
| fCons s u v w : derf G [s] v derf G u w derf G (s :: u) (v ++ w).
Hint Constructors derf.

Inductive derI (G : grammar) : phrase phrase Prop :=
| derIRefl u : derI G u u
| derIRule A u v w : R A v el G derI G (u ++ [Vs A] ++ w) (u ++ v ++ w)
| derITrans u v w : derI G u v derI G v w derI G u w.
Hint Constructors derI.

Linear equivalences

Lemma derL_der_equiv (G : grammar) (A : var) (u : list symbol) :
  der G A u derL G A u.
  - induction 1 as [| ? l | A B u w v H IHder1 H0 IHder2] ; eauto.
    + replace l with ([] ++ l ++ []) by apply app_nil_r.
      econstructor 2 ; eauto using derL.
    + clear H H0.
      induction IHder2 as [| C x y z] ; auto.
      replace (u ++ (x ++ y ++ z) ++ w) with ((u ++ x) ++ y ++ (z ++ w)) by now repeat rewrite app_assoc.
      econstructor 2 ; eauto.
      now replace ((u++x) ++ [Vs C] ++ (z ++ w)) with ((u ++ (x ++ [Vs C] ++ z) ++ w)) by now repeat rewrite app_assoc.
  - induction 1 ; eauto using der.

Lemma derT_der_equiv (G : grammar) (A : var) (u : list symbol) :
  der G A u derT G [Vs A] u.
  - induction 1 ; eauto using derT.
  - remember ([Vs A]) as v.
    induction 1 as [ | | u v w x y H IHderT1 H0 IHderT2] ; try injection Heqv ; try intros He ; subst ; eauto.
    specialize (IHderT1 eq_refl).
    clear H IHderT2.
    revert IHderT1. revert u w.
    induction H0 as [| | u v w x y ? IHderT1 ? IHderT2] ; intros u' w' IH1 ; eauto.
    replace (u' ++ (u ++ v ++ w) ++ w') with ((u' ++ u) ++ v ++ (w ++ w')) by now repeat rewrite app_assoc.
    apply IHderT2.
    replace ((u' ++ u) ++ y ++ w ++ w') with (u' ++ (u ++ y ++ w) ++ w') by now repeat rewrite app_assoc.
    now apply IHderT1.

Properties of derivation predicates

Lemma derf_concat G u1 u2 v1 v2 :
  derf G u1 v1 derf G u2 v2 derf G (u1 ++ u2) (v1 ++ v2).
  intros D0 D1.
  induction D0 as [u | | ] ; simpl ; eauto.
  - induction u as [|s u] ; auto. simpl.
    replace (s :: u ++ v2) with ([s] ++ u ++ v2) ; auto.
  - rewrite <- app_assoc. auto.

Lemma derf_split G u u1 u2 v :
  derf G u v u = u1 ++ u2 v1 v2, v = v1 ++ v2 derf G u1 v1 derf G u2 v2.
  intros D. revert u1 u2.
  induction D as [ | | s u v w ? IHD1 ? IHD2] ; intros u1 u2 U.
  - revert U. revert u1 u2. induction u as [| s u] ; intros u1 u2 U.
    + symmetry in U. apply app_eq_nil in U.
      destruct U as [U1 U2] ; subst.
       [], []. repeat split ; auto.
    + destruct u1 ; simpl in U ; subst.
      × destruct (IHu [] u) as [v1 [v2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]] ; auto.
         [], (s :: u). repeat split ; auto.
      × inv U. destruct (IHu u1 u2) as [v1 [v2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]] ; auto.
         (s0 :: u1), u2. repeat split ; auto.
  - destruct u1 ; simpl in U ; subst.
    + [], v. repeat split ; eauto.
    + inversion U as [[H0 H1]] ; subst. symmetry in H1.
      apply app_eq_nil in H1.
      destruct H1 as [H1 H1']. subst.
       v, []. repeat split ; eauto using app_nil_r.
  - destruct u1 ; simpl in U ; subst.
    + [], (v ++ w). repeat split ; auto.
    + inversion U as [[H0 H1]]. destruct (IHD2 u1 u2 H1) as [v1 [v2 [IH0 [IH1 IH2]]]] ; subst.
       (v ++ v1), v2. rewrite <- app_assoc. repeat split ; auto.

Lemma derf_trans G u v w :
  derf G u v derf G v w derf G u w.
  intros D0. revert w.
  induction D0 as [| | ? ? v w] ; intros w' D1 ; eauto.
  apply derf_split with (u1 := v) (u2 := w) in D1 ; auto.
  destruct D1 as [v1 [v2 [D1 [D2 D3]]]].
  rewrite D1. eauto.

Remaining equivalences

Lemma derf_derT G u v :
  derf G u v derT G u v.
  induction 1 as [ | A u v | s u v w ? ? ? ?] ; eauto.
  - replace v with ([] ++ v ++ []) by (simpl ; auto using app_nil_r).
    econstructor 3 ; eauto.
    constructor 2. simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. eauto.
  - replace (s :: u) with ([s] ++ u) by auto.
    rewrite <- app_nil_r. rewrite <- app_assoc.
    replace ([s] ++ u) with ([s] ++ u ++ []) by now rewrite app_nil_r.
    econstructor 3 ; eauto.
    repeat rewrite app_nil_r.
    rewrite <- app_nil_l.
    replace ([s] ++ u) with ([] ++ [s] ++ u) by auto using app_nil_l.
    constructor 3 with (y := [s]) ; eauto.

Lemma derT_derI G u v :
  derT G u v derI G u v.
  induction 1 as [| A u | ? ? ? ? ? H IHderT1 H0 IHderT2] ; eauto.
  - rewrite <- app_nil_r, <- app_nil_l.
    replace [Vs A] with ([] ++ [Vs A] ++ []) ; eauto.
  - clear H H0.
    induction IHderT2 ; auto.
    repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in ×.
    rewrite app_assoc in × ; eauto.

Lemma derI_derf G u v :
  derI G u v derf G u v.
  induction 1 ; eauto using derf_concat, derf_trans.

Inferred equivlaneces and properties

Lemma derf_der_equiv G A u :
  derf G [Vs A] u der G A u.
  split ; intros H.
  - now apply derT_der_equiv, derf_derT.
  - now apply derI_derf, derT_derI, derT_der_equiv.

Lemma derT_trans (G : grammar) (u v w : list symbol) :
  derT G u v derT G v w derT G u w.
  intros H1 H2.
  replace w with ([] ++ w ++ []) by now rewrite <- app_nil_r.
  econstructor 3 ; eauto.
  now rewrite app_nil_l, app_nil_r.

Lemma derT_concat G u u' v v' :
  derT G u v derT G u' v' derT G (u ++ u') (v ++ v').
  intros H0 H1.
  apply derf_derT.
  apply derT_derI, derI_derf in H0.
  apply derT_derI, derI_derf in H1.
  apply derf_concat ; auto.

Lemma der_subset G1 G2 A u :
  G1 <<= G2 der G1 A u der G2 A u.
  induction 2 ; eauto.

Further Properties

Lemma der_equiv_G G1 G2 A u :
  G1 === G2 (der G1 A u der G2 A u).
  intros H. split ; apply der_subset ; destruct H ; auto.

Lemma symbs_der G A u :
  ¬ Vs A el symbs G der G A u u = [Vs A].
  intros V D.
  induction D as [ | A l | A B u v w D IHD1 D0 IHD2] ; auto.
  - exfalso. apply V. apply symbs_inv. A, l. split ; auto.
  - specialize (IHD1 V).
    symmetry in IHD1.
    apply list_unit in IHD1.
    destruct IHD1 as [H0 [H1 H2]] ; injection H2 ; intros H3 ; subst.
    rewrite app_nil_r, app_nil_l.
    now apply IHD2.