Require Import Preliminaries_Coq Preliminaries_Lists_Coq.
(* Main Synthetic Computability Theory Definitions used in the Thesis *)
(*Decidability, Semidecidability, (Strong) Enumerability *)
Definition decidable {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= exists F, forall x, p x <-> F x = true.
Definition stable {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition semidecider {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: X -> nat -> bool): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F x n = true.
Definition semidec {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, semidecider p F.
Definition enumerator {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: nat -> option X): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F n = Some x.
Definition strong_enumerator {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: nat -> X): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F n = x.
Definition enumerable {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, enumerator p F.
Definition strong_enumerable {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, strong_enumerator p F.
Definition one_one_redfunc {X Y} p q (f: X -> Y) : Prop
:= injective f /\ forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Definition one_one_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> Y) , one_one_redfunc p q f.
Notation "p <=1 q" := (one_one_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition many_one_redfunc {X Y: Type} p q (f: X -> Y) : Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Definition many_one_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> Y), many_one_redfunc p q f.
Notation "p <=m q" := (many_one_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition corresponding {X} (p: X -> Prop) LX LB: Prop
:= Forall2 (fun x b => p x <-> b = true) LX LB.
Definition tt_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> list Y), exists (alpha: forall x L, length L = length (f x) -> bool),
forall x L H, corresponding q (f x) L -> p x <-> alpha x L H = true.
Notation "p <=tt q" := (tt_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
(* Computability Degrees *)
Definition rec_iso {X Y} p q: Prop
:=exists (f: X -> Y), bijective f /\ forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Notation "p == q" := (rec_iso p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition one_one_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=1 q) /\ (q <=1 p).
Notation "p =1 q" := (one_one_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition many_one_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=m q) /\ (q <=m p).
Notation "p =m q" := (many_one_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition tt_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=tt q) /\ (q <=tt p).
Notation "p =tt q" := (tt_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
(* Reduction Completeness *)
Definition one_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=1 p.
Definition m_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=m p.
Definition tt_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=tt p.
Definition FE : Prop
:= forall X (T: X -> Type) (f1 f2: forall (x: X), T x), (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> f1 = f2.
(* Axioms based on the enumerator of semidecidable predicates W *)
Section Axioms.
Definition ES_SIG : Type
:= {W: nat -> nat -> Prop | forall (p: nat -> Prop), semidec p <-> exists c, forall x, W c x <-> p x}.
Variable W: nat -> nat -> Prop.
Definition ES : Prop
:= forall (p: nat -> Prop), semidec p <-> exists c, forall x, W c x <-> p x.
Definition W_SEMIDEC : Prop
:= semidec (fun '(c,x) => W c x).
Definition S_M_N' : Prop
:= forall (f: nat -> nat), exists (k: nat -> nat), forall (c: nat) x, (W (k c)) x <-> W c (f x).
Definition CNS_sig : Type
:= {cns | forall n L, (forall x, W n x <-> In x L)
-> forall m x, W (cns m n) x <-> In x (m :: L)}.
Definition LIST_ID : Type
:= forall (L : list nat), {c | forall x, W c x <-> In x L}.
End Axioms.
(* Main Synthetic Computability Theory Definitions used in the Thesis *)
(*Decidability, Semidecidability, (Strong) Enumerability *)
Definition decidable {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= exists F, forall x, p x <-> F x = true.
Definition stable {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= forall x, ~~ p x -> p x.
Definition semidecider {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: X -> nat -> bool): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F x n = true.
Definition semidec {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, semidecider p F.
Definition enumerator {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: nat -> option X): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F n = Some x.
Definition strong_enumerator {X} (p: X -> Prop) (F: nat -> X): Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> exists n, F n = x.
Definition enumerable {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, enumerator p F.
Definition strong_enumerable {X} (p: X -> Prop): Prop
:= exists F, strong_enumerator p F.
Definition one_one_redfunc {X Y} p q (f: X -> Y) : Prop
:= injective f /\ forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Definition one_one_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> Y) , one_one_redfunc p q f.
Notation "p <=1 q" := (one_one_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition many_one_redfunc {X Y: Type} p q (f: X -> Y) : Prop
:= forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Definition many_one_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> Y), many_one_redfunc p q f.
Notation "p <=m q" := (many_one_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition corresponding {X} (p: X -> Prop) LX LB: Prop
:= Forall2 (fun x b => p x <-> b = true) LX LB.
Definition tt_red {X Y} p q : Prop
:= exists (f: X -> list Y), exists (alpha: forall x L, length L = length (f x) -> bool),
forall x L H, corresponding q (f x) L -> p x <-> alpha x L H = true.
Notation "p <=tt q" := (tt_red p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
(* Computability Degrees *)
Definition rec_iso {X Y} p q: Prop
:=exists (f: X -> Y), bijective f /\ forall x, p x <-> q (f x).
Notation "p == q" := (rec_iso p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition one_one_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=1 q) /\ (q <=1 p).
Notation "p =1 q" := (one_one_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition many_one_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=m q) /\ (q <=m p).
Notation "p =m q" := (many_one_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Definition tt_degree {X Y} (p: X -> Prop) (q: Y -> Prop): Prop
:= (p <=tt q) /\ (q <=tt p).
Notation "p =tt q" := (tt_degree p q) (at level 95, no associativity).
(* Reduction Completeness *)
Definition one_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=1 p.
Definition m_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=m p.
Definition tt_complete {X} (p: X -> Prop) : Prop
:= semidec p /\ forall Y, type_iso X Y -> discrete Y
-> forall (q: Y -> Prop), semidec q -> q <=tt p.
Definition FE : Prop
:= forall X (T: X -> Type) (f1 f2: forall (x: X), T x), (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> f1 = f2.
(* Axioms based on the enumerator of semidecidable predicates W *)
Section Axioms.
Definition ES_SIG : Type
:= {W: nat -> nat -> Prop | forall (p: nat -> Prop), semidec p <-> exists c, forall x, W c x <-> p x}.
Variable W: nat -> nat -> Prop.
Definition ES : Prop
:= forall (p: nat -> Prop), semidec p <-> exists c, forall x, W c x <-> p x.
Definition W_SEMIDEC : Prop
:= semidec (fun '(c,x) => W c x).
Definition S_M_N' : Prop
:= forall (f: nat -> nat), exists (k: nat -> nat), forall (c: nat) x, (W (k c)) x <-> W c (f x).
Definition CNS_sig : Type
:= {cns | forall n L, (forall x, W n x <-> In x L)
-> forall m x, W (cns m n) x <-> In x (m :: L)}.
Definition LIST_ID : Type
:= forall (L : list nat), {c | forall x, W c x <-> In x L}.
End Axioms.