Require Import FOL SOL FullSyntax Tarski Henkin Deduction.
Require Import Vector VectorLib Util.
Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Enumerable Decidable.
Import VectorNotations.
Import SubstNotations.
Definition toFOLBinop b := match b with
| FullSyntax.Conj => FOL.Conj
| FullSyntax.Disj => FOL.Disj
| FullSyntax.Impl => FOL.Impl
Definition toSOLBinop b := match b with
| FOL.Conj => FullSyntax.Conj
| FOL.Disj => FullSyntax.Disj
| FOL.Impl => FullSyntax.Impl
Definition toSOLQuantop b := match b with
| FOL.All => FullSyntax.All
| FOL.Ex => FullSyntax.Ex
Definition toFOLQuantop b := match b with
| FullSyntax.All => FOL.All
| FullSyntax.Ex => FOL.Ex
Lemma toSOLBinop_toFOLBinop b :
toSOLBinop (toFOLBinop b) = b.
now destruct b.
Section Signature.
Context {Σf2 : SOL.funcs_signature}.
Context {Σp2 : SOL.preds_signature}.
(* Add symbols for predicate application to the SOL signature. *)
Inductive FOLSyms :=
| NormalSym : syms -> FOLSyms.
Inductive FOLPreds :=
| NormalPred : preds -> FOLPreds
| PredApp : nat -> FOLPreds.
Instance Σf1 : FOL.funcs_signature := {|
FOL.syms := FOLSyms ;
FOL.ar_syms f := match f with NormalSym f => SOL.ar_syms f end
Instance Σp1 : FOL.preds_signature := {|
FOL.preds := FOLPreds ;
FOL.ar_preds P := match P with NormalPred P => SOL.ar_preds P | PredApp ar => S ar end
The extended signatures preserve discreteness and enumerablility
Lemma Sigma_f1_eq_dec :
eq_dec Σf2 -> eq_dec Σf1.
intros H [x] [y]. enough (dec (x = y)) as [->|H1].
now left. right. congruence. apply H.
Lemma Sigma_p1_eq_dec :
eq_dec Σp2 -> eq_dec Σp1.
intros H [p|n] [p'|n'].
- enough (dec (p = p')) as [->|H1]. now left. right. congruence. apply H.
- right. congruence.
- right. congruence.
- decide (n = n') as [->|]. now left. right. congruence.
Lemma Sigma_f1_enumerable :
enumerable__T Σf2 -> enumerable__T Σf1.
intros [f Hf]. exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => Some (NormalSym x) | None => None end).
intros [x]. destruct (Hf x) as [n H]. exists n. now rewrite H.
Lemma Sigma_p1_enumerable :
enumerable__T Σp2 -> enumerable__T Σp1.
intros [f Hf].
exists (fun n => match pi1 n with
| 0 => match f (pi2 n) with Some x => Some (NormalPred x) | None => None end
| _ => Some (PredApp (pi2 n))
intros [x|n].
- destruct (Hf x) as [n H]. exists (embed (0,n)). now rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct, H.
- exists (embed (1,n)). now rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct.
Notations for first-order syntax
Notation "⊥'" := FOL.falsity.
Notation "A ∧' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Conj A B) (at level 41).
Notation "A ∨' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Disj A B) (at level 42).
Notation "A '-->'' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Impl A B) (at level 43, right associativity).
Notation "A '<-->'' B" := ((A -->' B) ∧' (B -->' A)) (at level 44, right associativity).
Notation "∀' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.All Phi) (at level 50).
Notation "∃' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Ex Phi) (at level 50).
Notation "phi `[ sigma ]" := (FOL.subst_form sigma phi) (at level 7, left associativity, format "phi '/' `[ sigma ]") : subst_scope.
Notation "f >>' g" := (FOL.funcomp g f) (at level 50) : subst_scope.
Notation "s '..''" := (FOL.scons s FOL.var) (at level 4, format "s ..'") : subst_scope.
Notation "↑'" := (S >>' FOL.var) : subst_scope.
Notation "A ⊢1 phi" := (FOL.prv _ A phi) (at level 61).
Notation "A ⊢2 phi" := (Deduction.prv A phi) (at level 61).
Lemma FOL_term_ind (p : FOL.term -> Prop) :
(forall x, p (FOL.var x)) -> (forall F v (IH : VectorLib.Forall p v), p (FOL.func F v)) -> forall t, p t.
intros f1 f2. fix F 1. intros [n|f v].
- apply f1.
- apply f2. induction v. easy. split. apply F. apply IHv.
Definition of Translation Function
Definition pcons (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat :=
fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (pos n) end.
Definition pcons' (ar : nat) (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat :=
fun n ar' => match n with
| 0 => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then 0 else S (pos 0 ar')
| S n => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then S (pos n ar') else S (pos (S n) ar') end.
Definition pshift (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat := fun n => S (pos n).
Definition pshift' (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat := fun n ar => S (pos n ar).
Fixpoint toFOLTerm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (t : SOL.term) : FOL.term := match t with
| SOL.var_indi x => FOL.var (pos_i x)
| SOL.func (var_func x ar) v => FOL.var 0
| SOL.func (sym f) v => FOL.func (NormalSym f) ( (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)
Fixpoint toFOLForm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (pos_p : nat -> nat -> nat) (phi : SOL.form) : FOL.form := match phi with
| SOL.fal => FOL.falsity
| SOL.atom (pred P) v => FOL.atom (NormalPred P) ( (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)
| SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v => FOL.atom (PredApp ar) (FOL.var (pos_p x ar) :: (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)
| SOL.bin op phi psi => FOL.bin (toFOLBinop op) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p psi)
| SOL.quant_indi op phi => FOL.quant (toFOLQuantop op) (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
| SOL.quant_func op ar phi => FOL.falsity
| SOL.quant_pred op ar phi => FOL.quant (toFOLQuantop op) (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' ar pos_p) phi)
Definition initial_pos_i n := embed (0, n).
Definition initial_pos_p n ar := embed (1, embed (n, ar)).
Definition toFOLForm' (phi : SOL.form) := toFOLForm initial_pos_i initial_pos_p phi.
Lemma toFOLTerm_ext_i pos_i pos_i' t :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi_term n t -> pos_i n = pos_i' n)
-> toFOLTerm pos_i t = toFOLTerm pos_i' t.
intros Hi. induction t; cbn.
- rewrite Hi. reflexivity. cbn; lia.
- reflexivity.
- f_equal. apply map_ext_in. intros t H. eapply Forall_in in IH. apply IH.
intros n H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. all: easy.
Lemma toFOLForm_ext_i pos_i pos_i' pos_p phi :
(forall n, ~bounded_indi n phi -> pos_i n = pos_i' n)
-> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p phi.
induction phi in pos_i, pos_i', pos_p |-*; cbn; intros Hi.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn; f_equal. f_equal. all: apply map_ext_in; intros t H;
apply toFOLTerm_ext_i; intros n' H1; apply Hi; intros H2; apply H1;
eapply Forall_in in H2; try apply H2; easy.
- erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2; firstorder.
- f_equal. apply IHphi. intros [] H; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
- reflexivity.
- f_equal. apply IHphi. intros n' H. unfold pshift. now rewrite Hi.
Lemma toFOLForm_ext_p pos_i pos_p pos_p' phi :
(forall n ar, ~bounded_pred ar n phi -> pos_p n ar = pos_p' n ar)
-> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i pos_p' phi.
induction phi in pos_i, pos_p, pos_p' |-*; intros Hp; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; f_equal. rewrite Hp. reflexivity. cbn; lia.
- erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2; firstorder.
- erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros n ar H. unfold pshift'. now rewrite Hp.
- reflexivity.
- erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros [] ar H; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|].
reflexivity. all: rewrite Hp; try reflexivity; cbn; now intros [[]|[]]; try lia.
Definition closed phi := bounded_indi 0 phi /\ (forall ar, bounded_func ar 0 phi) /\ (forall ar, bounded_pred ar 0 phi).
Lemma toFOLForm_closed_ext pos_i pos_p pos_i' pos_p' phi :
closed phi -> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p' phi.
intros C. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_p, toFOLForm_ext_i. reflexivity.
- intros n H. exfalso. apply H. eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply C. lia.
- intros n ar H. exfalso. apply H. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply C. lia.
Lemma comprehension_form_funcfree ar phi :
funcfree phi -> funcfree (comprehension_form ar phi).
intros H. apply forall_n_funcfree. repeat split; cbn.
1,4: induction ar; firstorder. all: now apply funcfree_subst_p.
Definition C := fun phi => exists ar psi, funcfree psi /\ phi = close All (comprehension_form ar psi).
Definition toFOLTheory (T : SOL.form -> Prop) := fun phi => exists phi', phi = toFOLForm' phi' /\ T phi'.
Lemma toFOLTheory_enumerable T :
enumerable T -> enumerable (toFOLTheory T).
intros [f Hf]. exists (fun n => match f n with Some phi => Some (toFOLForm' phi) | None => None end).
intros phi. split.
- intros [psi [-> H]]. apply Hf in H as [n H]. exists n. now rewrite H.
- intros [n H]. destruct f eqn:H1.
+ inversion H. eexists. split. reflexivity. apply Hf. now exists n.
+ easy.
Lemma C_enumerable :
enumerable__T Σf2 -> enumerable__T Σp2 -> enumerable C.
intros E1 E2. unfold C. destruct form_enumerable as [f Hf]; trivial.
apply enumT_binop. apply enumT_quantop.
exists (fun n => match f (pi1 n) with Some phi => if funcfree_dec phi then Some (close All (comprehension_form (pi2 n) phi)) else None | None => None end).
intros phi. split.
- intros [ar [psi [H1 H2]]]. destruct (Hf psi) as [n H3].
exists (embed (n, ar)). rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct, H2, H3.
now destruct funcfree_dec.
- intros [n H1]. destruct f eqn:H2; try easy. destruct funcfree_dec; try easy.
inversion H1. eauto.
Section HenkinModel_To_FOModel.
Variable D2 : Type.
Context {I2 : Tarski.interp D2}.
Variable funcs : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> D2) -> Prop.
Variable preds : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> Prop) -> Prop.
Inductive D1 :=
| fromIndi : D2 -> D1
| fromPred : forall ar (P : vec D2 ar -> Prop), preds ar P -> D1.
Hypothesis D2_inhabited : D2.
Hypothesis funcs_inhabited : forall ar, { f | funcs ar f }.
Hypothesis preds_inhabited : forall ar, { P | preds ar P }.
Definition error_i := D2_inhabited.
Definition error_p ar := proj1_sig (preds_inhabited ar).
Lemma error_p_included ar :
preds ar (error_p ar).
unfold error_p. now destruct preds_inhabited.
Definition toIndi (d1 : D1) := match d1 with fromIndi d2 => d2 | _ => error_i end.
Definition toPred ar (d1 : D1) := match d1 with
| fromPred ar' P2 _ => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
| left e => match eq_sym e in _ = ar return vec D2 ar -> Prop with eq_refl => P2 end
| right _ => error_p ar
| _ => error_p ar
Instance I1 : FOL.interp D1 := {|
FOL.i_func f := match f with
| NormalSym f => fun v => fromIndi (Tarski.i_f _ f ( toIndi v))
end ;
FOL.i_atom P := match P with
| NormalPred P => fun v => Tarski.i_P _ P ( (fun d => match d with fromIndi d => d | _ => error_i end) v)
| PredApp ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with
| fromPred ar' P _ => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
| left e => P match e in _ = ar' return vec _ ar' with eq_refl => toIndi ( v) end
| right _ => error_p ar ( toIndi ( v))
| _ => error_p ar ( toIndi ( v))
Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i t :
funcfreeTerm t
-> (forall n, toIndi (rho1 (pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n)
-> toIndi (FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i t)) = Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t.
intros F Hi. induction t; cbn.
- apply Hi.
- now exfalso.
- f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
apply IH. apply F.
Ltac destruct_eq_dec :=
repeat (cbn; try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|]).
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p phi :
funcfree phi
-> (forall n, toIndi (rho1 (pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n)
-> (forall n ar, toPred ar (rho1 (pos_p n ar)) = get_pred rho2 n ar)
-> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn.
+ rewrite <- Hp.
assert (map toIndi (map (FOL.eval rho1) (map (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)) = map (eval D2 rho2) v) as ->. {
rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in.
intros t H. erewrite toFOLTerm_correct_2To1. reflexivity.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi. }
destruct (rho1 (pos_p n ar)); try easy. cbn. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
+ assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_in.
intros t H. rewrite <- (toFOLTerm_correct_2To1 rho1 _ pos_i). now destruct FOL.eval.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
- specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder));
specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder)).
destruct b; cbn; tauto.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fromIndi d)). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros H [d|ar P ?].
* eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
* eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H error_i). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros [[d|ar P ?] H].
* exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
* exists error_i. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
+ intros [d H]. exists (fromIndi d). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
- now exfalso.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H P HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fromPred _ P HP')). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
+ intros H [d|ar P ?].
* eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (error_p _)), error_p_included. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
* destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n ar) as [->|].
-- eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H P). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
-- eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (error_p _)), error_p_included. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
+ intros [[d|ar P HP'] H].
* exists (error_p _), (error_p_included _). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
* destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n ar) as [->|].
-- exists P, HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
-- exists (error_p _), (error_p_included _). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
+ intros [P [HP' H]]. exists (fromPred _ P HP'). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
Definition toFOLEnv rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) := fun n => match unembed n with
| (0, n) => fromIndi (get_indi rho2 n)
| (_, x) => fromPred _ (get_pred rho2 (pi1 x) (pi2 x)) ltac:(apply H)
Lemma toFOLEnv_correct_i rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) :
forall n, toIndi (toFOLEnv rho2 H (initial_pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n.
intros n. unfold toFOLEnv, initial_pos_i. now rewrite unembed_embed.
Lemma toFOLEnv_correct_p rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) :
forall n ar, toPred ar (toFOLEnv rho2 H (initial_pos_p n ar)) = get_pred rho2 n ar.
intros n ar. unfold toFOLEnv, initial_pos_p.
rewrite unembed_embed, pi1_correct, pi2_correct.
destruct H. cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_2To1' rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) phi :
funcfree phi -> FOL.sat (toFOLEnv rho2 H) (toFOLForm' phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
intros F. apply toFOLForm_correct_2To1. apply F.
apply toFOLEnv_correct_i. apply toFOLEnv_correct_p.
End HenkinModel_To_FOModel.
Section FOModel_To_HenkinModel.
Variable D1 : Type.
Context {I1 : FOL.interp D1}.
Definition D2 := D1.
Definition funcs ar (f : vec D2 ar -> D2) := True.
Definition preds ar (P : vec D2 ar -> Prop) :=
exists d : D1, forall v, P v <-> i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (d::v).
Instance I2 : Tarski.interp D2 := {|
Tarski.i_f f v := i_func (f:=NormalSym f) v ;
Tarski.i_P P v := i_atom (P:=NormalPred P) v
Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i t :
funcfreeTerm t
-> (forall n, get_indi rho2 n = rho1 (pos_i n))
-> Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t = FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i t).
intros F Hi. induction t; cbn.
- apply Hi.
- now exfalso.
- f_equal. rewrite map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
apply IH. apply F.
Ltac destruct_eq_dec :=
repeat (cbn; try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|]).
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p phi :
funcfree phi
-> (forall n, get_indi rho2 n = rho1 (pos_i n))
-> (forall n ar, forall v, get_pred rho2 n ar v <-> i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (rho1 (pos_p n ar) :: v))
-> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn.
+ rewrite <- Hp. assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t H.
erewrite <- toFOLTerm_correct_1To2. reflexivity.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
+ assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t H.
erewrite <- toFOLTerm_correct_1To2. reflexivity.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
- destruct F as [F1 F2]. specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F1 Hi Hp);
specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F2 Hi Hp). destruct b; cbn; tauto.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
+ intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
+ intros [d H]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
+ intros [d H]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
- now exfalso.
- destruct q; cbn; split.
+ intros H P [d Hd]. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: try easy.
+ intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::v))).
4: now exists d. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.
+ intros [d H]. exists (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::v)).
eexists. now exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.
+ intros [f [[d Hd] H]]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.
Definition toSOLEnv rho1 :=
⟨ fun n => rho1 (initial_pos_i n),
fun _ ar v => rho1 0,
fun n ar v => i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (rho1 (initial_pos_p n ar) :: v) ⟩.
Lemma toSOLEnv_henkin_env rho1 :
henkin_env funcs preds (toSOLEnv rho1).
intros n ar. split. easy. now exists (rho1 (initial_pos_p n ar)).
Lemma toFOLForm_correct_1To2' rho1 phi :
funcfree phi -> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds (toSOLEnv rho1) phi.
intros F. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. apply F. reflexivity. reflexivity.
Lemma constructed_henkin_model_comprehension rho1 :
(forall phi, toFOLTheory C phi -> FOL.sat rho1 phi) -> forall rho2, (forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho2 x ar)) -> forall n phi, funcfree phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 (comprehension_form n phi).
intros H rho2 Hrho2 n phi F. apply close_sat_funcfree with (rho := toSOLEnv rho1).
- apply comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
- intros x ar'. unfold preds. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
- apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'.
+ apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
+ apply H. eexists. split. reflexivity. now exists n, phi.
- apply Hrho2.
Lemma constructed_henkin_interp_correct rho :
(forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho x ar)) -> (forall phi, C phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho phi) -> henkin_interp I2 funcs preds.
intros Hrho HC. split. easy.
intros P. unfold preds. assert (Henkin.sat funcs preds rho (close All (comprehension_form (ar_preds P) (atom (pred P) (tabulate (ar_preds P) var_indi))))) as H1.
{ apply HC. eexists. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. now apply tabulate_Forall. }
eapply close_sat_funcfree with (sigma := rho) in H1.
- apply comprehension_form_correct in H1 as [P' [[d H1] H2]]. exists d.
intros v. specialize (H2 v). cbn in H2. rewrite Deduction.eval_tabulate in H2.
cbn. setoid_rewrite <- H2. setoid_rewrite H1. reflexivity.
- now apply comprehension_form_funcfree, tabulate_Forall.
- apply Hrho.
- apply Hrho.
End FOModel_To_HenkinModel.
Notation "A ∪ B" := (fun x => A x \/ B x) (at level 30).
Definition validFO `{falsity_flag} (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi :=
forall D (I : FOL.interp D) rho, (forall psi, T psi -> FOL.sat rho psi) -> FOL.sat rho phi.
Lemma henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi <-> validFO (toFOLTheory (T ∪ C)) (toFOLForm' phi).
intros F TF. split.
- intros H D1 I1 rho1 HT. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'; trivial. apply H.
+ apply constructed_henkin_interp_correct with (rho := toSOLEnv _ rho1).
* intros x ar. unfold preds. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
* intros psi' [? [? [? ->]]]. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'.
now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
apply HT. eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. easy.
+ eapply constructed_henkin_model_comprehension.
intros psi' [? [->]]. apply HT. eexists. split. reflexivity. now right.
+ apply toSOLEnv_henkin_env.
+ intros psi H1. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'. now apply TF. apply HT. firstorder.
- intros H D2 I2 funcs preds HI HC rho2 H_rho2 HT.
unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'; trivial.
+ exact (get_indi rho2 0).
+ intros ar. exists (get_pred rho2 0 ar). apply H_rho2.
+ apply H. intros psi [phi' [-> [|[ar [phi'' [HF ->]]]]]].
* eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'. now apply TF. now apply HT.
* eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'. now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
eapply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
intros x ar'. apply H_rho2. intros sigma H2. now apply HC.
Completeness of derived deduction system
Section DerivedCompleteness.
Existing Instance FOL.falsity_on.
Notation "T ⊩1 phi" := (FOL.tprv T phi) (at level 61).
Definition tprv2_derived A phi := toFOLTheory (A ∪ C) ⊩1 toFOLForm' phi.
Notation "A ⊩2' phi" := (tprv2_derived A phi) (at level 61).
Hypothesis tprv1_sound : forall (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi, T ⊩1 phi -> validFO T phi.
Hypothesis tprv1_complete : forall T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.
Hypothesis Σp2_enumerable : enumerable__T Σp2.
Hypothesis Σf2_enumerable : enumerable__T Σf2.
Hypothesis Σp2_eq_dec : eq_dec Σp2.
Hypothesis Σf2_eq_dec : eq_dec Σf2.
Hypothesis tprv1_enumerable : enumerable__T Σf1 -> enumerable__T Σp1 -> forall T, enumerable T -> enumerable (FOL.tprv T).
Lemma tprv2_derived_sound (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2' phi -> Henkin.validT T phi.
intros ? ? H. now apply henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid, tprv1_sound, H.
Lemma tprv2_derived_complete (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi -> T ⊩2' phi.
intros ? ? H. now apply tprv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid, H.
Lemma tprv2_derived_enumerable (T : SOL.form -> Prop) :
enumerable T -> enumerable (tprv2_derived T).
intros H. unfold tprv2_derived. apply enumerable_comp.
- apply tprv1_enumerable, toFOLTheory_enumerable, enumerable_disj.
now apply Sigma_f1_enumerable. now apply Sigma_p1_enumerable.
apply H. now apply C_enumerable.
- apply form_enumerable; trivial. apply enumT_binop. apply enumT_quantop.
- apply FOL.dec_form. now apply Sigma_f1_eq_dec. now apply Sigma_p1_eq_dec.
all: intros x y; unfold dec; decide equality.
End DerivedCompleteness.
Section ArityBoundedSubst.
Context {Σf2' : SOL.funcs_signature}.
Context {Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature}.
Definition subst_all_below_ar_p (sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar) ar :=
fun n ar' => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar' ar then sigma n ar' else var_pred n.
Definition subst_all_from_ar_p (sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar) ar :=
fun n ar' => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar' ar then var_pred n else sigma n ar'.
Lemma subst_all_below_ar_bounded b phi sigma :
arity_bounded_p b phi -> phi[subst_all_below_ar_p sigma b]p = phi[sigma]p.
intros B. eapply subst_ext_p_arity_bounded. apply B.
intros x ar H. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
Lemma subst_all_from_ar_bounded b phi sigma :
arity_bounded_p b phi -> phi[subst_all_from_ar_p sigma b]p = phi.
intros B. erewrite <- subst_id_p. eapply subst_ext_p_arity_bounded. apply B.
intros x ar H. unfold subst_all_from_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
End ArityBoundedSubst.
Closing operation for predicate variables
Section ClosePredicateAr.
Context {Σf2' : SOL.funcs_signature}.
Context {Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature}.
Fixpoint close_p op phi n := match n with 0 => phi | S n => SOL.quant_pred op n (close_p op phi n) end.
Lemma close_p_subst_i op phi sigma n :
(close_p op phi n)[sigma]i = close_p op (phi[sigma]i) n.
revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma close_p_subst_f op phi sigma n :
(close_p op phi n)[sigma]f = close_p op (phi[sigma]f) n.
revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.
Definition all_up_p sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar :=
fun n ar => match n with 0 => var_pred 0 | S n => (sigma n ar)[↑ ar]p end.
Lemma close_p_subst_p op phi sigma n :
(close_p op phi n)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (all_up_p sigma) n]p[subst_all_from_ar_p sigma n]p) n.
rewrite subst_comp_p. revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma.
- apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, subst_all_from_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
- cbn. f_equal. rewrite IHn. f_equal. apply subst_ext_p. intros [] ar;
unfold subst_all_from_ar_p, subst_all_below_ar_p;
repeat (destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec, Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
all: unfold up_p, scons, scons_pred, scons_ar, shift, shift_p;
repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try easy; cbn).
+ destruct sigma; cbn; try easy. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia.
+ destruct n0; repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try easy; cbn);
destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity; repeat (try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same;
try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
+ destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia. destruct sigma; cbn; try easy. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
cbn. now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.
+ destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.
Lemma close_p_subst_p' op phi sigma n :
(close_p op phi n)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[fun x ar => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar n then match x with 0 => var_pred 0 ar | S x => (sigma x ar)[↑ ar]p end else sigma x ar]p) n.
rewrite close_p_subst_p, subst_comp_p. f_equal. apply subst_ext_p.
intros [] ar; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, subst_all_from_ar_p;
repeat (destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
unfold shift, shift_p. destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.
Lemma close_p_subst_p_bounded op b phi sigma :
(arity_bounded_p b phi) -> (close_p op phi b)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[all_up_p sigma]p) b.
intros B. rewrite close_p_subst_p. f_equal. rewrite subst_all_from_ar_bounded.
apply subst_all_below_ar_bounded. apply B. apply arity_bounded_p_subst_p, B.
Lemma close_p_bounded_indi n b op phi :
bounded_indi b phi -> bounded_indi b (close_p op phi n).
now induction n.
Lemma close_p_bounded_pred m ar b op phi :
bounded_pred ar b phi -> bounded_pred ar b (close_p op phi m).
revert b. induction m; intros b H; cbn.
- exact H.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar m).
+ left. split. easy. apply IHm. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply H. lia.
+ right. split. easy. now apply IHm.
Lemma close_p_bounded_pred_2 m ar b op phi :
ar < m -> bounded_pred ar (S b) phi -> bounded_pred ar b (close_p op phi m).
revert b. induction m; intros b H1 H2; cbn.
- lia.
- destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar m).
+ left. split. easy. apply close_p_bounded_pred, H2.
+ right. split. easy. apply IHm. lia. apply H2.
Lemma close_p_arity_bounded ar phi op n :
arity_bounded_p ar phi -> arity_bounded_p ar (close_p op phi n).
now induction n.
Lemma close_p_find_arity_bound_p op phi n :
find_arity_bound_p (close_p op phi n) = find_arity_bound_p phi.
now induction n.
(* Deduction *)
Definition shift_p_all : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar := fun n ar => var_pred (S n).
Definition subst_first_p_all (P : forall ar, predicate ar) : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar :=
fun n ar => match n with 0 => P ar | S n => var_pred n end.
Notation "⇑" := shift_p_all.
Notation "P ,," := (subst_first_p_all P) (at level 4, format "P ,,").
Lemma close_p_AllI {p' : peirce} A phi n : (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p ⇑ n)) A ⊢2 phi -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n.
revert A. induction n; intros A H; cbn.
- enough ( (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p ⇑ 0)) A = A) as <- by apply H.
clear H. induction A as [|psi A IH]; cbn. reflexivity. f_equal. rewrite <- subst_id_p.
now apply subst_ext_p. apply IH.
- apply AllI_p. apply IHn. rewrite List.map_map.
enough ( (subst_form_p (↑ n) >> subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p ⇑ n)) A = (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p ⇑ (S n))) A) as -> by apply H.
apply List.map_ext. intros psi. change (subst_form_p (↑ n) psi) with (psi[↑ n]p).
rewrite subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros n' ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec, PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; cbn; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
Lemma close_p_AllI_nameless' {p' : peirce} phi A b n :
arity_bounded_p n phi
-> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A)
-> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b phi)
-> A ⊢2 phi[(@var_pred _ b),,]p
-> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n.
intros B B1. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B. clear B.
revert phi. induction n; intros phi B2 H; cbn.
- enough (phi = phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, 0]p) as -> by apply H.
rewrite <- subst_id_p at 1. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar'. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
- apply AllI_p, nameless_equiv_all_p' with (n0:=b). apply B1. lia. apply close_p_bounded_pred.
eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply B2. lia. lia. rewrite close_p_subst_p'. apply IHn.
+ intros ar H1 psi H2. apply B1. lia. exact H2.
+ intros ar H1. apply bounded_pred_subst_p. 2: apply B2; lia.
intros []; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try easy. destruct n0; cbn;
unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p;
now repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; cbn).
+ rewrite subst_comp_p. erewrite subst_ext_p. apply H.
intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p;
repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; try lia; try reflexivity).
destruct n0; cbn; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; cbn; try lia; try reflexivity).
Lemma close_p_AllI_nameless {p' : peirce} phi A n :
arity_bounded_p n phi -> { x | A ⊢2 phi[(@var_pred _ x),,]p -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n }.
intros B. enough { b | forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A /\ bounded_pred ar b phi } as [x H].
{ exists x. apply close_p_AllI_nameless'. apply B. apply H. apply H. }
clear B. induction n.
- exists 0. intros ar H; lia.
- destruct IHn as [b H]. destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n (List.cons phi A)) as [b' H3].
exists (max b b'). intros ar H1. assert (ar < n \/ ar = n) as [H2| ->] by lia.
+ split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H]; try lia; easy.
+ split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H3]; try lia; firstorder.
Lemma close_p_AllE phi {p' : peirce} A n P :
arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n -> A ⊢2 phi[P,,]p.
intros B. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B.
clear B. induction n in phi |-*; cbn; intros H.
- erewrite subst_ext_p, subst_id_p. apply H. reflexivity.
- apply AllE_p with (P0 := P n) in H. rewrite close_p_subst_p' in H.
apply IHn in H. rewrite subst_comp_p in H. erewrite subst_ext_p. apply H.
intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p;
repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn);
destruct P; try reflexivity; cbn;
destruct n0; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;
try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
Lemma close_p_ExE_nameless' {p' : peirce} phi psi A b n :
(forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A)
-> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b phi)
-> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b psi)
-> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n
-> phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, n]p :: A ⊢2 psi
-> A ⊢2 psi.
induction n in A, phi |-*; intros B1 B2 B3 H1 H2; cbn in *.
- eapply IE. apply II, H2. enough (phi = phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, 0]p) as <- by apply H1.
rewrite <- subst_id_p at 1. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar'. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
- eapply ExE_p. apply H1. eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0:=b).
+ apply B1. lia.
+ apply B3. lia.
+ eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply close_p_bounded_pred, B2. lia. lia.
+ eapply IHn. 4: rewrite <- close_p_subst_p' with (sigma := (var_pred b n)..).
* intros ar H phi' [<-|]. apply bounded_pred_subst_p.
now intros []; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.
apply close_p_bounded_pred, B2. lia. apply B1. lia. easy.
* intros ar H. apply bounded_pred_subst_p. intros []; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
reflexivity. now destruct n0; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; unfold shift, shift_p; cbn;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia. apply B2. lia.
* intros. apply B3. lia.
* apply Ctx. now left.
* rewrite subst_comp_p. erewrite subst_ext_p with (tau := subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, (S n)).
eapply Weak. 2: apply H2. clear -H2; firstorder.
intros [|] ar; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; cbn;
repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
destruct n0; cbn; repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; cbn);
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
Lemma close_p_ExE_nameless {p' : peirce} phi psi A n :
arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n -> { x | phi[(@var_pred _ x),,]p :: A ⊢2 psi -> A ⊢2 psi }.
intros B. enough { b | (forall ar, ar < n -> (forall phi, List.In phi A -> bounded_pred ar b phi) /\ bounded_pred ar b phi /\ bounded_pred ar b psi) } as [x H].
{ exists x. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B. apply close_p_ExE_nameless'; firstorder. }
clear B. induction n.
- exists 0. intros ar H; lia.
- destruct IHn as [b H]. destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n (List.cons phi (List.cons psi A))) as [b' H3].
exists (max b b'). intros ar H1. assert (ar < n \/ ar = n) as [H2| ->] by lia.
+ repeat split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H]; try lia; easy.
+ repeat split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H3]; try lia; firstorder.
Lemma close_p_ExI {p' : peirce} A phi n P :
arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 phi[P,,]p -> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n.
intros B. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B.
clear B. induction n in phi |-*; cbn; intros H.
- erewrite <- subst_id_p, subst_ext_p. apply H. intros n ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
- apply ExI_p with (P0:=P n). rewrite close_p_subst_p'. apply IHn.
erewrite subst_comp_p, subst_ext_p. apply H.
intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p;
repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn);
destruct P; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.
all: destruct n0; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;
try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
End ClosePredicateAr.
Notation "⇑" := shift_p_all.
Notation "P ,," := (subst_first_p_all P) (at level 4, format "P ,,").
Add falsity symbol to signature
Inductive ExtendedPreds :=
| OldPred : SOL.preds -> ExtendedPreds
| FalsePred : nat -> ExtendedPreds.
Instance Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature := {|
SOL.preds := ExtendedPreds ;
SOL.ar_preds P := match P with OldPred P => SOL.ar_preds P | FalsePred ar => ar end
Fixpoint removeFalsePred (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2 _ := match phi with
| SOL.atom (pred (OldPred p)) v => SOL.atom (pred p) v
| SOL.atom (pred (FalsePred ar)) v => SOL.fal
| SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v => SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v
| SOL.fal => SOL.fal
| SOL.bin op phi psi => SOL.bin op (removeFalsePred phi) (removeFalsePred psi)
| SOL.quant_indi op phi => SOL.quant_indi op (removeFalsePred phi)
| SOL.quant_func op ar phi => SOL.quant_func op ar (removeFalsePred phi)
| SOL.quant_pred op ar phi => SOL.quant_pred op ar (removeFalsePred phi)
Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_i phi sigma :
(removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]i = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma]i).
induction phi in sigma |- *; cbn; try congruence. now destruct p as [|[]].
Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_f phi sigma :
(removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]f = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma]f).
induction phi in sigma |- *; cbn; try congruence. now destruct p as [|[]].
Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_p phi sigma sigma' :
(forall n ar, (exists x, sigma n ar = var_pred x /\ sigma' n ar = var_pred x)
\/ exists P (e : ar_preds P = ar), sigma n ar = Util.cast _ e (pred P) /\ sigma' n ar = Util.cast _ e (pred (OldPred P)))
-> (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]p = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma']p).
induction phi in sigma, sigma' |- *; cbn; intros H.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p as [|[]]; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct (H n ar) as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
- erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2. reflexivity. apply H. apply H.
- erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. apply H.
- erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. apply H.
- erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros [] ar; cbn.
+ destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. left. now exists 0. edestruct H as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
* left. exists x; cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
* right. now exists P, eq_refl.
+ destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; edestruct H as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
* left. exists (S x). cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
* right. now exists P, eq_refl.
* left. exists x. cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
* right. now exists P, eq_refl.
Lemma removeFalsePred_forall_n n phi :
removeFalsePred (forall_n n phi) = forall_n n (removeFalsePred phi).
induction n; cbn; congruence.
Lemma removeFalsePred_close_p op phi n :
removeFalsePred (close_p op phi n) = close_p op (removeFalsePred phi) n.
induction n; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.
Lemma removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p phi n :
arity_bounded_p n phi <-> arity_bounded_p n (removeFalsePred phi).
induction phi. 2: now destruct p as [|[]]. all: firstorder.
Lemma removeFalsePred_funcfree phi :
funcfree phi -> funcfree (removeFalsePred phi).
intros F. induction phi; cbn; firstorder. now destruct p as [|[]]; cbn.
Lemma replace_FalsePred_subst {p' : peirce} (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) ar n :
List.nil ⊢2 (forall_n ar (p$n (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> ⊥)) --> (removeFalsePred phi[(@pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar))..]p <--> (removeFalsePred phi)[(var_pred n ar)..]p).
enough (forall sigma1 sigma2 n m,
sigma1 m ar = pred (FalsePred ar)
-> sigma2 m ar = var_pred n ar
-> (forall x ar', x <> m \/ ar' <> ar -> exists y, sigma1 x ar' = var_pred y /\ sigma2 x ar' = var_pred y)
-> List.nil ⊢2 (forall_n ar (p$n (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> ⊥)) --> (removeFalsePred phi[sigma1]p <--> (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma2]p)) as X.
{ apply X with (m:=0); cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec].
- now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
- now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
- intros x ar' [].
+ destruct x; try lia; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
+ exists x. destruct x; cbn; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. }
induction phi; cbn; intros sigma1 sigma2 n' m H1 H2 H3; apply II.
- apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
- destruct p as [|[]]; cbn. 2,3: apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
specialize (H3 n0 ar0). destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n0 m) as [->|].
+ destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar0 ar) as [->|].
* rewrite H1, H2.
Existing Instance Σp2. (* TODO: Better way to locally force the usage of Σp2 ? *)
assert (forall_n ar (p$n' (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> ⊥) :: List.nil ⊢2forall_n ar (p$n' (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> ⊥)) as H by now apply Ctx.
eapply prv_forall_n in H. cbn in H. rewrite tabulate_var_indi_subst in H.
apply prv_equiv_symmetry, H.
* destruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]. lia. apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
+ destruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]. lia. apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
- apply prv_equiv_bin; apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi1; eassumption. eapply IHphi2; eassumption.
- apply prv_equiv_quant_i. cbn. setoid_rewrite comprehension_subst_i with (phi0 := ⊥).
eapply switch_imp, IHphi; eassumption.
- apply prv_equiv_quant_f. cbn. setoid_rewrite comprehension_subst_f with (phi0 := ⊥).
eapply switch_imp, IHphi; eassumption.
- apply prv_equiv_quant_p. cbn. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n0 ar) as [->|].
+ setoid_rewrite forall_n_subst_p. cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi with (m := S m); cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same, H1.
rewrite nat_eq_dec_same, H2; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
intros x ar' [].
* destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. now exists 0.
all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
* destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia;
cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
+ setoid_rewrite forall_n_subst_p. cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.
apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi with (m := m); cbn. destruct m; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia;
now rewrite H1. destruct m; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; rewrite H2; cbn;
unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
intros x ar' [].
* destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. now exists 0.
all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
* destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia. now exists 0.
all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
Lemma prv_removeFalsePred {p' : peirce} A (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) :
A ⊢2 phi -> ( removeFalsePred A) ⊢2 (removeFalsePred phi).
induction 1; cbn in *.
- apply II, IHprv.
- eapply IE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
- apply Exp, IHprv.
- apply Ctx, List.in_map, H.
- apply CI. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
- eapply CE1, IHprv.
- eapply CE2, IHprv.
- apply DI1, IHprv.
- apply DI2, IHprv.
- eapply DE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2. apply IHprv3.
- apply Peirce.
- apply AllI_i. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_i.
- apply AllI_f. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_f.
- apply AllI_p. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_p. intros n ar'. left. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar').
all: eexists; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
- rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_i. eapply AllE_i, IHprv.
- rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_f. eapply AllE_f, IHprv.
- destruct P as [|[]].
+ erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. eapply AllE_p with (P:=var_pred n), IHprv.
intros [] ar'; cbn; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|]; eexists; split; reflexivity.
+ erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. eapply AllE_p with (P:=pred p0), IHprv.
intros [] ar; cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec]; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
right. now exists p0, eq_refl. all: left; now eexists.
+ eapply ExE_p with (ar := n). apply Comp with (phi0:=⊥). easy.
destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n ((removeFalsePred phi[(@pred Σp2' (FalsePred n))..]p :: (forall_n n (p$0 (tabulate n var_indi) <--> ⊥[↑ n]p)) :: removeFalsePred A))) as [b Hb].
eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0 := b).
* intros ? ?. apply Hb. auto.
* apply Hb. auto.
* eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
* eapply IE. eapply CE2. apply switch_imp. eapply Weak; revgoals.
rewrite forall_n_subst_p; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [[]|]; try easy.
eapply replace_FalsePred_subst. firstorder.
eapply AllE_p in IHprv. eapply Weak. 2: apply IHprv. firstorder.
- eapply ExI_i. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i. apply IHprv.
- eapply ExI_f. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_f. apply IHprv.
- destruct P as [|[]].
+ eapply ExI_p. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply IHprv.
intros [] ar'; cbn; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|]; eexists; split; reflexivity.
+ eapply ExI_p. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply IHprv.
intros [] ar; cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec]; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
right. now exists p0, eq_refl. all: left; now eexists.
+ eapply ExE_p with (ar := n). eapply Comp with (phi0:=⊥). easy.
destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n ((removeFalsePred phi) :: (forall_n n (p$0 (tabulate n var_indi) <--> ⊥[↑ n]p) :: ( removeFalsePred A)))) as [b Hb].
eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0 := b).
* intros ? ?. apply Hb. auto.
* cbn. left. split. reflexivity. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
* eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
* eapply ExI_p. eapply IE. eapply CE1. apply switch_imp. eapply Weak; revgoals.
rewrite forall_n_subst_p; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [[]|]; try easy.
eapply replace_FalsePred_subst with (n0:=b). firstorder.
eapply Weak. 2: apply IHprv. firstorder.
- eapply ExE_i. apply IHprv1. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i. rewrite List.map_map in *.
erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_i.
- eapply ExE_f. apply IHprv1. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_f. rewrite List.map_map in *.
erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_f.
- eapply ExE_p. apply IHprv1. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. rewrite List.map_map in *.
erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. eapply removeFalsePred_subst_p.
all: intros n ar'; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar'); eexists; unfold shift, shift_p;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; split; reflexivity.
- rewrite removeFalsePred_forall_n. cbn. erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply Comp.
now apply removeFalsePred_funcfree. intros n ar'. left.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar'); eexists; unfold shift, shift_p;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; split; reflexivity.
Existing Instance Σp2'.
Fixpoint toSOLTerm (t : FOL.term) := match t with
| FOL.var x => SOL.var_indi x
| FOL.func (NormalSym f) v => SOL.func (sym f) ( toSOLTerm v)
Fixpoint toSOLForm {ff : falsity_flag} (phi : FOL.form) : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _ := match phi with
| FOL.atom (NormalPred p) v => SOL.atom (@pred Σp2' (OldPred p)) ( toSOLTerm v)
| FOL.atom (PredApp ar) v => match Vector.hd v with
| FOL.var x => SOL.atom (var_pred x) ( ( toSOLTerm v))
| _ => SOL.atom (@pred Σp2' (FalsePred _)) ( ( toSOLTerm v))
| FOL.falsity => SOL.fal
| FOL.bin op phi psi => SOL.bin (toSOLBinop op) (toSOLForm phi) (toSOLForm psi)
| FOL.quant op phi => (close_p (toSOLQuantop op) (quant_indi (toSOLQuantop op) (toSOLForm phi)) (find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm phi)))
Definition toSOLSub_i (sigma : nat -> FOL.term) := fun n => toSOLTerm (sigma n).
Definition toSOLSub_p (sigma : nat -> FOL.term) := fun n ar => match sigma n with FOL.var x => var_pred x ar | _ => pred (FalsePred _) end.
Lemma toSOLTerm_subst {ff: falsity_flag} t sigma :
(toSOLTerm t)[toSOLSub_i sigma]i = toSOLTerm (FOL.subst_term sigma t).
induction t using FOL_term_ind; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct F; cbn; f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. apply VectorLib.map_ext_forall, IH.
Lemma toSOLForm_subst {ff: falsity_flag} phi sigma :
(toSOLForm phi)[toSOLSub_p sigma]p[toSOLSub_i sigma]i = toSOLForm (phi`[sigma]).
revert sigma; induction phi; intros sigma; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- destruct P; cbn.
+ f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. apply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t' H.
apply toSOLTerm_subst.
+ depelim t; destruct h; cbn; unfold toSOLSub_p. destruct (sigma n0).
all: f_equal; rewrite !Vector.map_map; eapply VectorLib.map_ext_in; intros t' H;
apply toSOLTerm_subst.
- f_equal; firstorder.
- f_equal. rewrite <- IHphi. rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded, close_p_subst_i. 2: cbn; apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
cbn. f_equal. erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p. reflexivity.
+ intros [] ar; cbn. reflexivity. unfold toSOLSub_p, shift, shift_p, up, ">>'", FOL.scons.
destruct sigma; cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same. reflexivity.
+ intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now setoid_rewrite <- toSOLTerm_subst.
+ now rewrite <- find_arity_bound_p_subst_i, <- find_arity_bound_p_subst_p.
Hypothesis Σf2_eq_dec : forall f1 f2 : Σf2, f1 = f2 \/ f1 <> f2.
Hypothesis Σp2_eq_dec : forall p1 p2 : Σp2, p1 = p2 \/ p1 <> p2.
Lemma toSOLTerm_bounded_indi {ff : falsity_flag} t b :
bounded_t b t -> bounded_indi_term b (toSOLTerm t).
intros H. induction t using FOL_term_ind; cbn.
- now inversion H.
- destruct F; cbn. rewrite Forall_map. eapply Forall_ext_Forall. apply IH.
apply Forall_in. intros t H1. inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H3 as ->.
apply H2. now apply In_compat. decide equality.
Lemma toSOLForm_bounded_indi {ff : falsity_flag} phi b :
bounded b phi -> bounded_indi b (toSOLForm phi).
revert b. induction phi; intros b' H; cbn.
- easy.
- inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality; lia.
destruct P; cbn. 2: depelim t; destruct h; cbn.
all: apply Forall_in; intros ? [t' [<- H4]]%In_map_iff; apply toSOLTerm_bounded_indi;
apply H3. now apply In_compat. all: constructor; now apply In_compat.
- inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H1 as ->, H5 as ->. split. now apply IHphi1.
now apply IHphi2. all: decide equality.
- inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality.
now apply close_p_bounded_indi, IHphi.
Lemma toSOLForm_bounded_pred {ff : falsity_flag} phi b :
bounded b phi -> forall ar, bounded_pred ar b (toSOLForm phi).
revert b. induction phi; intros b' H ar; cbn.
- easy.
- destruct P; cbn. easy. depelim t; destruct h; cbn. left. inversion H.
apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. specialize (H3 (FOL.var n0) ltac:(constructor)). now inversion H3.
decide equality. lia. easy.
- inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H1 as ->, H5 as ->. split. now apply IHphi1.
now apply IHphi2. all: decide equality.
- inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality.
destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec ar (find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm phi))) as [H4|H4].
+ apply close_p_bounded_pred_2. easy. apply IHphi, H3.
+ eapply bounded_pred_arity_bound. apply close_p_arity_bounded, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
cbn. lia.
Lemma prv1_to_prv2_AllI {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi : toSOLForm ( (subst_form ↑') A) ⊢2 toSOLForm phi -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∀' phi).
destruct (find_bounded_L (phi :: A)) as [x Hx].
intros H. apply subst_Weak_p with (sigma := toSOLSub_p (var x)..') in H.
apply subst_Weak_i with (sigma := toSOLSub_i (var x)..') in H.
erewrite !List.map_map, toSOLForm_subst, List.map_ext with (g := toSOLForm) in H; revgoals.
{ intros psi. setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst. now rewrite subst_shift. }
cbn. eapply close_p_AllI_nameless' with (b := x).
- cbn. apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
- intros ar H1 ? [psi [<- H2]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. apply Hx; auto.
- intros ar H1. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. apply Hx; auto.
- cbn; eapply AllI_i, nameless_equiv_all_i' with (n := x).
+ intros ? [psi [<- H1]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi. apply Hx; auto.
+ apply bounded_indi_subst_p. eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, Hx; auto. lia.
+ erewrite subst_ext_p, subst_ext_i, toSOLForm_subst. apply H. now intros []. now intros [].
- now intros [].
Lemma prv1_to_prv2_AllE {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi (t : FOL.term) : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∀' phi) -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm phi`[t..'].
cbn. intros H. apply close_p_AllE with (P := fun ar => match t with FOL.var x => var_pred x | _ => @pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar) end) in H.
cbn in H. eapply AllE_i with (t0 := toSOLTerm t) in H. rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst.
erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p. apply H.
- intros [] ar; cbn. now destruct t. reflexivity.
- now intros [].
- cbn. apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
Lemma prv1_to_prv2_ExI {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi (t : FOL.term) : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm phi`[t..'] -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∃' phi).
cbn. intros H. apply close_p_ExI with (P := fun ar => match t with FOL.var x => var_pred x | _ => @pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar) end); cbn.
apply find_arity_bound_p_correct. apply ExI_i with (t0 := toSOLTerm t).
rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst in H. erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p_arity_bounded.
apply H.
+ apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
+ intros [] ar H1; unfold toSOLSub_p, subst_all_below_ar_p; cbn. now destruct t. reflexivity.
+ now intros [].
Lemma prv1_to_prv2_ExE {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi psi : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∃' phi) -> toSOLForm (phi :: (subst_form ↑') A) ⊢2 toSOLForm psi`[↑'] -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm psi.
intros H1 H2. apply subst_Weak_p with (sigma := toSOLSub_p (var (proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi::psi::A))))..') in H2.
apply subst_Weak_i with (sigma := toSOLSub_i (var (proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi::psi::A))))..') in H2. cbn in H2.
erewrite !List.map_map, toSOLForm_subst, subst_shift, List.map_ext with (g := toSOLForm) in H2; revgoals.
{ intros psi'. setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst. now rewrite subst_shift. }
setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst in H2.
cbn in H1. eapply close_p_ExE_nameless' with (b := proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi :: psi :: A))). 4: apply H1.
+ intros ar H3 ? [phi' [<- H4]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred.
destruct find_bounded_L as [b H5]; cbn. apply H5. firstorder.
+ intros ar H3. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn.
apply H4. firstorder.
+ intros ar H3. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn.
apply H4. firstorder.
+ cbn. eapply ExE_i. apply Ctx. now left. eapply nameless_equiv_ex_i' with (n := proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi :: psi :: A))).
* intros ? [<-|[phi' [<- H3]]%List.in_map_iff].
-- apply bounded_indi_subst_p. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *.
eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. lia. firstorder.
-- destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn in *. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H4. firstorder.
* destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. firstorder.
* apply bounded_indi_subst_p. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *.
eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. lia. firstorder.
* rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst in H2. erewrite subst_ext_p_arity_bounded, subst_ext_i.
eapply Weak. 2: apply H2. intros ? [<-|]. now left. firstorder.
-- now intros [].
-- apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
-- now intros [] ar H; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
+ now intros [].
Lemma prv1_to_prv2 {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} phi A :
A ⊢1 phi -> ( toSOLForm A) ⊢2 toSOLForm phi.
intros H. induction H.
- apply II, IHprv.
- eapply IE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
- apply prv1_to_prv2_AllI, IHprv.
- apply prv1_to_prv2_AllE, IHprv.
- eapply prv1_to_prv2_ExI, IHprv.
- eapply prv1_to_prv2_ExE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
- eapply Exp, IHprv.
- now apply Ctx, List.in_map.
- apply CI. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
- eapply CE1, IHprv.
- eapply CE2, IHprv.
- eapply DI1, IHprv.
- eapply DI2, IHprv.
- eapply DE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2. apply IHprv3.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p pos_i pos_p pos_i' pos_p' phi :
find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi)) = find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p' phi)).
induction phi in pos_i, pos_p, pos_i', pos_p' |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- now destruct p.
- now erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
- rewrite !close_p_find_arity_bound_p; cbn. apply IHphi.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite !close_p_find_arity_bound_p; cbn. apply IHphi.
The pos functions can be moved into a substitution
Lemma toSOLFOLTerm_pos_i_to_subst t pos_i :
funcfreeTerm t
-> toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm pos_i t) = (toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm (fun n => n) t))[pos_i >> var_indi]i.
intros F. induction t; cbn in *.
- reflexivity.
- now exfalso.
- f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
apply IH. apply F.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst phi pos_i pos_p :
funcfree phi
-> toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (fun n => n) pos_p phi))[pos_i >> var_indi]i.
induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; cbn; intros F.
- reflexivity.
- destruct p; cbn; f_equal; rewrite !Vector.map_map; eapply map_ext_in; intros t H;
apply toSOLFOLTerm_pos_i_to_subst; eapply Forall_in in F; try apply F; easy.
- now rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
- rewrite close_p_subst_i; cbn. f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_i := pcons (fun n => n)); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].
- reflexivity.
- rewrite close_p_subst_i; cbn. f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_i := pshift (fun n => n)); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst phi pos_i pos_p :
funcfree phi
-> toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (fun n _ => n) phi))[fun x ar => var_pred (pos_p x ar)]p.
induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; cbn; intros F.
- reflexivity.
- now destruct p.
- now rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
- rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded; cbn. 2: apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_p := pshift' (fun n _ => n)); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_p. eapply subst_ext_p. intros n ar; cbn. unfold shift, shift_p.
now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded; cbn. 2: apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_p := pcons' n (fun n _ => n)); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_p. eapply subst_ext_p.
intros [] ar; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; try reflexivity;
unfold shift, shift_p; now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
This allows us to 'undo' pshift and pcons
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i phi pos_i pos_p t :
funcfree phi
-> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) pos_p phi))[t..]i = toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi).
intros F. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst with (pos_i := pos_i); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p phi pos_i pos_p P :
funcfree phi
-> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pshift' pos_p) phi))[P,,]p = toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi).
intros F. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst with (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
rewrite subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. now intros [] ar.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p phi pos_i pos_p x n :
funcfree phi
-> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n)
-> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pcons' n pos_p) phi))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))[(var_pred x n)..]p.
intros F. revert pos_p. enough (forall pos_p, (forall x ar, pos_p x ar = x) -> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pcons' n pos_p) phi))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))[(var_pred x n)..]p) as X.
{ intros pos_p H. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_p with (pos_p' := pcons' n (fun x _ => x)), toFOLForm_ext_p with (pos_p:=pos_p).
apply X. reflexivity. intros ? ? _; apply H. intros [] ar; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec. reflexivity.
all: rewrite H; try easy. }
intros pos_p Hp. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst with (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
rewrite !subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros [] ar; cbn;
destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; rewrite !Hp; cbn;
try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; reflexivity.
⊢2 proves the translation equivalent to the intitial formula
Lemma toSOLFOLTerm_id pos_i t :
funcfreeTerm t
-> (forall n, pos_i n = n)
-> toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm pos_i t) = t.
intros F H. induction t; cbn.
- rewrite H. reflexivity.
- now exfalso.
- f_equal. rewrite Vector.map_map, <- Vector.map_id.
eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall. apply IH. apply F.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_equiv {p' : peirce} phi pos_i pos_p :
funcfree phi
-> (forall n, pos_i n = n)
-> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n)
-> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))) <--> phi.
revert pos_i pos_p.
enough (forall pos_i pos_p, funcfree phi -> (forall n, pos_i n = n) -> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n) -> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))) <--> phi) as X.
{ intros pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_i, toFOLForm_ext_p; trivial. now apply X. }
intros pos_i pos_p. induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; intros F Hi Hp; cbn.
- now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx.
- destruct p; cbn.
+ rewrite Hp. rewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite VectorLib.map_ext_in, Vector.map_id.
now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx. intros t H. apply toSOLFOLTerm_id.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
+ rewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite VectorLib.map_ext_in, Vector.map_id.
now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx. intros t H. apply toSOLFOLTerm_id.
eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
- rewrite toSOLBinop_toFOLBinop. apply prv_equiv_bin.
apply IHphi1; firstorder. apply IHphi2; firstorder.
- rewrite removeFalsePred_close_p; destruct q; cbn.
+ apply CI.
* apply II. eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
apply prv_equiv_quant_i. eapply IHphi with (pos_i := pcons pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
erewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p with (pos_p := pos_p) (P := @var_pred _ 0), <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ 0),,); try easy.
change (∀i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ 0),,]p) with ((∀i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ 0),,]p).
eapply close_p_AllE; revgoals. now apply Ctx. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
* apply II. edestruct (@close_p_AllI_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 2: apply X; clear X.
apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,), toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p; try easy.
eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_quant_i, IHphi; try easy.
intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi. now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
+ apply CI.
* apply II. eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
apply prv_equiv_quant_i. eapply IHphi with (pos_i := pcons pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
edestruct (@close_p_ExE_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]; revgoals. apply X; clear X.
erewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p with (pos_p := pos_p) (P := @var_pred _ x), <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,); try easy.
change (∃i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p) with ((∃i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p).
apply Ctx; now left. intros [] ar; left; now eexists. now apply Ctx.
apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
* apply II. apply close_p_ExI with (P := @var_pred _ 0).
apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ 0),,), toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p; try easy.
eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_quant_i, IHphi; try easy.
intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi. now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
- now exfalso.
- rewrite removeFalsePred_close_p; destruct q; cbn.
+ apply CI.
* apply II. apply AllI_p. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_all_p _ Σp2) as [x ->].
eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi with (pos_i := pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (var_pred x n)..).
rewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p, <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i with (pos_i := pos_i) (t := var_indi 0); try easy.
rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,), <- removeFalsePred_subst_i, subst_switch_i_p.
apply AllE_i. change (∀i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' n pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p) with ((removeFalsePred (∀i (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' n pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p).
eapply close_p_AllE; revgoals. now apply Ctx.
cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
intros [] ar; left; now eexists. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
* apply II. edestruct (@close_p_AllI_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 2: apply X; clear X.
apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,), toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p; try easy.
apply AllI_i. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_all_i _ Σp2) as [y ->].
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i, <- subst_switch_i_p, toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i; try easy.
rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..).
eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
now apply AllE_p, Ctx. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
+ apply CI.
* apply II. edestruct (@close_p_ExE_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 3: apply X; clear X. 2: now apply Ctx.
cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
eapply ExE_i. apply Ctx; cbn; now left. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_ex_i _ Σp2) as [y ->].
apply ExI_p with (P := var_pred x).
eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..) (sigma' := (var_pred x n)..).
rewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p, <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i with (pos_i := pos_i) (t := y); try easy.
rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,), <- removeFalsePred_subst_i, subst_switch_i_p.
now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
* apply II. eapply ExE_p. now apply Ctx. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_ex_p _ Σp2) as [x ->].
apply close_p_ExI with (P := @var_pred _ x); cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
apply ExI_i with (t := var_indi 0).
rewrite <- subst_switch_i_p, removeFalsePred_subst_i, removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,).
rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i, toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p; try easy.
rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..).
eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
Definition initial_pos_i_inv n := pi2 n.
Definition initial_pos_p_inv n := pi1 (pi2 n).
Lemma initial_pos_i_inv_correct :
forall n, initial_pos_i_inv (initial_pos_i n) = n.
intros n. unfold initial_pos_i_inv, initial_pos_i. now rewrite pi2_correct.
Lemma initial_pos_p_inv_correct :
forall n ar, initial_pos_p_inv (initial_pos_p n ar) = n.
intros n ar. unfold initial_pos_p_inv, initial_pos_p. now rewrite pi2_correct, pi1_correct.
Lemma initial_pos_i_inv_subst phi :
phi[initial_pos_i >> var_indi]i[initial_pos_i_inv >> var_indi]i = phi.
rewrite subst_comp_i, <- subst_id_i. apply subst_ext_i. intros n; cbn.
now rewrite initial_pos_i_inv_correct.
Lemma initial_pos_p_inv_subst phi :
phi[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p x ar)]p[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p_inv x)]p = phi.
rewrite subst_comp_p, <- subst_id_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar; cbn.
now rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_correct.
Definition toSOLForm' {ff : falsity_flag} phi := (toSOLForm phi)[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p_inv x)]p[initial_pos_i_inv >> var_indi]i.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm'_correct phi :
funcfree phi -> toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' phi) = toSOLForm (toFOLForm (fun n => n) (fun n ar => n) phi).
intros F. unfold toFOLForm', toSOLForm'.
rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst; trivial.
now rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_subst, initial_pos_i_inv_subst.
Lemma toSOLFOLForm_equiv' {p' : peirce} phi :
funcfree phi -> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' phi))) <--> phi.
intros F. unfold toFOLForm', toSOLForm'.
rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst; trivial.
rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_subst, initial_pos_i_inv_subst. now apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv.
Lemma prv1_to_prv2' {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} phi A :
A ⊢1 phi -> removeFalsePred ( toSOLForm' A) ⊢2 removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' phi).
intros H. apply prv_removeFalsePred. unfold toSOLForm'.
rewrite <- List.map_map. apply subst_Weak_i. easy.
rewrite <- List.map_map. apply subst_Weak_p.
now apply prv1_to_prv2.
Existing Instance Σp2.
Definition tprv1 {ff : falsity_flag} (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi := exists A, (forall psi, List.In psi A -> T psi) /\ A ⊢1 phi.
Definition tprv2 {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi := exists A, (forall psi, List.In psi A -> T psi) /\ A ⊢2 phi.
Notation "T ⊩1 phi" := (tprv1 T phi) (at level 61).
Notation "T ⊩2 phi" := (tprv2 T phi) (at level 61).
Lemma prv_ext {p' : peirce} phi A1 A2 :
A1 ⊢2 phi -> (forall psi, List.In psi A1 -> A2 ⊢2 psi) -> A2 ⊢2 phi.
induction A1 in phi |-*; cbn; intros H1 H2.
- eapply Weak. 2: apply H1. easy.
- eapply IE. apply IHA1.
+ apply II, H1.
+ intros ? ?. apply H2. auto.
+ apply H2. auto.
Lemma tprv_ext {p' : peirce} phi (T1 T2 : form -> Prop) :
T1 ⊩2 phi -> (forall psi, T1 psi -> T2 ⊩2 psi) -> T2 ⊩2 phi.
intros [A [H1 H2]] H3. revert A H1 H2 H3. induction A in phi, T1 |-*; intros H1 H2 H3.
- now exists List.nil.
- enough (T2 ⊩2 a --> phi) as [B1 X].
{ destruct (H3 a) as [B2]. now apply H1. exists ( B1 B2). split.
- intros ? [|]%List.in_app_iff. now apply X. now apply H.
- eapply IE; eapply Weak. 2: apply X. apply List.incl_appl, List.incl_refl.
2: apply H. apply List.incl_appr, List.incl_refl. }
apply (IHA _ T1).
+ intros ? ?. apply H1. auto.
+ now apply II.
+ apply H3.
Lemma prv_closed_comprehension {p' : peirce} ar phi :
funcfree phi -> List.nil ⊢2 close All (comprehension_form ar phi).
intros F. unfold close, close_indi. destruct find_bounded_indi as [n B]; cbn.
clear B. induction n; cbn.
- enough (forall m, List.nil ⊢2 close_pred'' m All (comprehension_form ar phi)) by easy.
induction m; cbn. apply Comp. apply F. unfold close_pred'. destruct find_bounded_pred as [k B]; cbn.
clear B. induction k; cbn. easy. now apply AllI_p.
- now apply AllI_i.
Lemma prv_if_firstorder_prv {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T ∪ C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) -> T ⊩2 phi.
intros F TF.
intros [A [HT H%prv1_to_prv2']]. apply tprv_ext with (T1 := T ∪ C).
apply tprv_ext with (T1 := fun phi => exists psi, phi = removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' psi)) /\ (T ∪ C) psi).
+ exists ( removeFalsePred ( toSOLForm' A)). split.
* intros psi [psi1 [<- [psi2 [<- H1]]%List.in_map_iff]]%List.in_map_iff.
destruct (HT psi2) as [psi3 [-> [|]]]. easy. all: exists psi3; auto.
* eapply IE. eapply CE1, Weak. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv'. all: easy.
+ intros ? [psi [-> [|[? [? [? ->]]]]]]. exists (List.cons psi List.nil). split.
* intros ? [<-|[]]. auto.
* eapply IE. eapply CE2, Weak. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv'. easy.
now apply TF. now apply Ctx.
* exists List.nil. split. easy. eapply IE. eapply CE2, toSOLFOLForm_equiv'.
now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
now apply prv_closed_comprehension.
+ intros psi [|[? [? [? ->]]]].
* exists (List.cons psi List.nil). split. intros ? [<-|[]]. auto. now apply Ctx.
* exists List.nil. split. easy. now apply prv_closed_comprehension.
Section Completeness.
Hypothesis prv1_complete : forall {ff : falsity_flag} T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.
Theorem Completeness {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi -> T ⊩2 phi.
intros F TF H.
apply prv_if_firstorder_prv; trivial.
apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.
Existing Instance intu.
Lemma first_order_prv_if_prv_I (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2 phi -> toFOLTheory (T ∪ C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi).
intros F TF. intros H.
apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.
now apply Deduction.HenkinSoundnessIT.
Theorem prv_iff_firstorder_prv_I (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T ∪ C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> T ⊩2 phi.
intros F TF. split.
- now apply prv_if_firstorder_prv.
- now apply first_order_prv_if_prv_I.
Existing Instance class.
Lemma first_order_prv_if_prv_C (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
LEM -> funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2 phi -> toFOLTheory (T ∪ C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi).
intros lem F TF. intros H.
apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.
now apply Deduction.HenkinSoundnessCT.
Theorem prv_iff_firstorder_prv_C (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
LEM -> funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T ∪ C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> T ⊩2 phi.
intros lem F TF. split.
- now apply prv_if_firstorder_prv.
- now apply first_order_prv_if_prv_C.
End Completeness.
Existing Instance FOL.falsity_on.
Definition has_henkin_model_with P (T : form -> Prop) :=
exists D (I : interp D) funcs preds,
P D /\ henkin_interp I funcs preds
/\ (forall rho, (forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho x ar)) -> (forall ar phi, funcfree phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho (comprehension_form ar phi)))
/\ exists rho, henkin_env funcs preds rho
/\ forall phi, T phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho phi.
Definition has_firstorder_model_with (P : Type -> Prop) (T : FOL.form -> Prop) :=
exists D I rho, P D /\ forall phi, T phi -> @FOL.sat _ _ D I _ rho phi.
Definition has_henkin_model := has_henkin_model_with (fun _ => True).
Definition has_firstorder_model := has_firstorder_model_with (fun _ => True).
Lemma has_firstorder_model_with_ext (T T' : FOL.form -> Prop) P :
(forall phi, T' phi -> T phi) -> has_firstorder_model_with P T -> has_firstorder_model_with P T'.
intros HT [D [I [rho [H1 H2]]]]. exists D, I, rho. split. easy. intros phi H3. apply H2, HT, H3.
Lemma has_henkin_model_with_ext (T T' : form -> Prop) (P P' : Type -> Prop) :
(forall phi, T' phi -> T phi) -> (forall D, P D -> P' D) -> has_henkin_model_with P T -> has_henkin_model_with P' T'.
intros HT HP [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]].
exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. now apply HP. split. easy. split. easy.
exists rho. split. easy. intros phi H2. apply H1, HT, H2.
Lemma has_henkin_model_compr T P :
has_henkin_model_with P T -> has_henkin_model_with P (T ∪ C).
intros [D [I [funcs [preds [HP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H]]]]]]]]].
exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy.
exists rho. split. easy. intros phi [|[? [? [? ->]]]].
- now apply H.
- apply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
apply Hrho. intros sigma H1. now apply HCompr.
Lemma theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model (T : form -> Prop) (P P' : Type -> Prop) :
(forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi)
-> (forall D preds, P D -> P' (D1 D preds) : Prop)
-> has_henkin_model_with P T
-> has_firstorder_model_with P' (toFOLTheory T).
intros TF HP [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]].
do 3 eexists. split. apply (HP D). apply HDP. intros phi [psi [-> H3]].
unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1 with (rho2 := rho) (rho1 := toFOLEnv _ funcs preds rho Hrho) (funcs := funcs) (preds := preds).
- exact (get_indi rho 0).
- intros ar. exists (get_pred rho 0 ar). apply Hrho.
- now apply TF.
- intros n. unfold initial_pos_i, toFOLEnv. now rewrite unembed_embed.
- intros n ar. unfold initial_pos_p, toFOLEnv. rewrite unembed_embed, pi1_correct, pi2_correct.
cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
- now apply H1.
Lemma theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model (T : form -> Prop) (P : Type -> Prop) :
(forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi)
-> has_firstorder_model_with P (toFOLTheory (T ∪ C))
-> has_henkin_model_with P T.
intros TF [D [I [rho [HDP H1]]]]. exists (D2 D). do 3 eexists. split.
easy. split; revgoals. split; revgoals.
exists (toSOLEnv _ rho). split; revgoals. intros phi H2.
eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. 4: apply (H1 (toFOLForm' phi)).
- now apply TF.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- eexists. split. reflexivity. now left.
- apply toSOLEnv_henkin_env.
- intros rho2 H2 ar phi F. eapply close_sat_funcfree with (rho0 := toSOLEnv _ rho).
apply comprehension_form_funcfree, F. cbn. unfold preds. eexists. reflexivity.
eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2.
4: apply (H1 (toFOLForm' (close All (comprehension_form ar phi)))).
+ apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. apply F. reflexivity.
+ apply H2.
- eapply constructed_henkin_interp_correct with (rho := toSOLEnv _ rho).
+ intros x ar. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
+ intros phi [? [? [F ->]]]. eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. 4: apply H1.
* apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
* reflexivity.
* cbn. reflexivity.
* eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. apply F. reflexivity.
Section CompactnessByCompleteness.
Hypothesis prv1_complete : forall {ff : falsity_flag} T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.
Theorem Compactness_by_Completeness {p : peirce} :
LEM -> forall (T : form -> Prop), (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_henkin_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).
intros lem T TF. split.
- intros H1 A H2. eapply has_henkin_model_with_ext. 3: apply H1. easy. easy.
- intros H1. enough (~ T ⊩ ⊥) as HT.
{ edestruct lem as [X|H]. apply X. exfalso. apply HT.
apply Completeness; cbn; trivial. intros D I funcs preds HI HC rho Hrho H2.
apply H. exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy.
exists rho. split. easy. easy. }
intros [A [H2 H3]]. destruct p.
+ apply HenkinSoundnessC in H3; trivial.
destruct (H1 A) as [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H4]]]]]]]]]; trivial.
eapply H3; eauto.
+ apply HenkinSoundnessI in H3.
destruct (H1 A) as [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H4]]]]]]]]]; trivial.
eapply H3; eauto.
End CompactnessByCompleteness.
Section CompactnessByReduction.
Lemma theory_decompose (T1 T2 : form -> Prop) A :
(forall phi, List.In phi A -> (T1 ∪ T2) phi) -> exists B1 B2, (forall phi, List.In phi B1 -> List.In phi A /\ T1 phi) /\ (forall phi, List.In phi B2 -> List.In phi A /\ T2 phi) /\ (forall phi, List.In phi A -> List.In phi B1 \/ List.In phi B2).
intros H. induction A; cbn.
- exists List.nil, List.nil. firstorder.
- destruct IHA as [B1 [B2 [H1 [H2 H3]]]]. firstorder. destruct (H a) as [H4|H4]; trivial.
+ exists (List.cons a B1), B2. split. 2: split.
* clear -H1 H4. intros phi [->|]; firstorder.
* clear -H2. firstorder.
* clear -H3. intros ? [->|]; firstorder.
+ exists B1, (List.cons a B2). split. 2: split.
* clear -H1. firstorder.
* clear -H2 H4. intros phi [->|]; firstorder.
* clear -H3. intros ? [->|]; firstorder.
Hypothesis FOL_compact :
forall (T : FOL.form -> Prop), has_firstorder_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_firstorder_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).
Theorem Compactness :
forall (T : form -> Prop), (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_henkin_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).
intros T TF. split.
- intros [D [I [funcs [preds [_ [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]] A H2.
exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy. exists rho.
split. easy. intros phi H3. apply H1, H2, H3.
- intros H1. apply theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model; trivial.
apply FOL_compact. intros A H2.
assert (exists B, A = toFOLForm' B /\ forall phi, List.In phi B -> T phi \/ C phi) as [B [-> HB]].
{ clear -H2. induction A; cbn. now exists List.nil.
destruct IHA as [B [-> H3]]; firstorder. destruct (H2 a) as [phi [-> ]]; trivial.
exists (List.cons phi B). split. reflexivity. intros psi [->|]. easy. now apply H3. }
destruct (theory_decompose T C B) as [BT [BC [HB1 [HB2 HB3]]]]; trivial.
apply has_firstorder_model_with_ext with (T := toFOLTheory (fun phi => List.In phi B)).
intros ? [? [<- ?]]%List.in_map_iff. eexists. split. reflexivity. easy.
eapply theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model with (P := fun _ => True).
{ intros phi [[]%HB1 | [? [? [? [? ->]]]]%HB2]%HB3. now apply TF.
now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree. }
easy. destruct (H1 BT) as [D [I [funcs [preds [_ [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H3]]]]]]]]]. apply HB1.
exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy. exists rho. split. easy.
intros phi [|[H4 [? [? [H5 ->]]]]%HB2]%HB3.
+ now apply H3.
+ apply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
apply Hrho. intros sigma H6. now apply HCompr.
End CompactnessByReduction.
Section LöwenheimSkolem.
Definition injects X Y := exists f : X -> Y, forall x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.
Definition infinite X := injects nat X.
Definition same_cardinality X Y := injects X Y /\ injects Y X.
Hypothesis FOL_LöwenheimSkolem :
forall T, has_firstorder_model_with infinite T -> forall X, infinite X -> has_firstorder_model_with (same_cardinality X) T.
Theorem LöwenheimSkolem (T : form -> Prop) :
(forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model_with infinite T -> forall X, infinite X -> has_henkin_model_with (same_cardinality X) T.
intros TF H X HX.
apply theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model; trivial.
apply FOL_LöwenheimSkolem; trivial.
apply theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model with (P := infinite).
- intros phi [|[? [? [? ->]]]]. now apply TF.
now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
- intros D preds [f Hf]. exists (fun n => fromIndi D preds (f n)).
intros x x' H1. apply Hf. congruence.
- apply has_henkin_model_compr. apply H.
End LöwenheimSkolem.
End Signature.