Reduction to FOL

Require Import FOL SOL FullSyntax Tarski Henkin Deduction.
Require Import Vector VectorLib Util.

Require Import Equations.Equations Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import Lia.

Require Import Enumerable Decidable.

Import VectorNotations.
Import SubstNotations.

Definition toFOLBinop b := match b with
  | FullSyntax.Conj => FOL.Conj
  | FullSyntax.Disj => FOL.Disj
  | FullSyntax.Impl => FOL.Impl

Definition toSOLBinop b := match b with
  | FOL.Conj => FullSyntax.Conj
  | FOL.Disj => FullSyntax.Disj
  | FOL.Impl => FullSyntax.Impl

Definition toSOLQuantop b := match b with
  | FOL.All => FullSyntax.All
  | FOL.Ex => FullSyntax.Ex

Definition toFOLQuantop b := match b with
  | FullSyntax.All => FOL.All
  | FullSyntax.Ex => FOL.Ex

Lemma toSOLBinop_toFOLBinop b :
  toSOLBinop (toFOLBinop b) = b.
  now destruct b.

Section Signature.

  Context {Σf2 : SOL.funcs_signature}.
  Context {Σp2 : SOL.preds_signature}.

  (* Add symbols for predicate application to the SOL signature.  *)

  Inductive FOLSyms :=
    | NormalSym : syms -> FOLSyms.

  Inductive FOLPreds :=
    | NormalPred : preds -> FOLPreds
    | PredApp : nat -> FOLPreds.

  Instance Σf1 : FOL.funcs_signature := {|
    FOL.syms := FOLSyms ;
    FOL.ar_syms f := match f with NormalSym f => SOL.ar_syms f end

  Instance Σp1 : FOL.preds_signature := {|
    FOL.preds := FOLPreds ;
    FOL.ar_preds P := match P with NormalPred P => SOL.ar_preds P | PredApp ar => S ar end

The extended signatures preserve discreteness and enumerablility

  Lemma Sigma_f1_eq_dec :
    eq_dec Σf2 -> eq_dec Σf1.
    intros H [x] [y]. enough (dec (x = y)) as [->|H1].
    now left. right. congruence. apply H.

  Lemma Sigma_p1_eq_dec :
    eq_dec Σp2 -> eq_dec Σp1.
    intros H [p|n] [p'|n'].
    - enough (dec (p = p')) as [->|H1]. now left. right. congruence. apply H.
    - right. congruence.
    - right. congruence.
    - decide (n = n') as [->|]. now left. right. congruence.

  Lemma Sigma_f1_enumerable :
    enumerable__T Σf2 -> enumerable__T Σf1.
    intros [f Hf]. exists (fun n => match f n with Some x => Some (NormalSym x) | None => None end).
    intros [x]. destruct (Hf x) as [n H]. exists n. now rewrite H.

  Lemma Sigma_p1_enumerable :
    enumerable__T Σp2 -> enumerable__T Σp1.
    intros [f Hf].
    exists (fun n => match pi1 n with
                      | 0 => match f (pi2 n) with Some x => Some (NormalPred x) | None => None end
                      | _ => Some (PredApp (pi2 n))
    intros [x|n].
    - destruct (Hf x) as [n H]. exists (embed (0,n)). now rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct, H.
    - exists (embed (1,n)). now rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct.

Notations for first-order syntax

  Notation "⊥'" := FOL.falsity.
  Notation "A ∧' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Conj A B) (at level 41).
  Notation "A ∨' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Disj A B) (at level 42).
  Notation "A '-->'' B" := (@FOL.bin Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Impl A B) (at level 43, right associativity).
  Notation "A '<-->'' B" := ((A -->' B) ∧' (B -->' A)) (at level 44, right associativity).
  Notation "∀' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.All Phi) (at level 50).
  Notation "∃' Phi" := (@FOL.quant Σf1 Σp1 FOL.full_operators _ FOL.Ex Phi) (at level 50).

  Notation "phi `[ sigma ]" := (FOL.subst_form sigma phi) (at level 7, left associativity, format "phi '/' `[ sigma ]") : subst_scope.
  Notation "f >>' g" := (FOL.funcomp g f) (at level 50) : subst_scope.
  Notation "s '..''" := (FOL.scons s FOL.var) (at level 4, format "s ..'") : subst_scope.
  Notation "↑'" := (S >>' FOL.var) : subst_scope.

  Notation "A ⊢1 phi" := (FOL.prv _ A phi) (at level 61).
  Notation "A ⊢2 phi" := (Deduction.prv A phi) (at level 61).

  Lemma FOL_term_ind (p : FOL.term -> Prop) :
    (forall x, p (FOL.var x)) -> (forall F v (IH : VectorLib.Forall p v), p (FOL.func F v)) -> forall t, p t.
    intros f1 f2. fix F 1. intros [n|f v].
    - apply f1.
    - apply f2. induction v. easy. split. apply F. apply IHv.

Definition of Translation Function

The idea is to use functions pos_i, pos_f and pos_p that given a position in the SOL environment tell us the positition of the same object in the FOL environment. Quantifiers update those mappings by adding 0 the the matching kind and shiftig the other two.

  Definition pcons (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat :=
    fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (pos n) end.

  Definition pcons' (ar : nat) (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat :=
    fun n ar' => match n with
      | 0 => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then 0 else S (pos 0 ar')
      | S n => if PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' then S (pos n ar') else S (pos (S n) ar') end.

  Definition pshift (pos : nat -> nat) : nat -> nat := fun n => S (pos n).
  Definition pshift' (pos : nat -> nat -> nat) : nat -> nat -> nat := fun n ar => S (pos n ar).

  Fixpoint toFOLTerm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (t : SOL.term) : FOL.term := match t with
    | SOL.var_indi x => FOL.var (pos_i x)
    | SOL.func (var_func x ar) v => FOL.var 0
    | SOL.func (sym f) v => FOL.func (NormalSym f) ( (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)

  Fixpoint toFOLForm (pos_i : nat -> nat) (pos_p : nat -> nat -> nat) (phi : SOL.form) : FOL.form := match phi with
    | SOL.fal => FOL.falsity
    | SOL.atom (pred P) v => FOL.atom (NormalPred P) ( (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)
    | SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v => FOL.atom (PredApp ar) (FOL.var (pos_p x ar) :: (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)
    | SOL.bin op phi psi => FOL.bin (toFOLBinop op) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p psi)
    | SOL.quant_indi op phi => FOL.quant (toFOLQuantop op) (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)
    | SOL.quant_func op ar phi => FOL.falsity
    | SOL.quant_pred op ar phi => FOL.quant (toFOLQuantop op) (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' ar pos_p) phi)

  Definition initial_pos_i n := embed (0, n).
  Definition initial_pos_p n ar := embed (1, embed (n, ar)).

  Definition toFOLForm' (phi : SOL.form) := toFOLForm initial_pos_i initial_pos_p phi.

  Lemma toFOLTerm_ext_i pos_i pos_i' t :
    (forall n, ~bounded_indi_term n t -> pos_i n = pos_i' n)
    -> toFOLTerm pos_i t = toFOLTerm pos_i' t.
    intros Hi. induction t; cbn.
    - rewrite Hi. reflexivity. cbn; lia.
    - reflexivity.
    - f_equal. apply map_ext_in. intros t H. eapply Forall_in in IH. apply IH.
      intros n H1. apply Hi. intros H2. apply H1. eapply Forall_in in H2. apply H2. all: easy.

  Lemma toFOLForm_ext_i pos_i pos_i' pos_p phi :
    (forall n, ~bounded_indi n phi -> pos_i n = pos_i' n)
    -> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p phi.
    induction phi in pos_i, pos_i', pos_p |-*; cbn; intros Hi.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct p; cbn; f_equal. f_equal. all: apply map_ext_in; intros t H;
      apply toFOLTerm_ext_i; intros n' H1; apply Hi; intros H2; apply H1;
      eapply Forall_in in H2; try apply H2; easy.
    - erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2; firstorder.
    - f_equal. apply IHphi. intros [] H; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
    - reflexivity.
    - f_equal. apply IHphi. intros n' H. unfold pshift. now rewrite Hi.

  Lemma toFOLForm_ext_p pos_i pos_p pos_p' phi :
    (forall n ar, ~bounded_pred ar n phi -> pos_p n ar = pos_p' n ar)
    -> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i pos_p' phi.
    induction phi in pos_i, pos_p, pos_p' |-*; intros Hp; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct p; f_equal. rewrite Hp. reflexivity. cbn; lia.
    - erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2; firstorder.
    - erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros n ar H. unfold pshift'. now rewrite Hp.
    - reflexivity.
    - erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros [] ar H; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|].
      reflexivity. all: rewrite Hp; try reflexivity; cbn; now intros [[]|[]]; try lia.

  Definition closed phi := bounded_indi 0 phi /\ (forall ar, bounded_func ar 0 phi) /\ (forall ar, bounded_pred ar 0 phi).

  Lemma toFOLForm_closed_ext pos_i pos_p pos_i' pos_p' phi :
    closed phi -> toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi = toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p' phi.
    intros C. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_p, toFOLForm_ext_i. reflexivity.
    - intros n H. exfalso. apply H. eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply C. lia.
    - intros n ar H. exfalso. apply H. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply C. lia.

  Lemma comprehension_form_funcfree ar phi :
    funcfree phi -> funcfree (comprehension_form ar phi).
    intros H. apply forall_n_funcfree. repeat split; cbn.
    1,4: induction ar; firstorder. all: now apply funcfree_subst_p.

  Definition C := fun phi => exists ar psi, funcfree psi /\ phi = close All (comprehension_form ar psi).
  Definition toFOLTheory (T : SOL.form -> Prop) := fun phi => exists phi', phi = toFOLForm' phi' /\ T phi'.

  Lemma toFOLTheory_enumerable T :
    enumerable T -> enumerable (toFOLTheory T).
    intros [f Hf]. exists (fun n => match f n with Some phi => Some (toFOLForm' phi) | None => None end).
    intros phi. split.
    - intros [psi [-> H]]. apply Hf in H as [n H]. exists n. now rewrite H.
    - intros [n H]. destruct f eqn:H1.
      + inversion H. eexists. split. reflexivity. apply Hf. now exists n.
      + easy.

  Lemma C_enumerable :
    enumerable__T Σf2 -> enumerable__T Σp2 -> enumerable C.
    intros E1 E2. unfold C. destruct form_enumerable as [f Hf]; trivial.
    apply enumT_binop. apply enumT_quantop.
    exists (fun n => match f (pi1 n) with Some phi => if funcfree_dec phi then Some (close All (comprehension_form (pi2 n) phi)) else None | None => None end).
    intros phi. split.
    - intros [ar [psi [H1 H2]]]. destruct (Hf psi) as [n H3].
      exists (embed (n, ar)). rewrite pi1_correct, pi2_correct, H2, H3.
      now destruct funcfree_dec.
    - intros [n H1]. destruct f eqn:H2; try easy. destruct funcfree_dec; try easy.
      inversion H1. eauto.

Semantic Reduction

Translate Henkin Model to First-Order Model.

  Section HenkinModel_To_FOModel.

    Variable D2 : Type.

    Context {I2 : Tarski.interp D2}.

    Variable funcs : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> D2) -> Prop.
    Variable preds : forall ar, (vec D2 ar -> Prop) -> Prop.

    Inductive D1 :=
      | fromIndi : D2 -> D1
      | fromPred : forall ar (P : vec D2 ar -> Prop), preds ar P -> D1.

    Hypothesis D2_inhabited : D2.
    Hypothesis funcs_inhabited : forall ar, { f | funcs ar f }.
    Hypothesis preds_inhabited : forall ar, { P | preds ar P }.

    Definition error_i := D2_inhabited.
    Definition error_p ar := proj1_sig (preds_inhabited ar).

    Lemma error_p_included ar :
      preds ar (error_p ar).
      unfold error_p. now destruct preds_inhabited.

    Definition toIndi (d1 : D1) := match d1 with fromIndi d2 => d2 | _ => error_i end.

    Definition toPred ar (d1 : D1) := match d1 with
      | fromPred ar' P2 _ => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
                            | left e => match eq_sym e in _ = ar return vec D2 ar -> Prop with eq_refl => P2 end
                            | right _ => error_p ar
      | _ => error_p ar

    Instance I1 : FOL.interp D1 := {|
      FOL.i_func f := match f with
          | NormalSym f => fun v => fromIndi (Tarski.i_f _ f ( toIndi v))
        end ;
      FOL.i_atom P := match P with
          | NormalPred P => fun v => Tarski.i_P _ P ( (fun d => match d with fromIndi d => d | _ => error_i end) v)
          | PredApp ar => fun v => match Vector.hd v with
                                    | fromPred ar' P _ => match PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar' with
                                                          | left e => P match e in _ = ar' return vec _ ar' with eq_refl => toIndi ( v) end
                                                          | right _ => error_p ar ( toIndi ( v))
                                    | _ => error_p ar ( toIndi ( v))

    Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i t :
      funcfreeTerm t
      -> (forall n, toIndi (rho1 (pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n)
      -> toIndi (FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i t)) = Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t.
      intros F Hi. induction t; cbn.
      - apply Hi.
      - now exfalso.
      - f_equal. f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
        apply IH. apply F.

    Ltac destruct_eq_dec :=
      repeat (cbn; try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|]).

    Lemma toFOLForm_correct_2To1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p phi :
      funcfree phi
      -> (forall n, toIndi (rho1 (pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n)
      -> (forall n ar, toPred ar (rho1 (pos_p n ar)) = get_pred rho2 n ar)
      -> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
      revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp; cbn.
      - reflexivity.
      - destruct p; cbn.
        + rewrite <- Hp.
          assert (map toIndi (map (FOL.eval rho1) (map (toFOLTerm pos_i) v)) = map (eval D2 rho2) v) as ->. {
            rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in.
            intros t H. erewrite toFOLTerm_correct_2To1. reflexivity.
            eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi. }
          destruct (rho1 (pos_p n ar)); try easy. cbn. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
        + assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
          f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext, Forall2_identical, Forall_in.
          intros t H. rewrite <- (toFOLTerm_correct_2To1 rho1 _ pos_i). now destruct FOL.eval.
          eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
      - specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder));
        specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder) ltac:(firstorder)).
        destruct b; cbn; tauto.
      - destruct q; cbn; split.
        + intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fromIndi d)). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
        + intros H [d|ar P ?].
          * eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
          * eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H error_i). easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
        + intros [[d|ar P ?] H].
          * exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
          * exists error_i. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
        + intros [d H]. exists (fromIndi d). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: firstorder.
      - now exfalso.
      - destruct q; cbn; split.
        + intros H P HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fromPred _ P HP')). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
        + intros H [d|ar P ?].
          * eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (error_p _)), error_p_included. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
          * destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n ar) as [->|].
            -- eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H P). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
            -- eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (error_p _)), error_p_included. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
        + intros [[d|ar P HP'] H].
          * exists (error_p _), (error_p_included _). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
          * destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n ar) as [->|].
            -- exists P, HP'. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
            -- exists (error_p _), (error_p_included _). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.
        + intros [P [HP' H]]. exists (fromPred _ P HP'). eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: firstorder.

    Definition toFOLEnv rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) := fun n => match unembed n with
      | (0, n) => fromIndi (get_indi rho2 n)
      | (_, x) => fromPred _ (get_pred rho2 (pi1 x) (pi2 x)) ltac:(apply H)

    Lemma toFOLEnv_correct_i rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) :
      forall n, toIndi (toFOLEnv rho2 H (initial_pos_i n)) = get_indi rho2 n.
      intros n. unfold toFOLEnv, initial_pos_i. now rewrite unembed_embed.

    Lemma toFOLEnv_correct_p rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) :
      forall n ar, toPred ar (toFOLEnv rho2 H (initial_pos_p n ar)) = get_pred rho2 n ar.
      intros n ar. unfold toFOLEnv, initial_pos_p.
      rewrite unembed_embed, pi1_correct, pi2_correct.
      destruct H. cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.

    Lemma toFOLForm_correct_2To1' rho2 (H : henkin_env funcs preds rho2) phi :
      funcfree phi -> FOL.sat (toFOLEnv rho2 H) (toFOLForm' phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
      intros F. apply toFOLForm_correct_2To1. apply F.
      apply toFOLEnv_correct_i. apply toFOLEnv_correct_p.

  End HenkinModel_To_FOModel.

Translate First-Order Model to Henkin Model.

  Section FOModel_To_HenkinModel.

    Variable D1 : Type.
    Context {I1 : FOL.interp D1}.

    Definition D2 := D1.

    Definition funcs ar (f : vec D2 ar -> D2) := True.

    Definition preds ar (P : vec D2 ar -> Prop) :=
      exists d : D1, forall v, P v <-> i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (d::v).

    Instance I2 : Tarski.interp D2 := {|
      Tarski.i_f f v := i_func (f:=NormalSym f) v ;
      Tarski.i_P P v := i_atom (P:=NormalPred P) v

    Lemma toFOLTerm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i t :
      funcfreeTerm t
      -> (forall n, get_indi rho2 n = rho1 (pos_i n))
      -> Tarski.eval D2 rho2 t = FOL.eval rho1 (toFOLTerm pos_i t).
      intros F Hi. induction t; cbn.
      - apply Hi.
      - now exfalso.
      - f_equal. rewrite map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
        apply IH. apply F.

    Ltac destruct_eq_dec :=
      repeat (cbn; try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|]).

    Lemma toFOLForm_correct_1To2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p phi :
      funcfree phi
      -> (forall n, get_indi rho2 n = rho1 (pos_i n))
      -> (forall n ar, forall v, get_pred rho2 n ar v <-> i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (rho1 (pos_p n ar) :: v))
      -> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 phi.
      revert rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p. induction phi; intros rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp; cbn.
      - reflexivity.
      - destruct p; cbn.
        + rewrite <- Hp. assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
          f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t H.
          erewrite <- toFOLTerm_correct_1To2. reflexivity.
          eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
        + assert (forall x y, x = y -> x <-> y) as X by now intros x y ->. apply X; clear X.
          f_equal. rewrite !map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t H.
          erewrite <- toFOLTerm_correct_1To2. reflexivity.
          eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
      - destruct F as [F1 F2]. specialize (IHphi1 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F1 Hi Hp);
        specialize (IHphi2 rho1 rho2 pos_i pos_p F2 Hi Hp). destruct b; cbn; tauto.
      - destruct q; cbn; split.
        + intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
        + intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
        + intros [d H]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
        + intros [d H]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. easy. intros []. all: trivial; apply Hi.
      - now exfalso.
      - destruct q; cbn; split.
          + intros H P [d Hd]. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H d). 3: intros [] ar'; destruct_eq_dec. all: try easy.
          + intros H d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply (H (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::v))).
            4: now exists d. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.
          + intros [d H]. exists (fun v => @i_atom Σf1 Σp1 _ _ (PredApp n) (d::v)).
            eexists. now exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.
          + intros [f [[d Hd] H]]. exists d. eapply IHphi. 4: apply H. 3: intros [] ar'; cbn; destruct_eq_dec. all: easy.

    Definition toSOLEnv rho1 :=
       fun n => rho1 (initial_pos_i n),
        fun _ ar v => rho1 0,
        fun n ar v => i_atom (P:=PredApp ar) (rho1 (initial_pos_p n ar) :: v) .

    Lemma toSOLEnv_henkin_env rho1 :
      henkin_env funcs preds (toSOLEnv rho1).
      intros n ar. split. easy. now exists (rho1 (initial_pos_p n ar)).

    Lemma toFOLForm_correct_1To2' rho1 phi :
      funcfree phi -> FOL.sat rho1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> Henkin.sat funcs preds (toSOLEnv rho1) phi.
      intros F. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. apply F. reflexivity. reflexivity.

    Lemma constructed_henkin_model_comprehension rho1 :
      (forall phi, toFOLTheory C phi -> FOL.sat rho1 phi) -> forall rho2, (forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho2 x ar)) -> forall n phi, funcfree phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho2 (comprehension_form n phi).
      intros H rho2 Hrho2 n phi F. apply close_sat_funcfree with (rho := toSOLEnv rho1).
      - apply comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
      - intros x ar'. unfold preds. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
      - apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'.
        + apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
        + apply H. eexists. split. reflexivity. now exists n, phi.
      - apply Hrho2.

    Lemma constructed_henkin_interp_correct rho :
      (forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho x ar)) -> (forall phi, C phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho phi) -> henkin_interp I2 funcs preds.
      intros Hrho HC. split. easy.
      intros P. unfold preds. assert (Henkin.sat funcs preds rho (close All (comprehension_form (ar_preds P) (atom (pred P) (tabulate (ar_preds P) var_indi))))) as H1.
      { apply HC. eexists. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. now apply tabulate_Forall. }
      eapply close_sat_funcfree with (sigma := rho) in H1.
      - apply comprehension_form_correct in H1 as [P' [[d H1] H2]]. exists d.
        intros v. specialize (H2 v). cbn in H2. rewrite Deduction.eval_tabulate in H2.
        cbn. setoid_rewrite <- H2. setoid_rewrite H1. reflexivity.
      - now apply comprehension_form_funcfree, tabulate_Forall.
      - apply Hrho.
      - apply Hrho.

  End FOModel_To_HenkinModel.

Full Translation of Validity

  Notation "A ∪ B" := (fun x => A x \/ B x) (at level 30).

  Definition validFO `{falsity_flag} (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi :=
    forall D (I : FOL.interp D) rho, (forall psi, T psi -> FOL.sat rho psi) -> FOL.sat rho phi.

  Lemma henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
    funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi <-> validFO (toFOLTheory (T C)) (toFOLForm' phi).
    intros F TF. split.
    - intros H D1 I1 rho1 HT. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'; trivial. apply H.
      + apply constructed_henkin_interp_correct with (rho := toSOLEnv _ rho1).
        * intros x ar. unfold preds. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
        * intros psi' [? [? [? ->]]]. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'.
          now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
          apply HT. eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity. easy.
      + eapply constructed_henkin_model_comprehension.
        intros psi' [? [->]]. apply HT. eexists. split. reflexivity. now right.
      + apply toSOLEnv_henkin_env.
      + intros psi H1. apply toFOLForm_correct_1To2'. now apply TF. apply HT. firstorder.
    - intros H D2 I2 funcs preds HI HC rho2 H_rho2 HT.
      unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'; trivial.
      + exact (get_indi rho2 0).
      + intros ar. exists (get_pred rho2 0 ar). apply H_rho2.
      + apply H. intros psi [phi' [-> [|[ar [phi'' [HF ->]]]]]].
        * eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'. now apply TF. now apply HT.
        * eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1'. now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
          eapply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
          intros x ar'. apply H_rho2. intros sigma H2. now apply HC.

Completeness of derived deduction system

  Section DerivedCompleteness.

    Existing Instance FOL.falsity_on.

    Notation "T ⊩1 phi" := (FOL.tprv T phi) (at level 61).

    Definition tprv2_derived A phi := toFOLTheory (A C) ⊩1 toFOLForm' phi.
    Notation "A ⊩2' phi" := (tprv2_derived A phi) (at level 61).

    Hypothesis tprv1_sound : forall (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi, T ⊩1 phi -> validFO T phi.
    Hypothesis tprv1_complete : forall T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.

    Hypothesis Σp2_enumerable : enumerable__T Σp2.
    Hypothesis Σf2_enumerable : enumerable__T Σf2.
    Hypothesis Σp2_eq_dec : eq_dec Σp2.
    Hypothesis Σf2_eq_dec : eq_dec Σf2.

    Hypothesis tprv1_enumerable : enumerable__T Σf1 -> enumerable__T Σp1 -> forall T, enumerable T -> enumerable (FOL.tprv T).

    Lemma tprv2_derived_sound (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2' phi -> Henkin.validT T phi.
      intros ? ? H. now apply henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid, tprv1_sound, H.

    Lemma tprv2_derived_complete (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi -> T ⊩2' phi.
      intros ? ? H. now apply tprv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid, H.

    Lemma tprv2_derived_enumerable (T : SOL.form -> Prop) :
      enumerable T -> enumerable (tprv2_derived T).
      intros H. unfold tprv2_derived. apply enumerable_comp.
      - apply tprv1_enumerable, toFOLTheory_enumerable, enumerable_disj.
        now apply Sigma_f1_enumerable. now apply Sigma_p1_enumerable.
        apply H. now apply C_enumerable.
      - apply form_enumerable; trivial. apply enumT_binop. apply enumT_quantop.
      - apply FOL.dec_form. now apply Sigma_f1_eq_dec. now apply Sigma_p1_eq_dec.
        all: intros x y; unfold dec; decide equality.

  End DerivedCompleteness.

Deductive Reduction


  Section ArityBoundedSubst.

    Context {Σf2' : SOL.funcs_signature}.
    Context {Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature}.

    Definition subst_all_below_ar_p (sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar) ar :=
      fun n ar' => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar' ar then sigma n ar' else var_pred n.

    Definition subst_all_from_ar_p (sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar) ar :=
      fun n ar' => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar' ar then var_pred n else sigma n ar'.

    Lemma subst_all_below_ar_bounded b phi sigma :
      arity_bounded_p b phi -> phi[subst_all_below_ar_p sigma b]p = phi[sigma]p.
      intros B. eapply subst_ext_p_arity_bounded. apply B.
      intros x ar H. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
      now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.

    Lemma subst_all_from_ar_bounded b phi sigma :
      arity_bounded_p b phi -> phi[subst_all_from_ar_p sigma b]p = phi.
      intros B. erewrite <- subst_id_p. eapply subst_ext_p_arity_bounded. apply B.
      intros x ar H. unfold subst_all_from_ar_p.
      now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.

  End ArityBoundedSubst.

Closing operation for predicate variables

  Section ClosePredicateAr.

    Context {Σf2' : SOL.funcs_signature}.
    Context {Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature}.

    Fixpoint close_p op phi n := match n with 0 => phi | S n => SOL.quant_pred op n (close_p op phi n) end.

    Lemma close_p_subst_i op phi sigma n :
      (close_p op phi n)[sigma]i = close_p op (phi[sigma]i) n.
      revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.

    Lemma close_p_subst_f op phi sigma n :
      (close_p op phi n)[sigma]f = close_p op (phi[sigma]f) n.
      revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.

    Definition all_up_p sigma : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar :=
      fun n ar => match n with 0 => var_pred 0 | S n => (sigma n ar)[ ar]p end.

    Lemma close_p_subst_p op phi sigma n :
      (close_p op phi n)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (all_up_p sigma) n]p[subst_all_from_ar_p sigma n]p) n.
      rewrite subst_comp_p. revert sigma. induction n; intros sigma.
      - apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, subst_all_from_ar_p.
        now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
      - cbn. f_equal. rewrite IHn. f_equal. apply subst_ext_p. intros [] ar;
        unfold subst_all_from_ar_p, subst_all_below_ar_p;
        repeat (destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec, Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
        all: unfold up_p, scons, scons_pred, scons_ar, shift, shift_p;
        repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try easy; cbn).
        + destruct sigma; cbn; try easy. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia.
        + destruct n0; repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try easy; cbn);
          destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity; repeat (try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same;
          try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
        + destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia. destruct sigma; cbn; try easy. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
          cbn. now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.
        + destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.

    Lemma close_p_subst_p' op phi sigma n :
      (close_p op phi n)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[fun x ar => if Compare_dec.lt_dec ar n then match x with 0 => var_pred 0 ar | S x => (sigma x ar)[ ar]p end else sigma x ar]p) n.
      rewrite close_p_subst_p, subst_comp_p. f_equal. apply subst_ext_p.
      intros [] ar; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, subst_all_from_ar_p;
      repeat (destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
      unfold shift, shift_p. destruct sigma; cbn; try reflexivity. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; cbn.
      now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.

    Lemma close_p_subst_p_bounded op b phi sigma :
      (arity_bounded_p b phi) -> (close_p op phi b)[sigma]p = close_p op (phi[all_up_p sigma]p) b.
      intros B. rewrite close_p_subst_p. f_equal. rewrite subst_all_from_ar_bounded.
      apply subst_all_below_ar_bounded. apply B. apply arity_bounded_p_subst_p, B.

    Lemma close_p_bounded_indi n b op phi :
      bounded_indi b phi -> bounded_indi b (close_p op phi n).
      now induction n.

    Lemma close_p_bounded_pred m ar b op phi :
      bounded_pred ar b phi -> bounded_pred ar b (close_p op phi m).
      revert b. induction m; intros b H; cbn.
      - exact H.
      - destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar m).
        + left. split. easy. apply IHm. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply H. lia.
        + right. split. easy. now apply IHm.

    Lemma close_p_bounded_pred_2 m ar b op phi :
      ar < m -> bounded_pred ar (S b) phi -> bounded_pred ar b (close_p op phi m).
      revert b. induction m; intros b H1 H2; cbn.
      - lia.
      - destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar m).
        + left. split. easy. apply close_p_bounded_pred, H2.
        + right. split. easy. apply IHm. lia. apply H2.

    Lemma close_p_arity_bounded ar phi op n :
      arity_bounded_p ar phi -> arity_bounded_p ar (close_p op phi n).
      now induction n.

    Lemma close_p_find_arity_bound_p op phi n :
      find_arity_bound_p (close_p op phi n) = find_arity_bound_p phi.
      now induction n.

    (* Deduction *)

    Definition shift_p_all : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar := fun n ar => var_pred (S n).

    Definition subst_first_p_all (P : forall ar, predicate ar) : nat -> forall ar, predicate ar :=
      fun n ar => match n with 0 => P ar | S n => var_pred n end.

    Notation "⇑" := shift_p_all.
    Notation "P ,," := (subst_first_p_all P) (at level 4, format "P ,,").

    Lemma close_p_AllI {p' : peirce} A phi n : (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p n)) A ⊢2 phi -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n.
      revert A. induction n; intros A H; cbn.
      - enough ( (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p 0)) A = A) as <- by apply H.
        clear H. induction A as [|psi A IH]; cbn. reflexivity. f_equal. rewrite <- subst_id_p.
        now apply subst_ext_p. apply IH.
      - apply AllI_p. apply IHn. rewrite List.map_map.
        enough ( (subst_form_p ( n) >> subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p n)) A = (subst_p (subst_all_below_ar_p (S n))) A) as -> by apply H.
        apply List.map_ext. intros psi. change (subst_form_p ( n) psi) with (psi[ n]p).
        rewrite subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros n' ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p.
        now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec, PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; cbn; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.

    Lemma close_p_AllI_nameless' {p' : peirce} phi A b n :
      arity_bounded_p n phi
      -> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A)
      -> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b phi)
      -> A ⊢2 phi[(@var_pred _ b),,]p
      -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n.
      intros B B1. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B. clear B.
      revert phi. induction n; intros phi B2 H; cbn.
      - enough (phi = phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, 0]p) as -> by apply H.
        rewrite <- subst_id_p at 1. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar'. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
        now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
      - apply AllI_p, nameless_equiv_all_p' with (n0:=b). apply B1. lia. apply close_p_bounded_pred.
        eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply B2. lia. lia. rewrite close_p_subst_p'. apply IHn.
        + intros ar H1 psi H2. apply B1. lia. exact H2.
        + intros ar H1. apply bounded_pred_subst_p. 2: apply B2; lia.
          intros []; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try easy. destruct n0; cbn;
          unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p;
          now repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; cbn).
        + rewrite subst_comp_p. erewrite subst_ext_p. apply H.
          intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p;
          repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; try lia; try reflexivity).
          destruct n0; cbn; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; cbn; try lia; try reflexivity).

    Lemma close_p_AllI_nameless {p' : peirce} phi A n :
      arity_bounded_p n phi -> { x | A ⊢2 phi[(@var_pred _ x),,]p -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n }.
      intros B. enough { b | forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A /\ bounded_pred ar b phi } as [x H].
      { exists x. apply close_p_AllI_nameless'. apply B. apply H. apply H. }
      clear B. induction n.
      - exists 0. intros ar H; lia.
      - destruct IHn as [b H]. destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n (List.cons phi A)) as [b' H3].
        exists (max b b'). intros ar H1. assert (ar < n \/ ar = n) as [H2| ->] by lia.
        + split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H]; try lia; easy.
        + split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H3]; try lia; firstorder.

    Lemma close_p_AllE phi {p' : peirce} A n P :
      arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 close_p All phi n -> A ⊢2 phi[P,,]p.
      intros B. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B.
      clear B. induction n in phi |-*; cbn; intros H.
      - erewrite subst_ext_p, subst_id_p. apply H. reflexivity.
      - apply AllE_p with (P0 := P n) in H. rewrite close_p_subst_p' in H.
        apply IHn in H. rewrite subst_comp_p in H. erewrite subst_ext_p. apply H.
        intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p;
        repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn);
        destruct P; try reflexivity; cbn;
        destruct n0; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;
        try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).

    Lemma close_p_ExE_nameless' {p' : peirce} phi psi A b n :
      (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred_L ar b A)
      -> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b phi)
      -> (forall ar, ar < n -> bounded_pred ar b psi)
      -> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n
      -> phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, n]p :: A ⊢2 psi
      -> A ⊢2 psi.
      induction n in A, phi |-*; intros B1 B2 B3 H1 H2; cbn in *.
      - eapply IE. apply II, H2. enough (phi = phi[subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, 0]p) as <- by apply H1.
        rewrite <- subst_id_p at 1. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar'. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
        now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
      - eapply ExE_p. apply H1. eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0:=b).
        + apply B1. lia.
        + apply B3. lia.
        + eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply close_p_bounded_pred, B2. lia. lia.
        + eapply IHn. 4: rewrite <- close_p_subst_p' with (sigma := (var_pred b n)..).
          * intros ar H phi' [<-|]. apply bounded_pred_subst_p.
            now intros []; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.
            apply close_p_bounded_pred, B2. lia. apply B1. lia. easy.
          * intros ar H. apply bounded_pred_subst_p. intros []; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
            reflexivity. now destruct n0; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; unfold shift, shift_p; cbn;
            destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia. apply B2. lia.
          * intros. apply B3. lia.
          * apply Ctx. now left.
          * rewrite subst_comp_p. erewrite subst_ext_p with (tau := subst_all_below_ar_p (@var_pred _ b),, (S n)).
            eapply Weak. 2: apply H2. clear -H2; firstorder.
            intros [|] ar; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p, shift, shift_p; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; cbn;
            repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).
            destruct n0; cbn; repeat (destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; cbn);
            now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.

    Lemma close_p_ExE_nameless {p' : peirce} phi psi A n :
      arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n -> { x | phi[(@var_pred _ x),,]p :: A ⊢2 psi -> A ⊢2 psi }.
      intros B. enough { b | (forall ar, ar < n -> (forall phi, List.In phi A -> bounded_pred ar b phi) /\ bounded_pred ar b phi /\ bounded_pred ar b psi) } as [x H].
      { exists x. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B. apply close_p_ExE_nameless'; firstorder. }
      clear B. induction n.
      - exists 0. intros ar H; lia.
      - destruct IHn as [b H]. destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n (List.cons phi (List.cons psi A))) as [b' H3].
        exists (max b b'). intros ar H1. assert (ar < n \/ ar = n) as [H2| ->] by lia.
        + repeat split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H]; try lia; easy.
        + repeat split. intros psi' H4. all: eapply bounded_pred_up; [| apply H3]; try lia; firstorder.

    Lemma close_p_ExI {p' : peirce} A phi n P :
      arity_bounded_p n phi -> A ⊢2 phi[P,,]p -> A ⊢2 close_p Ex phi n.
      intros B. erewrite <- subst_all_below_ar_bounded. 2: apply B.
      clear B. induction n in phi |-*; cbn; intros H.
      - erewrite <- subst_id_p, subst_ext_p. apply H. intros n ar. unfold subst_all_below_ar_p.
        now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
      - apply ExI_p with (P0:=P n). rewrite close_p_subst_p'. apply IHn.
        erewrite subst_comp_p, subst_ext_p. apply H.
        intros [] ar; cbn; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p;
        repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn);
        destruct P; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec.
        all: destruct n0; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; repeat (try destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;
        try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [|]; try lia; try reflexivity; cbn).

  End ClosePredicateAr.

  Notation "⇑" := shift_p_all.
  Notation "P ,," := (subst_first_p_all P) (at level 4, format "P ,,").

Add falsity symbol to signature

  Inductive ExtendedPreds :=
    | OldPred : SOL.preds -> ExtendedPreds
    | FalsePred : nat -> ExtendedPreds.

  Instance Σp2' : SOL.preds_signature := {|
    SOL.preds := ExtendedPreds ;
    SOL.ar_preds P := match P with OldPred P => SOL.ar_preds P | FalsePred ar => ar end

Removal of Falsity Symbols

  Fixpoint removeFalsePred (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2 _ := match phi with
    | SOL.atom (pred (OldPred p)) v => SOL.atom (pred p) v
    | SOL.atom (pred (FalsePred ar)) v => SOL.fal
    | SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v => SOL.atom (var_pred x ar) v
    | SOL.fal => SOL.fal
    | SOL.bin op phi psi => SOL.bin op (removeFalsePred phi) (removeFalsePred psi)
    | SOL.quant_indi op phi => SOL.quant_indi op (removeFalsePred phi)
    | SOL.quant_func op ar phi => SOL.quant_func op ar (removeFalsePred phi)
    | SOL.quant_pred op ar phi => SOL.quant_pred op ar (removeFalsePred phi)

  Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_i phi sigma :
    (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]i = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma]i).
    induction phi in sigma |- *; cbn; try congruence. now destruct p as [|[]].

  Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_f phi sigma :
    (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]f = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma]f).
    induction phi in sigma |- *; cbn; try congruence. now destruct p as [|[]].

  Lemma removeFalsePred_subst_p phi sigma sigma' :
    (forall n ar, (exists x, sigma n ar = var_pred x /\ sigma' n ar = var_pred x)
               \/ exists P (e : ar_preds P = ar), sigma n ar = Util.cast _ e (pred P) /\ sigma' n ar = Util.cast _ e (pred (OldPred P)))
    -> (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma]p = removeFalsePred (phi[sigma']p).
    induction phi in sigma, sigma' |- *; cbn; intros H.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct p as [|[]]; cbn; try reflexivity. now destruct (H n ar) as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
    - erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2. reflexivity. apply H. apply H.
    - erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. apply H.
    - erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. apply H.
    - erewrite IHphi. reflexivity. intros [] ar; cbn.
      + destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. left. now exists 0. edestruct H as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
        * left. exists x; cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
        * right. now exists P, eq_refl.
      + destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; edestruct H as [[x [-> ->]]|[P [<- [-> ->]]]].
        * left. exists (S x). cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
        * right. now exists P, eq_refl.
        * left. exists x. cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
        * right. now exists P, eq_refl.

  Lemma removeFalsePred_forall_n n phi :
    removeFalsePred (forall_n n phi) = forall_n n (removeFalsePred phi).
    induction n; cbn; congruence.

  Lemma removeFalsePred_close_p op phi n :
    removeFalsePred (close_p op phi n) = close_p op (removeFalsePred phi) n.
    induction n; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite IHn.

  Lemma removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p phi n :
    arity_bounded_p n phi <-> arity_bounded_p n (removeFalsePred phi).
    induction phi. 2: now destruct p as [|[]]. all: firstorder.

  Lemma removeFalsePred_funcfree phi :
    funcfree phi -> funcfree (removeFalsePred phi).
    intros F. induction phi; cbn; firstorder. now destruct p as [|[]]; cbn.

  Lemma replace_FalsePred_subst {p' : peirce} (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) ar n :
    List.nil ⊢2 (forall_n ar (p$n (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> )) --> (removeFalsePred phi[(@pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar))..]p <--> (removeFalsePred phi)[(var_pred n ar)..]p).
    enough (forall sigma1 sigma2 n m,
                 sigma1 m ar = pred (FalsePred ar)
              -> sigma2 m ar = var_pred n ar
              -> (forall x ar', x <> m \/ ar' <> ar -> exists y, sigma1 x ar' = var_pred y /\ sigma2 x ar' = var_pred y)
              -> List.nil ⊢2 (forall_n ar (p$n (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> )) --> (removeFalsePred phi[sigma1]p <--> (removeFalsePred phi)[sigma2]p)) as X.
    { apply X with (m:=0); cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec].
      - now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
      - now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
      - intros x ar' [].
        + destruct x; try lia; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
        + exists x. destruct x; cbn; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. }
    induction phi; cbn; intros sigma1 sigma2 n' m H1 H2 H3; apply II.
    - apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
    - destruct p as [|[]]; cbn. 2,3: apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
      specialize (H3 n0 ar0). destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n0 m) as [->|].
      + destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar0 ar) as [->|].
        * rewrite H1, H2.
          Existing Instance Σp2. (* TODO: Better way to locally force the usage of Σp2 ? *)
          assert (forall_n ar (p$n' (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> ) :: List.nil ⊢2forall_n ar (p$n' (tabulate ar var_indi) <--> )) as H by now apply Ctx.
          eapply prv_forall_n in H. cbn in H. rewrite tabulate_var_indi_subst in H.
          apply prv_equiv_symmetry, H.
        * destruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]. lia. apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
      + destruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]. lia. apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx; now left.
    - apply prv_equiv_bin; apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi1; eassumption. eapply IHphi2; eassumption.
    - apply prv_equiv_quant_i. cbn. setoid_rewrite comprehension_subst_i with (phi0 := ).
      eapply switch_imp, IHphi; eassumption.
    - apply prv_equiv_quant_f. cbn. setoid_rewrite comprehension_subst_f with (phi0 := ).
      eapply switch_imp, IHphi; eassumption.
    - apply prv_equiv_quant_p. cbn. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n0 ar) as [->|].
      + setoid_rewrite forall_n_subst_p. cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
        apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi with (m := S m); cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same, H1.
        rewrite nat_eq_dec_same, H2; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
        intros x ar' [].
        * destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. now exists 0.
          all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
          destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
        * destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia;
          cbn; unfold shift, shift_p; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
      + setoid_rewrite forall_n_subst_p. cbn. unfold shift, shift_p. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia.
        apply switch_imp. eapply IHphi with (m := m); cbn. destruct m; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia;
        now rewrite H1. destruct m; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; rewrite H2; cbn;
        unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
        intros x ar' [].
        * destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]. now exists 0.
          all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
          destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.
        * destruct x; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; try lia. now exists 0.
          all: edestruct H3 as [? [-> ->]]; try lia; cbn; unfold shift, shift_p;
          destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; now eexists.

  Lemma prv_removeFalsePred {p' : peirce} A (phi : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _) :
    A ⊢2 phi -> ( removeFalsePred A) ⊢2 (removeFalsePred phi).
    induction 1; cbn in *.
    - apply II, IHprv.
    - eapply IE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
    - apply Exp, IHprv.
    - apply Ctx, List.in_map, H.
    - apply CI. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
    - eapply CE1, IHprv.
    - eapply CE2, IHprv.
    - apply DI1, IHprv.
    - apply DI2, IHprv.
    - eapply DE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2. apply IHprv3.
    - apply Peirce.
    - apply AllI_i. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
      intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_i.
    - apply AllI_f. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
      intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_f.
    - apply AllI_p. rewrite List.map_map in *. erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv.
      intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_p. intros n ar'. left. destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar').
      all: eexists; unfold shift, shift_p; now destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec.
    - rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_i. eapply AllE_i, IHprv.
    - rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_f. eapply AllE_f, IHprv.
    - destruct P as [|[]].
      + erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. eapply AllE_p with (P:=var_pred n), IHprv.
        intros [] ar'; cbn; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|]; eexists; split; reflexivity.
      + erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. eapply AllE_p with (P:=pred p0), IHprv.
        intros [] ar; cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec]; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
        right. now exists p0, eq_refl. all: left; now eexists.
      + eapply ExE_p with (ar := n). apply Comp with (phi0:=). easy.
        destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n ((removeFalsePred phi[(@pred Σp2' (FalsePred n))..]p :: (forall_n n (p$0 (tabulate n var_indi) <--> [ n]p)) :: removeFalsePred A))) as [b Hb].
        eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0 := b).
        * intros ? ?. apply Hb. auto.
        * apply Hb. auto.
        * eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
        * eapply IE. eapply CE2. apply switch_imp. eapply Weak; revgoals.
          rewrite forall_n_subst_p; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [[]|]; try easy.
          eapply replace_FalsePred_subst. firstorder.
          eapply AllE_p in IHprv. eapply Weak. 2: apply IHprv. firstorder.
    - eapply ExI_i. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i. apply IHprv.
    - eapply ExI_f. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_f. apply IHprv.
    - destruct P as [|[]].
      + eapply ExI_p. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply IHprv.
        intros [] ar'; cbn; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar') as [->|]; eexists; split; reflexivity.
      + eapply ExI_p. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply IHprv.
        intros [] ar; cbn -[PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec]; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [<-|].
        right. now exists p0, eq_refl. all: left; now eexists.
      + eapply ExE_p with (ar := n). eapply Comp with (phi0:=). easy.
        destruct (find_bounded_pred_L n ((removeFalsePred phi) :: (forall_n n (p$0 (tabulate n var_indi) <--> [ n]p) :: ( removeFalsePred A)))) as [b Hb].
        eapply nameless_equiv_ex_p' with (n0 := b).
        * intros ? ?. apply Hb. auto.
        * cbn. left. split. reflexivity. eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
        * eapply bounded_pred_up. 2: apply Hb. lia. firstorder.
        * eapply ExI_p. eapply IE. eapply CE1. apply switch_imp. eapply Weak; revgoals.
          rewrite forall_n_subst_p; cbn. destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [[]|]; try easy.
          eapply replace_FalsePred_subst with (n0:=b). firstorder.
          eapply Weak. 2: apply IHprv. firstorder.
    - eapply ExE_i. apply IHprv1. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i. rewrite List.map_map in *.
      erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_i.
    - eapply ExE_f. apply IHprv1. rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_f. rewrite List.map_map in *.
      erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. apply removeFalsePred_subst_f.
    - eapply ExE_p. apply IHprv1. erewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p. rewrite List.map_map in *.
      erewrite List.map_ext. apply IHprv2. intros ?. eapply removeFalsePred_subst_p.
      all: intros n ar'; left; destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar'); eexists; unfold shift, shift_p;
      destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; split; reflexivity.
    - rewrite removeFalsePred_forall_n. cbn. erewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p. apply Comp.
      now apply removeFalsePred_funcfree. intros n ar'. left.
      destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec ar ar'); eexists; unfold shift, shift_p;
      destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; split; reflexivity.

Backwards Translation Function

  Existing Instance Σp2'.

  Fixpoint toSOLTerm (t : FOL.term) := match t with
    | FOL.var x => SOL.var_indi x
    | FOL.func (NormalSym f) v => SOL.func (sym f) ( toSOLTerm v)

  Fixpoint toSOLForm {ff : falsity_flag} (phi : FOL.form) : @SOL.form Σf2 Σp2' _ := match phi with
    | FOL.atom (NormalPred p) v => SOL.atom (@pred Σp2' (OldPred p)) ( toSOLTerm v)
    | FOL.atom (PredApp ar) v => match Vector.hd v with
                                  | FOL.var x => SOL.atom (var_pred x) ( ( toSOLTerm v))
                                  | _ => SOL.atom (@pred Σp2' (FalsePred _)) ( ( toSOLTerm v))
    | FOL.falsity => SOL.fal
    | FOL.bin op phi psi => SOL.bin (toSOLBinop op) (toSOLForm phi) (toSOLForm psi)
    | FOL.quant op phi => (close_p (toSOLQuantop op) (quant_indi (toSOLQuantop op) (toSOLForm phi)) (find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm phi)))

  Definition toSOLSub_i (sigma : nat -> FOL.term) := fun n => toSOLTerm (sigma n).
  Definition toSOLSub_p (sigma : nat -> FOL.term) := fun n ar => match sigma n with FOL.var x => var_pred x ar | _ => pred (FalsePred _) end.


  Lemma toSOLTerm_subst {ff: falsity_flag} t sigma :
    (toSOLTerm t)[toSOLSub_i sigma]i = toSOLTerm (FOL.subst_term sigma t).
    induction t using FOL_term_ind; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct F; cbn; f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. apply VectorLib.map_ext_forall, IH.

  Lemma toSOLForm_subst {ff: falsity_flag} phi sigma :
    (toSOLForm phi)[toSOLSub_p sigma]p[toSOLSub_i sigma]i = toSOLForm (phi`[sigma]).
    revert sigma; induction phi; intros sigma; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct P; cbn.
      + f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. apply map_ext_forall, Forall_in. intros t' H.
        apply toSOLTerm_subst.
      + depelim t; destruct h; cbn; unfold toSOLSub_p. destruct (sigma n0).
        all: f_equal; rewrite !Vector.map_map; eapply VectorLib.map_ext_in; intros t' H;
        apply toSOLTerm_subst.
    - f_equal; firstorder.
    - f_equal. rewrite <- IHphi. rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded, close_p_subst_i. 2: cbn; apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
      cbn. f_equal. erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p. reflexivity.
      + intros [] ar; cbn. reflexivity. unfold toSOLSub_p, shift, shift_p, up, ">>'", FOL.scons.
        destruct sigma; cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same. reflexivity.
      + intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now setoid_rewrite <- toSOLTerm_subst.
      + now rewrite <- find_arity_bound_p_subst_i, <- find_arity_bound_p_subst_p.


  Hypothesis Σf2_eq_dec : forall f1 f2 : Σf2, f1 = f2 \/ f1 <> f2.
  Hypothesis Σp2_eq_dec : forall p1 p2 : Σp2, p1 = p2 \/ p1 <> p2.

  Lemma toSOLTerm_bounded_indi {ff : falsity_flag} t b :
    bounded_t b t -> bounded_indi_term b (toSOLTerm t).
    intros H. induction t using FOL_term_ind; cbn.
    - now inversion H.
    - destruct F; cbn. rewrite Forall_map. eapply Forall_ext_Forall. apply IH.
      apply Forall_in. intros t H1. inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H3 as ->.
      apply H2. now apply In_compat. decide equality.

  Lemma toSOLForm_bounded_indi {ff : falsity_flag} phi b :
    bounded b phi -> bounded_indi b (toSOLForm phi).
    revert b. induction phi; intros b' H; cbn.
    - easy.
    - inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality; lia.
      destruct P; cbn. 2: depelim t; destruct h; cbn.
      all: apply Forall_in; intros ? [t' [<- H4]]%In_map_iff; apply toSOLTerm_bounded_indi;
      apply H3. now apply In_compat. all: constructor; now apply In_compat.
    - inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H1 as ->, H5 as ->. split. now apply IHphi1.
      now apply IHphi2. all: decide equality.
    - inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality.
      now apply close_p_bounded_indi, IHphi.

  Lemma toSOLForm_bounded_pred {ff : falsity_flag} phi b :
    bounded b phi -> forall ar, bounded_pred ar b (toSOLForm phi).
    revert b. induction phi; intros b' H ar; cbn.
    - easy.
    - destruct P; cbn. easy. depelim t; destruct h; cbn. left. inversion H.
      apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. specialize (H3 (FOL.var n0) ltac:(constructor)). now inversion H3.
      decide equality. lia. easy.
    - inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H1 as ->, H5 as ->. split. now apply IHphi1.
      now apply IHphi2. all: decide equality.
    - inversion H. apply inj_pairT2 in H4 as ->. 2: decide equality.
      destruct (Compare_dec.lt_dec ar (find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm phi))) as [H4|H4].
      + apply close_p_bounded_pred_2. easy. apply IHphi, H3.
      + eapply bounded_pred_arity_bound. apply close_p_arity_bounded, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
        cbn. lia.

Translation of Derivations

Translate first-order derivation into second-order derivation

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2_AllI {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi : toSOLForm ( (subst_form ↑') A) ⊢2 toSOLForm phi -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∀' phi).
    destruct (find_bounded_L (phi :: A)) as [x Hx].
    intros H. apply subst_Weak_p with (sigma := toSOLSub_p (var x)..') in H.
    apply subst_Weak_i with (sigma := toSOLSub_i (var x)..') in H.
    erewrite !List.map_map, toSOLForm_subst, List.map_ext with (g := toSOLForm) in H; revgoals.
    { intros psi. setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst. now rewrite subst_shift. }
    cbn. eapply close_p_AllI_nameless' with (b := x).
    - cbn. apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
    - intros ar H1 ? [psi [<- H2]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. apply Hx; auto.
    - intros ar H1. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. apply Hx; auto.
    - cbn; eapply AllI_i, nameless_equiv_all_i' with (n := x).
      + intros ? [psi [<- H1]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi. apply Hx; auto.
      + apply bounded_indi_subst_p. eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, Hx; auto. lia.
      + erewrite subst_ext_p, subst_ext_i, toSOLForm_subst. apply H. now intros []. now intros [].
    - now intros [].

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2_AllE {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi (t : FOL.term) : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∀' phi) -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm phi`[t..'].
    cbn. intros H. apply close_p_AllE with (P := fun ar => match t with FOL.var x => var_pred x | _ => @pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar) end) in H.
    cbn in H. eapply AllE_i with (t0 := toSOLTerm t) in H. rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst.
    erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p. apply H.
    - intros [] ar; cbn. now destruct t. reflexivity.
    - now intros [].
    - cbn. apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2_ExI {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi (t : FOL.term) : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm phi`[t..'] -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∃' phi).
    cbn. intros H. apply close_p_ExI with (P := fun ar => match t with FOL.var x => var_pred x | _ => @pred Σp2' (FalsePred ar) end); cbn.
    apply find_arity_bound_p_correct. apply ExI_i with (t0 := toSOLTerm t).
    rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst in H. erewrite subst_ext_i, subst_ext_p_arity_bounded.
    apply H.
    + apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
    + intros [] ar H1; unfold toSOLSub_p, subst_all_below_ar_p; cbn. now destruct t. reflexivity.
    + now intros [].

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2_ExE {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} A phi psi : toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm (∃' phi) -> toSOLForm (phi :: (subst_form ↑') A) ⊢2 toSOLForm psi`[↑'] -> toSOLForm A ⊢2 toSOLForm psi.
    intros H1 H2. apply subst_Weak_p with (sigma := toSOLSub_p (var (proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi::psi::A))))..') in H2.
    apply subst_Weak_i with (sigma := toSOLSub_i (var (proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi::psi::A))))..') in H2. cbn in H2.
    erewrite !List.map_map, toSOLForm_subst, subst_shift, List.map_ext with (g := toSOLForm) in H2; revgoals.
    { intros psi'. setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst. now rewrite subst_shift. }
    setoid_rewrite toSOLForm_subst in H2.
    cbn in H1. eapply close_p_ExE_nameless' with (b := proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi :: psi :: A))). 4: apply H1.
    + intros ar H3 ? [phi' [<- H4]]%List.in_map_iff. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred.
      destruct find_bounded_L as [b H5]; cbn. apply H5. firstorder.
    + intros ar H3. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn.
      apply H4. firstorder.
    + intros ar H3. apply toSOLForm_bounded_pred. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn.
      apply H4. firstorder.
    + cbn. eapply ExE_i. apply Ctx. now left. eapply nameless_equiv_ex_i' with (n := proj1_sig (find_bounded_L (phi :: psi :: A))).
      * intros ? [<-|[phi' [<- H3]]%List.in_map_iff].
        -- apply bounded_indi_subst_p. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *.
           eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. lia. firstorder.
        -- destruct find_bounded_L as [b H4]; cbn in *. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H4. firstorder.
      * destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *. apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. firstorder.
      * apply bounded_indi_subst_p. destruct find_bounded_L as [b H3]; cbn in *.
        eapply bounded_indi_up. 2: apply toSOLForm_bounded_indi, H3. lia. firstorder.
      * rewrite <- toSOLForm_subst in H2. erewrite subst_ext_p_arity_bounded, subst_ext_i.
        eapply Weak. 2: apply H2. intros ? [<-|]. now left. firstorder.
        -- now intros [].
        -- apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
        -- now intros [] ar H; unfold subst_all_below_ar_p; destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; try lia.
    + now intros [].

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2 {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} phi A :
    A ⊢1 phi -> ( toSOLForm A) ⊢2 toSOLForm phi.
    intros H. induction H.
    - apply II, IHprv.
    - eapply IE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
    - apply prv1_to_prv2_AllI, IHprv.
    - apply prv1_to_prv2_AllE, IHprv.
    - eapply prv1_to_prv2_ExI, IHprv.
    - eapply prv1_to_prv2_ExE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
    - eapply Exp, IHprv.
    - now apply Ctx, List.in_map.
    - apply CI. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2.
    - eapply CE1, IHprv.
    - eapply CE2, IHprv.
    - eapply DI1, IHprv.
    - eapply DI2, IHprv.
    - eapply DE. apply IHprv1. apply IHprv2. apply IHprv3.

Forwards-Backwards Equivalence

Properties of combined fowrards- and backwards-translation

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p pos_i pos_p pos_i' pos_p' phi :
    find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi)) = find_arity_bound_p (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i' pos_p' phi)).
    induction phi in pos_i, pos_p, pos_i', pos_p' |- *; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - now destruct p.
    - now erewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
    - rewrite !close_p_find_arity_bound_p; cbn. apply IHphi.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite !close_p_find_arity_bound_p; cbn. apply IHphi.

The pos functions can be moved into a substitution

  Lemma toSOLFOLTerm_pos_i_to_subst t pos_i :
    funcfreeTerm t
    -> toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm pos_i t) = (toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm (fun n => n) t))[pos_i >> var_indi]i.
    intros F. induction t; cbn in *.
    - reflexivity.
    - now exfalso.
    - f_equal. rewrite !Vector.map_map. eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall.
      apply IH. apply F.

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst phi pos_i pos_p :
    funcfree phi
    -> toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (fun n => n) pos_p phi))[pos_i >> var_indi]i.
    induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; cbn; intros F.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct p; cbn; f_equal; rewrite !Vector.map_map; eapply map_ext_in; intros t H;
      apply toSOLFOLTerm_pos_i_to_subst; eapply Forall_in in F; try apply F; easy.
    - now rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
    - rewrite close_p_subst_i; cbn. f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
      rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_i := pcons (fun n => n)); try easy.
      rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite close_p_subst_i; cbn. f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
      rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_i := pshift (fun n => n)); try easy.
      rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst phi pos_i pos_p :
    funcfree phi
    -> toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi) = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (fun n _ => n) phi))[fun x ar => var_pred (pos_p x ar)]p.
    induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; cbn; intros F.
    - reflexivity.
    - now destruct p.
    - now rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2.
    - rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded; cbn. 2: apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
      f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
      rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_p := pshift' (fun n _ => n)); try easy.
      rewrite subst_comp_p. eapply subst_ext_p. intros n ar; cbn. unfold shift, shift_p.
      now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite close_p_subst_p_bounded; cbn. 2: apply find_arity_bound_p_correct.
      f_equal. f_equal. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_find_arity_bound_p.
      rewrite IHphi, IHphi with (pos_p := pcons' n (fun n _ => n)); try easy.
      rewrite subst_comp_p. eapply subst_ext_p.
      intros [] ar; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; try reflexivity;
      unfold shift, shift_p; now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.

This allows us to 'undo' pshift and pcons

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i phi pos_i pos_p t :
    funcfree phi
    -> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) pos_p phi))[t..]i = toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi).
    intros F. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst with (pos_i := pos_i); try easy.
    rewrite subst_comp_i. apply subst_ext_i. now intros [].

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p phi pos_i pos_p P :
    funcfree phi
    -> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pshift' pos_p) phi))[P,,]p = toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi).
    intros F. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst with (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
    rewrite subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. now intros [] ar.

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p phi pos_i pos_p x n :
    funcfree phi
    -> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n)
    -> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pcons' n pos_p) phi))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))[(var_pred x n)..]p.
    intros F. revert pos_p. enough (forall pos_p, (forall x ar, pos_p x ar = x) -> (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i (pcons' n pos_p) phi))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p = (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))[(var_pred x n)..]p) as X.
    { intros pos_p H. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_p with (pos_p' := pcons' n (fun x _ => x)), toFOLForm_ext_p with (pos_p:=pos_p).
      apply X. reflexivity. intros ? ? _; apply H. intros [] ar; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec. reflexivity.
      all: rewrite H; try easy. }
    intros pos_p Hp. rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst with (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
    rewrite !subst_comp_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros [] ar; cbn;
    destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; cbn; rewrite !Hp; cbn;
    try rewrite nat_eq_dec_same; try destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec; try lia; reflexivity.

⊢2 proves the translation equivalent to the intitial formula

  Lemma toSOLFOLTerm_id pos_i t :
    funcfreeTerm t
    -> (forall n, pos_i n = n)
    -> toSOLTerm (toFOLTerm pos_i t) = t.
    intros F H. induction t; cbn.
    - rewrite H. reflexivity.
    - now exfalso.
    - f_equal. rewrite Vector.map_map, <- Vector.map_id.
      eapply map_ext_forall, Forall_ext_Forall. apply IH. apply F.

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_equiv {p' : peirce} phi pos_i pos_p :
    funcfree phi
    -> (forall n, pos_i n = n)
    -> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n)
    -> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))) <--> phi.
    revert pos_i pos_p.
    enough (forall pos_i pos_p, funcfree phi -> (forall n, pos_i n = n) -> (forall n ar, pos_p n ar = n) -> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm pos_i pos_p phi))) <--> phi) as X.
    { intros pos_i pos_p F Hi Hp. erewrite toFOLForm_ext_i, toFOLForm_ext_p; trivial. now apply X. }
    intros pos_i pos_p. induction phi in pos_i, pos_p |-*; intros F Hi Hp; cbn.
    - now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx.
    - destruct p; cbn.
      + rewrite Hp. rewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite VectorLib.map_ext_in, Vector.map_id.
        now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx. intros t H. apply toSOLFOLTerm_id.
        eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
      + rewrite Vector.map_map. erewrite VectorLib.map_ext_in, Vector.map_id.
        now apply CI; apply II; apply Ctx. intros t H. apply toSOLFOLTerm_id.
        eapply Forall_in in F. apply F. easy. apply Hi.
    - rewrite toSOLBinop_toFOLBinop. apply prv_equiv_bin.
      apply IHphi1; firstorder. apply IHphi2; firstorder.
    - rewrite removeFalsePred_close_p; destruct q; cbn.
      + apply CI.
        * apply II. eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
          apply prv_equiv_quant_i. eapply IHphi with (pos_i := pcons pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
          intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
          erewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p with (pos_p := pos_p) (P := @var_pred _ 0), <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ 0),,); try easy.
          change (i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ 0),,]p) with ((i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ 0),,]p).
          eapply close_p_AllE; revgoals. now apply Ctx. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
          intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
        * apply II. edestruct (@close_p_AllI_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 2: apply X; clear X.
          apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,), toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p; try easy.
          eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_quant_i, IHphi; try easy.
          intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi. now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
      + apply CI.
        * apply II. eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
          apply prv_equiv_quant_i. eapply IHphi with (pos_i := pcons pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
          intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi.
          edestruct (@close_p_ExE_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]; revgoals. apply X; clear X.
          erewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p with (pos_p := pos_p) (P := @var_pred _ x), <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,); try easy.
          change (i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p) with ((i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pcons pos_i) (pshift' pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p).
          apply Ctx; now left. intros [] ar; left; now eexists. now apply Ctx.
          apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
        * apply II. apply close_p_ExI with (P := @var_pred _ 0).
          apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ 0),,), toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_p; try easy.
          eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_quant_i, IHphi; try easy.
          intros []; cbn. reflexivity. now rewrite Hi. now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
    - now exfalso.
    - rewrite removeFalsePred_close_p; destruct q; cbn.
      + apply CI.
        * apply II. apply AllI_p. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_all_p _ Σp2) as [x ->].
          eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy.
          apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi with (pos_i := pos_i) (pos_p := pos_p); try easy.
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (var_pred x n)..).
          rewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p, <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i with (pos_i := pos_i) (t := var_indi 0); try easy.
          rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,), <- removeFalsePred_subst_i, subst_switch_i_p.
          apply AllE_i. change (i (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' n pos_p) phi)))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p) with ((removeFalsePred (i (toSOLForm (toFOLForm (pshift pos_i) (pcons' n pos_p) phi))))[(@var_pred _ x),,]p).
          eapply close_p_AllE; revgoals. now apply Ctx.
          cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
          intros [] ar; left; now eexists. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
        * apply II. edestruct (@close_p_AllI_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 2: apply X; clear X.
          apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct. cbn.
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,), toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p; try easy.
          apply AllI_i. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_all_i _ Σp2) as [y ->].
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_i, <- subst_switch_i_p, toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i; try easy.
          rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..).
          eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
          now apply AllE_p, Ctx. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
          intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
      + apply CI.
        * apply II. edestruct (@close_p_ExE_nameless _ Σp2) as [x X]. 3: apply X; clear X. 2: now apply Ctx.
          cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
          eapply ExE_i. apply Ctx; cbn; now left. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_ex_i _ Σp2) as [y ->].
          apply ExI_p with (P := var_pred x).
          eapply IE. eapply CE1. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
          rewrite removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..) (sigma' := (var_pred x n)..).
          rewrite <- toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p, <- toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i with (pos_i := pos_i) (t := y); try easy.
          rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (@var_pred _ x),,), <- removeFalsePred_subst_i, subst_switch_i_p.
          now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; now eexists.
          intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
        * apply II. eapply ExE_p. now apply Ctx. edestruct (@nameless_equiv_ex_p _ Σp2) as [x ->].
          apply close_p_ExI with (P := @var_pred _ x); cbn. apply removeFalsePred_arity_bounded_p, find_arity_bound_p_correct.
          apply ExI_i with (t := var_indi 0).
          rewrite <- subst_switch_i_p, removeFalsePred_subst_i, removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma' := (@var_pred _ x),,).
          rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pshift_subst_i, toSOLFOLForm_pcons_subst_p; try easy.
          rewrite <- removeFalsePred_subst_p with (sigma := (var_pred x n)..).
          eapply IE. eapply CE2. eapply Weak with (A := List.nil). easy. apply prv_equiv_subst_p, IHphi; try easy.
          now apply Ctx. intros [] ar; left; cbn; destruct PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec as [->|]; now eexists.
          intros [] ar; left; now eexists.

  Definition initial_pos_i_inv n := pi2 n.
  Definition initial_pos_p_inv n := pi1 (pi2 n).

  Lemma initial_pos_i_inv_correct :
    forall n, initial_pos_i_inv (initial_pos_i n) = n.
    intros n. unfold initial_pos_i_inv, initial_pos_i. now rewrite pi2_correct.

  Lemma initial_pos_p_inv_correct :
    forall n ar, initial_pos_p_inv (initial_pos_p n ar) = n.
    intros n ar. unfold initial_pos_p_inv, initial_pos_p. now rewrite pi2_correct, pi1_correct.

  Lemma initial_pos_i_inv_subst phi :
    phi[initial_pos_i >> var_indi]i[initial_pos_i_inv >> var_indi]i = phi.
    rewrite subst_comp_i, <- subst_id_i. apply subst_ext_i. intros n; cbn.
    now rewrite initial_pos_i_inv_correct.

  Lemma initial_pos_p_inv_subst phi :
    phi[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p x ar)]p[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p_inv x)]p = phi.
    rewrite subst_comp_p, <- subst_id_p. apply subst_ext_p. intros n ar; cbn.
    now rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_correct.

  Definition toSOLForm' {ff : falsity_flag} phi := (toSOLForm phi)[fun x ar => var_pred (initial_pos_p_inv x)]p[initial_pos_i_inv >> var_indi]i.

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm'_correct phi :
    funcfree phi -> toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' phi) = toSOLForm (toFOLForm (fun n => n) (fun n ar => n) phi).
    intros F. unfold toFOLForm', toSOLForm'.
    rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst; trivial.
    now rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_subst, initial_pos_i_inv_subst.

  Lemma toSOLFOLForm_equiv' {p' : peirce} phi :
    funcfree phi -> List.nil ⊢2 (removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' phi))) <--> phi.
    intros F. unfold toFOLForm', toSOLForm'.
    rewrite toSOLFOLForm_pos_p_to_subst, toSOLFOLForm_pos_i_to_subst; trivial.
    rewrite initial_pos_p_inv_subst, initial_pos_i_inv_subst. now apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv.

  Lemma prv1_to_prv2' {ff : falsity_flag} {p' : peirce} phi A :
    A ⊢1 phi -> removeFalsePred ( toSOLForm' A) ⊢2 removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' phi).
    intros H. apply prv_removeFalsePred. unfold toSOLForm'.
    rewrite <- List.map_map. apply subst_Weak_i. easy.
    rewrite <- List.map_map. apply subst_Weak_p.
    now apply prv1_to_prv2.

Final Provability Reduction

  Existing Instance Σp2.

  Definition tprv1 {ff : falsity_flag} (T : FOL.form -> Prop) phi := exists A, (forall psi, List.In psi A -> T psi) /\ A ⊢1 phi.
  Definition tprv2 {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi := exists A, (forall psi, List.In psi A -> T psi) /\ A ⊢2 phi.

  Notation "T ⊩1 phi" := (tprv1 T phi) (at level 61).
  Notation "T ⊩2 phi" := (tprv2 T phi) (at level 61).

  Lemma prv_ext {p' : peirce} phi A1 A2 :
    A1 ⊢2 phi -> (forall psi, List.In psi A1 -> A2 ⊢2 psi) -> A2 ⊢2 phi.
    induction A1 in phi |-*; cbn; intros H1 H2.
    - eapply Weak. 2: apply H1. easy.
    - eapply IE. apply IHA1.
      + apply II, H1.
      + intros ? ?. apply H2. auto.
      + apply H2. auto.

  Lemma tprv_ext {p' : peirce} phi (T1 T2 : form -> Prop) :
    T1 ⊩2 phi -> (forall psi, T1 psi -> T2 ⊩2 psi) -> T2 ⊩2 phi.
    intros [A [H1 H2]] H3. revert A H1 H2 H3. induction A in phi, T1 |-*; intros H1 H2 H3.
    - now exists List.nil.
    - enough (T2 ⊩2 a --> phi) as [B1 X].
      { destruct (H3 a) as [B2]. now apply H1. exists ( B1 B2). split.
        - intros ? [|]%List.in_app_iff. now apply X. now apply H.
        - eapply IE; eapply Weak. 2: apply X. apply List.incl_appl, List.incl_refl.
          2: apply H. apply List.incl_appr, List.incl_refl. }
      apply (IHA _ T1).
      + intros ? ?. apply H1. auto.
      + now apply II.
      + apply H3.

  Lemma prv_closed_comprehension {p' : peirce} ar phi :
    funcfree phi -> List.nil ⊢2 close All (comprehension_form ar phi).
    intros F. unfold close, close_indi. destruct find_bounded_indi as [n B]; cbn.
    clear B. induction n; cbn.
    - enough (forall m, List.nil ⊢2 close_pred'' m All (comprehension_form ar phi)) by easy.
      induction m; cbn. apply Comp. apply F. unfold close_pred'. destruct find_bounded_pred as [k B]; cbn.
      clear B. induction k; cbn. easy. now apply AllI_p.
    - now apply AllI_i.

  Lemma prv_if_firstorder_prv {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
    funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) -> T ⊩2 phi.
    intros F TF.
    intros [A [HT H%prv1_to_prv2']]. apply tprv_ext with (T1 := T C).
    apply tprv_ext with (T1 := fun phi => exists psi, phi = removeFalsePred (toSOLForm' (toFOLForm' psi)) /\ (T C) psi).
    + exists ( removeFalsePred ( toSOLForm' A)). split.
      * intros psi [psi1 [<- [psi2 [<- H1]]%List.in_map_iff]]%List.in_map_iff.
        destruct (HT psi2) as [psi3 [-> [|]]]. easy. all: exists psi3; auto.
      * eapply IE. eapply CE1, Weak. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv'. all: easy.
    + intros ? [psi [-> [|[? [? [? ->]]]]]]. exists (List.cons psi List.nil). split.
      * intros ? [<-|[]]. auto.
      * eapply IE. eapply CE2, Weak. 2: apply toSOLFOLForm_equiv'. easy.
        now apply TF. now apply Ctx.
      * exists List.nil. split. easy. eapply IE. eapply CE2, toSOLFOLForm_equiv'.
        now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
        now apply prv_closed_comprehension.
    + intros psi [|[? [? [? ->]]]].
      * exists (List.cons psi List.nil). split. intros ? [<-|[]]. auto. now apply Ctx.
      * exists List.nil. split. easy. now apply prv_closed_comprehension.

Consequences of Reduction


  Section Completeness.

    Hypothesis prv1_complete : forall {ff : falsity_flag} T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.

    Theorem Completeness {p' : peirce} (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> Henkin.validT T phi -> T ⊩2 phi.
      intros F TF H.
      apply prv_if_firstorder_prv; trivial.
      apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.

    Existing Instance intu.

    Lemma first_order_prv_if_prv_I (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2 phi -> toFOLTheory (T C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi).
      intros F TF. intros H.
      apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.
      now apply Deduction.HenkinSoundnessIT.

    Theorem prv_iff_firstorder_prv_I (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> T ⊩2 phi.
      intros F TF. split.
      - now apply prv_if_firstorder_prv.
      - now apply first_order_prv_if_prv_I.

    Existing Instance class.

    Lemma first_order_prv_if_prv_C (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      LEM -> funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> T ⊩2 phi -> toFOLTheory (T C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi).
      intros lem F TF. intros H.
      apply prv1_complete, henkin_valid_iff_firstorder_valid; trivial.
      now apply Deduction.HenkinSoundnessCT.

    Theorem prv_iff_firstorder_prv_C (T : SOL.form -> Prop) phi :
      LEM -> funcfree phi -> (forall psi, T psi -> funcfree psi) -> toFOLTheory (T C) ⊩1 (toFOLForm' phi) <-> T ⊩2 phi.
      intros lem F TF. split.
      - now apply prv_if_firstorder_prv.
      - now apply first_order_prv_if_prv_C.

  End Completeness.


  Existing Instance FOL.falsity_on.

  Definition has_henkin_model_with P (T : form -> Prop) :=
    exists D (I : interp D) funcs preds,
      P D /\ henkin_interp I funcs preds
      /\ (forall rho, (forall x ar, preds ar (get_pred rho x ar)) -> (forall ar phi, funcfree phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho (comprehension_form ar phi)))
      /\ exists rho, henkin_env funcs preds rho
          /\ forall phi, T phi -> Henkin.sat funcs preds rho phi.

  Definition has_firstorder_model_with (P : Type -> Prop) (T : FOL.form -> Prop) :=
      exists D I rho, P D /\ forall phi, T phi -> @FOL.sat _ _ D I _ rho phi.

  Definition has_henkin_model := has_henkin_model_with (fun _ => True).
  Definition has_firstorder_model := has_firstorder_model_with (fun _ => True).

  Lemma has_firstorder_model_with_ext (T T' : FOL.form -> Prop) P :
    (forall phi, T' phi -> T phi) -> has_firstorder_model_with P T -> has_firstorder_model_with P T'.
    intros HT [D [I [rho [H1 H2]]]]. exists D, I, rho. split. easy. intros phi H3. apply H2, HT, H3.

  Lemma has_henkin_model_with_ext (T T' : form -> Prop) (P P' : Type -> Prop) :
    (forall phi, T' phi -> T phi) -> (forall D, P D -> P' D) -> has_henkin_model_with P T -> has_henkin_model_with P' T'.
    intros HT HP [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]].
    exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. now apply HP. split. easy. split. easy.
    exists rho. split. easy. intros phi H2. apply H1, HT, H2.

  Lemma has_henkin_model_compr T P :
    has_henkin_model_with P T -> has_henkin_model_with P (T C).
    intros [D [I [funcs [preds [HP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H]]]]]]]]].
    exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy.
    exists rho. split. easy. intros phi [|[? [? [? ->]]]].
    - now apply H.
    - apply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
      apply Hrho. intros sigma H1. now apply HCompr.

  Lemma theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model (T : form -> Prop) (P P' : Type -> Prop) :
    (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi)
    -> (forall D preds, P D -> P' (D1 D preds) : Prop)
    -> has_henkin_model_with P T
    -> has_firstorder_model_with P' (toFOLTheory T).
    intros TF HP [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]].
    do 3 eexists. split. apply (HP D). apply HDP. intros phi [psi [-> H3]].
    unshelve eapply toFOLForm_correct_2To1 with (rho2 := rho) (rho1 := toFOLEnv _ funcs preds rho Hrho) (funcs := funcs) (preds := preds).
    - exact (get_indi rho 0).
    - intros ar. exists (get_pred rho 0 ar). apply Hrho.
    - now apply TF.
    - intros n. unfold initial_pos_i, toFOLEnv. now rewrite unembed_embed.
    - intros n ar. unfold initial_pos_p, toFOLEnv. rewrite unembed_embed, pi1_correct, pi2_correct.
      cbn. now rewrite nat_eq_dec_same.
    - now apply H1.

  Lemma theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model (T : form -> Prop) (P : Type -> Prop) :
    (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi)
    -> has_firstorder_model_with P (toFOLTheory (T C))
    -> has_henkin_model_with P T.
    intros TF [D [I [rho [HDP H1]]]]. exists (D2 D). do 3 eexists. split.
    easy. split; revgoals. split; revgoals.
    exists (toSOLEnv _ rho). split; revgoals. intros phi H2.
    eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. 4: apply (H1 (toFOLForm' phi)).
    - now apply TF.
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
    - eexists. split. reflexivity. now left.
    - apply toSOLEnv_henkin_env.
    - intros rho2 H2 ar phi F. eapply close_sat_funcfree with (rho0 := toSOLEnv _ rho).
      apply comprehension_form_funcfree, F. cbn. unfold preds. eexists. reflexivity.
      eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2.
      4: apply (H1 (toFOLForm' (close All (comprehension_form ar phi)))).
      + apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
      + reflexivity.
      + reflexivity.
      + eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. apply F. reflexivity.
      + apply H2.
    - eapply constructed_henkin_interp_correct with (rho := toSOLEnv _ rho).
      + intros x ar. eexists. cbn. reflexivity.
      + intros phi [? [? [F ->]]]. eapply toFOLForm_correct_1To2. 4: apply H1.
        * apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree, F.
        * reflexivity.
        * cbn. reflexivity.
        * eexists. split. reflexivity. right. eexists. eexists. split. apply F. reflexivity.

  Section CompactnessByCompleteness.

    Hypothesis prv1_complete : forall {ff : falsity_flag} T phi, validFO T phi -> T ⊩1 phi.

    Theorem Compactness_by_Completeness {p : peirce} :
      LEM -> forall (T : form -> Prop), (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_henkin_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).
      intros lem T TF. split.
      - intros H1 A H2. eapply has_henkin_model_with_ext. 3: apply H1. easy. easy.
      - intros H1. enough (~ T ) as HT.
        { edestruct lem as [X|H]. apply X. exfalso. apply HT.
          apply Completeness; cbn; trivial. intros D I funcs preds HI HC rho Hrho H2.
          apply H. exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy.
          exists rho. split. easy. easy. }
        intros [A [H2 H3]]. destruct p.
        + apply HenkinSoundnessC in H3; trivial.
          destruct (H1 A) as [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H4]]]]]]]]]; trivial.
          eapply H3; eauto.
        + apply HenkinSoundnessI in H3.
          destruct (H1 A) as [D [I [funcs [preds [HDP [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H4]]]]]]]]]; trivial.
          eapply H3; eauto.

  End CompactnessByCompleteness.

  Section CompactnessByReduction.

    Lemma theory_decompose (T1 T2 : form -> Prop) A :
      (forall phi, List.In phi A -> (T1 T2) phi) -> exists B1 B2, (forall phi, List.In phi B1 -> List.In phi A /\ T1 phi) /\ (forall phi, List.In phi B2 -> List.In phi A /\ T2 phi) /\ (forall phi, List.In phi A -> List.In phi B1 \/ List.In phi B2).
      intros H. induction A; cbn.
      - exists List.nil, List.nil. firstorder.
      - destruct IHA as [B1 [B2 [H1 [H2 H3]]]]. firstorder. destruct (H a) as [H4|H4]; trivial.
        + exists (List.cons a B1), B2. split. 2: split.
          * clear -H1 H4. intros phi [->|]; firstorder.
          * clear -H2. firstorder.
          * clear -H3. intros ? [->|]; firstorder.
        + exists B1, (List.cons a B2). split. 2: split.
          * clear -H1. firstorder.
          * clear -H2 H4. intros phi [->|]; firstorder.
          * clear -H3. intros ? [->|]; firstorder.

    Hypothesis FOL_compact :
      forall (T : FOL.form -> Prop), has_firstorder_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_firstorder_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).

    Theorem Compactness :
      forall (T : form -> Prop), (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model T <-> forall A, (forall phi, List.In phi A -> T phi) -> has_henkin_model (fun phi => List.In phi A).
      intros T TF. split.
      - intros [D [I [funcs [preds [_ [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H1]]]]]]]]] A H2.
        exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy. exists rho.
        split. easy. intros phi H3. apply H1, H2, H3.
      - intros H1. apply theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model; trivial.
        apply FOL_compact. intros A H2.
        assert (exists B, A = toFOLForm' B /\ forall phi, List.In phi B -> T phi \/ C phi) as [B [-> HB]].
        { clear -H2. induction A; cbn. now exists List.nil.
          destruct IHA as [B [-> H3]]; firstorder. destruct (H2 a) as [phi [-> ]]; trivial.
          exists (List.cons phi B). split. reflexivity. intros psi [->|]. easy. now apply H3. }
        destruct (theory_decompose T C B) as [BT [BC [HB1 [HB2 HB3]]]]; trivial.
        apply has_firstorder_model_with_ext with (T := toFOLTheory (fun phi => List.In phi B)).
        intros ? [? [<- ?]]%List.in_map_iff. eexists. split. reflexivity. easy.
        eapply theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model with (P := fun _ => True).
        { intros phi [[]%HB1 | [? [? [? [? ->]]]]%HB2]%HB3. now apply TF.
          now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree. }
        easy. destruct (H1 BT) as [D [I [funcs [preds [_ [HI [HCompr [rho [Hrho H3]]]]]]]]]. apply HB1.
        exists D, I, funcs, preds. split. easy. split. easy. split. easy. exists rho. split. easy.
        intros phi [|[H4 [? [? [H5 ->]]]]%HB2]%HB3.
        + now apply H3.
        + apply close_sat_funcfree. now apply comprehension_form_funcfree.
          apply Hrho. intros sigma H6. now apply HCompr.

  End CompactnessByReduction.


  Section LöwenheimSkolem.

    Definition injects X Y := exists f : X -> Y, forall x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.
    Definition infinite X := injects nat X.
    Definition same_cardinality X Y := injects X Y /\ injects Y X.

    Hypothesis FOL_LöwenheimSkolem :
      forall T, has_firstorder_model_with infinite T -> forall X, infinite X -> has_firstorder_model_with (same_cardinality X) T.

    Theorem LöwenheimSkolem (T : form -> Prop) :
      (forall phi, T phi -> funcfree phi) -> has_henkin_model_with infinite T -> forall X, infinite X -> has_henkin_model_with (same_cardinality X) T.
      intros TF H X HX.
      apply theory_has_henkin_model_if_theory_has_firstorder_model; trivial.
      apply FOL_LöwenheimSkolem; trivial.
      apply theory_has_firstorder_model_if_theory_has_henkin_model with (P := infinite).
      - intros phi [|[? [? [? ->]]]]. now apply TF.
        now apply close_indi_funcfree, close_pred_funcfree, comprehension_form_funcfree.
      - intros D preds [f Hf]. exists (fun n => fromIndi D preds (f n)).
        intros x x' H1. apply Hf. congruence.
      - apply has_henkin_model_compr. apply H.

  End LöwenheimSkolem.

End Signature.