Library Continuum.Axioms

Require Export Definability.

ZF Model

Class ZF_Operations (S : ZF_Structure) :=
  build_zf_operations {
      empty_set : S;
      unordered_pair : S S S;
      power_set : S S;
      big_union : S S;
      infinite_set : S;
         R : S S Prop,
          Is_Definable R
          Is_Functional R

Notation "∅" := empty_set.
Notation "`{ u , v }" :=
  (unordered_pair u v)
    (at level 9, u at level 69, v at level 69, format "`{ u , v }").
Notation 𝒫 := power_set.
Notation "`{ u }" := (`{u, u})
                       (at level 9, u at level 69, format "`{ u }").
Notation "A ∪ B" := (big_union `{A, B}) (at level 50).

Class ZF_Model :=
  build_zf_model {

      zf_structure :> ZF_Structure;
      zf_operations :> ZF_Operations zf_structure;

      extensionality : A B : zf_structure, ( x, x A x B) A = B;

This might be stronger than the common first-order formulation.
      foundation : Is_Well_Founded element_relation_on_sets;

      not_in_empty_set :
         x, x ;

      in_unordered_pair_iff :
         x y z, z `{x, y} z = x z = y;

      in_power_set_iff :
         A x, x 𝒫 A x A;

      in_big_union_iff :
         A x, x big_union A B : A, x B;

      infinite_set_property :
         x : infinite_set, x `{x} infinite_set;

      in_relation_replacement_iff :
         R definable functional A y,
          y relation_replacement R definable functional A x : A, R x y


Coercion zf_structure : ZF_Model >-> ZF_Structure.