Require Import base
protype ordtype clat frame
mono adj cont
Polymorphic Cumulative Record mfun_type (X Y : proType) := mfun {
monofun :> X -> Y;
monotone_monofun : monotone monofun
Section MFun.
Variable (X Y : proType).
Definition mfun_of of phant (X -> Y) := mfun_type X Y.
Identity Coercion type_of_mfun : mfun_of >-> mfun_type.
End MFun.
Arguments mfun {X Y} f {fP} : rename.
Notation "{ 'mono' fT }" := (mfun_of (Phant fT))
(at level 0, format "{ 'mono' '[hv' fT ']' }") : type_scope.
Instance mfun_monotone {X Y : proType} (f : {mono X -> Y}) : monotone f :=
monotone_monofun f.
Instance mfun_proper {X Y : proType} (f : {mono X -> Y}) : Proper (ord_op ++> ord_op) f :=
monotone_monofun f.
Definition mk_mfun {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) {H : forall x y : X, x ≤ y -> f x ≤ f y} :
{mono X -> Y} := @mfun X Y f H.
Arguments mk_mfun {X Y} f H.
Lemma mfun_eq (X Y : proType) (f g : {mono X -> Y}) :
f = g :> (X -> Y) -> f = g.
destruct f, g => /= eqn. destruct eqn. f_equal. exact: pi.
protype ordtype clat frame
mono adj cont
Polymorphic Cumulative Record mfun_type (X Y : proType) := mfun {
monofun :> X -> Y;
monotone_monofun : monotone monofun
Section MFun.
Variable (X Y : proType).
Definition mfun_of of phant (X -> Y) := mfun_type X Y.
Identity Coercion type_of_mfun : mfun_of >-> mfun_type.
End MFun.
Arguments mfun {X Y} f {fP} : rename.
Notation "{ 'mono' fT }" := (mfun_of (Phant fT))
(at level 0, format "{ 'mono' '[hv' fT ']' }") : type_scope.
Instance mfun_monotone {X Y : proType} (f : {mono X -> Y}) : monotone f :=
monotone_monofun f.
Instance mfun_proper {X Y : proType} (f : {mono X -> Y}) : Proper (ord_op ++> ord_op) f :=
monotone_monofun f.
Definition mk_mfun {X Y : proType} (f : X -> Y) {H : forall x y : X, x ≤ y -> f x ≤ f y} :
{mono X -> Y} := @mfun X Y f H.
Arguments mk_mfun {X Y} f H.
Lemma mfun_eq (X Y : proType) (f g : {mono X -> Y}) :
f = g :> (X -> Y) -> f = g.
destruct f, g => /= eqn. destruct eqn. f_equal. exact: pi.
Canonical mfun_proType (X Y : proType) :=
Eval hnf in InducedProType {mono X -> Y} (@monofun X Y).
Canonical mfun_ordType (X : proType) (Y : ordType) :=
Eval hnf in InducedOrdType {mono X -> Y} (@mfun_eq X Y).
Lemma mfun_leE (X Y : proType) (f g : {mono X -> Y}) :
(f ≤ g) = (forall x, f x ≤ g x).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Global Instance monofun_is_proper {X Y : proType} :
Proper (ord_op ++> ord_op) (@monofun X Y : {mono X -> Y} -> X -> Y).
Proof. move=> f g le_f_g x /=. exact: le_f_g. Qed.
Section MFunCLat.
Variables (X : proType) (Y : clat).
Implicit Types (f g h : {mono X -> Y}) (x : X).
Program Definition mfun_inf I (F : I -> {mono X -> Y}) : {mono X -> Y} :=
mk_mfun (fun x => inf (F^~ x)) _.
Next Obligation. apply: all_mono => i. exact: mono. Qed.
Lemma mfun_infP I (F : I -> {mono X -> Y}) : is_glb F (mfun_inf F).
apply: mk_glb => [i|g h1] x /=. exact: allE. focus=> i. exact: h1.
Canonical mfun_clatMixin := CLatMixin mfun_infP.
Canonical mfun_clat := Eval hnf in CLat {mono X -> Y} mfun_clatMixin.
Program Definition mceil (f : X -> Y) : {mono X -> Y} :=
mk_mfun (fun x => ∃ y | y ≤ x, f y) _.
Next Obligation.
focus=> z le_z_x. apply: exIc (z) _ le_refl. by rewrite le_z_x.
Program Definition mfloor (f : X -> Y) : {mono X -> Y} :=
mk_mfun (fun x => ∀ y | x ≤ y, f y) _.
Next Obligation.
focus=> z le_y_z. apply: allEc (z) _ le_refl. by rewrite -le_y_z.
Global Instance mceil_is_adjunction :
is_adjunction mceil (@monofun X Y : {mono X -> Y} -> X -> Y).
move=>/= f g. split=> [<-|le_f_g]x/=.
exact: exIc (x) _ _. by focus=> y <-.
Global Instance mfloor_is_adjunction :
is_adjunction (@monofun X Y : {mono X -> Y} -> X -> Y) mfloor.
move=>/= f g. split=> [le_f_g|->]x/=.
by focus=> y ->. exact: allEc (x) _ _.
Lemma mfun_topE x : (⊤ : {mono X -> Y}) x = ⊤.
Proof. by rewrite adjT prod_topE. Qed.
Lemma mfun_botE x : (⊥ : {mono X -> Y}) x = ⊥.
Proof. by rewrite adjB prod_botE. Qed.
Lemma mfun_joinE f g x : (f ∨ g) x = (f x ∨ g x).
Proof. by rewrite adjJ prod_joinE. Qed.
Lemma mfun_meetE f g x : (f ∧ g) x = (f x ∧ g x).
Proof. by rewrite adjM prod_meetE. Qed.
Lemma mfun_exE I (G : I -> {mono X -> Y}) x : (∃ i, G i) x = ∃ i, G i x.
Proof. by rewrite adjE prod_exE. Qed.
Lemma mfun_allE I (G : I -> {mono X -> Y}) x : (∀ i, G i) x = ∀ i, G i x.
Proof. by []. Qed.
End MFunCLat.
Section MFunFrame.
Variables (X : proType) (Y : frame).
Implicit Types (f g h : {mono X -> Y}) (x : X).
Lemma mfun_frameP I (F : I -> {mono X -> Y}) f :
f ∧ (∃ i, F i) ≤ ∃ i, f ∧ F i.
rewrite mfun_leE => x. rewrite mfun_meetE !mfun_exE meetxE.
apply: ex_mono => i. by rewrite mfun_meetE.
Canonical mfun_frameMixin := FrameMixin mfun_frameP.
Canonical mfun_frame := Eval hnf in Frame {mono X -> Y} mfun_frameMixin.
Lemma mfun_impE f g x : (f → g) x = ∀ y | x ≤ y, f y → g y.
suff->: (f → g) = mfloor (fun x => f x → g x) => //{x}. apply: imp_def.
- rewrite mfun_leE => x. rewrite mfun_meetE/mfloor/=.
apply/impP. exact: allEc (x) _ _.
- move=> /= h le_hf_g. rewrite -mfloor_is_adjunction => x.
apply/impP. rewrite mfun_leE in le_hf_g. move: (le_hf_g x).
rewrite mfun_meetE. exact.
End MFunFrame.