Require Import OrderedTypeEx Util LengthEq List Get Computable DecSolve AllInRel Omega.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Lemma app_nil_eq X (L:list X) xl
: L = xl ++ L → xl = nil.
intros. rewrite <- (app_nil_l L ) in H at 1.
eauto using app_inv_tail.
Lemma cons_app X (x:X) xl
: x::xl = (x::nil)++xl.
Fixpoint tabulate X (x:X) n : list X :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ nil
| S n ⇒ x::tabulate x n
Section ParametricZip.
Variables X Y Z : Type.
Hypothesis f : X → Y → Z : Type.
Fixpoint zip (L:list X) (L':list Y) : list Z :=
match L, L' with
| x::L, y::L' ⇒ f x y::zip L L'
| _, _ ⇒ nil
Lemma zip_get L L' n (x:X) (y:Y)
: get L n x → get L' n y → get (zip L L') n (f x y).
intros. general induction n; inv H; inv H0; simpl; eauto using get.
Lemma get_zip L L' n (z:Z)
: get (zip L L') n z
→ { x : X & {y : Y | get L n x ∧ get L' n y ∧ f x y = z } } .
intros. general induction L; destruct L'; isabsurd.
simpl in H. destruct n.
- eexists a; eexists y. inv H; eauto using get.
- edestruct IHL as [x' [y' ?]]; dcr; try inv H; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma zip_tl L L'
: tl (zip L L') = zip (tl L) (tl L').
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
destruct L; simpl; eauto.
End ParametricZip.
Arguments zip [X] [Y] [Z] f L L'.
Arguments zip_get [X] [Y] [Z] f [L] [L'] [n] [x] [y] _ _.
Lemma map_zip X Y Z (f: X → Y → Z) W (g: Z → W) L L'
: map g (zip f L L') = zip (fun x y ⇒ g (f x y)) L L'.
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto using f_equal.
Lemma zip_map_l X Y Z (f: X → Y → Z) W (g: W → X) L L'
: zip f (map g L) L' = zip (fun x y ⇒ f (g x) y) L L'.
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto using f_equal.
Lemma zip_map_r X Y Z (f: X → Y → Z) W (g: W → Y) L L'
: zip f L (map g L') = zip (fun x y ⇒ f x (g y)) L L'.
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto using f_equal.
Lemma zip_ext X Y Z (f f':X → Y → Z) L L'
: (∀ x y, f x y = f' x y) → zip f L L' = zip f' L L'.
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma zip_length X Y Z (f:X→Y→Z) L L'
: length (zip f L L') = min (length L) (length L').
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
Lemma zip_length2 {X Y Z} {f:X→Y→Z} DL ZL
: length DL = length ZL
→ length (zip f DL ZL) = length DL.
intros. rewrite zip_length. rewrite H. rewrite Min.min_idempotent. eauto.
Section ParametricMapIndex.
Variables X Y : Type.
Hypothesis f : nat → X → Y : Type.
Fixpoint mapi_impl (n:nat) (L:list X) : list Y :=
match L with
| x::L ⇒ f n x::mapi_impl (S n) L
| _ ⇒ nil
Definition mapi := mapi_impl 0.
Lemma mapi_impl_getT L i y n
: getT (mapi_impl i L) n y → { x : X & (getT L n x × (f (n+i) x = y))%type }.
intros. general induction X0; simpl in *;
destruct L; simpl in *; inv Heql;
try now (econstructor; eauto using getT).
edestruct IHX0; dcr; eauto using getT.
eexists x1; split; eauto using getT.
rewrite <- b. f_equal; omega.
Lemma mapi_impl_get L i y n
: get (mapi_impl i L) n y → { x : X & (get L n x × (f (n+i) x = y))%type }.
eapply get_getT, mapi_impl_getT in H. dcr; eexists; split; eauto using getT_get.
Lemma mapi_get L n y
: get (mapi L) n y → { x : X | get L n x ∧ f n x = y }.
intros. eapply mapi_impl_get in H; dcr; subst.
orewrite (n+0 = n). eauto.
Lemma mapi_impl_length L {n}
: length (mapi_impl n L) = length L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto using f_equal.
Lemma mapi_length L
: length (mapi L) = length L.
unfold mapi; eapply mapi_impl_length.
End ParametricMapIndex.
Arguments mapi [X] [Y] f L.
Arguments mapi_impl [X] [Y] f n L.
Lemma map_impl_mapi X Y Z L {n} (f:nat→X→Y) (g:Y→Z)
: g (mapi_impl f n L) = mapi_impl (fun n x ⇒ g (f n x)) n L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto using f_equal.
Lemma map_mapi X Y Z L (f:nat→X→Y) (g:Y→Z)
: g (mapi f L) = mapi (fun n x ⇒ g (f n x)) L.
unfold mapi. eapply map_impl_mapi.
Lemma mapi_map_ext X Y L (f:nat→X→Y) (g:X→Y) n
: (∀ x n, g x = f n x)
→ g L = mapi_impl f n L.
intros. general induction L; unfold mapi; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma map_ext_get_eq X Y L L' (f:X→Y)
: (∀ x y n, get L n x → get L' n y → f x = y)
→ length L = length L'
→ f L = L'.
intros GET LEN. length_equify.
general induction LEN; unfold mapi; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto using get.
Lemma map_ext_get_eq2 X Y L (f:X→Y) (g:X→Y)
: (∀ x n, get L n x → g x = f x)
→ g L = f L.
intros. general induction L; unfold mapi; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto using get.
Lemma map_ext_get X Y (R:Y → Y → Prop) L (f:X→Y) (g:X→Y)
: (∀ x n, get L n x → R (g x) (f x))
→ PIR2 R ( g L) ( f L).
intros. general induction L; simpl. econstructor.
econstructor; eauto using get.
Lemma mapi_length_ass (X Y : Type) (f : nat → X → Y) L k
: length L = k
→ length (mapi f L) = k.
intros. subst. eapply mapi_length.
Lemma mapi_length_ge_ass (X Y : Type) (f : nat → X → Y) L k
: k ≤ length L
→ k ≤ length (mapi f L).
intros. rewrite mapi_length; eauto.
Lemma mapi_length_le_ass (X Y : Type) (f : nat → X → Y) L k
: length L ≤ k
→ length (mapi f L) ≤ k.
intros. rewrite mapi_length; eauto.
Hint Resolve mapi_length_ass mapi_length_le_ass mapi_length_ge_ass : len.
Lemma get_mapi_impl X Y L (f:nat→X→Y) n x k
: get L n x
→ get (mapi_impl f k L) n (f (n+k) x).
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using get.
econstructor. orewrite (S (n + k) = n + (S k)). eauto.
Lemma get_mapi X Y L (f:nat→X→Y) n x
: get L n x
→ get (mapi f L) n (f n x).
intros. exploit (get_mapi_impl f 0 H); eauto.
orewrite (n + 0 = n) in H0. eauto.
Ltac list_eqs :=
match goal with
| [ H' : ?x :: ?L = ?L' ++ ?L |- _ ] ⇒
rewrite cons_app in H'; eapply app_inv_tail in H'
| [ H : ?L = ?L' ++ ?L |- _ ] ⇒
let A := fresh "A" in
eapply app_nil_eq in H
| _ ⇒ fail "no matching assumptions"
Ltac inv_map H :=
match type of H with
| get ( ?f ?L) ?n ?x ⇒
match goal with
| [H' : get ?L ?n ?y |- _ ] ⇒
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in pose proof (map_get f H' H) as EQ; invcs EQ
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh "X" in let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (map_get_4 _ f H) as X; destruct X as [? [? EQ]]; invcs EQ
Lemma list_eq_get {X:Type} (L L':list X) eqA n x
: list_eq eqA L L' → get L n x → ∃ x', get L' n x' ∧ eqA x x'.
intros. general induction H.
inv H0.
inv H1. eauto using get.
edestruct IHlist_eq; eauto. firstorder using get.
Instance list_R_dec A (R:A→A→Prop)
`{∀ a b, Computable (R a b)} (L:list A) (L':list A) :
Computable (∀ n a b, get L n a → get L' n b → R a b).
general induction L; destruct L'.
+ left; isabsurd.
+ left; isabsurd.
+ left; isabsurd.
+ decide (R a a0). edestruct IHL; eauto.
left. intros. inv H0; inv H1; eauto.
right. intro. eapply n; intros. eapply H0; eauto using get.
right. intro. eapply n. eauto using get.
Lemma list_eq_length A R l l'
: @list_eq A R l l' → length l = length l'.
intros. induction H; simpl; eauto.
Instance list_eq_computable X (R:X → X→ Prop) `{∀ x y, Computable (R x y)}
: ∀ (L L':list X), Computable (list_eq R L L').
intros. decide (length L = length L').
- general induction L; destruct L'; isabsurd; try dec_solve.
decide (R a x); try dec_solve.
edestruct IHL with (L':=L'); eauto; try dec_solve.
- right; intro. exploit list_eq_length; eauto.
Lemma list_eq_nth X (R : relation X) `{Reflexive _ R} (L L' : list X) (x : X) n
: list_eq R L L' → R (nth n L x) (nth n L' x).
intro H0. revert n.
induction H0; intros.
- apply H.
- destruct n; simpl.
+ eauto.
+ apply IHlist_eq.
Ltac inv_mapi H :=
match type of H with
| get (mapi ?f ?L) ?n ?x ⇒
match goal with
| [H' : get ?L ?n ?y |- _ ] ⇒
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in pose proof (mapi_get f H' H) as EQ; invc EQ
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh "X" in let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (mapi_get f _ H) as X; destruct X as [? [? EQ]]; invc EQ;
Instance list_get_computable X (Y:list X) (R:X→Prop) `{∀ (x:X), Computable (R x)}
: Computable (∀ n y, get Y n y → R y).
hnf. general induction Y.
- left; isabsurd.
- decide (R a).
+ edestruct IHY; eauto.
× left; intros. inv H0; eauto using get.
× right; intros; eauto using get.
+ right; eauto using get.
Lemma mapi_get_1 k X Y (L:list X) (f:nat → X → Y) n x
: get L n x → get (mapi_impl f k L) n (f (k+n) x).
intros. general induction H; simpl in *; eauto using get.
- orewrite (k + 0 = k); eauto using get.
- orewrite (k + S n = S k + n); eauto using get.
Lemma zip_app X Y Z (f : X → Y → Z) (xl:list X) (yl:list Y) xl' yl'
: length xl = length yl
→ zip f (xl ++ xl') (yl ++ yl') = zip f xl yl ++ zip f xl' yl'.
intros. length_equify. general induction H; simpl; f_equal; eauto.
Lemma zip_rev X Y Z (f : X → Y → Z) (xl:list X) (yl:list Y)
: length xl = length yl
→ zip f (rev xl) (rev yl) = rev (zip f xl yl).
intros. length_equify. general induction H; simpl; eauto.
rewrite zip_app.
- rewrite IHlength_eq; eauto.
- repeat rewrite rev_length; eauto using length_eq_length.
Lemma zip_eq_app_inv X Y Z (f:X→Y→Z) L L' AL DL
: length AL = length DL
→ L ++ L' = zip f AL DL
→ ∃ AL1 AL2 DL1 DL2,
AL = AL1 ++ AL2 ∧ DL = DL1 ++ DL2 ∧ L = zip f AL1 DL1 ∧ L' = zip f AL2 DL2 ∧
length AL1 = length DL1 ∧ length AL2 = length DL2.
intros. general induction L; simpl in *; subst.
- eexists nil, AL, nil, DL; simpl; intuition.
- destruct AL, DL; simpl in *; isabsurd. inv H0.
exploit IHL; try eapply H3. omega. dcr; subst.
eexists (x::x0), x1, (y::x2), x3; simpl; intuition.
Lemma zip_eq_cons_inv X Y Z (f:X→Y→Z) a L L1 L2
: a :: L = zip f L1 L2
→ ∃ b c L1' L2', b::L1'=L1 ∧ c::L2'=L2 ∧ a = f b c ∧ L = zip f L1' L2'.
intros. destruct L1, L2; isabsurd.
do 4 eexists; intuition; simpl in H; inv H; eauto.
Lemma zip_pair_inv X Y (AL1 AL2:list X) (DL1 DL2:list Y)
: length AL1 = length DL1
→ length AL2 = length DL2
→ zip pair AL1 DL1 = zip pair AL2 DL2
→ AL1 = AL2 ∧ DL1 = DL2.
intros. length_equify. general induction H; inv H0; simpl in *; isabsurd; eauto.
- inv H1.
exploit IHlength_eq; try eapply H5; eauto; dcr; subst; eauto.
Lemma zip_pair_app_inv X Y (AL AL1 AL2:list X) (DL DL1 DL2:list Y)
: length AL1 = length DL1
→ length AL2 = length DL2
→ length AL = length DL
→ zip pair AL DL = zip pair (AL1 ++ AL2) (DL1 ++ DL2)
→ AL = AL1 ++ AL2 ∧ DL = DL1 ++ DL2.
intros. length_equify. general induction H1.
- inv H; inv H0; simpl in *; isabsurd; eauto.
- inv H; simpl in *; isabsurd.
+ inv H0; simpl in *; isabsurd.
inv H2. exploit (IHlength_eq nil XL0 nil YL0); eauto. dcr; subst. intuition.
+ inv H2. exploit (IHlength_eq XL0 AL2 YL0 DL2); eauto. dcr; subst. intuition.
Ltac inv_zip H :=
match type of H with
| get (zip ?f ?L ?L') ?n ?x ⇒
match goal with
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh "X" in let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (get_zip f _ _ H) as X; destruct X as [? [? [? EQ]]]; invc EQ
Lemma zip_length_ass (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y → Z) (L : list X) (L' : list Y) k
: length L = length L'
→ k = length L
→ length (zip f L L') = k.
intros; subst; eauto using zip_length2.
Hint Resolve zip_length_ass | 10 : len.
Lemma fold_zip_length_ass (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y → Y) DL a AP k
: length AP = length DL
→ length DL = k
→ length (fold_left (fun AP0 (z:Z) ⇒ zip f DL AP0) a AP) = k.
intros. subst. general induction a; simpl; eauto with len.
rewrite IHa; eauto with len.
Hint Resolve fold_zip_length_ass : len.
Lemma zip_ext_get X Y Z (f f':X → Y → Z) L L'
: (∀ x y n, get L n x → get L' n y → f x y = f' x y) → zip f L L' = zip f' L L'.
general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto using get.
Lemma zip_ext_get2 X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Z (f1:X1 → Y1 → Z) (f2:X2 → Y2 → Z) L1 L1' L2 L2'
: length L1 = length L2
→ length L1' = length L2'
→ (∀ x1 y1 x2 y2 n,
get L1 n x1 → get L1' n y1 →
get L2 n x2 → get L2' n y2 →
f1 x1 y1 = f2 x2 y2)
→ zip f1 L1 L1' = zip f2 L2 L2'.
intros LEN1 LEN2 GET. length_equify.
general induction LEN1; inv LEN2; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
f_equal; eauto 20 using get.
Lemma zip_get_eq X Y Z (f:X → Y → Z) L L' n (x:X) (y:Y)
: get L n x → get L' n y → ∀ fxy, fxy = f x y → get (zip f L L') n fxy.
intros. general induction n; inv H; inv H0; simpl; eauto using get.
Lemma zip_ext_PIR2 X Y Z (f:X → Y → Z) X' Y' Z' (f':X'→Y'→Z') (R:Z→Z'→Prop) L1 L2 L1' L2'
: length L1 = length L2
→ length L1' = length L2'
→ length L1 = length L1'
→ (∀ n x y x' y', get L1 n x → get L2 n y → get L1' n x' → get L2' n y' → R (f x y) (f' x' y'))
→ PIR2 R (zip f L1 L2) (zip f' L1' L2').
intros A B C.
length_equify. general induction A; inv B; inv C; simpl; eauto 50 using PIR2, get.
Lemma zip_PIR2 X Y (eqA:Y → Y → Prop) (f:X → X → Y) l l'
: (∀ x y, eqA (f x y) (f y x))
→ PIR2 eqA (zip f l l') (zip f l' l).
general induction l; destruct l'; simpl; try now econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma zip_sym X Y Z (f : X → Y → Z) (L:list X) (L':list Y)
: zip f L L' = zip (fun x y ⇒ f y x) L' L.
intros. general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Require Import Take Drop.
Lemma take_eta n X (L:list X)
: L = take n L ++ drop n L.
general induction n; eauto.
- destruct L; simpl.
+ rewrite drop_nil; eauto.
+ f_equal; eauto.
Notation "f ⊜ L1 L2" := (zip f L1 L2) (at level 40, L1 at level 0, L2 at level 0).
Create HintDb inv_get discriminated.
Ltac inv_get_step0 dummy :=
match goal with
| [ H : get (take _ ?L) ?n ?x |- _ ] ⇒ eapply take_get in H; destruct H
| [ H : get (drop _ ?L) ?n ?x |- _ ] ⇒ eapply get_drop in H
| [ H : get (zip ?f ?L ?L') ?n ?x |- _ ] ⇒
let X := fresh "X" in
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
let GET := fresh "GET" in
pose proof (get_zip f _ _ H) as X; destruct X as [? [? [? [GET EQ]]]];
try (subst x);
try (simplify_eq EQ); intros;
clear H; rename GET into H
| [ H : get ( ?f ?L) ?n ?x |- _ ]=>
match goal with
| [H' : get ?L ?n ?y |- _ ] ⇒
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in pose proof (map_get f H' H) as EQ; clear H; invcs EQ
| _ ⇒ let X := fresh "X" in
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
let GET := fresh "GET" in
pose proof (map_get_4 _ f H) as X; destruct X as [? [GET EQ]]; try (subst x);
try (simplify_eq EQ); intros;
clear H; rename GET into H
| [ H: get (?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : get ?A ?n _ |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (get_app_lt_1 _ _ (get_range H')) in H
| [ H: get (?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : ?n < length ?A |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (get_app_lt_1 _ _ H') in H
| [ H: get ( _ ?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : get ?A ?n _ |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (get_app_lt_1 _ _ (map_length_lt_ass_right _ _ (get_range H'))) in H
| [ H: get ( _ ?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : ?n < length ?A |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (get_app_lt_1 _ _ (map_length_lt_ass_right _ _ H')) in H
| [ H: get (?A ++ ?B) (length ?A) _ |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (get_length_app_eq) in H; [simplify_eq H; intros; clear_trivial_eqs | reflexivity]
| [ H: get ( _ ?A ++ ?B) (length ?A) _ |- _ ] ⇒
eapply get_length_app_eq in H; [simplify_eq H; intros; clear_trivial_eqs | eauto with len]
| [ H: get (?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : ?n > length ?A |- _ ] ⇒
eapply get_length_right in H; [| eapply H']
| [ H: get ( _ ?A ++ ?B) ?n _, H' : ?n > length ?A |- _ ] ⇒
eapply get_length_right in H; [| rewrite map_length; eapply H']
| [ H: get (?A ++ ?B) (❬?A❭ + _) _ |- _ ] ⇒ eapply shift_get in H
| [ H: get (?f ⊝ ?A ++ ?B) (❬?A❭ + _) _ |- _ ] ⇒
rewrite <- (map_length f A) in H; eapply shift_get in H
| [ H: get (?f ⊝ ?A ++ ?B) (❬?C❭ + _) _, H' : ❬?C❭ = ❬?A❭ |- _ ] ⇒
rewrite H' in H; rewrite <- (map_length f A) in H; eapply shift_get in H
| [ H : get (mapi ?f ?L) ?n ?x |- _ ] ⇒
let X := fresh "X" in
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (mapi_get f _ H) as X; destruct X as [? [GET EQ]];
try (simplify_eq EQ); intros;
clear H; rename GET into H
| [ H : get (mapi_impl ?f ?k ?L) ?n ?x |- _ ] ⇒
let X := fresh "X" in
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (mapi_impl_get f _ k H) as X; destruct X as [? [GET EQ]];
try (simplify_eq EQ); intros;
clear H; rename GET into H
| [ Get : get ?L ?n _, Len : ❬?L❭ = ❬?L'❭ |- _ ] ⇒
is_var L';
match goal with
| [ H : get L' n _ |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ destruct (get_length_eq _ Get Len)
| [ Get : get ?L ?n _, Len : ❬?L'❭ = ❬?L❭ |- _ ] ⇒
is_var L';
match goal with
| [ H : get L' n _ |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ destruct (get_length_eq _ Get (eq_sym Len))
Tactic Notation "inv_get_step" := inv_get_step0 idtac.
Ltac inv_get' tac :=
repeat (repeat get_functional; tac idtac; repeat get_functional);
clear_trivial_eqs; repeat clear_dup.
Tactic Notation "inv_get" := inv_get' inv_get_step0.
Lemma zip_length_lt_ass (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y → Z) (L : list X) (L' : list Y) k
: length L = length L'
→ k < length L
→ k < length (zip f L L').
intros. rewrite zip_length2; eauto.
Hint Resolve zip_length_lt_ass : len.
Lemma zip_zip X X' Y Y' Z (f:X→Y→Z) (g1:X'→Y'→X) (g2:X'→Y'→Y) L L'
: zip f (zip g1 L L') (zip g2 L L') =
zip (fun x y ⇒ f (g1 x y) (g2 x y)) L L'.
intros. general induction L; destruct L'; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma drop_zip X Y Z (f:X→Y→Z) L L' n
: drop n (zip f L L') = zip f (drop n L) (drop n L').
general induction L; destruct L'; destruct n; simpl; repeat rewrite drop_nil; eauto.
- destruct (drop n L); simpl; eauto.
Lemma zip_map_fst X Y (L:list X) (L':list Y)
: length L = length L'
→ zip (fun x _ ⇒ x) L L' = L.
intros. length_equify.
general induction H; eauto; simpl in ×.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma zip_length3 {X Y Z} {f:X→Y→Z} DL ZL
: length DL ≤ length ZL
→ length (zip f DL ZL) = length DL.
intros. rewrite zip_length. rewrite Min.min_l; eauto.
Lemma zip_length4 {X Y Z} {f:X→Y→Z} DL ZL
: length ZL ≤ length DL
→ length (zip f DL ZL) = length ZL.
intros. rewrite zip_length. rewrite Min.min_r; eauto.
Lemma zip_length_le_ass_right (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y → Z) (L : list X) (L' : list Y) k
: length L = length L'
→ k ≤ length L
→ k ≤ length (zip f L L').
intros; subst; rewrite zip_length2; eauto.
Hint Resolve zip_length_le_ass_right : len.
Lemma take_zip (X Y Z : Type) (f : X → Y → Z) (L : list X) (L' : list Y) n
: take n (zip f L L') = zip f (take n L) (take n L').
intros. general induction n; simpl; eauto.
- destruct L, L'; simpl; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Instance zip_eq_m (X Y Z : Type)
: Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@zip X Y Z).
unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst; eauto.
Lemma fold_list_length A B (f:list B → (list A × bool) → list B) (a:list (list A × bool)) (b: list B)
: (∀ n aa, get a n aa → ❬b❭ ≤ ❬fst aa❭)
→ (∀ aa b, ❬b❭ ≤ ❬fst aa❭ → ❬f b aa❭ = ❬b❭)
→ length (fold_left f a b) = ❬b❭.
intros LEN.
general induction a; simpl; eauto.
erewrite IHa; eauto 10 using get with len.
intros. rewrite H; eauto using get.
Lemma mapi_app X Y (f:nat → X → Y) n L L'
: mapi_impl f n (L++L') = mapi_impl f n L ++ mapi_impl f (n+length L) L'.
general induction L; simpl; eauto.
- orewrite (n + 0 = n); eauto.
- f_equal. rewrite IHL. f_equal; f_equal. omega.
Lemma fst_zip_pair X Y (L:list X) (L':list Y) (LEN:❬L❭ = ❬L'❭)
: fst ⊝ pair ⊜ L L' = L.
general induction LEN; simpl; f_equal; eauto.