
Disclaimer: This file was taken from the Autosubst library.

        Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics Util Get.

        Class Size (A : Type) := size : A nat.

        Ltac gen_Size :=
        hnf; match goal with [ |- ?A nat] ⇒
        fix size' 1; intros s;
        assert(size_inst : Size A);[exact size' | idtac];
        destruct s eqn:E;
        let term := type of s in
        match goal with
                        [E : s = ?s' |- _] ⇒
                        let rec map s :=
                                        (match s with
                                                         ?s1 ?s2
                                                         let size_s1 := map s1 in
                                                         let s2_T := type of s2 in
                                                         let size_s2 := match s2_T with
                                                                                                         | Aconstr:(size' s2)
                                                                                                         | _constr:(size s2)
                                                                                                 end in
                                                         constr:(size_s1 + size_s2)
                                                 | _constr:(O) end) in
                        let t' := map s' in
                        let t'' := eval simpl plus in t' in
                        exact (S t'')

        Require Import Omega.

        Lemma size_rec {A : Type} f (x : A) : P : A Type, ( x, ( y, f y < f x P y) P x) P x.
                intros P IS. cut ( n x, f x n P x). { eauto. }
                intros n. induction n; intros; apply IS; intros.
                - omega.
                - apply IHn. omega.

        Ltac autorevert x :=
                try (match goal with
                        | [y : ?Y |- ?claim] ⇒
                                try(match x with yidtac end; fail 1);
                                        match goal with [z : _ |- _] ⇒
                                                match claim with appcontext[z] ⇒
                                                                        match Y with appcontext[z] ⇒ revert y; autorevert x end
                                                                | match y with zrevert y; autorevert x end]

        Tactic Notation "sinduction" ident(H) "using" open_constr(f) :=
        let T := type of H in
        autorevert H; induction H using (@size_rec _ f);
        match goal with [H : T |- _] ⇒ destruct H end.

        Tactic Notation "sinduction" ident(H) :=
        let T := type of H in
        autorevert H; induction H using (@size_rec _ size);
        match goal with [H : T |- _] ⇒ destruct H end; intros.

        Ltac sind H :=
        let IH := fresh "IH" in
        let x := fresh "x" in
        induction H as [x IH] using (@size_rec _ size); try rename x into H.

        Instance def_size (A : Type) : Size A | 100 := (fun xO).

        Instance size_nat : Size nat := id.

        Instance size_prod {A B : Type} (size_A : Size A) (size_B : Size B)
        : Size (prod A B).
        intros [a b]. eapply (size a + size b).

        Instance size_list (A : Type) (size_A : Size A) : Size (list A). gen_Size. Defined.

        Lemma size_list_get {A : Type} `{Size A} {L : list A} {n} {a}
        : get L n a size a size L.
                general induction L; inv H0; repeat(unfold size in *; unfold def_size in *; simpl in *).
                - omega.
                - rewrite IHL; eauto. omega.

        Lemma size_prod_split {A B : Type} `{Size A} `{Size B} {x:A×B} {n}
        : size_prod _ _ x n size (fst x) n size (snd x) n.
                destruct x; simpl; intros. omega.


        Ltac sizesimpl :=
                         repeat (unfold size in × |- *; unfold def_size in × |- *; simpl in × |- *;
                                                                                                        try match goal with
                                                                                                                | [ H: get ?L ?n ?x |- context [size_list _ _ ?L] ]
                                                                                                                        ⇒ eapply size_list_get in H
                                                                                                                | [ H: size_prod _ _ _ _ |- _ ]
                                                                                                                        ⇒ eapply size_prod_split in H
                                                                                                                        end; clear_trivial_eqs).

        Tactic Notation "somega" := sizesimpl; omega.
Hint Extern 2 (size _ < size _) ⇒ somega.
Hint Extern 2 (size _ < S (size _)) ⇒ somega.
Hint Extern 2 (S (size _) < S (size _)) ⇒ somega.


Inductive foo := Foo1 | Foo2 (_ : list foo) (_ : nat).

Instance size_foo : Size foo. gen_Size. Set Printing Implicit. Defined.