First define bits to be a binary type with the two constructors O and I.
A bitvector is now simply a list of bits. Convention: The LSB is always the first bit to ease
recursive function definitions.
Define the length of a bitvector k
Inductive lt predicate for bits
Inductive ltBit :bit→ bit → Prop :=
|ltBitO : ltBit O I.
Definition bitCmp (b1:bit) (b2:bit) :=
match b1,b2 with
|O, O ⇒ Eq
|O,I ⇒ Lt
| I, O ⇒ Gt
| I, I ⇒ Eq
Instance ltBit_trans:
Transitive ltBit.
unfold Transitive. intros. general induction H.
- general induction H0.
Instance ltBit_irrefl:
Irreflexive ltBit.
hnf; intros. unfold RelationClasses.complement. induction x.
- intros. inversion H.
- intros. inversion H.
Instance rewrite_eqBit: ∀ x, Proper (eq ==> flip impl) (ltBit x).
unfold Proper, respectful. intros. unfold flip. unfold impl. intros. general induction H0.
- econstructor.
Instance lt_eq_bit_strict: OrderedType.StrictOrder ltBit eq.
- exact ltBit_trans.
- intros. intro. apply (ltBit_irrefl x). rewrite <- H0 in H. assumption.
Instance OrderedType_bit : OrderedType bit :=
{ _eq := eq;
_lt := ltBit;
_cmp := bitCmp}.
intros. general induction x; destruct y; simpl; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBit).
|ltBitO : ltBit O I.
Definition bitCmp (b1:bit) (b2:bit) :=
match b1,b2 with
|O, O ⇒ Eq
|O,I ⇒ Lt
| I, O ⇒ Gt
| I, I ⇒ Eq
Instance ltBit_trans:
Transitive ltBit.
unfold Transitive. intros. general induction H.
- general induction H0.
Instance ltBit_irrefl:
Irreflexive ltBit.
hnf; intros. unfold RelationClasses.complement. induction x.
- intros. inversion H.
- intros. inversion H.
Instance rewrite_eqBit: ∀ x, Proper (eq ==> flip impl) (ltBit x).
unfold Proper, respectful. intros. unfold flip. unfold impl. intros. general induction H0.
- econstructor.
Instance lt_eq_bit_strict: OrderedType.StrictOrder ltBit eq.
- exact ltBit_trans.
- intros. intro. apply (ltBit_irrefl x). rewrite <- H0 in H. assumption.
Instance OrderedType_bit : OrderedType bit :=
{ _eq := eq;
_lt := ltBit;
_cmp := bitCmp}.
intros. general induction x; destruct y; simpl; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBit).
Inductive lt predicate for bitvectors
Inductive ltBitvec : bitvec → bitvec → Prop :=
|ltBitvecNil a b: ltBitvec nil (a::b)
|ltBitvecCons a b c d : _lt a c → ltBitvec (a::b) (c::d)
|ltBitvecEq a b c d: _eq a c → ltBitvec b d → ltBitvec (a::b) (c::d).
Fixpoint bvCmp (a:bitvec) ( b:bitvec) :=
match a,b with
| nil, nil ⇒ Eq
| nil, _ ⇒ Lt
| _, nil ⇒ Gt
|a1::a' ,b1::b' ⇒ match( _cmp a1 b1 ) with
| Eq ⇒ bvCmp a' b'
| z ⇒ z
Instance ltBitvec_trans:
Transitive ltBitvec.
unfold Transitive. intros. general induction H.
- general induction H0.
+ econstructor.
+ econstructor.
- general induction H0.
+ econstructor.
× eapply transitivity with c0; eauto.
+ econstructor.
× rewrite <- H. assumption.
- general induction H1.
+ econstructor.
× rewrite H0. assumption.
+ specialize (IHltBitvec0 d). rewrite H in H0. exact (ltBitvecEq a0 b0 c d H0 (IHltBitvec0 H1)).
Instance ltBitvec_irrefl:
Irreflexive ltBitvec.
hnf; intros. unfold RelationClasses.complement. induction x; inversion 1; subst; eauto using StrictOrder_Irreflexive.
eapply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive a a H1). intuition.
Instance rewrite_equal_bitvec: ∀ x, Proper (eq ==> impl) (ltBitvec x) .
unfold Proper, respectful. intros. unfold impl. intros. general induction H0.
- econstructor.
- econstructor. assumption.
- exact (ltBitvecEq a b c d H H0).
Instance lt_eq_strict : OrderedType.StrictOrder ltBitvec eq.
- exact ltBitvec_trans.
- intros. intro. apply (ltBitvec_irrefl x). rewrite <- H0 in H. assumption.
Instance OrderedType_bitvec : OrderedType bitvec :=
{ _eq := eq;
_lt := ltBitvec;
_cmp := bvCmp}.
intros. general induction x; destruct y; simpl; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBitvec).
pose proof (_compare_spec a b); destruct (IHx y);
inv H; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBitvec).
- econstructor. f_equal. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
Instance bitvec_eq_computable (s t : bitvec) : Computable (s = t).
pose proof (_compare_spec s t).
destruct (_cmp s t); simpl in ×.
- left. inv H. eauto.
- right. inv H. intro; subst.
eapply ltBitvec_irrefl. eapply H0.
- right. inv H. intro; subst.
eapply ltBitvec_irrefl. eapply H0.
|ltBitvecNil a b: ltBitvec nil (a::b)
|ltBitvecCons a b c d : _lt a c → ltBitvec (a::b) (c::d)
|ltBitvecEq a b c d: _eq a c → ltBitvec b d → ltBitvec (a::b) (c::d).
Fixpoint bvCmp (a:bitvec) ( b:bitvec) :=
match a,b with
| nil, nil ⇒ Eq
| nil, _ ⇒ Lt
| _, nil ⇒ Gt
|a1::a' ,b1::b' ⇒ match( _cmp a1 b1 ) with
| Eq ⇒ bvCmp a' b'
| z ⇒ z
Instance ltBitvec_trans:
Transitive ltBitvec.
unfold Transitive. intros. general induction H.
- general induction H0.
+ econstructor.
+ econstructor.
- general induction H0.
+ econstructor.
× eapply transitivity with c0; eauto.
+ econstructor.
× rewrite <- H. assumption.
- general induction H1.
+ econstructor.
× rewrite H0. assumption.
+ specialize (IHltBitvec0 d). rewrite H in H0. exact (ltBitvecEq a0 b0 c d H0 (IHltBitvec0 H1)).
Instance ltBitvec_irrefl:
Irreflexive ltBitvec.
hnf; intros. unfold RelationClasses.complement. induction x; inversion 1; subst; eauto using StrictOrder_Irreflexive.
eapply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive a a H1). intuition.
Instance rewrite_equal_bitvec: ∀ x, Proper (eq ==> impl) (ltBitvec x) .
unfold Proper, respectful. intros. unfold impl. intros. general induction H0.
- econstructor.
- econstructor. assumption.
- exact (ltBitvecEq a b c d H H0).
Instance lt_eq_strict : OrderedType.StrictOrder ltBitvec eq.
- exact ltBitvec_trans.
- intros. intro. apply (ltBitvec_irrefl x). rewrite <- H0 in H. assumption.
Instance OrderedType_bitvec : OrderedType bitvec :=
{ _eq := eq;
_lt := ltBitvec;
_cmp := bvCmp}.
intros. general induction x; destruct y; simpl; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBitvec).
pose proof (_compare_spec a b); destruct (IHx y);
inv H; try now (econstructor; eauto using ltBitvec).
- econstructor. f_equal. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
Instance bitvec_eq_computable (s t : bitvec) : Computable (s = t).
pose proof (_compare_spec s t).
destruct (_cmp s t); simpl in ×.
- left. inv H. eauto.
- right. inv H. intro; subst.
eapply ltBitvec_irrefl. eapply H0.
- right. inv H. intro; subst.
eapply ltBitvec_irrefl. eapply H0.