Require Export Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Export Sets SetInterface SetConstructs SetProperties.
Require Import EqDec Computable Util.
Require Export CSet MapAgreement MapUpdate LengthEq.
Require Export OrderedTypeEx.
Require Export MapInterface.
Open Scope map_scope.
Require MapFacts.
Module MF := MapFacts.
Require MapAVLInstance.
Definition findt {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} (ϱ:Map [X, Y]) (def:Y) (x:X) :=
match find x ϱ with
| Some x ⇒ x
| None ⇒ def
Notation "´[]´" := (empty _)(at level 0, no associativity) : map_scope.
Notation "M ´[´ key ´]´ " :=
(find key M)(at level 31, left associativity) : map_scope.
Notation "M ´[´ key ´<-´ v ´]´ " :=
(add key v M)(at level 29, left associativity) : map_scope.
Fixpoint update_with_list {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} XL YL (m:Map [X, Y]) :=
match XL, YL with
| x::XL, y::YL ⇒ (update_with_list XL YL m)[x <- y]
| _, _ ⇒ m
Notation "f [ w <-- x ]" := (update_with_list w x f) (at level 29, left associativity).
Lemma map_update_update_agree X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (D:set X) (ϱ:Map [X, Y])
(def:Y) (x:X) (y:Y)
: agree_on _eq D (update (findt ϱ def) x y) (findt (ϱ [x <- y]) def).
Lemma map_update_list_update_agree X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (D:set X) (ϱ:Map [X, Y])
(def:Y) (xl:list X) (yl:list Y)
: length xl = length yl
→ agree_on _eq D (MapUpdate.update_with_list xl yl (findt ϱ def)) (findt (ϱ [xl <-- yl]) def).
Require Export Sets SetInterface SetConstructs SetProperties.
Require Import EqDec Computable Util.
Require Export CSet MapAgreement MapUpdate LengthEq.
Require Export OrderedTypeEx.
Require Export MapInterface.
Open Scope map_scope.
Require MapFacts.
Module MF := MapFacts.
Require MapAVLInstance.
Definition findt {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} (ϱ:Map [X, Y]) (def:Y) (x:X) :=
match find x ϱ with
| Some x ⇒ x
| None ⇒ def
Notation "´[]´" := (empty _)(at level 0, no associativity) : map_scope.
Notation "M ´[´ key ´]´ " :=
(find key M)(at level 31, left associativity) : map_scope.
Notation "M ´[´ key ´<-´ v ´]´ " :=
(add key v M)(at level 29, left associativity) : map_scope.
Fixpoint update_with_list {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} XL YL (m:Map [X, Y]) :=
match XL, YL with
| x::XL, y::YL ⇒ (update_with_list XL YL m)[x <- y]
| _, _ ⇒ m
Notation "f [ w <-- x ]" := (update_with_list w x f) (at level 29, left associativity).
Lemma map_update_update_agree X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (D:set X) (ϱ:Map [X, Y])
(def:Y) (x:X) (y:Y)
: agree_on _eq D (update (findt ϱ def) x y) (findt (ϱ [x <- y]) def).
Lemma map_update_list_update_agree X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (D:set X) (ϱ:Map [X, Y])
(def:Y) (xl:list X) (yl:list Y)
: length xl = length yl
→ agree_on _eq D (MapUpdate.update_with_list xl yl (findt ϱ def)) (findt (ϱ [xl <-- yl]) def).