Wrapper for decidable equalities in coq.
Require Export Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Export Computable.
Require Import Option.
Global Instance inst_equiv_cm A R `(EqDec A R) (x y : A) :
Computable (x === y).
Global Instance inst_eq_cm A `(EqDec A eq) (x y : A) : Computable (x = y)
:= H x y.
Definition option_eq_dec A `(EqDec A eq) (x y : option A) :
{x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Global Instance inst_eq_dec_option A `(EqDec A eq) : EqDec (option A) eq := {
equiv_dec := (option_eq_dec A _)
Definition eq_dec {A : Type} (x y : A) `{@EqDec A eq eq_equivalence} :
{x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Coercion sumbool_bool {A} {B} (x:{A} + {B}) : bool := if x then true else false.
Extraction Inline sumbool_bool.
Coercion sumbool_option {P:Prop} : {P}+{¬P} → option P.
Extraction Inline sumbool_option.
Lemma sumbool_inversion {P:Prop} (p:{P}+{¬P}) x
: sumbool_option p = Some x → p = left x.
Coercion sum_option {T:Type} : (T+(T → False)) → option T.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "if" "in" hyp(H) :=
match goal with
| H : context [if sumbool_bool ?P then _ else _] |- _ ⇒ destruct P
| H : context [if ?P then _ else _] |- _ ⇒
match P with
| decision_procedure _ ⇒ destruct P
| _ ⇒
let EQ := fresh "Heq" in
let b := fresh "b" in
remember P as b eqn:EQ; destruct b
Tactic Notation "destruct" "if" :=
match goal with
| |- context [if (if ?P then true else false) then _ else _] ⇒ destruct P
| |- context [if ?P then _ else _] ⇒
match P with
| decision_procedure _ ⇒ destruct P
| _ ⇒
let EQ := fresh "Heq" in
let b := fresh "b" in
remember P as b eqn:EQ; destruct b
Extraction Inline sum_option.
Notation "´mdo´ X <= A ; B" := (bind (sumbool_option (@decision_procedure A _)) (fun X ⇒ B))
(at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).
Lemma equiv_dec_refl A `(EqDec A eq) (a:A)
: equiv_dec a a.
Lemma equiv_dec_R A eq `(EqDec A eq) (a b:A)
: equiv_dec a b → eq a b.
Lemma equiv_dec_R_neg A eq `(EqDec A eq) (a b:A)
: ¬equiv_dec a b → ¬eq a b.
Lemma equiv_dec_false A `(EqDec A eq) (a b:A)
: a ≠ b → false = equiv_dec a b.
Lemma false_equiv_dec A `(EqDec A eq) (a b:A)
: false = equiv_dec a b → a ≠ b.
Let nu a b (p:a = b) : a = b :=
match Bool.bool_dec a b with
| left eqxy ⇒ eqxy
| right neqxy ⇒ False_ind _ (neqxy p)
Lemma bool_pcanonical : ∀ (a b : bool) (p : a = b), p = nu a b p.
Section PI.
Variable X:Type.
Context `{EqDec X eq}.
Lemma equiv_dec_PI´
: ∀ x, ∀ (p q :true = equiv_dec x x), p = q.
Lemma equiv_dec_PI´_false
: ∀ x y, ∀ (p q :false = equiv_dec x y), p = q.
Lemma equiv_dec_PI
: ∀ x, ∀ (p q :equiv_dec x x), p = q.
End PI.
Ltac eqsubst_assumption H :=
match goal with
| [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ eapply equiv_dec_R in H
| [ H : ¬ _ |- _ ] ⇒ eapply equiv_dec_R_neg in H
Tactic Notation "eqsubst" "in" hyp(H) :=
eqsubst_assumption H.
Tactic Notation "eqsubst" :=
progress (match goal with
| [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ eqsubst_assumption H
Require Import List.
Global Instance inst_in_cm X (a:X) (L:list X) `(EqDec X eq) : Computable (In a L).
Lemma dneg_eq A `(EqDec A eq) (a b:A)
: (¬ a ≠ b) → a = b.