Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.Copy
Require Import FunInd.
Require Import TM.Code.CodeTM.
Require Export TM.Compound.CopySymbols TM.Compound.MoveToSymbol.
Require Import TM.Basic.Mono.
Require Import TM.Combinators.Combinators.
Require Import TM.Compound.TMTac TM.Compound.Multi.
Require Import TM.Lifting.LiftAlphabet.
Generalizable All Variables.
Lemma skipn_0 (A:Type) (xs : list A) : skipn 0 xs = xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma skipn_tl (A:Type) (xs : list A) (n : nat) : skipn (S n) xs = skipn n (tl xs).
Proof. induction n; cbn; destruct xs; auto. Qed.
(* Don't simplify skipn (S n) xs; only, if the number and the lists are constructors *)
Local Arguments skipn { A } !n !l.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.
Section Copy.
Variable sig : finType.
Variable stop : sig -> bool.
Lemma CopySymbols_correct (t : tape sig * tape sig) str1 x str2 :
(forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
(stop x = true) ->
tape_local (fst t) = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
CopySymbols_Fun stop t =
(midtape (rev str1 ++ left (fst t)) x str2,
midtape (rev str1 ++ left (snd t)) x (skipn (|str1|) (right (snd t)))).
intros HStop1 HStop2. intros HEnc.
revert str1 x str2 HEnc HStop1 HStop2.
functional induction (CopySymbols_Fun stop t); cbn in *; intros.
- destruct str1; cbn in *.
* rewrite skipn_0.
pose proof tape_local_current_cons HEnc as HEnc'. assert (s = x) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
f_equal. now apply midtape_tape_local_cons.
* apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = e1) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
specialize (HStop1 _ ltac:(eauto)). congruence.
- destruct str1; cbn in *.
+ apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = x) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
+ apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = e1) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
apply (tape_midtape_current_right e) in HEnc. rewrite HEnc in *. cbn in *.
rewrite <- !app_assoc. erewrite IHp; eauto. rewrite HEnc. cbn. f_equal.
* now simpl_tape.
* f_equal; simpl_tape. reflexivity. now rewrite skipn_tl.
* now simpl_tape.
- destruct (current (fst tin)) eqn:E; auto.
apply tape_local_nil in E. rewrite E in HEnc. now apply app_cons_not_nil in HEnc.
Corollary CopySymbols_correct_midtape ls m rs x rs' t2 :
stop m = false ->
(forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_Fun stop (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) =
(midtape (rev rs ++ m :: ls) x rs',
midtape (rev rs ++ m :: left (t2)) x (skipn (S (|rs|)) (right t2))).
intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
unshelve epose proof @CopySymbols_correct (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) (m::rs) x rs' _ _ _ as L; cbn in *; eauto.
- intros ? [->|?]; auto.
- now rewrite <- !app_assoc in L.
Corollary CopySymbols_correct_moveright ls m rs x rs' t2:
(forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_Fun stop (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) =
(midtape (rev rs ++ m :: ls) x rs',
midtape (rev rs ++ left t2) x (skipn (|rs|) (right t2))).
intros HStopLs HStopX.
cbv [tape_move_left']. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn in *.
- rewrite CopySymbols_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX; cbn. reflexivity.
- rewrite CopySymbols_correct_midtape; auto. subst. rewrite <- !app_assoc; cbn. reflexivity.
Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct t str1 x str2 :
(forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
(stop x = true) ->
tape_local_l (fst t) = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
CopySymbols_L_Fun stop t =
(midtape str2 x (rev str1 ++ right (fst t)),
midtape (skipn (|str1|) (left (snd t))) x (rev str1 ++ right (snd t))).
intros HStop1 HStop2. intros HEnc.
pose proof @CopySymbols_correct (mirror_tape (fst t), mirror_tape (snd t)) str1 x str2 HStop1 HStop2 as L.
spec_assert L by now (cbn; simpl_tape).
apply CopySymbols_mirror. rewrite L. unfold mirror_tapes; cbn. f_equal; [ | f_equal]; now simpl_tape.
Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape ls ls' m rs x t2 :
stop m = false ->
(forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_L_Fun stop (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) =
(midtape ls' x (rev ls ++ m :: rs),
midtape (skipn (S (|ls|)) (left t2)) x (rev ls ++ m :: right t2)).
intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
unshelve epose proof @CopySymbols_L_correct (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) (m::ls) x ls' _ _ _ as L; cbn in *; eauto.
- intros ? [->|?]; auto.
- now rewrite <- !app_assoc in L.
Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct_moveleft ls x ls' m rs t2 :
(forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_L_Fun stop (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) =
(midtape ls' x (rev ls ++ m :: rs),
midtape (skipn (|ls|) (left t2)) x (rev ls ++ right t2)).
intros HStopLs HStopX.
cbv [tape_move_left']. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn in *.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX; cbn. reflexivity.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape; auto. subst. rewrite <- !app_assoc; cbn. reflexivity.
Variable f : sig -> sig.
Lemma MoveToSymbol_correct t str1 str2 x :
(forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
(stop x = true) ->
tape_local t = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f t = midtape (rev (map f str1) ++ left t) (f x) str2.
intros H H0. destruct t as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs]; cbn in *.
1,3: rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn; destruct str1; cbn in *; try congruence.
1: destruct str1; cbn in *; congruence.
revert m ls str1 H. revert rs.
refine (@size_induction _ (@length sig) _ _); intros [ | s rs'] IH; intros.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn. destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1.
+ rewrite H0. cbn. auto.
+ destruct str1; cbn in *; congruence.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn.
destruct (stop m) eqn:E1.
+ cbn. destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1; eauto. specialize (H _ ltac:(eauto)). congruence.
+ destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1.
* congruence.
* simpl_list. eapply IH; cbn; eauto.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape ls rs rs' m x :
stop m = false ->
(forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) =
midtape (rev (map f rs) ++ (f m) :: ls) (f x) rs'.
intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
unshelve epose proof (@MoveToSymbol_correct (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) (m::rs) rs' x _ HStopX eq_refl) as L.
{ intros ? [->|?]; auto. }
cbn in *. now rewrite <- app_assoc in L.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_correct_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
(forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) =
midtape (rev (map f rs) ++ m :: ls) (f x) rs'.
intros HStopR HStopX.
destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX. reflexivity.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite <- !app_assoc. reflexivity.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct t str1 str2 x :
(forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
(stop x = true) ->
tape_local_l t = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f t = midtape str2 (f x) (rev (map f str1) ++ right t).
intros. pose proof (@MoveToSymbol_correct (mirror_tape t) str1 str2 x) as L.
simpl_tape in L. repeat spec_assert L by auto.
erewrite (MoveToSymbol_mirror' (t' := mirror_tape (MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f t))) in L; simpl_tape in *; eauto.
now apply mirror_tape_inv_midtape in L.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape ls ls' rs m x :
stop m = false ->
(forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) =
midtape ls' (f x) (rev (map f ls) ++ (f m) :: rs).
intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
unshelve epose proof (@MoveToSymbol_L_correct (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) (m::ls) ls' x _ HStopX eq_refl) as L.
{ intros ? [->|?]; auto. }
cbn in *. now rewrite <- app_assoc in L.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct_moveleft ls x ls' m rs :
(forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) =
midtape ls' (f x) (rev (map f ls) ++ m :: rs).
intros HStopL HStopX.
destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX. reflexivity.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite <- !app_assoc. reflexivity.
Termination times
(* The termination times of CopySymbols and MoveTosymbol only differ in the factors *)
Lemma MoveToSymbol_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
tape_local t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
stop sym = true ->
MoveToSymbol_steps stop f t <= 4 + 4 * length r1.
revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
+ omega.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (4 * S (|r1|)) with (4 + 4 * |r1|) by omega.
eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape ls x m rs rs' :
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_steps stop f (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 8 + 4 * length rs.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_local with (r1 := m::rs) (sym := x) (r2 := rs'); auto.
cbn [length]. omega.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_steps_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_steps stop f (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 4 + 4 * length rs.
intros HStop. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. omega.
Lemma MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
tape_local_l t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
stop sym = true ->
MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f t <= 4 + 4 * length r1.
revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
+ omega.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (4 * S (|r1|)) with (4 + 4 * |r1|) by omega.
eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape ls ls' x m rs :
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 8 + 4 * length ls.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local with (r1 := m::ls) (sym := x) (r2 := ls'); auto.
cbn [length]. omega.
Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_steps_moveleft ls ls' x m rs :
stop x = true ->
MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 4 + 4 * length ls.
intros HStop. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
- rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; auto. omega.
Lemma CopySymbols_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
tape_local t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
stop sym = true ->
CopySymbols_steps stop t <= 8 + 8 * length r1.
revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
+ omega.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (8 * S (|r1|)) with (8 + 8 * |r1|) by omega.
eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.
Corollary CopySymbols_steps_midtape ls m rs x rs' :
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_steps stop (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 16 + 8 * length rs.
intros. erewrite CopySymbols_steps_local with (r1 := m :: rs); cbn -[plus mult]; eauto. omega.
Corollary CopySymbols_steps_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_steps stop (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 8 + 8 * length rs.
intros HStop. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
- rewrite CopySymbols_steps_midtape; auto. omega.
Lemma CopySymbols_L_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
tape_local_l t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
stop sym = true ->
CopySymbols_L_steps stop t <= 8 + 8 * length r1.
revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
- destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
+ omega.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (8 * S (|r1|)) with (8 + 8 * |r1|) by omega.
eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.
Corollary CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape ls x ls' m rs :
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_L_steps stop (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 16 + 8 * length ls.
intros. erewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_local with (r1 := m :: ls); cbn -[plus mult]; eauto. omega.
Corollary CopySymbols_L_steps_moveleft ls ls' x m rs :
stop x = true ->
CopySymbols_L_steps stop (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 8 + 8 * length ls.
intros HStop. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
- rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape; auto. omega.
End Copy.
Move between the start and the end symbol
Section Move.
Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Definition isStop (s: sig^+) := match s with inl STOP => true | _ => false end.
Definition isStart (s: sig^+) := match s with inl START => true | _ => false end.
(* Note, that encode maps implicitely here *)
Lemma stop_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
List.In s (encode x) -> isStop s = false.
Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma start_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
List.In s (encode x) -> isStart s = false.
Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition MoveRight := Return (MoveToSymbol isStop id) tt.
Definition MoveLeft := Return (MoveToSymbol_L isStart id) tt.
Definition Reset := MoveRight.
Definition MoveRight_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≃ x -> tout ≂ x)).
Definition MoveLeft_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≂ x -> tout ≃ x)).
Definition Reset_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≃ x -> isRight tout)).
Lemma MoveRight_Realise : MoveRight ⊨ MoveRight_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
erewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; eauto.
- repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, map_rev.
- apply stop_not_in.
Lemma MoveLeft_Realise : MoveLeft ⊨ MoveLeft_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
erewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; eauto.
- repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, <- map_rev, rev_involutive.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.
Lemma Reset_Realise : Reset ⊨ Reset_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Reset. eapply MoveRight_Realise. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp. eapply tape_contains_rev_isRight; eauto.
Definition MoveRight_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma MoveRight_Terminates :
projT1 MoveRight ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ MoveRight_steps x <= k).
unfold MoveRight_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length.
Definition MoveLeft_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma MoveLeft_Terminates :
projT1 MoveLeft ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≂ x /\ MoveLeft_steps x <= k).
unfold MoveLeft_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length, rev_length.
Definition Reset_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Definition Reset_Terminates :
projT1 Reset ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ Reset_steps x <= k).
Proof. exact MoveRight_Terminates. Qed.
Definition ResetEmpty : pTM sig^+ unit 1 := Move R.
Definition ResetEmpty_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
cX x = nil ->
isRight tout[@Fin0]
Definition ResetEmpty_steps := 1.
Lemma ResetEmpty_Sem : ResetEmpty ⊨c(ResetEmpty_steps) ResetEmpty_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ResetEmpty. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. cbn. repeat econstructor.
Definition ResetEmpty1 : pTM sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 := Move R;; Move R.
Definition ResetEmpty1_Rel : pRel sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
size cX x = 1 ->
isRight tout[@Fin0]
Definition ResetEmpty1_steps := 3.
Lemma ResetEmpty1_Sem : ResetEmpty1 ⊨c(ResetEmpty1_steps) ResetEmpty1_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ResetEmpty1. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). unfold size in *. TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. destruct l; inv H2.
cbn. repeat econstructor.
End Move.
Section Move_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma MoveRight_steps_comp (x : X):
MoveRight_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveRight_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold MoveRight_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma MoveLeft_steps_comp (x : X):
MoveLeft_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveLeft_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma Reset_steps_comp (x : X):
Reset_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Reset_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold Reset_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End Move_steps_comp.
Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Definition isStop (s: sig^+) := match s with inl STOP => true | _ => false end.
Definition isStart (s: sig^+) := match s with inl START => true | _ => false end.
(* Note, that encode maps implicitely here *)
Lemma stop_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
List.In s (encode x) -> isStop s = false.
Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma start_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
List.In s (encode x) -> isStart s = false.
Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition MoveRight := Return (MoveToSymbol isStop id) tt.
Definition MoveLeft := Return (MoveToSymbol_L isStart id) tt.
Definition Reset := MoveRight.
Definition MoveRight_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≃ x -> tout ≂ x)).
Definition MoveLeft_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≂ x -> tout ≃ x)).
Definition Reset_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin ≃ x -> isRight tout)).
Lemma MoveRight_Realise : MoveRight ⊨ MoveRight_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
erewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; eauto.
- repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, map_rev.
- apply stop_not_in.
Lemma MoveLeft_Realise : MoveLeft ⊨ MoveLeft_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
erewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; eauto.
- repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, <- map_rev, rev_involutive.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.
Lemma Reset_Realise : Reset ⊨ Reset_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Reset. eapply MoveRight_Realise. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp. eapply tape_contains_rev_isRight; eauto.
Definition MoveRight_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma MoveRight_Terminates :
projT1 MoveRight ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ MoveRight_steps x <= k).
unfold MoveRight_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length.
Definition MoveLeft_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma MoveLeft_Terminates :
projT1 MoveLeft ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≂ x /\ MoveLeft_steps x <= k).
unfold MoveLeft_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length, rev_length.
Definition Reset_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Definition Reset_Terminates :
projT1 Reset ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ Reset_steps x <= k).
Proof. exact MoveRight_Terminates. Qed.
Definition ResetEmpty : pTM sig^+ unit 1 := Move R.
Definition ResetEmpty_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 1 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
cX x = nil ->
isRight tout[@Fin0]
Definition ResetEmpty_steps := 1.
Lemma ResetEmpty_Sem : ResetEmpty ⊨c(ResetEmpty_steps) ResetEmpty_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ResetEmpty. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. cbn. repeat econstructor.
Definition ResetEmpty1 : pTM sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 := Move R;; Move R.
Definition ResetEmpty1_Rel : pRel sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
size cX x = 1 ->
isRight tout[@Fin0]
Definition ResetEmpty1_steps := 3.
Lemma ResetEmpty1_Sem : ResetEmpty1 ⊨c(ResetEmpty1_steps) ResetEmpty1_Rel.
eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
{ unfold ResetEmpty1. TM_Correct. }
{ reflexivity. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). unfold size in *. TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. destruct l; inv H2.
cbn. repeat econstructor.
End Move.
Section Move_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma MoveRight_steps_comp (x : X):
MoveRight_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveRight_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold MoveRight_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma MoveLeft_steps_comp (x : X):
MoveLeft_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveLeft_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma Reset_steps_comp (x : X):
Reset_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Reset_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold Reset_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End Move_steps_comp.
Copy a value from to an internal (right) tape
Section CopyValue.
Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX : codable sig X).
Definition CopyValue :=
LiftTapes (MoveRight _) [|Fin0|];; CopySymbols_L (@isStart sig).
Definition CopyValue_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 2) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 2) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x:X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
isRight tin[@Fin1] ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃ x /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x
Lemma CopyValue_Realise : CopyValue ⊨ CopyValue_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct. eapply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X). }
intros tin ((), tout) H.
intros x HEncX HRight.
apply H in HEncX. clear H. destruct HEncX as (r3&HEncX). TMSimp.
cbn. erewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape in H0; eauto.
- inv H0. TMSimp. repeat econstructor; f_equal; rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive; repeat f_equal. now apply isRight_right.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.
Definition CopyValue_steps x := 25 + 12 * size cX x.
Lemma CopyValue_Terminates :
projT1 CopyValue ↓ (fun tin k => exists x:X, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ CopyValue_steps x <= k).
unfold CopyValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct.
- eapply MoveRight_Realise.
- eapply MoveRight_Terminates. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
exists (8 + 4 * length (encode x : list sig)), (16 + 8 * length (encode x : list sig)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
- unfold size in *. omega.
- intros tmid () (H1&HInj). TMSimp.
apply H1 in HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape; eauto.
now rewrite map_length, rev_length.
End CopyValue.
Section CopyValue_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma CopyValue_steps_comp (x : X):
CopyValue_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = CopyValue_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold CopyValue_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End CopyValue_steps_comp.
Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX : codable sig X).
Definition CopyValue :=
LiftTapes (MoveRight _) [|Fin0|];; CopySymbols_L (@isStart sig).
Definition CopyValue_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 2) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 2) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x:X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
isRight tin[@Fin1] ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃ x /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x
Lemma CopyValue_Realise : CopyValue ⊨ CopyValue_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct. eapply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X). }
intros tin ((), tout) H.
intros x HEncX HRight.
apply H in HEncX. clear H. destruct HEncX as (r3&HEncX). TMSimp.
cbn. erewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape in H0; eauto.
- inv H0. TMSimp. repeat econstructor; f_equal; rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive; repeat f_equal. now apply isRight_right.
- intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.
Definition CopyValue_steps x := 25 + 12 * size cX x.
Lemma CopyValue_Terminates :
projT1 CopyValue ↓ (fun tin k => exists x:X, tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ CopyValue_steps x <= k).
unfold CopyValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct.
- eapply MoveRight_Realise.
- eapply MoveRight_Terminates. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
exists (8 + 4 * length (encode x : list sig)), (16 + 8 * length (encode x : list sig)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
- unfold size in *. omega.
- intros tmid () (H1&HInj). TMSimp.
apply H1 in HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape; eauto.
now rewrite map_length, rev_length.
End CopyValue.
Section CopyValue_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma CopyValue_steps_comp (x : X):
CopyValue_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = CopyValue_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold CopyValue_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End CopyValue_steps_comp.
Copy and overwrite a value
Section MoveValue.
Variable sig : finType.
Variable (X Y : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
Definition MoveValue : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin1|];;
CopyValue _;;
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin0|].
Definition MoveValue_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X) (y : Y),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃ y ->
isRight tout[@Fin0] /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x
Lemma MoveValue_Realise : MoveValue ⊨ MoveValue_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := X).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x y HEncX HEncY.
specialize H with (1 := HEncY).
specialize H0 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H) as (H0&H0').
specialize H1 with (1 := H0).
repeat split; auto.
Definition MoveValue_steps x y := 43 + 16 * size cX x + 4 * size cY y.
Lemma MoveValue_Terminates :
projT1 MoveValue ↓ (fun tin k => exists (x : X) (y : Y), tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ tin[@Fin1] ≃ y /\ MoveValue_steps x y <= k).
unfold MoveValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (X := Y).
- apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
- apply CopyValue_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (X := X).
intros tin k (x&y&HEncX&HEncY&Hk).
exists (8 + 4 * length (cY y)), (34 + 16 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
- unfold size in *. omega.
- intros tmid1 () (H1&HInj1). TMSimp.
specialize H1 with (1 := HEncY).
exists (25 + 12 * length (cX x)), (8 + 4 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
+ omega.
+ intros tmid2 () H2.
specialize H2 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H1) as (H2&H2').
exists x. split; eauto.
End MoveValue.
Section MoveValue_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X Y:Type) (cX: codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
Variable (I1 I2 : Retract sig tau).
Lemma MoveValue_steps_comp (x : X) (y: Y):
MoveValue_steps (Encode_map cX I1) (Encode_map cY I2) x y = MoveValue_steps cX cY x y.
Proof. unfold MoveValue_steps. now rewrite !Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End MoveValue_steps_comp.
Section Translate.
Variable (tau sig : finType).
Variable (X: Type) (cX : codable sig X).
Variable (retr1 : Retract sig tau) (retr2 : Retract sig tau).
Definition translate : tau^+ -> tau^+ :=
fun t => match t with
| inl _ => t
| inr x => match Retr_g (Retract := retr1) x with
| Some y => inr (Retr_f (Retract := retr2) y)
| None => inl UNKNOWN
Definition Translate' := MoveToSymbol (@isStop tau) translate.
Definition Translate'_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x : X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
tout[@Fin0] ≂(Encode_map cX retr2) x
Lemma Translate'_Realise : Translate' ⊨ Translate'_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- repeat econstructor. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
apply map_ext. cbn. intros. now retract_adjoint.
- rewrite List.map_map. now intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff.
Definition Translate'_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma Translate'_Terminates :
projT1 Translate' ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate'_steps x <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold size in *.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. cbn. now rewrite !map_length.
Definition Translate := Translate';; MoveLeft _.
Definition Translate_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x : X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr2) x
Lemma Translate_Realise : Translate ⊨ Translate_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate'_Realise.
- apply MoveLeft_Realise with (cX := Encode_map cX retr2).
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp. apply H0. apply H. apply HEncX.
Definition Translate_steps (x : X) := 17 + 8 * size cX x.
Definition Translate_T : tRel tau^+ 1 :=
fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate_steps x <= k.
Lemma Translate_Terminates :
projT1 Translate ↓ Translate_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate'_Realise.
- apply Translate'_Terminates.
- apply MoveLeft_Terminates.
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold Translate_steps in *.
exists (8 + 4 * size cX x), (8 + 4 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
eexists. repeat split; eauto.
intros tmid () H. cbn in H. specialize H with (1 := HEncX).
exists x. split. eauto. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize.
End Translate.
Section Translate_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma Translate_steps_comp (x : X):
Translate_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Translate_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold Translate_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End Translate_steps_comp.
Variable sig : finType.
Variable (X Y : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
Definition MoveValue : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin1|];;
CopyValue _;;
LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin0|].
Definition MoveValue_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall (x : X) (y : Y),
tin[@Fin0] ≃ x ->
tin[@Fin1] ≃ y ->
isRight tout[@Fin0] /\
tout[@Fin1] ≃ x
Lemma MoveValue_Realise : MoveValue ⊨ MoveValue_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := X).
intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x y HEncX HEncY.
specialize H with (1 := HEncY).
specialize H0 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H) as (H0&H0').
specialize H1 with (1 := H0).
repeat split; auto.
Definition MoveValue_steps x y := 43 + 16 * size cX x + 4 * size cY y.
Lemma MoveValue_Terminates :
projT1 MoveValue ↓ (fun tin k => exists (x : X) (y : Y), tin[@Fin0] ≃ x /\ tin[@Fin1] ≃ y /\ MoveValue_steps x y <= k).
unfold MoveValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
- apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (X := Y).
- apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
- apply CopyValue_Terminates with (X := X).
- apply Reset_Terminates with (X := X).
intros tin k (x&y&HEncX&HEncY&Hk).
exists (8 + 4 * length (cY y)), (34 + 16 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
- unfold size in *. omega.
- intros tmid1 () (H1&HInj1). TMSimp.
specialize H1 with (1 := HEncY).
exists (25 + 12 * length (cX x)), (8 + 4 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
+ omega.
+ intros tmid2 () H2.
specialize H2 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H1) as (H2&H2').
exists x. split; eauto.
End MoveValue.
Section MoveValue_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X Y:Type) (cX: codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
Variable (I1 I2 : Retract sig tau).
Lemma MoveValue_steps_comp (x : X) (y: Y):
MoveValue_steps (Encode_map cX I1) (Encode_map cY I2) x y = MoveValue_steps cX cY x y.
Proof. unfold MoveValue_steps. now rewrite !Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End MoveValue_steps_comp.
Section Translate.
Variable (tau sig : finType).
Variable (X: Type) (cX : codable sig X).
Variable (retr1 : Retract sig tau) (retr2 : Retract sig tau).
Definition translate : tau^+ -> tau^+ :=
fun t => match t with
| inl _ => t
| inr x => match Retr_g (Retract := retr1) x with
| Some y => inr (Retr_f (Retract := retr2) y)
| None => inl UNKNOWN
Definition Translate' := MoveToSymbol (@isStop tau) translate.
Definition Translate'_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x : X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
tout[@Fin0] ≂(Encode_map cX retr2) x
Lemma Translate'_Realise : Translate' ⊨ Translate'_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
- repeat econstructor. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
apply map_ext. cbn. intros. now retract_adjoint.
- rewrite List.map_map. now intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff.
Definition Translate'_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.
Lemma Translate'_Terminates :
projT1 Translate' ↓ (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate'_steps x <= k).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold size in *.
destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. cbn. now rewrite !map_length.
Definition Translate := Translate';; MoveLeft _.
Definition Translate_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
ignoreParam (
fun tin tout =>
forall x : X,
tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
tout[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr2) x
Lemma Translate_Realise : Translate ⊨ Translate_Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate'_Realise.
- apply MoveLeft_Realise with (cX := Encode_map cX retr2).
intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
TMSimp. apply H0. apply H. apply HEncX.
Definition Translate_steps (x : X) := 17 + 8 * size cX x.
Definition Translate_T : tRel tau^+ 1 :=
fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate_steps x <= k.
Lemma Translate_Terminates :
projT1 Translate ↓ Translate_T.
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
- apply Translate'_Realise.
- apply Translate'_Terminates.
- apply MoveLeft_Terminates.
intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold Translate_steps in *.
exists (8 + 4 * size cX x), (8 + 4 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
eexists. repeat split; eauto.
intros tmid () H. cbn in H. specialize H with (1 := HEncX).
exists x. split. eauto. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize.
End Translate.
Section Translate_steps_comp.
Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
Variable (I : Retract sig tau).
Lemma Translate_steps_comp (x : X):
Translate_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Translate_steps cX x.
Proof. unfold Translate_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.
End Translate_steps_comp.