Library ProgrammingTuringMachines.TM.Code.Copy

Copying Machines and Helper functions for verifying machines using CopySymbols ane MoveToSymbol

Require Import FunInd.

Require Import TM.Code.CodeTM.
Require Export TM.Compound.CopySymbols TM.Compound.MoveToSymbol.

Require Import TM.Basic.Mono.
Require Import TM.Combinators.Combinators.
Require Import TM.Compound.TMTac TM.Compound.Multi.
Require Import TM.Lifting.LiftAlphabet.

Generalizable All Variables.

Lemma skipn_0 (A:Type) (xs : list A) : skipn 0 xs = xs. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma skipn_tl (A:Type) (xs : list A) (n : nat) : skipn (S n) xs = skipn n (tl xs).
Proof. induction n; cbn; destruct xs; auto. Qed.

(* Don't simplify skipn (S n) xs; only, if the number and the lists are constructors *)
Local Arguments skipn { A } !n !l.
Local Arguments plus : simpl never.
Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

Section Copy.

  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable stop : sig -> bool.

  Lemma CopySymbols_correct (t : tape sig * tape sig) str1 x str2 :
    (forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
    (stop x = true) ->
    tape_local (fst t) = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
    CopySymbols_Fun stop t =
    (midtape (rev str1 ++ left (fst t)) x str2,
     midtape (rev str1 ++ left (snd t)) x (skipn (|str1|) (right (snd t)))).
    intros HStop1 HStop2. intros HEnc.
    revert str1 x str2 HEnc HStop1 HStop2.
    functional induction (CopySymbols_Fun stop t); cbn in *; intros.
    - destruct str1; cbn in *.
      * rewrite skipn_0.
        pose proof tape_local_current_cons HEnc as HEnc'. assert (s = x) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
        f_equal. now apply midtape_tape_local_cons.
      * apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = e1) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
        specialize (HStop1 _ ltac:(eauto)). congruence.
    - destruct str1; cbn in *.
      + apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = x) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
      + apply tape_local_cons_iff in HEnc as (HEnc'&HEnc). assert (s = e1) as -> by congruence. clear HEnc'.
        apply (tape_midtape_current_right e) in HEnc. rewrite HEnc in *. cbn in *.
        rewrite <- !app_assoc. erewrite IHp; eauto. rewrite HEnc. cbn. f_equal.
        * now simpl_tape.
        * f_equal; simpl_tape. reflexivity. now rewrite skipn_tl.
        * now simpl_tape.
    - destruct (current (fst tin)) eqn:E; auto.
      apply tape_local_nil in E. rewrite E in HEnc. now apply app_cons_not_nil in HEnc.

  Corollary CopySymbols_correct_midtape ls m rs x rs' t2 :
    stop m = false ->
    (forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_Fun stop (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) =
    (midtape (rev rs ++ m :: ls) x rs',
     midtape (rev rs ++ m :: left (t2)) x (skipn (S (|rs|)) (right t2))).
    intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
    unshelve epose proof @CopySymbols_correct (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) (m::rs) x rs' _ _ _ as L; cbn in *; eauto.
    - intros ? [->|?]; auto.
    - now rewrite <- !app_assoc in L.

  Corollary CopySymbols_correct_moveright ls m rs x rs' t2:
    (forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_Fun stop (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs'), t2) =
   (midtape (rev rs ++ m :: ls) x rs',
      midtape (rev rs ++ left t2) x (skipn (|rs|) (right t2))).
    intros HStopLs HStopX.
    cbv [tape_move_left']. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn in *.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX; cbn. reflexivity.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_correct_midtape; auto. subst. rewrite <- !app_assoc; cbn. reflexivity.

  Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct t str1 x str2 :
    (forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
    (stop x = true) ->
    tape_local_l (fst t) = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
    CopySymbols_L_Fun stop t =
    (midtape str2 x (rev str1 ++ right (fst t)),
     midtape (skipn (|str1|) (left (snd t))) x (rev str1 ++ right (snd t))).
    intros HStop1 HStop2. intros HEnc.
    pose proof @CopySymbols_correct (mirror_tape (fst t), mirror_tape (snd t)) str1 x str2 HStop1 HStop2 as L.
    spec_assert L by now (cbn; simpl_tape).
    apply CopySymbols_mirror. rewrite L. unfold mirror_tapes; cbn. f_equal; [ | f_equal]; now simpl_tape.

  Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape ls ls' m rs x t2 :
    stop m = false ->
    (forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_L_Fun stop (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) =
    (midtape ls' x (rev ls ++ m :: rs),
     midtape (skipn (S (|ls|)) (left t2)) x (rev ls ++ m :: right t2)).
    intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
    unshelve epose proof @CopySymbols_L_correct (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) (m::ls) x ls' _ _ _ as L; cbn in *; eauto.
    - intros ? [->|?]; auto.
    - now rewrite <- !app_assoc in L.

  Corollary CopySymbols_L_correct_moveleft ls x ls' m rs t2 :
    (forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_L_Fun stop (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs, t2) =
    (midtape ls' x (rev ls ++ m :: rs),
     midtape (skipn (|ls|) (left t2)) x (rev ls ++ right t2)).
    intros HStopLs HStopX.
    cbv [tape_move_left']. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn in *.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_L_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX; cbn. reflexivity.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape; auto. subst. rewrite <- !app_assoc; cbn. reflexivity.

  Variable f : sig -> sig.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_correct t str1 str2 x :
    (forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
    (stop x = true) ->
    tape_local t = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f t = midtape (rev (map f str1) ++ left t) (f x) str2.
    intros H H0. destruct t as [ | r rs | l ls | ls m rs]; cbn in *.
    1,3: rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn; destruct str1; cbn in *; try congruence.
    1: destruct str1; cbn in *; congruence.
    revert m ls str1 H. revert rs.
    refine (@size_induction _ (@length sig) _ _); intros [ | s rs'] IH; intros.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn. destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1.
      + rewrite H0. cbn. auto.
      + destruct str1; cbn in *; congruence.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation; cbn.
      destruct (stop m) eqn:E1.
      + cbn. destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1; eauto. specialize (H _ ltac:(eauto)). congruence.
      + destruct str1; cbn in *; inv H1.
        * congruence.
        * simpl_list. eapply IH; cbn; eauto.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape ls rs rs' m x :
    stop m = false ->
    (forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) =
    midtape (rev (map f rs) ++ (f m) :: ls) (f x) rs'.
    intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
    unshelve epose proof (@MoveToSymbol_correct (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) (m::rs) rs' x _ HStopX eq_refl) as L.
    { intros ? [->|?]; auto. }
    cbn in *. now rewrite <- app_assoc in L.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_correct_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
    (forall x, List.In x rs -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_Fun stop f (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) =
    midtape (rev (map f rs) ++ m :: ls) (f x) rs'.
    intros HStopR HStopX.
    destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX. reflexivity.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite <- !app_assoc. reflexivity.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct t str1 str2 x :
    (forall x, List.In x str1 -> stop x = false) ->
    (stop x = true) ->
    tape_local_l t = str1 ++ x :: str2 ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f t = midtape str2 (f x) (rev (map f str1) ++ right t).
    intros. pose proof (@MoveToSymbol_correct (mirror_tape t) str1 str2 x) as L.
    simpl_tape in L. repeat spec_assert L by auto.
    erewrite (MoveToSymbol_mirror' (t' := mirror_tape (MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f t))) in L; simpl_tape in *; eauto.
    now apply mirror_tape_inv_midtape in L.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape ls ls' rs m x :
    stop m = false ->
    (forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) =
    midtape ls' (f x) (rev (map f ls) ++ (f m) :: rs).
    intros HStopM HStopRs HStopX.
    unshelve epose proof (@MoveToSymbol_L_correct (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) (m::ls) ls' x _ HStopX eq_refl) as L.
    { intros ? [->|?]; auto. }
    cbn in *. now rewrite <- app_assoc in L.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_correct_moveleft ls x ls' m rs :
    (forall x, List.In x ls -> stop x = false) ->
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_Fun stop f (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) =
    midtape ls' (f x) (rev (map f ls) ++ m :: rs).
    intros HStopL HStopX.
    destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_Fun_equation. cbn. rewrite HStopX. reflexivity.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; auto. rewrite <- !app_assoc. reflexivity.

Termination times

  (* The termination times of CopySymbols and MoveTosymbol only differ in the factors *)

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
    tape_local t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
    stop sym = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_steps stop f t <= 4 + 4 * length r1.
    revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
      + omega.
      + apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (4 * S (|r1|)) with (4 + 4 * |r1|) by omega.
        eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape ls x m rs rs' :
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_steps stop f (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 8 + 4 * length rs.
    rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_local with (r1 := m::rs) (sym := x) (r2 := rs'); auto.
    cbn [length]. omega.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_steps_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_steps stop f (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 4 + 4 * length rs.
    intros HStop. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. omega.

  Lemma MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
    tape_local_l t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
    stop sym = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f t <= 4 + 4 * length r1.
    revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
      + omega.
      + apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (4 * S (|r1|)) with (4 + 4 * |r1|) by omega.
        eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape ls ls' x m rs :
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 8 + 4 * length ls.
    rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local with (r1 := m::ls) (sym := x) (r2 := ls'); auto.
    cbn [length]. omega.

  Corollary MoveToSymbol_L_steps_moveleft ls ls' x m rs :
    stop x = true ->
    MoveToSymbol_L_steps stop f (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 4 + 4 * length ls.
    intros HStop. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
    - rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; auto. omega.

  Lemma CopySymbols_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
    tape_local t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
    stop sym = true ->
    CopySymbols_steps stop t <= 8 + 8 * length r1.
    revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
      rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
      + omega.
      + apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (8 * S (|r1|)) with (8 + 8 * |r1|) by omega.
        eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.

  Corollary CopySymbols_steps_midtape ls m rs x rs' :
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_steps stop (midtape ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 16 + 8 * length rs.
    intros. erewrite CopySymbols_steps_local with (r1 := m :: rs); cbn -[plus mult]; eauto. omega.

  Corollary CopySymbols_steps_moveright ls m rs x rs' :
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_steps stop (tape_move_right' ls m (rs ++ x :: rs')) <= 8 + 8 * length rs.
    intros HStop. destruct rs as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_steps_midtape; auto. omega.

  Lemma CopySymbols_L_steps_local t r1 sym r2 :
    tape_local_l t = r1 ++ sym :: r2 ->
    stop sym = true ->
    CopySymbols_L_steps stop t <= 8 + 8 * length r1.
    revert t sym r2. induction r1; intros t sym r2 HEnc HStop; cbn -[plus mult] in *.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; inv HEnc. rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop. cbn. omega.
    - destruct t; cbn in HEnc; try congruence. inv HEnc.
      rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. destruct (stop a).
      + omega.
      + apply Nat.add_le_mono_l. replace (8 * S (|r1|)) with (8 + 8 * |r1|) by omega.
        eapply IHr1; eauto. cbn. now simpl_tape.

  Corollary CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape ls x ls' m rs :
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_L_steps stop (midtape (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 16 + 8 * length ls.
    intros. erewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_local with (r1 := m :: ls); cbn -[plus mult]; eauto. omega.

  Corollary CopySymbols_L_steps_moveleft ls ls' x m rs :
    stop x = true ->
    CopySymbols_L_steps stop (tape_move_left' (ls ++ x :: ls') m rs) <= 8 + 8 * length ls.
    intros HStop. destruct ls as [ | s s'] eqn:E; cbn.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_equation. cbn. rewrite HStop; cbn. omega.
    - rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape; auto. omega.

End Copy.

Move between the start and the end symbol
Section Move.
  Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).

  Definition isStop (s: sig^+) := match s with inl STOP => true | _ => false end.
  Definition isStart (s: sig^+) := match s with inl START => true | _ => false end.

  (* Note, that encode maps implicitely here *)
  Lemma stop_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
    List.In s (encode x) -> isStop s = false.
  Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma start_not_in (x : X) (s : (sig^+)) :
    List.In s (encode x) -> isStart s = false.
  Proof. cbn. intros (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity. Qed.

  Definition MoveRight := Return (MoveToSymbol isStop id) tt.
  Definition MoveLeft := Return (MoveToSymbol_L isStart id) tt.
  Definition Reset := MoveRight.

  Definition MoveRight_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin x -> tout x)).
  Definition MoveLeft_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin x -> tout x)).
  Definition Reset_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 1) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 1) :=
    Mk_R_p (ignoreParam (fun tin tout => forall x:X, tin x -> isRight tout)).

  Lemma MoveRight_Realise : MoveRight MoveRight_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
      TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
      destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
      erewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; eauto.
      - repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, map_rev.
      - apply stop_not_in.

  Lemma MoveLeft_Realise : MoveLeft MoveLeft_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
      TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs. clear H0.
      destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
      erewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct_midtape; eauto.
      - repeat econstructor. now rewrite map_id, <- map_rev, rev_involutive.
      - intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.

  Lemma Reset_Realise : Reset Reset_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold Reset. eapply MoveRight_Realise. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
      TMSimp. eapply tape_contains_rev_isRight; eauto.

  Definition MoveRight_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.

  Lemma MoveRight_Terminates :
    projT1 MoveRight (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] x /\ MoveRight_steps x <= k).
    unfold MoveRight_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MoveRight. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
      destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length.

  Definition MoveLeft_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.

  Lemma MoveLeft_Terminates :
    projT1 MoveLeft (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] x /\ MoveLeft_steps x <= k).
    unfold MoveLeft_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MoveLeft. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
      destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_midtape; auto. now rewrite map_length, rev_length.

  Definition Reset_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.

  Definition Reset_Terminates :
    projT1 Reset (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] x /\ Reset_steps x <= k).
  Proof. exact MoveRight_Terminates. Qed.

  Definition ResetEmpty : pTM sig^+ unit 1 := Move R.

  Definition ResetEmpty_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 1 :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall (x : X),
            tin[@Fin0] x ->
            cX x = nil ->
            isRight tout[@Fin0]

  Definition ResetEmpty_steps := 1.

  Lemma ResetEmpty_Sem : ResetEmpty c(ResetEmpty_steps) ResetEmpty_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    { unfold ResetEmpty. TM_Correct. }
    { reflexivity. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
      destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
      destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. cbn. repeat econstructor.

  Definition ResetEmpty1 : pTM sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 := Move R;; Move R.

  Definition ResetEmpty1_Rel : pRel sig^+ (FinType(EqType unit)) 1 :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall (x : X),
            tin[@Fin0] x ->
            size cX x = 1 ->
            isRight tout[@Fin0]

  Definition ResetEmpty1_steps := 3.

  Lemma ResetEmpty1_Sem : ResetEmpty1 c(ResetEmpty1_steps) ResetEmpty1_Rel.
    eapply RealiseIn_monotone.
    { unfold ResetEmpty1. TM_Correct. }
    { reflexivity. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x HEncX HCod.
      destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). unfold size in *. TMSimp; clear_trivial_eqs.
      destruct (cX x); cbn in *; inv HCod. destruct l; inv H2.
      cbn. repeat econstructor.

End Move.

Section Move_steps_comp.
  Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
  Variable (I : Retract sig tau).

  Lemma MoveRight_steps_comp (x : X):
    MoveRight_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveRight_steps cX x.
  Proof. unfold MoveRight_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

  Lemma MoveLeft_steps_comp (x : X):
    MoveLeft_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = MoveLeft_steps cX x.
  Proof. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

  Lemma Reset_steps_comp (x : X):
    Reset_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Reset_steps cX x.
  Proof. unfold Reset_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

End Move_steps_comp.

Copy a value from to an internal (right) tape
Section CopyValue.
  Variable (sig: finType) (X:Type) (cX : codable sig X).

  Definition CopyValue :=
    LiftTapes (MoveRight _) [|Fin0|];; CopySymbols_L (@isStart sig).

  Definition CopyValue_Rel : Rel (tapes (sig^+) 2) (unit * tapes (sig^+) 2) :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall x:X,
            tin[@Fin0] x ->
            isRight tin[@Fin1] ->
            tout[@Fin0] x /\
            tout[@Fin1] x

  Lemma CopyValue_Realise : CopyValue CopyValue_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct. eapply MoveRight_Realise with (X := X). }
      intros tin ((), tout) H.
      intros x HEncX HRight.
      apply H in HEncX. clear H. destruct HEncX as (r3&HEncX). TMSimp.
      cbn. erewrite CopySymbols_L_correct_midtape in H0; eauto.
      - inv H0. TMSimp. repeat econstructor; f_equal; rewrite map_rev, rev_involutive; repeat f_equal. now apply isRight_right.
      - intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff. reflexivity.

  Definition CopyValue_steps x := 25 + 12 * size cX x.

  Lemma CopyValue_Terminates :
    projT1 CopyValue (fun tin k => exists x:X, tin[@Fin0] x /\ CopyValue_steps x <= k).
    unfold CopyValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold CopyValue. TM_Correct.
      - eapply MoveRight_Realise.
      - eapply MoveRight_Terminates. }
      intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk).
      exists (8 + 4 * length (encode x : list sig)), (16 + 8 * length (encode x : list sig)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
      - unfold size in *. omega.
      - intros tmid () (H1&HInj). TMSimp.
        apply H1 in HEncX as (r1&->).
        rewrite CopySymbols_L_steps_midtape; eauto.
        now rewrite map_length, rev_length.

End CopyValue.

Section CopyValue_steps_comp.
  Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
  Variable (I : Retract sig tau).

  Lemma CopyValue_steps_comp (x : X):
    CopyValue_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = CopyValue_steps cX x.
  Proof. unfold CopyValue_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

End CopyValue_steps_comp.

Copy and overwrite a value
Section MoveValue.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable (X Y : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).

  Definition MoveValue : pTM sig^+ unit 2 :=
    LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin1|];;
    CopyValue _;;
    LiftTapes (Reset _) [|Fin0|].

  Definition MoveValue_Rel : pRel sig^+ unit 2 :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall (x : X) (y : Y),
            tin[@Fin0] x ->
            tin[@Fin1] y ->
            isRight tout[@Fin0] /\
            tout[@Fin1] x

  Lemma MoveValue_Realise : MoveValue MoveValue_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
      - apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
      - apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply Reset_Realise with (X := X).
      intros tin ((), tout) H. cbn. intros x y HEncX HEncY.
      specialize H with (1 := HEncY).
      specialize H0 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H) as (H0&H0').
      specialize H1 with (1 := H0).
      repeat split; auto.

  Definition MoveValue_steps x y := 43 + 16 * size cX x + 4 * size cY y.

  Lemma MoveValue_Terminates :
    projT1 MoveValue (fun tin k => exists (x : X) (y : Y), tin[@Fin0] x /\ tin[@Fin1] y /\ MoveValue_steps x y <= k).
    unfold MoveValue_steps. eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MoveValue. TM_Correct.
      - apply Reset_Realise with (X := Y).
      - apply Reset_Terminates with (X := Y).
      - apply CopyValue_Realise with (X := X).
      - apply CopyValue_Terminates with (X := X).
      - apply Reset_Terminates with (X := X).
      intros tin k (x&y&HEncX&HEncY&Hk).
      exists (8 + 4 * length (cY y)), (34 + 16 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
      - unfold size in *. omega.
      - intros tmid1 () (H1&HInj1). TMSimp.
        specialize H1 with (1 := HEncY).
        exists (25 + 12 * length (cX x)), (8 + 4 * length (cX x)). repeat split; cbn; eauto.
        + omega.
        + intros tmid2 () H2.
          specialize H2 with (1 := HEncX) (2 := H1) as (H2&H2').
          exists x. split; eauto.

End MoveValue.

Section MoveValue_steps_comp.
  Variable (sig tau: finType) (X Y:Type) (cX: codable sig X) (cY : codable sig Y).
  Variable (I1 I2 : Retract sig tau).

  Lemma MoveValue_steps_comp (x : X) (y: Y):
    MoveValue_steps (Encode_map cX I1) (Encode_map cY I2) x y = MoveValue_steps cX cY x y.
  Proof. unfold MoveValue_steps. now rewrite !Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

End MoveValue_steps_comp.

Section Translate.

  Variable (tau sig : finType).
  Variable (X: Type) (cX : codable sig X).
  Variable (retr1 : Retract sig tau) (retr2 : Retract sig tau).

  Definition translate : tau^+ -> tau^+ :=
    fun t => match t with
          | inl _ => t
          | inr x => match Retr_g (Retract := retr1) x with
                    | Some y => inr (Retr_f (Retract := retr2) y)
                    | None => inl UNKNOWN

  Definition Translate' := MoveToSymbol (@isStop tau) translate.

  Definition Translate'_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall x : X,
            tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
            tout[@Fin0] ≂(Encode_map cX retr2) x

  Lemma Translate'_Realise : Translate' Translate'_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
      destruct HEncX as (ls&HEncX). TMSimp.
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_correct_midtape; cbn; auto.
      - repeat econstructor. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite map_rev, !List.map_map. f_equal.
        apply map_ext. cbn. intros. now retract_adjoint.
      - rewrite List.map_map. now intros ? (?&<-&?) % in_map_iff.

  Definition Translate'_steps x := 8 + 4 * size cX x.

  Lemma Translate'_Terminates :
    projT1 Translate' (fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate'_steps x <= k).
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold Translate'. TM_Correct. }
      intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold size in *.
      destruct HEncX as (r1&->).
      rewrite MoveToSymbol_steps_midtape; auto. cbn. now rewrite !map_length.

  Definition Translate := Translate';; MoveLeft _.

  Definition Translate_Rel : Rel (tapes (tau^+) 1) (unit * tapes (tau^+) 1) :=
    ignoreParam (
        fun tin tout =>
          forall x : X,
            tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x ->
            tout[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr2) x

  Lemma Translate_Realise : Translate Translate_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
      - apply Translate'_Realise.
      - apply MoveLeft_Realise with (cX := Encode_map cX retr2).
      intros tin ((), tout) H. intros x HEncX.
      TMSimp. apply H0. apply H. apply HEncX.

  Definition Translate_steps (x : X) := 17 + 8 * size cX x.

  Definition Translate_T : tRel tau^+ 1 :=
    fun tin k => exists x, tin[@Fin0] ≃(Encode_map cX retr1) x /\ Translate_steps x <= k.

  Lemma Translate_Terminates :
    projT1 Translate Translate_T.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold Translate. TM_Correct.
      - apply Translate'_Realise.
      - apply Translate'_Terminates.
      - apply MoveLeft_Terminates.
      intros tin k (x&HEncX&Hk). unfold Translate_steps in *.
      exists (8 + 4 * size cX x), (8 + 4 * size cX x). repeat split; try omega.
      eexists. repeat split; eauto.
      intros tmid () H. cbn in H. specialize H with (1 := HEncX).
      exists x. split. eauto. unfold MoveLeft_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize.

End Translate.

Section Translate_steps_comp.
  Variable (sig tau: finType) (X:Type) (cX: codable sig X).
  Variable (I : Retract sig tau).

  Lemma Translate_steps_comp (x : X):
    Translate_steps (Encode_map cX I) x = Translate_steps cX x.
  Proof. unfold Translate_steps. now rewrite Encode_map_hasSize. Qed.

End Translate_steps_comp.