From SyntheticComputability Require Import Equivalence EA equiv_on DecidabilityFacts SemiDecidabilityFacts Definitions reductions EnumerabilityFacts ReducibilityTransport Dec.
Import EmbedNatNotations.
Import Assume_EA.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Lemma Rice {p : nat -> Prop} c_bot c :
(forall x, ~ W c_bot x) ->
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
~ p c ->
p c_bot -> compl K0 ⪯ₘ p.
intros Hbot Hequiv Hc Hpbot.
edestruct EAP with (p := fun x y => K0 x /\ W c y) as [f Hf]. {
exists (fun x => fun! ⟨n,m⟩ => if φ x n is Some x' then if Nat.eqb x x' then φ c m else None else None).
intros x y. split.
+ intros [[n H1] [m H2]]. exists ⟨n,m⟩. now rewrite embedP, H1, PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl, H2.
+ intros [nm H]. destruct (unembed nm) as [n m].
destruct φ as [x' | ] eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_spec x x') as [-> | ]; try congruence.
exists f. intros x. unfold K0, compl.
- intros H. eapply Hequiv. 2:exact Hpbot.
cbn. intros. rewrite <- (Hf x x0). firstorder.
- intros H. intros Hx.
apply Hc. eapply Hequiv. 2: exact H.
intros y. rewrite <- (Hf x y). firstorder.
Lemma Rice_Theorem {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ (enumerable p /\ enumerable (compl p)).
intros Hequiv [c1 Hc1] [c2 Hc2] [Hp1 Hp2].
destruct (do_EA (fun _ => False)) as [c_bot Hbot].
- exists (fun _ => None). firstorder congruence.
- assert (~~ (p c_bot \/ ~ p c_bot)) as Hc by tauto.
apply Hc; clear Hc. intros [? | ?].
+ clear Hp2. eapply K0_not_enumerable; eauto.
eapply enumerable_red; eauto.
1: eapply Rice with (c_bot := c_bot); eauto.
+ clear Hp1. eapply K0_not_enumerable; eauto.
eapply enumerable_red; eauto.
1: eapply Rice with (c_bot := c_bot) (c := c1); eauto.
1: firstorder.
intros ? ? ? H1 ?. eapply H1, Hequiv; eauto; firstorder.
Lemma Rice_TheoremCorr {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv Hc1 Hc2 Hp.
eapply Rice_Theorem; eauto.
- eapply decidable_enumerable; eauto.
- eapply decidable_enumerable; eauto.
now eapply decidable_complement.
Lemma Rice_HO {p : (nat -> Prop) -> Prop} :
(forall (q q' : nat -> Prop), (forall x, q x <-> q' x) -> p q <-> p q') ->
forall q1 q2,
enumerable q1 -> enumerable q2 ->
p q1 -> ~ p q2 -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv q1 q2 H1 H2 Hq1 Hq2 H.
eapply (@Rice_TheoremCorr (fun c => p (W c))).
- firstorder.
- eapply do_EA in H1 as [c Hc]. exists c. firstorder.
- eapply do_EA in H2 as [c Hc]. exists c. firstorder.
- destruct H as [f Hf]. exists (fun c => f (W c)). firstorder.
Section EPF.
Variable Part : partiality.
Variable Θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat).
Instance equiv_part `{partiality} {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Variable EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat, exists γ, forall x, Θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ nat} f x.
Lemma FP : forall f, exists e, Θ e ≡{_} Θ (f e).
intros f.
pose (h := fun x y => bind (Θ x x) (fun e => Θ e y)).
destruct (EPF h) as [γ Hγ].
destruct (EPF (fun _ x => ret (f (γ x)))) as [γ' Hc].
pose (c := γ' 0).
exists (γ c).
rewrite Hγ. unfold h.
intros x v. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
- now intros (y & <- % Hc % ret_hasvalue_inv & H2).
- intros Hv. eexists. split; eauto.
eapply Hc. now eapply ret_hasvalue.
Lemma Rice_Theorem' {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, Θ c1 ≡{_} Θ c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv [c1 Hc1] [c2 Hc2] [f Hf].
pose (h x := if f x then Θ c2 else Θ c1).
destruct (EPF h) as [γ H].
destruct (FP γ) as [c Hc].
rewrite H in Hc. unfold h in Hc.
destruct (f c) eqn:E.
- assert (Hx : p c) by firstorder.
eapply Hc2. eapply Hequiv. 2: eapply Hx. eapply Hc.
- assert (Hx : ~ p c) by firstorder congruence.
eapply Hx. eapply Hequiv. 1:symmetry; eapply Hc. exact Hc1.
End EPF.
Corollary Rice_HO' {Part : partiality} {p : (nat ↛ nat) -> Prop} :
EPF -> (forall f f', f ≡{_} f' -> p f <-> p f') ->
forall f1 f2, p f1 -> ~ p f2 -> ~ decidable p.
intros [θ EPF] Hequiv f1 f2 H1 H2 H.
eapply (@Rice_Theorem' Part θ EPF (fun c => p (θ c))).
- firstorder.
- destruct (EPF (fun _ => f1)) as [c Hc]. exists (c 0).
- destruct (EPF (fun _ => f2)) as [c Hc]. exists (c 0).
- destruct H as [f Hf]. exists (fun c => f (θ c)). firstorder.
Import EmbedNatNotations.
Import Assume_EA.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Lemma Rice {p : nat -> Prop} c_bot c :
(forall x, ~ W c_bot x) ->
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
~ p c ->
p c_bot -> compl K0 ⪯ₘ p.
intros Hbot Hequiv Hc Hpbot.
edestruct EAP with (p := fun x y => K0 x /\ W c y) as [f Hf]. {
exists (fun x => fun! ⟨n,m⟩ => if φ x n is Some x' then if Nat.eqb x x' then φ c m else None else None).
intros x y. split.
+ intros [[n H1] [m H2]]. exists ⟨n,m⟩. now rewrite embedP, H1, PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_refl, H2.
+ intros [nm H]. destruct (unembed nm) as [n m].
destruct φ as [x' | ] eqn:E; try congruence.
destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_spec x x') as [-> | ]; try congruence.
exists f. intros x. unfold K0, compl.
- intros H. eapply Hequiv. 2:exact Hpbot.
cbn. intros. rewrite <- (Hf x x0). firstorder.
- intros H. intros Hx.
apply Hc. eapply Hequiv. 2: exact H.
intros y. rewrite <- (Hf x y). firstorder.
Lemma Rice_Theorem {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ (enumerable p /\ enumerable (compl p)).
intros Hequiv [c1 Hc1] [c2 Hc2] [Hp1 Hp2].
destruct (do_EA (fun _ => False)) as [c_bot Hbot].
- exists (fun _ => None). firstorder congruence.
- assert (~~ (p c_bot \/ ~ p c_bot)) as Hc by tauto.
apply Hc; clear Hc. intros [? | ?].
+ clear Hp2. eapply K0_not_enumerable; eauto.
eapply enumerable_red; eauto.
1: eapply Rice with (c_bot := c_bot); eauto.
+ clear Hp1. eapply K0_not_enumerable; eauto.
eapply enumerable_red; eauto.
1: eapply Rice with (c_bot := c_bot) (c := c1); eauto.
1: firstorder.
intros ? ? ? H1 ?. eapply H1, Hequiv; eauto; firstorder.
Lemma Rice_TheoremCorr {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, W c1 ≡{_} W c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv Hc1 Hc2 Hp.
eapply Rice_Theorem; eauto.
- eapply decidable_enumerable; eauto.
- eapply decidable_enumerable; eauto.
now eapply decidable_complement.
Lemma Rice_HO {p : (nat -> Prop) -> Prop} :
(forall (q q' : nat -> Prop), (forall x, q x <-> q' x) -> p q <-> p q') ->
forall q1 q2,
enumerable q1 -> enumerable q2 ->
p q1 -> ~ p q2 -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv q1 q2 H1 H2 Hq1 Hq2 H.
eapply (@Rice_TheoremCorr (fun c => p (W c))).
- firstorder.
- eapply do_EA in H1 as [c Hc]. exists c. firstorder.
- eapply do_EA in H2 as [c Hc]. exists c. firstorder.
- destruct H as [f Hf]. exists (fun c => f (W c)). firstorder.
Section EPF.
Variable Part : partiality.
Variable Θ : nat -> (nat ↛ nat).
Instance equiv_part `{partiality} {A} : equiv_on (part A) := {| equiv_rel := @partial.equiv _ A |}.
Variable EPF : forall f : nat -> nat ↛ nat, exists γ, forall x, Θ (γ x) ≡{nat ↛ nat} f x.
Lemma FP : forall f, exists e, Θ e ≡{_} Θ (f e).
intros f.
pose (h := fun x y => bind (Θ x x) (fun e => Θ e y)).
destruct (EPF h) as [γ Hγ].
destruct (EPF (fun _ x => ret (f (γ x)))) as [γ' Hc].
pose (c := γ' 0).
exists (γ c).
rewrite Hγ. unfold h.
intros x v. rewrite bind_hasvalue. split.
- now intros (y & <- % Hc % ret_hasvalue_inv & H2).
- intros Hv. eexists. split; eauto.
eapply Hc. now eapply ret_hasvalue.
Lemma Rice_Theorem' {p : nat -> Prop} :
(forall c1 c2, Θ c1 ≡{_} Θ c2 -> p c1 -> p c2) ->
(exists c1, p c1) ->
(exists c2, ~ p c2) -> ~ decidable p.
intros Hequiv [c1 Hc1] [c2 Hc2] [f Hf].
pose (h x := if f x then Θ c2 else Θ c1).
destruct (EPF h) as [γ H].
destruct (FP γ) as [c Hc].
rewrite H in Hc. unfold h in Hc.
destruct (f c) eqn:E.
- assert (Hx : p c) by firstorder.
eapply Hc2. eapply Hequiv. 2: eapply Hx. eapply Hc.
- assert (Hx : ~ p c) by firstorder congruence.
eapply Hx. eapply Hequiv. 1:symmetry; eapply Hc. exact Hc1.
End EPF.
Corollary Rice_HO' {Part : partiality} {p : (nat ↛ nat) -> Prop} :
EPF -> (forall f f', f ≡{_} f' -> p f <-> p f') ->
forall f1 f2, p f1 -> ~ p f2 -> ~ decidable p.
intros [θ EPF] Hequiv f1 f2 H1 H2 H.
eapply (@Rice_Theorem' Part θ EPF (fun c => p (θ c))).
- firstorder.
- destruct (EPF (fun _ => f1)) as [c Hc]. exists (c 0).
- destruct (EPF (fun _ => f2)) as [c Hc]. exists (c 0).
- destruct H as [f Hf]. exists (fun c => f (θ c)). firstorder.