Require Import stdpp.list stdpp.list_numbers.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts ListEnumerabilityFacts reductions partial Axioms.Equivalence principles kleenetree Synthetic.MoreEnumerabilityFacts mu_nat Shared.Dec.
Require Import ssreflect Nat.
From SyntheticComputability Require Import Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts Synthetic.EnumerabilityFacts ListEnumerabilityFacts reductions partial Axioms.Equivalence principles kleenetree Synthetic.MoreEnumerabilityFacts mu_nat Shared.Dec.
Require Import ssreflect Nat.
Definition continuous {X Y} `{EqDecision X} `{EqDecision Y} (F : (nat -> X) -> (nat -> Y)) :=
forall n f, exists L, forall g, map f L = map g L -> F f n = F g n.
Definition modulus {X Y} `{EqDecision X} `{EqDecision Y} (M : (nat -> X) -> nat -> list nat) (F : (nat -> X) -> (nat -> Y)) :=
forall f n, forall g, map f (M f n) = map g (M f n) -> F f n = F g n.
Lemma equiv_on_eq A :
equiv_on A.
exists eq. abstract exact _.
Arguments ext_equiv {_ _ _}, {_ _} _.
Definition Homeo_M A B `{EqDecision A} `{EqDecision B} := exists (F : (nat -> A) -> (nat -> B)) M, Inj (@equiv_rel _ (ext_equiv (equiv_on_eq A)))
(@equiv_rel _ (ext_equiv (equiv_on_eq B))) F
/\ Surj (@equiv_rel _ (ext_equiv (equiv_on_eq B))) F
/\ modulus M F
/\ continuous M.
Definition extend (l : list bool) (n : nat) := nth n l false.
Lemma listable_list_length_lt : ∀ k : nat, listable (λ x : list bool, length x < k).
induction k as [ | k [L IH] ].
- exists []. intros [] ; cbv ; firstorder auto with *.
- destruct (listable_list_length k) as [Lk Hk].
exists (L ++ Lk).
intros l. cbn.
rewrite in_app_iff - IH - Hk. lia.
Lemma take_map {X} (l : list X) {Y} (f : X -> Y) n :
take n (map f l) = map f (take n l).
induction n in l |- *.
- reflexivity.
- destruct l. reflexivity. cbn. congruence.
Lemma take_seq n m s :
n <= m -> take n (seq s m) = seq s n.
induction 1.
- rewrite <- (seq_length n s) at 1.
now rewrite firstn_all.
- replace (S m) with (m + 1) by lia.
rewrite seq_app firstn_app IHle seq_length.
replace (n - m) with 0 by lia. cbn.
now rewrite app_nil_r.
Lemma max_list_incl A B :
incl A B -> max_list A <= max_list B.
induction A.
- cbn. lia.
- cbn. intros H. eapply Max.max_lub.
2: firstorder. eapply max_list_spec, H. firstorder.
Lemma Homeo_M_Cantor_Baire_to_KT : Homeo_M bool nat -> inhabited Kleene_tree.
intros (F & M & Finj & Fsurj & Mmod & contM). econstructor.
unshelve econstructor.
exists (fun l => forall i, 0 < i <= length l -> Exists (le i) (M (extend (take i l)) 0)).
econstructor; cbn.
- exists []. cbn. intros [] H; try lia.
- intros l1 l2 Hpref H i Hi.
enough (take i l1 = take i l2) as ->.
+ eapply H. eapply prefix_length in Hpref. lia.
+ destruct Hpref as [l' ->]. rewrite firstn_app.
replace (i - length l1) with 0 by lia. now rewrite firstn_O app_nil_r.
- eapply decidable_iff. econstructor.
intros. eapply listable_forall_dec.
+ exists (seq 1 (length x)). clear. intros. rewrite in_seq. lia.
+ intros. eapply Exists_dec. intros. eapply le_dec.
- eapply not_bounded_infinite. cbn.
intros [n H].
destruct (listable_list_length_lt (S (S n))) as [L HL].
pose (N := max_list (map (fun l => F (extend l) 0) L)).
destruct (Fsurj (fun _ => S N)) as [f_N H_N].
specialize (H (map f_N (seq 0 n))).
rewrite map_length seq_length in H.
specialize (H (le_refl _)).
edestruct (listable_exists_dec (p := fun i => 0 < i <= n) ( q := fun i => ~ Exists (le i) (M (extend (take i (map f_N (seq 0 n)))) 0))).
+ exists (seq 1 n). clear. intros. rewrite in_seq. lia.
+ intros x. eapply not_dec. eapply Exists_dec. intros. eapply le_dec.
+ destruct e as (m & Hle & Hm).
eapply Forall_Exists_neg in Hm.
setoid_rewrite List.Forall_forall in Hm.
setoid_rewrite take_map in Hm.
setoid_rewrite take_seq in Hm. 2:lia.
assert (Hm' : ∀ x : nat, In x (M (extend (map f_N (seq 0 m))) 0) → x < m).
{ intros x H0. eapply not_le, Hm, H0. }
clear Hm. rename Hm' into Hm.
enough (F f_N 0 <= N) as H0.
* rewrite H_N in H0. lia.
* red in Mmod.
erewrite <- Mmod with (f := extend (map f_N (seq 0 m))).
-- eapply max_list_spec. eapply in_map_iff.
eexists. split. reflexivity. eapply HL.
rewrite map_length seq_length. lia.
-- eapply map_ext_in.
intros a Ha. unfold extend. eapply Hm in Ha.
erewrite nth_indep.
erewrite map_nth, seq_nth. reflexivity. lia.
now rewrite map_length seq_length.
+ edestruct H. intros.
edestruct @Exists_dec.
2:{ exact e. }
* intros. eapply le_dec.
* edestruct n0. destruct H0. eauto.
- cbn. intros f.
destruct (contM 0 f) as [L HL].
pose (N := 1 + max_list (1 + length L :: L ++ M f 0)).
exists N. intros H.
enough (N < N) by lia.
eapply lt_le_trans with (m := 1 + max_list (M (extend (map f (seq 0 N))) 0)).
+ specialize (H N). setoid_rewrite List.Exists_exists in H.
destruct H as [i Hi].
* split. unfold N. cbn. lia. now rewrite map_length seq_length.
* eapply le_lt_trans. eapply Hi.
enough (max_list [i] <= max_list (M (extend (map f (seq 0 N))) 0)) as H0.
unfold max_list in H0 at 1. rewrite Max.max_0_r in H0. unfold id in H0 at 1. lia.
eapply max_list_incl. intros ? [-> | []].
replace N with (length (map f (seq 0 N))) in Hi at 1.
rewrite firstn_all in Hi. eapply Hi.
now rewrite map_length seq_length.
+ unfold N. rewrite <- HL.
eapply plus_le_compat_l.
eapply max_list_incl, incl_tl, incl_appr, incl_refl.
eapply map_ext_in.
intros a Ha. unfold extend.
erewrite nth_indep.
erewrite map_nth, seq_nth.
* reflexivity.
* enough (max_list [a] <= max_list (1 + length L :: L ++ M f 0)) as H0.
unfold max_list in H0 at 1. rewrite Max.max_0_r in H0. unfold id in H0 at 1. lia.
eapply max_list_incl. intros ? [-> | []]. eapply in_cons, in_app_iff. eauto.
* rewrite map_length seq_length.
enough (max_list [a] <= max_list (1 + length L :: L ++ M f 0)) as H0.
unfold max_list in H0 at 1. rewrite Max.max_0_r in H0. unfold id in H0 at 1. lia.
eapply max_list_incl. intros ? [-> | []]. eapply in_cons, in_app_iff. eauto.
Unshelve. all:econstructor.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Lemma nth_sig {X} i l : i < @length X l -> {x | l !! i = Some x}.
move => / lookup_lt_is_Some_2 H.
destruct (l !! i).
- eauto.
- exfalso. firstorder congruence.
Section fix_tree.
Variable T_K : Kleene_tree.
Definition leaf (l : list bool) : Prop := exists l' b, l = l' ++ [b] /\ T_K l' /\ ~ T_K l.
Variable ℓ : nat -> list bool.
Variable enumerable_leafs : forall l, leaf l <-> exists n, ℓ n = l.
Variable ℓ_injective : Inj (=) (=) ℓ.
Lemma ℓ_leaf n : leaf (ℓ n).
eapply enumerable_leafs. eauto.
Hint Immediate ℓ_leaf : core.
Fact nil_no_leaf : ~ leaf [].
intros [[ | ?] [? [? ?]]]; cbn in *; congruence.
Fact enum_length n : length (ℓ n) > 0.
specialize (ℓ_leaf n).
destruct (ℓ n).
- intros [] % nil_no_leaf.
- cbn. lia.
Notation nth H := (proj1_sig (nth_sig H)).
Lemma take_take {X} n m (l : list X) :
n <= m -> take n (take m l) = take n l.
induction n in m, l |- *; move => H.
- now rewrite !firstn_O.
- destruct m. lia.
destruct l; cbn. reflexivity.
f_equal. eapply IHn. lia.
Lemma take_prefix {X} n (l : list X) :
prefix (take n l) l.
induction l in n |- *.
- destruct n; cbn; eapply prefix_nil.
- destruct n; cbn.
+ eapply prefix_nil.
+ now eapply prefix_cons.
Lemma prefix_take_iff {X} (l1 l2 : list X) :
prefix l1 l2 <-> l1 = take (length l1) l2.
induction l1 in l2 |- *; cbn.
- destruct l2; cbn; intuition. eauto using prefix_nil.
- destruct l2; cbn; split.
+ move => H. exfalso. eapply prefix_nil_not. eauto.
+ move => H1. congruence.
+ move => H. rewrite (prefix_cons_inv_1 _ _ _ _ H).
f_equal. eapply prefix_cons_inv_2 in H. now eapply IHl1.
+ move => [] -> ->. eapply prefix_cons, take_prefix.
Lemma leaf_prefix l1 l2 :
leaf l1 -> leaf l2 ->
l1 `prefix_of` l2 -> l1 = l2.
move => [l1' [b1 [-> [H1 nH1]]]] [l2' [b2 [-> [H2 nH2]]]] [l3 Heq].
rewrite <- app_assoc in Heq.
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec (length l2') (length l1')) as [[Hlt|e] | Hgt].
- eapply (f_equal (take (length l1'))) in Heq.
rewrite take_app take_ge in Heq.
rewrite app_length. cbn. lia.
subst. exfalso. eauto.
- eapply app_inj_1 in Heq as [-> Heq]; eauto.
destruct l3; cbn in *; congruence.
- eapply (f_equal (take (length l2'))) in Heq.
rewrite take_app in Heq.
rewrite take_app_ge in Heq. lia.
cbn in Heq.
exfalso. destruct (length l2' - length l1') eqn:E. lia.
cbn in *. subst.
eapply nH1, tree_p. eapply (Kleene_T T_K). 2:exact H2.
eexists. now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Fixpoint F' f offset n :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => F' f offset n ++ ℓ(f (offset + n))
Lemma F'_offset f o n1 n2 :
F' f o (n1 + n2) = F' f o n2 ++ F' f (n2 + o) n1.
induction n1 in o, n2 |- *; cbn.
- now rewrite app_nil_r.
- rewrite IHn1. rewrite <- !app_assoc.
do 4 f_equal. lia.
Lemma F'_length f o n :
n <= length (F' f o n).
induction n; cbn.
- lia.
- rewrite app_length.
pose proof (enum_length (f (o + n))). lia.
Definition F f n := nth (F'_length f 0 (S n)).
Lemma drop_lookup_iff {X} l i (x : X) :
l !! i = Some x <-> exists l', drop i l = x :: l'.
induction l in i, x |- *.
- cbn. split.
+ destruct i; cbn; congruence.
+ move => [l' H].
destruct i; inv H.
- destruct i.
+ cbn. split.
* move => [] ->. eauto.
* move => [l' []]. congruence.
+ cbn.
eapply IHl.
Lemma F_inj_help f g :
F f ≡{nat -> bool} F g -> forall k, take k (F' f 0 k) = take k (F' g 0 k).
move => H k.
induction k.
- reflexivity.
- assert (leaf (ℓ (f k))) by eauto.
assert (leaf (ℓ (g k))) by eauto.
replace (S k) with (k + 1) by lia.
rewrite <- !take_take_drop.
rewrite !take_app_le. 1-2:apply F'_length.
rewrite IHk. f_equal.
destruct (drop k (F' f 0 k ++ ℓ (f k))) eqn:E1.
+ eapply (f_equal length) in E1.
rewrite drop_length in E1. cbn in E1.
pose proof (F'_length f 0 (S k)). cbn in H2. rewrite app_length in H2, E1.
+ destruct (drop k (F' g 0 k ++ ℓ (g k))) eqn:E2.
* eapply (f_equal length) in E2.
rewrite drop_length in E2. cbn in E2.
pose proof (F'_length g 0 (S k)). cbn in H2. rewrite app_length in H2, E2.
* cbn. rewrite !firstn_O. f_equal.
assert (F' f 0 (S k) !! k = Some b). eapply drop_lookup_iff. eauto.
assert (F' g 0 (S k) !! k = Some b0). eapply drop_lookup_iff. eauto.
specialize (H k). rewrite /F in H.
unfold nth in H.
destruct (nth_sig (i:=k) (l:=F' f 0 (S k))).
destruct (nth_sig (i:=k) (l:=F' g 0 (S k))). cbn in *. subst. congruence.
Lemma F'_prefix m n o f :
m <= n -> F' f o m `prefix_of` F' f o n.
induction 1.
- reflexivity.
- etransitivity. eassumption.
cbn. now eapply prefix_app_r.
Lemma take_length_ℓ g o m n :
m <= n ->
take (length (F' g o m)) (F' g o n) = F' g o m.
induction 1.
- now rewrite firstn_all.
- cbn. rewrite take_app_le.
apply prefix_length, F'_prefix, H. exact IHle.
Lemma F'_eq_lt (f g : nat → nat) (n : nat) o : (∀ m : nat, m < o + n → f m ≡{ nat} g m) → F' f o n = F' g o n.
move => IH.
induction n; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IHn.
+ move => ? ?. eapply IH. lia.
+ f_equal. f_equal. eapply IH. lia.
Lemma F_inj f g :
F f ≡{nat -> bool} F g -> f ≡{nat -> nat} g.
move => H n. induction n using lt_wf_ind.
rename H0 into IH.
- destruct n.
+ clear IH.
eapply ℓ_injective.
destruct (le_ge_dec (length (ℓ (f 0))) (length (ℓ (g 0)))) as [Hle | Hge].
* pose proof (F_inj_help H (length (ℓ (g 0)))) as Heq.
rewrite (@take_length_ℓ g 0 1) in Heq. eapply (@F'_length g 0 1).
eapply (f_equal (take (length (ℓ (f 0))))) in Heq.
rewrite take_take in Heq. lia.
rewrite (@take_length_ℓ f 0 1) in Heq. eapply enum_length. cbn in Heq.
eapply prefix_take_iff in Heq.
eapply leaf_prefix in Heq; eauto.
* pose proof (F_inj_help H (length (ℓ (f 0)))) as Heq.
rewrite (@take_length_ℓ f 0 1) in Heq. eapply (@F'_length f 0 1).
eapply (f_equal (take (length (ℓ (g 0))))) in Heq.
rewrite take_take in Heq. lia.
rewrite (@take_length_ℓ g 0 1) in Heq. eapply enum_length. cbn in Heq.
symmetry in Heq.
eapply prefix_take_iff in Heq.
eapply leaf_prefix in Heq; eauto.
+ eapply ℓ_injective.
destruct (le_ge_dec (length (ℓ (f (S n)))) (length (ℓ (g (S n))))) as [Hle | Hge].
* pose (k := (length (F' g 0 (S (S n))))).
pose proof (F_inj_help H k) as Heq.
pose proof (F'_eq_lt (o := 0) IH) as Hpref.
assert (S n < k) as [k' Hsum] % Nat.le_sum. {
subst k.
pose proof (F'_length g 0 ( S (S n))); lia.
replace (S (S n) + k') with (S k' + S n) in Hsum by lia.
setoid_rewrite Hsum in Heq at 2 4.
rewrite !F'_offset !Hpref in Heq.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
eapply app_inj_1 in Heq as [_ Heq]; try reflexivity.
remember (k - length (F' g 0 (S n))) as k''.
rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heq.
replace (S k') with (k' + 1) in Heq by lia.
rewrite !F'_offset in Heq. cbn in Heq.
pose (k''' := length (ℓ (g (S n)))).
eapply (f_equal (take k''')) in Heq.
assert (k''' <= k''). {
subst k''' k'' k.
cbn. rewrite app_length. lia.
rewrite !take_take in Heq; eauto.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
rewrite !Nat.add_0_r in Heq.
unfold k''' in Heq at 3.
rewrite take_app in Heq.
setoid_rewrite take_ge in Heq at 1. 2:eassumption.
eapply leaf_prefix. eauto. eauto.
eapply prefix_take_iff. rewrite <- Heq.
now rewrite take_app.
* pose (k := (length (F' f 0 (S (S n))))).
pose proof (F_inj_help H k) as Heq.
pose proof (F'_eq_lt (o := 0) IH) as Hpref.
assert (S n < k) as [k' Hsum] % Nat.le_sum. {
subst k.
pose proof (F'_length f 0 ( S (S n))); lia.
replace (S (S n) + k') with (S k' + S n) in Hsum by lia.
setoid_rewrite Hsum in Heq at 2 4.
rewrite !F'_offset in Heq. rewrite <- !Hpref in Heq.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
eapply app_inj_1 in Heq as [_ Heq]; try reflexivity.
remember (k - length (F' f 0 (S n))) as k''.
rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Heq.
replace (S k') with (k' + 1) in Heq by lia.
rewrite !F'_offset in Heq. cbn in Heq.
pose (k''' := length (ℓ (f (S n)))).
eapply (f_equal (take k''')) in Heq.
assert (k''' <= k''). {
subst k''' k'' k.
cbn. rewrite app_length. lia.
rewrite !take_take in Heq; eauto.
symmetry in Heq.
rewrite firstn_app in Heq.
rewrite !Nat.add_0_r in Heq.
unfold k''' in Heq at 3.
rewrite take_app in Heq.
setoid_rewrite take_ge in Heq at 1. 2:eassumption.
eapply leaf_prefix. eauto. eauto.
eapply prefix_take_iff. rewrite <- Heq.
now rewrite take_app.
Lemma exists_leaf l2 :
~ T_K l2 -> exists l1, l1 `prefix_of` l2 /\ leaf l1.
induction l2 using rev_ind.
- move => [].
destruct (tree_inhab T_K).
eapply tree_p. eapply Kleene_T. eapply prefix_nil. eassumption.
- move => H.
destruct (tree_dec T_K) as [f].
specialize (H0 l2). destruct (f l2).
+ assert (T_K l2) by firstorder congruence.
exists (l2 ++ [x]). split.
* eauto.
* exists l2, x. eauto.
+ assert (~ T_K l2) by firstorder congruence.
eapply IHl2 in H1 as [l1 []].
exists l1. split. now eapply prefix_app_r. eassumption.
Lemma F_find_pref g :
{ l : list bool | leaf l /\ l = map g (seq 0 (length l)) }.
enough (exists n, ℓ n = map g (seq 0 (length (ℓ n)))).
eapply mu_nat_p in H.
- destruct H as [n H]. exists (ℓ n).
- move => n. repeat decide equality.
- pose proof (Kleene_inf_exit T_K g) as [k H].
eapply exists_leaf in H as [l [H1 H2]].
eapply enumerable_leafs in H2 as [n].
exists n. rewrite H. clear - H1.
destruct H1 as [l2 H].
revert H. generalize 0 as n. move => n H.
induction l in n, k, l2, H |- *.
+ cbn in *. eauto.
+ cbn in *. destruct k; inv H. f_equal.
eapply IHl. eassumption.
Lemma ℓ_sig l : leaf l -> {n | ℓ n = l}.
move => L.
eapply mu_nat_dep.
- move => n. repeat decide equality.
- now eapply enumerable_leafs.
Lemma ℓ_sig_prf l H1 H2 : proj1_sig (@ℓ_sig l H1) = proj1_sig (@ℓ_sig l H2).
eapply mu_nat_dep_irrel.
Definition nxt g := (fun n => g (n + length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref g)))).
Program Definition G g n := proj1_sig (@ℓ_sig (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt g))) _).
Next Obligation.
intros. destruct F_find_pref. cbn. eapply a.
Lemma G_inv g n :
ℓ (G g n) = proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt g)).
unfold G. now destruct ℓ_sig.
Lemma map_seq_eq {X} (f1 f2 : nat -> X) n1 n2 m :
(forall x, f1 (x + n1) = f2 (x + n2)) ->
map f1 (seq n1 m) = map f2 (seq n2 m).
move => H. induction m in n1, n2, H |- * ; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- f_equal.
eapply (H 0).
eapply IHm. move => x.
rewrite !Nat.add_succ_r.
eapply (H (S x)).
Lemma F'_length_g o m g :
length (F' (G g) (S o) m) = length (F' (G (nxt g)) o m).
induction m in o, g |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite !app_length IHm.
now rewrite !G_inv Nat.iter_succ_r.
Lemma nxt_iter:
∀ (g : nat → bool) (m n : nat), Nat.iter m nxt g n = g (n + length (F' (G g) 0 m)).
move => g m n.
induction m in g, n |- *.
- cbn. now rewrite <- plus_n_O.
- rewrite Nat.iter_succ_r IHm. rewrite <- F'_length_g.
replace (S m) with (m + 1) by lia.
rewrite F'_offset /nxt app_length. cbn.
f_equal. rewrite G_inv. cbn. lia.
Lemma F_inv g m :
F' (G g) 0 m = map g (seq 0 (length ((F' (G g) 0 m)))).
induction m in g |- *; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IHm.
rewrite app_length seq_app map_app map_length seq_length.
rewrite G_inv.
destruct F_find_pref as [l [Hl e]].
cbn. rewrite e.
rewrite map_length seq_length.
eapply map_seq_eq. clear.
move => n. rewrite <- plus_n_O.
eapply nxt_iter.
Lemma F_surj g :
F (G g) ≡{nat -> bool} g.
move => n. cbn.
unfold F. destruct nth_sig as [b Hb].
rewrite F_inv in Hb.
eapply lookup_map in Hb as [? [H ->]].
now eapply lookup_seq in H as [-> _].
Theorem F_G_inv f g :
G (F f) ≡{nat -> nat} f /\ F (G g)≡{nat -> bool} g.
- eapply F_inj.
rewrite F_surj.
- eapply F_surj.
(* Print Assumptions F_G_inv. *)
Lemma continuous_F : modulus (fun f x => seq 0 (S x)) F.
move => f x g H.
enough (F' f 0 (S x) = F' g 0 (S x)).
- unfold F. destruct nth_sig, nth_sig. cbn. congruence.
- revert H. generalize (S x). clear. move => x.
generalize 0.
move => o H.
induction x in o, H |- *.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn.
replace (S x) with (x + 1) in H by lia.
rewrite !seq_app !map_app in H.
unshelve epose proof (app_inj_1 _ _ _ _ _ H) as [E1 E2].
now rewrite !map_length !seq_length.
cbn in *. inv E2. now rewrite H1 IHx.
Lemma to_Homeo_M_nat_bool :
Homeo_M nat bool.
exists F. eexists.
repeat split.
- intros ? ? ?. eapply F_inj. eassumption.
- intros ?. eexists. eapply F_surj.
- eapply continuous_F.
- intros x f. eexists []. reflexivity.
Lemma F_find_pref_ext:
∀ g g2 : nat → bool, (∀ a : nat, a < length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref g)) → g a = g2 a) → proj1_sig (F_find_pref g) = proj1_sig (F_find_pref g2).
move => g g2 Hg.
destruct F_find_pref as [l1 [H1 H2]], F_find_pref as [l2 [H3 H4]].
cbn in *.
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec (length l1) (length l2)) as [[Hlt | Heq] | Hgt].
+ eapply leaf_prefix; eauto.
rewrite H2 H4. eapply Nat.le_sum in Hlt as [k Hk].
rewrite Hk.
replace (S (length l1) + k) with (length l1 + S k) by lia. rewrite seq_app.
rewrite map_app. eapply prefix_app_r.
enough (map g (seq 0 (length l1)) = map g2 (seq 0 (length l1))) as -> by reflexivity.
eapply map_ext_in. move => a / in_seq [] ? ?. eapply Hg. lia.
+ rewrite H2 H4 Heq.
eapply map_ext_in. move => a / in_seq [] ? ?. eapply Hg. lia.
+ symmetry. eapply leaf_prefix; eauto.
rewrite H2 H4. eapply Nat.le_sum in Hgt as [k Hk].
rewrite Hk.
replace (S (length l2) + k) with (length l2 + S k) by lia. rewrite seq_app.
rewrite map_app. eapply prefix_app_r.
enough (map g (seq 0 (length l2)) = map g2 (seq 0 (length l2))) as -> by reflexivity.
eapply map_ext_in. move => a / in_seq [] ? ?. eapply Hg. lia.
Lemma help:
∀ (x : nat) (g g2 : nat → bool),
(∀ a : nat,
a <
(map (λ n : nat, length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt g))))
(seq 0 (S x))) → g a = g2 a)
→ proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter x nxt g)) =
proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter x nxt g2)).
intros x.
induction x using lt_wf_ind. move => g g2 Hg.
rename H into IHx.
destruct x.
- cbn in *. clear IHx.
rewrite <- plus_n_O in Hg. now eapply F_find_pref_ext.
- rewrite !Nat.iter_succ_r. eapply IHx. lia.
move => a Ha.
unfold nxt.
pose proof (IHx 0) as E1. cbn in E1. erewrite E1. instantiate (1 := g2). 2:lia.
2:{ move => a2 Ha2. eapply Hg. cbn. lia. }
eapply Hg. erewrite <- E1. instantiate (1 := g). 2:lia.
2:{move => a2 Ha2. eapply Hg. cbn. lia. }
cbn in *. erewrite (map_seq_eq (f2 := (λ n : nat, length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt (nxt g)))))) (n2 := 1)).
lia. clear. move => x.
replace (x + 2) with (2 + x) by lia.
replace (x + 1) with (1 + x) by lia.
cbn [plus].
now rewrite !Nat.iter_succ_r.
Lemma continuous_G : modulus (fun g x => seq 0 (sum_list (map (fun n => length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt g)))) (seq 0 (S x))))) G.
move => g x g2 /map_ext_in_iff.
setoid_rewrite in_seq.
move => H.
unfold G.
destruct ℓ_sig, ℓ_sig.
cbn. eapply ℓ_injective. rewrite e e0.
clear - H.
assert (Hg : ∀ a : nat, a < sum_list (map (λ n : nat, length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt g)))) (seq 0 (S x))) → g a = g2 a). {
move => a Ha. eapply H. lia.
} clear H.
revert g g2 Hg.
eapply help; eauto.
Lemma app_sum_list_with {A} (f : A -> nat) l1 l2 :
sum_list_with f (l1 ++ l2) = sum_list_with f l1 + sum_list_with f l2.
induction l1; cbn; lia.
Lemma F_ext f1 f2 :
f1 ≡{_} f2 -> F f1 ≡{_} F f2.
intros H n. unfold F.
destruct nth_sig, nth_sig. cbn.
erewrite F'_eq_lt in e.
- erewrite e0 in e. now inv e.
- intros. eapply H.
Lemma to_Homeo_M_bool_nat :
Homeo_M bool nat.
exists G. eexists.
repeat split.
- intros ? ? ?.
eapply F_ext in H.
now setoid_rewrite F_surj in H.
- intros f. eexists. eapply F_G_inv. econstructor.
- eapply continuous_G.
- intros x f.
exists (seq 0 (sum_list (map (fun n => length (proj1_sig (F_find_pref (PeanoNat.Nat.iter n nxt f)))) (seq 0 (S x))))).
intros g. move => /map_ext_in_iff.
setoid_rewrite in_seq.
move => H.
f_equal. f_equal. eapply map_ext_in.
intros ? ? % in_seq. f_equal.
eapply help. intros.
eapply H. split. lia.
destruct H0 as [_ [? H0] % Nat.le_sum].
cbn in H0. inv H0.
replace (S (a + x0)) with (S a + x0) by lia.
rewrite seq_app map_app app_sum_list_with. lia.
End fix_tree.
Lemma size_generating {X} (sz : X -> nat) (p : X -> Prop) :
(forall n, exists x, sz x >= n /\ p x) ->
generative p.
intros Hsz A.
destruct (Hsz (1 + max_list_with sz A)) as (x & H1 & H2).
exists x. split; eauto.
intros H % (max_list_with_spec _ _ sz). lia.
Lemma enumerable_leaf τ_K :
enumerable (leaf τ_K).
pose proof (tree_dec τ_K) as [D] % decidable_iff.
eapply decidable_enumerable; eauto.
eapply decidable_iff. econstructor. intros u.
destruct u as [ | b u _] using rev_rect.
- right. intros (v & ? & H & ?). destruct v; inv H.
- destruct (D u).
+ destruct (D (u ++ [b])).
* right. intros (u' & b' & (H1 & H2) % app_inj_tail & H3 & H4); subst; eauto.
* left. exists u, b; eauto.
+ right. intros (u' & b' & (H1 & H2) % app_inj_tail & H3 & H4); subst; eauto.
Lemma map_nth_seq {X} (x0 : X) l :
map (fun n => nth n l x0) (seq 0 (length l)) = l.
induction l using rev_ind.
- reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite app_length seq_app map_app.
cbn. rewrite app_nth2. lia.
rewrite minus_diag. cbn. f_equal.
rewrite <- IHl at 2.
eapply map_ext_in.
intros ? [_ ?] % in_seq. cbn in *.
now rewrite app_nth1.
Lemma KT_inj_enum_leafs (τ_K : Kleene_tree) :
exists ℓ : nat -> list bool, (forall l, leaf τ_K l <-> exists n, ℓ n = l) /\ Inj (=) (=) ℓ.
destruct τ_K as [τ inf_τ wf_τ].
pose proof (tree_dec τ) as [D] % decidable_iff.
pose (τ_K := Build_Kleene_tree inf_τ wf_τ).
destruct (enumerable_leaf τ_K) as [e He].
unshelve eexists. 2:split.
- eapply MoreEnumerabilityFacts.F.
+ eapply He.
+ exact _.
+ eapply size_generating with length.
intros n.
destruct (inf_τ n) as (u & Hu1 & Hu2).
pose proof (wf_τ (extend u)).
eapply mu_nat_dep_least in H as (k & H1 & H2 & H3).
-- exists (map (extend u) (seq 0 k)). split.
++ rewrite map_length seq_length.
destruct (le_lt_dec n k); eauto.
exfalso. eapply H2.
eapply tree_p. eauto. 2:exact Hu1.
exists (drop k u).
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn k u) at 1.
rewrite <- (map_nth_seq false u) at 1.
rewrite take_map take_seq. lia.
++ remember (map (extend u) (seq 0 k)) as l.
destruct l as [ | b l _] using rev_ind.
** destruct H2. eauto.
** exists l, b. split. reflexivity. split; eauto.
destruct (D l). eauto. exfalso.
destruct k.
--- inv Heql. destruct l; inv H0.
--- replace (S k) with (k + 1) in Heql by lia.
rewrite seq_app map_app in Heql.
cbn in Heql. eapply app_inj_tail in Heql as [-> ->].
eapply H3 in n0. lia. lia.
-- intros. eapply not_dec. exact _.
- intros l. split.
* intros Hl. eapply F_sur. eassumption.
* intros [n <-]. eapply F_p.
- intros ? ? ?.
now eapply MoreEnumerabilityFacts.F_inj in H.
Lemma KT_iff_Homeo_N_nat_bool :
KT <-> Homeo_M bool nat.
- intros (τ_K & inf_τ & wf_τ).
pose proof (tree_dec τ_K) as [D] % decidable_iff.
pose (T_K := Build_Kleene_tree inf_τ wf_τ).
destruct (KT_inj_enum_leafs T_K) as (ℓ & Hℓ1 & Hℓ2).
eapply to_Homeo_M_bool_nat; eauto.
- intros H. eapply Homeo_M_Cantor_Baire_to_KT in H as [[T_K H1 H2]].
eexists; eauto.
Lemma KT_to_Homeo_N_nat_bool :
KT -> Homeo_M nat bool.
intros (τ_K & inf_τ & wf_τ).
pose proof (tree_dec τ_K) as [D] % decidable_iff.
pose (T_K := Build_Kleene_tree inf_τ wf_τ).
destruct (KT_inj_enum_leafs T_K) as (ℓ & Hℓ1 & Hℓ2).
eapply to_Homeo_M_nat_bool; eauto.