From SyntheticComputability Require Import simple_construction hypersimple Axioms.EA.
Lemma list_max_cns L:
list_max L = 0 \/ In (list_max L) L.
induction L.
- now left.
- destruct IHL.
+ right. cbn. fold (list_max L). rewrite H. left. lia.
+ right. cbn. fold (list_max L). destruct (le_gt_dec (list_max L) a). lia.
right. now replace (Nat.max a (list_max L)) with (list_max L) by lia.
Lemma list_max_NoDup L n:
NoDup L -> length L = 1 + n -> list_max L >= n.
intros ND H. eapply pigeonhole in ND.
instantiate (1 := seq 0 n) in ND.
- destruct ND as [x [H1 % list_max_in H2]]. rewrite in_seq in H2.
- intros x1 x2; decide (x1 = x2); eauto.
- rewrite H, seq_length. lia.
Lemma list_max_length_succ L:
length L > 0 -> In (list_max L) L.
induction L; cbn.
- lia.
- intros H. fold (list_max L). destruct (le_gt_dec (list_max L) a). lia.
right. replace (Nat.max a (list_max L)) with (list_max L) by lia.
eapply IHL.
destruct L; cbn in *; lia.
Definition injective {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) := forall x1 x2 : X, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2.
Section HS.
Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Variable I : nat -> Prop.
Variable E_I: nat -> nat.
Variable E_I_injective: injective E_I.
Variable E_I_enum: strong_enumerator E_I I.
Variable I_undec: ~ decidable I.
Lemma in_map_sig {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
eq_dec Y -> forall y, In y (map f L) -> {x | f x = y /\ In x L}.
intros DY y H.
induction L.
- cbn; firstorder.
- cbn in *. decide (In y (map f L)).
+ apply IHL in i as [x IHL1]. exists x. intuition.
+ destruct (DY (f a) y).
* exists a. intuition.
* exfalso. destruct H; firstorder.
Lemma E_I_first_n bound start:
{x | E_I x > bound /\ x >= start}.
assert (length (map E_I (seq start (bound + 2))) > length (seq 0 (bound + 1))).
- rewrite map_length, seq_length, seq_length. lia.
- apply pigeonhole_Sigma in H.
+ destruct H as [y [H1 H2]]. rewrite in_seq in H2. apply in_map_sig in H1 as [x [E H1]].
exists x. rewrite E. apply in_seq in H1. lia. exact _.
+ exact _.
+ apply NoDup_map.
* exact E_I_injective.
* apply seq_NoDup.
Definition HS x := exists y, x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x.
(* Proving HS to be undecidable via decidable HS -> decidable W *)
Definition boundable n: Type
:= {x | E_I x >= n /\ compl HS x}.
Lemma greater_el n x':
{x | x >= x' /\ E_I x > n}.
assert (NoDup (map E_I (seq x' (2+n)))).
{ apply map_NoDup; try assumption. apply seq_NoDup. }
eapply pigeonhole_Sigma in H.
- instantiate (1:= seq 0 (1 + n)) in H.
destruct H as (Ex & H1 & H2).
apply in_map_sig in H1 as [x [H1 H1']].
+ exists x. rewrite in_seq in H1', H2. split; try lia.
+ exact _.
- exact _.
- rewrite map_length. repeat rewrite seq_length. lia.
Lemma bound_dec:
(forall n, boundable n) -> decidable I.
intros H.
assert (forall n, {x | E_I x >= n /\ forall x0, x0 > x -> E_I x0 > E_I x}).
{ intros n. destruct (H n).
exists x. intuition. enough (~ E_I x0 <= E_I x) by lia.
intros E. apply H1. exists x0. intuition.
assert (E_I x0 < E_I x \/ E_I x0 = E_I x) as [E1 | E1 % E_I_injective] by lia; lia.
assert (forall n, {x | forall x0, x0 > x -> E_I x0 > n}).
{ intros n. destruct (H0 n).
exists x. intros x0 E; try lia.
destruct a. specialize (H2 x0 E). lia.
apply decidable_iff. constructor.
intros n. destruct (H1 n). decide (In n (map E_I (seq 0 (x + 1)))).
- left. apply in_map_iff in i as [x0 H2].
apply E_I_enum. now exists x0.
- right. intros [n1 H2] % E_I_enum. apply n0.
apply in_map_iff. exists n1; intuition.
apply in_seq. enough (~ n1 > x) by lia.
intros E % g. lia.
Lemma sizerecursion {X: Type} (s: X -> nat) (p: X -> Type):
(forall x, (forall y, s y < s x -> p y) -> p x) -> forall x, p x.
intros H.
enough (forall n x, s x < n -> p x).
- intros x. eapply X0. eauto.
- induction n.
+ intros x H1. lia.
+ intros x E. apply H.
intros y E1. apply IHn. lia.
Lemma wo_HS {x}:
(exists y, x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x) -> {y | x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x}.
intros H. apply mu_nat_dep in H as [y h].
- now exists y.
- intros y.
destruct (lt_dec x y); destruct (lt_dec (E_I y) (E_I x)); try (left; lia); try (right; lia).
Lemma inner_loop:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n x', boundable n + {x | x > x' /\ E_I x <= n}.
intros H n x'. destruct (greater_el n x').
revert x a.
apply (@sizerecursion _ E_I (fun x => x >= x' /\ E_I x > n -> boundable n + {x0 : nat | x0 > x' /\ E_I x0 <= n})).
intros x IH x0.
destruct (H x).
- apply wo_HS in h as [y h].
+ specialize (IH y (proj2 h)). destruct (le_dec (E_I y) n).
* right. exists y; lia.
* apply IH. lia.
- left. exists x. intuition.
Lemma outer_loop step:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n, boundable n + {L | NoDup L /\ length L = step
/\ forall x, In x L -> E_I x <= n}.
intros H n. induction step.
- right. exists nil; firstorder. constructor.
- destruct IHstep; try now left.
destruct s as (L & H1 & H2 & H3).
destruct (inner_loop H n (list_max L)); try now left.
destruct s as (x & H4 & H5).
right. exists (x::L); intuition.
+ eapply NoDupBoundH.
* exact H1.
* intros x0 E % list_max_in. now instantiate (1:= list_max L).
* exact H4.
+ destruct H0 as [<- | E]; firstorder.
Lemma all_boundable:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n, boundable n.
intros H n.
destruct (outer_loop (2 + n) H n).
- exact b.
- exfalso. destruct s as (L & H0 & H1 & H2).
assert (incl (map E_I L) (seq 0 (n + 1))).
{ intros x [x0 [<- H4]] % in_map_iff. apply H2 in H4.
apply in_seq. lia. }
apply pigeonhole_length in H3.
+ rewrite seq_length, map_length in H3. lia.
+ intros x1 x2; decide(x1 = x2); firstorder.
+ now apply map_NoDup.
Lemma HS_red:
decidable HS -> decidable I.
intros [H] % decidable_iff.
apply bound_dec, all_boundable, H.
Corollary HS_undec:
~ decidable HS.
intros H % HS_red.
now apply I_undec.
(* Proving HS to be hypersimple *)
Lemma HS_enumerable:
enumerable HS.
unfold HS.
eapply enumerable_projection1 with (p := fun xy => (fst xy) < (snd xy) /\ E_I (snd xy) < E_I (fst xy)).
eapply decidable_enumerable. 2: eauto.
eapply decidable_conj.
all: eapply decidable_iff; eauto.
Lemma HS_no_majorize:
~ exists f, majorizes f (compl HS).
intros [g H].
assert (forall x, I x <-> In x (map E_I (seq 0 (g (1 + x) + 1)))).
- intros x. split.
+ intros [n H1] % E_I_enum.
apply in_map_iff. exists n. intuition.
unfold majorizes in H. apply in_seq.
specialize (H (1 + x)). enough (~ n > g (1 + x)) by lia.
intros E. apply H. intros [L HL]. assert (list_max (map E_I L) >= x).
{ apply list_max_NoDup.
- apply NoDup_map; intuition.
- now rewrite map_length.
assert (length (map E_I L) > 0) by (rewrite map_length; lia).
apply list_max_length_succ in H2. apply in_map_iff in H2 as [n0 E1]. intuition. apply H7 in H5 as [H5 H5'].
apply H5'. exists n. split; try lia.
assert (E_I n0 > E_I n \/ E_I n0 = E_I n) as [E1 | E1] by lia.
* lia.
* apply E_I_injective in E1. lia.
+ intros [n [H1 _]] % in_map_iff. apply E_I_enum. now exists n.
- apply I_undec, decidable_iff. constructor.
intros x. decide (In (x) (map E_I (seq 0 (g (1 + x) + 1)))); [left|right];firstorder.
Lemma inf_help n x:
E_I x <= n -> ~ ~ exists y, y >= x /\ compl HS y.
revert x. induction n.
- intros x H. intros H1; apply H1. exists x. split.
+ lia.
+ intros [y H2]. lia.
- intros x E. intros H. ccase (HS x) as [H0 | H0].
+ destruct H0 as [x0 H2]. apply (IHn x0).
* lia.
* intros [y H1]. apply H. exists y. intuition.
+ apply H. exists x. firstorder.
Lemma HS_co_infinite:
~ exhaustible (compl HS).
apply non_finite_nat.
intros x H. apply (@inf_help (E_I x) x).
- lia.
- exact H.
Lemma HS_hypersimple:
hypersimple HS.
repeat split.
- apply HS_enumerable.
- apply HS_co_infinite.
- apply HS_no_majorize.
End HS.
Lemma list_max_cns L:
list_max L = 0 \/ In (list_max L) L.
induction L.
- now left.
- destruct IHL.
+ right. cbn. fold (list_max L). rewrite H. left. lia.
+ right. cbn. fold (list_max L). destruct (le_gt_dec (list_max L) a). lia.
right. now replace (Nat.max a (list_max L)) with (list_max L) by lia.
Lemma list_max_NoDup L n:
NoDup L -> length L = 1 + n -> list_max L >= n.
intros ND H. eapply pigeonhole in ND.
instantiate (1 := seq 0 n) in ND.
- destruct ND as [x [H1 % list_max_in H2]]. rewrite in_seq in H2.
- intros x1 x2; decide (x1 = x2); eauto.
- rewrite H, seq_length. lia.
Lemma list_max_length_succ L:
length L > 0 -> In (list_max L) L.
induction L; cbn.
- lia.
- intros H. fold (list_max L). destruct (le_gt_dec (list_max L) a). lia.
right. replace (Nat.max a (list_max L)) with (list_max L) by lia.
eapply IHL.
destruct L; cbn in *; lia.
Definition injective {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) := forall x1 x2 : X, f x1 = f x2 -> x1 = x2.
Section HS.
Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Variable I : nat -> Prop.
Variable E_I: nat -> nat.
Variable E_I_injective: injective E_I.
Variable E_I_enum: strong_enumerator E_I I.
Variable I_undec: ~ decidable I.
Lemma in_map_sig {X Y} (f: X -> Y) L:
eq_dec Y -> forall y, In y (map f L) -> {x | f x = y /\ In x L}.
intros DY y H.
induction L.
- cbn; firstorder.
- cbn in *. decide (In y (map f L)).
+ apply IHL in i as [x IHL1]. exists x. intuition.
+ destruct (DY (f a) y).
* exists a. intuition.
* exfalso. destruct H; firstorder.
Lemma E_I_first_n bound start:
{x | E_I x > bound /\ x >= start}.
assert (length (map E_I (seq start (bound + 2))) > length (seq 0 (bound + 1))).
- rewrite map_length, seq_length, seq_length. lia.
- apply pigeonhole_Sigma in H.
+ destruct H as [y [H1 H2]]. rewrite in_seq in H2. apply in_map_sig in H1 as [x [E H1]].
exists x. rewrite E. apply in_seq in H1. lia. exact _.
+ exact _.
+ apply NoDup_map.
* exact E_I_injective.
* apply seq_NoDup.
Definition HS x := exists y, x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x.
(* Proving HS to be undecidable via decidable HS -> decidable W *)
Definition boundable n: Type
:= {x | E_I x >= n /\ compl HS x}.
Lemma greater_el n x':
{x | x >= x' /\ E_I x > n}.
assert (NoDup (map E_I (seq x' (2+n)))).
{ apply map_NoDup; try assumption. apply seq_NoDup. }
eapply pigeonhole_Sigma in H.
- instantiate (1:= seq 0 (1 + n)) in H.
destruct H as (Ex & H1 & H2).
apply in_map_sig in H1 as [x [H1 H1']].
+ exists x. rewrite in_seq in H1', H2. split; try lia.
+ exact _.
- exact _.
- rewrite map_length. repeat rewrite seq_length. lia.
Lemma bound_dec:
(forall n, boundable n) -> decidable I.
intros H.
assert (forall n, {x | E_I x >= n /\ forall x0, x0 > x -> E_I x0 > E_I x}).
{ intros n. destruct (H n).
exists x. intuition. enough (~ E_I x0 <= E_I x) by lia.
intros E. apply H1. exists x0. intuition.
assert (E_I x0 < E_I x \/ E_I x0 = E_I x) as [E1 | E1 % E_I_injective] by lia; lia.
assert (forall n, {x | forall x0, x0 > x -> E_I x0 > n}).
{ intros n. destruct (H0 n).
exists x. intros x0 E; try lia.
destruct a. specialize (H2 x0 E). lia.
apply decidable_iff. constructor.
intros n. destruct (H1 n). decide (In n (map E_I (seq 0 (x + 1)))).
- left. apply in_map_iff in i as [x0 H2].
apply E_I_enum. now exists x0.
- right. intros [n1 H2] % E_I_enum. apply n0.
apply in_map_iff. exists n1; intuition.
apply in_seq. enough (~ n1 > x) by lia.
intros E % g. lia.
Lemma sizerecursion {X: Type} (s: X -> nat) (p: X -> Type):
(forall x, (forall y, s y < s x -> p y) -> p x) -> forall x, p x.
intros H.
enough (forall n x, s x < n -> p x).
- intros x. eapply X0. eauto.
- induction n.
+ intros x H1. lia.
+ intros x E. apply H.
intros y E1. apply IHn. lia.
Lemma wo_HS {x}:
(exists y, x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x) -> {y | x < y /\ E_I y < E_I x}.
intros H. apply mu_nat_dep in H as [y h].
- now exists y.
- intros y.
destruct (lt_dec x y); destruct (lt_dec (E_I y) (E_I x)); try (left; lia); try (right; lia).
Lemma inner_loop:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n x', boundable n + {x | x > x' /\ E_I x <= n}.
intros H n x'. destruct (greater_el n x').
revert x a.
apply (@sizerecursion _ E_I (fun x => x >= x' /\ E_I x > n -> boundable n + {x0 : nat | x0 > x' /\ E_I x0 <= n})).
intros x IH x0.
destruct (H x).
- apply wo_HS in h as [y h].
+ specialize (IH y (proj2 h)). destruct (le_dec (E_I y) n).
* right. exists y; lia.
* apply IH. lia.
- left. exists x. intuition.
Lemma outer_loop step:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n, boundable n + {L | NoDup L /\ length L = step
/\ forall x, In x L -> E_I x <= n}.
intros H n. induction step.
- right. exists nil; firstorder. constructor.
- destruct IHstep; try now left.
destruct s as (L & H1 & H2 & H3).
destruct (inner_loop H n (list_max L)); try now left.
destruct s as (x & H4 & H5).
right. exists (x::L); intuition.
+ eapply NoDupBoundH.
* exact H1.
* intros x0 E % list_max_in. now instantiate (1:= list_max L).
* exact H4.
+ destruct H0 as [<- | E]; firstorder.
Lemma all_boundable:
(forall x, dec (HS x)) -> forall n, boundable n.
intros H n.
destruct (outer_loop (2 + n) H n).
- exact b.
- exfalso. destruct s as (L & H0 & H1 & H2).
assert (incl (map E_I L) (seq 0 (n + 1))).
{ intros x [x0 [<- H4]] % in_map_iff. apply H2 in H4.
apply in_seq. lia. }
apply pigeonhole_length in H3.
+ rewrite seq_length, map_length in H3. lia.
+ intros x1 x2; decide(x1 = x2); firstorder.
+ now apply map_NoDup.
Lemma HS_red:
decidable HS -> decidable I.
intros [H] % decidable_iff.
apply bound_dec, all_boundable, H.
Corollary HS_undec:
~ decidable HS.
intros H % HS_red.
now apply I_undec.
(* Proving HS to be hypersimple *)
Lemma HS_enumerable:
enumerable HS.
unfold HS.
eapply enumerable_projection1 with (p := fun xy => (fst xy) < (snd xy) /\ E_I (snd xy) < E_I (fst xy)).
eapply decidable_enumerable. 2: eauto.
eapply decidable_conj.
all: eapply decidable_iff; eauto.
Lemma HS_no_majorize:
~ exists f, majorizes f (compl HS).
intros [g H].
assert (forall x, I x <-> In x (map E_I (seq 0 (g (1 + x) + 1)))).
- intros x. split.
+ intros [n H1] % E_I_enum.
apply in_map_iff. exists n. intuition.
unfold majorizes in H. apply in_seq.
specialize (H (1 + x)). enough (~ n > g (1 + x)) by lia.
intros E. apply H. intros [L HL]. assert (list_max (map E_I L) >= x).
{ apply list_max_NoDup.
- apply NoDup_map; intuition.
- now rewrite map_length.
assert (length (map E_I L) > 0) by (rewrite map_length; lia).
apply list_max_length_succ in H2. apply in_map_iff in H2 as [n0 E1]. intuition. apply H7 in H5 as [H5 H5'].
apply H5'. exists n. split; try lia.
assert (E_I n0 > E_I n \/ E_I n0 = E_I n) as [E1 | E1] by lia.
* lia.
* apply E_I_injective in E1. lia.
+ intros [n [H1 _]] % in_map_iff. apply E_I_enum. now exists n.
- apply I_undec, decidable_iff. constructor.
intros x. decide (In (x) (map E_I (seq 0 (g (1 + x) + 1)))); [left|right];firstorder.
Lemma inf_help n x:
E_I x <= n -> ~ ~ exists y, y >= x /\ compl HS y.
revert x. induction n.
- intros x H. intros H1; apply H1. exists x. split.
+ lia.
+ intros [y H2]. lia.
- intros x E. intros H. ccase (HS x) as [H0 | H0].
+ destruct H0 as [x0 H2]. apply (IHn x0).
* lia.
* intros [y H1]. apply H. exists y. intuition.
+ apply H. exists x. firstorder.
Lemma HS_co_infinite:
~ exhaustible (compl HS).
apply non_finite_nat.
intros x H. apply (@inf_help (E_I x) x).
- lia.
- exact H.
Lemma HS_hypersimple:
hypersimple HS.
repeat split.
- apply HS_enumerable.
- apply HS_co_infinite.
- apply HS_no_majorize.
End HS.