Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations utils fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Notation ø := vec_nil.

Opaque fo_term_subst fo_term_map fo_term_sem.

Definition Σrel_var k : fol_term (Σrel k) -> nat.
Proof. intros [ n | [] ]; exact n. Defined.

Inductive fol_form (Σ : fo_signature) : Type :=
  | fol_false : fol_form Σ
  | fol_atom : forall p, vec (fol_term Σ) (ar_rels Σ p) -> fol_form Σ
  | fol_bin : fol_bop -> fol_form Σ -> fol_form Σ -> fol_form Σ
  | fol_quant : fol_qop -> fol_form Σ -> fol_form Σ.

Infix "⤑" := (fol_bin fol_imp) (at level 62, right associativity).
Infix "⟑" := (fol_bin fol_conj) (at level 60, right associativity).
Infix "⟇" := (fol_bin fol_disj) (at level 61, right associativity).
Notation "∀ f" := (fol_quant fol_fa f) (at level 64, right associativity).
Notation "∃ f" := (fol_quant fol_ex f) (at level 64, right associativity).
Notation "x ↔ y" := ((xy)⟑(yx)) (at level 63, no associativity).

Notation "£" := (in_var : nat -> fol_term _).
Notation "⊥" := (fol_false _).

Section fol_subst.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature).

  Notation 𝕋 := (fol_term Σ).
  Notation 𝔽 := (fol_form Σ).

  Implicit Type A : 𝔽.

  Fixpoint fol_height A :=
    match A with
      | => 1
      | fol_atom p v => 1
      | fol_bin c A B => 1 + max (fol_height A) (fol_height B)
      | fol_quant q A => 1 + fol_height A

  Fixpoint fol_vars A :=
    match A with
      | => nil
      | fol_atom p v => flat_map fo_term_vars (vec_list v)
      | fol_bin c A B => fol_vars A ++ fol_vars B
      | fol_quant q A => flat_map (fun n => match n with 0 => nil | S n => n::nil end)
                           (fol_vars A)

  Fact fol_vars_bin b A B : fol_vars (fol_bin b A B) = fol_vars A ++ fol_vars B.
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Fact fol_vars_quant q A : fol_vars (fol_quant q A)
                         = flat_map (fun n => match n with 0 => nil | S n => n::nil end) (fol_vars A).
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Definition fol_vars_max A := lmax (fol_vars A).

  Fact fol_vars_max_spec A n : In n (fol_vars A) -> n <= fol_vars_max A.
  Proof. apply lmax_prop. Qed.

  Fixpoint fol_syms (A : 𝔽) :=
    match A with
      | => nil
      | fol_atom p v => flat_map fo_term_syms (vec_list v)
      | fol_bin c A B => fol_syms A ++ fol_syms B
      | fol_quant q A => fol_syms A

  Fact fol_syms_bin b A B : fol_syms (fol_bin b A B) = fol_syms A ++ fol_syms B.
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Fact fol_syms_quant q A : fol_syms (fol_quant q A) = fol_syms A.
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Fixpoint fol_rels (A : 𝔽) :=
    match A with
      | => nil
      | fol_atom p v => p::nil
      | fol_bin c A B => fol_rels A ++ fol_rels B
      | fol_quant q A => fol_rels A

  Fact fol_rels_bin b A B : fol_rels (fol_bin b A B) = fol_rels A ++ fol_rels B.
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Fact fol_rels_quant q A : fol_rels (fol_quant q A) = fol_rels A.
  Proof. trivial. Qed.

  Fixpoint fol_subst σ (A : 𝔽) :=
    match A with
      | =>
      | fol_atom _ v => fol_atom _ (vec_map (fo_term_subst σ) v)
      | fol_bin c A B => fol_bin c (Aσ) (Bσ)
      | fol_quant q A => fol_quant q (Aσ)
  where "A ⦃ σ ⦄" := (fol_subst σ A).

  Fact fol_subst_ext σ ρ A :
         (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> σ n = ρ n)
       -> Aσ = Aρ.
    intros Hfg; revert A σ ρ Hfg.
    induction A as [ | p v | c A IHA B IHB | q A IHA ]; intros f g Hfg; simpl; f_equal; auto.
    + apply vec_map_ext; intros t Ht.
      apply fo_term_subst_ext; intros n Hn.
      apply Hfg, in_flat_map; exists t; split; auto.
      apply in_vec_list; auto.
    + apply IHA; intros n Hn; apply Hfg, in_or_app; auto.
    + apply IHB; intros n Hn; apply Hfg, in_or_app; auto.
    + apply IHA; intros [ | n ] Hn; simpl; auto; rew fot.
      f_equal; apply Hfg; simpl.
      apply in_flat_map; exists (S n); simpl; auto.

  Fact fol_vars_subst σ (A : 𝔽) : fol_vars (Aσ) = flat_map (fun x => fo_term_vars (σ x)) (fol_vars A).
    revert σ; induction A as [ | s r | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros phi; auto.
    + simpl fol_vars.
      rewrite vec_list_vec_map.
      rewrite flat_map_flat_map.
      do 2 rewrite flat_map_concat_map.
      rewrite map_map; f_equal.
      apply map_ext; intros x.
      rewrite fo_term_vars_subst; auto.
    + simpl; rewrite flat_map_app; f_equal; auto.
    + simpl; rewrite HA.
      do 2 rewrite flat_map_flat_map.
      do 2 rewrite flat_map_concat_map; f_equal.
      apply map_ext_in; intros [ | x ] Hx; simpl; auto.
      rewrite fo_term_vars_map; rew fot.
      rewrite flat_map_concat_map, map_map.
      rewrite <- flat_map_concat_map.
      rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      rewrite flat_map_single, map_id; auto.

  Fact fol_vars_map σ (A : 𝔽) : fol_vars (Afun n => £(σ n)) = map σ (fol_vars A).
  Proof. rewrite fol_vars_subst, <- flat_map_single; auto. Qed.

  Fact fol_syms_subst P σ (A : 𝔽) :
        (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> Forall P (fo_term_syms (σ n)))
     -> Forall P (fol_syms A) -> Forall P (fol_syms (Aσ)).
    revert σ.
    induction A as [ | s r | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros f Hf H; simpl; auto.
    + rewrite Forall_forall in H |- *.
      intros s'; rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (t & Ht); revert Ht.
      rewrite vec_list_vec_map, in_map_iff.
      intros ((t' & <- & H1) & H2).
      revert s' H2; apply Forall_forall.
      apply fo_term_syms_subst.
      simpl in H, Hf.
      * intros n Hn; apply Hf, in_flat_map.
        exists t'; auto.
      * apply Forall_forall; intros s' Hs'.
        apply H, in_flat_map; exists t'; auto.
    + simpl in H; rewrite Forall_app in H.
      rewrite Forall_app; split.
      * apply HA; try tauto.
        intros; apply Hf, in_or_app; auto.
      * apply HB; try tauto.
        intros; apply Hf, in_or_app; auto.
    + simpl in H; apply HA; auto.
      intros [ | n ]; simpl; rew fot; auto.
      rewrite fo_term_syms_map; intros Hn.
      apply Hf, in_flat_map.
      exists (S n); simpl; auto.

  Fact fol_rels_subst σ (A : 𝔽) : fol_rels (Aσ) = fol_rels A.
    revert σ.
    induction A as [ | s r | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros f; simpl; auto.
    rewrite HA, HB; auto.

  Definition fol_bigop c A := fold_right (@fol_bin Σ c) A.

  Fact fol_vars_bigop c l A : fol_vars (fol_bigop c A l) = flat_map fol_vars l++fol_vars A.
    induction l; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_ass; f_equal; auto.

  Fact fol_syms_bigop c l A : fol_syms (fol_bigop c A l) = flat_map fol_syms l++fol_syms A.
    induction l; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_ass; f_equal; auto.

  Fact fol_rels_bigop c l A : fol_rels (fol_bigop c A l) = flat_map fol_rels l++fol_rels A.
    induction l; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_ass; f_equal; auto.

  Fact fol_subst_bigop c l A σ : (fol_bigop c A l)⦃σ = fol_bigop c (Aσ) (map (fol_subst σ) l).
  Proof. induction l; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Fixpoint fol_mquant q n (A : 𝔽) :=
    match n with
      | 0 => A
      | S n => fol_quant q (fol_mquant q n A)

  Fact fol_mquant_plus q a b A : fol_mquant q (a+b) A = fol_mquant q a (fol_mquant q b A).
  Proof. induction a; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Fact fol_mquant_S q n A : fol_mquant q (S n) A = fol_mquant q n (fol_quant q A).
    replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
    apply fol_mquant_plus.

  Fact fol_vars_mquant q n (A : 𝔽) :
        fol_vars (fol_mquant q n A)
      = flat_map (fun i => if le_lt_dec n i then (i-n::nil) else nil) (fol_vars A).
    revert A; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros A.
    + simpl; rewrite <- map_id at 1; rewrite <- flat_map_single.
      do 2 rewrite flat_map_concat_map; f_equal; apply map_ext.
      intro a; destruct (le_lt_dec 0 a); f_equal; lia.
    + rewrite fol_mquant_S.
      rewrite IHn; simpl fol_vars; rewrite flat_map_flat_map.
      do 2 rewrite flat_map_concat_map; f_equal; apply map_ext.
      intros [ | a ]; auto; simpl flat_map.
      rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      destruct (le_lt_dec n a); destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (S a)); auto; lia.

  Fact fol_syms_mquant q n A : fol_syms (fol_mquant q n A) = fol_syms A.
  Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Fact fol_rels_mquant q n A : fol_rels (fol_mquant q n A) = fol_rels A.
  Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Fact fol_subst_subst σ ρ A : Aσ⦄⦃ρ = Afun n => (σ n)⟬ρ.
    revert σ ρ; induction A
        as [ | p v | b A IHA B IHB | q A IHA ];
        simpl; intros f g; auto.
    + f_equal.
      rewrite vec_map_map.
      apply vec_map_ext.
      intros A w; rew fot; auto.
    + f_equal; auto.
    + f_equal.
      rewrite IHA; auto.
      apply fol_subst_ext.
      intros [ | n ] _; rew fot; simpl; rew fot; simpl; auto.
      do 2 rewrite <- fo_term_subst_map, fo_term_subst_comp.
      apply fo_term_subst_ext.
      intros; rew fot; rewrite fo_term_subst_map; simpl; rew fot; auto.

End fol_subst.

Notation "A ⦃ σ ⦄" := (fol_subst σ A).

Notation fol_lconj := (@fol_bigop _ fol_conj ()).
Notation fol_ldisj := (@fol_bigop _ fol_disj ).

Section fol_semantics.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature)
           (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σ X).

  Implicit Type φ : nat -> X.

  Notation 𝕋 := (fol_term Σ).
  Notation 𝔽 := (fol_form Σ).

  Notation "⟦ t ⟧" := (fun φ => fo_term_sem M φ t).

  Fixpoint fol_sem φ A : Prop :=
    match A with
      | => False
      | fol_atom _ v => fom_rels M _ (vec_map (fun t => t φ) v)
      | fol_bin b A B => fol_bin_sem b (A φ) (B φ)
      | fol_quant q A => fol_quant_sem q (fun x => A x·φ)
  where "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem φ A).

  Fact fol_sem_bin_fix φ b A B : fol_sem φ (fol_bin b A B) = fol_bin_sem b (A φ) (B φ).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact fol_sem_quant_fix φ q A : fol_sem φ (fol_quant q A) = fol_quant_sem q (fun x => A x·φ).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact fol_sem_ext φ ψ A : (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> φ n = ψ n) -> A φ <-> A ψ.
    intros H; revert A φ ψ H.
    induction A as [ | p v | b A IHA B IHB | q A IHA ]; simpl; intros phi psy H; try tauto.
    + apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
      apply vec_map_ext; intros w Hw.
      apply fo_term_sem_ext; auto.
      intros n Hn; apply H, in_flat_map; exists w; split; auto.
      apply in_vec_list; auto.
    + apply fol_bin_sem_ext.
      * apply IHA; intros; apply H, in_or_app; auto.
      * apply IHB; intros; apply H, in_or_app; auto.
    + apply fol_quant_sem_ext.
      intros x; apply IHA.
      intros [ | n] Hn; simpl; auto; apply H, in_flat_map.
      exists (S n); simpl; auto.

  Section decidable.

    Variable (M_fin : finite_t X).
    Variable (rels_dec : fo_model_dec M).

    Theorem fol_sem_dec A φ : { A φ } + { ~ A φ }.
      revert φ.
      induction A as [ | p v | b A IHA B IHB | q A IHA ]; intros phi.
      + simpl; tauto.
      + simpl; apply rels_dec.
      + simpl fol_sem; apply fol_bin_sem_dec; auto.
      + simpl fol_sem; apply fol_quant_sem_dec; auto.

  End decidable.

  Theorem fol_sem_subst φ σ A : Aσ φ <-> A (fun n => ⟦σ n φ).
    revert φ σ; induction A as [ | p v | b A IHA B IHB | q A IHA ]; simpl; intros phi f; try tauto.
    + apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
      rewrite vec_map_map; apply vec_map_ext.
      intros; rewrite fo_term_sem_subst; auto.
    + apply fol_bin_sem_ext; auto.
    + apply fol_quant_sem_ext.
      intros x; rewrite IHA.
      apply fol_sem_ext.
      intros [ | n ] _; simpl; rew fot; simpl; auto.
      rewrite <- fo_term_subst_map; rew fot.
      apply fo_term_sem_ext; intros; rew fot; auto.

  Definition fol_lift t n : 𝕋 := match n with 0 => t | S n => £n end.

  Corollary fol_sem_lift φ t A : Afol_lift t φ <-> A (⟦t φ)·φ.
    rewrite fol_sem_subst.
    apply fol_sem_ext; intros [ | n ] _; simpl; rew fot; auto.

  Fact fol_sem_lconj lf φ : fol_lconj lf φ <-> forall f, In f lf -> f φ.
    induction lf as [ | f lf IHlf ]; simpl.
    + split; tauto.
    + rewrite IHlf.
      * intros [] ? [ -> | ]; auto.
      * intros H; split; intros; apply H; auto.

  Fact fol_sem_lconj_app l m φ :
             fol_lconj (l++m) φ
        <-> fol_lconj l φ
         /\ fol_lconj m φ.
    do 3 rewrite fol_sem_lconj; split.
    + intros H; split; intros; apply H, in_app_iff; firstorder.
    + intros (H1 & H2) f; rewrite in_app_iff; firstorder.

  Fact fol_sem_ldisj lf φ : fol_ldisj lf φ <-> exists f, In f lf /\ f φ.
    induction lf as [ | f lf IHlf ]; simpl.
    + split; try tauto; intros ( ? & [] & _).
    + rewrite IHlf.
      * intros [ H | (g & H1 & H2) ].
        - exists f; auto.
        - exists g; auto.
      * intros (g & [ <- | Hg ] & ?); auto.
        right; exists g; auto.

  Fact fol_sem_ldisj_app l m φ :
             fol_ldisj (l++m) φ
        <-> fol_ldisj l φ
         \/ fol_ldisj m φ.
    do 3 rewrite fol_sem_ldisj; split.
    + intros (f & H1 & H2); revert H1; rewrite in_app_iff; firstorder.
    + intros [ (? & ? & ?) | (? & ? & ?) ]; firstorder auto with *.

  Definition fol_vec_fa n (A : vec 𝔽 n) := fol_lconj (vec_list A).

  Fact fol_vars_vec_fa n A : fol_vars (@fol_vec_fa n A) = flat_map (@fol_vars _) (vec_list A).
    unfold fol_vec_fa; rewrite fol_vars_bigop; simpl.
    rewrite app_nil_end; auto.

  Fact fol_syms_vec_fa n A : fol_syms (@fol_vec_fa n A) = flat_map (@fol_syms _) (vec_list A).
    unfold fol_vec_fa; rewrite fol_syms_bigop; simpl.
    rewrite app_nil_end; auto.

  Fact fol_rels_vec_fa n A : fol_rels (@fol_vec_fa n A) = flat_map (@fol_rels _) (vec_list A).
    unfold fol_vec_fa; rewrite fol_rels_bigop; simpl.
    rewrite app_nil_end; auto.

  Fact fol_sem_vec_fa n A φ : @fol_vec_fa n A φ <-> forall p, vec_pos A p φ.
    unfold fol_vec_fa; rewrite fol_sem_lconj; split.
    + intros H p; apply H, in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
    + intros H f Hf.
      apply vec_list_inv in Hf.
      destruct Hf as (p & ->); auto.

  Fixpoint env_vlift φ n (v : vec X n) :=
    match v with
      | ø => φ
      | x##v => x·(env_vlift φ v)

  Fact env_vlift_fix0 φ n (v : vec X n) p : env_vlift φ v (pos2nat p) = vec_pos v p.
    revert φ p; induction v as [ | n x v IHv ]; intros phi p; auto.
    + invert pos p.
    + invert pos p.
      * rewrite pos2nat_fst; auto.
      * rewrite pos2nat_nxt; simpl; auto.

  Fact env_vlift_fix1 φ n (v : vec X n) k : env_vlift φ v (k+n) = φ k.
    revert φ k; induction v as [ | x n v IHv ]; intros phi k; simpl; auto.
    replace (k+S n) with (S (k+n)) by lia; simpl; auto.

  Fact fol_sem_mforall n A φ : fol_mquant fol_fa n A φ
                           <-> forall v : vec X n, A (env_vlift φ v).
    revert A φ; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros A phi.
    + split.
      * intros H v; vec nil v; simpl; auto.
      * intros H; apply (H ø).
    + rewrite fol_mquant_S, IHn; split.
      * intros H v; vec split v with x; apply (H v).
      * intros H v; intros x; apply (H (x##v)).

  Fact fol_sem_mexists n A φ : fol_mquant fol_ex n A φ
                           <-> exists v : vec X n, A (env_vlift φ v).
    revert A φ; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros A phi.
    + split.
      * intros H; exists ø; auto.
      * intros (v & Hv); revert Hv; vec nil v; auto.
    + rewrite fol_mquant_S, IHn; split.
      * intros (v & x & Hv).
        exists (x##v); auto.
      * intros (v & Hv); revert Hv; vec split v with x.
        exists v, x; auto.

End fol_semantics.

Definition fot_vec_env Σ n p :
        { w : vec (fo_term (ar_syms Σ)) n | (forall X (M : fo_model Σ X) v φ q x,
             fo_term_sem M x·(env_vlift φ v) (vec_pos w q)
           = vec_pos (vec_change v p x) q)
         /\ forall q, fo_term_syms (vec_pos w q) = nil }.
  exists (vec_change (vec_set_pos (fun q => £(S (pos2nat q)))) p (£0)); split.
  * intros X M v phi q x;rew fot; rew vec; rew fot.
    destruct (pos_eq_dec p q) as [ H | H ].
    + rewrite !vec_change_eq; auto.
    + rewrite !vec_change_neq; auto; rew vec; rew fot; simpl.
      rewrite env_vlift_fix0; auto.
  * intros q; destruct (pos_eq_dec p q) as [ H | H ].
    + rewrite !vec_change_eq; auto.
    + rewrite !vec_change_neq; auto; rew vec.

Section fo_model_simulation.

  Variables (Σ : fo_signature) (ls : list (syms Σ)) (lr : list (rels Σ))
             (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σ X)
             (Y : Type) (N : fo_model Σ Y).

  Record fo_simulation := Mk_fo_simulation {
    fos_simul :> X -> Y -> Prop;
    fos_syms : forall s v w, In s ls
                          -> (forall p, fos_simul (vec_pos v p) (vec_pos w p))
                          -> fos_simul (fom_syms M s v) (fom_syms N s w);
    fos_rels : forall s v w, In s lr
                          -> (forall p, fos_simul (vec_pos v p) (vec_pos w p))
                          -> fom_rels M s v <-> fom_rels N s w;
    fos_total : forall x, exists y, fos_simul x y;
    fos_surj : forall y, exists x, fos_simul x y;

  Record fo_projection := Mk_fo_projection {
    fop_surj :> X -> Y;
    fop_inj : Y -> X;
    fop_eq : forall x, fop_surj (fop_inj x) = x;
    fop_syms : forall s v, In s ls -> fop_surj (fom_syms M s v) = fom_syms N s (vec_map fop_surj v);
    fop_rels : forall s v, In s lr -> fom_rels M s v <-> fom_rels N s (vec_map fop_surj v);

  Fact fo_proj_simul : fo_projection -> fo_simulation.
    intros [ i j E Hs Hr ].
    exists (fun x y => i x = y); auto.
    + intros s v w H1 H2; rewrite Hs; auto.
      f_equal; apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
    + intros s v w H1 H2; rewrite Hr; auto.
      apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
      apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
    + intros x; exists (i x); auto.
    + intros y; exists (j y); auto.

  Variable R : fo_simulation.

  Infix "⋈" := R (at level 70, no associativity).

  Notation "⟦ t ⟧" := (fun φ => fo_term_sem M φ t).
  Notation "⟦ t ⟧'" := (fun φ => fo_term_sem N φ t) (at level 1, format "⟦ t ⟧'").

  Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun φ => fol_sem M φ A).
  Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" := (fun φ => fol_sem N φ A) (at level 1, format "⟪ A ⟫'").

  Let fo_term_simulation t φ ψ :
           (forall n : nat, In n (fo_term_vars t) -> φ n ψ n)
        -> incl (fo_term_syms t) ls
        -> t φ t⟧' ψ.
    revert φ ψ.
    induction t as [ k | s v IH ];
      intros phi psi Hv Hls; rew fot; auto.
    + apply Hv; simpl; auto.
    + apply fos_syms.
      * apply Hls; simpl; auto.
      * intros p; do 2 rewrite vec_pos_map.
        apply IH; auto.
        - intros n Hn; apply Hv; rew fot.
          apply in_flat_map.
          exists (vec_pos v p); split; auto.
          apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
        - apply incl_tran with (2 := Hls).
          intros s' Hs'; rew fot.
          right; apply in_flat_map.
          exists (vec_pos v p); split; auto.
          apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.

  Theorem fo_model_simulation A φ ψ :
           incl (fol_syms A) ls
        -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
        -> (forall n : nat, In n (fol_vars A) -> φ n ψ n)
        -> A φ <-> A⟫' ψ.
    revert φ ψ.
    induction A as [ | r v | b A HA B HB | q A HA ]; intros phi psi Hs1 Hr1 Hp; simpl; try tauto.
    + apply (fos_rels R).
      * apply Hr1; simpl; auto.
      * intros p; do 2 rewrite vec_pos_map.
        apply fo_term_simulation.
        - intros n Hn; apply Hp; simpl.
          apply in_flat_map.
          exists (vec_pos v p); split; auto.
          apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
        - apply incl_tran with (2 := Hs1).
          intros s' Hs'; simpl.
          apply in_flat_map.
          exists (vec_pos v p); split; auto.
          apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
    + apply fol_bin_sem_ext; [ apply HA | apply HB ].
      3,6: intros; apply Hp; simpl; apply in_or_app; auto.
      1,3: apply incl_tran with (2 := Hs1); intros ? ?; apply in_or_app; auto.
      1,2: apply incl_tran with (2 := Hr1); intros ? ?; apply in_or_app; auto.
    + destruct q; simpl; split.
      1: intros (x & Hx); destruct (fos_total R x) as (y & Hy); exists y; revert Hx; apply HA; eauto.
      2: intros (y & Hy); destruct (fos_surj R y) as (x & Hx); exists x; revert Hy; apply HA; eauto.
      3: intros H y; destruct (fos_surj R y) as (x & Hx); generalize (H x); apply HA; eauto.
      4: intros H x; destruct (fos_total R x) as (y & Hy); generalize (H y); apply HA; eauto.
      all: intros []; simpl; auto; intros; apply Hp, in_flat_map; exists (S n); simpl; auto.

End fo_model_simulation.

Theorem fo_model_projection Σ ls lr X M Y N (p : @fo_projection Σ ls lr X M Y N) A φ ψ :
           (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> p (φ n) = ψ n)
        -> incl (fol_syms A) ls
        -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
        -> fol_sem M φ A <-> fol_sem N ψ A.
  intros H1 H2 H3.
  apply fo_model_simulation with (R := fo_proj_simul p); auto.
  destruct p; simpl; auto.

Section fo_model_projection.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature) (ls : list (syms Σ)) (lr : list (rels Σ))
           (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σ X) (φ : nat -> X)
           (Y : Type) (N : fo_model Σ Y) (ψ : nat -> Y)
           (i : X -> Y) (j : Y -> X) (E : forall x, i (j x) = x)
           (Hs : forall s v, In s ls -> i (fom_syms M s v) = fom_syms N s (vec_map i v))
           (Hr : forall s v, In s lr -> fom_rels M s v <-> fom_rels N s (vec_map i v)).

  Let p : fo_projection ls lr M N.
  Proof. exists i j; auto. Defined.

  Theorem fo_model_projection' A :
           (forall n, In n (fol_vars A) -> i (φ n) = ψ n)
        -> incl (fol_syms A) ls
        -> incl (fol_rels A) lr
        -> fol_sem M φ A <-> fol_sem N ψ A.
  Proof. apply fo_model_projection with (p := p). Qed.

End fo_model_projection.

Section fo_model_nosyms.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature)
           (X : Type) (M M' : fo_model Σ X) (φ : nat -> X)
           (A : fol_form Σ)
           (HA : fol_syms A = nil)
           (H : forall r v, In r (fol_rels A) -> fom_rels M r v <-> fom_rels M' r v).

  Theorem fo_model_nosyms : fol_sem M φ A <-> fol_sem M' φ A.
    apply fo_model_projection' with (ls := nil) (lr := fol_rels A) (i := fun x => x) (j := fun x => x); auto.
    + intros; rewrite H; auto.
      apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
      apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
    + rewrite HA; apply incl_refl.

End fo_model_nosyms.