We also show that the observational equivalence relations are congruent.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Omega Logic List Classes.Morphisms.
Import List Notations.
Require Export CBPV.ProgramContexts.
Record CBPVv {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (A: valtype) :=
mkCBPVv { CBPVv_v :> value n; CBPVv_H :> Gamma ⊩ CBPVv_v : A }.
Record CBPVc {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (B: comptype) :=
mkCBPVc { CBPVc_c :> comp n; CBPVc_H :> Gamma ⊢ CBPVc_c : B }.
Definition value_obseq {n: nat} {A: valtype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVv Gamma A) :=
forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).
Instance equiv_value_obseq (n: nat) (A: valtype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@value_obseq n A Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "V1 ≈ V2" := (value_obseq V1 V2) (at level 50).
mkCBPVv { CBPVv_v :> value n; CBPVv_H :> Gamma ⊩ CBPVv_v : A }.
Record CBPVc {n: nat} (Gamma: ctx n) (B: comptype) :=
mkCBPVc { CBPVc_c :> comp n; CBPVc_H :> Gamma ⊢ CBPVc_c : B }.
Definition value_obseq {n: nat} {A: valtype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVv Gamma A) :=
forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).
Instance equiv_value_obseq (n: nat) (A: valtype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@value_obseq n A Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "V1 ≈ V2" := (value_obseq V1 V2) (at level 50).
Unfolding for eauto
Lemma destruct_value_obseq {n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} (v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A):
v1 ≈ v2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C v1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C v2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Definition comp_obseq {n: nat} {B: comptype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVc Gamma B) :=
forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).
Instance equiv_comp_obseq (n: nat) (B: comptype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@comp_obseq n B Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "C1 ≃ C2" := (comp_obseq C1 C2) (at level 50).
v1 ≈ v2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx true 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; A -> forall v, (fillc C v1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C v2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Definition comp_obseq {n: nat} {B: comptype} {Gamma: ctx n} (H1 H2: CBPVc Gamma B) :=
forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C H1 >* ret v) <-> (fillc C H2 >* ret v).
Instance equiv_comp_obseq (n: nat) (B: comptype) (Gamma: ctx n): Equivalence (@comp_obseq n B Gamma).
constructor; [firstorder.. |].
intros X1 X2 X3 H1 H2 G C v; etransitivity; eauto.
Notation "C1 ≃ C2" := (comp_obseq C1 C2) (at level 50).
Unfolding for euato
Lemma destruct_comp_obseq {n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B: comptype} (c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B):
c1 ≃ c2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C c1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C c2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Hint Resolve CBPVv_v CBPVc_c CBPVv_H CBPVc_H
destruct_value_obseq destruct_comp_obseq.
Lemma val_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A A': valtype}
(v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: vctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
fillv C v1 = C' ->
fillv C v2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊩ C : A'; A ->
v1 ≈ v2 ->
C' ≈ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma val_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} {B: comptype}
(v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: cctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B):
fillc C v1 = C' ->
fillc C v2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : B; A ->
v1 ≈ v2 ->
C' ≃ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma comp_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B: comptype} {A': valtype}
(c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: vctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
fillv C c1 = C' ->
fillv C c2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊩ C : A'; B ->
c1 ≃ c2 ->
C' ≈ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma comp_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B B': comptype}
(c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: cctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B'):
fillc C c1 = C' ->
fillc C c2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : B'; B ->
c1 ≃ c2 ->
C' ≃ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
c1 ≃ c2 -> forall (G: groundtype) (C: cctx false 0 n),
null [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : F G; B -> forall v, (fillc C c1 >* ret v) -> (fillc C c2 >* ret v).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Hint Resolve CBPVv_v CBPVc_c CBPVv_H CBPVc_H
destruct_value_obseq destruct_comp_obseq.
Lemma val_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A A': valtype}
(v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: vctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
fillv C v1 = C' ->
fillv C v2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊩ C : A'; A ->
v1 ≈ v2 ->
C' ≈ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma val_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {A: valtype} {B: comptype}
(v1 v2: CBPVv Gamma A) (C: cctx true m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B):
fillc C v1 = C' ->
fillc C v2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : B; A ->
v1 ≈ v2 ->
C' ≃ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma comp_obseq_vctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B: comptype} {A': valtype}
(c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: vctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVv Delta A'):
fillv C c1 = C' ->
fillv C c2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊩ C : A'; B ->
c1 ≃ c2 ->
C' ≈ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_value.
eapply H, cctx_vctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.
Lemma comp_obseq_cctx_congruence {m n: nat} {Gamma: ctx n} {B B': comptype}
(c1 c2: CBPVc Gamma B) (C: cctx false m n) (Delta: ctx m) (C' C'': CBPVc Delta B'):
fillc C c1 = C' ->
fillc C c2 = C'' ->
Delta [[Gamma]] ⊢ C : B'; B ->
c1 ≃ c2 ->
C' ≃ C''.
intros H0 H1 H2 H G K H4 v'; cbn;
repeat rewrite <- ?H0, <- ?H1, plug_fill_cctx_comp.
eapply H, cctx_cctx_plug_typing_soundness; eauto.